Layout The outline provided of Trailer couplings Coupling holders Coupling brackets Drawbar eyes Accessoires – The illustrations of the couplings show the typical versions for agriculture and forestry. for agriculture and forestry is aimed not only at informing you about our wide range of products but should also assist in deciding on the right coupling for the respective application. – The page Coupling Selection – Calculation shows how to calculate the load values. – The table view of couplings allows selection on the basis of all the relevant criteria. In addition to detailed product descriptions we also provide a number of outline illustrations: How to find us: ROCKINGER Anhängerkupplungen GmbH Burgenlandallee 4 – 8 99869 Günthersleben-Wechmar Tel. 036256 / 238-0 Fax 036256 / 238-40 J O ST-Werke GmbH & Co. KG Siemensstraße 2 63263 Neu-Isenburg Tel. 0 61 02 / 2 95-0 Fax 0 61 02 / 2 95-410 e-mail: [email protected] Internet: We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice Date of last review: 06/2005 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 3 Contents page Overview of couplings-illustrations Overview of couplings-table Coupling selection / calculation 5 6/7 8 Trailer couplings ROi805 B ROi810 A ROi810 B ROi810 D ROi820 A ROi820 L ROi820 L ROi825 A ROi825 L ROi841 B ROi846 B ROi850 A ROi850 B ROi850 D ROi860 A ROi860 B ROi860 C ROi860 D ROi873 B ROi873 D flange bearing non-automatic flange/insert pin bearing non-automatic flange bearing non-automatic lift bearing non-automatic Piton-Fix swinging drawbar with Piton-Fix swinging drawbar with Piton-Fix ball coupling insert swinging drawbar with ball coupling flange bearing automatic flange bearing automatic detachable coupling 30 mm automatic flange bearing 30 mm automatic lift bearing 30 mm automatic detachable coupling 38 mm automatic flange bearing 38 mm automatic detachable coupling 38 mm automatic lift bearing 38 mm automatic flange bearing 36 mm automatic lift bearing 36 mm automatic 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19/20 21/26 27/28 29/30 31/32 33 34/36 37/38 39 40 41/43 44 45/47 Coupling holders ROi880 A ROi880 C ROi880 K ROi881A ROi887 F ROi887 K ROi887 H with ball coupling with Piton-Fix 48/52 53/54 55 56 57 58 59 adapter for car coupling ball adapter for truck coupling flange coupling bowden cables and levers 60 61 62/63 64 with Piton-Fix with ball coupling Coupling brackets ROi70218 ROi70904 ROi560 Remote control automatic Drawbar eyes, sockets and forks 65/72 Support feet and slewing rings 73/74 Tools / gauges 75 Permitted wear 76 Spare parts ROi248 ROi279 77/ 78 79 Allocation of towbar couplings to tractor types 80/90 4 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Coupling view TRAILER COUPLING Couplings for x different weights of tractor x different load values x different drawbar eyes Model ROi825 A Ball coupling non-automatic Model ROi805 (only for trailer) with flange bearing automatic Model ROi841, ROi846, ROi560 with flange bearing Model ROi825 L Swinging drawbar with ball coupling non-automatic Model ROi810 with lift bearing automatic Model ROi850, ROi860, ROi873 with flange bearing Model ROi59343, Model ROi59344 Coupling heads Model ROi820 Piton-Fix non-automatic non-automatic Model ROi810 with insert pin bearing automatic Model ROi810 with flange bearing automatic Model ROi850, ROi860, ROi873 with lift bearing Model ROi850, ROi860 with insert pin bearing ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 5 Overview of couplings / pin couplings TRAILER COUPLING Series Part no. ROi ROi Locking non autoautomatic matic 841 846 850 860 873 6 805B30 810A01 810A02 810B30 810B40 810B50 810D03 810D10 810D12 810D23 810D30 810D36 841B30 841B40 841B50 846B30 846B40 846B50 850A01 850A02 850A04 850B30 850B40 850B50 850D03 850D10 850D12 850D23 850D30 850D36 860A01 860A02 860A05 860A06 860B30 860B40 860B50 860C01 860D10 860D12 860D23 860D30 860D36 873B40 873B50 873D10 873D12 873D23 873D30 873D36 30/32 30/32 30/32 30/32 30/32 30/32 30/32 30/32 30/32 30/32 30/32 30/32 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Tractor weight T Flange bearing Insert pin bearing Lift bearing with hole pattern with pins with mounting width Bolt 805 810 Fastening 120 x 55 25 32 120 x 55 140 x 80 160 x 100 270 310 312 323 330 336 38 38 38 38 38 38 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 120 x 55 140 x 80 160 x 100 120 x 55 140 x 80 160 x 100 25 32 25 120 x 55 140 x 80 160 x 100 270 310 312 323 330 336 25 32 25 25 120 x 55 140 x 80 160 x 100 25 310 312 323 330 336 140 x 80 160 x 100 310 312 323 330 336 Values Vertical load S D-Value D (t) (t) (kN) 0 8,5 8,5 6 11 14 6 14 12,5 14 14 14 A A A A A A 10 10 7,5 6 11 14 7 14 12,5 14 14 14 10 10 10,5 7,5 6 11 14 10 14 12,5 14 14 14 11 14 14 12,5 14 14 14 0,65 2 2 1,5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0,5 1 1 0,5 1 1 2 2 1,5 1,5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,25 1,25 1,5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 60,4 65,6 65,6 50 78,2 89,3 50 89,3 84,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 60 100 100 60 100 100 73,5 73,5 59,8 50 78,2 89,3 56,6 89,3 84,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 73,5 73,5 76 59,8 50 78,2 89,3 73,6 89,3 84,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 78,2 89,3 89,3 84,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 Homologation ABG M3455 M4744 M4744 M9769 M4916 M9770 M4496 M4463 M9692 M4463 M4463 M4463 M9734 M9723 M9723 M9750 M9751 M9751 M5038 M9606 M9735 M4847 M5028 M5022 M4882 M9693 M4882 M4882 M4882 M9606 M9606 M4574 M4033 M9735 N3151 N3152 M4227 N3150 M9693 N3150 N3150 N3150 N3151 N3152 N3150 M9693 N3150 N3150 N3150 EU e1-0011 e1-0011 e1-0296 e1-0027 e1-0297 e1-0025 e1-0019 e1-0244 e1-0019 e1-0019 e1-0019 e1-1457 e1-1456 e1-1456 e1-1472 e1-1473 e1-1473 e1-0055 e1-0055 e1-0228 e1-0277 e1-0031 e1-0054 e1-0049 e1-0032 e1-0245 e1-0032 e1-0032 e1-0032 e1-0152 e1-0152 DIN 74053 50 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● e1-0277 e1-0085 e1-0120 e1-0086 e1-0245 e1-0086 e1-0086 e1-0086 e1-0085 e1-0120 e1-0086 e1-0245 e1-0086 e1-0086 e1-0086 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● DIN 74054 40 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Drawbar eyes DIN 11026 DIN 11043 40 40 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● DIN 9678 50 Switzerland 40 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 7 Coupling selection / calculation Choice of coupling Tractor Bearing type 1. Flange bearing 1. Hole pattern at the rear of the tractor: Coupling with flange bearing and the corresponding hole pattern (see table). 2.1 Lift bearing 2. Coupling holder on the tractor 2.1 Coupling with lift bearing Insert pin bearing 2.2 2.2 Coupling with insert pin bearing Calculation T 1. Tractor weight In the absence of the D-value: The admissible total vehicle combination weight (currently 40 t) minus the admissible total weight of tractor is the towed load.. S 2. Vertical load Static vertical load x x x S T C x Vertical load from the central axle trailer at the coupling point. The maximum possible static vertical load depends on the size of the coupling and amounts to 10 % of the total weight of the trailer or 1000 kg (which ever is less). Higher values are possible. The static vertical load should be at least 4% of the trailer weight in order to avoid a damaging negative vertical load. The level of the vertical load also depends on the speed. Central axle trailer (C): Use admissible in principle: x Size of the central axle trailer depends on the characteristics of the drawbar eye and the tractor unit. x See table for restrictions x For speeds i40 km/h the maximum vertical load is 2 t for all coupling devices (EU regulations) D D-value (not in all couplings) 3. D-value Theoretical horizontal force between towing vehicle and trailer, comparative mathematical value of forces between two moving masses. The D-value can only be calculated from the admissible total weight of both masses (towing vehicle and trailer). Calculation of the D-value in (kN): T R T · R T+R T: total weight of the towing vehicle in t R: total weight of the turntable trailer in t g: gravitational acceleration (9,81 m/s2) D R2 R1 D=g· The calculated D-value can be equal to or less than the D-value of the coupling (type plate) or the weakest link in the overall rig. Where use of the coupling is permitted for the trailer: D=g· D R 1 · R2 R 1 + R2 R1: total weight of the trailer on which the coupling is mounted in t; R1 p R 2 8 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Drawbar eye / calculation The page Coupling selection / calculation of this catalogue contains information on the load values for the coupling and drawbar eye. Couplings and drawbar eyes for road traffic which are tested pursuant to the European standard 94/20 also have special characteristic values established for use with the central axle trailer, the Dc-value and the V-value. As the Dc and V values are given for some of the drawbar eyes listed below, these values are explained briefly here. Dc Towing vehicle and central-axle trailer: The Dc-value (applies only in conjunction with the V-value) T C Dc x Theoretical horizontal force between towing vehicle and trailer, comparative mathematical value of forces between two moving masses x The Dc-value can only be calculated from the admissible total weight of both masses (towing vehicle and trailer). x Calculation of the Dc-value in kN: Dc (kN) = g · T · C T +C T: total weight of the towing vehicle in t C: sum of the axle loads of the central axle trailer in t g: gravitational acceleration 9,81 m/s2 The calculated Dc-value can be equal to or less than the Dc-value of the drawbar eye. V Central axle trailer: The V-value (applies only in conjunction with the Dc-value) x vertical load from the central axle trailer x depends on the rear axle suspension of the towing vehicle x calculation of the V-value in kN: 2 V (kN) = a · x2 · C l V X l a: comparative acceleration at the coupling point in m/s2 a = 1,8 in vehicles with pneumatic rear axle suspension a = 2.4 in vehicles with other suspension l: theoretical drawbar length in m x: length of the loading area in m x2 / l 2: at least 1,0 C: sum of the axle loads of the central axle trailer in t The calculated V-value may be equal to or less than the V-value of the drawbar eye. ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 9 ROi805 B TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x non-automatic trailer coupling with flange bearing x for agricultural trailer x type 369 U130 RO. hole pattern T (mm) (t) 805 B 3000 C 120x55 0 S (t) D (kN) pin ABG M EU e1 0,65 60,4 70323 3455 – Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b (mm) c (mm) turn-angle (s. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 40 30,5 min. 80h DIN 74054 70323 10 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World min. 20h ROi810 A – Für John Deere 6000 TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x non-automatic trailer coupling with insert pin bearing x for John Deere 6000 – 6920 x type 810 JAA and 810 JBA RO. holder pin T (t) S (t) D (kN) 810A01042 810A01502 810A02042 810A02502 – 65585 – 65590 70231 70231 70336 70336 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 65,6 65,6 65,6 65,6 pin – – – – ABG M EU e1 4744 4744 4744 4744 0011 0011 0011 0011 Drawbar eyes DIN 11026 11043 74053 74054 9678 a (mm) Nennmaße b (mm) c (mm) 100 100 115 100 120 40 40 50 40 50 42 32 45 30,5 30 turn-angle horizontal vertical min. 70h min. 76h min. 78h min. 76h min. 60h min. 20h min. 22h min. 20h min. 20h min. 25h Single-hand pins Pos. l 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2 4 length (l) (mm) ROE – – 345 500 650 66887 66984 67075 67086 67549 5 310 +3,5 –2 228 138 +5 –3 17 R 36 Pin l 25 mm/70231 Pin l 32 mm/70336 140 l 33 37 52 ±2 18 131 24,5 53 +2,1 –0,5 58 150 186 +1 –2 112±3 +2 61–1 60±2 154±3 138 +3 –2 70 l16,5 110 +1,2 30,5 –0,2 65585/65590 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 11 ROi810 B TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x non-automatic trailer coupling with flange bearing x type 810 RO. hole pattern T (t) S (t) D (kN) singlehand pin ABG M EU e1 810B3000C 810B3050C 810B40001 810B40501 810B5000C 810B5050C 120x 55 120x 55 140x 80 140x 80 160x100 160x100 1,5 1,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 50,0 50,0 78,2 78,2 89,3 89,3 – 66887 – 66887 – 66887 9769 9769 4916 4916 9770 9770 0296 0296 0027 0027 0297 0297 6,0 6,0 11,0 11,0 14,0 14,0 Drawbar eyes DIN 11026 74053 74054 a (mm) Nennmaße b (mm) c (mm) turn-angle horizontal vertical 100 115 100 40 50 40 42 45 30,5 min. 70h min. 78h min. 76h min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h Single-hand pins Pos. l 1 2 3 length (l) (mm) ROE – – 345 500 650 66887 66984 67075 67086 67549 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 l 33 61+2 –1 112±3 138 +3 –2 +1,2 30,5 –0,2 b e c 60±2 +2,5 117,9 –1,5 a d +2,5 (117,5 –1,5 ) 58 154 ± 3 Bestell Nr. 810 B 30 810 B 40 810 B 50 f 12 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World a (mm) 120 140 160 b (mm) 55 80 100 c (mm) 15 17 21 d (mm) 155 180 200 e (mm) 90 120 140 f (mm) 16 21 20 ROi810 D TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x non-automatic trailer coupling with lift bearing x pin l 30/32 mm x type 810 D, Typ 274 RO. track width (mm) (Sw) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 810D0300C 810D1000C 810D1200C 810D2300C 810D3000C 810D3600C 270 310 312 323 330 336 06 14 12,5 14 14 14 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 50,0 89,3 84,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 4496 4463 9692 4463 4463 4463 0025 0019 0244 0019 0019 0019 Lift bearing Drawbar eyes DIN a (mm) Nennmaße b (mm) c (mm) turn-angle horizontal vertikal 100 115 100 100 120 40 50 40 40 50 42 45 30,5 32 30 min. 70h min. 78h min. 76h min. 76h min. 60h 11026 74053 74054 110435 9678 min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h min. 22h min. 25h l Single-hand pins Pos. 1 2 3 4 length (l) (mm) ROE – – 345 500 650 66887 66984 67075 67086 67549 1 2 3 4 5 5 l 33 61–1 60 +3 138 –2 112e3 +2 ld 138e2 128 –2 +3 +1,2 (l 30,5 – 0,5 ) +3 Sw b 60–2 +2,5 135 –1,5 36e 2 18,5 162 e 3 l33 61–1 +2 +3 138 –2 112e3 +1,2 (l30,5 –0,5) a +3 810 D 12 60 –2 +2,5 170 –1,5 28 e2 20 +2 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 13 Spare parts for series RO i810 D (new height adjustment) 1 3 if required 1 2 5 6 4 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 designation arrest bolt set for 810 D 10... arrest bolt set for 810 D 12... arrest bolt set for 810 D 23... arrest bolt set for 810 D 30... arrest bolt set for 810 D 36... cam plate D 30 for 810 D 30 / D 10 / D 23 / D 36... cam plate D 12 f0r 810 D 12... set of cam plate fastenings for 810 D 10/D 23/D 30/D 36... set of cam plate fastenings for 810 D 123 set of cam plate fastenings for 810 D 125 lubrication nipple A 10 x1 anti-slip lock* type plate * secure with metal adhesive 14 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World piece 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 part no. 71430 71431 71432 71433 71434 71428 71429 71425 71426 71427 65018 70910 on request Spare parts for series RO i274 UA/SA · RO i810 D 01/03 (old height adjustment) No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 designation piece part no. lubrication nipple A 10 x1 adjustment screw (not for 810 D) bearing plate cam plate for 274 R/S cam plate for 274 U torsion spring bearing bolt arrest bolt for 274R/S arrest bolt for 274 U cylinder pin 10 M 6 x 28 sealing cover set of screws type plate EU plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 65018 70241 15409 70524 65514 55182 52308 52309 52330 32118 15410 70518 on request on request ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 15 ROi820A01 (Piton-Fix) TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x Piton-Fix with non-automatic locking device for coupling holders with dimension 330 mm pin l 44,5 mm (ISO 6489-4) type 820A01 version A RO track width (mm) (Sw) 820A0100C 330 T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG N EU e1 14 2,5 89,3 9632 0193 Drawbar eyes DIN 9678 Nennmaße b ( mm) 110–120 50 c (mm) turn-angle (s. Abb.) horizontal vertical 30 min. 60h min. 20h c a b a (mm) 71088 16 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 52318 67917 ROi820 L 03 John Deere 6000, 7000 SWINGING DRAWBAR WITH PITON FIX Technical data x Piton-Fix with latch fastener on swinging drawbar x spigot l 44,5 mm (ISO 6489-4) x type 820 L03 RO T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 820 L03070 14 2,8 89,3 – – Drawbar eyes DIN c 9678 Nennmaße b (mm) 110 –120 50 c (mm) turn-angle horizontal vertical 30 min. 60h min. 20h a b a (mm) 90 40 39 75 L006 l 28 120 927 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 17 ROi820 L04 CLAAS, Ares 500/600 SWINGING DRAWBAR WITH PITON-FIX Technical data x Piton-Fix with latch fastener on swinging drawbar x spigot l 44,5 mm (ISO 6489-4) x type 820 L04 RO T (t) 270n (t) 180n (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 820 L04070 12 3 4 82,4 9784 – Drawbar eyes DIN 9678 c a b 75 L006 18 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World a (mm) Nennmaße b (mm) 110 –120 50 c (mm) turn-angle horizontal vertical 30 min. 60h min. 20h ROi825A TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x insert ball coupling l 80 mm for coupling holders with different mounting widths x only for connection with coupling head 80 in accordance with ISO 24347 x type 825A01 version A, B, C, D, E RO track width (mm) (Sw) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 825A3000C 825A1000C 825A1200C 825A2300C 825A3600C 330 310 312 323 336 14 14 14 14 14 3 3 3 3 3 89,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 9674 9674 9674 9674 9674 0231 0231 0231 0231 0231 Note: Only approved for coupling heads ABG no.: M 9614, M 9615, M 9622, M 9625, M 9679, M 9680, M 9685 Sw Schwenkwinkel axial min. 20h nach rechts und links 80 mm ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 19 Spare parts for series RO i825A 1 7 2 3/4 5 6 3/4 No. designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ball with channel nut latch with screw pin with lock rings l 251 pin with lock rings l 222 bearing pin safety pin adjustment screw with nut 1 2 20 ) Sw 330 ) Sw 310, 312, 323 336 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World piece part no. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 71177 71179 71180 71241 71181 71182 75 L001 ROi825L03 John Deere 6000, 7000 SWINGING DRAWBAR WITH BALL COUPLING Technical data x ball coupling l 80 mm on swinging drawbar x in accordance with ISO 24347 x type 825 L03 RO T (t) S D (kN) ABG M EU e1 825 L0304C 14 2,8 89,3 9747 0279 . Turn-angle: horizontal min. e 60° vertical min. e 20° The coupling heads of the following ABGs can be used: M 9679, M 9680, M 9614, M 9615, M 9622, M 9625, M 9685, M 9711, M 9712. coupling ball ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 21 ROi825 L04 CLAAS, Ares 500/600 SWINGING DRAWBAR WITH BALL COUPLING Technical data x ball coupling l 80 mm on swinging drawbar x in accordance with ISO 24347 x type 825 L04 RO T (t) 270n (t) 180n (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 825 L04070 12 3 4 82,4 9785 – Die wirksame Baulänge der Einrichtung darf maximal 20 mm betragen (Abstand von Mitte Kuppelpunkt bis Hinterkante Auflage). Pivot angle: horizontal min. e 60° vertical min. e 20° The coupling heads of the following ABGs can be used: M 9679, M 9680, M 9614, M 9615, M 9622, M 9625, M 9685, M 9711, M 9712. 22 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Fendt Favorit 700, 800 VARIO and Massey Ferguson 7400 ROi825 L SWINGING DRAWBAR WITH BALL COUPLING Technical data x ball coupling l 80 mm with latch on swinging drawbar x in accordance with ISO 24347 x type 825 L05 RO T (t) S D (kN) ABG M EU e1 825 L0500C 12 3 82,4 9745 – Pivot angle: horizontal min. e 60° vertical min. e 20° The coupling heads of the following ABGs can be used: M 9679, M 9680, M 9614, M 9615, M 9622, M 9625, M 9685, M 9711, M 9712. 27° 90 25° coupling ball Kugel l 80 90 25° 787 l 43 115 105 l 30,25 562,3 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 23 ROi825 L Fendt Favorit 500/600, Farmer 300 and Xylon SWINGING DRAWBAR WITH BALL COUPLING Technical data x ball coupling l 80 mm with latch on swinging drawbar x in accordance with ISO 24347 x type 825 L 89 RO T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 825 L8900 C 8,5 3 65,7 9744 – Pivot angle: horizontal min. e 60° vertical min. e 20° The coupling heads of the following ABGs can be used: M 9679, M 9680, M 9614, M 9615, M 9622, M 9625, M 9685, M 9711, M 9712. 27° 90 25° coupling Kugel l 80 ball 40 25° l43 690 646,7 189 l30,5 24 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World ROi825 L Fendt 816-824, 916-930 and Massey Ferguson 8400 SWINGING DRAWBAR WITH BALL COUPLING Technical data x ball coupling l 80 mm with latch on swinging drawbar x in accordance with ISO 24347 x type 825 L 20 RO T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 825 L2000 C 14 3,7 89,3 9746 – With two-part drawbar frame as of 2002. Pivot angle: horizontal min. e 60° vertical min. e 20° 30° The coupling heads of the following ABGs can be used: M 9679, M 9680, M 9614, M 9615, M 9622, M 9625, M 9685, M 9711, M 9712. 90 coupling 25° Kugel ball l 80 50 25° 667 80 120 l 30,3 l 16,5 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 25 ROi825 L CLAAS Xerion SWINGING DRAWBAR WITH BALL COUPLING Technical data x ball coupling l 80 mm on swinging drawbar x in accordance with ISO 24347 x type 825 L02 RO T (t) S D (kN) ABG M EU e1 825 L0200C 14 3,5 89,3 9732 0275 Pivot angle: horizontal min. e 60° vertical min. e 20° The coupling heads of the following ABGs can be used: M 9679, M 9680, M 9614, M 9615, M 9622, M 9625, M 9685, M 9711, M 9712. coupling ball 26 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World ROi841B TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x automatic trailer coupling with flange bearing for agricultural trailers and self propelled machines x coupling pin: l 38 mm x prepared for mechanical remote control and remote display x type 841B 30 A, Typ 841B 40 A+B RO hole pattern S (kg) D (kN) Dc2 (kN) V2 (kN) ABG M EU 94/20 Kl. S e1 841B 3000 C 841B 3010 C1 841B 4000 C 841B 4010 C1 841B 5000 C 841B 5010 C1 120x 55 120x 55 140x 80 140x 80 160x100 160x100 60 60 100 100 100 100 45 45 64 64 64 64 15,6 15,6 23 23 23 23 9734 9734 9723 9723 9723 9723 1457 1457 1456 1456 1456 1456 1 hand lever downwards 2 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 when used outside of agriculture or forestry Drawbar eyes DIN a (mm) Nennmaße b (mm) c (mm) turn-angle horizontal vertical 100 40 30,5 min. 90h 74054 min. 20h 210e5 min. 20° 113,5e5 min. 20° 180+5 240 max. 106 e5 C +2,5 163,9 –1,5 360+5 283,9 be c f 841B 3000 C Bestell Nr. 841B 30 841B 40 841B 50 d a d a d a be c a (mm) 120 140 160 c 841B 4000 C b (mm) 55 80 100 be c (mm) 15 17 21 d (mm) 155 180 200 841B 5000 C e (mm) 90 120 140 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World f (mm) 16 21 20 27 Spare parts for series RO i841B 3 5 2 1 7 4 6 14 * * 13 11 9 12 8 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 e 28 designation automatic unit without no. 4 hand lever upwards hand lever downwards set of screws locking pin safety system lower bush with no. 7 support ring funnel with no. 13 Omega spring with screws set of screws guide bush base plate bearing rings for funnel upper bush no spare part ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 10 piece part no. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70944 50244 70735 30361 47099 70925 53519 59278 70812 55256 30362 53467 65626 25479 53520 ROi846 B TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x automatic trailer coupling with flange bearing for agricultural trailers and self propelled machines x coupling pin: l 38 mm and release lever x prepared for mechanical remote control x type 846 B 30, 846 B 40, 846 B 50 RO hole pattern S (kg) D (kN) Dc2 (kN) V2 (kN) ABG M EU 94/20 Kl. S e1 846 B 3030 C 846 B 3040 C1 846 B 4030 C 846 B 4040 C1 846 B 5030 C 846 B 5040 C1 120x 55 120x 55 140x 80 140x 80 160x100 160x100 60 60 100 100 100 100 45 45 64 64 64 64 15,6 15,6 23 23 23 23 9750 9750 9751 9751 9751 9751 1472 1472 1473 1473 1473 1473 1 hand lever downwards 2 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 when used outside of agriculture or forestry Drawbar eyes DIN 74054 11026 11043 a (mm) Nennmaße b (mm) c (mm) turn-angle horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 30,5 42 32 min. 90h min. 90h min. 90h min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h b e c a d f Bestell Nr. 846 B 30 846 B 40 846 B 50 a (mm) 120 140 160 b (mm) 55 80 100 c (mm) 15 17 21 d (mm) 155 180 200 e (mm) 90* 120 140 f (mm) 16 21 20 * see fig. ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 29 Spare parts for series RO i846 9 5 4 6 4a 8 7a nach if Bedarf required 7 nach if Bedarf required 3 2 10 12 mit 4a, with 4a,7a7a 1 11 mit 4a, with 4a,7a7a 17 13 15 16 14 30 No. designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 bush bottom bush top cap tension lever support cover coupling pin (38 mm) release lever set spring holder lifting lever hand lever 846 downwards complete hand lever 846 upwards complete ball grip control pin funnel 846 complete set of bearing rings funnel reset set Type plate ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World piece 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 part no. 71454 71453 70513 70515 70517 70973 71450 70523 70974 50244 70735 25173 70975 71456 71457 71455 on request ROi850 A TRAILER COUPLING Technical data automatic trailer coupling with insert pin bearing cylindrical coupling pin: l 30,6 mm usable with John Deere 6000 – 6920 series type 850 A 01 A und B x x x x RO with holder 850A01342 – 850A01512 65585 850A02342 – 850A02512 65590 pin T (t) S (kg) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 70231 70231 70336 70336 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 73,5 73,5 73,5 73,5 9606 9606 9606 9606 0152 0152 0152 0152 Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b ( mm) c (mm) turn-angle(s. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 42 32 30,5 min. 70h min. 70h min. 70h DIN 11026 11043 74054 320,4 +3,1 –2 min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h 228 138 +5 –3 17 88 ± 2 l 25 mm/70231 l 32 mm/70336 70 37 52 ±2 18 106 ±3 52±2 62 ±2 l16,5 110 200 ±5 182 ±2 140 R 36 l30,6 131 57 +3 –2 24,5 114±5 53 –0,5 186 +1 –2 +2,1 156±3 1 min. 150 65585/65590 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 31 ROi850 A TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x automatic trailer coupling with insert pin bearing cylindrical coupling pin: l 30,6 mm usable with MB-Trac 700, 800, 900, 1000 and 1100 (7.5 t) type 850A04, version A RO with holder 850A0432 C – pin T (t) S (kg) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 66889 7,5 1,5 59,8 – 0228 Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b ( mm) c (mm) turn-angle (s. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 42 32 30,5 min. 70h min. 70h min. 70h DIN 11026 11043 74054 l 25 mm 66889 54546/59007 32 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h ROi850 B TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x automatic trailer coupling with flange cylindrical coupling pin: l 30,6 mm prepared for mechanical remote control type 850 B 30, 850 U140, 850 B 03 RO hole pattern (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 850 B 3030 C 850 B 40303 850 B 5030 C 120x 55 140x 80 160x100 6 11 14 1,5 2,0 2,0 50 78,2 89,3 9735 4874 5028 0277 0031 0054 Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b ( mm) c (mm) turn-angle (s. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 42 32 30,5 min. 72h min. 76h min. 76h DIN 11026 11043 74054 min. 20h min. 22h min. 20h 106 ± 3 52 ± 2 62 ± 2 200 ± 5 182 ± 2 88 ± 2 d e c l30,6 a d 127,9 +2,5 –1,5 57 +3 –2 156 ± 3 1 min. 114 ± 5 850 B 30 850 B 40 850 B 50 a (mm) 120 140 160 b (mm) 55 80 100 c (mm) 15 17 21 d (mm) 155 180 200 e (mm) 90 120 140 f (mm) 16 21 20 f ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 33 ROi850 D TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x automatic trailer coupling with lift bearing cylindrical coupling pin: l 30,6 mm prepared for mechanical remote control type 850 R, 850 D 12 RO track width (mm) (Sw) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 850 D 03301 850 D1030 C 850 D1230 C 850 D 2330 C 850 D 3030 C 850 D 3630 C 270 310 312 323 330 336 07 14 12,5 14 14 14 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 56,5 89,3 84,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 5022 4882 9693 4882 4882 4882 0049 0032 0245 0032 0032 0032 Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b ( mm) c (mm) turn-angle(s. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 42 32 30,5 min. 72h min. 76h min. 76h DIN ld +3 Swb 52 e2 62 e2 106e3 60 e2 138e2 128 –2 min. 20h min. 22h min. 20h 200 e5 182e2 11026 11043 74054 18,5 l 30,6 156e3 +3 57–2 52e2 20+2 62e2 106e3 a 200e5 182e2 114e5 36e 2 +2,5 145 –1,5 850 D 12 34 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World +3 57–2 28e2 l38,0 +2,5 180 –1,5 Spare parts for series RO i850 (new height adjustment) if required if required if required to 3 with 3a, 4a No. designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lower bush cap release lever set tension lever coupling pin (l 30,6 mm) support cover spring holder antislip lock* type plate hand lever ball grip lifting lever control pin arrest pin set for 850 D 10... arrest pin set for für 850 D 12... arrest pin set for 850 D 23... arrest pin set for 850 D 30... arrest pin set for 850 D 36... cam plate for 850 D 30 / D 10 / D 23 / D 36... cam plate for 850 D 12.. cam plate fastening set for 850/ D 10/ D 23/ D 30/ D 36... cam plate fastening set for 850 D 123.. cam plate fastening set for 850 D 125.. 15 16 piece part no. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70512 70513 70514 70515 70516 70517 70523 70910 – 0520 25173 70521 70522 71430 71431 71432 71433 71434 71428 71429 71425 71426 71427 * Secure with metal adhesive ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 35 Spare parts for series RO i850 D 02/D 03 (old height adjustment) if required if required to 3 with 3a, 4a No. designation piece part no. No. designation piece part no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 lower bush cap release lever set tension lever coupling pin support cover screw set type plate hand lever ball grip lifting lever control pin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70512 70513 70514 70515 70516 70517 70518 – 70520 25173 70521 70522 14 15 spring holder bearing disc arrest pin for D 02 arrest pin for D 03 bearing pin cam plate for D 02 cam plate for D 03 cylinder pin torsion spring cap anti-slip lock* 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70523 15409 52309 52330 52308 70524 65514 32118 55182 15410 70910 * Secure with metal adhesive 36 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ROi860 A TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x x automatic trailer coupling with insert pin bearing coupling pin: l 38 mm only for John Deere 6000 – 6920 series prepared for mechanical remote control type 860A01 version A und B RO with holder* pin T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 860A0134 C 860A0151C 860A0234 C 860A0251 C – 65585 – 65590 70321 70321 70336 70336 10 10 10 10 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 73,5 73,5 73,5 73,5 9606 9606 9606 9606 0152 0152 0152 0152 Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b ( mm) c (mm) turn-angle s. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 42 32 30,5 min. 70h min. 70h min. 70h DIN 11026 11043 74054 320,4 +3,1 –2 min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h 228 138 +5 –3 17 88 ± 2 70 18 37 52±2 52 ±2 62 ±2 106 ±3 l16,5 110 182 ±2 140 l 25 mm/70321 l 32 mm/70336 l 38 127,9 +2,5 –1,5 150 24,5 53 +2,1 –0,5 1 min. 131 114±5 186 +1 –2 57 +3 –2 156±3 200 ± 5 R 36 65585/65590 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 37 ROi860 A TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x x automatic trailer coupling with insert pin bearing coupling pin: l 38 mm only for MB Unimog 1000 prepared for mechanical remote control type 279 FB, 279 F RO with holder* 860A0532 C 860A0632 C pin – – T (t) 67216 10,5 67216 7,5 S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 1,25 1,25 76 59,8 4574 4033 – – * Coupling holder only from MB Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b ( mm) c (mm) turn-angles. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 42 32 30,5 min. 70h min. 70h min. 70h DIN 11026 11043 74054 +2 200–5 182 e 2 +3 88–1 52 e 2 20° 62 e 2 58 e 0,2 20° 106e 3 53,5 e 2 l38e 0,1 +3 57–2 168 e 2,5 156e 3 112 mm 860 A 05 110 mm 860 A 06 l 25 mm/67216 38 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h ROi860 B TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x automatic trailer coupling with flange coupling pin: l 38 mm prepared for mechanical remote control type 860 B 30, 860 B 40, 860 B 50 RO hole pattern (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 860 B 3030 C 860 B 4030 C 860B 5030 C 120x 55 140x 80 160x100 6 11 14 1,5 2,0 2,0 50 78,2 89,3 9735 3151 3152 0277 0085 0120 Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b (mm) c (mm) turn-angles. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 42 32 30,5 min. 70h min. 70h min. 70h DIN 11026 11043 74054 min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h 52±2 106 ±3 62 ±2 d e c l38 57 +3 –2 127,9 +2,5 –1,5 a d 1 min. ArtikelNr. 860 B 30 860 B 40 860 B 50 114±5 156±3 200 ± 5 182 ±2 88 ± 2 a (mm) 120 140 160 b (mm) 55 80 100 c (mm) 15 17 21 d (mm) 155 180 200 e (mm) 90 120 140 f (mm) 16 21 20 f ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 39 ROi860 C TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x x automatic trailer coupling with insert pin bearing coupling pin: l 38 mm only for MB TRAC 1300, 1500, 1600 prepared for mechanical remote control type 248 D version C RO with holder* 860C0132 C – pin (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 25 10 2 73,6 4227 – * Coupling holder and pin only from MB Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b ( mm) c (mm) turn-angles. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 42 32 30,5 min. 70h min. 70h min. 70h DIN 11026 11043 74054 min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h +3 200 – 5 182 e 2 +3 88 – 5 52 e 2 199,5–5 62 e 2 20° 106 e 3 53,5 e 2 20° 67 e 1 l 38 e 0,1 +3 57– 5 220 e 0,2 156 e 3 244e 3 l 25 40 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World ROi860 D TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x automatic trailer coupling with lift bearing prepared for mechanical remote control coupling pin: l 38 mm type 860 D 01, 850 D12 RO Track width (mm) (Sw) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG EU e1 860D0330 C 860D1030 C 860D1230 C 860D2330 C 860D3030 C 860D3630 C 270 310 312 323 330 336 7 14 12,5 14 14 14 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 56,5 89,3 84,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 – N 3150 M 9693 N 3150 N 3150 N 3150 – 0086 0245 0086 0086 0086 Drawbar eyes a (mm) Nennmaße b ( mm) c (mm) turn-angles. Abb.) horizontal vertical 100 100 100 40 40 40 42 32 30,5 min. 70h min. 70h min. 70h DIN ld +3 (Sw)b 52 e2 62 e2 106e3 60 e2 138e2 128 –2 min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h 200 e5 182e2 11026 11043 74054 18,5 l 30,6 156e3 145 –1,5 52 e2 20+2 62 e2 106 e3 a 200 e5 182e2 114e5 36e 2 +2,5 +3 57–2 l 38 860 D 12 +3 57 –2 28e2 +2,5 180 –1,5 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 41 Spare parts for series RO i860 D (new height adjustment) if required if required if required to 3 with 3a, 4a No. designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lower bush cap release lever set tension lever coupling pin (l 38 mm) support cap spring holder antislip lock* type plate hand lever ball grip lifting lever control pin arrest pin set for 860 D 10... arrest pin set for 860 D 12... arrest pin set for 860 D 23... arrest pin set for 860 D 30... arrest pin set for 860 D 36... cam plate for 860 D 30 / D 10 / D 23 / D 36... cam plate for 860 D 12.. cam plate fastening set for 860/ D 10/ D 23/ D 30/ D 36... cam plate fastening set for 860 D 123.. cam plate fastening set for 860 D 125.. 15 16 * Secure with metal adhesive 42 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World piece part no. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70972 70513 70514 70515 70973 70517 70523 70910 on request 70520 25173 70974 70975 71430 71431 71432 71433 71434 71428 71429 71425 71426 71427 Spare parts for series RO i860 D 01/ D 02 (old height adjustment) if required if required to 3 with 3a, 4a No. designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 lower bush cap release lever set tension lever coupling pin support cover screw set type plate hand lever ball grip lifting lever piece part no. No. designation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70972 70513 70514 70515 70973 70517 70518 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 control pin spring holder bearing disc arrest pin bearing pin cam plate cylinder pin torsion spring cap anti-slip lock* 70520 25173 70974 piece part no. 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 70975 70523 15409 52309 52308 70524 32118 55182 15410 70910 * Secure with metal adhesive ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 43 ROi873 B TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x automatic trailer coupling with flange coupling pin: l 36 mm prepared for mechanical remote control type 860 B 40, 860 B 50 RO hole pattern (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG N EU e1 873 B 40300 873 B 50300 140x 80 160x100 11 14 2,0 2,0 78,2 89,3 3151 3152 0085 0120 Drawbar eyes DIN 11026 DIN 11043 DIN 74053 DIN 74054 Switzerland a (mm) b (mm) 100 100 115 100 115 40 40 50 40 40 c (mm) 42 32 45 30,5 40 turn-angle horizontal vertical min. 70h min. 76h min. 78h min. 76h min. 76h min. 20h min. 22h min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h 54 ±2 106 ±3 62 ±2 d e c l36 a d 127,9 +2,5 –1,5 57 +3 –2 1 min. ArtikelNr. 873 B 40 873 B 50 114±5 156±3 200 ±5 182 ±2 88 ± 2 b (mm) 80 100 c (mm) 17 21 d (mm) 180 200 Size B 30 (120 x 55 mm) available on request f 44 a (mm) 140 160 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 17 +2 (20±0,5) e (mm) 120 140 f (mm) 21 20 ROi873 D TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x automatic trailer coupling with lift bearing coupling pin: l 36 mm prepared for mechanical remote control type 860 D 01, 850 D12 RO track width (mm) (Sw) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG EU e1 873D1030 C 873D1230 C 873D2330 C 873D3030 C 873D3630 C 310 312 323 330 336 14 12,5 14 14 14 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 89,3 84,3 89,3 89,3 89,3 N 3150 M 9693 N 3150 N 3150 N 3150 0086 0245 0086 0086 0086 Drawbar eyes 100 100 115 100 115 40 40 50 40 40 c (mm) 42 32 45 30,5 40 turn-angle horizontal vertical min. 70h min. 76h min. 78h min. 76h min. 76h min. 20h min. 22h min. 20h min. 20h min. 20h Sw 54e2 62e 2 b 106e3 +3 128 –2 ld 60 e 2 18,5 l 36 36e 2 +2,5 +3 145 –1,5 57 –2 156 e 3 54e2 62 e2 106 e3 200 e5 182e2 114e 5 a 138 e2 b (mm) 200e 5 182e 2 DIN 11026 DIN 11043 DIN 74053 DIN 74054 Switzerland a (mm) 20+2 l 36 873 D 12 +3 57 –2 28e2 +2,5 180–1,5 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 45 Spare parts for series RO i873 (new height adjustment) if required if required to 3 with 3a, 4a No. designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lower bush cap release lever set tension lever coupling pin (l 36 mm) support cover spring holder antislip lock* type plate hand lever ball grip lifting lever control pin arrest pin set for 873 D 10... arrest pin set for 873 D 12... arrest pin set for 873 D 23... arrest pin set for 873 D 30... arrest pin set for 873 D 36... cam plate for 873 D 30 / D 10 / D 23 / D 36... cam plate for 873 D 12.. cam plate fastening set for 873/ D 10/ D 23/ D 30/ D 36... cam plate fastening set for 873 D 123.. cam plate fastening set for 873 D 125.. 15 16 * Secure with metal adhesive 46 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World piece 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 part no. 53542 70513 71103 70515 71436 70517 70523 70910 on request 70520 25173 70974 70975 71430 71431 71432 71433 71434 71428 71429 71425 71426 71427 Spare parts for series RO i873 D 02 (old height adjustment) if required if required to 3 with 3a, 4a No. designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 lower bush cap release lever set tension lever coupling pin support cover screw set type plate hand lever ball grip lifting grip piece 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 part no. No. designation 53542 70513 71103 70515 70516 70517 70518 on request 70520 25173 70974 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 control pin spring holder bearing disc arrest pin bearing pin cam plate cylinder pin torsion spring cap anti-slip lock* piece part no. 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 70975 70523 15409 52309 52308 70524 32118 55182 15410 70910 * Secure with metal adhesive ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 47 ROi880 A COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings x only for JCB FASTRAC x type 70216, version A to F 48 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World RO. track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880A 01021 880A 02121 880A 03021 880A 04021 880A 05121 880A 06021 330 330 330 330 330 330 12 12 12 12 12 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 71,1 71,1 71,1 71,1 71,1 71,1 4809 4809 4809 4809 4809 4809 – – – – – – ROi880 A COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings x only for John Deere series 6000, 7000 and 8000 x type 70397, version A to B RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880A 070421 880A 080422 880A 091423 330 330 330 14 14 14 2 2 2 89,3 89,3 89,3 4776 4776 4776 0149 0149 0149 1 ) 4 fastening holes 2 ) 6 fastening holes 3 ) short version ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 49 ROi880 A COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings x only for John Deere series 5020 x type 71386 50 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880A1104 C 330 8,5 2 65,7 9737 0278 ROi880 A COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings x only for Deutz-Fahr AGROTRON 210-265 and VALTRA S-series x type 880 A12 RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880A 1200 C 330 14 2 89,3 EA – * short version 205e0,5 (504) 332e1 (312) (55) (21) 444e0,3 l 26 670e1 50e0,3 l21 375e0,5 330e0,5 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 51 ROi880 A COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings x only for Case CVX, Steyr CVT and New Holland TVT x type 880 A13 52 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 881A13000 330 12 2 82,4 – – ROi880 C COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x x x x x Coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings with built-in Piton-Fix only for John Deere series 6000, 7000 and 8000 optional drawbar support type 70397 version C for coupling RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880C 0104 C 330 14 2 89,3 4776 0149 RO T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880C 0104 C 14 3 89,3 4776 0149 for Piton-Fix 76 x 38 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 53 ROi880 C COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x x x x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings with built-in Piton-Fix for Deutz-Fahr AGROTRON 210 – 265 and VALTRA S-series type 880 A 12 for coupling RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880 C1200 C 330 14 2 89,3 – – RO T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880 C1200 C 14 3 89,3 – – for Piton-Fix 444 +- 00 ,, 33 l 21 400 +- 00 ,, 33 685 l 26 240 +- 00 ,, 33 80 +- 00 ,, 33 205 +– 0,3 0,3 B B 375 (375 Anbaumaß) 330 +- 0,5 0,5 54 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World ROi880 K COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x x x x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings with built-in ball coupling only for John Deere series 6000, 7000 and 8000 type 70397, version D for coupling RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880 K 0104 C 330 14 2 89,3 4776 0149 RO T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 880 K 0104 C 14 4 93,6 4776 0149 for ball coupling ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 55 ROi881 A COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings x for Manitou MLT 633, 641, 642, 730 MT 732, 932 MT 1033 x type 56 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG 881A0200 C 270 7,1 1,6 56,6 EA EU ROi887 F 03 COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings x only for CLAAS ARES 500/600 x type 880 B 03 RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 887 F 03070 336 12 3 82,4 9782 – ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 57 ROi887 K 03 COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings with built-in ball x only for CLAAS ARES 500/600 x type 880 B 03 for coupling RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 887 K 03070 336 12 2 82,4 9782 – RO T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 887 K 03070 12 4 82,4 9782 – for ball coupling 58 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World ROi887 H 03 COUPLING HOLDER Technical data x coupling holder for height-adjustable couplings with built-in Piton-Fix x only for CLAAS ARES 500/600 x type 880 B 03 for coupling RO track width (mm) T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 887 H 03070 336 12 2 82,4 9782 – RO T (t) S (t) D (kN) ABG M EU e1 887 H 03070 12 4 82,4 9782 – for ball coupling ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 59 ROi70218 COUPLING BRACKET Technical data x coupling bracket for height-adjustable coupling holders Track width 67917 RO track width (mm) D (kN) S (t) C (t) ABG M 70218 A 70218 B 330 270 25 25 0,25 0,25 3,5 3,5 4668 4668 Coupling balls 50 mm RO hole pattern (mm) D (kN) S (kg) EU e4 KK260 KK370 KK390 83 x 56 83 x 56 83 x 56 22,5 24,8 22,1 275 300 270 2462 2358 2124 Coupling ball with flange 83 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 114 90 104 19 56 35 56 60 83 56 115 83 ROi70904 COUPLING BRACKET Technical data x coupling bracket for height-adjustable coupling holders x suitable for trailer couplings – Version A, hole pattern 160 mm x 100 mm: order no. 70904 (with centre boring) e.g. for ROi560 – Version C, hole pattern 150 mm x 85 mm: order no. 71034 (without centre boring) e.g. for CUNA trailer couplings Part no. track width (mm) T (t) S (kN) D (t) C (t) ABG M EU e1 70904 70904 70904 330 330 330 14 14 14 2 – 2,5 – 102 93,6 32 – – 9604 9604 – – – 0150 71116 71117 Track width Hole pattern 120 x 55 on request ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 61 ROi560 TRAILER COUPLING Technical data x x x x automatic trailer coupling with flange bearing coupling pin: l 48,7 mm prepared for mechanical remote control type 560 RO hole pattern T (t) S (kg) 560A6000 C 160x100 14 1,0 560B6000 C1 160x100 14 1,0 1 hand lever downwards 2 Dc2 (kN) D (kN) V2 (kN) ABG M 190 106 45,6 – 190 106 45,6 – EU 94/20 Kl. S e1 0404 0404 when used outside of agriculture or forestry Usable drawbar eyes DIN 74053 ROi57005 a (mm) Nennmaße b (mm) c (mm) 115 100 50 50 45 45 turn-angle(s. Abb.) horizontal vertical min. 90h min. 90h min. 20h min. 20h 270e 5 106e 5 250 max. 71e 10 200+10 61,4e1 37r2,5 210e10 120e 5 min. 20 h l 94 r 0,2 min. 20 h l48,7 360+10 175,4 +0,6 –0,5 222+1,5 342e 5 mi n. 90 h 23e 1,2 50e 0,2 mi n. Size 90 h 225,4 +0,8 –0,7 62 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 6 a (mm) 160 b (mm) 100 c (mm) 200 d (mm) 140 e (mm) 21 f (mm) 94 Spare parts for series RO i560 3 5 2 1 7 4 6 14 * 13 11 9 12 8 10 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 e designation piece part no. automatic unit without no. 4 hand lever upwards hand lever downwards set of screws coupling pin locking pin lower bush with no. 7 support ring (bronze) support ring (steel) funnel with no. 13 base plate set set of screws with protector guide bush base plate bearing rings for funnel intermediate plate no spare part 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70849 50244 70735 30269 47081 70925 53490 70850 70851 46111 65693 30358 53467 65626 25479 71053 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 63 Remote control for trailer couplings REMOTE CONTROL B The mechanical remote control can be used for all automatic couplings, which are prepared accordingly: x reception for the Bowden cable on the hand lever axle (A) x Bowden cable duct on the support cover of the coupling (B) Series ROi850, ROi860, ROi873, ROi846 See assembly instructions for installation of the remote control. A For the series ROi841 and ROi560 separate upgrade kits are available: Order no. 70692, see assembly instructions for installation of the remote control. Bowden cable lever D C E version part no. C D E F M* 67245 67242 67244 67243 71164 * universal application, replaces the still available versions C to F M F Installation in the driver’s cab The Bowden cable Version M can be installed in any position, depending on the type of tractor. Fit the Bowden cable lever in such a way that unintentional opening of the coupling is ruled out. Bowden cable lever Bowden cables x In calculating the length of the Bowden cable, make sure to take account of the rotation and height adjustment of the coupling. x When driving without the coupling, use the Bowden cable fastener, Order no. 57156. Installation option Bowden cable 64 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World length (mm) part no. 0850 950 1000 1250 1500 1600 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 7000 57 337 57 338 57 339 57 340 57 341 57 342 57 343 57 344 57 345 57 346 57 347 57 348 ROi59343 /ROi59344 COUPLING HEAD Technical data x coupling heads x for ball couplings l 80 mm in accordance with ISO 24347 x weight approx. 13 kg / ca. 19 kg x type 59343 version A and B, type 59344 version A and B RO 59344 59347 59339 59343 59346 hole pattern Dc C S ABG EU (mm) (kN) (t) (t) M e1 100 x110 or 100 x110 or 130 x130 145 x145 145 x145 87 87 87 87 93,6 93,6 93,6 22 25,5 22 25,5 33,5 33,5 33,5 2,8 1,5 2,8 1,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 9680 0000 9680 0000 9679 9679 9679 0000 0000 0000 59344 6-hole-flange 59347 8-hole-flange 59339 8-hole-flange 59343 8-hole-flange 59346 8-hole-flange Bestell Nr. 59344 59347 59339 59343 59346 a (mm) 100 100 130 145 145 b (mm) 110 130 145 160 c (mm) 110 110 130 145 145 d (mm) 17 17 21 21 21 e (mm) 154+4 154+4 205+4 205+4 205+4 f (mm) 154+4 154+4 195+4 195+4 195+4 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World set of screws 70951 70950 70965 70965 70965 65 ROi57391 COUPLING HEAD Technical data x coupling heads x for ball couplings KS 80 l 80 mm in accordance with ISO 24347 x weight approx. 13 kg x type 57391 66 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World RO D (kN) C (t) S (t) ABG EU 57391 120 16 2,5 not necessary Drawbar eye DIN 11026 – 40 (AaF) DRAWBAR EYE 40 mm Drawbar eye with reinforced shaft, form A for welding series ROi57231 x only on vehicles in agriculture and forestry (AaF) x only for trailer couplings DIN 11029 and DIN 11028 e.g. ROCKINGER series ROi273, ROi274, ROi810, ROi850, ROi860 D1 (kN) ROE 57231 1 Flange D-value 120 2 vertical load 3 S2 (t up to S2 (t over 25 km/h) C3 (t) weight (kg) 2,5 16 11,7 2,0 total weight of the central-axle trailer Drawbar eye with flange, form B series ROi57233 x only on vehicles in the agriculture and forestry (AaF) x only for trailer couplings DIN 11029 and DIN 11028, e.g. ROCKINGER series ROi273, ROi274, ROi810, ROi850, ROi860 ROE 57233 or 1 D-value 2 D1 (kN) S2 (t) C3 (t) ABG M weight (kg) 120 120 2,0 1,5 22 25,5 2839 11,2 vertical load 3 total weight of the central-axle trailer Accessoires/spare parts e1 00-0046 No. designation 3 set of screws for ROi57243 set of screws for ROi57349 welding plate (162 x 162 x 30) bolting plate (200 x 185 x 30) bolting plate (270 x 240 x 30) 4 5 6 piece part no. 1 1 1 1 1 70950 70951 70304 70305 70306 Welding / bolting plates are not included. Welding / bolting plates are taken into account in type approval of the drawbar. ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 67 Drawbar eyes DIN 74054 – 40 and Switzerland 40 DRAWBAR EYE 40 mm Drawbar eye with shaft, form A for welding series ROi57260, ROi57262, ROi57264, ROi57327 ROi57268, ROi57270 ROE shaftsection (h x w) welding- D1 length (l, mm) (kN) S2 S2 (t over (t up to 25 km/h) C3 weight (t) (kg) 57260 57262 57264 57327 57268 57270 40 x 40 50 x 40 50 x 50 60 x 55 65 x 55 65 x 60 110 110 110 125 125 125 0,18 0,25 0,50 0,70 0,90 1,0 1,8 2,5 5,0 6,5 8,0 9,5 4,1 4,7 5,9 7,4 7,8 8,2 w 100 30 mm h l 210 1 4 18 25 70 95 1204 1204 0,36 0,50 1,0 1,3 1,35 1,4 2 3 D-value vertical load total weight of the central-axle trailer 130 kN without DIN designation Drawbar eye with threaded end, form B, bearing for welding series ROi57318, ROi57252 ROE D1 (kN) S2 (t) C3 (t) ABG M weight (kg) 57318 57252 120 120 1,0 1,0 9,5 9,5 without 2928 11 11 1 Thickness 40 mm ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 2 vertical load 3 total weight of the central-axle trailer Drawbar eye with shaft for welding series ROi57229 (Swiss drawbar eye) x only for trailer couplings, with the specified turn-angles (see table) ROE towed load (t) S1 (t) weight (kg) 57229 50 1 8,7 1 68 D-value vertical load Drawbar eyes DIN 74053 – 50 / Heavy duty drawbar eye DRAWBAR EYE 50 mm Drawbar eye with shaft, form A for welding series ROi57272 45 mm 115 60 57272 1 65 170 D1 (kN) ROE D-value 120 2 vertical load 3 S2 (t) C3 (t) weight (kg) 1 12 11,4 total weight of the central-axle trailer 210 Drawbar eye with threaded end, form B, bearing for welding series ROi57321, ROi57254 ROE D1 (kN) S2 (t) C3 (t) ABG M weight (kg) 57321 57254 120 120 1,0 1,0 9,5 9,5 without 2929 12,6 12,6 1 D-value 2 vertical load 3 total weight of the central-axle trailer Heavy duty drawbar eye for welding series ROi57005 for ROCKINGER trailer coupling series ROi560 45 mm 75 110 ROE 80 190 195 57005 1 D-value 2 D1 (kN) S2 (t) towed load (t) weight (kg) 314 without 250 13,4 vertical load ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 69 Drawbar eyes DIN 74053 – 50 and ROi57284 DRAWBAR ZUGÖSE 50EYE mmWITH FLANGE hole pattern 57244 100 e 0,5 e1 00-0045 Drawbar eye with flange, form C series ROi57244 (8-hole pattern) e1 00-0045, class D50-X ca. 154 110 e 0,5 ROE 57244 or 1 D-value 2 D1 (kN) Dc2 (kN) S3 (t) V4 (kN) weight (kg) 190 190 135 113 1,0 2,5 72,5 43,2 9,5 3 Dc-value vertical load 4 V-value 3 110 e 0,5 Accessoires/spare parts ca. 154 25 0 not for 57350 No. 3 4 5 6 5 designation drawbar eye 50 with 6-hole pattern set of screws for ROi57244 set of screws for ROi57350 welding plate (162 x 162 x 30) bolting plate (200 x 185 x 30) bolting plate (270 x 240 x 30) piece part no. 1 1 1 1 1 1 57350 5 70950 70951 70304 70305 70306 Spare parts for existing systems only, ABG-no. M 2918: D 190 kN, S 1 t, total weight of the central-axle trailer max. 25 t Welding / bolting plates are not included. Welding / bolting plates are taken into account in type approval of the drawbar. Drawbar eye with flange, form C series ROi57284 for heavy duty central-axle trailers e1 00-0162, class D50-X ROE 57284 or 1 e1 00-0162 D-value 2 Dc-value D1 (kN) Dc2 (kN) S3 (t) V4 (kN) weight (kg) 250 250 113 135 3 1 43,2 90 17,9 3 vertical load 4 V-value Accessoires/spare parts No. designation 3 4 set of screws welding plate (200 x 190 x 40) piece part no. 1 1 70965 70307 Welding / bolting plates are not included. Welding / bolting plates are taken into account in type approval of the drawbar. to center of bolt hole face 3 70 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Spare parts for drawbar eyes Designation part no. drawbar eye 40 B without bearing drawbar eye 40 B without bearing (without ABG) drawbar eye 50 B without bearing drawbar eye 50 B without bearing (without ABG) bearing castle nut with split pin screw set (10.9) for ROi57233, ROi57349 ROi57350 screw set (10.9) for ROi57243, ROi57244 screw set (10.9) for ROi57284 57293 57319 57292 57322 53435 56049 70951 70950 70965 Spare bushes for drawbar eyes accordig to form DIN 74054 A, B, Switzerland 40 D 40 DIN 74054 e1 Kl. S DIN 74053 DIN 74053 e1 D 50 DIN 11026 A, B D C A, B inner diameter (mm) part no. 50 50 slotted part no. unslotted 53051 x 53386 53386 x x 53004 x 53376 53376 x x 53348 x 40 Oversize bushes for inner diameters 40 mm and 50 mm, to repair drawbar eyes DIN 74053 and DIN 74054 and Swiss drawbar eyes part no. for drawbar eyes 40 mm part outer diameter no. (mm) for drawbar eyes 50 mm marking outer diameter rings (mm) 53206 53207 53208 53209 48,50 49,00 49,50 50,00 60,50 61,00 53362 53363 1 2 3 4 Note: Use only bushes with a guaranteed specified strenght of 1300 –1500 N/mm2. ROCKINGER guarantees this strenght. ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 71 GNZ and GLZ REGENSBURG FORKED DRAWBARS Normal profile GNZ Selection table / available versions Type GNZ 9,4 GNZ 18 GNZ 27 GNZ 40 GNZ 50 Permissible total weight of trailer up to: D-value 9,4 t 18 t 27 t 40 t 50 t 71 98 125 125/160 185 A (mm) (kN) 650-1950 1000-2600 1000-2800 1000-3500 1200-2400 Dimensions B C (mm) (mm) 250-1250 300-1400 200-1400 200-1500 600-1400 50-110 60-130 60-130 70-130 70-130 D (mm) 20-50 24-50 24-50 24-50 24-50 UN profile Comment E (mm) U 50 U 65 U 80 U 100 U 100 l 40 DIN 74054-40A standard l 40 DIN 74054-40A standard l 40 DIN 74054-40A standard l 40 DIN 74054-40A standard Heavy duty drawbar eye A C E B D Lightweight profile GLZ Selection table / available versions Type GLZ 12 GLZ 18 GLZ 24 Permissible total weight of trailer up to: D-value (kN) A (mm) 12 t 18 t 24 t 83 98 120 1500-2500 1500-2600 1400-2600 Dimensions B C (mm) (mm) 700-1300 700-1300 700-1300 60-110 60-110 70-110 D (mm) 24-40 24-40 24-40 UN profile Comment E (mm) 65/50/5 80/50/5 80/60/5 UL-profile, open inwards l 40 DIN 74054 - 40A: standard l 50 DIN 74053 - 50A: possible Swiss A C E B D 72 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World FWR 200T– 18332 JOST TELESCOPIC SUPPORT Stable and convenient x high lift and support load x simple and rapid parking of the semitrailer Technical data x lift/support load = 10 t x lift per crank rotation: under load = 1 mm rapid action = 10.6 mm x crank pressure per turn (crank radius 250 mm) at 10 t lift load = 22 kg x weight = 59 kg 325 354 170 80 under load im Lastgang rapid action im Schnellgang 18,5 42 70 102 190 40 230 110 265 Height 675 675 Bauhoehe 190 15 860 4 x 57 JOST 12 Accessories (please order separately) 80 45 26 250 Compact special crank Art. no. JS 1118-0274 l 35 460 Telescopic lift Teleskophub 255 265 4 x 57 200 135 Drop Fallhub 213 Additional bolting plate Art. no. JS 1115-0033 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 73 KLK L / N and HE 12 L / HE 12-1000L JOST BALL STEERING RINGS KLK L / N Scope of delivery x standard x unbored x primed 8 lB lF lD Application area H Application 8 Field vehicles Transport devices Field vehicles, heavy Truck trailers, light lC lE lA Speed Model up to 30 km/h L over 30 km/h N At a speed up to 30 km/h the permissible axle load is increased by 30 to 50% for the model N. Selection table / available versions Article no. Permissible axle load (kN) KLK 400L KLK 500L KLK 650L KLK 750L KLK 850L KLK 950L KLK 1050L KLK 500N KLK 650N KLK 750N KLK 850N KLK 950N KLK 1050N 7,5 9 15 18 25 30 35 18 25 30 35 40 45 A 400 500 650 750 850 950 1050 500 650 750 850 950 1050 D i m e n s i o n s (mm) D E B C 342 442 592 692 792 892 992 437 587 687 787 887 987 292 392 542 642 742 842 942 384 534 634 734 834 934 230 330 480 580 680 780 880 315 465 565 665 765 865 375 475 625 725 825 925 1025 475 625 725 825 925 1025 F H Weight (app. kg) 260 360 510 610 710 810 910 340 490 590 690 790 890 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 52 52 52 52 52 52 11 15 20 23 27 30 34 17 23 28 32 36 40 HE 12 L / HE 12 -1000 L Fahrtrichtung Direction of drive lB Upper ring Oberring lF Scope of delivery x standard x bore / unbored x primed 45° d 10 45 ° lD 90 l18 Application area Unterring Lower ring Application Speed Agricultural trailers up to 80 km/h on paved roads 32° 10 20° l 18 lC 32° lE l18 lA Selection table / available versions Article no. Permissible axle load (kN) A KLK HE 12-1000L KLK HE 12L 80 90 1000 1100 D i m e n s i o n s (mm) B C D E 1011 1111 886 986 859 959 960 1060 F 974 1074 Boring d Weight (approx. kg) – 18 63 69 unbored bored The dimensions given are subject to our works tolerances. For installation and maintenance instructions go to 74 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Gauges / tools Gauges for trailer couplings x coupling pin, single-hand pin, drawbar eye ROE gauge 57026 57122 30 mm (AaF), 40 mm 50 mm (ISO) x lower bush ROE gauge 57290 57334 40 mm-couplings: ROi460 50 mm-couplings: ROi560 AaF-couplings: Wear limit of the lower bush in automatic couplings or of the body bore in non-automatic couplings: nominal dimension minus max. 2 mm Tools x Mounting tool for hammering in and removing drawbar eye bushes ROE mounting tool for drawbar eye bushes (inner diameter in mm) 57111 57228 40 50 x Rolling-in-tools ROE rolling-in-tool for drawbar eye bushes (mm) 57059 57088 40 50 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 75 Permitted wear FOR TRAILER COUPLINGS AND DRAWBAR EYES Automatic couplings Non-automatic couplings – bearing (turning knuckle) – bearing (turning knuckle) Gap at turning knuckle between funnel and flange collar under light load on the lower tab in driving position: max. 3 mm Gap at turning knuckle between funnel and flange collar under light load on the lower tab in driving position: max. 3 mm – coupling pin – single hand pin x Diameter x Diameter Type Nominal dimension (mm) Wear limit min. (mm) Type Nominal dimension (mm) Wear limit min. (mm) 840 850 860 873 38,6 e 0,1 30,6 e 0,1 38,6 e 0,1 30,6 e 0,1 36 28,6 36 28,6 274 800 810 30–31,5 30–31,5 30–31,5 28 28 28 x Vertical clearance: max. 2,5 mm m m n n x Safety device: no deformation of the safety components x Permissible clearance: max. 6 mm x Clearance in the lower pin guideway max. 2,5 mm: Wear of the coupling pin or of the bore max. 1,5 mm Top and bottom in drive position max. 35 mm oval m n Insert pin bearing Lift bearing x Pin play in the bore max. 3 mm (nominal dimension when new 0,5 mm) x Wear of the pin max. 1,5 mm x Wear of the bore 1 mm or vice versa n n m m 850 min. 6 mm 860/873 min. 7 mm – bore Drawbar eyes c b ISO DIN b2 max. (mm) c min. (mm) e3 min. (mm) 5692-2 – 8755 8755 1102 5692-1 11026 11043 74054 74054/2 (without bush) 74053 09678 41,5 41,5 41,5 44,0 52,5 52,5 38 311 28 28 41,5 27,5 22 22 22 24 23,5 27 1 3 76 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World x Play in guideway in push/pull direction max. 2,4 mm (nominal dimension when new 0,4 mm at an installation dimension 330 mm) x Wear of the groove in coupling holder max. 1,2 mm x Wear in the guideway of the trailer coupling 0,8 mm or vice versa New dimension in hump area 35 mm Dimension without bush 2 Dimension with bush Spare parts Spare parts for the automatic unit of the series RO i248 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 designation piece part no. No. lower bush with ball cap release lever set release lever set for remote control tension lever coupling pin upgrade kit remote control with no. 7 upgrade kit cap with no. 7 screw set 1 1 1 53325 67593 70245 9 1 1 1 70246 65562 47073 1 70814 1 1 65561 70248 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 x designation piece type plate locking lever set for remote control locking lever set ball grip cone spring control pin lubrication nipple A 10 x 1 adjustment screw hand lever left repair set: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 13 for remote control part no. on request 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 70243 70244 25173 70247 70242 65018 70241 50223 1 67638 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 77 Spare parts for the bearing of the series RO i248 78 no. designation use for vers. piece part no. 1 2 3 4a 4b 4c 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 insert pin bearing angle bolt bolt-on bracket bolt-on bracket bolt-on bracket bearing plate arrest bolt bearing pin cam plate cylinder pin torsion spring cap screw set M 6 x 12 8.8 B B H, Q H Q Q R R R R R R R R 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 66889 54546 67620 65343 65446 65552 15409 52309 52308 70524 32118 55182 15410 70518 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Spare parts for series RO i279 inner fork dimension F, vers. A FB No. designation piece part no. 01 2 03 4 0 5 lower bush upper bush coupling pin automatic unit lubrication nipple A 10 x1 (type 279 FB) lubrication nipple A 10 x 1 (type 279 F, vers. A) screw set with spring washers type plate insert pin with chain adjustment screw (only in type 279 F, vers. A) safety lock hand lever with plate, splint pin, ball grip repair set of locking levers with no. 11 and locking spring 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 53030 53029 47013 66392 65018 65018 70173 on request 67216 70241 66242 50102 70723 6 7 8 9 10 11 x 2 1 1 1 1 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 79 Allocation of trailer couplings Coupling holders with ROCKINGER hole rail system for tractor types Tra c kw idt h BELARUS CASE Claas Renault DEUTZ-FAHR FENDT Hürlimann JCB John Deere Lamborghini Landini Massey Ferguson McCormick Mercedes Benz New Holland Fiat Same Steyr Ursus Valtra Zetor Before ordering, check the dimensions a, b and d on the coupling holder (different suppliers, alteration of dimensions). The load values (e.g. permissible vertical load) of the respective coupling holder and the specifications of the tractor manufacturer must be observed. 80 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World BELARUS Type MTS 50 MTS 52 MTS 80 MTS 82 MTS 100 MTS 102 CASE Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 270 32 26 MTS 800 MTS 820 MTS 920 310 30 23 MTS – 922 MTS – 1222 TA MTS – 2022 330 32 26 Usable couplings 274 UA 850 D 03 810 D 1000C 850 D 1030C 860 D 1030C 873 D 1030C 825 A 1000C 810 D 3000C 850 D 3030C 860 D 3030C 873 D 3030C 825 A 3000C Type 800/820a with track width of 294 and 310 on the market. Type 3210 3220 3230 4210 4220 4230 4240 CX 50 CX 60 CX 70 CX 80 CX 90 CX 100 MX 05 MX 11 MX 150 MX 170 MX 180 MX 200 MX 220 MX 240 MX 270 MX 30 MX 80 MX 90 MX 100 MX 110 MX 120 MX 135 MX 140 Maxxum 5120 Maxxum 5130 Maxxum 5140 Maxxum 5150 Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 310 323 336 30 30 30 Usable couplings 23 810 D 1000C 850 D 1030C 860 D 1030C 873 D 1030C 825 A 1000C 23 810 D 2300C 850 D 2330C 860 D 2330C 873 D 2330C 825 A 2300C 23 810 D 3600C 850 D 3630C 860 D 3630C 873 D 3630C 825 A 3600C ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 81 Claas Renault Type 70 – 32 70 – 34 75 – 32 75 – 34 85 – 32 85 – 34 90 – 32 90 – 34 95 – 12 95 – 14 110 – 14 120 – 54 160 – 94 TZ 180 – 94 TZ 58 – 32 58 – 34 65 – 32 65 – 34 70 – 32 70 – 34 75 – 32 TX 75 – 34 TX 85 – 32 TX 85 – 34 TX 90 – 32 TX 90 – 34 TX 95 – 12 TX 95 – 14 TX 103 – 14 TX 113 – 14 TX 133 – 14 TX 145 – 14 TX 103 – 54 TXA 106 – 54 TLA 110 – 54 TX 120 – 54 TX 120 – 54 TX 133 – 54 TX 133 – 54 TZ 155 – 54 TX 155 – 54 TZ 145 – 54 TX Ceres 65 – 2 Ceres 65 – 4 Ceres 75 – 4 Ceres 70 Ceres 85 – 2 Ceres 85 – 4 Ceres 95 – 4 Ceres 355 Cergos 330 Cergos 340 Cergos 345 Cergos 350 Ares 540 RX Ares 550 RX Ares 610 RX Ares 610 RZ 82 Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 336 30 23 Usable couplings 810D3600C 850D3630C 860D3630C 873D3630C 825A3600C Type Ares 620 RX Ares 620 RZ Ares 630 RX Ares 640 RZ Temis 500 X Temis 610 X Temis 630 Z Temis 650 X Pales 220 A Profi Pales 230 A Profi Pales 240 A Profi Celtis 426 A Comfort Celtis 426 A Profi Celtis 436 A Comfort Celtis 436 A Profi Celtis 446 A Comfort Celtis 446 A Profi Celtis 446 RX Celtis 456 A Comfort Celtis 456 A Profi Celtis 456 RX Ares 546 RX Profi Ares 546 RZ Comfort Ares 546 RZ Premium Ares 556 RZ Comfort Ares 556 RZ Premium Ares 556 RX Profi Ares 566 RX Profi Ares 566 RZ Comfort Ares 566 RZ Premium Ares 616 RX Profi Ares 616 RZ Comfort Ares 616 RZ Premium Ares 656 RZ Comfort Ares 656 RZ Premium Ares 696 RZ Comfort Ares 696 RZ Premium Ares 725 Ares 735 RZ Ares 816 RZ Comfort Ares 816 RZ Premium Ares 826 RZ Comfort Ares 826 RZ Premium Ares 836 Ares 836 RZ Comfort Ares 836 RZ Premium Atles 926 RZ Premium Atles 935 RZ Atles 936 Atles 936 RZ Premium Xerion 3300 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 336 323 330 30 30 32 Usable couplings 23 810D3600C 850D3630C 860D3630C 873D3630C 825A3600C 23 810D2300C 850D2330C 860D2330C 873D2330C 825A2300C 26 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 820A 825A3000C DEUTZ-FAHR Type Agroplus 75 Agroplus 85 Agroplus 95 Agroplus 100 Agrotron 205 Agrotron 230 Agrotron 260 Agrostar 6.71 Agrostar 6.81 Agrotron 160 Agrotron 175 Agrotron 200 Agrotron 210* Agrotron 235* Agrotron 265* FENDT Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 310 323 336 330 30 30 30 32 Usable couplings 23 810D1000C 850D1030C 860D1030C 873D1030C 825A1000C 23 810D2300C 850D2330C 860D2330C 873D2330C 825A2300C 23 810D3600C 850D3630C 860D3630C 873D3630C 825A3600C 26 810D3000C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 825A3000C 820A0100C * with R-holder FENDT Type Farmer 206 SA Farmer 207 SA Farmer 208 SA Farmer 209 SA Farmer 304 LS / LSA Farmer 306 LS / LSA Farmer 307 Farmer 307 C Farmer 307 C A Farmer 307 LS / LSA Farmer 308 Farmer 308 C Farmer 308 C A Farmer 308 LS / LSA Farmer 309 Farmer 309 C Farmer 309 C A Farmer 309 LS / LSA Farmer 310 Farmer 310 LSA Farmer 311 Farmer 311 LSA Farmer 312 Farmer 312 LSA Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 243 312 30 30 23 23 Usable couplings nur Fendt 810D1200C 850D1230C 860D1230C 873D1230C 825A1200C Type Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D GT 345 GT 350 GT 370 GT 380 GT 390 GT 395 F370 GT F370 GTA F380 GTS Farmer 409 Vario Farmer 410 Vario Farmer 411 Vario Farmer 412 Vario Favorit 509 C Favorit 510 C Favorit 511 C Favorit 512 C Favorit 514 C 312 Favorit 515 C Xylon 520 Xylon 522 Xylon 524 Favorit 711 Vario Favorit 712 Vario Favorit 714 Vario Favorit 716 Vario 711 Vario 712 Vario 714 Vario 716 Vario 815 Vario 817 Vario 818 Vario 815 Vario TMS 817 Vario TMS 818 Vario TMS (F718)! Favorit 816 Favorit 818 (F 818)! Favorit 822 Favorit 824 Favorit 916 Vario Favorit 920 Vario Favorit 924 Vario Favorit 926 Vario 916 VARIO 920 VARIO 924 VARIO 926 VARIO 930 VARIO TMS 930 VARIO TMS 330 30 32 Usable couplings 23 810D1200C 850D1230C 860D1230C 873D1230C 825A1200C 26 810D3000C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 825A3000C 820A0100C In the case of 818 Vario TMS observe internal FENDT designation F718 and in the case of Favorit 818 observe F818. Coupling holders only from Fendt. ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 83 Hürlimann Type 908 XT 910 XT 911 XT Premium 1100 XA – 85 JCB Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 310 30 23 Usable couplings 810D1000C 850D1030C 860D1030C 873D1030C 825A1000C Type Fastrac 135 Fastrac 155 Fastrac 185 Fastrac 1115 S Fastrac 1125 Fastrac 1135 Fastrac 2115 Fastrac 2125 Fastrac 2135 Fastrac 2150 Fastrac 3155 Fastrac 3185 Fastrac 3190 Fastrac 3220 Fastrac 2115 – 4WS Fastrac 2125 – 4WS Fastrac 2135 – 4WS Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 330 32 Coupling holder type 70216 A to F 84 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 26 Usable couplings 810D3000C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 820A0100C 825A3000C John Deere Type 3100 A 3200 A 3300 A 3400 A 1350 1550 1750 1850 1950 2250 2450 2650 2850 3050 3350 3650 5620 5720 5820 6000 6010 6020 6100 6110 6120 6200 6210 6220 6300 6310 6320 6400 6410 6420 6506 6510 6520 6600 6610 6620 6800 6810 6820 6900 6910 6920 7600 7610 7700 7710 7710 7800 7810 7810 8100 8110 Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 336 330 30 32 23 26 Usable couplings 810D3600C 850D3630C 860D3630C 873D3630C 810D3000C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 820A0100C 825A3000C Type 8120 8200 8210 8220 8300 8310 8320 8400 8410 8420 8520 6020 SE 6020 SE-LP 6120 Premium 6120 SE 6120 SE-LP 6220 Premium 6220 SE 6220 SE-LP 6320 Premium 6320 PremiumPlus 6320 SE 6320 SE-LP 6420 Premium 6420 PremiumPlus 6420 S Premium 6420 S PremiumPlus 6420 SE 6420 SE-LP 6520 Premium 6520 PremiumPlus 6520 SE 6620 Premium 6620 PremiumPlus 6620 SE 6820 Premium 6820 PremiumPlus 6920 PremiumPlus 6920 S Premium 6920 S PremiumPlus 7720 7820 7920 8120 8220 8320 8420 8520 8220 T 8320 T 8420 T 8520 T Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 330 32 Usable couplings 810D3000C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 820A0100C 825A3000C 26 detachable trailer coupling 860B5050C 8220 T to 8520 T are caterpillar tractors without height adjustable trailer coupling Coupling holder type 70397 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 85 Lamborghini Landini Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D Type Racing 150 DTA Racing 165 DTA Racing 190 DTA 336 30 Champion 180 DTA 86 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 23 Usable couplings 810D3600C 850D3630C 860D3630C 873D3630C 825A3600C Type Mythos 90 DT Mythos 100 DT Mythos 110 DT Atlas 70 Atlas 80 Atlas 90 Ghilbli 80 DT Ghilbli 90 DT Ghilbli 100 DT Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 310 30 Usable couplings 23 810D1000C 850D1030C 860D1030C 873D1030C 825A1000C 23 810D3600C 850D3630C 860D3630C 873D3630C 825A3600C Legend 105 DT Legend 115 DT Legend 130 DT Legend 145 DT Legend 165 DT Legend 120 DT Legend 140 DT Legend 180 DT Legend 145 DT Techno Legend 165 DT Techno Legend 165 DT Top 336 Starland 240 DT 320 mm system by Scharmüller 30 Massey Ferguson Type MF152 MF155 MF165 MF168 MF188 MF240 MF256 MF260 MF265 MF275 MF285 MF3050 MF3060 MF3070 MF3080 MF3085 MF3090 MF3095 MF342 MF352 MF362 MF375 MF382 MF390 MF399 MF560 MF575 MF590 MF6120 MF6130 MF6140 MF6150 MF6160 MF6170 MF6180 MF6190 MF4215 MF4220 MF4225 MF4235 MF4245 MF4255 MF4260 MF4270 MF3125 MF3130 MF3140 MF3150 MF4325A MF4335A MF4345A MF4355A MF4360A MF4365A MF4370A Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D Usable couplings Type MF 7465A Dyna-VT MF 7475A Dyna-VT MF 7480A Dyna-VT MF 7485A Dyna-VT MF 7490A Dyna-VT MF 7495A Dyna-VT MF 8170A MF 8180A MF 8210 MF 8220 MF 8230 MF 8240 MF 8250 MF 8260 MF 8270 MF 8280 310 30 23 810D1000C 850D1030C 860D1030C 873D1030C 825A1000C MF 3630 MF 3650 MF 3655 MF 3670 MF 3680 MF 3690 MF 6255 MF 6270 MF 6280 MF 6290 MF 8110 MF 8120 MF 8140 MF 8150 MF 8160 MF 5425A MF 5435A MF 5445A MF 5455A MF 5460A MF 5465A MF 6245A MF 6255A MF 6260A MF 6265A MF 6445A MF 6455A MF 6460A MF 6465A MF 6470A MF 6475A MF 6480A MF 6485A MF 6490A MF 6495A MF 8400 Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 312 323 336 330 30 30 30 32 Usable couplings 23 810D1200C 850D1230C 860D1230C 873D1230C 825A1200C 23 810D2300C 850D2330C 860D2330C 873D2330C 825A2300C 23 810D3600C 850D3630C 860D3630C 873D3630C 825A3600C 26 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 810D3030C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 820A0100C 825A3000C 87 McCormick New Holland Fiat Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D Type CX 80 CX 85 A CX 95 A CX 100 CX 105 A MTX150 MTX155 MTX165 MTX175 MTX185 310 MTX200 MC 90 MC 100 MC 115 MC 120 Power 6 MC 135 Power 6 TMX 120 TMX 125 TMX 135 336 30 30 23 23 Usable couplings 810D1000C 850D1030C 860D1030C 873D1030C 825A1000C 810D3600C 850D3630C 860D3630C 873D3630C 825A3600C Mercedes Benz Type MB TRAC 1300 MB TRAC 1400 MB TRAC 1500 MB TRAC 1600 MB TRAC 1800 Unimog 2100 Unimog 2150 Unimog 2400 Unimog 2450 Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 330 32 26 Usable couplings 810D3000C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 820A0100C 825A3000C The coupling can only be used if the corresponding coupling holder 70276AA (MB TRAC) or 70276AB (UNIMOG) is attached. 88 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Type 35 – 66 45 – 66 45 – 66 DT 50 – 66 50 – 66 DT 55 – 66 55 – 66 DT 60 – 66 60 – 66 DT 70 – 66 70 – 66 DT 55 – 90 55 – 90 DT 60 – 90 60 – 90 DT 70 – 90 70 – 90 DT 80 – 90 80 – 90 DT 90 – 90 90 – 90 DT 100 – 90 100 – 90 DT 115 – 90 DT 130 – 90 DT 140 – 90 DT 160 – 90 DT 180 – 90 DT F100 F100 DT F110 F110 DT F115 F115 DT F120 F120 DT F130 F130 DT Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 270 330 Types 55-66 to 80-90 Types 90-90 to 100-90 Types 115-90 – 180-90 Types F 100 – F 130 32 32 26 26 Usable couplings 274UA 850D03300 810D3000C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 820A0100C 825A3000C coupling holder 67944 coupling holder 67960 coupling holder 67961 coupling holder 70225 Same Type Daimond 230 DTA Daimond 260 DTA Dorado 60 Dorado 70 Dorado 85 Dorado 86 Argon 50 Argon 60 Argon 70 Golden 60 V Golden 70 V Golden 80 V Golden 60 F Golden 70 F Golden 80 F Golden 90 F Silver 90 Silver 95 Silver 115 Silver 130 Laser 100 Laser 110 Laser 130 Laser 150 Titan 145 Titan 150 Titan 160 Titan 165 Titan 190 Rubin 135 DTA Rubin 160 DTA Rubin 180 DTA Rubin 200 DTA Iron 190 S Steyr Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 323 310 30 30 23 23 Usable couplings Type 810D2300C 850D2330C 860D2330C 873D2330C 825A2300C 8055 8055 A 8060 8060 A 8065 A 8070 8070 A 8075 8075 A 8080 8080 A 8090 8090 A 8100 8110 8120 8130 810D1000C 850D1030C 860D1030C 873D1030C 825A1000C Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 330 32 26 Usable couplings 810D3000C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 820A0100C 825A3000C Types 8070 – 8090 coupling holder 67905 Types 8100 – 8130 coupling holder 67914 Ursus Type 336 30 23 810D3600C 850D3630C 860D3630C 873D3630C 825A3600C 2802 2812 3502 3512 3514 4512 4514 5312 5314 Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 310 30 23 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World Usable couplings 810D1000C 850D1030C 860D1030C 873D1030C 825A1000C 89 Valtra Zetor Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D Type A 75 – A 95 6200 – 6400 8050 – 8150 6250 Hi – 6550 Hi 8050 Hi – 8150 Hi C 90 – C150 XM 130 – XM 150 M 120 – M 150 T 120 – T 190 S 240 – S 280 90 330 32 ROCKINGER Member of JOST-World 26 Usable couplings 810D3000C 850D3030C 860D3030C 873D3030C 820A0100C 825A3000C Type 3312 3321 3341 4321 4341 5211 5213 5243 5245 5321 5341 6211 6245 6321 6341 7211 7245 7321 7341 7520 7540 7711 7745 8011 8111 8145 8520 8540 9245 9520 9540 10145 10245 10540 11245 106-41 116-41 Mounting dimensions (mm) a b D 310 30 23 Usable couplings 810D1000C 850D1030C 860D1030C 873D1030C 825A1000C
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