MARCY Brochures • Handouts SAUCEDO Chiropractor more on our Practice Practice information The Gonstead Difference Dr. Schulman also utilizes: • GentleStretchingTractionChairstorestorethe normalcurvesofthespine. • Fullspinex-rayforathoroughevaluationofthe spine. Along with this x-ray technique, we use severalspecialfilterswhichmakeourx-raysthe safest in North Carolina by blocking the x-ray penetrationtovitalorgansofthebody. • Specialpostureexercisestostrengthenthedeep musclesofthespine. Dr. Craig Schulman Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician Vertebral subluXation ...some Common Causes fhP (forWard head Posture): Oneofthemost commonposturalproblems,FHP,cancausespinal pain,headaches,moodiness,changeinbloodpressure, and change in pulse rate and lung capacity. Common causes of FHP are: a) heavy backpacks, computerergonomics,poorposturewhilewatching TVandplayingvideogames,fallsandwhiplash. trauma: Traumamisalignsthevertebra.Th eshiftedvertebracompressesthenucleus(center)ofthe disc,forcingitagainsttheannulus(outerrings).Th e fibers of the annulus become stretched and dam e aged which causes an inflammatory reaction. Th inflamed and swollen disc can potentially irritate thespinalcordornerveroots.Th eGonsteadmethod of analysis enables Dr. Schulman to determine specificallyhowavertebrahasmisalignedandhow thedischasbeenaffected. PreGnancy: Th e changes in the body associated with pregnancy can aggravate or cause spinal subluxation. Fifty-six percent of pregnant women experience back pain a possible sign of advanced vertebral subluxation. Research has showed that first-time mothers under chiropractic care while pregnanthave24%shorterlabortimes.Th osewith previous children experienced 39% shorter labor times. Our practice specializes in treating sports and gym-related injuries. We combine chiropracticadjustmentswithcorrectiveexerciseand stretching. This not only gets rid of your pain but prevents the pain from coming back. You don’t have to live in pain! Dr.SchulmanusestheGonsteadChiropractic Technique to help his patients recover as quickly as possible. The Gonstead technique is veryspecificinthedetectionandcorrectionof vertebral subluxations (spinal misalignments). In the Gonstead technique, there is no twisting of the head or spineduringtheadjustment.Theadjustmentis a back to front motion which makes for an excellent correction. To find the cause of your problem, Dr. Schulman usesmeticulousanalysis including visualization, instrumentation, static palpation, motion palpation,andx-ray. Find out how to reach optimal health for yourself and the people you love. If you have any questions regarding how you or someone you care for can benefit by Chiropractic care, call us and schedule a consultation with Dr. Schulman. Chiropractic Fitness Chiropractic Fitness Dr. Craig Schulman 8316 Pineville-Matthews Rd. Suite 806 Charlotte, NC 28226 Phone: 704-543-7206 Craig Schulman, DC, CCSP CERTIFIED CHIROPRACTIC SPORTS PHYSICIAN You don’t have to suffer from pain... chiropractic is safe, gentle and effective. Side 1 about your body and health the Gonstead technique coMost people believe eating well (includ ing supplements), drinking plenty of fluids, exercising regularly and sleeping well will keep you healthy. These are a vital part of living; however, every function of your body is under the total control of your nervous system which must operate at 100% efficiency for optimal health. Dr. Schulman employs this unique system because it is thorough, complete and specific in bothanalyzingandtreatingthespine.AGonstead practitioneraddressesyourentirespinewhenevaluating for the presence of vertebral subluxations whichcauseillhealth. Dr. Schulman conducts a thorough analysis of your spine using five criteria to detect vertebral subluxations. Five-step Analysis Establishinganuninterruptednerveflowisthekey tooptimalhealth.Anythingthatinterruptstheflowof electricalimpulsesthroughyournervoussystemshould setoffanalarminyourbody.Thiswon’thappen,however,untilacertainamountofdamagehasoccurred. Abodythatisoutofbalancetendstostaythatway. A chiropractic doctor will evaluate your posture and checkforotherindicationsofspinalimbalance.Regularchiropracticcarewillallowthebodytoreestablish itsbalanceandachieveoptimumhealth. Chiropracticworksforallages.Interruptiontopropernerveflowbysubluxations(spinalmisalignments producing nerve interference or irritation) can affect your overall health. Healthy cell metabolism, organ function and sharp mental focus are all jeopardized with decreased nerve flow. Correcting subluxations greatlyimprovesthebody’soptimalhealth. Chiropractic is safe, gentile and effective. It is the fastest growing, drugless healing profession in the world,servingover2,000,000peopleeveryday.People whoareunderregularchiropracticcareareamongthe healthiest in the world, enjoying far less hospitalization,medicationandotherdoctorvisits. X-ray analysis: X-rays enable the doctor to visualizetheentirespinewhichaidsinevaluationfordisease, f racture, posture, joint and disc integrity and vertebral misalignments. i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n : Dr. Schulman uses the nervoscope as well as the InsightTM Millennium Sub- luxation station, a state-ofthe-art instrument which detects subluxations. This scanning system measures SEMG—theamountofelectricalcurrentinthemuscles; Thermography—skin temperature along the spine; and Inclinometry—range of movement of the spine. These testsarepainless. static PalPation: This is a simple process of palpating(feeling)thespineinastation(orstatic)position. Dr.Schulmanwillbeabletofeelswelling,tendernessand any abnormal texture or tightness in the muscles and othertissuesoftheback. motion PalPation: Thisprocessinvolvesfeelingthe spinewhilemovingandbendingitatvariousangles.Dr. Schulmancanthendeterminehoweasilyordifficulteach segmentofyourspinemovesinvariousdirections. Chiropractic is safe for all ages. Visualization: This step cross references all other findings.Chiropractorsareexpertsinlookingforsubtle changesinyourpostureandmovementwhichmayindicateproblems. Infants & Toddlers Teens Adults Side 2 Engineering Company Lor senit alit lut ea cons niam exeraestrud et, sim volenim vel iriurem augue facidui sequat nismodo oreet utat. Ut praeseq amconsenit er sim quisi. Lore ver augait at wissed tio od modipit vent diamcommolor alisl ut alit nos augiat, quat, sum ilisi blandipsusci erit, sequi ecte dolore elisi. 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Lor ad et, susto et adigna faci tetuer sent lummy nis doluptat, sit veliquisim ilisl iustie diam quis eumsan Quality Control Mechanical Engineering Consultation food processing Process Improvement (SPC) for Manufacturing Quality Control Mechanical Engineering Consultation Side 1 World class manufacturing consulting consultants to the: Lorting esto dipis am, velessequat, quatue corem aci tet luptat. Duisisi. Lor irit lor senibh eugue vel eui tatio odolut vent praestrud ea alis aliquat nulla feugait nostion euipisl ulputat. Ut laor aliquisit prat. Lor ad et, susto et adigna faci tetuer sent lummy nis doluptat, sit veliquisim ilisl iustie diam quis eumsan raydelus engineering 3402 Blaisdell Rd. Buford, Georgia 30519 Phone/Fax 678-482-0098 [email protected] raydelus engineering pharmaceuticals Side 2 biography Lorting esto dipis am, velessequat, quatue corem aci tet luptat. Duisisi. Lor irit lor senibh eugue vel eui tatio odolut vent praestrud ea alis aliquat nulla feugait nostion euipisl ulputat. Ut laor aliquisit prat. Lor ad et, susto et adigna faci tetuer sent lummy nis doluptat, sit veliquisim ilisl iustie diam quis eumsan vel ut prat. Ut praessim quat. Ut lortin ut Lorting esto dipis am, velessequat, quatue corem aci tet luptat. Duisisi. Lor irit lor senibh eugue vel eui tatio odolut vent praestrud ea alis aliquat nulla feugait nostion euipisl ulputat. Ut laor aliquisit prat. Lor ad et, susto et adigna faci tetuer sent lummy nis doluptat, sit veliquisim ilisl iustie diam quis eumsan vel ut prat. Ut praessim quat. Ut lortin ut Lorting esto dipis am, velessequat, quatue corem aci tet luptat. Duisisi. Lor irit lor senibh eugue vel eui tatio odolut vent praestrud ea alis aliquat nulla feugait nostion euipisl ulputat. Ut laor aliquisit prat. Lor ad et, susto et adigna faci tetuer sent lummy nis doluptat, sit veliquisim ilisl iustie diam quis eumsan vel ut prat. Ut praessim quat. Ut lortin ut Lorting esto dipis am, velessequat, quatue corem aci tet luptat. Duisisi. Lor irit lor senibh eugue vel eui tatio odolut vent praestrud ea alis aliquat nulla feugait nostion euipisl ulputat. Ut laor aliquisit prat. Lor ad MARCY Brochures • Handouts Engineering Consultant Class Brochure Quality Generates Higher Profits... plain and simple! Mission Statement The Instructor Our mission is to help businesses improve their products’ quality while reducing their production costs by training their personnel in statistical procedures applied to quality. Our training classes can be given in either English or Spanish. Joseph Saucedo, PE, has 35 years of experience applying statistical methods to control quality in diverse industries: design and manufacture of pressure vessels, soft drink bottling and concentrate manufacturing, as well as teaching quality systems to PET manufacturing plants. COUrSE OUTLInE: Providing training in SPC Fundamentals & Practical Applications Process Optimization, 3-day Course Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Introduction to Statistics as it applies to (Statistical Process Control) SPC Design of Experiments (DOE) throughout the United States & Latin America. An effective Quality Control Program increases profits by Eliminating production waste Eliminating the cost of warranty work and returns Increasing your process efficiency and having more throughput The cornerstone of a Quality Program is knowledge. Quality knowledge must be part of the manufacturing team culture. Statistical Process Control, along with Continuous Improvement Process and other quality tools, must be understood and applied by members of the Quality Production Team (production associates, supervisors, laboratory personnel and maintenance associates). An effective manufacturing Quality Team must share and speak the same language of quality. They will contribute to the Continuous Improvement Process with an enriched cadre of process solution alternatives that will effectively increase the quality of products and generate greater profits! Orion Quality Consultants International offers training seminars and on-site training in Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Continuous Improvement Process to plant personnel in a variety of manufacturing situations. ENROLL NOW SPACE IS LIMITED AT ALL OFF-SITE COURSES Sporadic Changes in the Media and Variance Examples Histograms Interpreting Control Graphs Normal Curve Rational Sub-groups Examples Building Moving Range Control Graphs Normal Distribution Control Limits for the X Graph Definitions Control Limits for the MR Graph Variation Process Capacity Variance — Standard Deviation Examples Reproducibility and Repeatability Central Limit Theorem Practice with the Infinity® ProFicient SPC Program Variance — Common Cause and Special Causes Who Should Attend?* Laboratory personnel Production supervisors Production line associates Maintenance personnel Converting our Histogram into a Control Graph Definition and Acknowledgement of Instability in the Manufacturing Process * Students do not need to have previous knowledge of Statistics to successfully complete our courses. Trends Data Collection Discussion on the Interpretation of the InfinityQS® graphs Forming a Quality Production Team Troubleshooting Processes Stable Process Developing Small and Large Projects to Correct Processes Distribution Project Economic Justification Guidelines Small Changes in the Media Recording Continuous Improvement Process orion quality consultants international For a complete description of our training course in Statistical Process Control, please see the reverse side. Orion Quality Consultants International is a Registered Partner of InfinityQS® © InfinityQS is a registered trademark of InfinityQS International, Inc. Training courses offered in English or Spanish Side 1 orion quality consultants international 3402 Blaisdell Rd. | Buford, Georgia 30519 | USA | Ph: 954-260-5701 | Fax: 770-831-2304 [email protected] | Side 2 SAUCEDO MARCY Brochures • Handouts SAUCEDO Architectural Supply Manufacturer STAR STEEL Quality Structural Steel Products and Services Structural Columns A.I.S.C. Quality Certification Program Truss and Beam Braces Star Steel has served the construction industry for over 15 years! Through our quality work and dedication to customer service, Star Steel has become known as an industry leader in the design and fabrication of structural steel and the required services for the South Florida market place. Now we would like to take the opportunity to reintroduce ourselves to you. Structural Steel Products and Services Star Steel fabricates structural steel for new construction and additions. We have gained our reputation by treating every customer individually, by using premier quality steel and by employing knowledgeable project managers and certified welders. I – Beams Category I of Structural Steelwork Bollards, Tie-Downs, Embeds Conventional Steel Structures, such as: Hand Railings • Small public service and institutional buildings • Shopping centers • Light manufacturing plants • Miscellaneous and ornamental iron work • Warehouses ASTM A500 Cold Form Steel • Sign structures HILTI Wedge Anchors • Low rise • Truss beam/column structures • Simple rolled beam bridges Field Measurement Certified Field Welding Consultative Project Management Star Steel employs knowledgeable Project Managers with years of industry experience. We are available to work with you from the early stages of a project in order to ensure a smooth process. Whether you are an Architect, Structural Engineer or a Developer, together we can plan ahead. We know how important reliability is to you. That is why you have our commitment that Star Steel will treat you and your project schedule with the utmost respect. Star Steel is poised to exceed your expectations on service and quality. Your friends at Star Steel! 2. Organization 3. Experience 4. Procedures Field Measurement 5. Knowledge 6. Equipment Our Project Managers visit your construction site at least twice during the project. The initial visit is to measure elevation, review plans after the concrete pour and to visually examine the structure. The last visit is to check the installation of designed components and to assure the quality of the final project. Star Steel, Inc. 580 NW 12th Avenue Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 Phone: 954 946 3339 Fax: 954 946 3307 7. Capability 8. Commitment Field Welding Star Steel’s certified welders operate fully equipped and well maintained welding trucks and are able to get to your site with minimal notification. STAR STEEL Art and science together... FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CONTACT US AT: finding the solution to your structural steel needs STAR STEEL 580 NW 12th Avenue, Pompano Beach, FL 33069-0210 Page 1 1. Personnel Page 2 Page 3 PH 954 946 3339 FAX 954 946 3307 Page 4 IN PROCESS The A.I.S.C. Quality Certification Program will confirm that Star Steel, as a steel fabricator, has these eight areas in place in order to produce fabricated steel of the required quality for Category I structural steelwork.
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