HOW TO O GUIDE Pcounter Toshiba Embedded E Upgrade G Guide INTRODU UCTION This T document details how h to upg grade the Pcounter ded Embedd software ffor Toshiba eStudio dev vices. n 1.. Downloa d the latest version he latest ve ersion is available from m our partn ners Pcountter Europe Th att http://ww om/toshiba a/news/ Current Ve ersion 2.. Disable C o avoid rebo ooting the server afte er the upgra ade, before e running To the installer perform the following steps: Click h here to access further How to Guides Ensurre no-one is s logged intto any MFD D Stop tthe Apache e Tomcat se ervice Stop tthe VD Serrver service e Installer 3.. Run the I nzip and ru un Toshiba aSetup[ver rsion].exe e Un Fo or Support Click here when advise ed to disab ble featuress (assuming g you have e Click Next w ep 2!), th hen READ D and agrree to the licence e followed Ste greement (scroll dow wn for the English E verrsion). ag HOW TO O GUIDE Pcounter Toshiba Embedded E Upgrade G Guide ember rebooting ver you sable both pache t and the erver ices. e a large rce of technical s, how-to s and an e FAQ for ounter These are able from nt-copyment/howuides croll down halfway fo or the Engllish licenc ce agreem ment. Read d Sc an nd check to o confirm yo our agreem ment then c lick Next. eave the To omcat Por rt, Program m Files and d Start Me enu entries s Le as s they appe ear and click Install. he install w ill begin. Confirm the following ttwo messag ge boxes: Th he upgrade will now co omplete. To o confirm tthe upgrade e was Th su uccessful op pen Toshib ba Manage ement and confirm th he version nu umber rea ds as expected. ctice Tips… … Out of Hourrs e minimum m and reduc ce of problem ms thoroughly t to graded he upgrade ly pgrade of Pcounter Toshiba Embedded E d is now co omplete. Iff Up yo ou have a ny furtherr questions s or experrience any y problems s please conta ct AIT Support on 113 273 03 300 01 su [email protected] htttp://www.a upport
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