. 7 ••- '<f':-':-\'-V--'--'--'\v: Wednesday, June 3,1992 M B i B Quesnel Cariboo Observer Q u e s n e l Garibod Observep Wednesclayi-;June 3 ; 1 9 9 2 ^ 0 9 SPORTS TTEENS V GOLF ' Led by Darrell Atkins, the C o r r e l i e u S e c o n d a r y Golf team m a d e their way to ll p r o v i n c i a l high s c h o o l g( tournament in Kimberley and returned with their best finish ever. T h e CSS s q u a d p l a c e d fourth overall on the strength S Like most B. C. cities Quesnel is unique in its appeal and its charm, however, like every centre in the province Quesnel is plagued with problems, not the least of which is the teen problem.. LOTTERY DRAW DATE WINNING NUMBERS LOTTO 6/49 May May May May May May 02-12-19-21-35-49 11-30-32-34-42-44 25-30-31-36-42-44 09-23-29-38-46-48 05-19-62-83 19-74-93-94 BC/49 EXTRA 30, 27, 30, 27. 30, 27. 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 May 31/92 May 30/92 May 29/92 May 28/92 May 27/92 May 26/92 May 25/92 Observer file photo T e e n p r o b l e m ? : Basketball m a y be part of the answer. somewhere they can be comfortable." The drop in centre, would be a place for the students to come and relax enjoy a pressure free, though supervised social environment. This idea is by no means a new one, a variation on that theme was opened in Southills s o m e years ago, but quickly closed due io lack of interest. When asked about whether or not they would use a drop in c e n t r e , t h e b a s k e t b a l l players were pretty skeptical, "I don't know how successful that would b e , " the same QSS student said, "but if there were lit basketball courts or a gym where we could play basketball or volleyball or something I'm sure there would be a big response. "There are a lot of athletes that would r a t h e r do s o m e thing active than waste time at a party or outside the 7-11," the student said. Alderman Mary Glassford, the city representative on the Teen Task Force was intrigued by the idea of lighting courts for the students. Match 6 645795 248344 415093 803Q92 111.099 063710 733612 994339 313929 919787 670547 292306 312719 323244 ' 659140 '424903 521045 212813 128324 833620 214912 B ^ KENO s e t t i n g is very i m p o r t a n t , " Kesteloot said, "it has to be central, (surrounded by stores and diversions) lo give the kids some options and variety. "The kids want to be somewhere that there is more offered," Kcsteioi)t said, "give them a variety, (sports and a relaxation area) that's why a drop in centre will work." The task force is just now getting into the problems the teens are facing, and with any luck there may be one or two ' s p o r t i n g ' s o l u t i o n s offered through the summer. Quesnel Minor Hockey is looking for Rep Team coaches lor the 1992-93 season. Please submit a written application by June 30 lo: Quesnel Minor Hockey Assoc, Box 4655, Quesnel B.C. Attention: S. Aiken. indicate Pee Wee, Bantam or Midget Division and outline your coaching background and goals lor Ihe season. For more into call 992-9333. PROVINCIAL Match 5 May May May May May May May 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 May 29, 1995 BONUS DRAW: May 9, 1992 Trip to Spam Bonus 44 Bonus 36 Bonus 11 Bonus 19 Match 3 827 378 206 232 625 947 ' 230 373 225 596 681 860 531 163 138 189 757 733 783 975 312 Match 2 94 94 14 25 18 13 44 16 83 02 05 98 82 04 80 95 58 62 75 89 56 16-19-38-39-42-44-46-49 02-03-14-30-32-35-48-52 03-13-18-22-25-38-43-49 03-17-30-32-38-42-49-50 02-09-29-35-37-43-47-50 01.-06-07-08-24-37-43-53 Ot-04-11-16-26-31-32-40 $1,000,000 3083736 Last 6 numbers win $5,000.00 Last 5 numbers win $ 500.00 Last 4 numbers win $ 100.00 Last 3 numbers win $ 25.00 Last 2 numbers win $ 5.00 $1,000,000 24850-14 $250,000 42259-02 $100,000 83312-03 24850 42259 83312 For PROVINCIAL Bonus Numbers please see LUCK Magazine ' These are the official winning lottery numbers provided by Ihe B.C. Lottery Corporation as a news item for your paper. In the event of a discrepancy between the numbers published in your paper and those provided by the B.C. Lottery Corporation, the latter shall prevail. BROUGHT TO YOU BY: 2 locations to serve you better A & W DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Hwy. 97 North - 992-5778 and A & W RESTAURANT West Park Mall - 992-8336 CARIBOU SPORTS CARI6<)U 7^ "If that (lighting courts) will give the kids something to do at night, then it is .definitely w o r t h l o o k i n g in t o , " Glassford said. Match 4 3070 2175 7886 0755 0491 6658 5434 9145 3021 ,6611 3623 6494 0042 9855 6475 6675 4886 3965 2492 8190 4843 27414 23192 96565 24389 11352 70748 88454 00293 77608 73231 61309 93316 39709 77464 23584 59706 04331 05552 12654 26391 00568 ^PQRTS K e s t e l o o t a g r e e s with Glassford's point, " T h e right or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., QUesnel, B.C. VISA m£4X^i!i^\ ACCEPTED Hours: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday For 1 insertion: $2.50 for the first 20 words, 10c per word thereafter/per insertion. 4 insertions- $5.00 for the first 20 words, iOcper word tfiereafler/per inso'rtion. 8 insertions: $8.00 for the first 20 words, lOcper word thereafter/per insertion. ALSO Try the Cariboo Wide Classifieds $30.00 for 20 words or less; You receive: 4 issues in the Cariboo Observer 6 issues in the Williams Lake Tribune 2 issues in the 100 Mile Free Press CLASSBHED DISPLAY RATE: (Volume Discount Available). $9.0C/column inch per issue. NON-PROFrr RATE: $6.75 per column inch per issue. CLASSmEO DEADLINES: 12 Noon Monday fof word and display ads for Wednesday's paper and 5:00 pni Wednesday for class dsplay ads and legal ads, 12 noon Thursday for word ads. BIRTHDAY CLASSIRED SPECIALS: 1 column X 2 inches - $15.00; 2 columns by 2 inches - $25 00. Submit your favorite photo if desired. "If we do anything for the teens," Glassford said, "it has got to be d o w n t o w n (that could have been the reason the last teen nightclub in Southills didn't last). A I I of these kids come down here, either with p a r e n t s or friends, and they need something with a central location." LEGAL NOTICES: Chanje of name - ?>25 00 per inse-lion. Perr.jna's, not reSponsiDie for d'^bts - $20 00/4 insertions PRICES QUOTED FOR WORD ADS INCLUDE G.S.T CARIBOU SPORTS MAPLE PARK MALL 747-3323 Notices Births The Cariboo Observer is pleased to provide a free "Births" column for proud grandparents (or other family members/friends) to announce out-of-town births of interest to Quesnelites. (Local births will continue to be published in Wednesdays Community News. (20-rts) BROWhJ IT'S A GIRL David and Elizabeth (Payne) are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child. Kelsi Delia Louise was born in Quesnel, B.C. on May 20, 1992 al 11:02 p.m. Proud Grandparents are David Brown (Vancouver), Bev Brown (Wells); and Robert and Helen Payne (Quesnel). Great Grandmothers are Ruby Payne (Langley), Marjorie (Quesnel) and Barnhardt, Ellen Moloney (Bristol). (1-P-80) THE DAILY ANDREW DUFFY "While you may get a few to play basketball, that really doesn't address the problem," Kesteloot adds, "a lot of these kids just want to sit a r o u n d with theif friends and talk in a s e t t i n g t h a t is relaxing and whereTRey are comfortable. " F o r that purpose a teen d r o p in c e n t r e is p e r f e c t , " Kesteloot explains, " t h e ans- ^ ' wer may be to have a supervised centre that provides kids with a home away froili home, HOW t o PLACI WINNING LOTTO NUMBERS Observer Staff Reporter In many cases the problem is, there is nothing for young adults to do when the sun goes down except to gather in one area and c r e a t e , what many consider to be a disturbance. In Q u e s n e l that problem manifests itself at the 7-11 on the corner of Carson and Reid streets on Friday and Saturday evenings. A large number of kids tend to congregate there simply b e c a u s e they r e a l l y have very few alternatives. Although the idea of a teen drop in centre is being kicked around, another solution may have presented itself. A large number of students have found a healthy alternative to hanging at the corner store just two blocks away at H e l e n D i x o n s c h o o l . But t h e r e is a s l i g h t p r o b l e m , without light their alternative is useless. T h e b a s k e t b a l l c o u r t s al Helen Dixon are literally busy from m o r n i n g to night with pick up games, and the game would probably continue t h r o u g h the night if the opportunity presented itself. " W e could play well into the night," one of the regulars, a Quesnel Secondary student, who asked not to be identified said, "I personally would rather play ball for a few hours than sit a r o u n d waiting for something to happen at the 711." If this is the answer, it appears that once again the students have been misread. Alt h o u g h D i r e c t o r of L e i s u r e S e r v i c e s at t h e Q u e s n e l Recreation Centre, Eric Kesteloot disagrees. "That (lighting a court or opening a gymnasium for basketball/volleyball) may not be enough," Kesteloot says, "kids generally need a variety, a mixture of things to do. of Atkins leadership. Atkins finished fifth overall in the ind i v i d u a l c o m p e t i t i o n , four s t r o k e s b e h i n d the eventual winner Bobby MacChee from Cranbrook. C o w i c h a n S e c o n d a r y on V a n c o u v e r I s l a n d won t h e tournament. i PC REBSCH Rebsch, Mrs. Hilde Minna Betty, aged 65 years, passed away at M S A Hospital, Abbotsford, B.C. on Thursday May 28, 1992. Late of Quesnel She will be sadly missed by her loving family, husband Reinhard, daughter Christa and her husband Wolfgang Weyhe of Abbotsford, son Horst arid wife Christa? Teetzen of Quesnel, 4 grandchildren and 1 brother Willi of Germany. A memorial service will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 375 Hartley St. Quesnel on Friday June 5, 1992 at 4:30 p.m. No flowers by request. In lieu, donations to the S P.C A or to the Alzheimer Society in Hilda's memory would be appreciated Henderson's Fraser Valley Funeral Home are in caro of arrangements 854 5534, (1-p80) ATTENTION WRITERS: The Que snel Writers' Group seeks poems and stories (world limit 750 - 1000) for a second anthology. Type up to 750 1000 and double space manuscripts. Include name, address, and phone number. Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. DEADLINE: Aug. 1. 1992. Themes: Thianksgiving/fall/ ChristmasAwinter/New Years/other, Contributor retains copyright. Quesnel Writers' Group. Box 2. KH Group. RR1. Quesnel. B.C.. V2J 3H5. Ph: 747-4373. (1-p-80) »rjrjaMjaitTOW.wv'3»-Mi».aTOBBMi™'™;.».iHi>«iwi,j Sugar & Spice "We make everything nice." See, ourlfiemories are going too! Sealed tenders will be accepted by the undersigned until 12:00 NOON FRIDAY, JUNE 12th, 1992 for the supply and delivery of EIGHT (8) two cubic yard and EIGHT (8) three cubic yard garbage containers complete with lids and casters. SPECIFICATIONS can be picked up at City Hall-in Quesnel for a NON-REFUNDABLE FEE OF $5.00 PER SET. Containers are to be painted white and supplied F.O.B. City Works Yard, Quesnel. Tenders should state price per unit and include all applicable taxes. Supply to be delivered no later than three weeks after the awarding of the tender. Tender may be awarded in part or in whole and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Contact the undersigned at 992-2111 during business hours at City Hall if further information is required. Yvonne Paquette, about your pine needle basket, please phone Betty Edwards at 747-4373. (4-p-83) A motorcycle safey course will be held June 6 & 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $25. For more info call Continuing Education at 992-5669. (2-p-80) Jasmine and Melody Support Correlieu Dry Grad by donating your Club Z points. Number available at counter or by using the points to purchase a gift for the dry grad. (8-P-84) - I .AsMK u i i u n canadicnni clu (Jiabi'if Box 4392 Quesnel B.C. V2J 3J4 747-3707 Wilf and Doreen O'Brien would like to thank their relatives and many friends for attending their recent wedding Special thanks to the children for putting on the shower for their mother and those that attended. Also the good people that put on the surpnse party, much appreciated. (2-P-81) 1 wish to express my sincere, thanks and appreciation to my family and all my many dear friends who sent beautiful flowers and cards and orayors for rr.y recent stay in the hospital Special thanks to the staff and Doctors at Baker Memorial Hospital. Rose Gassoff (•4-P-82) . '- ^y'i Banl^ 200S*-, '^"'*"' *''• °^'"*"' ^^•^•'^ Professional Services CITY O F QSS CLUB Z NUIVIBER 967 904 565 Help support the QSS Grads of 1992! Present the above number to any Zeller's cashier and help support our ^ Dry Grad. (8-p-82) IMPROVING YOUR ODDS AGAINST CANADA'S #1 KILLER. >'(>ur In M e m o r i a m gift is a lasting i n b u i c . P l e a s e mail your d o n a t i o n s to t h e a d d r e s s a b o v e , a n ti 1 nt;' I u d e y o u i n a m e a n d address, along with ihc name and address of the nexi-of-kin, tor an acknowledgement card. Birthday VALERIE! Card of Thanks 992-900 { jnadian Diatx-itrs As.MXiation HtAHI I FOUNDAIION Of • 6 C i . »JKON JACK MARSH, WORKS SUPERINTENDENT CITY OF QUESNEL Notices In Memoriam HAPPY-3© INVITATION TO TENDER REAR LOAD GARBAGE CONTAINERS Obituaries B'S ^ P Notices Personals TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that on and after this date, I, the undersigned, will no longer be responsible for debts contracted in my name by any person or persons other than myself. Name: Marc Tremblay Address: RR4 Box 27 Reimer Site Quesnel, BC Date: May 27/92 (4-P-82) If you want to drink that's your business. l^you want to stop that's ours. Alcoholics Anonymous. 992-2172 or 992-7867. (35-rts) DaiT-YOURSELF DIVORCE Typing services for uncontested divorces. 992-2662. (40-r1s) In Memoriam IN LOVING MEMORY OF ESTELLA MAE ROBERTSON 4 years have passed since you found freedom from pain and peace Sadly missed by your children and Grand __chiidren . ' Chaplin, 'Dick. Harford and Robert son Families tl.p.80) . . . Call Helmut's Renovating at 7473487 for all kinds of Home Repair, carpentry, drywall, painting, tiles, chimneys, brick, block and stone work 26 yrs experience. Refs available, free estimates. (8-p-87) • PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR Are unprofessional tactics being used against you? Have it investigated by a professional Investigator. 1st 1/2 hour free. Ph: 992-3837. (4-p-81) WE TEACH TYPING ' , AND WORD PROCESSING (specializing in WordPerfect 5.1). Pam Crocker Secretarial 992-2662. (77-rts) Marriage, Family and Individual Counselling. Chris Kempling, M.Ed , Registered Clinical Counsellor. For appointment 249-5131 or 747-2125. (8-P-82) For All Your STUCCO Needs Phone Brian Prodeahl 992-7930 (8-P-82) Do you have trouble looking after your feet? Do you have trouble cutting your toe nails? Do your corns and callouses bother you? If you need help with these problems, call Rosina Wood RN The Foot Care Nurse at 992-3445 for further info and app6intments. (8-p-80) For all kinds of renovations and home repairs, carpentry, drywall, tiles and masonry. 26 years experience. Ref. available, free-astifttates. call Helmut at 992-9185. (8-p-79) Central Interior Hydraulics Ltd. Sales and Services, rebuilding and manufacturing, machining and welding. Valves and pumps. Call Prinoe George 963-3252 or 963-7461 (16-P-87) Call Shane's Drywall 992^8603. For complete drywall service of residential arKi commercial projects, finish taping, spantex and painting. (4-p-80) MARG'S LANDSCAPING s *Lawn and Garden 'Pruning and Upkeep 'Reasonable Rates. Phone: 992-3391. Marg Doern. (16-p-85) MATCHMAKERS Interested in meeting someone new? 'Don't be shy. give us a try!" 992-2662 (12-rts) CITY WIDE . CLASSIFIEDS really work! Ph. 992-2121 • # * - ^ - :-Quesneiv^£iritpb6 (3b^ U::;::-^^::KWe^^ ®B1.0,QuesneT0ariboo observer Wddi)^$aa!y •';iu^^ •MmWW^fMMM^^ Lost START Economic & Employment Development Society, Daycare Support and Referral Service, matches parents looking for quality ctiildcare with prospective caregivers. All caregivers • must nneet strict eligibility criteria. If you are looking for childcare^ call Daycare Support & Referral Service at 992-7606 or come in to the office at #4-345 St. Laurent Ave. from 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. REWARD For the return of the "Quesnel Forks Museum and Historical Society Inc. sign" taken from City Hall. Anyone with any information please call 9922921. No questions asked! (4-p-82) Found Girls Norco 20" Bike on Lewis. Call to identify. 992-7310. (4-p-82) It costs you nothing but a phone calf to place a found advertisement. Ph 992-2121, Mon. - Fri., 8 am - 5 pm (20-rts) Found: Female Brittany Spaniel in W. Quesnel, post lactating. Ph: 992-9703 (68-rts) It's newspaper talk for a one-column by two-inch ad. Too small to be effective'' You're reading tfiis one! Call Pattie at t h e Cariboo Observer 992-2121 Employment Opportunities Crafts: We'll sell your crafts on consignment. Send picture and info to SS3, Site 40, Box 12, Prince George, B.C. V2N 2S7. (8-P-84) RESEARCH CONSULTANT North Cariboo Community Futures requires the services of a qualified Consultant lo prepare an "Impact Study" of cun'ent economic conditions and proposed legislative changes, and their affect on the placer mining industry in the Cariboo. A Project Prospectus may be obtained by calling Bev Anderson, NCBDC, at 992.-5626. The lowest (or any bid) may not necessarily be awarded the project. Submissions for this project should include a summary of applicant's qualifications and experience, monetary expectations and estimated completion date of the project, and must be submitted to the attention of Kevin McKelvie, NCCF. 253 Reid S t , no later than IslOON, Tuesday, June 9, 1992. .(2-P-81,) Delivery drivers needed, must have own car. Earn as much as $9/hr. Full time/part time. Bring resume to 394 Front St. (8-p-86) Employment Opportunities WANTED SERVICE ADVISER Preferred with car dealership experience, but not necessary. Applicant must be. very organized, possess good hand writing and have good people skills. Wages are negotiable, dependent upon experience. Also required PART/FULL TIME VEHICLE WASH PERSON For the above positions, please apply in own handwriting to Box A, c/0 Cariboo - Observer, 188 Carson Avenue, Quesnel B.C. V2J 2A8 Quesnel Travel Agency requires a full time position vacation/cruise agent with min. 3 yrs exp. and superior selling skills. APG an asset, temp, position for 6 months. Maternity leave Start July 15, 1992 to Jan 3 1 , 1993. Send resume in confidence to #1-556 Jones St. Quesnel BC, V2J 2X1. Attn: J o h r H ^ p - 8 5 ) MOULDER SET-UP PERSON Bridgeside Wood Products is a smalllumber re-manufacturing operation located in Lillooet. We require individuals with moulder set-up experience, and good mechanical aptitudes. Bridgeside offers steady employment in a community with an excellent climate and full range of recreational facilities This opportunity will appeal to young career oriented persons, as well as fully experienced, perhaps semiretired individuals who would provide on the job training for others Please reply to Box 376, Lillooet, B C , VOK 1V0. (2-P-80) . Observer carriers needed in all areas of Quesnel Reply at 188 Carson Avenue, Quesnel. B C V2J 2M8. (20-rts-sta) START ECONOIVIIC & EMPLOYMEf^T DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY Daycare Support & Referral Sen/ice Business Opportunities Pesit control business for sale. Excellent first or second income. Will train. Phone: 397-2940 evenings. (4-p-82) Home Income $$ Make up to $1,000 weekly. Free details, send self addressed, stamped envelope to Uniglobe Distributor, Box 2683. Station 'R', Dept A 0 1 , Kelowna. BC, V I X 6A7. (8-p86) Donut Business for sale. $30,000 includes $60,000 of equipment. Contact Brad or Archie. 992-8818. (4-p81') If you like clothes, people, and a fun way to make extra money in your spare time, phone 992-8221 collect eves. 6-7 pm or mornings. (4-p-80) . VENDING ROUTES All cash business. Part-time hours, net high returns, investments from $5,500.00. For details call Eagle Profit Systems 1-800-387-CASH. (8-P-87) ORANGE DELITE West Park Mall, good opportunity for owner operator. Vendor will finance Phone: 398-5230. (8-p-80) FINANCING ASSISTANCE FOR StVIALL BUSINESS Professional counselling and financial assistance provided to qualified businesses. North Cariboo Business Development Centre. 992-5626. (74-rts) For Rent NORTH QUESNEL extra large 600 sq/ft one bedroom apartment, $380. 3 bedroom apartment in 5-plex $500. Available end of June. Phone" 9925408, 992-5994. (4-p-83) Woodland Park Apartments To register call LeDonna at 992-7606 or come into the office at #4-345 SL LBL. jnt Ave. from 8.30 am - 4:30 pm. Small 1-bdrm trailer, no pets, Park Village, $350/mo. Ph 992-2114. (1 -p80) Join B.C.'s leading gift basket company. Start your own home based business. $5,500 includes inventory and training. Call 929-8816. (North Vancouver). (4-p-82) Large 2 bdrm cAw 2 full baths, free cable, super channel, hot water Resident manager 992-6471 I — — ^ — COTTONWOOD COURT Quiet, adult-oriented, private park-like setting, 1/2 block to West Park Mall, newly renovated. Qualified tenants. Call resident manager at 992-8286. (51-rts) Hall rentals available for small group meetings up to 100 people. Ph. 992-8036. (76-c-rts) 3-tx1rmJnouse qp farm, 30 miles south on West Fraser Rd. $350/mo. Mostly furnished, house only. Also good pasture for rent. Before noon phone 993-4493. (4-p-82) CENTENNIAL COURT 2 bdrm. Quiet adults only. $315$350/r11onth. includes . cable. West Quesnel, after 4 p.m. 992-2263. (78rts) 3 bdrm house. West Quesnel, fridge & stove, fenced yard, no pets. ref. req., avail June 1/92. $575/mon. Ph. 992-5775. (4-p-80) VISTA MANOR APTS Deluxe 2 bdrm units include free cable & hot water, 2 bathrooms. Resident manager 1241 Lark Ave. 992-7868 Duplex .for rent: 2 bdrm. West Quesnel, $400/mon., no pets, avail. July 1. Ph. 992-3408. (4-p-80) Large 2 bdrm suite, W. Fraser Rd., fndge and stove incl. Natural gas heat. $300/mon Avail. June 1st. Phone: 747-2636 (4-p-80) F u r n i s h e d J bdrm apartment 2 Mile Flat. Very private. Not suitable for children or pets. Rent includes heat, light & utilities. $425.00/mo. plus damage deposit. Days 992-2216 E v e n i n g s 992-2031 I Commercial Space for Rent Quesnel City Centre, 269 Barlow Ave., commercial building for rent or for sale. (8-p-81) Office, retail space for rent. High exposure, air conditioned, log structure, fronting Hwy 97. Single to multiple spaces avail. Ph: 395-3691. (8-P-80) Offices 532 sq/ft into 3 units; 270 sq/ft unit, a/c, 2nd floor, prime location, Lon Godfrey - 242 Reid St. 992-7111 (71-rts) 992-2370 2, Mobile Home pads, in town, special rates for new tennants. Ph: 992-8187 (1-P-80) Available July 1st, 4 bdrm duplex, south of Quesnel, no smokers, $575/ mo. Phone: 993-4565. (4-p-82) 2-bdrm bachelor, suite on. Bouchie Lake, furnished, $450 includes utilities, no pets. Ph: 249-5195. (4-p-82) Need a holiday? Fully serviced cabin at Chimney Lake. $250Avk. Call 3923555 or 398-3807. Avail June 15th to Sept 15th. (4-P-82) ;**#;:; iiiiiiiiirtii:''''''''''''' extensive CEMENT Commercial Space Highway 97 frontage $500 per month Prime Retail. Building for Rent. Approx. 3,000 sq. ft., next to Lighthouse and across from Eagle Building Supplies. Reid St. Ph. 992-2216 days, 992-2031 evenings. (75-rts)__ *Basement Floors - Garages - Patios. *Si^walks & Driveways J8 years experience ^ M a r v e Schonke Residential Farm & Business Appraisals Tax and Building Consultants Land and Zoning Applications MIKE FLACK F.R.I., R.I. (B.C.) #1-282 Reid St. (Willis Harper Block) Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2M3 992-7414, Res: 992-8766 BILL CEJKA for service...discover the difference. No question about ill 160 ACRES FENCED in rolling land pastures, view of mountains, spring fed year round pond located in ttie vicinity of Puntcfiesakat Lake. 3 bdrm house, Ig living room, kitchen, finished bsmt. new carpet, w f/places, 2 1/2 baths, big sundeck. intercom, paved garage. $71,900. Ph: 9928725. (4-P-82) BUSINESS OPPORTUNmr Auction bam, located south of town, ideal family operation. Witfi good down payment, owner will tielp with financing. Call Bill for all the details. 3 bedroom Pan-a-bode cedar home on Coach Road in Southills on .52 acres. Beautiful view of westem mountains and sunset. Natural gas heat and water. 2 baths. Large wrap .ground deck. Excellent landscaping, fenced back yard. Close to school and shopping. $79,500. Phone: 7471015. (8-P-85) Truck bay, 2 mile flat, air, nat gas. Phone Don Stonehouse at 392-7752. (68-rts) 1600 s'q/ft, QDI Complex, $750/mo., 2 Mile Flat, Hwy 97, N. frontage. Ph: 992-2239. (64-rts) FOR RENT 1550 sq/ft, downtown. Ph: 992-7414 or 992-8766. (60-rts) 1974 12 X 68 MOBILE 1.5 acres, drilled welf^ fridge, stove, dishwasher are included. OFFICE SPACE REID STREET Ground floor 700 sq. ft. and 1200 sq ft. Upper floor 2600 sq. ft. Call: Glenn Barr at 992-5547. (32-rts) Wanted to Rent Responsible clean family looking for 2 or 3 bdrm home. Enjoy yard work. Ph: 297-6303. (8-P-87) WANTED TO RENT Clean, responsible family, nonsmokers moving to Quesnel, require 2 or 3 bdrm home to rent by June 1 st. Phone collect 573-3239, Kamloops, (8-P-81) BEST BUY IN SOUTHILLS $99,500 1350 s/f, 4 bdrm home on .78 acre, finished basement, 3 full baths, 2 fireplaces, new lino/carpeting, built in dishwasher (new), screened patios, double carport, RV parking, open to offers. Ph: 747-1681. (80-rts) FOR SALE: 1250 sq.ft. home, 4 bdrms. 2 1/2 baths, rec room with rsf wood stove, workshop, fenced yard, close to schools. Will take smaller house in trade. Phone after 6 p.m. 992-2610. (8-P-87) Birchland Estate, .56 acre, 3 yrs old, Rancher oppx 1500 sq/ft double garage, fireplace, blinds, 2 1/2 baths, Jacuzzi room, community water and more. Call 747-2322 after 4 p.m., weekends anytime. (8-p-67) New log house on Nimpo Lake, waterfront, over 3 acres, $34,000^ Phone: 742-3303. (4-p-82) . 3 bdrm house orv 2.5 acres on hwy 20 in Nimpo lake Hottub, woocj and electric heat. Small shop 5 min. walk to lake.. $29,500. 'obo. AfteV 6 p.m. phone 742-3328. (4-P-82) i I We now have a STREET SWEEPER *Gomplete Uni Loader Service *.Backhoe Service *Line Painting Free EStinnates Phone Guaranteed ' Doug or Dusty Greenwood Workmanship 747-4693 Quality & Experience Guaranteed 'Commercial 'Industrial 'Residential HEATING - PLUMBING SHEET METAL FABRICATION Dealer for iCH Heil Gas Furnaces Full installation sales & service For Sale: Two 38x12 quik-lok cabins to be removed by purchase. They are wired, plumbed and on skids. Asking $1,000. each Ph days 992-9807 or evenings 747-2578. (4-p-80) YOU WILL LOVE THIS ONE! Immaculately clean home with sundeck, 2 fireplaces. 2 bdrms up and 2 down, large-rec room, gas heat. Best of all, it's placed on 8.8 acres, south of town. If you would like to see your property advertised for sale here, free of charge call Bill today! •:.:.:.;.x.x5 3 bdrm house on 1.86 acres, new siding and roof, city water, low taxes, close to Correlieu School. 992-6530 (4-P-80) For rent: Small commercial building on 170 Carson AVenue. Call 992-5310. (56-rts) Real Estate FINISHING Cariboo Appraisals Ltd. 100 sq^ ft renovations 'm.>i±mMUiim^mii;MmK\i'^^\\utmv*imtmm Real Estate Gommercial Space for Rent 747-3243 111 iiiiiiniiniiiiMMiiiii I 4-plex, 2 bdrm suite. Fridge, stove, utility room. Private entrance and driveway. No pets please Phone" 992-5796, (4-p-83) 1 & 2 bdrm bachelor suites Resident manager Renovations in progress FREE extended cable and parking plug-ins QUIET TENANTS ONLY Doherty Drive, West Quesnel Opportunity for Entrepreneur inexpensive purchase of Desktop publishing assets. Call Larry at 398-6037 after 5:00 pm. No S a t u r d a y c a l l s please. 1 Bdrm Apt. Vaughan Apts. 992-6020. (8-P-82) Cariboo-based house moving and trailer towing business for sale; well established, call (604)395-3205 after 6 p.m. (4-P-83) Is now accepting applications from persons in the community interested in providing childcare. Applicants must register and meet all of tfie society's eligibility aitena. Caregivers are needed immediately in the West Quesnel and Uplands areas. Also needed are persons of native and Indo-Canadian origin. Support and training is provided free of charge to all persons registered at START Daycare Support and Referral Service. Business Opportunities For Rent For Rent mmmm 992-9807 New 1,100 sq. ft. house, 1 acre. $98,500.00. Ph. 747-2159.••(8-P-82) Sm¥g l«l ^1 fM i|:J|S;|:>5: IB! im 1297 Cariboo Hwy. N. (Next to Design Flooring) WORTH CHECKING OUT! Reasonably priced, Southills, 3 bdrm house w/2 full bathrooms, quiet culde-sac street, fully landscaped, garden, gfeenhouses, orchard. 7472589 or call at 215 Grosz Rd. (8-p-84) Residential i EXECUTIVE CUSTOM BUILT Large living room 20x20, deluxe kitchen 11x16, quality throughout and beautifully decoraled, intercom system, central vacuum system, 2620 sq. ft. on main floor with fully finished basement, double t garage and 3 bay shop. •iss ss Wiles & CIndric SURVEYING • Commercial • Industrial Mi Wiring and supplies. Fire alarm and emergency lighting. Mobile Home connections. Central vacuum systems FREE ESTIMATES 607 Doherty Dr. 992-5211 Registration #15979 British Columbia land Surveyors 992-2265 I EXCrriNGLY DIFFERENT IN SOUTHILLS. AlDvely 3 level split home that offers ample living space to accommodate the most discerning buyer Hardwood floor in living room, 2 fireplaces, 4 bdrms. Asking only $87,500. Custom built log home overlooking Bouchie Lake. Open floor plan w/ many features. Large double garage, options available. For more info 249-5336. (8-p-82) pt^mW©© 992-6005 '— XTERIORS ,M*!Ulli:J^AiftJIIJi'lt»mMAiLSJI%liWI^Yv^^^ VINYL SIDING ' SOFFIT 'FASCIA DO YOUR OWN SfEflNG AND SAVE mm Ii m For a free e; timate call CARIBOO EXTERIORS 992-6005 Your Home Deserves the Beat! 255 Hodgson Road, Williams l-al(e, B.C. V2G 3P7 Executive 26' Class A Motorhome. Propane converted, loaded, e)teellent condition. Reduced price Of $18,900. Contact Gerry Hogan at 747-2283. • *Tar and Gravel 'Seamless Gutters *Asphalt Shingles * Insulation Blowing *Metal Cladding & Decking 5 pi INDUSTRIAL • COIVIIVIERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL (604)392-4322 Don or Ricl<-^ 1-800-663-6894 )ay or Evening) FOR SALE BY OWNER ^mm :—.£:• '• I QlilgneiPQairilDOQ Observer yVedr^ej&day^June 3, i !992 B12;G}uesinel C&riboo Qbserver VVednesiday. viune 3,1992 B 1 3 i.' B k II M Real Estate Real Estate p^ f North Ouesnel. 66x122 building lot. Callanan St. Reduced to only $19,800. Ph: 992-5443. {8-p-81) By Maple Park Mall 4 bdrm, 2 bath, rec room, 1 1/3 level fenced acres, 20x24 wired and insulated shop. Well 12-15 Us gallons/minute. Plus many extras, all for $49,500. Call Virginia 992-6182 .Quesnel Realty (1976) Ltd. 992-7202 1530 sq/ft. 2 storey, 5 bdrm, bsmt., carport, f/p, 2 bath, large sundeck on Vernon Rd., quiet area at Bouchie Lake. $67,500 Ph: 249-5216 (8-P-81) 1.11 acre lot overlooking Bouchie Lake. Wired cabin & shop, year-round creek thru property, For more info 249-5336. (8-p-82) UPLANDS UPPER LEVEL 992-2266 CABIN FOR SALE Finished cabin of approx. 900 sq. ft., avail, for sale on 4 24 acres of leased recreational property located on Scum Lake, 32 miles south of Highway 20 and 55 miles west of Williams Lake, B.C. C/W propane lighting, finished cupboarads and interior water system. No field or well. Lake has private air strip. Asking $15,000 for quick sale. Call Realty World Northern at 398-8266. Property of 4.24 acres is on an assumable lease or is avail, for purchase through the B.C. Government. (11-rts) 992-7202 IVIobile Homes BOB PATERSON HOMES INC. 392-7212 NEW 14' WIDE HOMES From $ 3 3 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 FOR SALE Commercjal building downtown, good income. High profile investment, 5plex in fast developing commercial area. Good income, while awaiting future development. Days 992-7414 or evenings 992-8766. (64-rts) Large modem bright 3 bdrm Rancher on 2 acres on Rawiings Road. Asking $76,500.00. Ph. 249-5689. {8-p-82) Mobile Homes 12x60 Mobile home, n/g heat, addition and outbuildings on 5 treed acres, beautiful building site w/creek. $29,500. Ph: 992-8187. (1-p-80) USED HOMES IN QUESNEL AREA 1979 - 14x68 OLYIVIPiC 2 bdrm, fridge, stove, dishwasher, must be moved. Asking $16,900. NEAT AS A PIN 12 X 46, 2 bdrm," page, fndge, stove, some turn., new wiring, natural gas furnace, must be moved. . Only $8,800.00 We have the largest listing service in the Cariboo. Call us collect today! 392-7212 Ron Harder Automotive Richard Kohlen FOR SALE 14x70 Manco Mobile Home on one acre fully fenced, has fruit trees and garden spot, good drilled well, and septic System. Built on addition with gas f/p. patio with sliding glass doors must be seen to be appreciated. Phone: 747-1532. (8-p-80) 2-bdrm mobile home w/attached garage, small work shop, green house, attached sun room and porch. Excellent cond. Bartel's Trailer Park, rivetview. Call 992-5315. $18,000 obo. (45-rts) Property for Sale 1990 1976 1976 Ford Pinto Runabout, $500. Ph: 992-6561 (4-P-82) 1977 1977 Ford F250 supcrcab, new 390' engine, propane, 5th wheel winng. $3,600. Phone: 747-1015 (4-p-81) Attn: Ranchers and Outfitters, 1977 Toyota 1 ton 4x4 Landcruiser. Good condition, bodywork and paint a s . new No rust, $6,000. Call 380-7204 or 381-3450. (4-p-81) '1971 Leader 12x62, 2 bdrm. n/g heat, 10x8 shed, closed in porch, set in Shady Acres. Must be seen. Asking $14,700. After 5, 747-3388. (1-p-80) Small family farm overlooking Dragon Lake. Also acreage homesites on 3 locations, reasonable. 747-3515. (8-P-84) 3 bdrm double wide in trailer court. Can be moved. Clean, well kept $39,500 Ph.'747-2795. (8-P-82) Excellent building lot. 1.06 acre overlooking Bouchie LakeT^ Close to -schools, store &ieceentre. For more inip phone 249-5336 (8-p-82) Immaculate 1980 3 bdrm mobile home. Gas fireplace, full metal roof over trailer and deck. Fully fenced. For, sale or trade, Ph: 747-3736. (8-P-81) 45 acres, approx 3/4 mile lakeshTjre, Tryfiman Rd., Dragon Lake. Asking $125,000, $10,000 down, will carry 5 year mortgage. Phone: 992-5408. 134^-81) . • VOLKL 203 cm explosive "R" downhill skis c/w, marker M48 bindings, $500, Ph: 992-7954. (8-p-86) Boats ©SALES ©PARTS ©SERVICE 1979 1979 Plymouth Horizon. 4 dr, hatchback, 4 spd, good motor, no rust. $800. Ph, 993-4518. (8-p-84) QUICK SILVER ACCESSORIES 1979 Malibu Chev, runs good with some rust. Cash or trade. Ph. 249 5461 -{4-P-80) 1980 CMC Heavy 1/2 Ton 4x4. Recently rebuilt 350, new carb. Intake, clutch, pressure plate, fly wheel, paint, brakes, U-joinls, 4 inch suspension lift, w i t h 3 inch body lift, 38 inch Gumbo mudders. $5,000. obo. 992-7813. (75-rts-sta) 1981 1981 Ford Lariat Club Cab, immaculate and loaded, captains seats, trailer towing package, etc. 1981 Slumber Queen Camper 8 ft, $9,500. serious inquiries only please. Phone 249-5725 or owner 599-3867. (4-p81) 1981 T-Bird. 2 dr. 302 motor, ps. pb. auto, dean, no rust $1,950. 993-4518. (8-P-84) 1981 Ford F250, camper spectal aluminum canopy, radial tires. Dual batteries, ex cond., no rusL $4,500. Ph: 992-5032. (8-P-83) 1981 Yamaha YZ 490. $1,000. 992-7813. (75-rts-sta) For sale: 1981 Grand Prix, ps, pb, auto, 115.000 k m . 8 cyl.. good condition, clean, no rust. Asking $2,000. Phone: 747-1279. (4-p-80) 1984 1984 Toyota Tercel, 4-dr hatcfiback, & speed, -good condition, $3,700 Phone: 747-1015. (4-pr81) 1985 ij: 1985 Subaru for sale' 4 dr, 5 spd, sunroof, fully loaded. $5,500. Ph. 747-2248 (4-P-80) Honda VF 1000 interceptor, new melzler tires, 2 Shoei tri-color-helmets, rainsuites, tank cover & bike cover. $2,900., 1 owner. Ph. 992-1217. (4-P-80) % if ^ Tamron 70-210 200 m lense. Mounts ' for most cameras, avail. Ph: 992-7991. (60-rts) il Brown wicker-look swag lamp fixture, $20. obo. Stereo system with tape deck, record player & stand, works great. $150.00. 992-3109. (75-rts-sta) I I Trailers M € •••1 1 1 I 1978 Lionel hardtop tent trailer Sleeps 8, fridge, stove, sink, heater, good cond Asking $3,200 obo. 747-1576 (4-P-80) I Vinyl hard top tent trailer, sleeps 8, fridge, stove and heater, co.iverter and hydraulic brakes $2,250 firm. Phone: 747-2539. (73 rts) I Tent trailer hard top. Ph" 747-2539 (63 rts) 1980 1980 CMC p,'u, short box, 5 cylinder, 89.000 km, new roar brakers, spring tune up and safety inspected, $3,000. ph: 747-4369. (4-p-82) Will do repairs on small engines, snowmobiles, chainsaws, motorcycles, lawn mowers. 15 yrs. exp.-Very reasonable Free pickup, 747-3509. (8-P-82) 1974 Bellvue tent trailer, 3-burrier stove, heater & 3-way Irfdge, sleeps 8 Excellent cond. Asking $2,000. Ph. 747-4405. (8-P-84) 1977 Chev Monza, 305, V-8, auto trans Ph 992-7991 (60-rts) 195KEiSAVE 992-6332 Recreational Vehicles i Ford BackhoG in gd working cond. ,$8,900 obo Ph" 747-2660 (4-p-03) ;?? 400 amp hlobart Welder, $4,000 obo 400 Twin Honda Street Bike, $500 obo, 1979 Ford P U., $600 obo Ph. 395-5250. (4-P-80) 1985 ALLEGRO CLASS ' A ' 23 ft Motorhome. Excellent condition, 454 GM Chassis, with rear bed, dual air, new awning and tires. $20,900. Phone: 747-1014. (80-rts) For sale or hire, 1979 drop 40 buncher with Lockamo sawhead completely rebuilt and ready for work. $40,000 obo. Morning and late evenings phone 992-9677. (8-p-83) M 4 1 M I •Si 1986 "Scamper" motorhome. Good condition, sleeps-6. Ph: 249-5125. (8-P-85) 1977 Travel Trailer, sleeps 7, 3 piece bath, 3 way fridge, stove, oven, furnace, spackius, large windows. $5.000.. Ph: 395-5277 eves. 3954441 days. (4-p-81) '0 Sparky 4 wheel cart, used by disabled person, call after 6 p.m. 992-6837. (4-P-83) 1976 21 ft. Scamper Class ' C Motorhome. 350 Chev. dual air. sleeps six, good cond., clean. $11,500.00. 993-4518 (8-P-84) ' . 1974 Winnebego Motorhome. 19' 318, ex cond, 32,000 fFwies. air. awning; Phone: 747-1003. (8-p-80) 1974 13 ft. Honey (Boler) fibreglass trailer. 3-way fridge, furnace, 3-burner stove. Good cond. $2,395.00 obo. Ph. 992-7648 or 992-6611, ask for Allan. (8-P-84) . . if I Miscellaneous for Sale 1981 Class "A" Motorhome. 26" Vanguard 454 Q.M Motor, rear bdrm, air, generator & much more. For more info Ph. 747-3796, (8-p-82) ANTIQUES Lakeshore Antiques. 2 km dow/i Milburn Lk. Rd 249-5645, open Tuesday to Fnday. 1 0 - 4 , Sunday and Saturday 10 - 2 (8-p-87) Exquisite 5-piece living room suite, French Provincial by Braemor, dusty rose, never used. $1,800. firm, approx. 1/3 of purchase price 397-2940 evenings or message. (4-p-80) Miscellaneous Wanted Will buy your birch no rot. sound logs. Minimum 7" dia lengths, multiples of 51 or 51 inches will pay $20 cash on delivery per cubic meter. Must be winter cut. Ph: 992-5646. (8-p-85) DISCOVERY TOYS SUMMER SALE 30 toys, books, games, 25-50% off. book a home demonstration soon. Call Karen at 249-5607. June 3,10,17,24. (8-P-87) Electronics Radio Shack colour computer. TRS 80 with cassette recorder, instruction and program manuals. Ph: 992-7991. (60-rts) * • Barb Munro • Kathy Edwards <• Allan Ford uiiS?S:vs4Dt,yi:tDPv.ErJTa|uTD:gi:;Si Hound your owner to p l a c e t h a t classiHed ad today! It's easy to find warm, caring pet lovers for everything from mutts to monkeys. A call will do the trick. GENERAL! i i . r E I AGENTS Ulaiuanesa 353 Reid St. MMwustmniium iSSaia5i::!i::g:ei;M»SSs^^^^ 9 yr old AQHA gelding. King breeding on Sire's side. Monkey MounVBlack Charge on Dam's side, $2,500 obo. Call 989-4249. (4-p-81) English Saddle made by Olympic Saddlery, England. New cond , $350. complete. 747-2667, Quesnel. {4-P-80) \j\3\ I B»IWll»S«© For advertising information in the Professional Services Directory please call Vem ai 992-2121 Auctions Large selection of quality English riding equipment. New and used. 395-2408. (4-P-83) Purebred Reg' Romney Ram. $300. Call Roseann Doerksen at 747-2660. (4-P-83) ^Q^ SBB^SB '^^time.^^^^if,se¥.i&.>tj£gs>«s^'ssi^t£,m»M?(R^ Quesnel C a r i b o o Observer 188 C a r s o n Ave. Livestock QQO.fifiH (Across frorfPthe Post Office) 992-2121 Furniture Beautiful hand crafted Hagstrom electiic guitar. $400 firm. Phone: 9926610 after 5 p.m. (4-p-83) Produce S3 ii p. I i Jeep T-15A 3-speed manual trans'missioh: 'SISO'""SffToydta^Fieadlight doors, now, $100 both Ph 992 7954 •(8:p-86) . " • Oil house furnace with oil tank and -some oil. $100 obo Gd cond. Phone. 992-9229. (76-rts-st^) Rebuilt appliances for sale. Stove $89.95 and up. Fridges, $95 & up. Elements $8 to $12. 6-mo warranty. We trade appliances and buy We do house calls. WE FIX IT ALL SHOP. 992-7442. (10-rts) Musical Instruments Steyr KP-40 log processor, looking for wori<. 567-2758. (8-p-84) 886 IBM compatable computer in Tower Case, tots of room for expansion. Super VGA color monitor. Panasonic dot matrix printer. $1,600 firm. Phone: 992-6610 after 5 p.m. (4-p83) Appliances • Carol Handsor WMinsMMII WlmSMnmgm SATURDAY JUNE 13, 1992 HAYING EQUIPMENT HENRY DYCK AUCTIONEER 567-4842. NELSON 567-4335 iii At Stud: Quarter Horse Stallions Adios Peppy, by Cue Bar Peppy, by Peppy San. Also Justa Contender, by American, by Three Bars. Phone 567-4917 (8-P-82) ^ Wagon Master Trailer Sales. New 16' stock trailers, $4,695.00. 92, 2 horse angle haul, $5,495.00. 20' Gooseneck stock, $7,495.00. Many more on hand. Hythe, Alberta (403) 356-3044. (8-P-82) Ron WyUe Custom Picture Framing & Gallery 'Laminating S Dry Mounting 'Frames made to any size •Affordable prices PLUS iii UmilBd E d l o n Prints by Maria Wilson. For sale: 800 ewes with lambs. Phone: 1-403-727-3989. (8-p-81) Robert Bateman. Carl Brendofs, Tarry Isaac. Jo»in S«ery-Le6l6r. Andrew Wss, Ken Ferris and many others 1871 Cypresa Rd., Quetnel, B.C. V2J 4B1 Buncher for hir.e. Williams Lk. 398-7614. (16-P-80) 1990 Citation 5th Wheel. 25'5", fibreplated, white rubber roof, roof rack, awning & ladder. Showing as new $27,000. Near new Slumljer Queen in trade 8-1/2 or 8*. Ph. 992-5744. (4-P-80) •• • ] • . INS^IM]S[E;E? FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS, CALL We F o u n d a Home in t h e Classifieds Hobbies & Games ; ! Heavy Duty Equipment 1987 Vanguard 5th wheel, 22 ft. Fully self contained, sleeps 6, $12,000 Phone: 747-1323. (4-p-83) lllfl Electric digital scale. Mettler PC 4400. 5 kg X 0.01 g. Ph: 992-7991. (60-rts) 1974 Bellvue ten; trailer, 3 burner stove, heater, and 3 w.^y fridge. Sleeps 8. Excellent condition, asking $2,000. Ph: 747-4405: (8 p-84) • 1977 Cadillac,D'Elegance. Black w/ now vinyl roof, reasonable rubber, now brakes, virtually no rust, 1 owner. $1,000 Ph 992-1217. (4-P-80) Flat lot on comer of Viker and Redden Rd. Ph: 523-9591. (8-p-86) Building and land for sale next to new R.C.M.P. building. Contact Brad or Archie. Ph: 992-8818. (4-p-81) 1990 Chev Corsica, LT, 4 door, air, tilt and cruise, cassette, stereo, and trailer hitch, $9,000 firm. Ph 7472100. (4-P-82) I Sporting Equipment m 1981 Volkswagen Westfalia camper. 71,000 km, very, good cord. 9922830. (4-P-80) 1986 FORD F-250. 4x4, 302, auto, 91,000-km., new tires. 2 batt, clean. Phone: 747-1683. (4-p-82) Pets Pets Miscellaneous for Sale •!fSi Recreational Vehicles 1986 Automotive Includes. .. -Delivery & setup in Qucsnel -Bay window -Residential windows -Vinyl lap siding • 5 bdrm home, fireplace in living room, formal dining room plus eating area in kitchen, ensuite off master bedroom, garage, fenced yard. (3ood neighborhood, great view. Asking $74,900. • Property for Sale Good cheap hay. round hiales. $20.00 to $30.00 per ton. Haul now. pay later. Call for more information Mike Bond at 567-9856. Vanderhoof. (8-p^2) Hay for sale, square b»ales. rotlnd bales. 993-4574 or 992-2316 (14-rts) Pets Anirrials sold as purebred stock' must be registered in compliance with the Canadian Uvestocl< Pedigree Act. 3 Siberian Huskies AKC. registered 5 yr old male, $200. 1 male and female, 1 yr olds for breeding $250 each Ph: 398-5138. (4-p-;82) i m English S.f3ringer Spaniel, show pup for sale. Adult champion for sale Phone: 564-7251. (4-p-81) I Garage Sales •i 747-1579 e 0 • lElWiiiKffiiii Yard Sale in Uplands, several families, 1200 block on Pentland Cres. Sat. June 6, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (1-p-80) m mi m 558 N. Fraser Dr. Bikes, wheels, many other items, weekends till end of June. 992-5030. (8-p-84) COMPLETE SECRETARIAL SERVICES • Typing • Word Processing • Resumes • Binding • Laser Printing • Photocopying • Fax Service OPEN 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday Auctions tM AUCTION #1 - 259 McLEAN ST. AbovsRoflMteyOvyater iwEjraMi SATURDAY J U N E 6, 1992 4 T R A C T O R S W FRONT E N D L O A D E R S . C O M P L E T E LINE O F HAYING EQUIPMENT $ HENRY DYCK AUCTIONEER , Phone: 567-4842 Bruce Russell 567 2229 567-4352 The-Responsiblity Is'vtiuis. 1-800-663-1441 Fax 992-3886 Ph. 992-2662 00 MlNEiFIREV/0G)b# A Close second was ttie CITY WIDE CLASSIFIEDS CALL 992-2121 • 10 Cord Load, 20 foot long. $450.00 delivered • 4 Cord Load, Cut to length. As low as $180.00 CALL 992-WOOD i*, Ipi pi
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