ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC CHURCH 2016 WILLIS LANE, KELLER, TX 76248, 817-431-3857, DIOCESE OF FORT WORTH APRIL 5, 2015 Welcome Newcomers! With great joy, we welcome you to our Parish family. We invite you to sign the Guest Book near the entrance to the Church. We are blessed by your visit. PRIESTS: DEACONS: The Rev. Msgr. E. James Hart, Pastor Father Glen Mullan, Parochial Vicar Father Dennis Smith, Retired Father James McGhee, Retired José Hernandez Myles Miller Nelson Petzold Jerry Rustand Larry Sandoval PARISH STAFF: Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Business Manager Don Wagner 817-623-2437 Secretaries Pauline DellaSala-McGrail 817-431-3857 Elaine O’Gorman Bookkeeper Debbie Cruce 817-431-3857 Safe Environment Suzanne Lynch 817-623-2430 Director of Religious Education: Matthew Gill 817-623-2424 Elementary Religious Education Coordinator: Sheila Walsh 817-431-6023 Secretaries Gretchen Schaubhut 817-431-6023 Wendy Collins 817-431-6023 MS Religious Education Coord/MS & HS Youth Minister Chris West 817-623-2409 HS Religious Education Coordinator/Young Adults Gabe Gutierrez 817-623-2409 Secretary for MS and HS Dawn Johnston 817-623-2409 Director of Liturgy Candy Warner 817-431-3176 Director of Music and Organist Doug Parsons 817-623-2403 Facilities and Maintenance 817-623-2400 Hispanic Community Coordinator: Miguel Chaidez 817-623-2409 PARISH SCHOOL: Principal Kay Burrell Fax Hours Monday - Friday 817-431-4845 817-431-1865 7:30 AM-3:45 PM MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil 4 and 5:30 PM; Sunday 7, 9, 11 AM and 5 PM, 1 PM Spanish; Monday - Friday 9 AM; Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6:30 PM HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION: Vigil Mass 7:00 PM Mass of the Day 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 PM EXPOSITION AND ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday and Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM ROSARY: Saturday 3:30 PM; Sunday 6:30, 8:30,10:30AM, 12:30 PM Spanish, 4:30 PM; Monday - Friday 9:30 AM PARISH OFFICE CLOSED APRIL 6 for Easter Monday. CONFESSIONS APRIL 9 ARE CANCELLED. SATURDAY MORNING MASSES AT 9:00 will take place here at SEAS beginning April 11. HOLY ORDERS AND RELIGIOUS LIFE: Contact the Director of Vocations at 817-560-3300. CONFESSIONS: Thursday 6 - 7 PM (No Confessions 4/9) MASS INTENTIONS: The Eucharist may be celebrated for your intentions or the intentions of a loved one. Please call the Parish Office for additional information. FOOD FOR THOSE IN NEED: Please bring a can of food when you come to Mass. BAPTISM: Our Diocese requires parents and godparents to attend a preparation class. Next class is April 18 at 1-3 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center. Additional information at MATRIMONY: To begin the formal preparation required by our Diocese, please attend the next information session April 28 at 7:30 PM in the Parish Hall. Additional information at the Parish website. MOTHER SETON’S BOOKS AND GIFTS SHOP HOURS: Saturday 3:15-7:15 PM, Sunday 7:45 AM-1 PM BULLETIN ARTICLES are due Friday noon of the previous week to [email protected]. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS are needed to visit our homebound parishioners. If you can volunteer one day a week or one day a month please contact Cathy, 214-876-8808. SAFE ENVIRONMENT: There will be an Adult Safe Environment Class on April 25 at 8:30 AM. Please RSVP to Suzanne at [email protected]. MINISTRY OF THE SICK will be having an information meeting on April 9 at 7 PM in in the Pius XII Catechetical Center room 109. This is for anyone who would like more information on our ministry which visits nursing homes and parishioners at home. If you have any questions, please call Teri at 817-281-7987. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES OF 2015: Several $500 college scholarships are offered to graduating HS Seniors by Parish Organizations. To qualify, a 500-750 word essay must be submitted by 12 PM on April 22. Visit for details. EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD - YEAR B SCRIPTURE READINGS: April 6 Acts 2:14,22-33; Mt 28:8-15 April 7 Acts 2:36-41; Jn 20:11-18 April 8 Acts 3:1-10; Lk 24:13-35 April 9 Acts 3:11-26; Lk 24:35-48 April 10 Acts 4:1-12; Jn 21:1-14 MASS INTENTIONS: April 4 8:30 PM Phyllis Anne Kerns t April 5 7:00 AM John Walsh Family 9:00 AM Faithful of the Parish 11:00 AM Manvel Tagorda t 1:00 PM Clotilde Montaño t 5:00 PM Nursing Home Volunteers April 6 9:00 AM Suey Yang 6:30 PM Private Intention April 7 9:00 AM Father McGhee 6:30 PM Solemn Vespers and Benediction April 8 9:00 AM Maria V. Martinez t 6:30 PM Private Intention April 9 6:30 PM Juana B. Chapa-Rivera t April 10 9:00 AM Audrey K. Whiteford t 6:30 PM Private Intention April 11 9:00 AM Willie J. Vinklarek t 4:00 PM Ramon G. Martinez t 5:30 PM Phyllis Anne Kerns t April 12 7:00 AM Alma Walsh t 9:00 AM Faithful of the Parish 11:00 AM Sebastian Keleko t 1:00 PM Julio Figueroa t 5:00 PM William Wagner t Lord, grant each one listed in our Parish Book of Intentions health of spirit, mind, and body. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN PURSUING THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE: Jason Allan, Jonathan Demma, Ricardo Diaz, Sister Gemma, Lilly Northey, and Carisa Petter RETROUVAILLE is a program designed to heal and renew troubled marriages., 800-470-2230 PARISH STEWARDSHIP March 21 and 22: Sunday Offering Goal $50,980.00 Sunday Offering Envelopes 41,714.37 Sunday Offering Online e-Giving 12,249.46 Total Sunday Offering 53,963.83 Parish Mission 372.00 Other Funds 2,554.23 Other Funds: Online e-Giving 248.80 Total All Weekly Contributions $57,138.86 BUILDING ON OUR FAITH - as of February 27, 2015 Campaign Goal $5,200,000 Total $ Pledged 4,123,297 Total $ Paid 3,552,702 # Families: Pledged 615 / Contributing 1,533 FATHER MCGHEE’S ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY is April 7, 1995. Please keep him in your prayers. 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/11 4/12 ST. ELIZABETH’S PARISH HAPPENINGS: 7 PM Spanish Coordination Team, PCC114 9:30 AM Seton Moms Exec Council, N, N-s 10 AM-Noon Exposition and Adoration, Church 10 AM CCM, PCC100,101 4 PM Challenge Club, PCC100,101 5 PM Elementary RE Classes, S 10 AM-6 PM Exposition and Adoration, Church 5 & 6:30 PM Elementary RE Classes, S 7 PM Spanish Choir Rehearsal, N-s 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal, Church 9 AM VBS Meeting, Hall 10 AM SEAS Homeschool Coop, PCC100,101 6:30 PM St. Augustine Men’s Purity Group, N-s 7 PM Holy Fire Prayer Group, PCC114 7 PM Toastmasters Meeting, Hall 7 PM Ultreya, PCC217 7 PM Natural Family Planning Intro Mtg,PCC101 7 PM Nursing Home Training, PCC109 9 AM Seton Moms Book Study, N-s, N 6:30 PM Natural Family Planning, PCC213 7 PM Spanish Book Review, PCC109 7 PM Spanish EM Holy Communion, PCC114 7 PM Spanish Baptism Prep Class, PCC118 9:30 AM Taller de Oracion y Vida, PCC201 12 PM Our Lady of Guadalupe Meeting, PCC201 4 PM Mass KC Corporate Communion 6:30 PM SEAS Homeschool Coop, PCC100,101 8:30 AM Tender Lambs of Christ, PCC113,117,118 3 PM Divine Mercy Devotion, Church DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY is April 12 beginning with Adoration at 3 PM, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and ending by 4 PM. TOASTMASTERS: Interested in improving your communication skills and building your self-confidence? Toastmasters is for YOU! The prospective club meets every Thursday at 7 PM in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. For more information contact Kathy at [email protected]. CDA: Do you want to serve your brothers and sister along with serving God, Church, and Country? Join the Catholic Daughters of the Americas! We meet the First Monday of the month at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Whitley Rd. 6:30 PM Rosary and 7 PM Business Meeting. BEGINNING EXPERIENCE is a weekend program designed to help widowed, separated, and divorced deal with the loss of a spouse or loved one and to promote healing., 682-233-3946. SET SAIL WITH THE HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC KIDZ CAMP JUNE 22 – 26 Watch future bulletins for details. ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC CHURCH 2016 WILLIS LANE, KELLER, TX 76248, 817-431-3857, Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Check out To schedule an appointment please call Wendy Collins at 817-431-6023 DIOCESE OF FORT WORTH APRIL 5, 2015 Our parish offers online resources to help transform the way you pray, think, and live and to help you share your Catholic Faith with others. Happy Easter! Are you interested in coming back home to the Church? Please check out our weekly programs for adults. Sign up for resources and share with others! For additional information on youth events, please visit Sunday Night Live—Middle School Edition (SNL): Registration for 2014- 2015 is live! Register online at! SNL Middle School Edition is our Middle School Religious Ed. We meet on Sunday nights from 6:30 - 8:30 PM and dinner is included! 24/7 MS Youth Group!!! We meet Wednesday’s, 6:308:30 PM! All youth in 7th and 8th grades are welcome. We discuss current topics from the Catholic viewpoint and have a fun time doing it!!! Chris, 817-623-2409, [email protected] UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS Milk Money for Manto: Don’t forget your donations Sunday ALIVE: Middle School Summer camp June 22-26 DCYC: Diocesan High School Conference July 10-12 Camp Ft Worth: High School Summer Camp June 21-26 and July 19-24 Please go for more information!!! SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE (SNL): Join over 200 other youth each Sunday night, 6:30-8:30 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center, as we dive deeper into our Faith. Dinner included. Check for info. 4/5 No Class - Easter 4/12 No Class - Youth 2000 4/19 Liberty - Homosexuality and Freedom BROTHERS & SISTERS IN CHRIST (BASIC): Join us Wednesday’s 6:30-8:30 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center as we dig into some core Catholic teachings. Gabe, 817-623-2409, [email protected] CONFIRMATION CORNER: Baptismal certificates, Sponsor Information forms, and Saint Reports are past due. Classes are from 7-8:30 PM. For info on deadlines, dates, and more please visit 4/7 Death & Dying...the Four Last Things 4/14 The Sacrament of Confirmation Do not miss the next Youth Holy Hour, April 16, 6 - 7 PM. Come spend some time with the One Who loves you more than you can ever imagine. Don’t miss this chance to have an intimate encounter with God’s mercy and grace! HE IS RISEN!!!!! what? THEOLOGY ON TAP Come find out what effect the Join us for the next Theology on Tap on April 14, 7-9:30 PM at resurrection can have on your life. The Londoner in Colleyville! Fr. John Robert Skeldon will be the Join us Monday for an Easter edition of Encounter. We begin in speaker. Theology on Tap is a series with dynamic speakers and the Church at 7:10 PM. Encounter is a great way to get to know discussions on theological issues. This is a great opportunity to other young adults, and an even better way to know Christ! meet and get to know other young adults from the DFW area. Young Adult Ministry (18-35) EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD - YEAR B TENDER LAMBS OF CHRIST: Volunteers Needed! No Experience Necessary! Also Needed, LEAD VOLUNTEER With Special Education Background. TLC is Religious Education for special needs school aged children, which Meets during the 9 AM Mass on Sunday in the Pius XII Catechetical Center. Please contact Sheila for additional info. MARY’S ANGELS is an outreach to those who find themselves in the bereavement process following the loss of a baby through miscarriage or still birth. Our ministry began with the intention to provide comfort to women who have lost a child. Our main objective is to help women and families heal, and offer hope, comfort and encouragement through our own personal experiences. We are not counselors or therapists, but women who have sadly endured their own pain of losing a baby and are committed to helping those who unfortunately have to travel the same road. Our next Mothers Supporting Mothers meeting is April 28 at 7 PM at SEAS Nursery Building, south-side. 469-570-2594 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 759 NEWS: Grand Knight Sean Arrossa, 4/9 4/12 Council 759 Monthly Business Meeting Burrito Sunday RACHEL’S VINEYARD is a retreat journey for healing after abortion. Betsy, 817-923-4757, ATTENTION SEAS HOME EDUCATORS! SEAS COOP is having an open house April 11 at 6:30 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center. If you currently or are considering home schooling ‘15-’16, please come to this family friendly event. Children will enjoy a movie while adults are presented with coop information and registration. RSVP to Allison at [email protected]. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: [Daniel Porter]
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