“To INDEX” How to make female consumers your business driver By Helle Katholm Knutsen & Mette Reinhardt Jakobsen To INDEX The Female Benchmark “Chapter1” Stop assuming and start listening Management The Female Benchmark How interaction with female customers can fuel innovation, quality, communication and common sense – for the benefit of all customers. And how to steer clear of roadblocks and stereotypes. “Chapter2” Q8 Gender balanced on the road convenience “Chapter3” Time to meet some new people “Chapter4” FemmeDEN, New York Gender is an integrated part of designing “Chapter5” Female&Interaction project Camilla Jesper Women are your ultimate benchmark DANFOSS “Chapter6” “De selvkørende” 1 Userdriven is a universal demand ”Hvis de bare lader mig være i fred, så skal jeg nok selv finde ud af det. Jeg kan jo betale min egen skat. Jeg kan selv finde en daginstitution. Jo mindre kontakt, jo mindre kø - jo bedre er det for mig.” 2 Camilla og Jesper bor i Lyngby tæt ved København. De er 35 og 39 år og har nok at se til med børn og karriere. De har boet sammen i 5 PERSONAS “Chapter7” “Chapter8” år og har for 2 år siden fået lille Storm. Jesper har desuden børnene RealityBITES Christian og Karoline på 11 og 8 år fra sit tidligere ægteskab. De bor halvdelen af tiden hos Jesper og Camilla. No solo segment called women Camilla og Jesper har enwhitegoods travl hverdag. De bruger weekenOn hotels, cars, and også remotes derne på at aftale, hvem der gør hvad. Selv om de har rengøringshjælp og en ung pige, der henter Storm nogle gange hver uge, er det svært at nå det hele. Når de har de store børn, skal de også køres til deres fritidsaktiviteter. Camilla er uddannet civilingeniør og ansat i en privat produktionsvirksomhed som seniorkonsulent. 3 I fritiden ror Camilla kajak og vil tage et instruktørkursus, når Storm er lidt større. Camilla har en hem- • OLD-GERIATRIC melig drøm om at sige sit faste job op og leve af at undervise i kajak. WIDEX “Chapter9” “Chapter10” Siden Jesper blev færdig på Københavns Universitet, har han været • EXPERIENCEDHEARINGAIDUSER WITHHIGH muneDEGREEOFHEARINGAIDACCEPTANCE syd for København. Jesper holder meget af at løbe, hvilket også Mad Marketing ansat i det offentlige. I dag er han chef for miljøområdet i en kom- Share knowledge and qualify discussions Web structured storytelling fits perfect with • NOTACTIVELYINVOLVEDINHEARING the female DNA SITUATIONDECISIONS sluger noget tid. Så de prøver at optimere tiden, hvor de kan. • LOWDEGREEOFHEARINGAID INTERACTION.ONLYMAINTENANCE FOCUS JELD-WEN: Rediscover the sleeping potential of the products “Chapter11” Conclusions “Chapter12” A brand new look at your business Clarais82yearsoldandstilllivesinanapartmentonthemainstreetofasmallertown. The Royal families Clarasubscribestohalfadozenw Chapter1 Chapter1 The Female Benchmark The Female Benchmark We want to help you connect closely and profitably with your current and potential customers. Those who make the difference! Our aim is better, relevant products for everyone, and the beauty of the story is that the sought-after benefits for the leading female consumers are the key to future business for your company Rediscover and celebrate diversity The world’s biggest market opportunity, the female consumer as a demanding, inspiring driver in all kinds of product areas, is wildly underserved! That was breaking news 15 years ago when Faith Popcorn launched ”Eveolution”. She caused quite a buzz, but as it turned out, not a corresponding amount of actual business change. So the potential is still fresh and fertile. A big hurdle remains though: too many managers, product developers and marketing people think they already know how to reach the female consumer without ever having taken the time and effort to get to know her real life and wishes. There’s a lot of wishful thinking and awkward pinking going on. The good news is that there is available research and experiences out there and in our book, ready to show how to make a strategic female benchmark lead you to better business. “To INDEX” move market shares, you need to know how to connect with the female market driver. Once and for all: talking about user-driven innovation without having an intimate knowledge of half of your customers has to end. Another piece of reassuring news to those of you who have been reluctant to dig into the gender issue on a commercial basis is that it can be done intelligently, without hurting anybody’s feelings. You can let the female demands and desires lead you and at the same time include and actually please the men, if you get it right. It’s about taking gender seriously without judgement. Talking about gender with the potential and promise it offers, yet without all the emotional baggage. It’s still, to many people, a touchy subject - and they tend to be either too uncomfortable or too over-heated to talk about it smartly. Time to put the worries away and start working. Time to stop ”handling the diversity problem” and start harvesting the proven potential. And in case you forgot: on average 80 % of all decisions, when it comes to buying consumer goods globally are made or heavily influenced by women. This fact was established once again during The Female Interaction Project, a recent, comprehensive research into female users of technological products, included in the book. Combine that knowledge with the fact that a substantial majority of product developers are males and not even close to the average male user, but positioned remotely, at the very systematic and feature-loving end of the gender scale. Then you can imagine the challenge. The latter, however, is not necessarily an insurmountable problem as it seems that everybody can learn how to put him or herself out of the equation if they are told and inspired to do so. That goes for marketing people too. Forget about shrinking and pinking Finally beyond nice to know For more than 30 years western culTime has come to move beyond fluffy tures have been obsessed with making talk and nice-to-know predictions about Facts about female consumers and feamales and females more alike. Now the womenomics. To move from bias to in- ture-loving engineers time has come to rediscover and celenovation, using gender as a ressource. We’ve found all the good advice and brate diversity and thus gender differTo release business opportunities and methods, you need to get started. ences. First and foremost: the female Photography credit: the courtesy of Smart Design Stop assuming and start listening Chapter1 The Female Benchmark A proven way to rediscover and release your business potential “To INDEX” tures and also about the real age of the most interesting customers. There are several points of interest when it comes to womenomics/sheconomy. This book is about business opportunities. There are high-risc loving women and safety-hungering men out there. This book sees gender as a continuum and is about most women and most men most of the time. It is very important to stress, that the gender aspect is not a matter of ability, but a difference in motivation. Men and women differ in their perception of what matters in life, and male and female differences do not only relate to what they can do respectively - but what they LIKE to do, given the freedom to do so. There are people who seriously believe that you can make male engineers, management and marketing experts think like a woman. This book demonstrates that you can come a long way by making them stop thinking and stop assuming for at Stop assuming and start listening There are several diversity factors, like while and start listening to real life conage, culture, ethnicity and sub cultures, sumers. There are embarrassing examples of that are relevant from a business point shrinking and pinking out there, and of view. This book is about gender across cul- we can’t help mentioning a few, but consumer is conscious, demanding and picky and will not be fed with products added with girlish colours or decorative details. So forget about shrinking, pinking and dumbing down. We are about to see diversity thinking bring thoughtful and deep innovation to an industry steeped in tradition and struggling to maintain competetive advantage. And you are about to rediscover your products all over again by seeing them through a female lens. The crisis has changed consumer behavior, and some of the changes, like the increasing focus on lasting qualities, fits perfectly with the environmental agenda which is going to last forever. This change is led by female consumers. In order to meet these users’ requirements you need to know them well and to share their pleasant and, more important, not so pleasant experiences with your products. “Rediscover and celebrate diversity” this book is about letting female consumers inspire and drive you to create products, services and communication, that genuinely appeal to both men and women. Sometimes for very different reasons. “Dig down for a quick recap on sex and gender differences.” Can you combine the wishes of men and women in your product? When you think about it, it’s not that easy to find 5-10 products that are only for men or only for women, and it’s going to get harder every year from now on, because the lives and roles of men and women are overlapping. Mascara? No. Manicure? No. Soccer boots? No. Expensive wines? No. Baby strollers? No. Cigars? No. Extremely expensive cars? No. Pensions and private banking? No. Try for yourself. There are lots of product areas, though, in which one ”size” does not at all fit both genders. Some are well known, like clothing, watches, hairdressing and jewellery. Among others there is still lots of room for improvement: Sports equipment, back packs, medicine and health care, dentist drills, hearing aids, seat belts etcetera. “Stop assuming and start listening” “The sleeping potential of your product” “What we call “the social proof”” “a solo segment named women doesn’t exist.” The sleeping potential of your product Chapter1 The Female Benchmark Changing your perception of what your product can do for the actual customer But in many, many more product areas you need to and you could (if you would) cover the wishes of peer men and women in one product/service. Think cars, electronics, including navigation and safety systems, travel, hotels, shops, robots for the home, furniture and whitegoods for singles, kitchen appliances in general, insurance, vacuum cleaners, doors, real estate, safety, DIY. And most likely, your line of business too. The sleeping potential of your product From the childhood of consumerism products for both genders have been invented and designed by men. With men in mind. Playful enthusiasm for technical conquests have resulted in products like remote controls, that at least half of the users have come to consider as a necessary evil, which comes with a 50 pages “quick start manual”. It’s time to understand that changing this way of thinking could be great for female as well as modern male users, but gender is not understood by just being a man or a woman. One of the problems for brands and businesses these days is the sea of sameness. You could say, we have innovated “To INDEX” ourselves to death – but only when it comes to an ever increasing amount of similar products with more ”horsepower”, expressed in functions, that you either don’t need or can’t operate or both. Where do we go from here? Where will brands find inspiration to stand out in the shops and on their websites – and blend into real people’s lives with relevant benefits? The answer is obvious, and the cases of the book show, that it can be done. To help you start thinking about the potential, imagine a door for your house. You can focus on its thickness, the features of materials and locks, the brutality of the burglar, the size and and the price, and you can forget about the emotional aspects and the environmental/green issues – or you can dig into the female points of interest. This is what one of our case companies, JELD-WEN did. And suddenly they were much more concerned with issues like how well do these doors protect the female customer and her family? In which situations of her every day life does the door play an important role? Sometimes it’s not about starting from scratch – but just a matter of “Rediscover and celebrate diversity” changing your perception of what your product can do for the actual customer - and telling other stories about it. It’s about rediscovering a sleeping potential in your product. Might take a while to make the internal change happen, but Danish Professor in Economy & Management, Anders Drejer, has some efficient advice about that in a comprehensive interview about moving management strategy by focusing on female values and showing some courage. Break free of gender bias Of course there is Apple. No need to describe that case. You probably live with it anyway. As simple as it seems, it’s obviously a complicated elixir to copy. Otherwise the global pet wouldn’t have been able to remain untouchable in spite of a reputation, which is certainly not unblemished. Diversity is in the very DNA of Apple, and the success just goes to show, how far diversity can take you, if you get the values right and stick to them. In the U.S. most companies are aware of diversity as a ressource. In Europe, where equality is considered obvious, we tend sometimes to find it hard to talk about differences, “Stop assuming and start listening” “The sleeping potential of your product” “What we call “the social proof”” “a solo segment named women doesn’t exist.” a solo segment named women doesn’t exist. Chapter1 The Female Benchmark Break free of gender bias: Celebrating diversity is closely linked to global business in the years to come. “To INDEX” gendered focus is a key ingredient in all areas of high quality research. The Female Interaction project included three case companies: GN Netcom, Bang & Olufsen and Danfoss and the development of real prototypes. In the book you find a Danfoss-interview that shows how fast and rather dramatically you can start redirecting a supertanker, if you get top down back up. The project also showed that real life No high quality research without users and studies might be a bit of a the gendered focus Let’s give you a few interesting details wake up call for designers and marketfrom the brand new cases and findings, ing people, who sometimes tend to put you are going to get to know from read- too much wishful thinking into the picture of the potential customer. Some ing the book: One of the many findings from de- of them might even think, that women sign-people’s Female Interaction pro- 18+ can be a target group. ject (which proved that easy operation beats aesthetics) was that the major A refreshingly new starting point benefit experienced by women when Professor Anders Drejer states that using a cell phone is a feeling of safe- a great deal of current management ty. That finding alone could provide strategies are created from male values, brands with an interesting innovation and that there is a direct correlation between values and behaviour. potential Lots of money is wasted on informaAt almost the same time as design-people launched their Female Interaction tion that you are already aware of. In stead the professor recommends research results, the Clayman Institute at Stanford University and the German that you investigate customer-segments research institution Fraunhofer (with a that you don’t know – and women might 1.7 billion Euros budget) stated that a be a refreshing place to start. not only as a political issue but as a business potential. You need an open mind, a business attitude and to break free of gender bias – and sorry to say that you can’t just pick one of them. The will to accomodate and appreciate diversity is closely linked to business (as well as politics) in the years to come. “Rediscover and celebrate diversity” This means that you need to ask her and meet her at all levels of your company - and consider your new target group highly competent. ”Humans are conservative by nature so you’ll need to use some force, if you want new things to happen”, says Drejer and ads: ”It’s a traditional male way of thinking to say ”you can get what we have”. It’s a market perception going all the way back to Fordism”. No such thing as a segment named women In the chapter about successfully implemented user research you can read about why the concept of personas is key to bashing the stereotypes! Personas have a very high communicative power, and they really help to realize that a solo segment named women doesn’t exist. The young designer or marketing guy might prefer to imagine miss 17 years old Mary as a target, but if 50+ years old Karen is the relevant customer with enough money to buy (your climate system or expensive bed or exclusive travel experience), you’d better get to enjoy spending time in her company. We bring you a case-story from Danish hearing-aid manufacturer, Widex, “Stop assuming and start listening” “The sleeping potential of your product” “What we call “the social proof”” “a solo segment named women doesn’t exist.” What we call “the social proof” Chapter1 The Female Benchmark Bridge the gap between assumptions and realities about modern-day women - and men a company that applied the personas method to their R&D work, and thereby opened the doors to a whole new understanding of what both male and female clients actually are searching for. An understanding that has been shared thoughout the company and still creates surprises. Technology needs to warm up The New York based Smart Design includes a group of specialists, who make sure that the female voice is heard loud and clear in the development projects. The group femmeDen was founded to bridge the gap between assumptions and realities about modern-day women. Whitney Hopkins from femmeDen shares with us a lot of useful advice and cases to show, how the female consumer’s points of view and motives inspire new ways of thinking. Hopkins says: ”The lack of recognition that women are not just one small, united group, leads to designs that do not excite the majority of women, A teenager and a working mom are not similar customers”. She adds: ”Technology needs to warm up to become more human”. So far facts tell us that 50 % of women as “To INDEX” opposed to 37 % of men are seriously interested in living with tecnical systems and helpers in their homes. Hopkins also adresses the change of gender roles which can turn out to be a dangerous trap: ”Gender encapsulates the political/cultural views of how a man or a woman should act, whereas sex expresses the biological differences. This has shifted greatly over time. What is acceptable for me, as a gen-X woman, is completely different, from what was acceptable for my grandmother and even my mother. The acceptance for women to do things that were once considered male only, has been a large generational shift. We are starting to see a similar shift for men, where activities like taking care of the home and the children are now considered perfectly normal. The cultural landscape dictating gender expectations is narrowing and becoming more subtle”. The femmeDen case will teach you to identify the roadblocks holding businesses from reaching and connceting with the female market – and show you ways of removing them and releasing the potential. “Rediscover and celebrate diversity” From mad marketing to social media Amanda Stevens (Australian) and Thomas Jordan (American) are the M2W (marketing to women) experts, we have chosen to highlight the answers to three interesting questions: Who on earth do advertising people in general think they are appealing to, and how far are we from the days of Mad Men? How does the rise and impact of social media fit with the ever increasing buying power of women – and how is it changing the business agenda? And which female target group will control the global spending power over the next few decades? Prepare for a few surprises. As far as the first question is concerned, probably the misery starts with two assumptions: there is no interesting news/relevant benefit in the product – and men and women view advertising in the same way. The first might unfortunately be true, but the second is definately wrong. Amanda Stevens states that:”An incredibly efficient way of sharing stories with women is that of testemonials. What we call “the social proof”. The “Stop assuming and start listening” “The sleeping potential of your product” “What we call “the social proof”” “a solo segment named women doesn’t exist.” “To INDEX” Chapter1 The Female Benchmark Women trust women to recommend products over all other forms of media success, however, depends on your ability to find out, who your customers find sympathetic and trustworthy.” Anyway; women trust women to recommend products over all other forms of media, according to Amanda and Tom. And note this piece of advice if you haven’t thought about it: there is an entire wave of opportunity for entrepreneurs, developing and designing for the single-person household of all ages. power of womenomics: ”The customer is not a moron, she is your wife!” Even if that is a sort of progress in understanding, it can be a really bad idea to think that all women are like your wife – which is why you need to get to know other women too. As customers that is. Reality bites The book includes four stories from the real lives of the authors to make you start imagining how the reality of female consumers is full of innovation potential. The areas are hotels, whitegoods, electronics and cars. Car design and dealerships are obvious areas where the learnings could make a world of difference. Never the less the mascot we have chosen is the MINI, a great example of transparent design that appeals to men as well as women for different reasons. And a final word of warning to our male readers: An advertising guru, David Ogilvy, once said about the lack of understanding when it comes to the “Rediscover and celebrate diversity” “Stop assuming and start listening” “The sleeping potential of your product” “What we call “the social proof”” “a solo segment named women doesn’t exist.” Dig down for a quick recap on sex and gender differences. Chapter1 The Female Benchmark DIGDOWN: a quick recap on sex and gender differences “To INDEX” Sex differences are biological, whereas gender differences include environmental influence/cultural socializing. There is not one brain area in the female or the male brain that is totally alike, and the male brain is 10 % bigger than the female brain. All the differences in behavior and motivation are due to one hormone; testosterone. Everybody is conceived without it, but at the age of around six months, some fetuses get a shot of testosterone, and they turn out to be boys. Already from the age of 6-9 months girls and boys show very differerent playing behavior. And if you find it hard to believe that these differences should have anything to do with biology, male and female rhesus monkeys do the same. Among the differences are also, that the females speak before and more than the boys. Puberty is the next time when the boys have a shot, and while they cry as much and for the same reasons as the girls until that age, this is what makes them change. Girls and women cry because of troubles, boys and men for sentimental reasons. Get the feeling However women are not – as earlier research has suggested – better at reading emotions from face expressions. Men actually do a bit better when it comes to anger-reading. Some feelings like joy, embarrasment, sadness, and fear are mostly linked to women, whereas anger, contempt, and pride tend to be more linked to men. But the difference has more to do with the way the emotions are expressed then the actual experinence of them. And men are indisputably superior, when it comes to risc taking. This is the reason, why men are impulse buyers, and lightly clothed women in ads really do bust this behavior. As far as aggression and social behavoir is concerned, the key to understanding the differences, is to focus on THE WAY the two genders act. For instance females prefer very close relations, while men prefer more loose ones. Normal distribution Let’s just repeat: The abilities and intelligence of women and men are the same. The interests, the motives and the priorities are not. For most of them most of the time. When you work with these scientific truths, remember that they express a normal distribution. This means that even if you happen to know one or two women or men who do NOT fit into this picture, this does NOT affect the scientific studies, and your friends are ok, even if they are not in the middle of the normal distribution. Also remember that just because you are a women, you do not understand what all other women want. It is very important to us to stress that the gender aspect is not a matter of ability, but a difference in motivation. Men and women differ in their perception of what matters in life. Male and female differences (as they are considered in this book and in the Female Interaction research project described later) do not only relate to differences in what they CAN do respectively – but what they LIKE to do, given the freedom to do so. If you want to know more, check out the work of Lone Frank, author and science journalist, www.lonefrank.dk. and our list of litterature. “To INDEX” The authors Helle Katholm Knutsen Editor in Chief of Detail on Retail (www.detailonretail.com). Board member in Living Institute, a company dealing with the potential of diversity. Advisory board member in design-people and the research project Female interaction (www.femaleinteraction.com). Author of several books, among which was the first non-American book about the business potential of knowing your female customer. (Kig dine kvindelige kunder i kortene). Consultant within womenomics, public relations, communication, retail innovation and brand values. Co-founder of The Skandinavian Design College and earlier Public Relations director at Bang & Olufsen. Lives and works in Denmark and France. Mette Reinhardt Jakobsen Communications Consultant & Market Research expert. Currently working in Danish media agency Periskop (www.periskop.dk), producing magazines and podcasts on global consumer trends, management and business topics. Customer intelligence consultant in the research project Female Interaction (www.femaleinteraction.com). Author of two Danish textbooks on qualitative methodologies (Fokusgrupper for begyndere & Brugbar brugerinddragelse) and co-author of Guidebook to a Female Interaction strategy. External lecturer in Audience Research at Danish School of Journalism. Master of Arts in French & Media Studies from University of Aarhus, Denmark & Higher National Diploma in Journalism from Danish School of Journalism. Graphic design Lars Koefoed Eminent [email protected] Buy the book Email to: [email protected] or [email protected] Price: DKK 249,- / US$ 45,- / € 35,-
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