H--EB. Thursday, April 18, I8«3 PAGE FOURTEEN The group voted to replace the worn out uniform* of all the major league Mams and Lei Larson, gimral manager was directed to oversee their purchase. CoyBNIA— All teams In the A motion by Karl Lambert Minor, Major and Senior to conduct registrations for the league divisions of the Little 1954 season during the month Fellows League of Colonia of June 1988 in order to insure '—Mr. arm which do not hold try-out», all boys replaying the follow- Cassidy and son. TI,,,,, have been formed and practice ing season WM approved. Mrs. Kurt Klein w<», "I A for the season began last week, May t haa been designated wcic »uco« simrtm (,< Tom Donoghue, president re- as, "Meet Your Bon's Manager Preida Ooldbern, tiosi,,,'. ported . j Night," and all fathers and - O n Easter Suminv M sons are invited to attend the . At Monday night's meeting Mrs. Robert Ackn n u ! of the executive board with the meeting at 8 P.M, at the Civic c h i l d r e n , Robeii i conches and managers at the Club. A film of the 1912 James, Raymond, n \ ; hf Colonia Civic Improvement World's Series will be shown Marie. Adams s u , , . ' Club, Inman Avenue plans for and refreshment! served di«- gueata of Mrs. Edwnm', the coming season and the clowd Charles Van Blarcum man, Newton. [groundwork for Improvements and Karl Lambert, co-chair- —Mrs, Richard H , affecting the future of the Lit- men. JAvenue has retuin,,; tle League were outlined. |after a trjp to Allai:i, ( ; AUDREY E. AIUTO •Mr. and Mrs. Hm,, •• Teedy Ooraalex v u apSimmons. Berel .r. , pointed chairman of ft raffle, TO WED IN FALL: The en- jthe first step In the group's tatement of Ml»» Audrey fund raising effort* on behalf Mr*. . _. Elisabeth Aluto, dauthter of jof the proposed field house for I AVENEL - Misa Alice M. children, Joseph, .i.;:-, Mrs. D. J. Alnto, 6S West ithe Pennsylvania ball field. Oade. principal of Schools 4 Jacqueline, West Auh.',. Street, Colonia, and the late | First prize In the raffle will be and 5, announces that children land Mr. and Mi* \\.]: Mr. Aluto, to Charles H. la color television and second entering school for the first pet and sons. Henry . VanBuiklrk, ton of Mr. and 'prize will constot of ten tran itlme will be registered in School Alan, Oary, Wayne. :i Mn. H. H. Van Buikirt, 11 slstor radios. Tickets will b Adams Street, and M Semel Avenue, Iselln, has available from all coaches, S on April 24 and 2$. Rohlfi, Semel Aver,u, Registration hours are 9:30 : 'managers, and member* of the been announced. —Visitor* Sundiiv m A. M t o l l A.M. and 1:15 P.M. 'Ladies Auxiliary. Mrs. Alexander ( v . Miss Aluto Is a graduate ,|to 3 P. M. Walter Cahlll was appointed T l * Vi'oodbridKe Township Oak Tree Road, u>: • of Woodbrldre Hifh School Mrs. Louis S-i,:;. of the opening and attended Douglass Col- Dog Lunch School No. 6 Little Fellows Practice Begins Uic emiiiiiK month will be die cussed and .curriculum planned. | L ftpreparations ) ^^y scout Troop 47, will / " m h O !>c»c>^><y<i<vcy<>cv^jwin be msde to host the Gar-' m w > t tomorrow 7:30 p.m., at ISBLIN — At a meeting of n ut n A T h e regular montnly ^ * « ^ « " J ^ | ? , ^ " " F l n t Pmbytrrlan Church. O«k' t h/Hon» and School Aitod*-. k Ai.JCE Cl'TUBFRTSON ertlm SfCub Pack SI w'lt " t h e W o o d b l l d R e S e n l n r "fen-Tiw Ronrt. ti,,n of School 6. plans were1 meeting IfMft Oik Trt* «»•* „„,„!. St. George Avenue. fti'idica,,;'-•,:;-T h p D H U R h t e l s of eeting of cub Pad 3 D w . l l . ^ , ^ , , _ , be held Monday 7:30 p m , H t O p o m A w l U E t k m n ( l ( l f n r „ h o t d o ; 1 J26. n c h eThe < > n f oan r IMIIIV N«» J ' r w j —Olrl Scout, a n d Brownie L i , w xiiompson Council, w l l l i " 1 * , , " ' _ "n.: p m U l e rs nd the ExKUtlve School I I . I n d i a n a A»-nu«. ^ - ^ s p o n s o r e d b y st. C e r f( LI I-MCI " * at BorDm .. ., „ i ^ n h \tsu- " s t - V i n c « n t ^ P a "l. m i c e l l a ' s Church, will meet Wed, Imp ,- O vement Hall, L i n - 1 ^ M rt T «i H KZI W S ha<c ciety of 8t. Cecelia's Church ^ . \coin J n HHighway. n e s d a y f r o i n 7 to 8 : 3 0 t a h w a y . Metuchen. Metuchen. t n Tuesd y 8 p m A diicuMion was held on; eerl. Bird Atenue. «e.e ""•. w m „,„,, Tuesday » 8 pm. ' llnn l B r o w n l M w j u convene in Our M a y n P Travis. Ben••-"- - -;:lr Mrs.WWayne Travis. » , . - plans for a future Card Party. Sunday to Mr. 207, St. Cecelia's School, 1 of and P . ? " . I ! Jamin Avenue, will be hostess Proceeds will go for the new S. R. Klrby, Q| r i scouts In the first and Tuesday at 8 p.m., to the library; which will be estabJanet. Robert, Linda, an Bar __ ._ isembly third floor classrooms. iiiihedwhYiTthe lished when the new new scho nchool is! GPKRT Mali Jong Club. bara Jean. Union B?ach u . „ „ . >..—,.„ of Ood Church, announced the The Iselln Fife and Drum _ T h e Webelyos of Cub Pack |built on Benjamin Avenue. The Ise •-Miss Sadie Graham. Elizservices UK ~. msponsored .,,.™.rf h» h ™ . .!. worf 7-sni Announcement of Announcement was wasmade made that ronn( n»«/io« 7:30 Corps, by »),. the rChem48 ,,.» will meet Wednesday abeth, was an Easter Sunday week follow*: Sunday leal Hook and Ladder Cn , DIs- p.m.. with Assistant Cubmas- Kindenjarten registration will dinner irue.it of Mr. and Mrs ^ ^ a.m.; Sunday tuke place on May 13 and 14 at William Graham. Goodrich St M o m ( n g W o r g h l p , M a.m.: trict 11, will meet Monday and ter Jack Lewis. 8onora Ave. the school. Wednesday evenings 7:30 pm..; — The Lady Forester of i-Guests on Easter Sunday 3mdKy evangelisticc V service, A class trip will be held for Vs ! with their director. Robert Amerlca. Circle 54, Will meet Mr and Mrs Robert C 7:oo p.m.: Tuesday evening the third, fourth, and fifth ^QQ p m ; u s y ng Painter, at the Harding Avenue Monday 8 p.m. at School 15, (Traders May 13. The children S.'ank. Lincoln Highway, iT1 prayer service, serice, 7:30 7:30 p.m.; pm.; aanndd Highway. in" prayer Pershtng Avrnur will visit the Cinerama, Montcluded: Mr. and .Mrs. Harold W dy, 1:45 irirehouse. W (( , dd nn ee ss dd aa yy B B ll bb ll ee 88lllllldy VTW Post Band wll el air, where they will (tee the , —The - T h e "Pins Pin, and Paris" Par* 4-Il! 4H! ^ VT Maul and children, Glen and p.m. 'dub will meet Monday iromjraeet Wednesday 8 pm.. ttPoat "Wonderful World of the BroDiane. Cheesequake; Diane. C h e q u ; Mr and gnd -The Lincoln H l g - - th*)* Grimm." Transportation Mrs. William Scar*, and a n d eh ubert u m ] C o u n . ,3:30 to 5:30 p.m. with their Headquarters leader Mrs Carl Luna. War-'way. The band plans to par- will be provided by the Hom« dren. William Jackie. » " • V»»" ril| w ( n meet Tuesday 8 p.m. wkk Street' jtlclpate In the Loyalty Day Pa- and School Association, but the Lee. Rahway, Mr. and ^ ralie nd M n Spencer . 1J ' .'"L," 1 '" with Mr. gand Mrs Spencer _ A Pre-Cana Conference rade Mar 4 in Pert*i Amboy. children must provide their own Mrs. A l e X a n d e r R 2 r d ^ a n d 0 r e e n . Trieste Street. admission and lunch. will be sponsored b y St. Ce- - T h e PTA of Schoo 24 Preliminary plans wtre also 'and Mrs Mau- - S t . Cecelia's Accordion S i . ' . Church for n w u e d cou>ennedy Park School wll not made for a Spring- Festival in cen and children. Rosemary band will meet Wednesday pies and all who plan to marry have it* Beiwral m™*erthlP May. within the next year. TDe series metins on s usual data> thta and Edward: Mr. and Mrs. from 7 to I p.m. in Our The Executive Board for the 'will be held for five successlve'month. April 29 has been set 1062-1963 school year will reGeorge Maxwell and children, of Fatlma Hall. tain their positions for 1903Ruth Ann, Faith, Hope, and —The Executive Board and|Fridays at 8 r.)M and a regular election will 5. Harry Evans Class Mothers of the and children, Harry and Doro- and School Association of be made In advance by calling of Square Dancing, presented take place after occupancy of lere. She Is employed In the thy all of Iselln; Mr. and Mrs. school 6 made final plans for Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Gilder-'by the students of the cho61, the new school. After the regular business! office of Montfomery Ward 5. Prior to the ceremonies, a ^ J , ^ , cf"rtlflcBte, a wewill be featured. Election of ofRobert S. Scank and children. a hot dog sale, to be held for isleeve at ME 6-9073 meeting a Chinese auction was' A Co.. Menlo Park. Mr. Van- motorcade leaving ^ 1 o n ' 8 . 0 r d ot vaccinations, and a TtcJanet, Robert, Linda, Bnd Bar-'students on April 25, during —The Junior Department:flcersjvi11 be held. held. Keep Her lt«ii,,, Junkir_Hlgh School at 13 P ^ t fc t t w o ^ ta. Busklrk is a graduate of Mrs. Levy's afternoon second _ Mechan,c .will drive through the » " » R Mr. and Mrs. Otis R. Woodbridfe Hlfh School and that c « « f v , , , • St. Cecelia s Church grade won the attendance award. Radio Electronfc Television meet Wednesday i ty and children, Keith andisoclety for the Preservation and Mrs. George Sabo received! Kevin, Menlo Park. : School of Newark. He is emhe special award. —Mrs. Joseph P. Sasso. Kenployed by Revlon, Inc. EdiSaturday, due to the Easter va- son. nedy Street, Wednesday night. A fall wedding is enter school. ivlted to attend. :ation. was accepted as a member of planned. the Italian-American Citizen's Club. Her membership was proposed by Mrs. Albert Bontempo. Cornell Avenue, Railway. —Another in the present series classes on the "Teachings ot the Catholic Church" will be held tonight, at S In the Rectory of St. Cecelia's Church. Oak Tree Road, Catholics are invited. —Mrs. Vincent King, president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Chemical Hook and Ladder Co., District, announced a regular meeting will be held tonight at 8 at Auth Avenue Firehouse. —St. Cecelia's CYO will sponsor a dance Saturday at 8 .p.m., in Our Lady of Lourdei Hall. A general membership meeting of the CYO was held Monday. —A meeting of the Executive Board of the PTA of School 15 will be held Monday 8 p.m 1. Anticipate stops and your brakes will at the school, Pershtng Ave nue. Plans will be completed last longer. Except in case of emergency, for the general membership there's really no need for sudden, brakcmeeting, Monday April 29 Planned for the monthly meetslamrning stops. ' Ing is the election of officers for the 1963-1964 school yeai When you see a stop coming, take your Featured also will be a "Tom foot off the accelerator. Your engine will Thumb Weddina" presented by students of the second prade. slow you down—and you'll save wear and —Mrs. Giuitave De Pi'citer, tear on your brakes. president of the Lnd'es Aid Society of the First Presbyterian NOTE: A braking stop at 60 mpli is Church, announced that the regular semi-monthly meeting about four Units as tough on brake will be held Monday in Fellowlinings as a stop at 30 mph. ship Hall. — St. Cecelia's Paiochial 2. Avoid bumping the curb-and save School PTAs 1 and 2 will sponsor a cake sale after all masses tired three ways. Bumping into the curb Sunday. The mothers of Miss can: (1)Throw Wheels out of alignment. Ruckert's class will supply and sell the cakes. Mrs. Edward This can increase tire wear up to 50 perFlood is in charge assisted by Mrs. John Zmyewski. cent. ( 2 ) Break _tire cords and shorten —Membzers of the Women's tire life. ( 3 ) Flatten tubeless tires by Missionary Council of the lln Assembly of God Church breaking rim seals. will meet Tuesday 1 p.m., at So be careful when you're parking. And the church for Prayer Service —There win be a meeting of if you ever should bump the curb hard, Boy Scout Troop 49, Tuesday D o JOD know why it's bad practice to park in front uf) IHIT houbt, let your engine cool from 7 to 9 p.m. in Columbus ask your Shell dealer to check your [rum then put the car away later on? For correct iiuwer, sec item 4. Hall. were r u Avenel Principal lists Registration SgeTnd & H a s C^s Mothers of th< H ^ . . . . . . J ^1__n _# _# - VISIT - A&P's Most Modem SUPER MARKET 306 INMAN AVE. o.J.'.I.SWU, COLONIA, N. J. Another service from the Shell Oil Company and its Dealers How to reduce wear and tear on your car Easy to Reach! Only minute* away from all points in Woodbridge Township Low, Low Prices and Piaid Stamps — Large FREE Parking Area — Open Til 9 p. m. - Monday thru Thursday Friday 'Til 10 p. m. - Saturday, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. OPEN SUNDAYS 9 a. m. tp 6 p. m. tires and your wheel alignment. 3. Increase pressure in rear tires when hauling heavy loads. An extni four or five pounds of air will help rear tires wit bstandjthe extra weight, To make things easier pn springs, distribute the liud eventy throughout your car. BRAND NEW REASON TO OWN A HOME! . . . Hid, >unr Hrit ittp to home cm uer!,hi|i Is a vlslf to Flirt S.ivnijji to arrange financing Co mm yuur requirements and your nurse! AM) LOAN ASSOCIATION • In rmii Ambuj: JJJ Htate It. hi Huodl.ridjc; SIS Ambvy * ' « . U KLKU North ot Or««u 8t.) lu tJliua: Am boy ive. u (ti) ft, icitu tltrtou Kirit In The Meant You!" °Huiue Ofllcc market and iU 40 million people. Taxpaying Servant of a Qreat State „ 7. Treat your car to a regular check-up. fur most cars. All cars, even the brand new ones, nerd 6. Ask your Shell dealer to show you periodic inspection - to catch small iron the heat control valve on your exhaust bles before they cause big damage.' 4. Don't park in front of your housethen drive into the garage later on. When you start a cold engine, moisture condenses inside. This moisture turns to steam and goes out your exhaust once your engine heats up. But on trips of a few hundred feet, your engine can't beat up. The moisture stays inside-*can lead to increased wear and sludge formation. So, if you possibly can, drive right into ! the garage when you arrive home. easily check the valve yourself by push- •TMMUA to Bull'i ixoliu tddltb* foj ittiiiaa <oot»L Guoltat mmiabc TCT it autmifcyU. 1IH11J. PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC A GAS COMPANY don't burn yourself. Correct distance!should be about \i inch heavier the load, the mure power your (tar needs to move it, especially uphijl. TCP* one of Super Shell's 9 working ingredients, helps Super Shell give you power when you really need it for heavy jobs. 5. Make rare your fan belt isn't too loose or too tight Too loose a belt can lead to an overheated engine, a run-down battery. Too tight a belt can damage generator and water pump bearings. For a rough check on fan belt tension, lay • stick tenxs fan belt pulleys, push T^VHVMVRY Just make sure your engine's cold so yi'ii measure distance between stick and belt. manifold-and to fix it if it sticks. If tne NOTE: The New Jerstey is located on the Main Street of the nation, in the very center of a clearly defined area referred to as "Megalopolis"*. Megalopolis is a continuous stretch of urban and suburban areas from southern New Hampshire to Northern Virginia and from the Atlantic shore to the Appalachian foothills. It contains one of the largest industrial concentrations anywhere, and is the greatest financial and political hub on earth. Right in the middle of it all... New Jersey! The importance o| this remarkable geographical location will continue to grow... and New Jersey will grow with i t New Jersey offers the most efficient and economical product distribution to the Megalopolis U M the center of the belt duwn firmly and So, ask your Shell dealer to put your heat control valve doesn't move freely, a car on his lift soon and take a look. 1 hat •> number ol bad things can happen —in- the best way to spot leaking brake fluid, cluding burned valves, loss of power and a loose connection, or anything else thai rough running. needs fixing. Once you know where it is, you can ing it down with a pencil or screwdriver. tour Shell dealer will give your car a jrte bumper to-bumper i^sbection 1 evei ) time you get a Shellubricatipn. I Shell dealers dt-bunk a myth about car cart ifciiMBMrff:'' tilt's a myth that discolored motor oil is worn j ; out—and should always be replaced I Time was when dark, discolored motor oil aJwaji meant the oil should b$ changed. Now, it's not necessarily true Reason: most of today's premium motor oilstlook dark and discolored right away. Actually, they're wpiking-holding tiny dirt particles ih i|us|>ension so they can't build up on critical engine parts. When should you change? The American Petroleum Institute recommends every 60 days in summer, every 30 days in winter. That'jth4Tedhwdown.Y»uamtt»tnt on your Shtll d*der for stratfit fteU *H4 hontti work. Sea him soon. SHELL
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