How to Become an Energy Auditor in Romania? According to the "Methodology for attesting energy auditors for buildings" and the "Guidelines for attesting energy auditors for buildings and the relevant installations”, the attestation of the energy auditors is made for the following specializations for existing buildings: Energy Auditors for constructions AEc; Energy Auditors for installations AEi; Energy Auditors for constructions and installations AEci. According to the type of activities they perform, the energy auditors are attested for the first or second degree, for the AEc, AEi and AEci specializations. Second degree energy auditors can: Perform the thermal and energetic expertise of existing buildings and installations for heating and hot water preparation afferent to the buildings; prepare the necessary documentation for obtaining the energy certificate of the building; First degree energy auditors can do, in addition to the second degree energy auditors, the energy audit for existing buildings and installations for heating and hot water preparation afferent to the buildings. The thermal and energetic expertise are performed in conformity with the NP 048-2000 “Normativ pentru expertizarea termica si energetica a cladirilor existente si a instalatiilor de incalzire si preparare a apei calde de consum aferente acestora". The preparation of the necessary documentation for obtaining an energy certificate is performed in conformity with NP 049-2000 "Normativ pentru elaborarea si acordarea certificatului energetic al cladirilor existente". The energy audit, regarding the rehabilitation/thermal energetic modernization solutions for the building or the installations for heating and hot water preparation, is performed in conformity with NP 047-2000 "Normativ pentru realizarea auditului energetic al cladirilor existente si al instalatiilor de incalzire si preparare a apei calde de consum aferente acestora". The Energy Auditor exams Application requirements In order to register for the energy auditor exam, the candidate is required to fill in an application form that specifies, in addition to the applicant’s identification information, the specialty and the degree for which the attestation is requested. The application folder needs to include the following documents: an activity report that specifies the professional background, any affiliation to professional associations, the current professional activity, the professional experience (including employer details, employment periods, positions, details of the most important projects in the field, and from the solutions adopted) copy of the university graduation diploma 3 recommendations: 2 from former employer companies, personalities in the field, and one recommendation from a professional association in the field; written declaration of the applicant that he/she does not have a criminal record; in case he/she does, the applicant is required to attach a notarized copy; copy of the work permit. An applicant requesting attestation as an energy auditor needs to comply with the following conditions: to be a Romanian citizen; to be a(n): construction engineer, graduate from a construction institute or university; or architect, graduate from an architecture institute or from a construction and architecture university; or installation engineer, graduate of a construction installation university; or mechanical or installation engineer, graduate from a mechanic or installation university. to fulfill the demands of the board of examination for the specialization and the requested degree. Engineers with similar studies to a construction installation engineer, mentioned in the list of profiles and specializations issued by the Faculty of Installations from the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, or high-qualification specialists that have worked in the field, can be accepted in the attestation process based on the notification of the board of examination, the confirmation being made by the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing from the board. Romanian graduates with graduation diplomas issued in foreign countries must include also their equivalent from the Ministry of Education and Research. Specialists that request the first degree energy auditor attestation must have experience in teaching, research, design or execution as architect, construction engineer, installation engineer or specializations related to installation, for at least 10 years. Specialists that request the second degree energy auditor attestation must have experience in teaching, research, design or execution as architect, construction engineer, installation engineer or specializations related to installation, for at least 6 years. The number of years of relevant experience requested for the first degree energy auditors (10 years) and for the second degree energy auditors (6 years) can be reduced by maximum 2 years by the attestation committee if the specialists prove – through their activity – impressive accomplishments in the specialty and the degree for which they apply. Examination committees The attestation of energy auditors for buildings and related installations is made by an examination committee of 7 members. The committee members are high-qualification specialists, professors, lecturers, first degree scientific researchers or first and second degree designers, which have elaborated/coordinated energetic modernization projects, technical prescriptions in the expertise, certification and energy audit for buildings, or that have coordinated/elaborated legislation regarding the energetic modernization of buildings. They are selected based on proposals from universities, research institutes, design and construction companies and professional associations, at the request of the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing. The exam committees function in the Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca and Iasi university centers, inside the Technical Universities. The structure of the examination committees is determined by the Technical General Direction from the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing, after the proposals received from the above-mentioned university centers. Some specialists may request the attestation for energy auditors for construction and installation specialties AEci. In this case, it is necessary to pass the attestation exam at both specialty committees, or at only one committee, if it has construction and installation specialists as members. The examination of the energy auditors The structure of the examination committee is as follows: one president, one vice-president, one representative of the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing – that has the role of the examination committee secretary – and 4 members. After examination, the committee will deliberate and the candidate is considered successful if 2/3 members grade him/her with passing grades. After deliberation, the exam result is communicated to the candidate. The unsuccessful candidates can hold the exam again, after one year from the exam date. To prepare for the exam, the candidates have as study materials a comprehensive bibliography (See the annex). The bibliography is available at the universities where there are exam committees. Preparation courses are also held in the faculties that organize attestation exams. These are one week courses with a minimum number of 36 hours for the second degree energy auditors and minimum 48 hours for the first degree energy auditors, for every specialty (construction and installations). The preparation course subjects for every specialty are shown at the secretariat of the faculty in which the examination committees function. The preparation courses are held by the members of the examination committee or by high-qualification staff: university professors and lecturers, first degree researchers, first or second degree designers with studies in the building energetic field. Moreover, the university centers organize post-university and master courses. Neither these courses, nor the intensive one week courses, are compulsory for participating in the energy auditors’ exam. The attestation certificate and the energy auditor stamp are issued by the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing. According to "Methodology for attesting energy auditors for buildings", the specialist’s certificate, the identity card and the attestation stamp will include: the auditor’s name and surname, the profession, the specialty and the degree for which he/she was attested. The attestation certificates are valid for 5 years, and after their expiration, the attestation cards are endorsed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing, at the exam committees’ proposal. The committee will analyze the way the energy audits were made by the attested specialists and the level of knowledge concerning the new technical prescriptions for the construction and installation fields. For this, the attested specialists will show the examination committee the activity registry with the work accomplished in the last 5 years from the issuance of the energy auditor certificate. Persons that were convicted for dishonest competition, abuse of trust, forgery or other crime with punishments including some rights interdictions, cannot be attested. Rejected candidates can re-apply after at least one year. For this, the applicant will prepare a new folder, updated with any new accomplishments. The list of attested energy auditors is available on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing. Annex 1 – Bibliography for the energy auditor exam A. Common for both constructions and installations Legea nr. 325/27.05.2002 pentru aprobarea O.G. 29/30.01.2001 "Privind reabilitarea termica a fondului construit existent si stimularea economisirii energiei termice"; "Metodologia privind atestarea auditorilor energetici pentru cladiri", apobata de MDRL cu Ordinul nr. 1850/11.11.2002, avand indicativul MP 017-02; Legea nr. 10/1995 privind calitatea in constructii; NP 047-2000 "Normativ pentru realizarea auditului energetic al cladirilor existente si al instalatiilor de incalzire si preparare a apei calde de consum aferente acestora", aprobat de MDRL prin Ordinul nr.323/N/04.12.2000; NP 048-2000 "Normativ pentru expertizarea termica si energetica a cladirilor existente si a instalatiilor de incalzire si preparare a apei calde de consum aferente acestora", aprobat de MDRL prin Ordinul nr.321/N/04.12.2000; NP 049-2000 "Normativ pentru elaborarea si acordarea certificatului energetic al cladirilor existente", aprobat de MDRL prin Ordinul nr.322/N/04.12.2000; STAS 4908 - 85 "Cladiri civile, industriale si agrozootehnice. Arii si volume conventionale"; C 56 - 2001 "Normativ pentru verificarea calitatii si receptia lucrarilor de constructii si instalatii aferente". B. For constructions C 107/1 - 97 "Normativ privind calculul coeficientilor globali de izolare termica la cladiri de locuit"; C 107/2 - 97 "Normativ privind calculul coeficientilor globali de izolare termica la cladiri cu alta destinatie decat cele de locuit"; C 107/3 - 97 "Normativ privind calculul termotehnic al elementelor de constructie ale cladirilor"; C 107/4 - 97 "Ghid pentru calculul performantelor termotehnice ale cladirilor de locuit"; C 107/5 - 97 "Normativ privind calculul termotehnic al elementelor de constructii in contact cu solul"; STAS 7462/2 "Fizica constructiilor. Higrotermica. Parametrii climatici exteriori"; STAS 6472/4 "Fizica constructiilor. Termotehnica. Comportarea elementelor de constructii la difuzia vaporilor de apa. Prescriptii de calcul"; STAS 6472/6 "Fizica constructiilor. Proiectarea elementelor de constructii cu punti termice"; STAS 6472/7 "Fizica constructiilor. Termotehnica. Calculul permeabilitatii la aer a elementelor si materialelor de constructii; GP 015 - 97 "Ghid pentru expertizarea si adoptarea solutiilor de imbunatatire a protectiei termice si acustice la cladirile existente unifamiliare sau cu numar redus de apartamente". C. For installations Manualul de Instalatii: Volumul instalatii de incalzire; Volumul instalatii de ventilare si climatizare; Volumul instalatii sanitare; I. 13-02 "Normativ pentru proiectarea si executarea instalatiilor de incalzire centrala"; I. 9-94 "Normativ pentru proiectarea si executarea instalatiilor sanitare"; NP 029-02 "Normativ de proiectare si executie pentru retele termice cu conducte preizolate montate in sol, utilizate la transportul agentului termic de incalzire si a apei calde de consum"; SR 1907/1-97 "Instalatii de incalzire. Necesarul de caldura de calcul. Prescriptii de calcul"; SR 1907/2-97 "Instalatii de incalzire. Necesarul de caldura de calcul. Temperaturi interioare conventionale de calcul"; STAS 11984-2002 "Instalatii de incalzire centrala. Suprafata echivalenta termic a corpurilor de incalzire"; SR 4839-97 "Instalatii de incalzire. Numarul anual de grade zile"; STAS 1478-90 "Constructii civile si industriale. Alimentarea interioara cu apa"; HG 348-93 "Privind contorizarea apei si a energiei termice la consumatorii urbani, institutii si agenti economici". Annex 2 – Postgraduate studies for obtaining the energy auditor attestation The Polytechnic University Bucharest - The UNESCO Chair for Engineering Sciences Master Course: The Energy Audit for Buildings Technique (3 semesters) The Technical University for Constructions Bucharest - The Faculty of Installations Postgraduate studies: The energy audit for existing buildings and afferent systems for thermal energy supply (one month) The “Ion Mincu” Architecture and Urban Planning University Bucharest Specialization postgraduate studies: Designing buildings for accomplishing the essential requirement F: Energy savings and thermal insulation. The energy audit for buildings and the energy performance certificate. (180 hours – 6 hours/day x 5 days x 6 weeks) The Technical University from Cluj-Napoca - The Continuous Education and Postgraduate Academic Studies Department Postgraduate courses: Energy audit for installations (138 hours – 2 months) Energy audit for constructions (138 hours – approx. 3 months – 5 hours/day x 2 days/week) The “Gh. Asachi” Technical University from Iasi - The Faculty of Constructions and Installations Postgraduate course for candidates preparation for the energy auditor attestation exam (10 weeks – 3 months)
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