MOl S ? •••>,! £<•:• KM jy//,/".;.'!.-,.( ^ ^ . • •*• ' ' • - • — • - - • • . _ • . i , ill J . t j . ' . : - ' • £&W&M^?^:?^p^ j -i-.v .• s •':',','] '. ' H ^ . ? T v " ' '•*• r ' ^ - * ? * i ^ y ' - * ^ ' ^ ' a a W ^ » ^ ' - ' c ^ > r . ^ r ~ ••'/••''•'•''•r~ *'' •"'''; - / . ^ ( J B H S V n • A - ^ ^ "•)"^*'^'Jl' *"*" -""'^ ^ ¥ 5 ^ ? . ' ^*i^T^W)J^f-''-- ' • ''*V '' •' ' - % ^ l M H k ' ' '• •'*. " .*-'-:""-*j;"":i ,.•' ' "' •.*Vi* -^WWC^NQi' SERIAL N O : tf " • • ' • ' , . • , . - . ' • • - J , * • . ( • . I , • I' . • ' ~ T'h . BOIUND INJONC FLIGHT Record ElectionReturns ','S ' r - • - * Abolition of Grade Crossings without expense to munici Equalization of Tax Assessments* Revision of State Statutes. tenure Substitution of the Indeterminate fiti .*" I To These For Senator . ' ",.' For Members of the General Assembly How To Carlton B.Pierce Of Cranford f v Is. ?7&--- * 'fl •-, Mr. J^Jerce U & native Jorser&um, born in Trenton in 1867, and a realdent of Cranford for tho loat ioventeon years, a graduate of Rutgers College, class of 1876, and tho Albany LAW School: a lawyer by profession. He •ervod In the AaaembSy for tbreeyeura, 1908-1 &10,during whioh Ume he was identified with the Public Utilities legislation, and advocated giving the commission rate-making powers. He was identified with the Civil Service and Railroad Revaluation legislation, and Was largely responsible for the enactment of tnose measures; he drafted both acts providing for Q revaluation of railrotd property for taxation purposes, which will bring to the State treasury A million and a quarter dollars annually in additional taxes from railroads, of which tUe school districts will receive f$00,000 and Union county $60,000 tot fre« To vote for a Person, mark a Cross X in the SQUARE at the right of the Party Name, or Political Designation; * SENATOR Vote for One National Prohibition :^r Socialist Democratic CARLTON B. PIERCE ForSJherifi George L.Babcock Of - ' Republican X MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY Vot. for Thne GEORGE L. BABCOCK -Republican * • • . , . » . • „ ' • • . . , • / * • . • • ' • • • Socialist Labdr }' Wsak C. Bobuut th« well known aviator of this city, schlered sispal ; leesX'' eoaaty • sad - state Worn SlMbsth will be resaoosss with his new steerlat ta4 ele- election m a n * win he showa at theoejred at tkls offloe from the mosiettt H * tat odimty ^eiaras OOSM ta. This Vakk nitias defies at Hempeteed Plains on Pally Hesdfd eawoe U f b IMUsayslleraoba. B emade a twetre fast u tae telegraph ead Tcatb A AtoBe Etmtd mile fllgbt f o b * at the rate of more wires briny theai la. By speottl «rTotHf waste, a amer pe> tlya% a\ fpf|a> ay- Hlffltlt^ fSfld ISftded rangeBMBt with theOslty i^stte*pro tttieal prietor odf the I^rrJe Theatre m^-.CImn win be tept m touch wftfc the Cesssaitteesfrom B«srd el Trade sad of the oourse. by situation rlreBepertae«t6«tTo<etbtr the oosrUsy of UBolaadwas Street, the retmms:wlU stoooades: bf-ft crowd of sdmtrtnr a proJectiAg sueMse spoo s screes » v ^ thellsUossij stom £ ^ : « * f p i o n s win boweter re- The Pivsde committee of th# Board brother avUtors, and he H Moors <m Cherry Street 1: ' - • * •»*-'—--'• •~*.~M *»__^_ I *"*aM4H#a*S^aw «SS^Sjtf v * 4 r * * S aaVSJttVa>. wi ! ! • nrint and Whtie -waltlaf fer^ae ritarns to als win allow the sc.ftBiwe appouuea on oanaay tha suooess jst the new dsrloe on com lanoriacpletares wlllbe shown n^thorotttf sad tt>to^h»^^ by tb» Tototeer Fire Dsaartmsat and nom tUBe 4» ftaserJTfcs HiHnjinriTiir abbot the firemen's part in DttMcnti tiaf KeMttcm S e n Itoat of the OeJIy Resonl has spared no «x-tnd, They will as showa to the people the bic parade November 14. The Assisted by Captain! Baldwin, 3. pense to iassre tae people of this city tothequkk^tpoesiWiittacArepreBoard of Trade committeo Is Arthor Ait Wnta* •I Victor, : : b 0 t m a i of tteHbUsant School of haTlag as efldsat eleetkm retanu as 9mWf*r\& i999#---wm hs atWeadell, WilUam M, Davis aad 81* inili of the Fsirchlld any l a Oaf stale; Bui teJegmphKr rrsry pb2USf ooinmlttee from Bohnd pripsred Ms msohlnfl Is composed of Fran* for its hir B. Bnsworth, John rrank and John sjtrtrmi of the nftntworfiig, who planes and engine by s. few short MoCoy. ^ „-: _... Due perhaps la flights be glided into the aln ' and Uattl the fire department holds Its cheerful t a n ia the weather, votes* • • t r a c k s throofh this city arrlted smoothly ana rapidly rose a few hunnext meeting, whioh will take place turned out bright sad early this morndred feet into the air* The course was ia Protection Hose No.S's rooms on ing, aad from tofllffl ftps y«starday momfng and oommenoop to ft three iniie_circnlarlon«, and the Wednesday evening jost what the mspeetkm of the territory In time-it a] aviator circled It 'four times pertment will do win not be known. ^ and Uinntt would be cast. The vote will certainty without Uw iflgbtest dlflcttlty. His It Is known however the department rsst of this week will be taken up with descent to earth was perfect He Dcidcatcd to the Boost-- UwsU satisfied with the meotlns with be at least op to the normal. The Important Matters in ail districts proceeded qolet~ sa examination of the-topographical swooped down and skimmed along the ; Rahway ^Movement , the Board of Trade committee; the polling Of General Intert*t ij no distorbanoe or trouble at aajr t «onditions of the oottntry through earth with scarcely a jar. Boland wDl committee meeting them halfway in kind being recorded during the foretry some high flights in. a few days* • The Rahway Hlnlsters' AsAocUUoo The anniiat dinner of the Plumbers everything and the greatest enttrasi* ,£ which the road passes and it is noon. The challengers had. A sinecure and he will be assisted by his brother will hold a axeetlng tomorrow-alter* Club of thi* d t j beM last night s t asm prevailing.r~^' •--f«d I n e v e r y In • tun Aft. ..._. _...•—..f.—i. ftl»le the cpna^ buflt thT"mpt6f"of the nopn at 4 o'clock, at t|ie residence of Muggins Hotel on S t George Avanuo lt;ls ttttderstood that the firemen Taken by wards up to a little before of the elevation. be aeroplane. propose to &*ve at !e&st one band of the noon hour the Third ward had 1 turned out to be one of the most enHev. U T; Grabam In Grand $treet Iii : awarded and thework will be started. BoOtt Rahway meetings mtiiic in the line at tbelr own expense made the best showing, the call for'toe meeting which haa At the meeting" df t i e ; Common and that,tjbey_yOLspiirn TIT? Tffffrt;t^ hST-v iJouncil to bdh«ld-tonight at-the City boen Mtnl to each member *^f the~ay lu Uta city slncg"the make thalr share of the parade effoc- Ing been cast In tbe Fifth ward, whlcl* i ^ f the p^inoippJ matter to be started. In-opening tbe affair and sodatlon, acting secretary Bev^CharK came next in standing; about 20 'per Harry Stagey ot this City Scalded •d will be the track elevation trad, it Holmes,' the An edditkmal suggestion which was GentJmd TOted op. to noon. Tb» JNiwrtt? es L. Cooder states tiat a full meeting r.-**'-'! Is expected representativs^ <A the tallG&egani ward bad passed almost the same "ir^iWntisX"^^^':: '7: rood will be present to report to the tlie Board ot>Trad&>coinmIttee was contage at noon, while tbe of -ih0- Clab, ' stated meeting wiU have for its conCouncil the progress of ,t^r work, A' Harry $tacey of this city was severewhile severat ca^oidatea of both par- that cttiaens tloQg th^ line, of,march Bocond wards were coasidsrabtf bev,-sfderation. at; least three ojuesEiqns number of streets In thb^city will have ly burned about the hands and body igt»t endeavor to tthmittfcte on thehind tne leaders, each showinc & t b« closed while the; work lB going yesterday afternoon while working In which s ^ of T^tftl interett to Rahway. ties were attending the diner he felt ,toight ot the'parade/ * centago of about called*iipon. to -announce that politics fa i the Council m0otiflgresoluArrangements lure to be made for the The hearfest part of the rotins i* . •thei atationary engineering department jttons will; be introduced ordering ttic • rhankagiviiig erpecte^afteriwbrtftii^* railroad a ^ litreets to be vacated*' the on was the ;Boost JUhway move.and c clock, althwxga in seroral stiUng that the dinner of by tt^ 'at. tfce w< 7 kins men ditopped their beltotaV City Enjfaetr Hsf Extmined Records the Plumbers Club tils year ..would I'.lr •, and every foot of : the ground them The Men and Religion and it U fewwl tho be devoted to furthering the 'Boost" Findlai Interest in* City History on (hfir way to wpdc .• '•^''•'yy-MV'P rex which the elevated tracks will Is another Important matExperienced workers arobnd f h e 1 ^ ^ use of his hands may be impsired. movement is has been carefully tested* Bortor and one on wkidi;aU churches are Musty records of the city govern- polling booths rejy teneially'were yipfH: ings have been made In the Rahway Stacey was repairing a hot water united. This awrejaent i s already tin- ,Dr. Holmes was an idea] toastmas* ment were dragged into daylight yes- opinion that, with' the pleasant weathidyer where- It passes under the pipe fitting, when the fittings spread aer way and it 1» probable !»W;it the tor. His homprous sallies kept the rcsy. OW dty chsrters, city ordin- er, the total vote cast woold be fallr 'Mi tracks, and one of the first things to be and the hot steam burst out scalding ministers* nieetinf some Information, crowd in excellent humor, sad at theances, sad communications of the 95 per cent of the total regtotrsiloav by the railroad will be the sink- his hands and part of his body. He fell as to tne progress made in each conclusion of the dinner somebody Common Council of years ago were if this estimate \M correct, tas total called for three cheers and a tiger big of the concrete foundations for the but just managed to get out of the by the snbobmmlttees recently appoint for Rahwsf s flrand m tfw, tnrt fhe haoied cot and Citr sspports ot the bridge which span —'. . •'— aad Fred C Bauer of Irrlng Street of 17P0. way or the steam watch was rushing ed, wifl b i g i t i u , cheers were given with a wilt the The third subject, and oertatniy. the Republican and Democratic AH of th* buildings owned; by thefrom the break In the pipes. Some of most toportaat at the present time t o Among those who spoke during the searched ta tain to find some definite leaders and workers were eoiuUly reevening were William Mills, ot Plain- record of the colors of the dty / which have been occu- his fellow workmen hurried him to %ft V the JUQ>w*y StnuUr. an opuioo : Mr, Bsaw has been planning i waiung room and a piiysictan "was upon the deslrs- dldstetorMayor; A t e tire psrt In the Boost Babwsy parade, the tread of the vote. Thome a«s «dir vacant and will be torndown caned^ He dressed Ui# bcrns sad or-WHty of for especial par- ooratic candidate tar uti one of his ideas was to decorate uemooratle censidste tor mayor; te'.a short time. It Is believed the first Bpofa ciTlc loyalty large; fraak ft Bngiehart, candidate dered Stacey taken to Wshome. He pose of with the cotors of tbe city. He pressed Wmsetf optfinistic«^ last WttMtngs iab* destroyed are those was sccompanfed homeL^gi^lejr of Ms This reoetred algbt and today oa the ooteome, s p i t aw iasairr sir tar what the for CouKUmaaVfrom ^^hird-wsyd;! Mar the steel works south of tb« rmfi- feifbv fifb workmen k d tWs W mbtolag btol h sjid he nicattotts fro» the Board of Trade W JT. Page> at^pobBcsa cswBdste torors werev and Kr, Marsh said they that he felt s«re that the nnil ni statioal As far as can be learned was said to >t s festtog ocmfottably. astingtor a rf date, swj that. from the ifth ward;were wWte. An argament followed sad ty woold be carried by his flit irart o«-strection wJU start at that if convWieat^ the*M» ae Baltfsri »t> Adoiph he was wppotted ey streral M. Ban- the two awn seensijaalsd by sereral V and sad wlU grsduaDy work north. VANDAU AT RIVIMfDE MRK. vemherll* TWewfll a» dtowissad and frtssds went to the ctty asH, and odtotbe workers, b«t a* mOrbad statJoa will be left JnUct A large amorat of damage- has s reply t<» ta« Boerd of Trade agreed doiph, esadidsles, for frssaolders ©a was Taoaas meaced a ssarta thro«sa the rscorss sa4oo« as possible but it i s expected been done tt> the property at Biverside ocratlc lesders said tluws win be many cbsng«s made from Park; sadr-.tti» officials^ arsr makmg aa OTIQVS: sawnascion oo tae soejacu M t a sire to sestet in tor a tofiadaaythJagde- work co«ateitoraaytaJaa; AestWre parties. A reward has bees eSetei torbigge* better sad bMerfiaawayandCatof Oos Lej»err Ixwls fichaabler; flaite IMst the Ctty Cagiaeer found an wta. X^ to the present plans It Is infpmation Jsaistag to their d>0OTery. On the other hAM t t e one toacfc wiU be elevated at a Oh Boaday last Qeorge Crowe* their wish, to do mrytaiaf j a tselr Artaiir MieeCer, Arthsx Keefe aad Waiter B r c ^ a ^ J c * A. »rs»1y o< th« d t y . U tfec dMeripUoa it w u «ofc workers feel track win b« opeaed for (hagsr; found the gates power tow«fde this eos; By the Deity B4tesC ed that was ofie U the kmg Mbre t l ^ c o ^ l e t e e>«Tav off their hint- iac sad airMfss* ssie teeg.eC tike ettar.W Mr. Marsa auia- efficient "Boost RaawsV* was the J^yaota ot fa ready. It i s not Open and the perticttlarty for that parpgse, they flsal etery speec* *ad* daring the eren- tsias d n t taj* i s asthorttr for stsdag win carry tae -«SMWMaaa#|fc.v',WOWB» hrcteu* certaia tktt UM w ^ M t will tag, aad the reevits waich the Poersi•**<•*• «*f'iajte'la white. Mr. also feel rr5P"r r - 1 ?V^ P !']«<M» ; «•", O»y f ?-,-i ec Tiade was seooaanOlsaing City 'MJtiui ootboniklfriusk, Ja viev <^ ta« rece^ «rf t l . cft7 wfll art tw kartro ^.fc.. A^MaAaWaW~- • ^ ^ - -*±M^ fryjfwa|flAfiai ft WDQld SSeBI wo. - csnassgr o r tais tttt swpeoted thateome hoys eekv or Her/CWrJes U —-i wasrsrthe inboraiaHravek jrooM b« tnatog HaOowVsn^ Sofsreitae uooder, wte ea , the alted nrs?,completed This win mean «l«CT|OM t h * ooostrsoticn win w y l f i e F wreckage* Adhitr b Al ait Oier HtS He TkH Voted Bcfm NMI ft' M'.' ING VOTE AND THE t. RUMEN DISCUSS PARADE Grett oo< • ' ; ' • l ' George L. Babqpek WAS born in PlaicfleR where he aow resides. He attended the publlo ecboojs and was graduated from PJainfield High School. He gpept three years at Alfred University, New York. Is a manufacturer; President of the jeialnfleld Chamber: of Commeroe. He Is a member of the i'iamtield Play Ground Commission and active In educational and cliaritable work. . * . ' • • • ' • ' • • < . ' • • - . " • • ' - • * / • William H. Wright Of Rahway H. Wright I- WILLIAM F. GROVES Republican GEORGE C. OTTO Republican William F. Groves pa by yean of experience to discharge the duties "bt the' stterUTs offloe. He resigned from the position of Assistant Postmaster of Rahway alter a serylpe in .thj Rahway Poitoffice ot_ twentrtwo yars to become Deputy Sheriff and has charge of the detail and olericaJ work of the offloe during the t*rm of Sheriff KirtUnd. V«ti for O H SHERIFF peniocratic i . • . National Prohibition Socialist Labor ^ WilUam F. Qrores was born at Lan^home, Pennsylvania^ of par«ita^«. Is a j ^ d ^ ^ as teacher be attended the evening sessions of the New York Law Sohobl from which he was gradoatod in the class of 1*00. Wap admitted to the^ New JenMy Bar In 1901, and has atnoe practtaed | n BMsabeth. Was secretary of. the Bllsabsth Board of Trade tor »sv«n years, and a member of the Board of Bftocfltion for tear years. . Socialist fcx* ££Y,'' For Coroner DrvMoe Robinson VotiferOit Of Elizabeth Doctor Moe RoMaton was e m InJDtttabeth in IBM; was from Paelte Bcsool Wo. a, tW Batttn High School aad the skoa Preparatory Bosoo) of New Tortc, trosa which he entered the Oollete of Physicians and SttneoosPf Baltimore, M«\ tntmim in 1MB. , :. He serred s*e year as hove* fhysioian of the AtaUa Hosptoi sad has Wen epgacad MooeestttUy in the of his proNseioe. in BUxabeth since 1M9. *v. r Geoi^e C. Otto SodaJlit Ubor Of Elizabeth RepobUcan MOE ROBINSON Socialist ; Democratic t t--v Ueorge C. Otto was born In ElisabethfasIMS; the public schools until he was 18 years of «fsv"ls a ^ botinoss man of the Tort se<^ioo ofiaisbetb; for twefty 7Mrs he ootAMtoda retail meat nsrk«t aad for the past t i p ffjirs has bMB « a m » d m the whoUssJe pft»«r, wooden a»d wWpw ware tosiness at 1W Coon Street. * . Otfoosh the dty will [ W ^ J l t t l e distort^ doriJis the 9 W :: the work. ' * , ^y^&;^l ft k thoosat the Urst Janaxof |»ssr» who win t*ke j«rt I ^ rk Vjnfrre to tills dty early S^| few weeks liter the first fan* Ifflborers to sUrt o work wffl be here, ' engineering ^tospectton today in the vjctoity^f the steel works, aear the Horrls property^ TomorH Is probsWe that the inspection be made\'iatth~i& the stsdoo. t'J?' A TRANSFER OF LICEffSE. '-'- A VOTE FOR GP/mG ABOVE CANDIDATES IS A VOTE FORA tlCKEM TO ALL SECTIONS OFTHE COimtf Pa« for bf UniM Couaty . J'r •••>*• V&ttffi&fGih *-^Ilh' *• >; ^COt;->r^ --V=io'Aai-.^-.-*- ;--,.' --.'1 • •• „ -- » » HH " "/ "' /- " *' *] .] ". ^ . ' -* -• •. •• '. • , - - * , * . «; . , \ *J " • • ^ ^ i aafBBBi^Br - ^aa^a^p^a«BBBBBBjpt f V^BJBBT__ J RepubUcan X Wn.U AM H. WRIGHT t*^i'^ ^ ^:ii Goes Twch* Mlkt WitbMt Nialnp ia M K U M Witk N«w Dwrkc XK v ^ COMMITTEE : The Pmaaoe eomntittest held a' tow nwtlag la Gttjr Hall last night. Gender aaesct> president time. Hto The time ot th« meeting w u oocapled with the usaal WD peytog rccttee. pjRmnNG Trenton, H6rf'-.-«j—An inrolvntsry petition in twtikTvptcy has graph Comimny flhlpm tJaited 8t*t« Dtotrict In Khnef BarUngsme and w»s referred to Jtsleree Bdwin C. Adanis in h Growtaer, Co«rt Jaw; asye bessi cosjvfeCed wsre oepvieted on two g4Mftb a^ppt P. CofflB% of Healthto* tifcrnw, «*r«* e)^S^H^Sf f, W a ^ P _ ^ JS^BjBJBJHp_'4W "^ BV^ r V H ^ ^ ^ ^Vi^^ ^ f
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