V O L. 13 • N O. 2 FEBRUARY 2005 WALNUT CREEK N o r t h e r n Ca li f o r ni a Ch a p t e r o f t h e A p p r a i sa l I n st i t u t e How to Become A Real Estate Appraiser Thursday, March 17 Location: Sheraton Four Points Hotel 5115 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton 2005 Officers and Directors Installed L-R: Anthony Mills, MAI, SRA, Steve LeGardeur, MAI, Greg Rinehart, MAI, John Hillas, SRA, Chris Daniel, SRA, Steve Castellanos, MAI, SRA, Christina Way, MAI, Robin Erdmann, MAI, Claudia Carleton, MAI, Bruce Hahn, SRA, Carole Laval, SRA, and Joe Napoliello. Not pictured: Larry Hopper, MAI, and Jeff Enright, MAI. Directions: 925/460 - 8000 or w w w.fourpoints.com Parking: Complimentar y Registration: 2:45pm Workshop Hours: 3:00pm – 6:00pm Net working Social: 6:00pm (includes wine and hors d’oeuvres) Moderator: Anthony Mills, MAI, SR A The Anthony Mills Company Presenters: Elizabeth Collagen — OREA Super visor Enforcement Staff Greg Harding — OREA, Chief, Licensing & Enforcement Division Brian Grey, SR A Grey Appraisal Associates Kathr yn Sturgis - Bright Sturgis - Bright Appraisal Group, Inc. Price: AI Members Non - Members Workshop Only: $ 30 $40 Social Only: $ 30 $40 Workshop & Social: $ 30 $40 Reser vat ions & Paym ent : Advanc ed reser vations by Friday, March 11 are required to ensure adequate seating and workshop materials. Cancellations without penalty must be received by 12 noon on Monday, March 14. Cancellations received af ter 12 noon on Monday, March 14, and “no shows” will be charged unless we are able to re - sell your reser vation. Reser vations received af ter the cut - of f date and walk- ins cannot be guaranteed. Remit payment payable to: Appraisal Institute, 1243 Alpine Road, Suite 102, Walnut Creek, CA 9459 6, register online at w w w.norcal - ai.org or fax to 925 / 932-775 4. We reser ve the right to substitute speakers under circumstances beyond our control. Confirmations are not sent for workshops. About the Workshop: Are you looking for a new professional career? Do you have an interest in real estate but selling is not your game? Have you ever thought, “What Real Estate Appraiser, page 2 Bruce Hahn, SRA Greetings… and thanks to all those that attended the Janu ar y Workshop and the Installation Celebration. It was an informative workshop and a great social hour! It was nice to see such a large number of people and so many familiar faces! In addition to witnessing the Installation of the 2005 Board of Directors, we heard about the many changes occurring in the appraisal profession. In fact, I believe there is as much change right now as there was about 15 years ago when licensing was beginning and the merger of the Society and old Institute (into what is now the Appraisal Institute) were in the works. Experience and Training Provide Opportunities I f you were at the workshop, you heard the details of how much more difficult it will be to become licensed or cer ti fied by 2008, and about the major governance restructure that has just occurred within the Appraisal Institute. To hear and see the numbers from the OREA about licensees by age and by license type tells us a lot about the state of our profession. There are tremendous oppor tunities in the future for those that are experienced, have the best training (from the Appraisal Institute’s education offerings) and have designations that are recognized as the standard of excellence and competence in the President’s Message, page 7 2 Newsletter of the Northern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Members Page Question of the Month Q . I’ M A LICENSED APPR AISER SEEKING 7- HOURS OF USPAP CONTINU ING EDUCATION CREDIT. C AN I TAKE THE 15 - HOUR USPAP COURSE TO MEET THIS REQUIREMENT ? A . No. Effective Januar y 1, 2005, the 15 - hour National USPAP Course may NOT be used to satisfy the 7- hour National USPAP Update Course continuing education requirement. Only the 7- hour National USPAP Update Course may be taken to satisfy the continuing education USPAP requirement after Januar y 1, 2005. If the 15 - hour National USPAP Course is taken on or after Januar y 1, 2005, as continuing education, the course can be applied towards the overall continuing education hours only. N E W D AT E — M A R K YO U R C A LEN DA R 2005 Annual Fall Conference Exhibitor and Career Fair Friday, October 14 San Francisco Hilton Opening Speaker: Larr y Stone, Santa Clara County A ssessor Partial List of Breakout Sessions Includes: Nor th Bay Market Update San Francisco Market Update Silicon Valley Market Update East Bay Market Update Bay Area Residential Market Update 2005 Officers, Directors and Branch Chapter Chairs P RESIDENT Bruce A . Hahn, SR A bruce @ landmark valuation.com V ICE P RESIDENT Claudia Carleton, MAI claudia @ hulberg.com TREASURER Robin J. Erdmann, MAI robinerdmann @ comcast .net S ECRETAR Y Steve Castellanos, MAI, SR A scastellanos @ bankofstockton.com E X - O FFICIO John A . Hillas, SR A jhillas @ sierr avaluation.com D IRECTOR S Larr y Hopper, MAI ldhopper @ rpaapr aisal.com Jef f Enright , MAI jef f @ enrightco.com Greg Rinehar t , MAI greg @ burchardandrinehar t .com Joe Napoliello, MAI JN apoliello @ sanbrunocable.com Carole Laval, SR A claval @ comcast .net Real Estate Appraiser Chris Daniel, SR A from page 1 Anthony Mills, MAI, SR A does it take to become a real estate appraiser?” If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, be sure to join us for an informative 3-hour workshop. Our panelists will outline the skills and experience requirements potential employers look for when hiring entrylevel real estate appraisers. Topics to be discussed include: * Licensing Issues * The Trainer’s Perspective: Residential and Commercial * The Role of the Appraisal Institute * The Appraisal Profession: Diversity and Career Paths * The Future of the Profession Continuing Education Information: Continuing education credit is not available for this offering. R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Kindly obser ve the March 11 registration deadline. This program is likely to sell out early. Phone Email sleg ardeur @ jhancock .com Christina Way, MAI wa - tina @ f ire2wire.com G OLDEN G ATE /M EETING G ROUP Volunteers Needed S IERR A B R ANCH C HAP TER Volunteers Needed C ENTR AL C AL B R ANCH C HAP TER Kelly Stevens kellystevens @ at tbi.com E AST B R ANCH C HAP TER M ONTEREY B AY B R ANCH C HAP TER Volunteers Needed N ORTH B AY B R ANCH C HAP TER Ray Mattison, MAI mat 2apr3 @ sonic .net S ILICON VALLEY B R ANCH C HAP TER Jim Gavin, MAI James _Gavin @ st andardandpoors.com I am a/an: Member ($30) (Includes ASA and ASFMR A Members) Non - Member ($40) I will attend: How to Become a RE Appraiser Workshop Networking Social Charge my: acmills1@ msn.com Steve LeGardeur, MAI Volunteers Needed “How to Become a Real Estate Appraiser” Thursday, March 17, 2005 Name: ctdaniel @ sbcglobal.com VISA MasterCard Account # Exp Date AI Use: Rec’d DBM DBE / Signature Ck # Amt Bal Due February 2005 Members Page Members in the News A huge round of applause goes to Ray Mattison, MAI, ASA , who organized the jointly- sponsored Going Concern Seminar in Petaluma with the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of ASA. Over 80 appraisal professionals were in attendance. If you appreciated this Nor th Bay offering and would be willing to assist with future Nor th Bay education and networking events, please contact Ray at mat2apr3 @ sonic.net . Thank you to Noel James, Erik Woodhouse and Kevin Larson who assisted with registration at our sold out 2005 State of the Profession Workshop and Installation Celebration. Appreciation is also extended to early risers Joaquin Reis and Leigh Budlong, MAI, who assisted with registration at our Januar y offerings of Avoiding Residential Liability and USPAP Update respectively. At the Januar y Chapter Networking Social, the following members were elected to ser ve on the 2005 Nominating Committee: John A. Hillas, SR A – Chair, Karen Mann, SR A, Mitch Dunshee, MAI, Ron Garland, MAI, SR A, Ron Blum, MAI, Lou Marcus, SR A, Karen Couto, MAI, and Norm Hulberg, MAI. This committee will be responsible for slating our 2006 Officers, Direc tors and Regional Representatives. Special thanks to Eric Griffin, MAI, Region I Chair, who stepped in at the last minute as a substitute presenter at the 2005 State of the Profession Workshop. Kudos to Stephanie Coleman, MAI, SR A , for presenting Reappraising, Readdressing, and Reassignments to a sold out crowd earlier this month. For those of you who missed out, she has graciously agreed to present this program again in Fresno on May 10. Details coming soon. Many appraisers are now collecting on delinquent accounts due to the information that Norm Hulberg, MAI, presented on Februar y 11 on Engage ment Letters and Collection of Delinquent Accounts. Thank you Norm for developing and presenting this 2- hour workshop. In Januar y, Karen Mann, SR A, was the “Featured User” on the Apprais alPor t’s web site. Results of 2004 Member Survey Posted T hanks to the 229 members who responded to the first Nor thern California Chapter Member Sur vey! We received lots of great feedback, some great suggestions and recommendations, and a few appreciated pats on the back. Many of the responses were what we expected, but some were not! For the most par t, it looks like your Board of Directors is already taking some of the steps that you all would like to see. We will be studying the sur vey results to continue to tr y and ser ve you better. Don’t be surprised to see more sur veys in the future. You can check out the sur vey results yourselves in our new down load section of our web page — http : //w w w.norcal - ai.org /dwnld.html . Member on the Move Melissa Bach, MAI Carneghi - Blum & Par tners, Inc. 1470 Maria Lane, Suite 230 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925/256 -1463 FA X 925/256 -1461 mbach @ cbpappraisal.com 2005 Committee Chairs A RR ANGEMENTS Siobhan Semple Stoddard, MAI 415 /472-7833 FA X 415 /472- 3047 siobhan @ semple appr aisal.com M EMBER SHIP D EV ELOPMENT & R ECRUITMENT Anthony Mills, MAI, SR A 707/ 765 - 6246 FA X 707/ 765 - 9 63 4 acmills1@ msn.com A SSOCIATES ’ G UIDANCE – G ENER AL Anthony Mills, MAI, SR A 707/ 765 - 6246 FA X 707/ 765 - 9 63 4 acmills1@ msn.com A SSOCIATES ’ G UIDANCE – R ESIDENTIAL Nancy Townsend, SR A 510 / 524 - 6 469 FA X 510 / 527- 6 409 nancy @ townsendappr aisals.com E XPERIENCE R EV IEW – G ENER AL Rich Labagh, MAI 650 / 8 43 - 0740 FA X 650 / 8 43 - 0742 rlabagh @ aol.com E XPERIENCE R EV IEW – R ESIDENTIAL Peggy Darnall, MAI, SR A 510 /452- 4477 FA X 510 /452- 4230 E XAMINATIONS Ar t Lombard, MAI 415 / 627- 6392 FA X 415 / 627- 616 4 ar thur.f.lombard @ citigroup.com F INANCE Robin Erdmann, MAI 707/ 766 - 8313 FA X 707/ 766 - 83 43 robinerdmann @ comcast .net G OV ERNMENT R EL ATIONS Carole Laval, SR A 559 /435 - 4043 FA X 559 /435 - 4043 claval @ comcast .net E DUCATION — C OUR SES Steve Kuhnhof f, MAI – Chair 925 /327-1660 x16 FA X 925 /327-1696 stevenk @ hulberg.com Steve Geller, MAI – Vice Chair 925 / 820 - 460 0 FA X 925 / 838 - 4559 stevengellermai @ comcast .net E DUCATION – S EMINAR S Melissa Bach, MAI 925 / 256 -1463 FA X 925 / 256 -1461 mbach @ cbpappr aisal.com Sara Cohn, MAI 415 / 777- 2666 FA X 415 / 977- 0555 scohn @ cbpappr aisal.com F ALL C ONFERENCE Norm Hulberg, MAI – Chair 408 / 279 -1520 x142 FA X 408 / 279 - 3 428 norm @ hulberg.com Yvonne Broszus, MAI – Vice Chair 408 / 279 -1520 x142 FA X 408 / 279 - 3 428 y vonne @ hulberg.com P UBLIC R EL ATIONS Joe Napoliello, MAI 650 / 875 -1459 FA X 650 / 875 -1458 jnapoliello @ sanbrunocable.com TECHNOLOGY Christina Way, MAI 209 / 883 - 279 6 FA X 209 / 883 - 268 4 Good News ASA and ASFMR A Members T he Northern California Chapter is pleased to extend our discounted membership tuition fees to you when attending Chapter events. 3 wa - tina @ f ire2wire.com N EWSLET TER DeeDee Miletich, MAI 831/ 753 -18 44 FA X 831/424 - 5117 dmiletich @ agloan.com N OMINATING John A . Hillas, SR A 209 / 569 - 0450 FA X 209 / 569 - 0451 jhillas @ sierr avaluation.com 4 Newsletter of the Northern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute More Members Page Organizing The 2005 Of Your Dreams T here is nothing like starting out any new year by getting rid of the stuff in your office that you don’t want to carr y over into the next business year. This is perfect timing for tuning up your office to reflect the quality of business and success you want in 2005. Ready to make this your best year yet? Check out: Easier Organizing for the New Year and you’ll find new tips to make the changeover from year- end 2004 faster and easier than last year. Plus, doing the right things now will make tax- time much less of a hassle and means ever y year in the future will go better as well. Set up a Tax Box for all your 2004 tax documentation ASAP. While sorting your mail put in all 1099s, W -2s, forms and tax- related items. Pull last year’s financial files (bank statements), busi ness or employment expenses (receipts) and income (invoices) to add to your tax box. This will become your Tax Archive box when you’re done! For the complete stor y and a new one - page list of valuable resources for streamlining your life that you’ll want to keep handy, see http://www.organize.com / OrgNewYear.pdf. Eve Abbott, Organizer Extraordinaire [email protected] 510/528-4950 2004 Fall Conference Panelist Central California Branch Chapter / Local Meeting Group Networking Dinner Monday, March 14 Toledo’s Restaurant Fresno Visit http://www.norcal ai.org/event.html for registration details What Does Membership in the Appraisal Institute Offer? E stitute.org /membership /benef its.asp ach month we will highlight some of the benefits available to Appraisal Institute members. To view a complete list, visit http : //w w w.appraisalin Organizational Affiliate Membership NEW ! Appraisal Institute CCIM Organizational Af filiate Membership: Appraisal Institute CCIM Organizational Affiliate Membership provides Appraisal Institute members access to STDBonline, an online source of comprehensive commercial real estate information and applications. STDBonline features an integrated market analysis system that combines demographic information, mapping technology and repor ting tools used in appraisal and consulting assignments. Other features include market- analysis templates for multifam ily, retail, office and industrial proper ties as well as access to flood maps, aerial photography and more. For an annual subscription of $ 350, STDBonline puts critical and reliable information in one easy location – information that you’d probably have to spend time locating in a variety of sources other wise. For more information or to sign up for the Appraisal Institute CCIM Organi zational Affiliate Membership click here . If you have any fur ther questions please contact STDBonline @ appraisalinstitute.org . [The Nor thern California Chapter will be featuring a 2- hour workshop on STDBonline on March 17 — w w w.norcal - ai.org /brochure /ccim - 031705.pdf.] Real Estate Solution Software Realm Software: The Realm Software offers a 10 percent discount off of the regularly listed price on all new and additional licenses of ARGUS, DYNA, and CONNECT. Argus will also grant an extra 10 percent off to those who complete the Appraisal Institute’s course 810, Computer Advanced Cash Flow Modeling or an approved Realm - sponsored ARGUS training course. For more information, contact: http : //w w w.therealm.com , 469 /791-1000, info @ Realm.com . P LE ASE NOTE , the benefits discussed in the program (s) above are for informational purposes only and may be subject to separate terms and conditions ef fective at the time the member signs up to par ticipate with the company administering the respective program (s). Members may be required to agree to separate terms and conditions by the company administering the respective program (s) prior to par ticipating in the program. 2004 Chapter President John A. Hillas, SRA, gives an appreciation plaque to Board Member Christina Way, MAI, for her service to the Northern California Chapter. IMHO: February 2005 (In My Humble Opinion) is a column in which our mem bers have an opportunity to share their opinions and ideas. Views expressed are those of the writer and are not neces sarily supported by the Appraisal Institute or its leadership. Direct any comments or if would like to have your thoughts presented in this column to lisa @ norcal - ai.org. State of the SRA A s of the beginning of 2005, signifi cant changes occurred to Regulation 2; the requirements to earn admission to SR A membership. These changes are already a done deal and basically mirror the requirements for the 2008 AQB standards for residential certifica tion, except that a one - day Business Ethics course (formerly Course 420) and a demo repor t are also required. The Appraisal Institute is in the process of developing and introducing new edu cational offerings to meet these new requirements. (See char t below.) Apparently gone is Course 500, the week- long repor t writing course. The only remaining difference is the dem - Bruce M. Hahn, SRA onstration report, which the Residential Admissions Project Team (R APT) has targeted for elimination later this year (it will become optional) and replaced with some sort of equivalent to be delivered during the 20 hours of elective coursework noted in the char t. If this change is made later this year, the only difference between the SR A and state cer tification will be the one - day busi ness ethics class plus a requirement for an additional 500 hours of work experience to be reviewed. Sorr y, but I think this would be a major mistake. I think the Appraisal Institute has lost its way from its Vision Statement: AI Develops Educational Offerings to Meet New AQB Requirements STANDARDS CURRENT SRA Requirements 2008 AQB Hours COURSE 15 Hour USPAP 15 EDUCATION Business Ethics 8 200 Hours including USPAP 200 Residential Certification 15 Hour USPAP 200 Hours including USPAP Basic Appraisal Principles Basic Appraisal Principles Basic Appraisal Procedures Basic Appraisal Procedures Res. Market Analysis & HABU Res. Market Analysis & HABU Res. App. Site Valuation/Cost Approach Res. App. Site Valuation/Cost Approach Res. Sales Comparison & Income Approaches Res. Sales Comparison & Income Approaches Residential Report Writing Residential Report Writing Statistics, Modeling and Finance Statistics, Modeling and Finance Advanced Res. Applications & Case Studies Advanced Res. Applications & Case Studies Plus 20 hours of App. Subj. Matter Electives Plus 20 hours of App. Subj. Matter Electives Hours 15 200 (to include a course that replaces demo) TOTAL EDUCATION HOURS 208 200 COLLEGE DEGREE Associate Degree or 21 semester credit hours Associate Degree or 21 semester credit hours DEMO REPORT Currently Required (Proposed for change to Optional Only) None COMP EXAM Pass AQB Cert. Res. Exam Pass AQB Cert. Res. Exam APPRAISAL EXPERIENCE 3,000 hours 2,500 hours 5 “To be the global authority providing real estate solutions.” Just changing the requirements for the SR A to meet the revised AQB requirements does not make us the global authority. It seems to me to have the opposite impact, watering down our standard of excellence to matc h a diminimus st andard. Just how does meeting a minimum licensing standard make SR A members anything approaching an authority providing real estate solutions? I know that members of the R APT will point out that new SR A designees will be required to take all courses from the Appraisal Institute, and that is cer tainly a good thing. Nonethe less, I still don’t under st and how such a close approximation of licens ing standards will allow the Appraisal Institute to market a distinct advantage to clients by hiring SR A members for their exper tise, that sets them apar t from cer tified residential appraisers, when there is little, if any, difference for the average client, or member of the public, to perceive. er tainly the SR A requirements needed to be changed because the 2008 AQB requirements exceeded the old SRA requirements. But shouldn’t the SR A requirements ( just like the MAI requirements) set the Appraisal Institute’s residential designees apar t from all other appraisers? Maybe the demo isn’t the tool needed to set mem bers apar t in today’s marketplace, but let’s at least set some requirements that provide members who earn the designation some clear skills that set them apar t from cer tified residential appraisers, and clearly let potential clients say “here is an appraiser that is most qualified to authoritatively provide the real estate solutions I need.” I don’t see the public or potential clients being able to make that distinction with the current requirements, particularly if the demo repor t is removed. Perhaps we need to look at new methodology and techniques that might be more suited to today’s environment. Could that be greater use of Appraisal Valu ation Modeling (advanced statistical analysis not automated value models!) to better analyze the large amounts of data available to today’s residential appraiser? Probably. Could the use of GIS tools help residential appraisers provide better analysis of larger amounts of data? Possibly. Should these and other advanced IMHO, page 10 C 6 Newsletter of the Northern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Education Basic Condemnation Course Comes to the North Bay C ONDEMNATION – B ASIC : Join Steve Roach, MAI, on March 1-2, at the Uni versity of Phoenix in Novato when he presents Condemnation Appraising: Basic Principles and Applications. This two day course will provide par ticipants with an understanding of the eminent domain process, rules and regulations governing condemnation appraisals and impor tant issues unique to this appraisal specialty. Through the use of lectures, activities, and extensive prob lem - solving exercises, participants will acquire the tools they need to address issues such as the various valuation rules used by different jurisdictions, the identif ic ation and valuation of the larger parcel and the estimation of damages and benefits. Topics covered • Appraising proper ties acquired by condemnation • Introduction to the eminent domain environment • Role of the appraiser • Larger parcel issues • Valuation of the par t acquired and the remainder • Legal measurements of just com pensation • Analysis of damages and benefits to the remainder This course is approved for 15 hours of ORE A (# 9875 4C 498) and Appraisal Institute CEC. Designated members of the Appraisal Institute can obtain an additional hour of AI CEC by successfully completing the course exam. Note: Basic education credit for initial lic ensing /c er tif ic ation is not available for this offering. Tuition is $310 for Appraisal Institute Members and $410 for Nonmembers. For additional details and registration information on this of fering please visit h t t p : / / w w w. n o rc a l - a i .o r g / event .html . Upcoming Educational Offerings Course : Condemnation Appraising — Basic Instructor: Steve Roach, MAI Location: University of Phoenix, Novato Seminar : Instructor: Location: Mar 1 - 2 Suppor ting Capitalization Rates Mar 11 Gar y DeWeese, MAI Carr America Conference Center, Pleasanton Course : Mar 16 - 17 Course : Mar 18 Course : April 6 - 9 Course : April 14 - 15 Course : April 25 - 30 National USPAP 15 - Hour Instructor: Stephanie Coleman, MAI, SR A Location: For t Mason Center, San Francisco Business Practices & Ethics Instructor: Dawn Molitor- Gennrich, SR A Location: For t Mason Center, San Francisco Basic Appraisal Principles Instructor: Craig Owyang, MAI Location: University of Phoenix, Concord Apar tment Appraisals Instructors: Dawn Molitor- Gennrich, SR A Location: University of Phoenix, Novato Basic Income Capitalization Instructor: Gar y DeWeese, MAI, and Craig Owyang, MAI Location: TBA Yes, please provide me with registration information on the above checked education programs. Name Phone FA X Email There are three ways to receive advanced notification of these upcoming education of ferings: u visit our website at w w w.norcal - ai.org ; v call us at 925 / 932-7753; or, w fax this page back to 925 / 932-7754. We reser ve the right to cancel or substitute dates, locations and /or instructors as necessar y. Interested attendees are encouraged to register at least one month prior to the of fering to help avoid possible cancellation. Supporting Capitalization Rates Friday, March 11 Carr America Conference Center, Pleasanton S uppor ting Capitalization Rates focuses on practical ways to incorporate judgment and market experience into the rate selection process. In fact, the theme of this seminar is that a well - suppor ted capitalization rate is logi cally impacted by market activity, tested for reasonableness, and demonstrates consideration by the appraiser of the relevant factors that affect the proper ty. Working with realistic case studies, you will develop well - suppor ted, marketextracted capitalization rates that reflect specific economic and proper ty characteristics. The strengths, weaknesses, and data requirements of various methods will be identified to allow for the selection of the most appropriate method for any given appraisal problem. Seminar instructor Gar y DeWeese, MAI, will also demonstrate how the appraiser should apply skills and market knowledge to check the rate for reasonableness. Approved for 7- hours of Appraisal Institute and OREA (# 02754C724) con tinuing education credit. An application for 7- hours of SBE CEC for cer tified proper ty appraisers has been submitted. Tuition $165 for Appraisal Institute Members and $195 for Nonmembers. For additional details and registration information on this offering please visit http://w w w.norcal - ai.org /event.html. February 2005 7 Important Seminar News About Fannie Mae Forms Program F or the past several months, the Appraisal Institute has been working with Fannie Mae on the revisions to several new forms including the new UR AR (1004) form. Although we expected the forms to be finalized and released in the first quar ter of 2005, the process has required additional time and thus delayed the release date. Through our effor ts and our commu nications with Fannie Mae we expect the 1004 form to be released in April 2005, with a mandator y requirement for use by lenders in October. The Appraisal Institute is currently developing classroom and online semi nars to provide appraisers with the most up - to - date information about the changes and new requirements in the 1004 form and other forms. Because the changes to the 1004 form are sig nificant, these seminars will contain President’s Message from page 1 appraisal business (MAI & SR A). Licensing has not been much of a success, and I’m sure that all of us have encountered work from newer licensees that hasn’t met muster, so to speak. There is a dear th of truly qualified appraisers willing to mentor and properly train new people into the profession. In the long term, this is not a good thing for our profession. We need a stable base of competent professionals to keep the public’s respect and to meet the demands of clients that seek our ser vices. How many of us have been willing to take on the responsibility of training someone and ensuring the success of our profession, by helping a competent colleague get a firm footing in the business, rather than be surrounded by minimally qualified competitors in the local marketplace? February is Membership Month F or that matter, how many of us have employees or contractors that work with us in our practice that are not members of the Appraisal Institute? Why not insist that they be members !?! Februar y is membership month and this is a good time to ask them to join. Ef fective this year, the $125 application fee for associate membership has been waived (20 05 national and local dues still apply). Now that you are going to insist that your employees and contractors are members of the Appraisal Institute, are there other appraisers that you talk with regularly that aren’t members of our organization? Please encourage them to join as well ! Ever yone will benefit. I’m convinced that future success in the appraisal profession will depend on the best education and skill sets available. I don’t see these coming from any where but membership in the Appraisal Institute. One of many benefits of joining the Appraisal Institute and the Nor thern California Chapter, are the George and Alber ta Stauss and Nor thern California Chapter Residen tial Education Scholarships. If you are actively pursuing the MAI or SR A designations and are a member in good standing, hopefully you applied for one of these scholarships to help of fset the cost of the tuition for Appraisal Institute courses. the officially released form, which is a critical document for the residential appraisal community. Watch for registration information on the following Nor thern California offerings: Fresno – May TBA Modesto – June 13 Pleasanton – June 15 San Jose – July 11 San Francisco – July 22 AI Keeps You Up to Date A lthough changes are occurring rapidly in the appraisal profession, you can count on the Appraisal Institute to keep you informed and up - to - date on the skills you will need to meet these changes. Watch for major new programs to include the Valuation for Financial Repor ting (VFR) curriculum which will begin to appear toward the end of the year and during 2006. The Appraisal Institute is developing new courses to prepare its members for this specialized type of work, which will help provide new oppor tunities for many of our members. The Nor thern California You can count Chapter c ontinues to plan on the Appraisal specialized seminar and workshop offerings to keep Institute to keep you informed of the latest changes and how to make the you informed best of them. Considerable and up - to - date changes are also coming on how education is delivered by on the skills the Appraisal Institute. Watch for more information as the you will need. year progresses. Plan to attend one of the three workshops that will be presented on March 17th in Pleasanton. We will present our ever- popular How to Become a Real Estate Appraiser for those seeking to enter the profession. And for the more seasoned appraisers we will be presenting a workshop to learn about the CCIM Site to do Busi ness web site. Appraisal Institute members will be able to access this CCIM site at a discount. In addition, the third workshop will feature a presentation on Residential Income Proper ties. Approximately one - third of our members took the time to complete the chapter’s on - line membership sur vey last fall. A huge thanks to each of you. Your Board of Directors has been reviewing the results which are also posted in the new download section of the chapter’s web site — http : //w w w.norcal - ai.org /dwnld.html . We are listening to what you have shared with us. We are continuing to expand our adver tising campaign to promote our members and the value of our designations to prospective clients in allied trade publications. These are interesting times to be an appraiser. I’m glad I belong to the Appraisal Institute. It would be ver y difficult to understand and sur vive all the changes if I wasn’t a member! 8 Newsletter of the Northern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute News From National Governance Restructure Spells Opportunity N ow that governance restructure is a reality and implementation of the new structure has begun, what will this mean for chapters and grassroots members? A lot of oppor tunities to: • provide input • influence the types of projects the organization pursues • af fect who ser ves in leadership positions and • of fer ser vice in areas where your skills and knowledge will be used to better the organization and profession. The structure is intended to be a process where members at all levels – from the grassroots to chapters, re gi ons and nat i onal c ommit te e s – are heard and set the direction of the organization. Strategic Planning. The Strategic Planning Committee met in Chicago Januar y 28 - 2 9 fo r t he f ir st t im e this year (this group will meet three times a year). It is developing a new three - year strategic plan, a one - year operating plan (for 200 6), and new Vision and Mission Statements for the organization. Ever y member is encouraged to provide input for this committee’s consideration. This can include ideas or information relating to industr y trends, future Appraisal Inst itute ef for t s, s eminar s, public relations, or anything you would like to be considered for the 200 6 operat ing plan. One of the advantages of the new structure is that we will be able to receive and incorporate new thoughts and ideas on an ongoing basis. Further, a formal process for gathering member input will be rolled out during the first quar ter of 2005. Suggestions and c omment s c an be emaile d to dgrass @ appraisalinstitute.org . I d e n t i f y i n g L e a d e r s . A not her oppor tunit y for member input is to nominate indi v i duals to s er ve in leadership positions. A project team is developing a Leadership Resource Registr y, which will enable the Lead - ership Development and Nominating Commit tee to pre - qualif y members for ser vice based on the member’s interests and experience. The Reg istr y will ser ve as an ongoing source of individuals who are interested and willing to ser ve as Appraisal Institute volunteers. The Leadership Development and Nominating Committee will be calling for nominations for members to ser ve as: 1) Associate Member on the Board of Directors (term to begin 2007); 2) Chair, Strategic Planning Committee (term to begin 2007); and six mem bers at- large on the Strategic Planning Committee (three terms to begin 2006, three terms to begin 2007). Chapters should begin now to develop leaders at the grassroots level to ser ve in these areas. If you have questions that relate to the new governance structure, feel free to contact President- Elect Richard Powers, MAI, SR A; Legal Af fairs VP Jeff Liskar; or Darlene Grass, Director, Executive Administration. February is Membership Month I f you have any questions regarding the program listed below, please contact Wendy Woodburn, Manager, Membership Services at 312/335 - 4191 or by email at w woodburn @ apprais alinstitute.org . Sponsor a Member Program. The A ppr ais al Inst itute is of fer ing t he member who has sponsored the most members from October 2004 (Mem bership Appreciation Month) to May 2005, and his or her spouse a free hotel stay and full registration to our summer conference in Seattle, Wash ington, July 8 -10, 2005. Full member registration includes up to 16.5 hours of continuing education, President’s Rec ept i on, Pre si dent ’s B anquet , Welcome Reception, break fast and breaks. Spouse registration includes President’s Reception, President’s Banquet, Welcome Reception, breakfast and breaks. Hotel stay is for three nights and four days at the Sheraton Seattle. Book Discounts. Also in conjunction with Membership Recruitment Month, the national office is offering members a 20 percent discount on the follow ing four books. This discount is not valid with any other of fer and is good for online book purchases only. The promotion code for these discounts is REC05. Books can be ordered online at http: //www.appraisalinstitute.org / ecom /publications . • The Appraisal of Real Estate, 12th edition – now $48 (normally $ 60 to members) • The Dictionar y of Real Estate Appraisal, 4th edition – now $ 56 (normally $70) • Appraising Residential Properties, 3rd edition – now $ 35 (normally $44) • Real Estate Valuation in Litigation, 2nd edition – now $ 35 (normally $44). 2005 Spring Conference (Formerly Valley Appraisal and Valuation Conference) May 17 University of the Pacific Stockton, CA Topics include • New Fannie Mae Forms • Liability insurance • Mortgage Fraud February 2005 9 Agenda for Associates Associates’ Guidance Program Set for June 2005 in Napa T he Nor thern California and Sacra mento - Sierra Chapters are jointly planning a weeklong Associates’ Guid ance Program for June 13 -17, at the Napa Valley Marriott. This event will include Ted Whitmer’s Comprehensive Exam Review Workshop, the General D e m o ns t r at i o n A p p r a i s a l Wr i t i n g S eminar, p lus a wo r ksho p fe aturing the Directors of Screening and Experience Screening who will answer questions regarding the experience review process, demonstration appraisal repor ts and the comprehensive exam. In addition, simultaneous residential and general one - day seminars will be presented on Friday, June 17 for anyone seeking c ontinuing educ a tion credit for licensing /cer tification renewal. Attendees will have the option of selecting which programs will best benefit them in their quest for desig nation. The week will conclude with a net working social. Help! I Have a Question N eed help under st anding the requirements for designation or a little nudge to get your demo star ted? Confused about all of the changes that have occur red sinc e you became an associate member? Fear no more! Contact the following committee chairs for assistance: Membership Development & Retention Anthony Mills, MAI, SR A 707/765 - 6246 FA X 707/765 - 9634 acmills1@ msn.com Associates’ Guidance — General Anthony Mills, MAI, SR A 707/765 - 6246 FA X 707/765 - 9634 acmills1@ msn.com Associates’ Guidance — Residential Nancy Townsend, SR A 510 /524 - 6469 FA X 510 /527- 6409 nancy @ townsendappraisals.com Experience Review — General Rich Labagh, MAI 650 / 843 - 0740 FA X 650 / 843 - 0742 rlabagh @ aol.com Experience Review — Residential I n addition, feel free to contact the Member Ser vices Depar tment at the National Office. The professionals who staff this depar tment, are exper ts in helping to determine your needs and can help put you on the path toward designation. Comprehensive Exam Carrie Vann 312/335 - 4189 cvann @ appraisalinstitute.org Katie Powell 312/335 - 4187 kpowell @ appraisalinstitute.org Associate Records Dorothy Williams 312/335 - 4172 dwilliams @ appraisalinstitute.org Experience Review Marilyn Moore 312/335 - 4173 mmoore @ appraisalinstitute.org Harriet Kudlacik 312/335 - 4157 hkudlacik @ appraisalinstitute.org Status/Demo Reports Nancy Morales 312/335 - 4177 nmorales @ appraisalinstitute.org Peggy Darnall, MAI, SR A 510 /452- 4477 FA X 510 /452- 4230 Margaret Latimore 312/335 - 4174 mlatimore @ appraisalinstitute.org Associate Update — New Email M a rch M adn e s s Corina Rollins corinarollins @ comcast .net 3 Informative Workshops and Networking Social General Comprehensive Exam F or those planning ahead, the August 2005 Comprehensive Exam will be presented on August 22- 23, 20 05. Location to be determined. Thursday, March 17 Sheraton Four Points, Pleasanton How to Become a RE Appraiser CCIM STDBonline Small Residential Income Property Appraisal Reporting Come for the information — Stay for the networking More details available at http://www.norcal - ai.org/brochure.html • • • 10 Newsletter of the Northern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Important Update on the SRA Demo Requirement: Attention SRAs and Residential Associate Members T he changes to the SR A designation requirements that were proposed by the Residential Admissions Project Team (R APT) last year were approved by the National Board of Directors in November 2004. The main issue that remains undecided is the Demonstra tion Appraisal requirement. The R APT committee is in the process of deciding whether to eliminate or establish an alternative to this requirement. The next meeting of this committee is in April 2005, and the goal is to pres ent a solution to the National Board of Directors in November 20 05 for their c onsideration and vote. It is expected that there will be oppor tu nities for exposure and membership comment on the proposed plan prior to November 2005. If you have any questions or con cerns regarding the proposed change IMHO from page 5 tools be considered as ways to set the SRA as an authority on residential real estate solutions? DEFINITELY. Will the changes already made, and the probable removal of the demo report requirement, make appraisers flock to the SR A designation in numbers like we haven’t seen in over a decade? I don’t think so. I think the problem is the market doesn’t recognize the need for the designation in 9 0% of all residential appraisal situations today. Just like any appraisal prob lem we tackle, we need to define the problem the SR A designation faces, before we can find a solution to the problem. These solutions will come from the proper definition, which will include a focus on just what clients (par ticularly lenders since they make up the majority of residential appraisal clients) really need from realty valua tion professionals in today’s market. I believe that once this problem defini tion is clearly set, that we will readily see that just providing an approximate mirror of licensing requirements, and applying the SR A label, is definitely not the solution. Personally, I’d like to see both the MAI and SR A designations continue to the SR A demonstration appraisal repor t requirement, you are free to contact the members of the R APT committee at any time. Their contact information is presented below. R APT will randomly survey Institute members in late Februar y and March 2005 for their input on this issue. If you like to be included in this sur vey, contact Scott Robinson, MAI, SRA. 2005 RAPT Committee Members include: Mar y Green, SR A (Co - Chair) 316 / 943 - 4288 FA X 316 / 943 - 9911 Mar y @ GreenAppraisals.com Scott Robinson, MAI, SR A (Co - Chair) 704/ 636 - 4151 FA X704/ 637- 6082 arobinsonassoci @ carolina.rr.com Carol Chirpich, SR A 949 /458 - 6579 FA X 949 /455 - 9249 carol @ cchirpich.com to live up to the Appraisal Institute’s Mission Statement: “As America’s largest real estate appraisal organization, the mission of the Appraisal Institute is: To suppor t and advance its members as the choice for real estate solutions and to uphold professional credentials, standards of professional practice and ethics con sistent with the public good.” I don’t see how the removal of the demo repor t, given the other require ments close approximation of the AQB requirements, will allow the SR A des ignation to live up to the Appraisal Institute’s Mission Statement. Or, am I missing something? If we correctly d ef i n e t h e p r o b l e m, a n d p r ov i d e changes to the designation require ments that create skill sets that the market needs and wants, appraisers will once again choose to earn the SR A designation in numbers, just like they used to when the market of users saw value in the designation. f you feel strongly, like I do, about the impor tance of maintaining the standard of excellence of the SR A (as well as the MAI) designation, I would encourage you to contact members of the R APT team that are listed above and let them know of your opinions. You should also voice your opinions to the t wo Region I members of the Board of Directors (Eric Grif fin, MAI I Alan Hummel, SR A 515/221- 9810 FA X 515/221- 9814 ahummel @ hummelgroup.com Jim Jacobs, SR A 903 / 870 - 6011 FA X 815/461- 3269 jejacobs @ jacobsappraisals.com Carl Velie, SR A 386 / 677- 4080 FA X 386 /274 - 4580 I velieappraisal @ cf l.rr.com f this issue is impor tant to you, now is the time to speak up. Concerned members are also encouraged to share their thoughts with the chapter’s leadership. Contact information can be found on page 2 or on our webiste at http : //www.norcal-ai.org/officer.html. Leadership of the Nor thern California feels that this issue is so impor tant that we will be conducting our own local focus groups in March to insure that your voice is heard at the national level. If you are interested in par ticipating in a focus group please contact Lisa Estes at lisa @ norcal - ai.org . and Craig Ow yang, M AI) who will ultimately vote on any proposal to r e m ove t h e d e m o nst r at i o n r e p o r t from the SR A designation require ments. ( For additional infor mation and a far more eloquent analysis of t h e c ha n g e s r e c e nt l y m a d e to the SR A designation requirements, I would suggest that you reread the IMHO on page 5 in the October 20 04 newsletter at http://www.norcal-ai.org/ newsletters/1004.pdf by Anthony Mills, MAI, SR A). Join the Chapter’s Group Email Distribution E m ail is one of the quickest and most effective ways that the Chapter can communicate with you. Chapter members who do not currently belong to the chapter’s group email, are encouraged to send an email to lisa @ norcal - ai.org so that you too can stay informed of chap ter events and issues that relate to you, the professional appraiser. In addition, the group email provides a wonderful forum for chapter members to exchange information. February 2005 11 Legislative Update Government Relations Subcommittee Report Y our statewide Government Relations Subcommittee, the CSGRS, held its bi -annual meeting in Sacramento on 1127- 04. The OREA Acting Director, Tony Majewski, was able to meet with the committee for a couple of hours. We hope that you will join us in thanking Mr. Majewski for operating his depar tment as well as he does with reduced staff and under the cloud of the California Performance Review Report (CPR). The OREA staff of 25 should be adequate when the application volume declines, but is not currently sufficient. The OREA is operating with a high volume of applications (new and renewing) and the smallest staff it has had since the office opened in 1991 (not counting the early days of orange crates for desks). The CPR, the result of a top to bottom review of state government ordered by Governor Schwarzenegger, calls for the elimination of the OREA as an independent office. The CPR calls for elimination of the OREA director and the DRE director (Department of Real Estate), requiring these two agencies to report to the same department head. There would be a Division of Real Estate Services headed by a secretary. No one knows what positions, who or how long it will take to implement the recommendations of the CPR. There is also the problem that Federal requirements prohibit the same person (department) who licenses appraisers from having control over other real estate licensing functions (Policy Statement 10). Director Majewski gave us the following snapshot information about licensing: • there are approximately 16,500 licensees at present, about 35% of which are trainees • there were about 6,0 0 0 initial applications each year for 2003 and 2004 • there are a few hundred upgrade applications each year • there is a backlog of 400 to 600 initial applic ations at any one time • there is a 90% renewal rate at all license levels • the average age of the initial applicant is 41.9 years • less than 50% of trainee applicants complete the requirements and get a license • there was a 42% pass rate on the initial licensing exam in 20 03 2004 • license renewals are taking 70 to 76 days on average to process • new applications are taking 87 days on average to process • licenses are issued 2 days per week with priority given renewal applications When a license expires, it comes off the OREA system immediately. The National Registry is also notified of the license expiration. When an appraiser is taken off the National Registry, the appraiser c an no longer c omplete reports for federally related transac tions (FRT). When you are renewing your state license, allow adequate time for processing. The OREA sends you a renewal notice 6 months prior to your renewal date. They need at least 90 days to process. We urge you to submit your applica tions promptly! Director Majewski gave us the following summary information about current enforcement actions: • there are 220 cases and 7 inves tigators • the c ases are bec oming more c omplex and therefore taking longer to resolve • there are about 50 cases open over 12 months OREA is receiving a growing number of complains about vacant land appraisals. Most complaints are filed against single -family residential reports, and are usually about value issues. These residential complaints have typically been through a review before being submitted to OREA. Complaints regarding forged signatures are also being received. It has been reported that some apprais ers operating with trainee licenses are hiring certified appraisers to work for them having the certified appraiser sign off on the reports. On other matters, the CSGRS continues to look for answers to improve our licensing system. Among other issues, we are concerned about the inability of trainees to find positions with licensed appraisers. We are asking for an opinion from our National office as to whether SB1, a California measure that passed last year that specif ic ally exempts appraisers from the privacy disclosure notices required by the Gramm - Leach Bliley Act of 1999 (GLB), does in fact exempt us. We will let you know as soon as we receive that decision. We are continuing to track current legislative proposals for their potential impact on our profession. member brought to our committee a complaint about a steep increase in his workman’s compensation insurance. It was not clear if this was an individual occurrence or the result of a re - classification. Mike Belote, our lobbyist with California Advocates, is looking into the matter. CSGRS also heard a complaint from a member in Merced about a recently implemented business license tax. It was determined that Merced, or any city or county, has the authority to implement a tax so as long as the appraiser’s prac tice is within their jurisdiction. Below is the elected 2005 CSGRS leadership: Chair: Carole Laval, SR A (Northern California Chapter) Vice Chair: Steve Wardwell (Sacramento - Sierra Chapter) Treasurer: Jon Cox (Southern California Chapter) Secretar y: Bruce Willmette, MAI (Northern California Chapter) Ex- Officio: Dave Yerke,MAI (San Diego & Reno - Carson Tahoe Chapters) Your CSGRS dues for 20 05 will remain at $13.75 per member per year, or $1.15 per month. Our 2005 projected budget is $30,225. Our pri mary expenses are the payment for our legislative representative, Mike Belote of California Advocates, Inc., and required tax preparation and filings. We have budgeted minor amounts for meeting, copying, and postage expenses. These expenses accounted for less than $400 in 2004. Please contact me regarding leg islative matters that affect you as a professional real estate appraiser. We welcome your comments and sugges tions, and the inclusion of new committee members. Carole Laval, SRA 2005 Chair, California Government Relations Subcommittee A 12 Newsletter of the Northern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Februar y 20 — March 19, 2005 Upcoming Programs & Events at a Glance Sun Mon Tu e We d Th u Fr i S at FE B 2 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 Gen Comp Exam — Oakland 27 28 MAR 1 Condemnation – Basic — Novato 6 7 8 9 Cap Rate Seminar — Pleasanton 13 14 Central Cal Dinner — Fresno 2005 Chapter Officers P RESIDENT Bruce Hahn, SR A Landmark Valuation 2081 Stratton Road Walnut Creek, CA 94598 - 2353 925 / 932- 4044 FA X 925 / 932- 48 44 bruce @ landmark valuation.com V ICE P RESIDENT Claudia Carleton, MAI Hulberg & Associates One Almaden Boulevard, Suite 70 0 San Jose, CA 95113 408 / 279 -1520 408 / 279 - 3 428 claudia @ hulberg.com TREASURER Robin J. Erdmann, MAI The Robin Erdmann Group Real Estate and Land Use Economic Consultants & Appraisers 1885 Falcon Ridge Drive Petaluma, CA 9495 4 707/ 766 - 8313 FA X 707/ 766 - 83 43 robinerdmann @ comc ast .net S ECRETAR Y Steven Castellanos, MAI, SR A Bank of Stockton Post Of fice Box 1110 Stockton, CA 95201 209 / 929 -1441 FA X 209 / 929 -1394 sc astellanos @ bankofstockton.com C HAP TER O FFICE 1243 Alpine Road, Suite 102 Walnut Creek, CA 9459 6 925 / 932-7753 FA X 925 / 932-775 4 w w w.norc al - ai.org Executive Director Lisa M. Estes lisa @ norc al - ai.org Administrative Assistants Pat Moore pat @ norc al - ai.org Alex Long - Smith alex @ norc al - ai.org Library Hours by Appointment 15 16 17 National USPAP 15 - Hour — San Francisco Chapter Workshops & Networking Social Board Meeting — Pleasanton 18 19 Business Practices & Ethics — San Francisco Appraisers Wanted Northern California/Bay Area. Commercial Appraiser position available at a growing commercial firm. Must be thorough, detail oriented, motivated, computer literate, and have strong writing skills. Certified State License required. 5+ years experience. MAI or actively seeking designation. Must have commercial experience. Contact: Jeffrey Fillmore, MAI at 1062 Willow Street, San Jose, CA 95125, 408/299-0444, FAX 408/299-0449, e-mail your qualifications to: [email protected]. Designated or Senior Commercial Appraisers Wanted. CBRE Valuation and Advisory Services is looking for experienced commercial appraisers for our Northern California offices. Appraise high profile property types throughout the Bay Area, work with a sophisticated local and national client base, and significantly increase your billings utilizing our cutting edge technology and large library of data sources. Additionally we provide appraiser trainees to qualified candidates. Email your resume to [email protected] or call Rob Hensley, MAI, at 415/986-7940. National Appraisal Firm Located in Walnut Creek seeks a commercial appraiser with at least two years of experience to join a fast-paced, professional office where you are given excellent technical support and data resources. Qualified candidates are quality-oriented and proficient in MS Word and Excel (Argus experience desirable). Competitive fee splits and benefits offered. Please email your resume to Diane Nowak, MAI, Joseph J. Blake and Associates at [email protected]. Commercial Appraiser. Integra Realty Resources-San Francisco seeks experienced appraisers to perform Bay Area narrative assignments. Strong writing and analytical skills and proficiency with Word/ Excel are required. Argus experience preferred. Must have certified general license. Compensation plan includes base salary with attractive fee splits, medical/dental and 401k plan. Appraisal classes, AI dues and state license fees paid by firm. Email letter of interest and resume to Virginia Lammers, HR Manager at [email protected]. Learn more about Integra at www.irr.com. Commercial Real Estate Analyst / Appraiser Position Available. Montgomery Wilshire Capital is a fast growing commercial mortgage bank specializing in apartment, commercial property, and structured finance loan transactions. We are seeking to hire an Analyst/Appraiser. We are looking to hire a detail oriented, energetic, person who wants to learn more about the commercial real estate mortgage lending market and gain commercial appraisal experience. Please fax resume to 888/5408436 attention Michael Stoneman, MAI. Classified Guidelines & Deadlines The newsletter submission deadline is noon on the 5th of the preceding month. All submissions for the April 2005 issue must be received by noon on March 5. We reserve the right to reject or edit classified ads. Ads are limited to 40 words. A $40 publishing fee must accompany submission from non-affiliates. Advertising is complimentary for AI members and affiliates. Ads will be printed on a space available basis. The Appraisal Institute assumes no responsibility for the reliability of ads other than to publish them. Submit ads via email to [email protected]
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