Disability Rights California California’s protection and advocacy system BAY AREA REGIONAL OFFICE 1330 Broadway, Suite 500 Oakland, CA 94612 Tel: (510) 267-1200 TTY: (800) 719-5798 Toll Free: (800) 776-5746 Fax: (510) 267-1201 www.disabilityrightsca.org How To Get The Extra Help You Need To Stay In Your Own Home And Avoid A Long-Term Care Facility There are a number of different programs in California that can help individuals with disabilities and/or seniors remain in their home, or help them return home from a long-term care facility (including hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical facilities). 1 Home and Community-Based (HCBS) Waivers A Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver is a special Medi-Cal program that waives certain Medi-Cal rules so that people can live at home instead of living in a facility. First, the waivers use the same Medi-Cal rules for counting income and property that are used for people living in a facility. This makes it possible for married people to live at home together and for minor children to live at home with their parents without having their spouse's or parents' income and property deemed to be their own income and property. Second, additional services are available under the waivers that are not ordinarily available under the regular Medi-Cal program for people living at home. This means that Medi-Cal beneficiaries can receive the services they need at home instead of having to go to a facility to receive them. There are a variety of different HCBS Waivers including: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Waiver; Assisted Living Pilot Program Waiver (ALWPP); Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for the Developmentally Disabled (HCBS-DD); Nursing Facility/Acute Hospital (NF/AH) Waiver; and the Multi Purpose Senior Services Waiver (MSSP). 1 If you have questions about any of these programs, or need assistance getting services, in addition to the information in this fact sheet, you can contact Disability Rights California Toll Free: (800) 776-5746 or TTY: (800) 719-5798. You can also visit our website at www.disabilityrightsca.org 1 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Waiver This Waiver serves Medi-Cal eligible individuals with HIV disease or AIDS. Services provided include: Case Management; Homemaker assistance; Home Health Aid - Attendant Care; Psychotherapy; Medi-Cal Supplements for Infants and Children in Foster Care; Non-Emergency Medical Transportation; Nutritional Counseling; Nutritional Supplements; Home-Delivered Meals; Skilled Nursing - Registered Nurse / Licensed Vocational Nurse; Specialized Medical Equipment / Supplies; and, Minor Physical Adaptations to the Home. For more information, see http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medical/Pages/AIDSMedi-CalWaiver.aspx. For a list of AIDS Waiver providers, see Attachment A. Assisted Living Waiver Pilot Project (ALWPP) The Assisted Living Waiver Pilot Project (ALWPP) is a Medi-Cal program that pays for assisted lLiving, care coordination and other benefits provided to eligible seniors and persons with disabilities who reside in one of the Project’s three target counties: Sacramento, San Joaquin and Los Angeles. This waiver serves individuals who are 21 Years or Older, are physically disabled, and meet the level of care criteria for a Nursing Facility. Individuals receive services either in Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFEs ) or in publicly subsidized housing. Services provided under this waiver include: Environmental Accessibility Adaptations; Nursing Facility Transition Care Coordination; Community Transition Services; Translation and Interpretation Services; and Care Coordination. For more information about this waiver, you can visit http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/ltc/Pages/ALWPP.aspx/c/default.shtm. Please note that ALWPP has reached its enrollment capacity for the pilot project. Potential providers can still apply and beneficiary enrollment will begin again in January, 2009 Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for the Developmentally Disabled (HCBS-DD) This waiver provides home and community-based services to developmentally disabled persons who are Regional Center consumers, as an alternative to care provided in a facility. In order to receive DD waiver services, an individual must have eligibility for full scope Medi-Cal; a formal diagnosis of a developmental disability that originates before an individual attains the age of 18, as defined in the California Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 4512(a); be a Regional Center consumer; and, meet the level of care of the 2 Federal intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded (ICF/MR), or in California, the ICF/DD-type facilities Services provided include: Case management (through the Targeted Case Management benefit contained in California’s Medicaid State Plan); Homemaker Services; Home Health Aide Services; Respite Care; Habilitation; Residential habilitation for children services; Day habilitation; Prevocational services; Supported employment services; Environmental Accessibility Adaptations; Skilled Nursing; Transportation; Specialized Medical Equipment / Supplies; Chore Services; Personal Emergency Response System (PERS); Family Training; Adult Residential Care; Adult Foster Care; Assisted Living; Supported Living Services; Vehicle Adaptations; Communication Aides; Crisis Intervention; Crisis Intervention Facility Services; Mobile Crisis Intervention; Nutritional Consultation; Behavior Intervention Services; Specialized Therapeutic Services; and Transition / Set-Up Expenses. For more information, see http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medical/Pages/HCBSDDMediCalWaiver.aspx or Disability Rights California’s publication, RIGHTS UNDER THE LANTERMAN ACT, Chapter Thirteen, The Medi-Cal Home and Community-Based Services Developmental Disability Waiver, available at http://www.disabilityrightsca.org/pubs/506301Ch13.htm Nursing Facility/Acute Hospital (NF/AH) Waiver This Waiver combines three waivers formerly administered separately by the California Department of Health Care Services – the (1) Nursing Facility A/B, (2) Subacute, and (3) InHome Medical Care (Acute) Waivers. 2 2 There is another waiver serving individuals in the community who would otherwise require Nursing Facility (NF) Distinct Part, NF Level B Pediatric Services,NF Subacute Services, NF Pediatric Subacute Services. However, this waiver’s enrollment is capped at 210. It is referred to as the In-Home Operations waiver, and was established to serve either 1) participants previously enrolled in the NF A/B Level of Care Waiver who have continuously been enrolled in a DHCS In-Home Operations-administered Home and Community-Based Services Waiver since prior to January 1, 2002, and require direct care services provided primarily by a licensed nurse; or 2) who have been receiving continuous care in a hospital for 36 months or greater and have physician-ordered direct care services that are greater than those available in the Nursing Facility / Acute Hospital Waiver for the participant’s assessed level of care. 3 o Nursing Facility A/B: Eligible individuals must be Medi-Cal eligible and otherwise require care in a NF Level A (pursuant to tit. 22 CCR §§ 51120 and 51334) or Level B (pursuant to tit. 22 CCR §§ 51124 and 51335) for at least 180 days. In order to be eligible for the “Distinct Part NF” rate (which is a higher rate specifically for individuals in distinct part nursing facilities such as Laguna Honda), individuals must meet the care needs in Welfare and Institutions Code § 14091.21(b)(1)(F) and tit. 22 CCR §§ 51124 and 51335, and reside in a distinct part NF for at least 30 days. o Nursing Facility Subacute: Eligible individuals must be Medi-Cal eligible and otherwise require care in a Subacute NF (pursuant to tit. 22 CCR § 51124.5) or Pediatric NF (pursuant to tit. 22 CCR § 51125.6) for at least 180 days. o Acute Hospital: Eligible individuals must meet criteria for care in a hospital for at least 90 consecutive days and have a “traumatic or acquired neuromuscular impairment and/or a complex debilitating illness.” Applicants must meet criteria in tit. 22 CCR §§ 51344 and 51173.1, in addition to other specific criteria set forth in the NF/AH Waiver application. Services Available under the NF/AH Waiver: Environmental Accessibility Adaptations; Case Management; Respite Care (Home & Facility); Personal Emergency Response System (PERS); PERS Installation and Testing; Community Transition Services; Home Health Aide Services; Habilitation Services; Family Training; Waiver Personal Care Services; Transitional Case Management ;Medical Equipment Operating Expenses; Private Duty Nursing, including Shared Services. To apply for the NF/AH Waiver you can call the Department of Health Care Services at 1-916-552-9105 in Sacramento, 1-213-897-6774 in Los Angeles. For more information about the NF/AH waiver see http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medical/Pages/NFAHMedi-CalWaiver.aspx and the Disability Rights California Home and Community Based Waiver Fact sheet, available at http://www.disabilityrightsca.org/advocacy/HCBSWaivers/WaiverFactSheet.htm Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) This Waiver provides Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) to Medi-Cal eligible individuals who are 65 years or older and disabled as an alternative to nursing facility placement. The MSSP waiver allows the individuals to remain safely in their homes. In order to be eligible, individuals must be Medi-Cal individuals who, but for the provision of such services, would require the Nursing Facility (NF) level of care; Aged 65 years and older; enrolled in only one HCBS waiver at any a time; reside in a county with an MSSP Site. 4 Services Available through MSSP include: Senior Center programs; Money management help and counseling; Case Management; Information and referral; Respite; Housing assistance Legal services; Minor home safety repairs; Transportation; Escort to doctors appointments; Telephone reassurance; Friendly visiting; Health and psychological assessments; Nutrition services; Home health care; Preventive health care; Homemaker chore service; Meals at home or at a location; Adult day care including adult day health care; Personal care assistance to maintain hygiene, personal safety and activities of daily living; Protective supervision; Communication services – translation and interpretive services; and provision for an emergency response system; Equipment purchase. How do I apply for MSSP? See Attachment B for a list of MSSP Contacts by county. For more information, you can visit http://www.aging.ca.gov/programs/mssp.asp or call 1 800 510-2020. In addition to the HCBS Waiver programs, other services help people return to or stay in their community. They include: In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) IHSS is designed to help the low-income elderly, blind, and people with disabilities of all ages live safely in their own homes if they wish to do so, rather than in a nursing home or other group care facility. IHSS pays for a wide variety of home-based services performed by home help workers, including non-medical personal care such as bathing, grooming, feeding, dressing or toilet assistance, and cleaning, laundry, shopping, cooking, washing dishes. Under direction of a licensed health care professional, IHSS can arrange for paramedical services, or provide transportation to and from medical and other necessary appointments. Who Is Eligible for IHSS? California residents living in his or her own home 3 , who meet one of the following conditions: (1) Currently receives SSI/SSP benefits. (2) Medically needy aged, blind or disabled. (3) Meets all SSI/SSP eligibility criteria, except for income in excess of SSI/SSP eligibility standards. (4) Meets 94 SSI/SSP eligibility criteria including income, but does not receive SSI/SSP benefits. (5) Was once eligible for SSI/SSP benefits, but became ineligible because of engaging in substantial gainful activity, and meets all of the following 3 Individuals who wish to live in their own homes but are institutionalized, are also eligible. See, http://www.dss.cahwnet.gov/getinfo/acl02/pdf/02-68.pdf 5 conditions: a)The individual was once determined to be disabled in accordance with Title XVI of the Social Security Act (SSI/SSP); b)The individual continues to have the physical or mental impairments which were the basis of the disability determination; c)The individual requires assistance in one or more of the areas specified under the definition of "severely impaired individual" Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code §12305.5; d)The individual meets applicable share of cost obligations (6) Is participating in one of California’s HCBS Waivers through institutional deeming. How do I apply for IHSS? See http://www.cdss.ca.gov/agedblinddisabled/PG1785.htm for a list of County Contacts. You can download an application form here: http://www.cdss.ca.gov/cdssweb/entres/forms/English/SOC295.pdf Linkages The Linkages Program is a care management program which serves frail elderly and younger people with disabilities who are at risk of being placed in an institutional setting. Individuals must have the need for assistance in at least two activities of daily living, such as transportation, housework, dressing, or bathing. They must live in an area served by the Linkages Program and be willing to participate. There are no income limitations. The Program serves approximately 100 clients per site. There is usually a waiting list for services. Services Available A Linkages Program staff professional is assigned to each individual and completes a thorough in-home assessment. The care manager works with individual and family or friends involved in their care. A care plan to enhance the person's strengths and address their needs is developed and approved by the individual. The care manager may link the person to community services, such as transportation to medical appointments, home-delivered meals, homemaker and personal care, and support for the caregiver. Linkages staff also help the client to obtain various devices, including ramps, hand-held showerheads, and nutritional supplements. To apply for the Linkages program, you can call (800) 510-2020. Program of All Inclusive care for the Elderly (PACE) PACE is a Medicare program for older adults and people over age 55 living with disabilities. This program provides community-based care and services to people who otherwise need nursing home level of care. PACE provides all the care and services covered by Medicare and Medicaid, as authorized by the interdisciplinary team, as well as additional medically-necessary care and services not covered by Medicare and Medicaid. PACE provides coverage for prescription drugs, doctor care, 6 transportation, home care, check ups, hospital visits, and even nursing home stays whenever necessary. Eligibility criteria To be eligible to be a PACE participant, you must be age 55 or older; meet a Nursing Facility level of care; and live in the PACE organization service area. Services provided include Primary Care (including doctor and nursing services); Hospital Care; Medical Specialty Services; Prescription Drugs; Nursing Home Care; Emergency Services; Home Care • Physical therapy • Occupational therapy; Adult Day Care; Recreational therapy; Meals; Dentistry; Nutritional Counseling; Social Services; Laboratory / X-ray Services; Social Work Counseling; and Transportation. To apply for PACE, contact one of following providers in your area listed in Attachment B. You can also get more information at: http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/ltc/Pages/ProgramofAllInclusiveCarefortheElderly .aspx 7 ATTACHMENT A AIDS WAIVER PROGRAMS For Information about getting AIDS Waiver Services, you can call your county agency, listed below. If you need information about getting Medi-Cal, you can go to http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medical/Pages/MediCalApplications.aspx AIDS WAIVER PROVIDERS, California Department of Public Health Office of AIDS Alameda Alameda County Medical Center 15400 Foothill Boulevard, Bldg. C, Second Floor San Leandro 94578 (510) 895-4343 Bay Area Consortium for Quality Health Care, Inc. 5709 Market Street Oakland 94608 (510) 652-3300 Amador Sierra Health Resources, Inc. d.b.a. Sierra HOPE P.O. Box 159 Angels Camp 95222 (209) 736-6792 Butte Home Health Care Management, Inc. 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico 95973 (530) 343-0727 Calaveras Sierra Health Resources, Inc. d.b.a. Sierra HOPE P.O. Box 159 Angels Camp 95222 (209) 736-6792 Colusa 9 Home Health Care Management, Inc. 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico 95973 (530) 343-0727 Contra Costa Contra Costa County Health Services Department Public Health 597 Center Avenue, Suite 200 Martinez 94553 (925) 313-6771 Del Norte St. Joseph Home Care Network - Humboldt County 721 E Street Eureka 95501 (707) 443-9332 El Dorado Sierra Foothills AIDS Foundation 12183 Locksley Lane, Suite 205 Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 889-2437 Fresno Fresno Community Hospital and Medical Center dba University Medical Center 445 S. Cedar Avenue Fresno 93702 (559) 459-4435 Glenn Home Health Care Management, Inc. 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico 95973 (530) 343-0727 Humboldt St. Joseph Home Care Network - Humboldt County 721 E Street 10 Eureka 95501 (707) 443-9332 Imperial Imperial County Public Health Department 935 Broadway El Centro 92243 (760) 482-4469 Kern Kern County Department of Public Health 1800 Mount Vernon Avenue, 2nd Floor Bakersfield 93306 (661) 868-0502 Kings Kings County Department of Public Health Services 330 Campus Drive Hanford 93230 (559) 584-1401 Lake Community Care Management Corporation 301 South State Street Ukiah 95482 (707) 468-0314 Lassen Plumas County Public Health Agency 270 County Hospital Road, Suite 206 Quincy 95971 (530) 283-6337 Los Angeles AIDS Healthcare Foundation 1001 North Martel Avenue Los Angeles 90046 (323) 860-5200 AIDS Project Los Angeles 3550 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300 11 Los Angeles 90010 (213) 201-1600 AIDS Service Center 909 South Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena 91105 (626) 441-8495 AltaMed Health Services Corporation 5427 E. Whittier Boulevard Los Angeles 90022 (323) 869-5449 Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Center for AIDS Research, Education and Services 1731 East 120th Street, Building M Los Angeles 90059 (323) 563-4939 Minority AIDS Project 5149 West Jefferson Boulevard Los Angeles 90016 (323) 936-4949 St. Mary Medical Center d.b.a. St. Mary CARE Program 411 E. 10th St., Suite 107 Long Beach 90813 (562) 624-4900 Tarzana Treatment Centers 7101 Baird Avenue Raseda 91355 (818) 996-1051 Marin Hospice by the Bay 17 East Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Larkspur 94939-172 (415) 927-2273 Mendocino Community Care Management Corporation 301 South State Street Ukiah 95482 12 (707) 468-0314 Modoc Plumas County Public Health Agency 270 County Hospital Road, Suite 206 Quincy 95971 (530) 283-6337 Monterey Natividad Immunology Division Outpatient (NIDO) 1441 Constitution Boulevard, Bldg. 760 Salinas 93906 (831) 755-4111 Napa Queen of the Valley Medical Center, Community Outreach, CARE Network 3448 Villa Lane, Suite 102 Napa 94558 (707) 251-2000 Nevada Sierra Foothills AIDS Foundation 12183 Locksley Lane, Suite 205 Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 889-2437 Orange AIDS Services Foundation Orange County 17982 Sky Park Circle, Suite J Irvine 92614-640 (949) 809-5700 Placer Sierra Foothills AIDS Foundation 12183 Locksley Lane, Suite 205 Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 889-2437 Plumas Plumas County Public Health Agency 13 270 County Hospital Road, Suite 206 Quincy 95971 (530) 283-6337 Riverside Desert AIDS Project 1695 N. Sunrise Palm Springs 92262 (760) 323-2118 Inland AIDS Project 3767 Elizabeth Street Riverside 92506-250 (951) 346-1910 Sacramento Rx Staffing and Home Care, Inc. 4640 Marconi Avenue, Suite 1 Sacramento 95821-431 (916) 979-7300 San Benito Natividad Immunology Division Outpatient (NIDO) 1441 Constitution Boulevard, Bldg. 760 Salinas 93906 (831) 755-4111 San Bernardino Desert AIDS Project 1695 N. Sunrise Palm Springs 92262 (760) 323-2118 Inland AIDS Project 3767 Elizabeth Street Riverside 92506-250 (951) 346-1910 San Diego North County Health Services 150 Valpreda Road, Suite 101A San Marcos, 14 CA 92069-291 (760) 736-6725 San Diego Hospice & Palliative Care 4311 Third Avenue San Diego 92103-140 (619) 278-6400 San Francisco California Pacific Medical Center 2333 Buchanan San Francisco 94115 (415) 600-6000 Tenderloin Health 255 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco 94102 (415) 437-2900 Westside Community Mental Health Center, Inc. dba Westside Community Services 245 11th Street San Francisco 94113 (415) 355-0311 San Joaquin San Joaquin County Public Health Services 1601 East Hazelton Avenue Stockton 95205-622 (209) 468-3820 San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department 2191 Johnson Avenue San Luis Obispo 93401 (805) 781-5540 San Mateo San Mateo County Health Services Agency 15 225 37th Avenue San Mateo 94403 (650) 573-3904 Santa Barbara Pacific Pride Foundation 126 East Haley Street, Suite A-11 Santa Barbara 93101 (805) 963-3636 Santa Clara Health Trust (The) 1701-A South Bascom Avenue Campbell 95008 (408) 961-9850 Santa Cruz Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency 1060 Emeline Avenue, Building F Santa Cruz 95060 (831) 454-4730 Shasta Home Health Care Management, Inc. 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico 95973 (530) 343-0727 Sierra Plumas County Public Health Agency 270 County Hospital Road, Suite 206 Quincy 95971 (530) 283-6337 Siskiyou Plumas County Public Health Agency 270 County Hospital Road, Suite 206 Quincy 95971 (530) 283-6337 Solano 16 Solano County Health and Social Services Older and Disabled Adults Services 275 Beck Avenue, MS 5-110 Fairfield 94533 (707) 784-8203 Sonoma Face to Face, Sonoma County AIDS Network 873 Second Street Santa Rosa 95404 (707) 544-1581 Stanislaus Stanislaus County Health Services Agency 830 Scenic Drive, Bldg. #3 Modesto 95353-312 (209) 558-7400 Sutter Home Health Care Management, Inc. 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico 95973 (530) 343-0727 Tehema Home Health Care Management, Inc. 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico 95973 (530) 343-0727 Trinity Home Health Care Management, Inc. 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico 95973 (530) 343-0727 Tulare Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency 1150 South K. Street Tulare 93274 (559) 687-6903 17 Tuolumne Sierra Health Resources, Inc. d.b.a. Sierra HOPE P.O. Box 159 Angels Camp 95222 (209) 736-6792 Ventura Ventura County Public Health Department 3147 Loma Vista Road Ventura 93003 (805) 652-6694 Yolo Rx Staffing and Home Care, Inc. 4640 Marconi Avenue, Suite 1 Sacramento 95821-431 (916) 979-7300 Yuba Home Health Care Management, Inc. 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico 95973 (530) 343-0727 18 ATTACHMENT B— MSSP CONTACTS 19 Multipurpose Senior Service Program Contacts (By County) Also available at –http://www.aging.ca.gov/programs/mssp_contacts.asp Alameda County City of Oakland Department of Human (510) Services (City of 238-3762 Oakland only) City of Fremont Human Services Department (510) 574-2050 Alpine County Area 12 Agency on Aging (209) 532-6272 Amador County Area 12 Agency on Aging (209) 532-6272 Butte County California State University--Chico (530) 898-5082 Calaveras County (209) 532-6272 Area 12 Agency on Aging Contra Costa Office on Aging County (925) 335-8710 El Dorado County Department of Human 530-6216369 Services Fresno County Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging (559) 453-6494 Glenn County California State University--Chico (530) 898-5082 Humboldt County Humboldt Senior Resource Center (707) 443-9747 Imperial County Work Training Center, (760) Inc. 352-6181 Kern County Aging and Adult Services 800-5102020 or 661-8681000 Kings County Kings-Tulare Area (559) 20 Agency on Aging 730-9921 Lake County Community Care Mgmt. Corp. (707) 995-7010 Lassen County (530) 226-3097 Golden Umbrella Los Angeles Jewish Family City Service of LA (323) 937-5930 SCAN Independence (562) at Home 492-9878 Los Angeles Altamed Health City/County Services Corp. 877-4622582 Los Angeles Huntington Hospital County (626) 397-3110 Madera County Human Services Association (562) 806-5400 Partners in Care Foundation (818) 526-1780 Partners in Care Foundation-- South (818) 837-3775 Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging (559) 453-6494 Marin County Jewish Family and Children Services (415) 491-7960 Mariposa County Area 12 Agency on Aging (209) 532-6272 Mendocino County Community Care Management Corp. (707) 468-9347 (Ukiah) (707) 964-4027 (Fort Bragg) Merced County Human Services Agency (209) 385-3000 Modoc County Golden Umbrella (530) 226-3097 21 Monterey County Department of Social (831) 755-3403 and Employment Services Napa County Area Agency on Aging (707) 644-6612 Orange County Social Services Agency (714) 480-6346 CalOptima (888) 587-8088 (714) 246-8500 Placer County UC Davis Care Management (916) 734-5432 Riverside County Office on Aging 951-8673800 Sacramento County UC Davis Care Management (916) 734-5432 San Bernardino County Aging and Adult Services 909-8919115 San Diego County San Francisco County (800) 339-4661 (toll free) Aging and (800) Independent Services 510-2020 (San Diego Co.) Institute on Aging San Joaquin Department of Aging County (415) 750-4150 (209) 468-2202 San Mateo County Department of Health (650) 573-3900 Services Santa Barbara CenCal Health 22 (805) 685-9525 County Santa Clara County Council on Aging of Silicon Valley (408) 296-8290 Santa Cruz County Human Resources Agency (831) 454-4600 Shasta County Golden Umbrella (530) 226-3097 Siskiyou County Golden Umbrella (530) 226-3097 Solano County Area Agency on Aging (707) 643-5170 Sonoma County Area Agency on Aging (707) 565-5970 Stanislaus County Department of Social (209) 558-2233 Services Tehama County California State University--Chico (530) 898-5082 Trinity County Golden Umbrella (530) 226-3097 Tulare County Kings-Tulare Area Agency on Aging (559) 730-9921 Tuolumne County Area 12 Agency on Aging (209) 532-6272 Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (805) 477-7300 Yolo County UC Davis Care Management (916) 734-5432 Yuba County Health and Human Services 530-7496471 The following counties do not have Multipurpose Senior Service Programs (MSSP) at present: Colusa, Del Norte, Nevada, Plumas, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Sierra and Sutter. 23 ATTACHMENT C PACE PROGRAMS 24 St. Paul’s PACE 111 Elm Street San Diego CA, 92101 Ph: 619-677-3800 URL: http://www.stpaulspace.org On Lok Lifeways 1333 Bush Street San Francisco CA, 94109 Ph: (888) 886-6565 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.onlok.org Center for Elders Independence 510 17th Street Suite 400 Oakland CA, 94612Ph: (510) 433-1150 URL: http://www.cei.elders.org AltaMed Senior BuenaCare 500 Citadel Drive Suite 150 Los Angeles CA, 90040Ph: (323) 728-0411 URL: http://www.altamed.org Sutter SeniorCare 1234 U Street Sacramento CA, 95818Ph: (916) 446-3100 URL: http://checksutterfirst.org/seniorservices/seniorcare.html F:\DOCS\ELIZABETH\PUBLICATIONS\Nursing Home.doc 25
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