Farming Market prices Prices at the special livestock sales

FarmingMarket prices
Prices at the special livestock sales
BARNARD CASTLE. – Tues. Fwd: 719
cattle at Christmas prize show & sale.
Champion: L Guy & Son, £980 to G
Nutt. Res: L Guy & Son, £1, 000 to G
Prizes. – Lim bullock: 1 JE&E Dobson
& Son £900; 2 F&MP Allinson & Son
£940; 3 JW Dent & Sons £905. Lim hfr:
1 P Langstaff £1, 010; 2 P Langstaff £1,
040; 3 P Langstaff £1, 130. Char bullock: 1, 2&3 B&S Teasdale & Son £1,
110, £1, 065, 3 £1, 010. Char hfr: 1
B&S Teasdale & Son £925; 2 JW Dent
& Sons £940; 3 Watson £870. BBlue
bullock: 1 L Guy & Sons £980; 2&3 JW
Dent & Sons £990, £875. BBlue hfr: 1&2
L Guy & Sons £1, 000, £980; 3 JW
Dent & Sons. AOB bullock: 1&2 EM&JD
Donald £960, £1, 050; 3 P Dent £660.
AOB hfr: 1 WB Rutter & Sons £900; 2
EM&JD Donald £755; 3 P Dent £740.
Single bull: 1 MW Skidmore £890; 2
A&J Harrison £900; 3 MW Skidmore
£855. Four bullocks: 1 JW Dent & Sons
£925; 2 JE&E Dobson & Son £900; 3
B&S Teasdale & Son £1, 020. Four hfrs:
1, 2&3 B&S Teasdale & Son £890,
£830, £820.
Prices. – Feeding bulls: E Smith & Son
£780; R Tookey £635; F&O Bainbridge
£770, £750, £730(2), £630; JR Dalton
£770; G&MF Turnbull & Sons £785,
£730; G&JA Rigg £795; A&J Harrison
£900;CW Tunstall £770; MW Skidmore
£890, £855, £830, £825, £795(2). Store
cattle: K&RE Robson £920, £860, £800,
£720, £630(2); P Dent £810, £740,
£675, £660, £655, £650, £580(2); D
Teward £860, £845, £835, £805; JR Addison & Sons £860, £840(2), £830(2),
£760; J Walshaw & Son £735, £730,
£725(2), £685(2), £620(3), £600, £580,
£560(2); J&SE Bainbridge £895(2),
£790(2), £760(2), £750, £705; R Tookey
£880, £740, £700, £660(3), £630, £595;
J&MJ Walton & Son £990(2), £965,
£945, £940, £925, £860, £850(3), £840,
£835; Miss J Collinson £910, £895,
£890(2), £780, £710; JF&F Hutchinson
£840, £810, £790(2), £715; G&JA Rigg
£855; Dowson & Sartin £900, £875,
£855, £850, £735; B, L&SB Robson
£895(2), £890(2); Mrs D Coggins &
Sons £835, £805, £800, £765, £720,
£655, £500; JR Tiplady £850, £815(2),
£790(4), £775, £760(5), £755(2),
£745(5), £730(3), £720(2), £690(2),
£660(4), £645, £640, £610(4), £570; WB
Rutter & Sons £1,000, £990, £980(2),
£965, £935, £900, £880, £875, £860(3),
£845, £835, £830(2), £760, £750(4),
£710, £660(2); EM&JD Donald £1,105,
£1,050(3), £1,035, £1,000(2), £960,
£940, £920(2), £910, £900(4), £855,
£825(2), £810, £790(2), £780, £770,
£760(2), £755(2), £745, £735, £695; GS
Dixon £800, £730, £640(2), £630(2),
£625, £575(2); GT&E Atkison £560,
£550, £510, £505, £500; ER Thompson
£940, £880, £855, £790, £750, £745,
BARNARD CASTLE: from left, Sally Greenwood and vendors L Guy & Son
LEYBURN SHOW: winner of the North-Eastern Holstein
Club’s Christmas show with Johnny Wilson, of DP & MF
Day, and Adam Worsdale, sponsor
Grain prices
Cereal prices
GrainCo, Tyne Dock. – Wheat: Dec
£104; Jan £106; Feb £107. Barley: Dec
£82; Jan £83; Feb £84. Oilseed rape:
Nov £226; Dec £227; Jan £228.
COMMERCIAL SECTION: champion at Leyburn show with
John Robinson, of John & Val Robinson, Harmby, judge Tim
Denham and sponsor Barry Lawson
£720, £650; CA&J Kipling £980, £920,
£895, £870(2), £865(4), £855, £850(2),
£840(2), £825(2), £780, £775(2), £770,
£765(3), £750, £745(2), £740, £660,
£630(3); F Stobart & Sons £870, £850,
£820(2), £750(2), £740, £710, £570;
B&S Teasdale & Son £1,110, £1,090,
£1,080, £1,065, £1,060, £1,020(4),
£1,010, £1,000, £990(4), £980, £960,
£925, £920(3), £910(5) £905, £900(4),
£895(2), £890(4), £880, £870(5), £855,
£845, £830(4), £820(4) £795, £765,
£750, £740(2), £715, £700, £675(2),
£620, £600; A Hobson £955, £940,
£935, £885, £870(2), £860, £855, £760,
£730; D&J Hunnam & Son £970, £960,
£920, £910(2), £880; JE&E Dobson
£960, £935, £900(4), £860, £820, £745,
£700(2); T&DI Allen & Son £895, £890,
£850, £770, £730, £650; K Lind £875,
£780, £740; R&F Longstaff £910(3),
£875, £855; LC&D Wearmouth £980,
£935, £910, £895, £870, £860, £840; P
Langstaff £1,130, £1,040, £1,010, £940,
£855, £810(2), £790(2), £745(2),
£740(3), £730(4), £720, £710(2 . A&J
Harrison £855, £730, £715; TM Bellas &
Son £990, £980, £960, £925, £880,
£865, £860, £830, £825, £810, £805(2),
£765, £760, £750, £730, £680; JR
Longstaff & Son £930, £900, £780,
£750, £740; RC Bainbridge £880, £850,
£780, £775, £755, £750; RW&H Atkinson £1,020, £880, £840, £750, £595;
Messrs Watson £1,035, £1,030, £975,
£940(2), £935, £910, £885, £870, £855,
£835, £810, £805, £795(2), £780, £750,
£740, £715; JW Dent & Sons £1,040,
£1,005, £1,000, £995, £990, £970(2),
£950, £940, £930(4), £925(4), £920(3),
£905, £890, £875(7), £865(3), £850,
£840, £830(2), £810(2), £800(3), £795,
£765, £760(2), £750(2), £710, £700,
£685, £600(2); JW Teward & Sons
£1,065, £910, £860(7), £815, £790(2);
F&MP Allinson & Son £960, £955, £940,
£900, £835(2), £795, £770, £690; JR
Dalton £880, £875, £735; DE Stones
£865, £765; R Hutchinson & Sons £875,
£775, £750(2), £740, £715(2), £700,
£655; A Cowsill £635; D Alderson
£855(2), £810, £790, £755, £750, £740,
£700; DA&AM Gill £990, £930, £925,
£885(2), £875, £870, £825; L Guy &
Son £100(2), £980(2); JE Tallentire &
Sons £890, £820, £815, £660; R Middleton £760, £755, £705; R Ridley £790,
LEYBURN. – Last Fri. Fwd: 37 dairy, 71
rearing calves, 268 store sheep at Christmas show & sale of dairy cattle for commercial & North-Eastern Holstein Club
members. Judge: Peter Wearing, Beverley. Champion: Mark Day, Great Ayton,
calved hfr, Bickleygate Shottle Veronica,
by Pickston Shottle, 2,150gns to Donaldson Partners, Stokesley. Res: Dalesend
Farms, Bedale, for Dalesend Moss Rose
57 VG85, a recently calved cow,
1,820gns to Colin Bently, Thirsk.
Prizes. – Calved hfrs: 1 champion; 2 M
Day, 1,780gns; 3 A Jennings, Fountains,
1,800gns. Calved cows: 1 res; 2 Dalesend Farms 1,760gns. Other calved hfrs:
A Pratt & Sons, Bellerby, 1,750gns; M
Petch, Great Ayton, 1,750, 1,720gns(2);
M Day 1,600gns; M Bell & Son, Bainbridge, 1,800gns. In calf hfrs: M Day
1,420, 1,320, 1,260gns. Other calved
cows: J Hugill, Stokesley, 1,200gns. Av:
calved hfrs to 2,150 av 1,670gns. Calved
cows to 1,820 av 1,593gns. In calf hfrs to
1,420 av 1,333gns.
Also fwd: commercial section. Judge:
Tim Denham, Langleydale. Champion:
J&V Robinson, Harmby, Holstein hfr,
£2,000 to K Simpson & family, Harrogat.
Res: H&C Nicholson, Ripon, calved
cow, £2,000 to A Steel, Kirkby Stephen.
Prizes. – Other calved hfrs: 1 champion; 2 J&V Robinson £1,720. Other
calved cows: 1 res; RW&R Henry, Yarm,
£1,720; 3 JR Amsden, Carperby,
£1,560, £1,240.
Prices. – DE Stones, Scargill, £1380;
CT&JE Wiloughby, Redmire, £1,350; D
Wilson & Son, Crayke, £1,300. In calf
cows: CT&JE Willoughby £900. Rearing
calves: B Blue bulls to £370 GL&SM
Thompson av £334; hfrs to £305 A
Sowray & Sons av £247. Lim bulls to
£360 W Denham av £315; hfrs to £270
CH Allen av £240. Char bulls to £285 A
Sowray & Sons av £285; hfrs to £225 A
Sowray & Sons. BA bulls to £260 RN
Verity; hfrs to £225 RN Verity. Herefd
bulls to £225 ME Robinson & Sons.
B&W bulls to £205 JC Thwaite & Son av
£117. AA hfrs to £145 J Pearson &
Sons. Store lambs. – Mule lambs av
£49.40: A&JA Iveson £53.20; C Gregg
£52.50; Robson House Farms £51.50;
AJG Davy £48.50; Hagg Farm £46; JW
Bostock £32.50. Cont lambs av £50.40:
GM Firby £53; Hagg Farm £52.20; AJG
Davy £52.20; K Percival £52; D Gregg &
Ptns £46; JW Bostock £42.50. Suff
lambs av £47.70: AJG Davy £52.80; D
Gregg & Ptns £47. Masham lambs: K
Percival £49.20. Swale lambs: AJG
Davy £42.50. Mule ewes: J Chandler &
Son £62. Wed. – Fwd: 32 cattle, 1,908
prime sheep & show for pens of 5
Masham & 10 Mule lambs.
Prizes. – Masham: 1 M Croft, Masham,
50kg/£68.50; 2 M Croft 52kg/£69; 3 R
Wallis & Sons, Marske, 46kg/£62.50.
Mule: 1 B Atkinson & Son, Gammersgill,
47kg/£64.20; 2 D&S Pratt, Leeming,
51kg/£65.50; 3 J&K Fawcett, Marske,
Prices.. – Prime B&W bulls to 126p av
122p; prime B&W steers 112p av 111p.
Cont cows to 140p av 87.1p; B&W cows
to 85p av 70p. Cast bulls to 92p. Prime
lambs. – Suff & Cont: std to 176.9p av
167.6; med to 175p av 160.1p; heavy to
155.4p av 145.6p; owt to 136.8p av130p.
Mule, Masham & horned: lt to 146.6p av
142.5p; std to 158.5p av 154.4p; med to
160.5p av 151.8p; heavy to 140.2p av
135.9p; owt to 118p av 117.6p. Cast
ewes: Cont £76; Mule £65.50; Suff
£60.50; Leics £50; Swale £49; Dalesbred
£44. Cast rams: Cont £50; Swale £50.
PATELEY BRIDGE. – Sat. Fwd: 223
cattle at annual Christmas show & sale,
305 store lambs. Judge: G Thornton &
B Dunkley.
Prizes. – Pair hfrs: 1 AH&J Firth, £888 to
J Bowling; 2 JH&JA Graham & Sons,
£820 to S White; 3 C Swires & Son, £725
to Healey Bros. Pair steers: 1 AH&J Firth,
£972 to T Holmes; 2 JAS Church, £868
to Eagle Bros; 3 CM Dent & Son, £740 to
Healey Bros. Single steer: 1 D Mawson,
£950 to G Thornton; 2 D&D Prince, £788
to D Kirby; 3 AH&J Firth, £1,028 to T
Holmes. Single hfr: 1 E&SCL Harker,
£920 to T Holmes; 2 D Mawson, £785 to
J Bowling; 3 JA Stoney & Son, £885 to S
White. Young bulls: 1&2 C Swires & Son,
£770 to Cleveland Meats; 3 GW Houseman & Partners, £638 to D Hills. Cull
cows: Cont 1&2 RJ Challis; 3 Brown
Bros; Holst/Fries 1 WP Gratton; 2
FDSA&A Smith; 3 H Bradley.
Prices. – Cull cows to 113p. Store cattle: AH&J Firth £1,028, £972, £922,
£908; JA Stoney & Son £958; MW
Chandler £840; LA Wiseman £832;
JH&JA Graham & Sons £825; W Furniss
& Sons £800; GF Harker & Son £798;
FG Tyreman & Son £788; CM Dent &
Son £755; JJ&RSA Ryder £768; BG
Chandler £768; GW Houseman £760;
FM Shepherd & Son £700; DW Brown
£698; TB Martin £675; J Dodsworth
£665; JD&CE Nelson £658; GE Simpson & Son £655; GM Robinson £650;
D&G Snow £625; J Rayner & Sons
£625l NJ Ward £625; P&CM Houseman
£615; J Bradley & Son £615; CB&R Taylor £565; M Fryer £555; Brown Bros
£490. Store lambs: Worsnop & Petyt
£55.50; SH Ramsden £55; J Brotherton
£52.50; JL&MR Umpleby £51; D&D
Prince £44.50; A Hatton £35.50. Prime
Stock Collection: Cattle: steer, IR Paxton
£840; hfr, D&JL Middlemiss £862; bull,
DM Nelson £698 (HF). Lambs: Texel, G
Taylor £68.40; Suff, H Topham £62.40;
Mule, B S Simpson £63.36; Masham, J
C Lister £62; horned, JC Lister £51.20.
Ewes: polled, BS Simpson £70.40;
horned DR Bowdin £36.
PATELEY SHOW: Alan Firth, Middlesmoor, with his first
prize pair of steers
Advice on how to reduce abortions in cattle
By Hilary Vayro MRCVS
Kebir House Veterinary Group,
ABORTION in cattle is a major
source of economic loss to dairy
and beef suckler farmers.
There are many causes and
vaccines are available to help
control diseases such as BVD,
Leptospirosis, Salmonella and
Neosporosis is caused by
Neospora caninum – a parasite
carried by healthy dogs and
passed in their faeces.
It was first recognised in the
1980s and is now a cause of
abortion in cattle worldwide.
In many countries with an intensive dairy industry, it is the
most commonly diagnosed
cause of abortion. In the UK it
accounts for ten per cent.
Infected cattle are three to
seven times more likely to abort
than non-infected animals.
Congenitally infected heifers
are at particularly high risk during their first pregnancy.
The majority of Neospora associated abortions occur between four to six months of gestation.
The parasite may also be responsible for early foetal loss,
however, infected animals can
give birth to live calves.
The transmission route of the
parasite is quite complicated
and needs the involvement of
the host species, the dog.
Cattle may be infected
through ingesting oocysts – the
infective stage of the parasite
shed in the faeces of infected
It can be transmitted from
mother to offspring over several
healthy calves, infected at birth,
can later transmit the parasite
to their own offspring.
The parasite is spread very efficiently and can persist within
an infected herd without a host
It is possible to discover
whether neosporosis is present
by looking for and measuring
antibodies to the parasite in
blood or milk.
A sample of milk from the
whole herd will indicate the on
farm level of disease and the
farmer and vet can then discuss
control measures.
Beef farmers must rely on
blood sampling to diagnose the
extent of the problem.
For a specific diagnosis of
Neospora as a cause of abortion, the pathologist looks for
the parasite in the brain or heart
muscle of the aborted calf.
Culling positive animals has
been suggested as a control
method but may not be practical where there is a high prevalence of infection.
There is no evidence that
culling cows or heifers controls
the disease.
One method is to blood sample replacement heifer calves
within the first two weeks of life
to check for signs of infection.
Only negative heifers should
then be used for breeding to
prevent transmission to the
next generation. Positive calves
should be reared for beef rather
than as breeding replacements.
On dairy farms, the dam of a
positive calf should only be put
in calf to beef breed animals, for
the long-term control of
Neosporosis. On beef farms,
positive tested offspring should
not be kept as replacements.
Dogs can shed Neospora
oocyst without showing any
clinical signs of disease and
must be kept away from cattle
feed and water and faeces always disposed of.
Dogs can be tested for
Neospora, but is unnecessary.
Clinical disease is rare and responsible ownership requires
owners to clean up after their
animals when walking in fields,
on public footpaths and bridleways.
Dogs should be prevented
from eating aborted foetuses,
placental tissue or dead calves.
Where possible, cattle should
be grazed away from public
Vertical transmission (from
cow to foetus through the placenta) appears to be the main
means of disease transmission.
Neosporosis is one of the
more challenging abortion
causing diseases.
Until a vaccine is developed,
control requires careful planning and detailed discussions
between the farmer and their