Join the #GreenSurge - South East Dorset Green Party

Think positive - Think sustainable future and well-being for all - Think Green!
The Common Good means all of us –
all of us together
The Green Party is now the 3rd largest Party in
England and in Purbeck we are growing fast. Join
this exciting movement for change!
At least 6 candidates are preparing to stand in
local elections here. We plan to have candidates
in all 14 Wards in Purbeck. You could be one of
You can support us by:
• Joining the Green Party
• Helping to deliver leaflets
• Offering your skills – life skills, administrative,
IT, design, etc
• Coming to focused planning meetings
• Helping us to get elected locally!
Join the
Next Swanage meetings...
• Thursday 19th March, 7.15pm, St Marks Church,
Bell Street, Swanage BH19 2RY
South West Green Party MEP Molly Scott Cato, with local
candidates Alice Rogers and Phil Christopher, at the proposed
Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ). The site was
dropped from the current round of designation and we want
to see it succeed in the next - and final - round.
What do we want for
Swanage and Purbeck?
✔✔ Good reliable public transport
✔✔ Homes that local people can afford
✔✔ Quality care for the elderly and those in need
✔✔ Improved sporting and leisure facilities,
available to all
✔✔ Local decision-making for the benefit of all
• Monday 27th April, 7.15pm, Mowlem Theatre
Community Room, Swanage BH19 1DD
✔✔ A community-supported, sustainable, thriving
local economy
Next Wareham meeting...
• Monday 30th March, 7.15pm, Wareham Methodist Church Hall, North Street, Wareham BH20 4AB
✔✔ Support for young people to find employment
All welcome at every meeting!
✔✔ Protection for our wonderful local
environment now and for future generations
Make sure you are registered to vote! Visit
Printed by Phil Christopher, 5 Brixeys Lane, WAREHAM BH20 4HL
Promoted by Alice Rogers on behalf of South East Dorset Green Party, both at 5 Locksmiths, 18 Durlston Road, SWANAGE BH19 2HU
You have a great choice in Swanage this May.
You can vote for the party that fights for social
justice, the planet and peace.
Our aim is to work with other parties on a council
dedicated to the common good.
Across the UK, groups of Greens challenge,
influence and bring about real changes in policy and
we will do the same here.
The Green Party works to bring about policies that
satisfy the objectives of creating or providing:
✔✔ A sustainable economy, boosted by investing in
things we really need: affordable, environmentfriendly homes, public transport and clean
✔✔ Protection for the environment, our wildlife,
green spaces and heathlands
✔✔ A fair society, with equal opportunities for all
✔✔ A guaranteed minimum income and real
increases in pensions
✔✔ Support for local enterprises
✔✔ Protection for citizens’ rights
✔✔ Democratic, accountable and open local
The political landscape in Britain is changing
We have a Green MEP elected in the South West.
The Green Party is polling ahead of the Lib Dems
nationally. Green MP Caroline Lucas was MP of the
Year for 2014.
Increasing numbers of voters are finding out the
Green Party is a close match for them in terms of
values and policies.
Have a look at our core values, mini-manifesto and
in-depth policies at
Try the blind test at
Close to half a million people have tried this - and
Green Party policies are the most popular, both
locally and across the country.
You will have Green Party candidates to vote
for in Swanage South:
Alice Rogers, Dave Pratten and
Martin Szalla.
Alice is a licenced acupuncturist
with a practice in Poole. She lives in
Durlston with her partner, Alan, and
has one grown-up daughter. Alice’s
former career in senior management at Manchester University will
help her be an excellent councillor
for Swanage South ward.
Dave is a retired headteacher who
has lived with his wife Sally in
Swanage for 16 years. He has two
grown-up daughters. Dave is a volunteer coach with Purbeck Runners
and TriPurbeck triathlon clubs. He is
also a volunteer leader with Purbeck Open Award DoE centre.
Martin is a writer and teacher of
the Classics. He lives in Swanage
with his 2 small boys, who attend a
local nursery and school.
Your Green Party General Election
Candidate is Jane Burnet. Visit
Would you like to help?
To get involved visit our office at 273 High Street,
Swanage on Thursdays 10am - 12 midday, informal
meetings Tuesdays 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Contact Alice Rogers on 07531 398145, email
[email protected] or see us at:
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