;Cochran Chapel Stra' W ith h-nvei rn-Je will begin- at 11:00. au, craadAare O'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ha ra --S how - begins; at 7: 30. beinsat1100.___ dil bplicatio 'Su- .W- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will'-be "BIuffalo Bill," ta:'-. Minister of Phillips~ Academy. --The service Year oi Saturday'esi G. W The speaker In Chapel next $uilday will be the Rev. A. Gra- at___7__1 __5__ - & SullyvEtbihd17 Etbihd17 Abbot )r the la big 4isa "ol LXIX, No. 2 io, reme PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., SEPTEMBER 27, 1944 'Prive Ten Cents Penzane on an n now nstutr.FV E bue 3uld be. WItt wl acli ack ssary nts fo t riter-i ttive r Although the Honor Roll -dalthose who wish to heelRa flag uated from P. A. in 1930. William hanging in the George Washington David Rees. a Second Lieutenant bear's ;Auditorium gold~inrtheeA.fA. F.,rwasna'membereo fifty-two Inrplacff ayonne, N. J., G. Co S. Banta ofI when his ship was toi-pedoed and Maribn Malcolm, J.. of the cass attended New; sunk off the New England cast on Of 1942. perished ll b i eaC r toseCam in an aplane t e -S 0d teFrEs -S TER Equi IL a o Deadline For Shots Set For October 2 the Coir' and Glee clubs, and the Adsn r Gley nB Tennis team. Walter Harris Rich- Oct. 2, the P. A. Camera Club will beginaits ii'clphotofcontest fathekilled.in ardsoitsfirtclass oftet1ft36.egewasolkilledswtcinan airplane crash at a camp. in yerSosedb th AtD---. oral .. ' -rt~~iowPniiywanta 'as on the staff of St. Paul's School in Concord, N. H., where Laru taught e befoire coming here as newr member Bitinh of art A new of themember S meathereof atHealth P. A. is PivteBrwngrd-did n n irlae rah ~O 'i eri.M.BnasnxtoiinSouthwvest Pacific aea. on Decem- hers of the Camera club, the best. . 1942. Colonel Riggs was a of their abilities in taking human of P. A. 12. Lt. Chai-les intetest pictures. According to te Snow Burns. a Bomber Pilot in the rls opitoe-fv ysv-~- . A. A. F.. died of injur-ies received ininches will be accepted. The dead- -aiI Iember ConcertmForle Concert For accident near' Syra- line for' all pictures Ohio A enge instructor at M- and Mr. Howes, l CECIL B. BROWN DIRECITS, EBP.A. BANN- AG'A IN ad swimming program for Bridge- ever assembled. An ambitious year teams. S. of L.. and the P. A. Police, port and vicinity, and later he be- has been planned by Dr. Pfatteicher He was also a Student Deacon foi'r ad.mrfactive adsote nid aut dvsro h Mrub lb graduated from the fipeld the Neapek After he felt he had had enough DAV ID SC H I N--`-' rER and expeirience he sailed to Europe as - is Monday. nt State of reortedalfor hedreprtend for arth NeakLdran te New Yot-k American. In 1933 he edited a Prescott, Arizona aper. .amon cse. A .St ee . N. Y.. onJuly 19 of this year. October 2. tDBrnegrduaedpna941rFist ~~~~~~~~ Lieiitenant Thomas Kelley B , iowinignheesotchsn Mr. Frank A. Brittinghiam of iaconnF'neby popular ballot, w~ill be put on Tuckahoe, N. Y. He is a graduate '3 a klldinacin n rnc' sepai'ate exhibition and the winning of Fairfield High School and Richara tarke eads on August 21, 1944. Calvin Buriows. final will be blown up to three by -~ ~~ ~~~~~b of the class of 1943, was in the SprngfeldColeg, werehe eAroeDisonfthU...Hefive feet and sent on with theN tJ~I ceived his B. S. degree n 1937. In InA btosSa n . . . traveling American Sna~pshoL oAR F airfield, Conn., Mr. BrittinghiamInA btosSa n was killed in action, pobably in The winner willrieceive as apizeI -LA worked as assistant in physical Boasting its biggest enrollment Normandy, on June 13, 1944. While his enlarged print. eduationat the Unguava, School. since t has been founded, the Glee at P. A., he was a member of K. 0 in the past few - eals the I Alsohethepositon hed asmem-Club this year is expected by.Pres- A., the J. V. an- Varsity football lserof he ed Cre ossto aifsav m dneicmtre ob tebs teams, the J1. V. and Varsttrc Camera Club has become moreI P. n enylanain'ep-m thererine192i. Afternthatnheiquickl therement1in9conjunction bet' m ru n M ber' 14. 1907. He went to Western t ReveClge utwicd o to draw from the thirteen mem- n-heis re- coywhefcua feta oywt pesentation, a factual yet --Bigto, ician~~for aserCops hs significant histoi-icat- event." & Price, also Florida. In He was a member of the I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ls n utI been assigned Hedge to an officer's Flrd.H a ebro h career triigsho ntePbi en ryA'Fre.CrolGowen withuithe raining chool i the Pubic Rela-Army Ai Forces.Carr~llAmerican Snapshot exhibition now egn in13 we hjie h tioris Depai'tment of the Quarter- iRiggs. a colonel in the C. A. P.. alsoeleedtefldojuraim affof the Cranbrook School matrCrsPrvtBow ad ie innaipnecain n h on view at the Gallery. this contest tostin he -clrfIrs-adacuto -Mr. Minard in Charge ve spen ~ awards goodwrte teaching (01 Bnt'sne erot.Mr he ev ceive is one from SigmaL Delta alsoti hi teversa awres from. OHo li h vresPesCu.H als rceve-a ducat ewa Oio b Ui-arifo T rhe ra:"aduation t et obnn -- 'atings for the New York Telehone Co. He then wis employed jy Parker-, Wilder & Co. of New i iyadltra tts came'hwimming dH elaothseprecsteeAmore ~rpriga ci-ash o tside of Holyoke, Mass. \te last May 27. He was on the J N" and Varsity football squads hete it Andovei'. and was also a Memnber of Varsity swimMing, the Riveters icjufrHdgstrie eyv York. His elaothseprecstee n I Prop. 1~igh ave Scool. Follwing hisApi'il 15, 1942. At P. A. he was a raduation, he studied at Yale mnember' of the Dramatic Club and niverstiy where he received his onl -Varsity track. Alfred White S. degree in 1923. Mr. Banta has Painelt',0, was a Lieutenant in the ~,orked on commercial surveys and IT "S N R serving in the Atlantic altoaid the destroyei' escort Chase. Pvt. Roger- Dudley Brown, A u. S. died of pneumonia at statis~~~amp Lee, Va. on Mar-ch 27. 1944. He hadl n teFrEs Large Musical Club QIETC T ud "'This War and the Peace: H-ow Can We Win Both ? is the topic of Cecil B. Brown's speech in George Washington Hall at 8 :15 next Tuesday. He will analyze the situation in Instructor in Mathematics. rs T oi stars in commemoration of P. A. the class of 1940. He was killed in! The meeting-will take place in In Field of Teaching mren who have died in action, it the European area on March 5), 'the library basement, Eleven new masters have been lacks thirteen stars for the most 1944 and posthumously awarded the! Mr. Cornelius rying ryin PHILLIPIAN and of the heelers . vho retired or left here at the sprig-k.killed when he suffered a gunshot lose inJune.Richard f schol Traill Chapin. of-th&'iwound at Fort Bragg,N. C., on May lose of44scheol inu June. class of 1931. was a member of the 9 94 gaiae rmA-mAnMr. Cornelius G~~~~. S. . . Coa Guard. He was4s lost dover' in 1936. Lieutenant Talbot 8059 B r ws i News Correspondent Highly Praisedpfor Stryron 'Repulse cadem rderto -- to-Br night, there will be meeting O the Editorial Board of The ppointed to the Facult yof Phillipsi1 recent deaths. This is an increase Purple Heart. First Lieutenant cadey orer i o rplae toseof eighteen over the total of last George Thomas Land. 'EL S. A,was' RVICE How To VVin Peace Phillipion Meeting Immediately after suppei nRadio it. Preps are invited, particularly teuprtrecass fM sesIfor Records of Masters Show 'Wide Training asulbee ret. OFLG --~Lose Lives In All Theatres of World War Action Reod Puncha hasldbee xrge of a DE IVENWSASADDT hisear Y the girl will pro also aG As usu TR LG Fau TTAL KILLED IN WAR NOW 65 p~~~~in'F cutl is-erAlumni,In--Army; NavY71Cod~t Guard, Air' Corps, 1 pdrmissrucItors G 3 ' Forty Returning Men Aided By IMany Preps Promises Good Music re-ac eotr aiu r tidles of hisaswerepublished in such nagazines Colliei's and Life In July 1938 he joined the CBS staff at Rome.- At the start of the war he coyei'ed the Balkans. He barely escpdutfYgslvarmth Germans. He reportied on the invaino-rt n hnteEg Ilish push into Lybia. Fr'om there he was to Singapiore7_Ti-ee wastransfer-red no short wave for him to broadcast over, but shoirtly he was offered a trip the most imPor-,two years and Head Student Dea- gave an seriesofrapicutaedhniqe. Thisdt ye the scfhoo b in is fRepuse An day ork solaere poorpi ehiu.pce ob n ftebs nhsfinsi e okwr -ittinghiam and-their --daughterprep shool-concert in Jordan or nette De- Ja-raette, a rnember~of-t th itiosear bhes c ontes-t and ex_yer bthnqutiyadaadto-ecvearsacea. will on lve umbaron stret inSWphony Hall in Boston. thetore clube hopes tosribngnhe inwill on DPresdentararke live wlcomesalln.take I class of '42. downed on July 8. some project, such as Va ihiuaiitions qaiyTh i'proewI beab f o-hi h escribng the srinkAndover.Pesdn Strewlo sal 1944 i he- Admiralty Islands in photographic calendar or picture considerably larger than last year's. ii fteRpleadtePic II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~new men, numbering around 150, the South Pacific. De Jarnette was of Wales. He has been praised for Mr. Joseph R. W. Dodge heartily. Of these many good solo on the Editorial Boards of the screen made up of montages. i For those wvho can play, but who this single scoop more than for Living at Draper Cottage, this voices have been founa which W PHILLIPIAN, Pot Pnirri. and Mir' Aside from these Projects, the have tio instruments, the band wns any other~story. year is Mr.-Joseph R.. W. Dodge Of-liave to replace those of Ben Brew- irort, and was a ember of the Choir tweleigbodwho attenfed their a age number of peewih H iltyt esaehsls ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~meii, infe may be lent who need tenet's not to gain comfort in dis-Asbury Park, N. J. Before grad ster, Fred Pratt and Pete Sevens. and Glee I~club intentions toody take pictures for hithe tei mn to the hs boysntuet achsaotteeeyswa uating fi'om Dickinson College, The most impor-tant event thism mn teeisrmns ace bu teeeyswa where he received his Ph. B. in year will be the concert-in' Boston. eoi iuean tee'c hilpa neh PtPur.Wt a a few tt'ombones. two bass moi ale. He will try to show that 1931, he did work at Rutgers Uni- About other prep schools includ- Stevens, Roe was killed in, acti of the-niew equipimenit to be'added to horns, a baritone hor'n, a French the situation in the Pacific is not versity. Mr. Dodge also studied at lag xeter, have been asked to at- on July 28. 1944 neat- Myitkayiana. the dai'kroom soon, the. Club looks hdrn, a flute, a picolo, a glock- good, but that since the arrival of Harvard and Columbia, where he tend and plans are now being made Continued on Page 4 fot'wat'd t a busy year. inspul, and a baritone saxophone. MacArthur he has been full of hope earned his A. M. in 1937. Befcdre for it by Dr. Pfatteicher and heads The band had its first rehearsal and coiifidence. He is a man who i'eceiving this degre-e he- taught at of the different schools' musical * *, * yestet-day; its second will be to- seems to know where o be to find on Point, Re, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. taut event of-which will be a 6 or con in his Senior year. James Bar-.trso dt( i I ich tcle nF iarr morriow, on the gr'ound floor of r Glee Club assist4dŽ-dby t'hosS ofi IA. marching practice Governor- Dummer, Walnut Hill, D evices N4ow A t A...rt f~Iplans Ga llery eatly, soto asstartto make a good show- the Kiskiminetas Springs School, clubs.- The;7-idea fo~.n,,his concert and in 1938 he joined the staff o the New Canaan Country School, where he has been until his apPointment originated last year-~henifh P A ;rda ' D i p a"f'l Peabody House. Leader Schine and Hall Dana pi'esented a Mothei-'s, "Byone oment here. Day concert inSadr theatre at BgneD-s Mr.ibson~ Alexnder D.Hrvard. Te Fhure Requiem"mestic Devices", or "Ingenious Mr AexndrD.Gisw as san. TeFu "qim"Gadgets of a Century Ago," still Andove's newFrenchintsrutorwFo ths i ocetti ea.D.bingsona h AdsnGl is Mr. Alexandre D. Gibson of Lis- Pfatteicher plans to give Men- lery, Mr. Hayes- has succeeded in boa,- N. H. He attended Mclndoe delssohn's famous "Hymn of biitging to the Hill an exhibition Academy in Vermont and the Mt. Praise." Another major achieve- appealing to every age and very ll g inB H eoard vver W LA 'LA udec Iwith liews udy Kitchen devices and far~a implemetits are seldom thought of ais art, but that does not prevent them from being looked at and handled. This is a "touch" exhibition. All' the objects, with the exception of a few under glass, may be picked upl, iyeaed n carefully inspected. prtdanwilbinepeeacodnto frmPnhadaot the odythsbe eevdnx rom Pnchar abou theoperetta. This year's productioi.yould pobably be' Gilbert and Sullivan's "Iolanthe." Puncliard will probably eakdt aetegtl'prs The regular concert schedule is again planned for this year. Starttth egaged in sales promotion work. -inig--with PogerS Nnihl -a w ath4 -r'rblwk asi heAe-end of this teirm, through Walnut Grobleski wa in th Amer-Hill and again Rogers Hall during -lea---Fild Seviceattaced t thethe wintei' term and Dana Hall, ________ itginteExtr ae Tnteehbiin nece are about foity students usedfo has fondtatthsfi-on last year's band who tndr Mr. Hayes hi reurnedtht ype of exhibition, and this one in this year-. There are at last anpaoicuar aruete mo an tpopul-ar oe t pentil mhoembr Lshea' bot sudnttanmtwn-edaongthtpep, a0dthsewh caused the adgets are like toys. interesnt oulas yoear.PabdAnynein tisyar Studeiats have come back to look House. totiot'iowv aftetnoon. This exhibition is made up from again. Mechanically - minded men a variety of sources. It has been on have come several times to see if -m show since July 14, and because 1 they can figure out the unknown APTITUDE TESS of its popularity it will remain here objects. Older people have returned Every member of the school, until October. After- that it will go~to inspect the devices their parincluding day squdents, must top-ovidence. It already has been eats used. take aptitude tests today. wi'itten up in a Boston newspaper,. It the Addison Gallery now. there -ieota h Cg t1:0 and there will be another illus-' is also being shown elected Dilbert The school bell will ring at ti'ated aticle in the Boston Herald caton.Rbt Osbon the itouor Un-N versiy of oulotse. Mr. Harry J. Groblewski Mi'. Har-y J. Groblewski of Ply- Pa.,gi-aduted mout, frm Philips Academy in 1936. Receiving h B. A. fromYale in 190, he did some graduate woi'k before being times called "a nose for news." sme of the uknown objects are DHrmoutShoolGraduat ging to92 Requiem, Yi~ il eante D~armouh. Gadutingin 924 equemthis time Cherubini's. with an A. B. degiee, he studied Mr-. Howes. new assistant to Dr. at Columbia (A. M. 1928). He re- Pfatteichei' is in charge of all light ceived the Certificat from Toulouse music this year. Although none and from the Sorbonne, before do- has as yet been settled upon, selecing further graduate wvork at tiotis fot the musical comedy hits Columbia. M. Gibson has taught "Oklahoma" and "Porgy and Bess"' in Vet-mont, New Yoirk City, and may be attempted as well as some Philadelphlia,and between 1928-29 music by Cole Porter. of the news. He has what is some- - to the English Depatt-adDaaHlpesteaMohrsithExergm.PA _ ator of Dilbert, was an artist and the illustrator of amnumber- of books before joiniing the -Npvy. He was also an instructor in Art at the Hotchkiss School. He created D bert when the Aito 'riig Division of the,,, Navy Bureau of Aeronautics wanted an amusing and I obvious manner of calling attention Visitors are invited to look into the to the, pitfalls of flight training., butter- churn, put the clock-work )ilbert has become to the Navy A roasting spit nto action, set the Force what Sad Sac is to the Army British 8th Army n the Middle Beaver Country Day school andI homemade mousetrap, operate theI Mi'. Osborn has also illustrated sevEast fifeen fi- mnths, nd heBradford Junior College during the for-eruniner of the modern washing eral booklets desciribing facts relaL~~sS. Contlnued-~~~n Page~ utwattietoflig.icagetstatthysenhm Bring two soft pencils and an eraser. Ink and colored pencils no loeis - 0Qo- _not come in athletic clothes. You need not wear a da.IM~iti' -'Although all students will take the same tests the results wilbRnepee codn o the class and age of each tudent. The score is a part of te permanent record and is sg nSiatfr olg d issio anciia ppiain andigtem.naciianmtytolare Atllp A50,000 will be heard over the air. Beginning at 8: 00 . in., November 2, on Station WLAW (680k), the pogramn will continue for 25 weeks. Last year', according to information received from Station WLAW, the Academy Hour had a listening andence of 150,900 Although this is a susanilauincte subscmmttial auiece tohe adiove large oe this year-. This year Mr. Colby once more. the 'hairman of'tecmite The other memibers are Mr. Potter, Msr. Gerasch. Mr. Grew and Mr. h omte ned 'to have a varied progr-am, consisting of the in 1 octet, pei'haps the Iix-eters, dramatic groups, and tereetimnthtwlle otertabertbdainent th ril bre ol iet oo tile air', or who have-suggestions oncerniing the program, Mr. Colby tyby h - HILPA~- Page TwoP hich appeals g a s F oLiteco n r m ite B g O Grow'; Bygone Days A t P. A. to them, and others ai'e known to govern the aptitudes, and since'B too busy with their courses; these use! it is fully developed for measuring purpthe 1:00 to 2:00O period as a-study hour. oses at age twelve, it is considered the Th atr eoh mos imotn No one is marked in an activity no ThePHILIPANis a member of the Columbia Schols By Horace M. Poynter, P. A., 96 Fro _the- score-s made by an indiattendance ever taken or cuts assigned. s well as of the Daily Princetonbar' soit~ tic Prr This article has been prepared by Colonel Poynter note: (Editor's the tests, different the many on They are entirely voluntary, and the Ividual o Assoiotir' Prearatry ShoolPapes The PHILLIPIAN. Mr. Poynter, a member of te of only persons obliged to be regular are type of work for which that individual at the request Editorial Department nstructor in for 42 years, is at resent a faclty Academy VRllips th Editor-in-Chief edtemnd utd-a FREDRICR GSANBORN FREDERIC ihLatin and Greek.) dtrmnu ~ to- ;~ i-bs sied-anb ~ ~ volunteered~wo ave ~ Rtemasters G ~~ complete accuracy. Whether or not the donate their time and experience, *Mdnoging Eeitor This is a factual pcture of Phillips Academy as it wa~ arcm edscesuth reaaina:asiefo JOHN' S SNOOK as a lad I entered in the fall of 1895; it is written with hen Sportstitor ~**ymuvua News E itor tivity affords, and the enjoyment de- ed occupation depends upon his charac- the hope of encouraging each student to acquaint himself C C McCRACKEN G H STERN JR from a favorite-hrobby, there isa ter, but at least he can be forewarned with the history of our great school. "Great oaks fronrf little Photographtc Editor to learn new skills and benefit about his strong and-weak abifi-e. Ex- acorns grow"; the Phillips of today-well, I wonder if young J A LEBENTHALchance from the instruction of experienced perience shows that many psychological Samluel Phillips, Jr., even with his Wide vision of a.-national Asoiae J WVMof fly, 4th D. N Fieic:s its candidates for the base. i-teschool, could possibly have fore- p~ermit aetercause maedsubne fn.Fidlasoatnsare R E. Quaintance, Jr P Het=ler seen in imagination what you lads ball team to practice a it. Atl. terinte md ditracshv Fredlasoitos f. ~hfe R E. C Jordan mongthose sharing common en~hu~i- misuse or neglect of aptitudes. Those now take for granted; his years of letics were not required, but the Jr F Choma, LF Kusche dedtmsforhdwtoucahe while some may even find their whom-Ii-story hs described as' "born" thoueltanplnighv asmns, Business Department and were supported by gifts gat, l)orne fruit abundantly. Do Y ered from the students. Those of us Read history? our to follow in wish fortunate were leaders in their fields life's work- in an undiscovered talent. Business manager Let us salute the supporters f this discovering and using their abilities to "An Old New England School," who ould not "make" the -school OH4N G HOLBROOK by Dr. Fuess, and supple.- teams-we were n hose days not~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~written Associates program, and the masters wo, give'so the best advantage. The conspicuous ment that interesting book by-,a so presumptious as to call thenm Moses AsoitsRC. Jr B Aul freely of their time. To the Camerh Club failures have frequently been so frus- careful study of the remarkable -varsity,, teams-organized street H.L. Page ItWassick. 3d ogtoroneupet onestas hc u rtdi otePit yo R E. Quaintance, J C MGearing, 2d oufunestabugturwnqipn. fields for which tey were constitutionwhc hp;ttePrn-radin unlimited wish w '~e ReWid r off _____ Levn up for the -guidance of his made contributions for heir supWilder SF Levin R you-put m- -port, and had a really good time-in acaemy.l-iv--sure-~If surrenhave they that suited Poorly -WVoodWrks.the to a motor-; Club, ThePHILIPAN s pblihe Wenesaysdurng heing ie emte suggestion into practice, you willcmeiinwt vewer splinters; and to the-Model Rail- dered to despair. - - 'choolyearby The PHILLIPlAN board ad thmn caeml7:4 Morncapel ofal estaisht to tesatsle heo dto all erest, moesteam. t hepot ffceatroaders, -. 1eredasseon cas mttr ~.adw t74 forcaecm salsmn h isclear ldt elight ofteefacts, -In ilndover matis under the act of March 3-1879. that the so-called "aptitude tests" of siwoil and why it has grown great. held in the great room atop the allscorrespondence concerning subscriptions we wish success. dr ,ess Academy building; since this room Struggling School the kind being administrated today are DyHall on te fourth floor, most f s ."wasawy-cmlttesof"piu no r 50 $3 Mail subscription S3 00; -haoo subscription attd. opeetsso ntawy tO ubsribesuatthePegs istrbute The HILLPIANis breathless from our hurried arrived the poorWe found a school with rbtdlesbsrbr AdvrInat the s for n Theos PiLLPA I el certp4fl that-our track osc-flmb. equipment, material of est vo-. extensive an with student A quick their sharpen will students the AnovrIn.ODA-Y, dores otnesarledoe ThemsanHisLP sessed of a nost meagre endow- teams received' their best training cabulary can score twice a Ifigh a hype isa ~ecl n hi ditcesrilycolums(~ oeaits ThemPuILLIPAN5 ILLE . 1ILH . - - -- -rived - - -drew - - Squ Coffuicet ofspublication n Incis tEdtra Townsmnrs Park Street herwtsa ment, and dependent almost corn- from the dash up those three long z r-- he for this year's version of the Apti- student of equal ability but limited vo- pletely o the tuition fee for its flights of stairs six times a week. tudeTests Fromscors mad on hlf acabjilary. Similarly, those handicapped existence, yet rich beyond belief in one custom which with our presSptemer ___pare Mas., 27 1944 Andovr. by writifig difficulties cannot express on its Principal, Dr. Bancroft, and in ent surfeit is no longer possible gave me pleasure. f some visitor, in teirmins-which--its faculty of l'emarkable men, hlisentering liy the geat doors that let paper th huhsAogtenrhsdo ~ Some Play an attempt will be made to meas- are blocked by the hand. The result is stF6,et were the six girab wooden into the room, was an alumnus, Dr. ~~~~~~~~~ion, ~HE WHIMSICAL wisdom of folklore ure each student's intelligence, abilities; too frequently a cockiness for the first lbuildings of Latin Commons; par- Bancroft, who never forgot names enhsalleled on the north side of the or faces, would nod to the President d noplay atall wok Thas i which leaves him bewildered whe hsOld Campus by the English Coin- of the enior.Class and a burst of and aptitudes. tl~~at an no iias it wor different types of exercises ~~~~~ranging from vocabulary to comprehen- dozen Play Some Just what these examinations reveal, makes Jack a dull boy. Many people have owihterslscn had cause to comment on the acuracyradteetn I and the extent to which the results c him-tinothelgnDrprctae Jack including statement, of this o ths bsicbe trusted has been a matter of fierce an -te self rcogitin controversy in educational circles since need for relaxation led to the establishwhichthe first one was introduced. Few people ofthe mentacivitiesprogra rogam wichdisagree that the tests are significant, te mentof ativiies starts ofiilynext Mody ad the hardships tat the - Coin- occasions, were the professors of mon ,boys endured, somehow in the Andover Theological Seminary; The knowledge of one's own abilities and the outlets they demand for release those bare rooms boys eager to their seimons, directed at the six - lnigalearn naubei is- obiul su Wehralwmifk-indicates u vocabulary is of no use, and an inferi- mons--five in number, for a gen- applause would break out, continue donor had paid for the erec- inig until a startled and pleased hc erouso-the t-crpe--r--h--lte sea legat Draerrcotagealumnsthadreacedchi y- -complexion iset eced lu uswas ad on Suntwice required Church tell you to I think, while, worth it's and himself in faith to lose causes him nrr a;te'rahrsv lisfrdsietedsofr o become a total loss. s~h is obviouly invaluble in plnning a Monday. low bt W~ethera officially or-fatignie-ha;s DL• been satisfac- course of study findh determining an ocUntil a few years ago, there were cupation. It also restores hope to those few school organizations designed for torily proved in all cases. o soe ncnvninl Duigtiuciniinrinthcyosate'db no left the hobbyist, and the curriculy~m ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~Ec time in its schedule even for establsihed much has been discovered by the use of tests. Since aptitudes do not change, groups such as Philo, the publications, the scientific method, it was inevitable each student would need to take a scithe Society of Inquiry, and their..... that such an effective discipline should entific aptitude examination only once e appliedi to new fields. From the field at any time during high school or colof matrbwre a group stdernstandnttos tgete ond a newuidea asplan orkset- of psychology there has sprung a body lege, although it would be most useful tirig aside a regular period each day for of knowledge which increasingly threat- at an early age. From the results, the to overshadow the parent, and with- school would have-an indisputable-rec~~~ens -pidity -~ -.. . . . t-he-pursu_1it--of a-ny- nterest an ldividual- --- a dead wil reevhh or eight "theologs" attending_ the services-most were out-of-town to Preach at country churches-were long and not always edifying to remember one IP.A. students; of the Commons buildings!I memorable effort, one hour and was three storied,--two suites on' forty-five minutes, on the subject. each--4loor, study and two bedrooms. "The Tripartite Nature of God." No furniture of any sort was sup- *'Theni days is gone forever." plied. each occupant bought his' own, and you may lie sure it ws scat; eveii te stove had to roomer; et Y A rate drabvidualreedois'tit weAlodtheda pcte,-sou i. never understood how 'The school with its small faculty- -some-of-thean--eld-toget-her1--water4 tw-elv, as TtecalIr. br-ffVe-hun red to lbe fetched from a well sonnel boys-of course granted a rather fasuetsptnilteoeIad r ainlrc did earn-and out of gratitde to Phillips for their opportunity, have made possible all the beauty, the comfort, and the oppor Ec which you now enjoy. n oetaiis tdn' e-odo ilrcietentoa might enjoy. With this purpose, the ac- tradcd ognition it deserves. This knowledge has which would provide a wealth-of exact its incetion. ~been gathered by various human en- detail that the present system cannot tivities hadprogram Today, there is such a variety of gineering laboratories with an increas- measure. Surely such a method is worth clubs and enthusiasts that few students distance away. Im sure that if great freedom to the individual; cleanliness is next to godliness, one had to develop his own reliance own initiative; we had, at least in winter, few o self and h righteous. Ashes went out the-back Ihobby clubs of all sorts played a much as pop bottles do large part 'Jin our lives and thele today from dormitory rooms or was ample room for them, for the _________________tiown the cellar stairs. Why no fres schedule of recitations called -for resulted is a question that cannot sixteen hours a week; there was - .window ingndisptablefact.investigating.boy of By various tests, a minority of which a somthin for willbe lss ta fin aet natmti their leisure hours~_ Shooters, model- aewitn makers, linguists, readers, authors, muswic'haeMost isoutea leattd. sicaii,cietissnature-lovers, artists, actors, carpenters, are these isolated. far been soAmong and stenographers ) ~ ~ ~ ~ nwrd'li~efrdbtnfrraig, of the 'school lived in pri- for any undertaking that caught a Most of the school houses scattered all over the b)oy's fancy. there was no dining hall; grew strong under these con~~~~~~~~~~~~~towli; ~'ate aste in half a dozen boarding ditions; but there were enough who steubo)ys BuflBi"Coysie tweezer dexterity or the catotheirlikin. Infinger and will ind ativites and theirei food fotheirusdfreedomre pmisused Bllhouse'slfwhosethpriceshofor, "Bufalo wit or wrk fr to teirmanal liing. wor pacties fnd n acivitie will a cnsequence n gave and leisure Commons those but greatly, a varied Purely film. night's of Saturday ject wit dsoreor work maua i forh their favorite avocations, they -can find ptis years took it Phillips; to name as bad jobs have pi-biographical movie, "Buffalo Bill" stars ' boys who did not esaefor a while-from the pressure of- 'no awy conieacutng McCrea and Mau- waiters in the more expensive under Dr. Stearns' brilliant and not always cincide; accounting ap~i-Joel school life. Places had to eat in-one of three or undet-standing leadership to wipe of a deftness in the manipulation ~~~~~~~tude, school life. reen O'Hara in a mixture fonli' places, and these were hot al- out-that i'eputation.emramnfsa By s etting aside definite quarters-ubr;nme wsi h casom ht h anuchasing equipment, the schoolI Itwsiteclsomtatte thanthe more charge to lowed adventure West of-Wild inducmind; photographic the of tion fe enbephedfeenulbrt asd an rodeo how buinessdollars a week; rental of half a inspiration came. Under the scholar. diffeent th ofer clus to has enaled S uite in Commons was three dollars ly dire~tion of Stowe, Forbes, Forean oe hwbsn goup as a than ayindividu L lie-esonling,, oi%the ability to sense a more man, Graham, Benner, then young with buckskin, a term,. iff rentsprinkled any commn aong unty niyamn mnIdfern might be able to buy and own or his como there unrolled before us an No Librarymen, creativeimagination, a few thousand ylling objects; a s Thea fewlthousandstyellingesNofiLibrary own pleasure, Thus the Camera Club ojcscraiemgntoasurfeit n f"fehfed it th2urii save no library, Indians, tchnicolorand lovTheewas discrimin-Inistciolradlve pitch concepts; and ideas has hotgrahicsuplie suficentfofof us to held new"; -they lpastuies to uncle belonged that had ~~~~~~~~~~~~~books supplies sufficient jor has photographic to wide us they led standards, rigid in kept were these Taylor; is aM kled "uflBi"camsh measure which memory, tonal and ation can Club Printing the a professional; msica alilit; oservtio; meoryfirst Indian at eleven, and continued locked cases in a locked room of i-eading along many lines and often orkwortyte o anypres; turnout theirmusicalfoabiliy; obervtionprl; emor with some fervor until the government the academy building; so were not suipplied from their own libraries wory ofinypes tuouwork easily accessible,,evennhaddweetheebooksstheyym'ecommended. appraisal; and in their pride proportion design; power fortake Woodworkers and the Model Railroaders structural visualization, the capacity for frowned on such things. During the pe- wished to read the rather ponder- classes were large, often forty' or prouction.Fortu-seeingmany objects in -a simple design. niod when "Go West,-Younrg Man" was ous tomes. There was no infirmary more boys; one had to be alert or lay mss trak by the impetus behind the rocketing West- for the sick, and the few who fell fall behind and the discipline was es nw n otee oruiseeingadto elasuticnd progams laty the ill hlad to depend for food on a kind- quick to fall where needed. Most now admas n adiiontothee s nd eastc iprgrm natlyth 'y ippe dto encourage any new organii- urable a~itudes, the laboratories give ward expansion, Cody killed -countless ly roommate; fortunately there of us reared under the tutehage of %vocabulary tests and personality tests. buffaloes, finding their hides and meat were not many who were so un- those great teachers recall them za tion by gvnitagostrwthhe eeecwt n w wt hand in-t has been proved that vocabularyi more valuable than Indian scalps. He lucky o giingipace, maters, a Bulfinch Hall, now the isolationgatudadanbingfeco: an aptitude and that its possesinmet and married a girl at this time -andin-not aterals spae, necesar for the English Department, ' Despite all its conditions it was' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ward session structors. machines; When activities there'occur several excellent lovese- once the academy's recitation hall, a wonderful school for the lad who were 'first intro- is not an indication of basic intelligenc duced, some students misinterpreted~he However, it has also been conclusively gesture and felt that more "work" was etbihdtavcauaystegrt- uences at this point. -- ilhs AamIe,"ufl n being imposed upon them in the guise est single factor in school, businesk~ror good qualities; as a "Wild West" me1oof recreation. Nothing could be further personal success despite individual abili- drama, superb is the only fitting adstudnt i requred o, ties. Personality, though it might seem jective. The technicolor is excellent, and he fat. from N ind nohing to be activty; take soe a can mat-tr for sychol-ists is . theloaton ceesai taken perecly. here Oliver Wendell Holmes re- was eager to learn; I think it still ceived his college preparation, had a wonder'ful school and I pray that become the gymnasium; it housed each of you may imbibe here such a rather small and decrepit lot of love of-sound learning, such "self conselfyears selfmay knowledge, everence, clubs, dumbbells in the long that he in tr'ol" savewas all -times at Indian kept lockedand the late winter; then its north door ahead be grateful and glad for his wauloke in th aftenoo to sta at Phillip Acnamy. Page Three~ ~ Socer Squa DriI~sKSmash .A. .4 Game or Harvard 48' Team. Hard Under Working JimRyley" Has Jim k ~.-*~ESNSTRA fieldSheul-,Movies To Be Taken of All Games Saturday the Andover football team W~ill take the fc h esn ~te fte14 nisfrtgm fieYle n ivefrsty Junio Varsity44 F-ro ,a indihe ation the is a good one, as it is sound in all departments, well coached; and possesses a great amount of spirit, notably in Js it captain,-Ed Mead. ' - I - g ptain-elect Fred Zonino. Working track this~ year, the soccer team rough a heavy schedule of eight will receive the valuable services Chittick. Lou 11mes, this year's team will be of track stars C io.A n oh I. tiler inexperienlced. The only re- Kushr Pr~~~i- According to Coach Ryley, indi* are forwards fradPiA rniflg lettermen -will -iIrcle v en sagainst l 'i ljCah I This Y ear forwards line andwnasathstrong heavyel finite. - For the g~alie position, backfield. The manager of tis year's -team ndled masterfully for the last a vo years by Dan Carroll, it seems is John Blake. This year's schedule: here Harvard t ke a toss-up between Dick deWitl, Oct. 7 away Gov. Durnmer tosceadBroOt newcoe here British Sailors 14 l- from the 1943 all star- club team. IOct. hereNew Hampton i the--full-back- spot- it -- ll- prob- Oct. 18s here British Sailors ily- be v-eteran IJoe Wo5;,an, and Oct. 2 1 here Deerfield 28 -Qet. euhoff. hrP18 e. ufs ov 4 Tfshran At te positionls of half-back, r-No.4 oy ExtraaIwilhdmeins irning fromi last year's squad ar n Taylor, A. G. Kerrigan and Mas-, ury Mcomerand D. Anderson Althese fronkjTast veterans To~ ()r-gan iz N iE ,Inall poaiiy ayAdvrwt E I S students are looking forward to the beginning of eighteen spl nex ~erin-O ties and war courses T activiM onday, Cor~etition To Start IOctober 2. The various pastimes ear's squad will have tough comn offei'ed by the school allow students Friday, Octobeir 6th ersalcu, etition frmls do'something that interests theta .to embers. Among those looking Club football squads begin to, whether it is painting, woodworkood are S. Bissell. F. Doyle, larier, J. B. Snook, Batchelder and practice tomorrow afternoon to pre- ig, mechanics, or any- othdi' hobby. All activities will be open to pare for the initial games to be [cCracken. Because thei'e will be no fall held on Friday, October 6. Club those intei'ested during the hour tart at he sameaftei- lunch. 1:00-2:00 P. M1.So that soccer wrkouts in student will have ~~~~~~~~~each time. -plainly The Hrtiga Phamacy PRESCRIPTIONS -'Main at Chestnuit - Andover Inn r. Weverwho led last year's mind the variety of hobbies and winning Greek eleven, will coach coui-ses offeied, lists will be disthe same team this fall. The tributed in assembly on Saturday. Roman in theam, Septmber hich fnishe0. Thee liss wNI nfiishe in whih he Sptemer 3. Thse lsts i~l nRomanteam cellar last November, will' try to elude all activities, their respective A former mneeting, places, and when the first a comeback. make Roman himself, Mr. Groblewski, iee~ing will bie held. the squad's mentor. In their -is TheArtholdClubisanen debu they willd' bate the Gerees The Art Club debut they will battle the Greeks. Accommodation s moderately priced George Brokey, Mgr. George____M_____k___________ ANADVER ART STUDIO PORTRAITS AND GROUPS SNAPSHOT FINISHING Pictuce-.framing and repairing l Of 123 Main Street Street Main schedule has not been fully completed, but there will be games l h lbi lyi hc the -irsrLauThe -s-e-cono ---wads -and& Saxons teams wvill participate. 2J are the defending champions, Dalton Pharm Andover Dalton Pharma~~~cy PhIarmzacy Fr a Pr oft National Bank lul- ANDOVER, 16 Main Street he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i and the Addison Gallery, where it o iso, h ieto ne rneusi teGus atya' Siiice so many students intend wl meet, students can test teir soccer, coaches, skill at painting. sculptuiing, and to play club Messi's. Leavitt, Heintzleinan and ai'lhitecture. This club should lie ost beneficial to those boys whose Cory andone othr maste to be named,selet mst first nd sec-interest lies i this b)road field. Tlhe acute p~apei' shortage- someoind teams from each club. The Goo Fod-Cmfrt-ablen, IfWlzrr The- Art Club will be this year Mr. Winslow's Saxons will fight .4 Treadway ~ Inn~ ~ ~~~~~the opening contests, b Good MASS. o da ext M~are evening. This year's offi- special 'Gould Shaw Negro of the State Prison in William thes Rev illet huse nston, -TeSaeCe ntejvnl Stage Cew should meet Shiewre oi th iotnas terjuenied with -Mr. Taylor on Monday. This churtsr orke o eun part organization is an important of school functions, for an efficient in postwa- adjustment frTlri stage crew is a vital pai-t of any ing serviee.Tegopswrk o fsekr successful lprodtiction here on the igotapoia n tuensine-ete okigchaplaiii ChaudestowntMass.,dand ~~~~~~~Ieson.Complete - interracial settlement house. The idea for drawing up a Constitution for Cir'cle A has been suggested and wom'k on this will beg-in ~~~~~~~~~~~Tis year thle hi-weekly - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_of ER SO BA BR-SO the Commons. - . dinner. -~-aftei have away, we away, we have Boys DLU Hours: S A.M. WATCHMAKER carry - -JEWELER Optical Service Full Line of Quality Sho~~r - . - -- Membei'ship is open Ih, Biagest Little' Je'welpv S.,pe ties stat",~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ol to ~leiesedt interested sffcinty sufficiently in any of tile activities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~paicipateto all l _________________________ Hwsyu We are now equipped to I. :? -stripe )- do book-binding as niI well as handling any branch of printing. e Townsmnan Press Tel. 106 THE PHILLIPIAN bn ,di to bi'-i i11. .d Nol ... r a-way to rda inca a-pNo'Iiif relaxcainji or soldiers in ~~~~~~~~To rrow D)ealer. nd s p eeykid/o trp stripe ,.nart looking the new Arrol" ''lmiris. Give 'em the onice m.,r today. $2.24 up. a taniong Coca-Cola is a reminder of what they left behind. On "Company Street"s as on Main Street, Coca-Cola standls for the pause that q Coca-Cola in your icebox at Lomd is a symbol of a friendly way of living.Itsnurlfrpouanmc BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA COLA COMPANY BY to acquire fricindly abbreviatidons. SALEM COCA-COLA BOTTLING Co., Inc. ___________________________________©14 h - Iia dc-w ~tapto stripes, candy' pe~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii . camp, from the Gulf Coa!-E to the north woods, Inc. rejreshes. Ice-cold O2F P.M. -7 OPTICIAN . Lawrence Bindery PRINTERS APo. JOHN H. GRECOE meetings will rp eUA A SA AndovertAndve Street56 this i'oornai~~~~~~~~~~tetheras56totMainom theil' ti'ays il~~~~~~~~~~~~to Tel. And. 830-R neetillgs will lbe held duigatl -~~~~~~~~ acquired The 4 Park Street boys Andover. nn isk pocart nlfte o tae The school donated a, 100-volt D.C. teand The Camera Club This yeai the Camei'a Club will genet-ator, which now supplies all cussions of postwar problems at continue to tunction under the di_ the power i'equired to i'un the en-!the Foieign Policy Association. Continued on Page 4,1 members also plan to do somerection of Mli'. Minard. Provided paintliig and carpentry for the Intei-national Institute in Lawrence, Ia~~~wo- these Watches and Jewelry Repairing ROPaPTCLSmVC Attractive Gifts tetTl4 6Mi what hindei'dtepogssfth Hill th whoescoCotyerive in iie- Pearson ba'senient thoseSpnoClteDrvPrinting, Club last ear. However-. Besides providing some leaderinte-este meinbers of the Model rea-tim ificultinesth PuRevery p e to RailroadClub will meet again this ship-in the Andover Guild andBA .lcniuder Stuhken alRvmeP's roll this year. Mr. viii All new boys, who would like Isponsoring the old, clothes and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~year w book drives and speeches, this will supeirvise this group, but the twoknseiey.heeci'ical task 'of printing Church progiams coitiols. oi track 'construction are year- Cii-cle A plans sevei'al internStr rp noBso tedtefrtetn and infoimation on other special crilyivtdt SuetgtrpinoBtno vietoatnthfis events lies onl the shoulders of thecodal Last year was a very suc- day afternoons to gain an under~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~meeting. ftesca one for- this organization. sadn -cessful mnembers. 7V Both BILLINGS. INC._ settlement Iwill take place in the Rose Room rint-Shop Company. notice. evc be at the ends. Anderson and H owie' nscz l xer ganizaticniClis oiinHn ttetcl Board Re The Reading Club, which last arond Andoyei. is o te oiinHn ttetcl yeax- was under Mr~. Gier-ascli's di.- of Selectmen of Andover and is IRe and Brot Bishop at guards, the town's repi'esentative to the Warren e 11 ii ewl rbbyIand Pei'ry Griffith at center, The seby iectio w~ill also uteet n x Monday Stt t hag Collier and Macrbbyscn during the Activities Hour. MSaeAsml.H.il o ag Viflleumier- will lbe id chai'ge of thi talk about the waship. A.he boys'-'e ColnueonPg4 te n h onhp g-upfrtecmnsholeacanhl shouldofind tchisl aren vited speakers are Mr.. Morris R. ______________ and~~~~~~~grou fian Taylor, directo- of the Robert interesting activity.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tertaining and n itretngatiiy __________________ While you've been Monday opsiono-tte as follows: Harry Reid,spleth cers Archie Coolidge, vice backs into the clear. n president; akomfclteti e ees deOlr O h thusiastic group has in the past president; Tiony Kerrigan, secreturned out some excellent materiaI tary-treasurer. The roup, with thesev engeprmeofod for- use in school publications. Also, help of Mi-. Baldwin and Mr. Cory,seven.geprmeofod thelan atrhal lectures and slides, wich cover' faculty adv'isor's of Circle A, plan gnreses. en near ly ever-y phase of amateur- pho- to have a discussion meeting; at also stopped the ball carriers cold togi-aphy, wei-e given by the East-'least once a month. Several prom- on severalcaso. workers have already! t ~~~~~~~Thus manl Kodak Co. last year.\ With iment social with one extensive scrimI ooa mg eidte~oce plans fo- a new literary magazine been invited to speak at these. aehnd Flarnagancans pretty Ir oSekmaey oln already drawn up, more students will be asked to supply material.I first of these, Mr. J. Everetwelelwhthirtatiginu Thex-efoie. all camera enthusiasts ,ThQ ranwl Ioliiis. will Npeak Octobei' 2. Mr.CatiMedndTm are urged to o out foir this o-C ~~~21 rm-Shop was U Have a Coca-Cola = Soldier, refresh yoi~urseff -an fes the srb.Teptnyo Srs. ew fotony 8 Und rraduate AA t2it tv tee Iadsclsrie-ognzinIni TH U R S D A Y O EE rnofisofns scdtam seodtmsan.-ofis n lyoDleTpet Io ofitClayton Darley, Tfport andr afteir score. Clayton. at quarter, and Tippett, at right half-were particuHarry Reid Heads ste eldofsm lrysrn With the r esnSociety a ani Jack Eastham carries the ball forward f runs. Smith once again showed AA Cryiice scrirma e, The varsity football team meets Yale Saturday. h Cmplneed i eralponasig abtys ,i Stai-ting next Monday, October~ seveanietsetoCpinMd h lns Circle A. Andover's community ad'inTmemna the line the work of Hank Warton en. a newly converted guard, and evcIrai scil vry terJohnnie Anderson at tackle deserve - CL BA M. <1%IT The first team is as yet very' in- r's. Also returning from last year's . uad and out for the forward ptions, -are Isitt, Prideaux, A. As- - The first scrimma ge was held on full-back cations are that this year's team he formed of a. fast but light and Isitt. Leads Spirited Team; Ed Mead I: With a squad of over 50 hopefuls and a nucleus of only i'ee eturnig lettermen, veteran coach Jim Ryley hopes to nteam adathm metr at ggrsietemt ectober 7 No captain has yet beemn elected in the absence of aux and ogan. PESP L -LEO-NS. . '~~~ ~tOn Schedule 8-Game IY Through- Tackle That's why you hearA Coc-Col called "Coke". o___________ T ~uee R R 0 f/s 1 r LoRd~ s11i1 O T1S E'UImLLIuN Page Four 14eS 0 0 0 c~~a A~~~~kowl shaied t'ie scoring honors with Ted Heckel. Here's wishing Miyrt a speedy r-ecovery' and with this reicoyoe covery alarse Exe-ter. rhis week inaugurates a newv line of material or the PHILLIPIAN, Ii the starting of a spoits column. Unlike the unsuccessful attempt niade a few years back at this miode of getting te sporting news of the week around the campus, this col- * h laso stictly wit sportslookout for baseball material, aumn willdeal ititet-est of the immediate vicinity most had his hands on a first rate wandering into rehashes of pitcher. As a matter -of fact, this -without the big time news. III this %Nay t is pitcher was so good and had so stuff" that nobody could the author's hope to let the school much Even Ken Sutherland him. touch gridthe of news the of some o Ii iron, the hockey rink or the ball, got no place with a 34"1 Louisville. u ut as Art had him almost diamond that is passied otiV~Y animal NWe wvoilt try to ick the World signed 'up the evasive Series champs or the wininer of the slipped away and signed up with Podunk . vs Tippecanoe College- the "Black with White Stripe Sox." ~~~Thanksgiving Day game, but will first coiicel-n ourselves with local ~The 11I athleti items * oewoi r 11II NSTRIIUCTORS I N LT V J0FAC JO N F CUT u ~~~~~The brother to complex seems have hit P. A. pretty harLf1rh the The Headmaster's House Septembef, 19, 7:30 p.m. was clled to order FallITerm the of meeting Council first The in be. announced not band will by President Moher. All were present except for Gains, the secretary, assembly. They wlfl appear in- ~Continued from. Page' 3who was not to return to school for a month. Dr. Fuess was also XV W. M Sides will be in gines. stead on the bulletin board timunable to attend, being confined to bed. cltaige of this hobby gioup. . hitmediately opposite Miss Bishop was elected to act as secretary until Gains' return.ney's office. It was decided that meetings for the year were to start WedClub ________________Radio nesday, the twenty-seventh, after lunch, and to come at that 'ime The Radio Club this year will every Wednesday thereafter. on Morse in activities its continue Moher reminded the Council that two senior members were to asement. The-'Ham" station-b4 * -,. proctor ot the Movies on Saturday nights, as in Athe past. e o cae inteSntaya in tea dances three be that/there decided nd proposed It was wartime Plans are going forward for the used t his year because of thFalTrhefstdceobeonOoerheevt. amateur governing restrictions Several magazine. ziew literary IMoher also reminded the Council that it was Its duty to take However. meetings of iterested students short-wave l)1oadcasts. of class elections. Nominations are to fall on a Wednesday ch~rge "Short on work members years' were held last May, and Bill Prior last morning and elections to come on the following Satuirday. The -was elected Editor-in-Chief for the wave receivers and transmitters, Council is also to take charge of assemblies on Saturday morning. first issue. He comes to the inaga- 'amplifiers, and other electrical apSurday the twenty-thlrd, the Pr'sident is to tell the school On interdoubt, without and, paratus. term as Literary Editor zine after of the PHILLIPIAN. -There ae ested boys will find plenty to keep~ of the functions and purposes of the Student Council. itwsrole'hateCunlsrvehoghhecmg many other positions open for stu- them busy i the Morse Basement.atuathltrivonesth.ryo in thiscoitg l thetane rs yea to Aeits in the literary,- art potog- Mr. Barss will direct this gioup this year.yertrasthatndcetahlicotss.'yonghsI dartments.4 business and raphy, washoetatsho'sprtcudbhldtahihlv. More definite announcements will At the close of the meeting the Council briefly discussed and Under Mr. Follansbee's direction. be made later7"Prep Night." It was decided was~-trfavor of having a well organized temBrdgandng tradition of a literarbesyo e. itfclyprvlhw toa Monday. next again meet will litrar maa..Club fafulytippnvof, thisveZinie was begun before the birth of Theawai PHILLIPIAN-for the Mirror Te piayfntrap andtisnaiRspcuysumttd ~~~The B. H. BI1SHOP, Temporary Secretary ifr td to-a was first published in 1864. Two gaizatn Plans Continue for Literary M a~gazinle ago it was forced aeyears li Cotne . to close ent___types____a__d_____________ig__at___ons____The___ h n hi tes through an unfortunate comn ent mirto staA ir- n~iation of circumstances, but now mebers also set out feeding yBl the is This Sanctuary. in the tions employed Airbeen Bell 'has by outstanding track and football stars ct-aft for the past year. He is liv- renewed student and faculty inter- olclbonteHlthtsuesadFlPli.Helownhiunie est should produce an entertainingon'clbnthHilhasude in WiVlliams Hall. udnrtig arvrd.Lou hereand-at and many PA - - any fom-m of nature, in 1943 Captain and had nowJim, magazine. the Army Air3 Corpsi and Rick cu-M.AthrHoe should find t intem-esting. Mr. ArthuMrrVileumeristhofcutyadstudents Jack Fisher had CniudfoiPg1--down past few years. enepoe Willo and Bob. all of whom were,'a - - -, - - o.0 I Th il-ec ow no tat~e gain I M EN M E GRID ~ Liberator Bomnhers. At Aidover I belonged to A. U. V., the Glee club SA URD Y ti-iple trpleA A ent oS n tt..itLETh was onay er team two yeai-s, And Wa ino trfack, Ii trckwas ______Swimming L - -' 0e ei~I ucce lbdeDan dieten of thnel ho 3 fndom Paeian Colnte Science Club' A giaduate of the University of visor; Mr. Morgan supervises the rently fighting for a first team berth' nayImsoy ositrse hs o magazines new The department. at-t Mr. 1927), A. (B. ~Petnsylvania and Jack Also team. year's on this U.S.IA. A. F.,Swas.i-epoitwasmispootyd -11n, thosetboysninterested inoanycdikehat tackles, Lynch-sandyJcm was recently apJim Mead, Ed andHowes Tait. Arthur Jim and entity from serach part of the vast field of Science. Mead at guards, and Larry Ward at'ing ovei- Fraice on -MVay 12, 194 ival rec ntl ap- isd sta r wasutya tote Jimr aitnd and JrimfthMead, andh Aitui Wai- Departm t nwr Sorota ask Charlie Smith or structol- i Music. He was organist large b~ags of gold waiting for theI the Science Club was organized center. In the backfiefd there are and the ~~~~Coach La., died on that date. hie quar-.'ports at Easthain full, at Beach Bob in be aul's lucky student who wins a forth- and formed. Mr. Weavei will Johnnie Anderson, "Are there any and choirmaster at St. leie Cyr Lt. 1941. in gi-aduated Rick'Danna and half, at i-ight Phelps ter, hsgopwihwill cIn-eo church;.Chestnut Hill, Pa., then at coming contest. more at home like you?" R.. died, ofd woundndivlnn S.oN.U. half.me-NormerNoulese.hlTayNori-ourU.T heft first time.eetHudMonderfoat Monday for the meet ~~~~~~~~~n , . St. John's church in Washington, - -~~ in the Sul erm in action received be will to school, back getting late and Chemistry Ii Experiments C.. and between 1941 and 1944 ~~~~~~D ** * a backfield Pacific . Although at Ando'ver to veek for contender a strong year last and made, be can Physics Pinto Mr. yea-. next A. M. his Tex. in-Houstou, church Christ l.at of Mlyrt Gaines. Captain-elect C;,Taylor muad he only one year-. 1cracked his pelvis in nil Beside beimig elected a Fellow of taugh at the Montclair Academy a couple of mnechanically-minded in- Positionl. ~~~~c-rosse. basketball an me , and football Vam-sity Andover n new-development A engine automobile an took, dividuals before 1942-33 from Jersey in New Organists, of Guild Amei-ican the automobile ac-ident this summerOpen Door rove the of mnembei a was taking the be will year this football was This it. and will not be back to school until Mi-. Howes has taught at the Vir- joining the Spanish Department apar-t and reassembled ard., and tb club Glee the E., P. A. These game. of eery of movies, member-s interested what of typical here. the Seminary, the middle of November at the ginia Theological rmov* MerrWaldron (j.g.) Lt. Choir. up! picking in coaches the help will of this Club will be able to'do. Mr. E. Merrill Reed ~~~eailiest. Whethetr this accident will jjrnivei-sity of the South Summer ni boa PT of a commander Jr., in Wam-d, out come which defects small under Club. Aet-oplane Model The Mathethe of associate Anew tteHusnCnan en to Myx-t's ahletic careet -Sho.ad - put ikl nd actual play. Taken by Mr. Watts i ilmnisspriin Department is- Mr. E. Mer- Mr rearyoMui.matics Andover remains to be seen, but ~~at Bel the Pacific, was iled n ao n ilieo te frmteItns Wdworkning Cub.ewihon ath -nh Redeoftongo ofM.MHeigadit undobtedlywill pu out o ac.. yeri-c Lt. rom the stands, they will beSshtenbeon-Sept1944. Lt.1Ward Reed of Bangor, Me. He rillgraduated from Hebi-on Academy, be- James is in charge of. will start to the team on the Tuesday nights on the Lacrosse team for thr-e Mr. Radcliffe M. Oxley tion for a while one of the year's yeais and captain of it in his seni o an fore being enrolled at the Univer- them- activities also on Monday.floiteam. of ReadM.Oxley -Radcliffe prm~n-titS4fit ~~most ltoi yer nteViiysi Typeher meet ivill Whitehill Miss sity of Maine. Besides earning his eprm tsof -starred at end on the J.V. fool- Ing jond te m hockey *quads, and the Athletc B. in 1930 a Cor~nell, Mr. Reed w'riting class on the same day.Of o the J.V. La ti i atid German this year.A. last fall and lmeball a in the winter Dur- 1919 he graduated from Andover, also received his B. S. degree from the lnguagseoffredob thelchool squad eres n . nPA oni.Iewsas ~ ~ I ihM.-Pno the lacrosse season he con- and Ii 1925 he received his A. B. 'Boston University. He has taught SpknFec ing iquE diteioest Phlonnd32was -elct (lnhi Gibson.T tinually spai-k4~ the team while he :degr'ee from Dartmouth. Mr. Oxley at the New York Military Academy, Spoken French wvith M thsewaEdornCifofhecIfFu --fotPgialso studied at Harvard and Admit-al Famragut.Naval Academy, Spoken German with Mi-. van der C tne , - ~~~has Blue Book. Art Editor- of the Po these '~N Players French the and Stuken. othet and School Pomfret the in the Univet-sity of Konigsburg ~~~~~~~~~at Poupi-ri, and on the Art Boam-d ofed, the I E., A. of P. A mnembetBurina. Ocon mieet w~ill Cochr-an Mr. with 1937-39 Folif academies. military the at taught has He ~~Gem-many. - * r~uet~ Ii -EET TTMONIJ Henceforth, all notices regm-d- iug the activities of the school . By C C Mc~~racken iue (:LUBS, COURSES Band Notices -' nd er H orRli t l Sixty-Flive Z~ ANDOVER ANDOVER SchoolSt. Mark's ~~~~~~~~~Choat CONIPANY COAL & Nicol COAL COMPANY~an .owe, Pres. ~~~~~~~Gu ' abig.M-.Oly two children ae He attended Hotise. action P~oituguese 'E~~~~~hIUIUENUE~~~~~~~ - * ~Nlummteer- as a B A ~his in the Lincoln P l~~~~aratoiy School Mr ~ the Following his Navy. ~~ti agduationfhom PLE"S Tj.IIJIVLI7L4L.ALJ EM the Lisb~ointewika .Naval Aademy during the last 'genc two -ears ot World 1'War I and sawv ~ ___________________________somne lb.-. Mr. Cyril G. Sat-gent of PoviMi . joined the Mathed-ence. FA, ie living Spares e crduated H ria Lt. P. A. only one Roe year and; in 192;. Paul Benjamin the class of '35, died in D~"itof a a-aM.Sn them Mt.94Harno md Vt12 TP A -rs pota -amid Pinto eam-ned degr-ee fiomi Ham-vam-d tuool . in ~ .Mt their in Mr. Richard to the Andover hockey all St d n dut-ing the summer. If this had haplened. the pond might have been H. Sears almostdd-aittedfbP.t.A--ntroug0theMef of P. A in 1920, i\'li. for-ts of the ground crew who , A gm-a~~luate Columbia and - Boston Univet-- Ritchar-d I. Seam-s of Cambi-idge worked late ~Into the night, under fom which he ;Ai1 i-eceive - tetut-ned to his Alma Mater as Inflood lights, the dam was saved. It i Latin. At Harvard he w~as a long and difficul7 job and at ________________________________ -str-uctor one asoly time, the wtr Mr.1924Sears 19~l5. iii onwonrwato his one and has B. mai earned hlisEd.A.M. MILRSSOE over. inch fom washing a er M d R T HO in n13.Mr the Adirondack-Florida taught ~~at flrAJ'~~~~J1LJ.JO ~~~RCO D Ssity. ' PACKARD TAXI SERVICE TransferLE' BaggageBaggage Tra__________________ SERVICE ISSEY TAX MORR Expert Shoe Repairing t Eetia R La ub u pis NW PPR R crsee MAGAZ I NES thReicoharasdoethr tetw 1942. and has recently done wo-k' a m~~~p..~~ NEWctrcAlPERS squad. On the night of the hurricane. the water in Rabbits Pond ttraee oqikyta to go over the dam and wash away l-sSm-eI leliving ohide chihati-etdonei-eer oioiHl.- astr-ous eE at- kabbit-s-Pond Dam Sodas-and Ice Cream , tended squad. u ntc in Taylom Hall. Smyr-na, Tenn., last August 25th. ning of the Summer Session. He Mr. Manuel F.. Pinto -eWitt-wasa Lieutenanit instruct-uncaemyhv ThDcn Btown at B. degiee Ahis eceiVed Sam .Pnoo \l.Mnel ofyfu-nie tgsuet nianica. Spain. is the new master Univer-sity iI 1933 and his M. A. 1been just a breeze to some people them e i 1935. Having done gad- in Andover. but it was almost dis' iichrgso viche - i Baseball _______1sity M r. Cyril G. Sargent Nchos Scool and he &Bown and their N- S ' LTE - Yor-k City. School, IS Vat-sity football team and the Vat-- the Miiror. School, hie did social service work in New tobem 2 ont the er GR3NETING 54MI conIc4 CRSyet A D A d vrN e w sC o .will An o e I publi T EM P LE Main Street TET-66 T RY ~S Tel. 1175 hswf slvngwt and two ciidien in Rockwell Hall. ___________________________ - tangi is ot Te______ Tn School, the Arnold School, of Pitts-Str b~~~_________________ Iurgh, and the Avon School, Avon, PAUL W. COLLINS, Prop. Tel. 8059 32, Park Street fts held.rs ed a' Bn I Bande ,Aplay S axa~~ w w' * 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i "Serving New England for Over Sixty Years" ESTABLISHED 1854 in IlI LI Et wi-ill G. Giovino Wholesale Grocers -Fruit .1ohn t The to pL been Coo and Produce Pin ye ThtnunesnApersveei Year School ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Dane, During ~TheDuring - Blue Orchd Brand~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~'G~~~' Brand Double Grocery Dept. -19-21 Comnmercial St., Boston~-Mass. -Tel. CAPitol. 7628 a ~~~ ~ ~ Fall. an P IE $30gmow n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nw
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