2/20/2011 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Comparing 1H to 13C NMR: In the Nucleus Involves Magnets In the Nucleus All spectra were thankfully obtained from SDBSWeb : http://www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/SDBS (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology). Without their dedication to cataloging spectra, educators would have an extremely hard time to teach this material effectively. This website at Michigan State is the best site on Spectroscopy online. Please use it as a reference! http://www.cem.msu.edu/~reusch/VirtualText/Spectrpy/spectro.htm#contnt 1H SPECTROSCOPY Read the 1H NMR chapter in your organic textbook and Techniques book. Practice the problems!! Interpreting 1H-NMR Spectra How many types of H? Indicated by how many groups of signals there are in the spectra What types of H? Indicated by the chemical shift of each group How many H of each type are there? Indicated by the integration (relative area) of the signal for each group. 1H Abundance 13C 99% 1.1% Chemical shift 0-15 ppm 0-220 ppm Reference TMS TMS Number of signals Number of proton environments Number of carbon environments Deshielding Electron withdrawing effects Electron withdrawing effects observed and cumulative observed and cumulative Coupling Yes, signals show splitting No splitting due to low abundance (1%) of 13C Integration Yes, area under peak relates to H # No, too long relaxation times 1H NMR provides information about: • Splitting – Which atoms are attached to one another? • Integration – How many protons of a certain type? • Shift – Which atoms are more deshielded? O What is the connectivity? a b c 2-butanone Look at the coupling patterns. This tells you what is next to each group. Splitting patterns Pascal’s triangle The relative intensities of the lines in a coupling pattern is given by a binomial expansion or more conveniently called Pascal's triangle. 1 2/20/2011 Typical Coupling Constants (J) Coupling constants, J Distance between the peaks in a multiplet, measured in Hz (J = 2 – 15 Hz typical) but not dependent on strength of the external field Multiplets with the identical coupling constants most likely arise from protons that split each other. Complex splitting = Signals may be split by adjacent but different protons with different coupling constants. a c e.g. Trans and cis J are different. H H Ja-b Ja-c Jb-c trans coupling constant cis coupling constant geminal coupling constant C C Hb Why does splitting arise? Why does splitting arise? Analyzing an NMR spectrum Remember to look for repeatable patterns… 1. Look at the molecular formula (if available), and look at the total integration of the spectrum. 2. Determine how many H’s are causing each signal. 3. Look at the splitting pattern so you get an idea of what H’s are around that group. 4. Try to assemble the molecule with the clues you have gathered. (Think of it as a puzzle…) 5. If you have other spectroscopic information (like IR or 13C NMR), make sure your analysis is consistent with all available data. -CH3 singlet, 3H -CH2CH3 triplet, 3 H quartet, 2H -CH(CH3)2 doublet, 6 H septet, 1H -C(CH3)3 singlet, 9H 2 2/20/2011 O C There are trends to learn… A B D Integration data: 2 3 2 3 Electronegativity environments B C Compound CH3F CH3OH CH3Cl CH3Br CH3I CH4 (CH3)4Si CH3X A X 1 3 6 F O Cl Br I H Si Electroneg. 4.0 of X 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.1 1.8 Chemical Shift 3.4 3.05 2.68 2.16 .23 0 4.26 Cumulative effects Compound CH4 CH3Cl CH2Cl2 CHCl3 /ppm 3.05 5.30 7.26 0.23 Aromatic Protons, 7-8 Acetylenic Protons, 2.5 These inductive effects at not just felt by the immediately adjacent protons as the disruption of electron density has an influence further down the chain. 1.69 1.25 3.30 Br Vinyl Protons, 5-6 Aldehyde Proton, 9-10 3 2/20/2011 Type of Proton Cyclopropane Primary Secondary Tertiary Vinylic Acetylenic Aromatic Benzylic Allylic Structure C3 H 6 R-CH3 R2-CH2 R3-C-H C=C-H triple bond,CC-H Ar-H Ar-C-H C=C-CH3 Chemical Shift, ppm 0.2 0.9 1.3 1.5 4.6-5.9 2-3 6-8.5 2.2-3 1.7 Alcohols H-C-OH 3.4-4 Ethers Esters Esters Acids Carbonyl Compounds Aldehydic Hydroxylic Phenolic Carboxylic Amino H-C-OR RCOO-C-H H-C-COOR H-C-COOH H-C-C=O R-(H-)C=O R-C-OH Ar-OH RCOOH RNH2 3.3-4 3.7-4.1 2-2.2 2-2.6 2-2.7 9-10 1-5.5 4-12 10.5-12 1-5 O B A 3 3 O O A C B Br 2 2 3 4 2/20/2011 Alcohols – Ultrapure samples of ethanol show splitting. Ethanol with a small amount of acidic or basic impurities will not show splitting. Compare: A C B OH D 2 N—H peaks may be broad Chemical shift will depend on concentration and solvent. To verify an O-H or N-H peak, shake the sample with D2O. Deuterium will exchange with the O-H or N-H protons and be absent in 2nd spectrum. 1H NMR for Styrene 1 2 3 Complex Splitting Patterns a H H C C c Hb What would Hc look like? Splitting Tree Complex Splitting Patterns 5 2/20/2011 Non-equivalent protons a H H C C c Hb Proton Chemical Shift Ranges (in CDCl3) c H OHa CH3 H aH Cl Hb dH Hb Cl Molecules are tumbling relative to the magnetic field, so NMR is an averaged spectrum of all the orientations. If protons have different environments, they will show different signals (e.g. ). Axial and equatorial protons on cyclohexane interconvert so rapidly that they give a single signal. H-transfers for OH and NH may occur so quickly that the proton is not split by adjacent H’s in the molecule. Evaluate the 1H NMR of the following Proton Chemical Shift Ranges (in CDCl3) 1H, t; 1H, s; 1H, d; 1H,d Evaluate the 1H NMR of the following 2H, q; 3H, s 3H, t Evaluate the 1H NMR of the following 1H, t 1H, s 2H,t 2H, quartet; 2H, quintet 1H, t; 2H, d 6H, s 3H,s 10 8 6 PPM 4 2 0 6 2/20/2011 Evaluate the 1H Shift (ppm) 9.78 7.75 6.90 3.77 NMR of the following Area 1.00 2.02 2.01 3.17 singlet C8H8O2 singlet doublet 1H, q 2H, q doublet 1H, s 12 Shift (ppm) 6.05 4.01 1.08 3H, t 10 8 Area 1.00 2.00 3.12 6 PPM 4 2 3H,d 0 C8H12O4 triplet Shift (ppm) 7.09 6.83 5.41 2.35 Area 1.93 1.85 0.80 2.98 C7H8O singlet singlet quartet doublet doublet singlet Shift (ppm) 7.82 7.72 7.40 7.32 2.48 Area 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.31 C8H7OCl singlet Shift (ppm) 9.51 7.37 7.26 6.59 6.45 2.96 Area 1.00 2.00 2.10 1.11 1.09 6.00 C11H13NO 7
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