How to Read the Daily Reports of BPI AMTG

How to Read the Daily Reports of BPI AMTG
October 2, 2012
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Information contained in this presentation is based on data that BPI AMTG considers reliable, but BPI AMTG does not
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The Morning View
Daily (10:00 AM – 10:30 AM)
• A rundown of overnight
market and economic
developments. Available
daily, when market
opens.Features fresh news
clips, key figures and a
end-of-day summary of
various markets
The Morning View – Local News Briefs
Updates on:
Local Equity Market
Local Bond Market
Economic Developments
Corporate News
Dollar-Peso Rate
The Morning View – US and Europe; Asia - Pacific
Updates on:
US Equity Market
US Treasury Market
US & Europe Economic
Euro-Dollar Rate
Updates on:
Asia Pacific Equity
Asia Pacific Economic
The Morning View – Key Indicators
Date Stated
Absolute change
calculated from 7 days
prior the date stated.
Absolute change
calculated from the
end of the year to the
date stated.
Prices as of the
date stated
Absolute change calculated from a day
prior the date stated.
Absolute change calculated from the
same day a month ago or the last
banking day if that day falls on a nonbanking day (e.g. Aug. 17, 2012, Friday)
to the date stated.
The Morning View – Key Indicators
Index of the local stock market and benchmark of
the BPI equity funds as well as the equity portion
of the balanced funds
Index for global stocks of developed markets;
covers over 6,000 securities in 24 Developed
Markets countries, spanning from large to micro
cap securities which can be segmented across
sectors; indicative of activity and health of global
stock markets
Index for Asia Pacific equity markets (excluding
Japan); captures large and mid cap
representation across 4 of 5 Developed Markets
countries and 8 Emerging Markets countries in
the region; benchmark of the Odyssey Asia
Pacific High Dividend Equity Fund
Most closely watched US stock market indices:
• FTSEurofirst 300 measures the performance of Europe's
largest 300 companies by market capitalization
• DJIA gauges US industrial sector performance; 30 industrial
sector stocks
• S&P 500 gauges the performance of large-cap American
stocks; considered a bell-weather of the US economy; 500
large-cap stocks
• Their performance tend to influence stock markets outside
the US
The Morning View – Key Indicators
Benchmark of the ALFM Euro Bond Fund
Local money market benchmark issues:
• a.k.a. Treasury bills/T-bills
• PDST-F refers to the calculated average of the best 60%
of firm BID rates in the secondary market as of 11:16AM
• 91-Day T-bill is the benchmark of the BPI and ALFM
Peso-denominated bond funds
Benchmark ROP issues:
• indicates general activity in the ROP space; ROP2021
and ROP2037 are the most liquid securities
• The 4-digit number refers to the year on which
the security will mature
US Treasury Yields:
• indicates activity and sentiment in the UST space.
• 3-mo. UST is the benchmark of the BPI Dollardenominated bond funds
Benchmark gold prices:
• The current price of gold
Dollar-Peso exchange rate
• Based on BAP Actual Traded Prices at
the PDS Philippine Dealing System
Benchmark oil prices:
• Brent crude is the benchmark primarily used in Europe;
• Nymex oil futures is the benchmark US contract; world's
largest-volume futures contract trading on a physical
• WTI, Brent, and Dubai are crude oil benchmarks
differentiating the place of production and the varieties
and grades
The Morning View – Asian Equity Markets
Markets of interest in
the Asian Region
Index name
Closing price as of the indicated date
with DoD change in points & percent.
The Morning View – Local Bond Market
Summarizes closing yields and day-on-day changes (as of the previous
banking day) for each benchmark bond issue available through PDEX.
• As opposed to PDST-F rates (best bid rates), PDST-R2 are calculated
from the weighted average yields of done transactions in the
secondary market as of 4:15PM daily.
The Morning View - Upcoming Economic Releases
• Gives a preview of what local and US economic reports to expect in the
coming days. Such reports tend to influence activity in the financial markets.
• The impact of these reports on the markets depend on how actual results
come close to/deviate from consensus forecasts.
Investment Funds Monitor
• A summary of the latest
fund prices and
performance figures.
• Shows how BPI Funds
performed the previous
banking day
• Provides a summary of
NAVPU/PS changes
Investment Funds Monitor – Absolute Returns
Date when the report is published
Absolute returns calculated from the
same day of the previous year or the
last banking day if that day falls on a
non-banking day (e.g. September 19,
2011, Monday), to the date stated.
NAVPU/PS as of the
date stated.
Absolute returns calculated from the
previous banking day to the
date stated.
Absolute returns calculated from the
same day 3 years back or the last
banking day if that day falls on a nonbanking day (e.g. September 18,
2009, Friday), to the date stated.
Absolute returns calculated from the
last banking day of the previous year
to the date stated.
Investment Funds Monitor – NAVPU Summary
Features historical NAVPU/PS of each fund as well as:
• Week-on-week (WoW),
• Month-on-month (MoM), and
• Year-on-year (YoY) changes/returns.
The Daily Recap
Daily (5:30 PM – 6:30 PM)
• A snapshot of what happened
during the day
• Features highlights of the day’s
activities in the local markets
• Provides closing prices in the
local equity, bond and the
foreign exchange market
The Daily Recap – News Briefs
Updates on:
EOD Local Equity Market
EOD Local Bond Market
EOD Economic/Corporate
EOD Dollar-Peso Rate
The Daily Recap – PSEi Stats & Foreign Exchange
Key stats for the day’s activities in the local equity market:
Previous: Closing price as of the previous banking day
High: Highest price during the day
Low: Lowest price during the day
Close: Closing price end-of-day
Change(pts): Change in price, points
Change (%): Change in price, percentage
Total Value: Total value traded for the day
Up: Number of stocks that closed higher for the day
Down: Number of stocks that closed lower for the day
Unchanged: Number of stocks whose price did not change
for the day
Previous close and end-of-day close (Indicative
for EUR/USD) of key foreign exchange rates.
The Daily Recap – PSEi Stats & Foreign Exchange
• Top 5 stocks that had the most impact
(leader/laggard) on the index. Leaders
contribute to the PSEi level while Laggards
deduct points.
• Index points refer to the number of points
added/deducted from the PSE Index.
• Top 5 stocks in the PSE Index that gained/lost
the most for the day.
The Daily Recap – Local Bond Market
Summarizes closing yields and day-on-day changes after markets close for
each benchmark bond issue available through PDEX. This same portion is
shown in the next day’s The Morning View.
AC: All Country
BAP: Banker’s Association of the Philippines
DoD: day-on-day
EOD: end-of-day
FX: foreign exchange
KLCI: Kuala Lumpur Composite Index
KOSPI: Korean Composite Stock Price Indexes
MoM: month-on-month
MSCI: Morgan Stanley Capital International
NAVPS: Net Asset Value Per Share
NAVPU: Net Asset Value Per Unit
Nymex: New York Mercantile Exchange
NZX: New Zealand Exchange
PDEX: Philippine Dealing & Exchange Corp.
PDST-F: Calculated average of the best 60% of bids
posted by designated market-making banks at
11:15am daily
PDST-R2: Calculated weighted average yields of done
transactions (at least Php 50Mn) from 9:00 am to
4:15 pm or the best firm bid of PDST market-making
banks at 4:16 pm in the absence of done deals.
PSEi: Philippine Stock Exchange Index
ROP: foreign denominated debt issued by the Republic of
the Philippines
S&P/ASX: Australian Stock Exchange index by Standard
& Poor‘s
SE: Stock Exchange
SENSEX: Bombay Exchange Sensitive Index
SET: Stock Exchange of Thailand
TWSE: Taiwan Stock Exchange
UITF: Unit Investment Trust Fund
YoY: year-on-year
YTD: year-to-date