Circulo Cubano Hebreo de Miami (C.CH.M.) Cuban Hebrew Circle of Miami, Inc. PHONE: 534-0425 (Non-profit Ofganirotion) w^hjng.o. Avcn.c MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 RABSI DOW SOZEh'CV/AIG Presidenle: ENtlOUE KAIUSIN July 22, 1965 Vice Presidcntes: OR. OSCAR A. WHITE MORRIS GIMEISTEIN BENJAMIN TERNER Joint Distribution Committee 3 E. 54th St. New York, New York Tesor^r'o ABRAHAM ZACROISKY Vrce Tcsorero Gentlemen; CP- MOiSES RAPOPORT Sccrclario Generol DR. BERNARDO BENES Vice Secrclorio General SIMON SHAFTAL 'irector E)«cutivo DR. FELIX H. REYLER Vice Director Ejeculivo DR. ISIDORO lERMAN Admtniilrodor JACOBO ISRAELII We are Cuban Jews who came to the United States a few years ago. We have formed our own Organization in Greater Miami—today we have 400 families as members—and get together to discuss mutual problems and to keep our spirits, sole and body together by mutual friendship and understanding. On many occasions we discuss the plight of our remaining brothers and sisters in Cuba, who did not have the good fortune to escape and come to these shores of freedom with all its God endowed blessings. Vice Administrodor JACOBO BINIAKONSKY Secreloria Ejecutivo OFELIA RUDER Directoret: BENJAMIN VOIPE JAIME VOLPE WOIF FINGEROfF SALOMON RAPAPOfiT lEIBA GASMIZO KALMAN WODONOS At our last meeting, it was brought to our attention that handicapped sick Jews in the charitable Institutions in Havana, "Asociaci6n Femenina Hebrea de Cuba" and "Comite Hebreo Anti-Tuberculoso" are in dire need and on the verge of starvation. It is impossible for us to send food individually or as an Organization, for we have information that it will not reach its destination. These people need medical, as well as good supplies urgently. JACOBO CHIRINSKY ABRAHAM GOLIMPOL Vice DIrectores: JOSEPH SOBIE RAFAEL SOBIE MOISES LEVIN ARON MONCARZ SAlO ZUKERKANDEl ALBERTO WEISS lEIB SUCKMAN We call it to your attention, for we know your most wonderful organization is the main artery that keeps alive hundreds of thousands of Jews all over the world. We ask you to send some of your capillaries containing the necessary transfusion and life giving sustenance to our many needy brothers end sisters left behind in Cuba, who are in such dire need. You are our only ray of hope in this dark hour. JACOBO IIFSCHITZ SERNIE COHEN ?re». Comile Domas: SRA. EUGENIA HUPPERT Do not hesitate in contacting us if necessary. . Thanking you in advance for your prompt attention to thi/s humanitarian matter, remains, Pres. Comile Juvenil TEODORO CHYZIK Pres. Comile ReJigioso: KAIMAN WODONOS Dr. Bernardo Benes, Secretary General BB/lp '6^ ^ 1965
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