SAN DIEGO UNIVERSITY FOR INTEGRATIVE STUDIES 3900 Harney Street, San Diego, CA 92110 Phone: (619) 297-1999 – Fax: (619) 542-1999 E-mail: [email protected] – Website: Online Schedule Calendar Sessions 1 & 2 Summer 2015 Register Online at Online Calendar: REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR BOTH SESSIONS: June15, 2015 On Campus Learning Program in San Diego: For all information regarding local classes held in San Diego, including tuition and fees, please check the catalogue and/or the “San Diego Schedule.” Summer Quarter Online Classes Session 1 Start: July 6, 2015 Summer Quarter Online Classes Session 1 End: August 16, 2015 Summer Quarter Online Classes Session 2 Start: August 17, 2015 Late Registration: To avoid the late fee, registrations must be received by the deadline; students missing the deadline will incur a $50 late fee. Fall Quarter 2015 Registration Deadline: September 15, 2015 Summer Quarter Online Classes Session 2 End: September 27, 2015 Fall Quarter 2015 Online Classes Start September 28, 2015 Financial Information Bachelors Masters & Doctoral Certificate Tuition per unit (5 unit class): $180 ($900) $240 ($1200) $240 ($1200) Tuition for Extension Students per unit (5 unit class): $180 ($900) $240 ($1200) $240 ($1200) Tuition for Class Audit: $600 $600 $600 First Time Application Fee (new students only): $60 First Time Registration Fee (new students only): $175 Late Registration Fee: $50 Comprehensive Exam Fee: $150 For Certificate in International Business, BA Business Administration & MBA program fees please contact SDUIS General Information Students enrolled in 15 units (B.A. program) or 10 units (Master & Ph.D. programs) per quarter are considered full time. Most classes are offered once a year. Please note class prerequisites and register accordingly. If you have any questions, please schedule an appointment with the Dean of Academic Affairs. Residential courses having an enrollment of six (6) or fewer students may meet less than the full amount of time as listed on the schedule. Students will be notified. Please update your address and phone number with the Registrar so you can be advised of changes. Students planning on registering for a tutorial must have the Tutorial Study Plan approved prior to beginning work on the tutorial. Tutorial packets may be obtained from the Administrative Office. To add/drop classes students must fill out the appropriate form, which can be found on the SDUIS website or at the registrar' s office, sign and submit to the registrar's office. Requests to add and drop a class will only be accepted if submitted in the appropriate SDUIS form, signed by the student. A Note to Extension Students Most courses listed in the schedule are open to extension students, assuming prerequisite requirements have been met. Up to three courses and fees paid for credit may be applied to degree programs by extension students who later enroll (as long as courses taken apply to the degree program). Enrolled students are given first priority in size-limited classes. Extension students interested in taking courses for credit should contact the Registrar for enrollment information. Payment is due at the time of registration. The cost to audit a course is $600. No credit is given for classes taken as an audit. SESSION I – July 6 – August 16, 2015 Course Number Course Title Units ACT 634 D/L Accounting Ethics & Professional Responsibilities 5 BHS 100 D/L The Human Body (Physical & Natural Science) 5 BHS 495 D/L Senior Project (12 Weeks) 5 BIO 699 D/L CEX 699 / CTR 699 / SPO 699 / Thesis Project Writing (12 Weeks) 5 BUS 449 D/L Foundations in Marketing 5 BUS 458 D/L Foundations in Economics 5 BUS 601 D/L Financial Accounting from a Managerial Perspective 5 BUS 613 D/L Venture Capital & Private Equity (MBA general track) 5 BUS 623 D/L Venture Capital & Private Equity (MBA international track) 5 BUS 701 D/L Accounting 5 BUS 702 D/L Quantitative Methods & Statistics 5 CEX 635 D/L Art & Expressive Therapy with Adults & Aging Populations 5 CPS 403 D/L Theories of Personality 5 CPS 613 D/L Human Sexuality & Gender Issues 5 CPS 695 D/L Selected Topics: Brief Therapy & Crisis Intervention 5 FAL 621 D/L Positive Self-Motivation 5 HMT 640 D/L e-Business for Tourism & Hospitality 5 MKT 634 D/L Retailing Strategy & Management 5 SPO 754 D/L Nutrition & Lifestyle Management 5 SESSION II – August 17 to September 27, 2015 Course Number Course Title Units ACT 614 D/L Financial Statement Analysis 5 ADV 620 D/L Internet Advertising 5 BHS 451 D/L Introduction to Political Thought (Humanities & Fine Arts) 5 BSCM 468 D/L Teambuilding & Leadership 5 BUS 406 D/L Business Math for Administrators 5 BUS 617 D/L Financial Planning & Investing 5 BUS 618 D/L Information Technology Strategies for Entrepreneurial Businesses 5 BUS 625 D/L Negotiating & Bargaining Skills: Asia, the US, Internationally 5 BUS 628 D/L Information Technology Strategies for International Businesses 5 BUS 732 D/L Quantitative Methods & Statistics II 5 BUS 738 D/L E-Commerce Applications & Operations 5 CEX 600 D/L Expressive Arts Therapy Business Principles 5 CPS 402 D/L Abnormal Psychology 5 CPS 615 D/L Cross Cultural Counseling 5 CPS 728 D/L Humanistic Psychology 5 CTR 600 D/L Transpersonal Psychology Business Principles 5 DSN 103 D/L Project Management 5 EXL 606 D/L Desire Motivation 5 HMT 642 D/L Financial Accounting in Hospitality Management 5 IBUS 400B D/L International Business Law 5 ITS 483 D/L Information Systems Security 5 ITS 634 D/L Information Technology Security 5 MKT 630 D/L Marketing for Global Competitiveness 5 SPO 600 D/L Sport Psychology Business Principles 5
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