Wright State University College of Education and Human Services Professional Development Workshops Summer Semester 2015 DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (DPD) Providing Workshops for Educators and Human Services Professionals like YOU since 1985 Division of Professional Development 415 Allyn Hall Wright State University Dayton, OH 45435 ! HOW TO REGISTER Registra)on procedures for some workshops may differ from the procedures listed here. Excep)ons are noted in the descrip)ons. ! Bring your completed registra3on form to: ! Division of Professional Development (DPD) 415 Allyn Hall or ! Mail your registra3on form and payment (check) to: ! ! DPD Workshops 415 Allyn Hall Wright State University 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton, OH 45435-‐001 If you are registering for workshops sponsored by the College of Educa3on and Human Services through the Division of Professional Development, you may use the special graduate applica3on and registra3on form (aFached). Your enrollment is based on the informa3on you enter, so make sure it is complete, accurate, and legible. Post-‐dated checks forwarded with registra3on forms and registra3on forms without payment are not acceptable and will be returned. Please disregard payment, add/drop dates and other informa3on applicable to regular Wright State University classes. They do not apply to workshops listed in this catalog. When to Register Changes in Registra9on or Withdrawal All changes in registra3on must be processed through DPD and the Registrar’s Office. There is no fee for a complete withdrawal from the university or to drop/change a workshop one week prior to the first mee3ng. In an emergency please contact DPD at 937-‐775-‐2250. Be sure to request verifica3on of withdrawal. Students taking a workshop for credit will not be allowed to drop or withdraw aSer the course begins. In the event that your are unable to complete the work required for a grade, you will receive a grade of Unsa3sfactory. Residency Fees are con3ngent upon your Ohio residency status (see registra3on form). The fees listed are Ohio resident fees. Non-‐Ohio residents must pay an addi3onal $217 per credit hour for each course taken. For assistance in determining your status please contact the Office of the Registrar, 937-‐775-‐5588. Refunds This refund policy applies only to workshops offered by the Division of Professional Development (DPD). You will receive a 100% refund if the course is cancelled. To drop a class you must no3fy the DPD office a week in advance or you will be charged a $75 fee. Refunds for Weekly Workshops If you drop a three-‐day or four-‐day workshop prior to the start of the second-‐class mee3ng you will receive a 70% refund. No refunds are given aSer the second class mee3ng. Refunds for Two Day and Weekend Workshops No refund is given for two-‐day or a weekend workshop aSer the first class session convenes. Unless stated otherwise, registra3ons are accepted un3l the first day of the class as long as the class is not full. Early registra3on is strongly recommended. If the course does not meet the required Refund Requests minimum enrollment it will be cancelled and you will be no3fied Refund requests must be made in wri3ng and directed to DPD. in advance. There is a $25 fee for registering aSer the registra3on deadline. Ques3ons or Account Informa3on? Please call (937)775-‐2250 University Computer Account Informa9on or email cehs-‐[email protected] You must obtain a university computer account to access your Visit our website: grades, pay by credit card, and be able to log-‐on during certain w ww.cehs.wright.edu/community/professional-‐development classes. Please contact DPD, (937) 775-‐2250 or call the CaTS Help ! Desk, (937)775-‐4827. DPD verifies clock hours for non-‐credit students by providing a cer9ficate of aEendance. Non-‐credit students must present You must go on-‐line to pay for graduate credit by credit card. We the cer9ficate to their respec9ve LPDC’s for conversion to accept Discover, MasterCard and Visa. All charge transac3ons are CEU’s. subject to bank approval. There is a 2.75% fee assessed for paying by credit card. There is no addi3onal fee when paying for clock Students taking workshops for credit students are required hours. to complete coursework totaling 12.5 hours for half credit and 35 hours for 1 credit outside the classroom. Grades will Credit Cards ! REGISTRATION POLICIES Credit workshops listed in this catalog are intended as con3nuing educa3on for professionals in the fields of educa3on, human services, and counseling who are not pursuing a degree at Wright State University. All workshops/sessions meet the Ohio Board of Regents requirement applicable to state supported schools of 35 clock hours of out-‐of-‐class work per semester hour. Inclement Weather Policy DPD Workshops will be held unless the university is officially closed. You will not be no9fied. In the event of inclement weather please visit the university web site www.wright.edu or call 937-‐775-‐3500 for informa9on regarding closures. the DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Wright State University’s College of Education & Human Services Welcome to the Division of Professional Development (DPD), College of Educa3on and Human Services, Wright State University. The Division began offering quality professional development and con3nuing educa3on courses for area school districts, educators and human service professionals in the summer of 1984. Over the past 30 years, thousands of educators have taken advantage of our workshops. We would love to count you as one of our sa3sfied customers. All of our workshops are designed with the working professional in mind. You may take most workshops for credit or non-‐credit and most are one weekend only. Highly qualified instructors, some with na3onal and interna3onal reputa3ons, teach our workshops. You will find them to be engaging, accommoda3ng, caring, and the content they deliver -‐ relevant. Thank you for taking a few minutes to look at this semester’s offerings. If you have any ques3ons or would like to make sugges3ons for future workshops, please do not hesitate to contact us. (937)775-‐2250 Project Based Learning Plan to visit the Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS) and dive into the details of Project Based Learning (PBL). These two-‐day professional development opportuni3es consists of an extended visit to the Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS), providing par3cipants with an up-‐close look at the principles and prac3ces that make DRSS unique. A major focus of the October and the May Residencies is on Project Based Learning (PBL). Par3cipants will receive a founda3onal background about what PBL is (and is not); ways that teachers plan PBL units; and how PBL is enacted and supported in various ways at DRSS. This Residency will also provide some ini3al support – and prac3ce – for par3cipants to begin planning their own PBL units appropriate to their unique semngs. Par3cipants will leave with a good understanding of how DRSS operates, how PBL is a major component of what the School accomplishes, and some ideas about implemen3ng PBL in their own semng. The Residencies will be led by Dr. Brian Boyd, Founding Principal and Hub Director for DRSS and DRSS Teachers. To register, please visit the following link: RESIDENCY REGISTRATION FORM PBL Residencies are scheduled for the following dates: May 14 and 15, 2015, 8:30 – 3:30 pm Cost to aFend Residency: $350/training (includes lunch each day) For Graduate Credit: An addi3onal $250 for 1 semester hour. ED 6900.61 CreaVng Nurturing Environments Crea3ng Nurturing Environments is an evidence-‐based preven3on strategy training for all adults who work with youth. This training involves examining the predatory environments that contemporary youth are exposed to such as poverty, abuse, and bullying and the impact this exposure is having on youth outcomes. Par3cipants will also learn the Crea3ng Nurturing Environment Framework and corresponding trauma-‐informed, evidence-‐based behavioral kernels to foster posi3ve behavior and outcomes in youth. This experience will be useful for parents, mental health professionals, childcare workers, and any adults who work with youth.. ! Presented by: Dr. Jason D. Fruth Dates: May 30, 2015 Times: Saturday 8am-‐2pm Cost: $225.00 for 1/2 graduate semester credit hour* or $110.00 for 6 non-‐credit hours. ED 6900.62 ! ED 6900.60 or 64 (1 hr or 2 hr) ! Reasoning, Sense Making, and Proof in High School Geometry ! Using Math Magic for MoVvaVon in the Math Classroom In this course, you will learn how to use math magic tricks to mo3vate your students, even the most reluctant ones, to become ac3ve learners in the math classroom. ASer learning how to do the tricks we will explore the mathema3cs that makes them work. We will do tricks with numbers, playing cards and everyday objects and then use problem solving strategies to understand their secrets. The secrets to the magic will be unraveled using arithme3c, a liFle algebra, geometry, and probability. Your students will learn how to perform the tricks, but they will learn that they are not only doing magic – they are also doing mathema3cs. ! Presented by: Wayne Nirode Dates: June 22-‐25, 2015 Times: 8:30 – 3:30 pm Cost: $125 for the workshop, plus (op3onal) $250/hour for up to two semester hours. ! Presented by: Chuck Sonenshein Dates: June 12-‐13, 2015 Times: Friday 5pm-‐9pm & Saturday 8am-‐2pm Cost: $430.00 for 1 graduate semester credit hour* or $180.00 for 10 non-‐credit hours. ED 6900.65 ! Bringing Out Their Best: Strategies to Promote The Success of ALL Students ED 6900.63 ! Hands-‐on AcVviVes That Bring the Math Class to Life Focus on the high school geometry in the Common Core form synthe3c, coordinate, and transforma3onal viewpoints using explora3ons and problem-‐solving ac3vi3es. Par3cipants will gain hands-‐on experience using Dynamic Geometry SoSware (e.g., The Geometer’s Sketchpad and GeoGebra) to inves3gate geometric phenomena. ! KTownsend Consul9ng How do you mo3vate students to become ac3ve learners? This course provides ac3vi3es every teacher needs to lure students into the world of cri3cal thinking. These special gems of puzzles, problems and hands-‐on ac3vi3es will be yours to use in the classroom to introduce your students to mathema3cal concepts and opera3ons. We will explore these beau3ful tools and how to use them to mo3vate your students to work at learning in an enjoyable way. Let’s make math less threatening by showing students the fun of playing with concepts on an intui3ve level. Using topics from recrea3onal mathema3cs, we will explore ac3vi3es that mo3vate cri3cal thinking. Enthusias3c teaching is modeled to show that math can be presented in a spirit of play. Bringing Out Their Best is a workshop based on the findings of a qualita3ve research study. In many cases, educators focus their aFen3on on why certain students are “at-‐risk” and predisposed to academic failure. This informa3ve and highly interac3ve session will focus not only on “at-‐risk” students, but “at-‐poten3al” students who are oSen overlooked as well. Karen M.R. Townsend, Ph.D., an educator and a former director of faculty development, will discuss factors that promote academic success, five common characteris3cs shared by highly successful students, and strategies designed to support and promote the academic success of students from varying demographic profiles. Through personal assessment ac3vi3es, small group ac3vi3es and large group discussions, this session is designed to address diversity in the classroom, the “cultural climate” of the school and strategies for crea3ng an environment of academic success for all students. Presented by: Chuck Sonenshein Dates: June 19-‐20, 2015 Times: Friday 5pm-‐9pm & Saturday 8am-‐2pm Cost: $430.00 for 1 graduate semester credit hour* or $180.00 for 10 non-‐credit hours Presented by: Karen M.R. Townsend, Ph.D. Date: June 30, 2015 Time: Tuesday 8am-‐3pm Cost: $225.00 for 1/2 graduate semester credit hour* or $110.00 for 6 non-‐credit hours ! ! ! EDT 6900.63 ED 6900.66 Modernizing Teacher Tools and Assessments Project Based Learning Do your allusions to songs and movies make your students look at you as though you had tentacles? Does your hand hurt because you have marked every grammar error known to teachers? Do you think the word “blog” is a type of disease? If so, then step into the future of teaching by par3cipa3ng in this workshop where you will be shown a variety of strategies and ac3vi3es involving media and technology that will enhance students’ learning. For example, you will learn how to create a Soundtrack Essay and how to use song lyrics to teach grammar. You will also learn to help your classroom “go green” with technological strategies to assess students’ wri3ng by using a microphone and MicrosoS Word. Another technological focus of the workshop is online blogs for your classroom. (grades 4-‐12) Plan to visit the Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS) and dive into the details of Project Based Learning (PBL). These two-‐day professional development opportuni3es consists of an extended visit to the Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS), providing par3cipants with an up-‐ close look at the principles and prac3ces that make DRSS unique. A major focus of the October and the May Residencies is on Project Based Learning (PBL). Par3cipants will receive a founda3onal background about what PBL is (and is not); ways that teachers plan PBL units; and how PBL is enacted and supported in various ways at DRSS. This Residency will also provide some ini3al support – and prac3ce – for par3cipants to begin planning their own PBL units appropriate to their unique semngs. Par3cipants will leave with a good understanding of how DRSS operates, how PBL is a major component of what the School accomplishes, and some ideas about implemen3ng PBL in their own semng. The Residencies will be led by Dr. Brian Boyd, Founding Principal and Hub Director for DRSS and DRSS Teachers. ! Presented by: Melissa Ross Date: July 10-‐11, 2015 Times: Friday 5pm-‐9pm & Saturday 8am-‐2pm Cost: $430.00 for 1 graduate semester credit hour* or $180.00 for 10 non-‐credit hours. EDT 6700.64 Lessening Your Load with Google Docs Are you 3red of 3me-‐honored excuses of papers and projects being leS at home or the printer running out of ink? Are you frustrated with not knowing which student completed certain parts of a project? If the answer is yes, then you need to try Google Docs, a free space on the internet that allows collabora3on and provides user-‐ friendly templates for both teachers and students. Papers and projects draSed at school can be stored online and accessed at home. There is even a template for online quizzes that can be scored by the computer! You can go green and save 3me and money with this online tool. (4-‐12) Presented by: Melissa Ross Date: July 24-‐25, 2015 Times: Friday 5pm-‐9pm & Saturday 8am-‐2pm Cost: $430.00 for 1 graduate semester credit hour* or $180.00 for 10 non-‐credit hours. To register, please visit the following link: RESIDENCY REGISTRATION FORM PBL Residencies are scheduled for the following dates: August 3-‐6, 2015, 8:30 – 3:30 pm Cost to a^end Residency: $350/training (includes lunch each day) For Graduate Credit: An addi3onal $250 for 1 semester hour. ED 6900.67 Exploring MathemaVcal Gems In this course we will inves3gate ac3vi3es that demonstrate the beauty. the wonder, and the humor that exists in a great number of mathema3cal concepts. Introducing these gems to your students, demonstrates that math is so much more than memorizing a set of rules, opera3ons, and terms. Mo3va3on is the key to crea3ng ac3ve learners in the classroom. A wide range of topics will be covered. You are guaranteed to have a good 3me! ! Presented by: Chuck Sonenshein Dates: August 7-‐8, 2015 Times: Friday 5pm-‐9pm & Saturday 8am-‐2pm Cost: $430.00 for 1 graduate semester credit hour* or $180.00 for 10 non-‐credit hours. ED 6900.70 CONNECTED MATH TRAINING (CMP3) Number Strand Who: ! ! Goals: ! Unwri^en Goal: ! ! Math teachers in grades 5-‐8 are welcome, as well as others interested in learning more about CMP 3. Teachers new to CMP, teachers who have used CMP2, and teachers who are adop3ng CMP3 will benefit from this professional development. The goal(s) of this workshop are to introduce CMP3 content to those who are curious or adop3ng it. Teachers will study four CMP3 units in depth: Bits and Pieces (6th grade), Let’s Be Ra3onal (6th grade), and Comparing and Scaling (7th grade), and Looking For Pythagoras (8th grade). Teachers will experience many lessons as students would in that they will solve many of the Problems in coopera3ve learning groups. We will also share best teaching prac3ces for implemen3ng these units. Our hope is to provide a “ver3cal” approach to learning CMP3 units each summer so that teachers in grades 6-‐8 can learn about the units in their grade levels as well as those above and/or below. Create an inspiring environment for middle school math classroom teachers to learn, grow, and share ideas on best teaching prac3ces! RegistraVon: Email Jackie Stevens ( [email protected]) -‐ name, grade level, school building and district, and an email address you will check in the summer. The cost is $250 – you are not officially registered un3l we receive payment (or a purchase order from your school). Make checks payable to Wright State University. WSU graduate credit will be available for an addi3onal cost of $250 for one semester hour of credit. ! Support: ! When: ! Where: ! Pearson Educa3on will provide par3cipants with teacher edi3ons and student edi3ons for each of the four units used in the workshop. August 3 -‐ 6, 8:15-‐4:30 each day Wright State University Contact: Dr. Brian Boyd, Mathema3cs Educa3on, Wright State University [email protected] , 937-‐775-‐3275 OR Jackie Stevens, Wright State University [email protected], 937-‐775-‐2029 Trainer: Jim Mamer, Middle School Math Teacher and CMP Teacher Trainer [email protected] ! QuesVons or Account InformaVon? Please call (937)775-‐2250 or email cehs-‐[email protected] Visit our website: h^p://educaVon-‐human-‐services.wright.edu/community/professional-‐development ED 6900.68 ! InvesVgaVng and QuesVoning Our World Through Science and Technology (IQWST) ! IQWST is a standards-‐based, carefully sequenced middle school curriculum that promotes student understanding of key scien3fic ideas and prac3ces by coordina3ng instruc3on across units within each grade level, and across 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Each academic year includes four units—one each in physics, chemistry, biology, and earth systems science. Engaging with phenomena and learning cri3cal ideas and prac3ces across 3me and disciplines provides students with opportuni3es to develop, reinforce, and apply their understanding throughout their three-‐year experience with IQWST. This coherent structure dis3nguishes IQWST from other curricula that cover mul3ple concepts in an isolated, superficial manner. IQWST’s design enables students to develop meaningful and integrated understandings that they can use to make sense of their own everyday experiences and of the world in which they live. ! Each day of the workshop will focus on training par3cipants in the related pedagogy and content of an IQWST unit. During most of the workshop, par3cipants will be experiencing the lessons from the unit in the role of classroom students. This “being in the role of a student” throughout most of the workshop gives teachers unique insight for how IQWST units look in the classroom and what poten3al opportuni3es and challenges their own students may encounter when they employ the same teaching strategies and instruc3onal materials in their classrooms. ! Throughout the workshop, par3cipants will also be asked to periodically switch from the perspec3ve of a student to the perspec3ve of a teacher. In par3cular, par3cipants will be asked to reflect on what happened in the lessons from the project-‐based unit they just experienced. These teacher perspec3ve discussions are targeted at topics related to the larger scien3fic prac3ces (argumenta3on, explana3on and modeling) that students are engaged in and important instruc3onal prac3ces the teacher is engaged in, in the specific unit and across all IQWST units. These prac3ces are related to the use of a driving ques3on board, building off of student's prior concep3ons, facilita3ng discussions, accoun3ng for phenomena, designing experiments, making sense of complex data sets, construc3ng scien3fic explana3ons, engaging in argumenta3on and debate, and revising scien3fic models. ! Presented by: Lisa Kenyon Date: August 3-‐6 2015 Times: 8:30 am-‐3:30 pm Cost to a^end Residency: $250/training (includes lunch each day) For Graduate Credit: An addi3onal $250 for 1 semester hour. h^p://educaVon-‐human-‐services.wright.edu/community/professional-‐development Advanced Placement® Summer Ins)tute ED 6900.73 AP® English Literature and ComposiVon with Dr. Rebecca Daniel July 6-‐9, 2015 ! For new and experienced AP teachers. This workshop includes College Board resources, released exams, and student samples. Learning outcomes ASer aFending this workshop, par3cipants will be able to: • Align their instruc3on with the goals of the AP English Literature and Composi3on course • Iden3fy the skills and knowledge that the exam will assess, and iden3fy the tasks and materials for which students might need more prepara3on DraS a syllabus that meets the curricular requirements for the course • • Make equitable access a guiding principle in designing instruc3on Workshop materials At every AP English Literature workshop held by the College Board, each par3cipant receives a copy of the Workshop Handbook, which contains: • AP English Literature and ComposiVon Course DescripVon • AP Course Audit informa3on • Sample syllabus for AP English Literature and Composi3on and a Syllabus Development Guide • AP English Literature and Composi3on free-‐response materials (student samples, scoring guidelines and commentary) • MulVple-‐choice quesVons and answers from the AP English Literature and Composi3on 2009 Released Exam Curriculum Module: Developing AnalyVcal Skills Through Poetry This curriculum module offers several strategies to help students develop their analy3cal skills with regard to poetry, a genre students frequently struggle to understand. Is there only one correct interpreta3on? How can it be poetry if it doesn't rhyme? Why does it seem that some people can pull deep meaning from poems while others can't even figure out what is being said? With such ques3ons in mind, the three lessons offered in this curriculum module provide differen3ated instruc3onal approaches. The lessons address a range of poetry to highlight the diversity of the genre and demonstrate the flexibility of strategies that students can use to access poetry and analyze it with confidence. Lesson 1: Contemporary Poetry Lesson 2: Making Poetry FIT Lesson 3: Wri3ng About Shakespeare's Language SummaVve Assessment Note: Curriculum module materials reflect important topics in AP courses, and the materials are meant to provide teachers with resources and classroom ideas. However, curriculum module materials should not be taken as an indica3on that a par3cular topic will appear on the AP Exam. For more informaVon: hFp://professionals.collegeboard.com/prof-‐dev/workshops/english/ap-‐english-‐literature Cost: $500/training, Op3onal graduate credit: Addi3onal $500 for 2 semester credit hours. Out of state fees apply to graduate credit only. ! Wright State University Summer Ins3tute has been endorsed by the College Board. College board, AP®, Advanced Placement®, and the Acorn logo are registered trademarks for the College Board. Used with permission. Advanced Placement® Summer Ins)tute ED 6900.74 AP® Biology with Mr. Jim Smanik July 6-‐9, 2015 ! For new and experienced AP teachers Learning outcomes ASer aFending this workshop, par3cipants will be able to: • Apply concrete strategies for designing and implemen3ng an effec3ve AP Biology curriculum. • Develop ac3vi3es, assessments and laboratory inves3ga3ons that engage students in ac3ng and thinking like scien3sts, drawing from the Curriculum Framework and AP Biology Inves)ga)ve Labs: An Inquiry-‐Based Approach Implement strategies to effec3vely prepare students for the AP exam • • Develop or revise a syllabus to align with course requirements Workshop materials Each par3cipant will receive a copy of the Workshop Handbook and Resources, which contains: • AP Biology Course and Exam Descrip3on • AP Course Audit informa3on • Sample syllabus for AP Biology and a Syllabus Development Guide • AP Biology Prac3ce Exam • AP Biology free-‐response materials (student samples, scoring guidelines, and commentary) Par3cipants will also receive: • Teacher's Lab Manual (electronic copy) Curriculum Module: Exploring Plasmodium EvoluVon This curriculum module is designed to help instructors and students recognize and use evolu3onary paFerns to reason about biological phenomena. It includes three mul3ple-‐day lessons that are organized around the topic of malarial disease biology and the skill of understanding compara3ve analysis. Lessons focus on applying evolu3onary reasoning to malaria at different levels of biological organiza3on, from ecological interac3ons to organismal biology to cellular structure and func3on. The curriculum module includes data sets, student ac3vity handouts and answer keys, and a list of addi3onal resources that complement the content of the lessons. Lesson 1: Exploring Plasmodium Evolu3on in Apes Lesson 2: Introduc3on to Phylogene3c Analysis Lesson 3: Studying Plasmodium Evolu3on SummaVve Assessment Note: Curriculum module materials reflect important topics in AP courses, and the materials are meant to provide teachers with resources and classroom ideas. However, curriculum module materials should not be taken as an indica3on that a par3cular topic will appear on the AP Exam. ! For more informaVon: hFp://professionals.collegeboard.com/prof-‐dev/workshops/sciences/ap-‐biology ! Cost: $500/training, Op3onal graduate credit: Addi3onal $500 for 2 semester credit hours. Out of state fees apply to graduate credit only. ! Wright State University Summer Ins3tute has been endorsed by the College Board. College board, AP®, Advanced Placement®, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks for the College Board. Used with permission. Map, Directions & Parking Information DPD 415 Allyn Hall 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy. Dayton, Ohio 45435 Parking: You may park anywhere on campus after 4:00PM on Friday and all day Saturday at no charge. For classes held in Allyn Hall (AL), use Lot 9 and Lot 10. Those attending classes in Millett Hall (MH) should park in Lot 11. Handicap, state vehicle and specifically assigned reserved spaces, and resident lots are restricted at all times. Click here for a full color map https://www.wright.edu/sites/default/files/pagemf/attachements/ From the North (Toledo area)! I-75 south to I-70 east I-70 east to I-675 south I-675 south to North Fairfield Road (Exit 17) Turn right on North Fairfield Rd, travel approximately 1/2 mile to Colonel Glenn Hwy Turn left on Colonel Glenn Highway Turn right at the second traffic light onto University Blvd Proceed to Lot #10, Allyn Hall or Lot #11, Millett Hall ! From the Northeast (Cleveland/Akron area)! I-71 south to 270 west 270 west to I-70 west I-70 west to I-675 south I-675 south to North Fairfield Road (Exit 17) Turn right on North Fairfield Road, travel approximately 1/2 mile to Colonel Glenn Hwy Turn left on Colonel Glenn Highway Turn right at the second traffic light onto University Blvd. Proceed to Lot#10, Allyn Hall or Lot #11, Millett Hall ! From the South! I-75 north to I-675 north I-675 north to North Fairfield Road (Exit 17). Follow sign for North Fairfield Rd (not WSU) Turn left on North Fairfield Road, travel approximately 1/2 mile to Colonel Glenn Hwy Turn left on Colonel Glenn Highway Turn right at the second traffic light onto University Blvd. Proceed to Lot#10, Allyn Hall or Lot #11, Millett Hall ! From the East or West! I-70 to I-675 south I-675 south to North Fairfield Road (Exit 17) Turn right on North Fairfield Road, travel approximately 1/2 mile to Colonel Glenn Hwy Turn left on Colonel Glenn Highway Turn right at the second traffic light onto University Blvd. Proceed to Lot#10, Allyn Hall or Lot #11, Millett Hall Non-Credit Clock Hours - Registration Form Please use this registration form ONLY if you are registering for courses for non-credit clock hours. Courses taken for non-credit clock hours may paid by check, cash, or credit card. Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Course 1 ____________________________________ Course 2 ____________________________________________ Semester ___________________________________ Semester ___________________________________________ Department _________________________________ Department _________________________________________ Course Number _____________________________ Course Number _____________________________________ Section Number _____________________________ Section Number _____________________________________ ! Payment (check one): ___Check ___Money Order ___Purchase Order ___Visa ___MasterCard ___Discover Credit Card Number____________________________________ ExpirationDate:_______________ CVV# __________ Name on Card _______________________________________________________________________________________ Purchase Order Number ______________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address for ___________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card or Purchase Order ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________ ! Send payment and registration to:! ! DPD Workshops 415 Allyn Hall 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy. Dayton, OH 45435 Fax Number: 937-775-4855 h^p://educaVon-‐human-‐services.wright.edu/community/professional-‐development Special Graduate Application And Registration Form Division of Professional Development College of Education and Human Services This form may not be used to register for regular graduate courses. For Registration and advising, call the Division of Professional Development at (937) 775-2250 Please Mark Which Semester you are Enrolling: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT (Incomplete Forms Will Delay Processing) _____ Fall Semester _____ Spring Semester _____ Summer Semester 1. Personal Information: Last Name First Name Social Security Number OR University ID Number Gender Female Male ! Home Address: ! Street Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year) ! US Citizen? Yes No ! ! MI ! Maiden Name Marital Status Single Married City ! State Home Phone Business Phone ! Zip Code Email Address ! If No, Specify Country Visa Type? Exp. Date? Ethnic Background (information is strictly voluntary and used only in reports to the federal government, please check one or more.) ____ ____ ____ ____ ! Caucasian ____ Black/African American American Indian or Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Asian Race (please Check One) ____ Hispanic/Latino ____ Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino 2. Educational Information Highest Degree Awarded Year Awarded Most Recent Attendance at Wright State University Month/Year Undergraduate ________________ Graduate ________________ Never ________________ Institution Awarding Highest Degree (Name, City, State): NOTE: A $10 Application Fee Will Be Assessed With Other Fees. The $10 fee is payable once on the undergraduate level and once on the graduate level ! Please Indicate with an “X” if you do not want to be billed for student insurance 3. Ohio Residency For the purpose of determining fess, students are classified as Ohio or non-Ohio residents. Please check one of the following that applies to your residency status. 4. Class/Workshop Selection Dept. Course Number Section Number Credit Option (Choose One) Credit _____I do NOT reside in Ohio (nonresident). Credit Hours In-State per Credit Hour Audit UG Out-Of-State Per Credit Hour UG GR GR _____Yes, I reside and am gainfully employed on a self-sustaining basis in Ohio and wish to pursue a part-time program. _____Yes, I am on active duty in the United States military and I am stationed and residing in Ohio, or I am a dependent of such person. _____Yes, I have lived in Ohio for at least 12 consecutive months prior to this enrollment and am not receiving financial support from nonOhio residents _____Yes, I am a dependent student with at least one parent or guardian residing in Ohio for at least 12 consecutive months prior to this enrollment Registration Agreement and Promise to Pay By Signing this agreement with Wright State University, I am requesting to be registered for classes and promise to assume financial responsibility for the payment of all my education-related charges and fees associated with my student account and to pay those charges when due. In the event my account becomes past due, I acknowledge that a registration and transcript hold will be placed on my account and my account may be reported to the credit bureaus and referred to the State of Ohio Attorney General’s Office for collection. I agree to pay all late fees, collection costs, and attorney fees related to the collection of my account. Signature ________________________________ Date ___________________ $ UG = Undergraduate GR = Graduate $ Total Fees $ 5.#Payment# ! ! ! ! Make!Checks!Payable!to!Wright!State!University! ! Mail!to:!! ! ! ! ! ! ! DPD!Workshops! 3640!Colonel!Glenn!Hwy.! Dayton,!Ohio!45435F0001! (937)775F4855!(fax)! ! ! ! ! Name __________________________________________________________________________________ UID or SS# ______________________________________________________________________________ Check or Money Order # __________________________________________________________________ Advanced Placement® Summer Institute Registration Form Please use this registration form to register for the AP Summer Institute. Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone number: Email: Please check the workshop you wish to attend AP Biology AP English Literature and Composition 30 non-‐credit clock hours = $500.00 per course 2 Graduate Credit Semester Hours = an additional $500.00 per course Out-‐of-‐state tuition (applies to Graduate Credit only) = an additional $355.00 per course Payment (check one) 1. 2. If you are taking the course for non-‐credit clock hours, you may pay by check, cash, credit card, or purchase order. If you are taking the course for university credit, you may pay by check or cash. The university accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express online only through WINGS Express online payments. A 2.75% convenience fee will be assessed to pay online with credit/debit card. Check Money Order Purchase Order Visa MasterCard Discover Credit Card Number ___________________________ Expiration Date ____________ CVV# ________ Name on Card _________________________________________________________________________ Purchase Order Number _________________________________________________________________ Billing Address for ______________________________________________________________________ Credit Card or Purchase Order ______________________________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________________________________ Send Payment and Registration to: DPD Workshops 415 Allyn Hall 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton, OH 45435 Phone: 937-‐775-‐2250 Fax: 937-‐775 4855 cehs-‐[email protected] Advanced Placement is a registered trademark of the College Board. Used with permission. ® Division of Professional Development! College of Education & Human Services Wright State University 415 Allyn Hall 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway Dayton, OH 45435-0001 Benefits of taking our workshops. . . • weekend workshops • one-‐day seminars • experienced, quality instructors • courses approved by the State of Ohio For more informa3on call: 937.775.2250 email: cehs-‐[email protected] hFp://educa3on-‐human-‐services.wright.edu/community/professional-‐development
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