SOB AND ESES STREAM 3 LAUNCH STRATEGY and TESTING APPROACH at the clearing level ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited 1 Principles of SOB & ESES stream 3 Reminder : 1 Security 1 market of reference 1 CSD of reference SOB : no more multi trading (on FR, NL and BE) 1 market of reference per security single identification ESES : ceasing of legacy system (ENL & EBE) = 1 settlement platform for Nyse Euronext markets (Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam) = 1 single CSD of reference per ISIN ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited 2 SOB/ESES stream 3 – Overview Tuesday Wednesday SOB – 1j SOB Thursday Friday ESES - 2j ESES – 1j End of day Referential update from Nyse Euronext Sat/Sunday ESES switch over Monday ESES Go from Euroclear Fails positions + positions to be settled until ESES-1 will be sent to the previous CSD. New positions after SOB release, will be sent to ESES platform from Monday following the Go live End of day ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited 3 Activation of account structures Referential update from Nyse Euronext (CSD of reference). Suspension of the buyin procedure for fails positions (Euronext markets) Currency conversion on fails positions Fails transfers First day in full ESES and SOB Fails positions management “Launch” book entry principles FAILS TRANSFERS MANAGEMENT LCH.Clearnet will generate dedicated “launch book entry” to track fails positions transfer Cancel the fail position recorded in the former DA: book entry type : LDE (launch delete) + Book entry comment Create the fail position in the new DA* : book entry type : LCR (launch creation) + Book entry comment Track the transfer of fails positions reported in the SIF file: Record 50 (LDE) Record 40 (LCR) Order of fails conversions and transfers: 1. Currency conversion 2. Transfer to market of reference 3. Transfer for change of DA (specific to a member) 4. Transfer for UNT/FMT quantity type change 5. Transfer for change of CSD of reference *default DA or DA designated by the Member ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited 4 Fails positions management “Launch” book entries comments Securities with a change of their original currency to € LDE “CUR TRF-DEL- <Payment currency><Currency rate>” LCR “CUR TRF-CRE- <Payment currency><Currency rate>” Multi-traded securities that become single traded with SOB LDE “SOB TRF-DEL- <ISIN>” LCR “SOB TRF-CRE- <ISIN>” Transfer of DA on Member’s request LDE “DA TRF-DEL- <CMF>” LCR “DA TRF-CRE- <CMF>” Securities with a change of quantity unit UNT<->FMT LDE “UNT/FMT TRF-DEL- <Lot size>” LCR “UNT/FMT TRF-CRE- <Lot size>” Securities with a change of CSD of reference LDE “CSD TRF-DEL- <Delivery account>” LCR “CSD TRF-CRE- <Delivery account>” ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited 5 Example 1: FR000123456 single traded in Paris (1/2) FR000123456 will not be traded anymore in Brussels and Amsterdam Market Places Market of reference is Paris market place and CSD of reference is Euroclear France PARIS BEFORE BRUXELLES NSCBE0123456 AMSTERDAM TRADING FR000123456 NSCNL0123456 POSITIONS Trading code ISIN code Trading code ISIN code Trading code ISIN code FR000123456 FR000123456 NSCBE0123456 FR000123456 NSCNL0123456 FR000123456 SOB In CCP AFTER SOB & BEFORE ESES Tuesday end of day Friday TRADING FR 000123456 POSITIONS Trading code ISIN code Trading code ISIN code Trading code ISIN code FR000123456 FR000123456 NSCBE0123456 FR000123456 NSCNL0123456 FR000123456 In CCP FAILS POSITIONS+ POSITIONS TO BE SETTLED UNTIL FRIDAY AT ESES Friday end of day Transfer of positions SWITCH OVER Transfer of positions AFTER ESES From Monday TRADING FR000123456 POSITIONS Trading code ISIN code FR000123456 FR000123456 In CCP FAILS POSITIONS + NEW POSITIONS TO BE SETTLED Example 1: FR000123456 single traded in Paris Resulting content of the SIF files (2/2) Example 2: US000123456 single traded in Paris in Euro (1/2) US000123456 will not be traded anymore in Amsterdam Market Place Market of reference is Paris market place and CSD of reference is Euroclear France PARIS BEFORE AMSTERDAM € EUR € $ USD $ TRADING NSCFR0123456 POSITIONS Trading code ISIN code Trading code ISIN code NSCFR0123456 US000123456 US000123456 US000123456 Trading code ISIN code US000123456 US000123456 US000123456 SOB In CCP AFTER SOB & BEFORE ESES Tuesday end of day Friday € EUR € TRADING NSCFR0123456 POSITIONS Trading code ISIN code NSCFR0123456 US000123456 In CCP FAILS POSITIONS+ POSITIONS TO BE SETTLED UNTIL FRIDAY Friday end of day 2 Transfer of positions AT ESES SWITCH OVER TRADING NSCFR0123456 AFTER ESES POSITIONS Trading code ISIN code From Monday In CCP NSCFR0123456 US000123456 € EUR € FAILS POSITIONS + NEW POSITIONS TO BE SETTLED € EUR € 1 Currency conversion $ USD $ Example 2: US000123456 single traded in Paris in Euro (2/2) Resulting content of the SIF files Example 3: NL000123456 single traded in Amsterdam in FMT (1/2) NL000123456 will not be traded anymore in Paris Market Place Market of reference is Amsterdam market place and CSD of reference is Euroclear Netherlands PARIS BEFORE TRADING NSCFR0123456 POSITIONS AMSTERDAM UNT NL000123456 Trading code ISIN code Trading code ISIN code NSCFR0123456 NL000123456 NL000123456 NL000123456 FMT SOB In CCP AFTER SOB & BEFORE ESES Tuesday end of day Friday TRADING TRADING POSITIONS NL000123456 Trading code ISIN code Trading code ISIN code NSCFR0123456 NL000123456 NL000123456 NL000123456 In CCP FAILS POSITIONS+ POSITIONS TO BE SETTLED UNTIL FRIDAY Friday end of day AT ESES SWITCH OVER UNT Transfer of positions FMT TRADING NL000123456 AFTER ESES POSITIONS Trading code ISIN code From Monday In CCP NL000123456 NL000123456 FMT FAILS POSITIONS + NEW POSITIONS TO BE SETTLED Example 3: NL000123456 single traded in Amsterdam in FMT (2/2) Resulting content of the SIF files The nominal of the bond is 1000€ Example 4: ANN00123456 single traded in Paris with Euroclear Netherlands as CSD of reference ANN00123456 will not be traded anymore in Brussels and Amsterdam Market Places Market of reference is Paris market place and CSD of reference is Euroclear Netherlands Resulting content of the SIF files Example 5: Change of DA on Member’s request A Member asked to transfer all its fails positions from DAFR1 to DAFR2 on the Paris clearing segment A transfer of position related to a change of market of reference is directly done on the target delivery account DAFR2 Resulting content of the SIF files ESES stream 3 – Reminder on account structure in the CCP system 1. Clearing members have to send their clearing Extension Membership to LCH.Clearnet. 2. Clearing members have to provide their settlement solution for each clearing segment to allow LCH Clearnet to open at least one Delivery account per CSD of reference Member may choose among these possibilities: an operational facility open in ESES an account open in Euroclear bank a settlement agent participant of ESES or Euroclear bank ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited 14 ESES : Codification of Delivery Account French Cl.Segt CSD code CMF = CM &/or CMF = CSD participant Dutch Cl. Segt = SA CMF ≠ CSD participant = CM &/or = SA CMF ≠ CSD participant = CSD participant DA codification CMF Belgian Cl. Segt = CM &/or CMF = CSD participant DA codification = SA ≠ CSD participant DA codification = EFF FREFFxxxxxCM001 FREFFxxxxxSA001 NLEFFxxxxxCM001 NLEFFxxxxxSA001 BEEFFxxxxxCM001 BEEFFxxxxxSA001 = ENL FRENLxxxxxCM001 FRENLxxxxxSA001 NLENLxxxxxCM001 NLENLxxxxxSA001 BEENLxxxxxCM001 BEENLxxxxxSA001 = EBE FRCIKxxxxxCM001 FRCIKxxxxxSA001 NLCIKxxxxxCM001 NLCIKxxxxxSA001 BECIKxxxxxCM001 BECIKxxxxxSA001 = EBB FREBBxxxxxCM001 FREBBxxxxxSA001 NLEBBxxxxxCM001 NLEBBxxxxxSA001 BEEBBxxxxxCM001 BEEBBxxxxxSA001 = EFF (Euroclear France) CM = CMF is CSD participant and settle its positions = ENL (Euroclear Netherlands) SA = CIK (Euroclear Belgium) = CMF delegates its settlement to another CSD participant to settle its positions = EBB (Euroclear Bank) FR EFF xxxxx CM 001 = FR (French segment) = NL (Dutch segment) = CMF code (5 digits) created in the segment = BE (Belgian segment) ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited = 3 digits used to designate the number of DA 15 LCH.Clearnet testing approach TESTING PLAN Free testing mode (1/2) Prepare the launch rehearsals with a sample of securities for scripted tests Order entry in free mode at TMF levels + exceptional support from NYSE Euronext on request NYSE Euronext will assure liquidity at the end of the day Mono and Multi listed securities with balances initialised at CSDs: Zero Get fails Predefined values Get positions settled Launch rehe MANDA arsals T OR Y 4 monitored test cases to assure fails conversions/transfers at the ESES switch over 4 Monitored tests LCH.Clearnet’s support to prepare launch rehearsals Test cases of fails conversion and transfers covered (previous examples 1 to 4) Sets of multi-listed securities dedicated Balances set-up to zero at the CSDs Trades injected at the clearing level per Member and per test case: 1 trade one week before launch on “detraded” securities 1 trade at the launch day of SOB on the markets of reference ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited 16 check CNS process after transfers Testing approach Free testing mode (2/2) Check the changes of the account structures on the 3 Clearing segments Succeed the launch rehearsals Integration of fails position transfers Validation of the 4 monitored tests cases Validation of the acount structures Check corporate events regularisations (change of order of date for payments on the Belgium market) Limits No trades or positions captured from the production environment Launch rehearsal preparation not requested before July TMF dummy codes not allowed in the account structures Trades injections at the clearing levels limited to the 4 monitored tests only No margin calls and fees tests No performance or volume tests ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited 17 Questions Is this proposition of testing plan answers your expectations? Foreign currencies phase 2 (Dutch securities) should launch before ESES stream 3 on Member’s request LCH.Clearnet’s proposition: Could we launch this project one month before ESES stream 3 To be studied: LCH.Clearnet would suggest to create a new set of Delivery Accounts names for the target account structures on the 3 clearing segments To mitigate account structures changes To secure parameterisation in advance at LCH.Clearnet’s level May be also to help Member’s to secure their internals processes … Is the impact manageable ? (Answer expected in the coming days) As ESES stream 3 have some impact on Derivatives (to be presented very soon) Are you the LCH.Clearnet’s contact for this impact? What is your recommendation to address this point? ©LCH.Clearnet Group Limited 18
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