CV - Sebastian Ramos

Sebastian Ramos
Daimler AG Research & Development
Hanns-Klemm-Str. 45, 71034 Boeblingen-Hulb, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]
Google Scholar
Computer Vision: Scene Understanding, Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection,
3D Reasoning and Reconstruction.
Machine Learning: Graphical Models, Domain Adaptation, Transfer Learning,
Deep Learning and On-line Learning.
Robotics: Autonomous Driving.
Daimler AG R&D and TU Dresden, Germany
Ph.D. Candiate / Graduate Student Researcher
Advisors: Dr. Uwe Franke and Prof. Carsten Rother
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Technical University Dresden (TUD), Germany
Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain
Mar 2015 - Present
Jan 2013 - Feb 2015
M.Sc. in Computer Vision
Sept 2013 - Sept 2014
Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain
Jointly with UPC, UPF, UOC (Universities in Barcelona)
Visiting Student
Sept 2010 - Mar 2012
Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany
M.Sc. in Electrical Eng. and Infomation Tech. - Major: Robotics
B.Sc. with honors in Electronic Engineering
National University of Colombia (UNAL), Colombia
Jan 2007 - Dec 2012
Daimler AG R&D - Image Understanding Group Mar 2015 - Present
TU Dresden - Computer Vision Lab
Graduate Student Researcher
Advisors: Dr. Uwe Franke and Prof. Carsten Rother
- Semantic scene understanding algorithms for autonomous driving.
Computer Vision Center (CVC) Barcelona
Graduate Student Researcher
Advisor: Prof. Antonio M. Lopez
Jan 2013 - Feb 2015
- 3D Scene understanding algorithms for autonomous driving.
- Domain adaptation and transfer learning algorithms for object detection.
Daimler AG R&D - Image Understanding Group
Jul - Dec 2014
Graduate Research Intern
Advisors: Dr. Markus Enzweiler and Dr. Uwe Franke
- Semantic scene understanding algorithms for autonomous driving.
National University of Colombia - Automation Group May - Nov 2012
Research Assistant
Advisor: Prof. Flavio A. Prieto
- Vision-based robot control algorithms for unmanned aerial vehicles.
TU Munich - Institute of Automatic Control Engineering
ETH Zurich - Computer Vision Lab
Aug 2011 - Mar 2012
Undergraduate Student Researcher
Advisors: Dr. K. K¨
uhnlenz (TUM), R. de Nijs (TUM) and X. Boix (ETHZ)
- Semantic segmentation of urban scenarios for mobile robotic platforms.
Siemens AG R&D - Robotics Technologies Group
Mar - Jul 2011
Undergraduate Research Intern
Advisor: Prof. Martin Soika and Dr. Robert Eidenberger
- Perception algorithms using 2D/3D laser scanners for mobile robots.
National University of Colombia - Dept. of Mechatronics Eng.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Feb - Jul 2010
Advisor: Prof. Flavio A. Prieto
- Machine vision applications based on neuronal networks.
(*) means equal contribution
Journal Papers
J. Xu, S. Ramos, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez.
Hierarchical Adaptive SVM for Domain Adaptation.
In arXiv:1408.5400, 2014. (Submitted to IJCV)
J. Xu, S. Ramos, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez.
Domain Adaptation of Deformable Part-Based Models.
In Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2014.
Conference Papers
A. Gonzalez, D. Vazquez, S. Ramos, A. M. Lopez and J. Amores
Spatiotemporal Stacked Sequential Learning for Pedestrian Detection.
In Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA), 2015.
G. Ros, S. Ramos, M. Granados, A. Bakhtiary, D. Vazquez and A. M. Lopez.
Vision-based Offline-Online Perception Paradigm for Autonomous Driving.
In Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2015.
J. Xu, S. Ramos, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez.
Incremental Domain Adaptation of Deformable Part-based Models.
In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2014.
J. Xu, S. Ramos, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez.
Cost-sensitive Structured SVM for Multi-category Domain Adaptation.
In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2014.
G. Roig*, X. Boix*, R. de Nijs, S. Ramos, K. Kuehnlenz, L. Van Gool.
Active MAP Inference in CRFs for Efficient Semantic Segmentation.
In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013. (Oral)
R. de Nijs*, S. Ramos*, G. Roig, X. Boix, L. Van Gool, K. Kuehnlenz.
On-line Semantic Perception Using Uncertainty.
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012.
Workshop Papers
M. Cordts, M. Omran, S. Ramos, T. Scharwaechter, M. Enzweiler, R. Benenson,
U. Franke, S. Roth, B. Schiele.
The Cityscapes Dataset.
In The Future of Datasets in Vision (CVPR workshop), 2015.
J. Xu, S. Ramos, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez, X. Hu.
Multi-task Bilinear Classifiers for Visual Domain Adaptation
In New Directions in Transfer and Multi-Task Learning (NIPS workshop), 2013.
Y. Socarras*, S. Ramos*, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez, T. Gevers.
Adapting Pedestrian Detection from Synthetic to Far Infrared Images.
In Visual Domain Adaptation (ICCV workshop), 2013.
J. Xu, D. Vazquez, S. Ramos, A. M. Lopez, D. Ponsa.
Adapting a Pedestrian Detector by Boosting LDA Exemplar Classifiers.
In Ground Truth - What is a good dataset? (CVPR workshop), 2013.
D. Vazquez, J. Xu, S. Ramos, A. M. Lopez, D. Ponsa.
Weakly Supervised Automatic Annotation of Pedestrian Bounding Boxes.
In Ground Truth - What is a good dataset? (CVPR workshop), 2013.
G. Villalonga, S. Ramos, G. Ros, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez.
3D Pedestrian Detection via Random Forest.
At European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014.
J. Marin, S. Ramos, D. Vazquez, A. M. Lopez, J. Amores, B. Leibe, G. Ros.
Real-time Pedestrian Detection via Random Forest.
At British Machine Conference (BMVC), 2013.
A. M. Lopez, D. Vazquez, S. Ramos, G. Ros, J. Xu.
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems.
At Barcelona Party [Science + Technology], 2013.
Daimler AG R&D - Image Understanding Group
Autonomous Driving: when 3D Mapping meets Semantics
4th CVVT:E2M workshop at ICCV 2013
Autonomous Driving: when 3D Mapping meets Semantics
1st RMRC Workshop at ICCV 2013
Domain Adapted Pedestrian Detector
NICTA - Computer Vision Group
Visual Scene Understanding via Efficient Semantic Segmentation
University of Zaragoza - Robotics and Real Time Group
Autonomous Driving: when 3D Mapping meets Semantics
Daimler AG R&D - Image Understanding Group
Visual Scene Understanding via Efficient Semantic Segmentation
6th Computer Vision in Vehicular Technology (CVVT) workshop
with J. Alvarez, D. Vazquez, T. Pajdla & A. Lopez.
In conjunction with CVPR 2015.
Scene Understanding for Autonomous Systems (SUAS) workshop
with R. Urtasun, A. Torralba, N. Barnes, M. Enzweiler, D. Vazquez & A. Lopez.
In conjunction with ACCV 2014.
Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge in Computer Vision
(TASK-CV) workshop with A. Lopez, K. Saenko, F. Orabona, J. Rodriguez,
D. Vazquez & J. Xu. In conjunction with ECCV 2014.
5th Computer Vision in Vehicular Technology (CVVT) workshop
with F. Fraundorfer, D. Geronimo, D. Scaramuzza, H. Bischof, A. Imiya, A.
Lopez, T. Pajdla, M. Pollefeys & D. Vazquez. In conjunction with ECCV 2014.
Vision Reading Group 2014 with J. van de Weijer, A. D. Bagdanov &
D. Vazquez at the Computer Vision Center, Barcelona.
Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG’15)
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’14)
Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (ELCVIA)
Gerard Clotet, B.Sc. Student, UAB
Project: Integration of Autonomous Driving Algorithms in ROS
Jordi Frias, B.Math. Student, UAB
Project: 3D Ground Plane Estimation
Andrea Alvarez, B.Sc. Student, UAB
Thesis: 3D Semantic Segmentation
2013 - 2014
Gabriel Villalonga, B.Sc. Student, UAB
Thesis: 3D Pedestrian Detection
2013 - 2014
Fernando Moya, B.Sc. Student, UNAL
Project: Vision-based Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
2013 - 2014
Manuel Granados, M.Sc. Student, UAB
Thesis: Semantic Scene Understanding for Urban Scenarios
Sergi Canyameres, B.Sc. Student, UAB
Project: Virtual World for ADAS
RMRC Challenge at ICCV 2013 - Winners in Pedestrian Detection
Finalist in the Colombian National Contest “Otto de Greiff”
For the best Undergraduate Thesis in the area of Appropriate Technologies
Best Undergraduate Thesis Award of B.Sc. Electronic Engineering
National University of Colombia
Best students award of the School of Engineering (Ranked 2/294)
National University of Colombia
Best student award of B.Sc. Electronic Engineering
National University of Colombia
Awarded as “Highest GPA” students at the School of Engineering
National University of Colombia
Best students honourable mention of B.Sc. Electronic Engineering 2007 - 2012
National University of Colombia
Training of Research Personnel Fellowship (FPI)
Spanish Government
Mar 2013 - Feb 2015
Young Researchers Colciencias Fellowship
Colombian Government
Sponsored research at TU Munich
Sponsored student at TU Munich
Scholarship for the best exchange students
May - Nov 2012
Aug 2011 - Mar 2012
Oct 2010 - Feb 2011
Sponsored student at National University of Colombia
Scholarship for the best students of the School of Engineering
in Research
Spanish Project TRA2011-29454-C03-00-00
Jan 2013 - Present
Ecologic Cooperative Driver and Road Intelligent Visual (eCo-DRIVERS)
European Project FP7-ICT-248314
Interactive Urban Robot (IURO)
2007 - 2012
Aug 2011 - Mar 2012
Autonomous University of Barcelona News
Virtual and Real World Adaptation for Pedestrian Detection
Jul 2014
IEEE Spectrum
How Self-Driving Cars Will Sneak Onto Our Roads
Apr 2014
National University of Colombia News
Efficient Temporal Semantic Segmentation
Jun 2013
RCN Radio (Main Radio Network in Colombia)
May 2013
Colombian Young Researcher in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS)
July 2013
Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Prof. Roberto Cipolla, Dr. Sebastiano Battiato and Dr. Giovanni Farinella
Calabria - Italy
6th International Engineering Seminar
Computational Electromagnetics
Prof. Javier Araque and Prof. Giuseppe Vecchi
National University of Colombia
July 2012
4th International Engineering Seminar
July 2010
Digital Signal Processing and Processors: Principles and Applications
Prof. German Hernandez and Dr. Oliver Manette
National University of Colombia
English: Fluent proficiency
Spanish: Native Language
German: Fluent proficiency