Westcreek Neighborhood WestcreekNeighborhood Neighborhood Westcreek T IN ON A SA SS OSCO IC AI TA IO Volume 4, Issue 11 November, 2008 - Published Monthly for our Westcreek Neighbors Log on at westcreekna.org National Night Out Review Westcreek knows how to party – NNO Style! The kids have the right idea! Time to hang out in the ‘hood and be safe. From left to right: Briana Sanders, Maire McKeefer, Codi Scovell-wood, Tracey Burton, Calin Scovel-wood and Brandon Sanders. Neighborhoods throughout Austin joined with thousands of communities nationwide on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 to participate in the 25th Annual National Night Out. APD officers, EMS and fire fighters joined City Council Members and other City officials in attending neighborhood parties throughout Austin. Our own neighborhood held quite a few events. Your newsletter editor had to hurry from each party because there were so many of them, and it was getting dark! The first party I visited was hosted by Mary and Herschell Esquell at their home on Maulding Pass. They hold a party every year. There was quite a crowd already at 6:30 when I stopped by, and LOTS of great food — neighbors brought some of their own dishes to add to the buffet. Herschell, as always, was the Grill master and I could tell the crowd was enjoying all of his hard work! Four APD officers were attending the party as well. Next I visited a NNO party held in the Patton School parking lot by Adrienne Coggins from Hill Forest Drive and several other folks that went together to host the “NNO” continued on page 3 Outcome of FLUM to be decided on October 23 Please check our website for final status of the Oak Hill FLUM vote that was to be held on October 23 at City Council chambers. This vote affected properties at 4808 Wm. Cannon Drive and 6110 Hill Forest Drive, as well as all properties along Old Fredericksburg Road. Our website is westcreekna.org. Don’t want to wait for the mail? Receive the Westcreek Newsletter in your Inbox. Sign up online at www.PEELinc.com Copyright © 2008 Peel, Inc. Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2008 Westcreek Neighborhood WNA CONTACTS City Contact WNA website.........................................www.westcreekna.org Webmaster: Bob Shrader.............. [email protected] Write to us at: WNA; P.O. Box 91373, Austin, TX 78719-1373 Call 311 to report any City-related problem. It operates 24/7. Report a non-emergency crime, barking dogs, speeding problems, zoning violations, blocked sidewalks, etc. Austin Police Department District Representative Zachary [email protected], 974-4415 For comments on this newsletter, or to submit ideas/articles: Newsletter Editor Karen [email protected], 899-1292 President Chris Schexnayder..... [email protected], 899-0087 Vice President [Vacant Position] Treasurer Jan Boswell................................ [email protected], 892-3786 Secretary & Enhancement Committee Chair (YOM) Judy Jefferson........ [email protected], 892-1105 Member At Large, Place 1 Alicia Ortiz............................. [email protected], 892-4733 Member At Large, Place 2 Lane Mears... [email protected], 899-8505, cell 748-4649 Member at Large, Place 3 Gary [email protected], 844-5400 Newsletter Publisher Peel, Inc. Printing & Publishing........................... 512-263-9181 Adver./Kelly Peel... [email protected], 512-263-9181 Advertising Information Please support the businesses that advertise in the Westcreek Newsletter. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all residents to receive a newsletter at no charge. No homeowners association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office at 512-263-9181 or advertising @PEELinc.com for ad information and pricing. Flat Fee listiNg OPtiONs Buyer reBate PrOgraM* Office #: 512-249-6299 Mobile #: 512-740-2300 Nicole Peel Broker/Owner www.Vallurerealty.com *see website for rebate guidelines. rebate is subject to client consent. Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2008 Copyright © 2008 Peel, Inc. Westcreek Neighborhood “NNO”, continued from page 1 celebration. This was more than a party, it was an event! They had a live band playing, lots and lots of food and even a jump house for the kids! It was quite the event, and several APD officers were there as well. As I drove around the neighborhood, I came across another party on Honey Dew, hosted by Tom and Melissa Hamilton and their daughter, Shannon (her mother says Shannon is a “Baker Extraordinaire” and a “fantastic babysitter”!). It was beginning to get dark, so I snapped a few photos (turns out I should have used the flash, d’oh! But I still have the photo here in the newsletter) and was off to the party on Steer Trail. As I drove down Honey Dew, I saw yet another party — neighbors, my apologies that I didn’t stop at your house, too! The last party I attended was on Steer Trail, held by Tina and Paul Plummer. They hold a party every year, too. Our new APD DR, Zachary “NNO” continued on page 4 Outcome of FLUM to be decided on October 23 Please check our website for final status of the Oak Hill FLUM vote that was to be held on October 23 at City Council chambers. This vote affected properties at 4808 Wm. Cannon Drive and 6110 Hill Forest Drive, as well as all properties along Old Fredericksburg Road. Our website is westcreekna.org. Copyright © 2008 Peel, Inc. Left: Caden Sanders Right: Herschell Esquell, the BBQ Master chef. Left:Tina Cannon, Deborah Sanders, Officer Kathy Hector and Officer Bob Buck. Right: Herschell serving up his wares to neighbor Matthew Beckett. Right: Ibbie & Lloyd Crawford and Officer Tom Hoemeke. Left: Matthew and Barbara Beckett Westcreek Minutes Because of the recent flurry of meetings with the City of Austin Planning Commission and the City Council on the Oak Hill FLUM, plus numerous meeting with 4808 Wm. Cannon representatives and the 6110 Hill Forest rezoning case, there have been no “official” Westcreek Neighborhood Executive Committee meetings since June. We will post the most recent minutes (from this month’s upcoming Executive Committee meeting in October) on the Westcreek website, westcreekna.org, as soon as they are available. In addition, there was a temporary change in the President’s position (Chris Schexnayder volunteered to fill in only for the remainder of the year 2008, after Christie Gaderson needed to resign), and there is now a vacancy in the Vice President position as well. Because of these changes, the WNA is looking for volunteers to serve on the Committee. The President and Vice President positions will both be open as of December 31, 2008. Please email any of the WNA Contacts listed in this newsletter if you would like to nominate someone or if you are interested in running for one of these positions. Our next Westcreek Neighborhood-wide Meeting, with elections for these vacancies, will be held in January 2009. The date is yet to be set. — Editor Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2008 Westcreek Neighborhood “NNO”, continued from page 3 The buffet line at Maulding Pass! The crowd at Hill Forest NNO Party. Officers Matthew Greer and Robin Denton attend the Hill Forest NNO Party, held at Patton Elementary. Adrienne Coggins and Nicole Hequet are two neighbors that put together the Hill Forest NNO Event. Peel, Inc. Printing & Publishing Publishing community newsletters since 1991 Support This Neighborhood Newsletter. Kelly Peel Sales Manager 512-263-9181 [email protected] Advertise your business to your neighbors. 512-263-9181 www.PEELinc.com Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2008 LaHood, was in attendance. I got off one good photo as the darkness settled in completely, but it looked as if everyone there was having a great time as well. On the way home, I passed even more parties in the neighborhood. My apologies to all the folks that I didn’t get to! A little more about National Night Out: It’s a great opportunity for citizens, law enforcement and other public safety officials to join forces. Events are planned to promote crime prevention and drug prevention awareness and to strengthen the police - community partnership — sending the message that we are all working together to prevent crime and keep our neighborhoods safe. Events in our neighborhood in the past have included cookouts, ice cream parties, BBQ’s and block parties. For the past 13 years, Texas has led the nation in citizen and police involvement. Sure looks as if our neighborhood did our part to keep that record again this year! 34%6%3 0,5-").' 2%0!)2 WATERPRESSUREPROBLEMS SEWERDRAINSERVICE FIBEROPTICDRAINLINEINSPECTIONS FREEESTIMATES SATISFACTIONGUARANTEED 3TEVE"ROUGHER 7EST+OENIG,ANE DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Copyright © 2008 Peel, Inc. Westcreek Neighborhood The crowd at Hill Forest NNO Party. The band! Their audience. Nothing like a giant inflatable playhouse slide! Body and face painting for the kids. Tina Plummer, Officer Zachary LaHood and Paul Plummer at the Steer Trail party. Sorry about the photo quality! This is when I should have been using my flash. The Honey Dew Terrace folks, from L to R: Anne Spacht, Claire Bondy Hyder, Tom & Melissa Hamilton (the hosts), Ted Hughes and Shannon Hamilton. Gary Wilcox eats some of the goodies served at one of the Honey Dew gatherings. (I missed the other party on Honey Dew, trying to get to the Plummer residence!) Calin Scovel-wood, having a little fun before filling up his plate! Eatin! How cute is Briana??? YUMMMM!!! Copyright © 2008 Peel, Inc. Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2008 Peel, Inc. Westcreek Neighborhood Printing & Publishing 512-263-9181 www.PEELinc.com We currently publish newsletters for the following subdivisions in Austin: Avery Ranch Barton Creek Barton Hills Belterra Canyon Creek Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. Circle C Ranch Courtyard Davenport Ranch Forest Creek Granada Hills Highland Park West Balcones Jester Estates Jester Farms Lake Pointe Lakewood Laurel Oaks NA Legend Oaks II Long Canyon Lost Creek Meadows of Brushy Creek Pemberton Heights River Place Sendera Shady Hollow Sonoma South Lamar NA Steiner Ranch Stone Canyon The Hills of Lakeway Travis Country West Twin Creeks Villages of Westen Oaks Westcreek Wood Glen Kelly Peel, Sales Manager [email protected] • 512-263-9181 Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2008 GO VOTE!!! One of the best ways for any neighborhood to be recognized for future needs and represented fairly is by looking at how many of its residents turn out for voting. If you don’t vote, government doesn’t pay attention to you. We have over 850 households in Westcreek alone, and have had very poor turnout in past elections (city and county) — averaging less than 5 percent of our neighborhood showing up to cast their ballot (this is based on Precinct 351, which is primarily Westcreek). We’ve done better in State elections (Governor, State Senator and State Representative), up past 30%. Past presidential elections have us at a healthy 58.62%. But voting is not just about the Presidential election. Voting is about our city, our county and our state as well. If we don’t vote, we will not be recognized. Below is a chart of how Westcreek Precinct 351 has voted in the past: Voting Event Registered Voters Ballots Cast % June 14, 2008 City Council Run-Off Election 2,796 55 1.96 May 10, 2008 City Council Races 2,836 123 4.30 Nov 6, 2007 Travis County Bonds 2,927 200 6.83 May 12, 2007 Travis County Amendments 2,887 88 3.05 Nov 7, 2006 Governor, St Senator & State Rep 3,176 961 30.26 May 13, 2006 Mayor & City Council Not Published 177 — Nov 2, 2004 Presidential Election 3,403 1,995 58.62 There are almost 3,000 of us in this neighborhood. Get our voices heard! Go VOTE on Nov. 4th, and vote on our City issues as well!! Classified Ads Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...) run at no charge to Westcreek residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail Karen Gregory at [email protected] Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales at 512263-9181 or [email protected]. At no time will any source be allowed to use the Westcreek Neighborhood Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Westcreek Neighborhood Association and Peel Inc. The information in the Westcreek Neighborhood Newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Westcreek residents only. Copyright © 2008 Peel, Inc. W N SUPERIOR SERVICE FOReighborhood YOU AND YOUR CAR estcreek Fall and Holiday Recipes By Mark Strouhal Westcreek Resident and Sous-chef at Kenichi I wanted to submit some great side dishes for the fall/holidays/ cooler weather. Next month: the perfect Holiday Dessert recipes!!! CHEF’S TIP: Remember, season everything with salt and pepper, and food is often ruined by over-cooking it! Guests ask me all the time how the filet, sea bass or rib eye tasted so good. They are a little disappointed to hear about my liberal use of salt and pepper, and cooking it properly. Have fun when you cook, and if you can, try something new one night a week for dinner. You might be surprised at how good it is! Maple-glazed Acorn Squash Coffee Bar • Children’s Playroom Hours: 8-6 Weekdays 8-5 Saturday D ca R CAWIL NN LIA ON M DR ha r te gh au Sl 512-891-7800 nc 3416 W. William Cannon Austin, TX 78745 W ln Copyright © 2008 Peel, Inc. During this time of economic uncertainty: • Maintain the value of your car • Enhance its reliability • Increase it longevity • Maintain or improve its performance by doing the manufacturer’s or industry recommended preventive maintenance (30K, 60K, 90K etc. services) including oil changes. We perform these services and mechanical repairs with the most advanced equipment, tools, and databases in the industry. All our services meet manufacturer warranty requirements. We are AAA approved. We provide services while you wait or you can drop it off. Courtesy shuttle service is available. ma Spicy Braised Carrots Ingredients: 1 pound carrots 3 Tbsp. chopped dried apricots or golden raisins 3 cloves garlic, rough-chopped 1/2 tsp. ground ginger 1/2 tsp. chili powder salt pepper 1 Tbsp. Canola oil or other vegetable oil ½-cup water Cooking Instructions: Peel and slice carrots into “coins” that are 1/4 inch thick. Combine all ingredients in a medium-sized saucepan. Turn heat on high. Once boiling, cook until all the liquid has evaporated. Turn heat to medium and cook until slightly browned all over. Check for seasoning. If it needs salt, add salt. If you or your family prefers more spice, add a little. Want butter in it? Add butter! Enjoy! Family Owned and Operated Mark and Jan Welp LN Cooking instructions: Preheat oven to 400°F. Cut the acorn squash in half, lengthwise, from stem to end. Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds and stringy stuff in the center of each half. Score the insides of each half several times with a sharp knife. Place each half in a baking pan, cut side up. Add about a ¼-inch of water to the bottom of the baking pan so that the skins don’t burn and the squash doesn’t get dried out. Coat the inside of each half with 1/2 a Tbsp of butter. Add a dash of salt and pepper. Add a Tbsp of brown sugar to the cavity of each half. Dribble on a teaspoon of maple syrup to each half. Bake in the oven for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes, until the squash is very soft and the tops are browned. Do not undercook. When finished, remove from oven and let cool a little before serving. Spoon any buttery sugar sauce that has not already been absorbed by the squash over the exposed areas. IE Ingredients: 1 Tbsp. butter 2 Tbsp. brown sugar 2 teaspoon maple syrup salt pepper BR OD Southwest Enter from William Cannon or from Brodie at the car wash sign. Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2008 What Does “No Risk” Mean To You? Westcreek Neighborhood FLEXIBLE COMMISSIONS SK TEM I R NOG SYS IN T S I L T m We find the buyer and write the contract. There is no other agent involved. Our commission is just 41/2%. Re ea 41/2% The Ja Put more money in your pocket with the No Risk Listing exclusively with The Jaymes Willoughby Team. Most brokers will charge you the same fee no matter how your home sells… even if you find the buyer. With the No Risk Listing you have illo complete flexibility. es W ughb m y y al Estate 11/2% You find the buyer and there is no other agent involved. We write the contract and walk it through escrow for you. Our commission is 11/2%. 6% Another agent represents the buyer. Our commission is 3% and the other agent also receives 3%. www.metroaustinhomes.com Not intended to solicit properties currently for sale. Call us NOW at... The Jaymes Willoughby Team Keller Williams Realty 512-347-9599 Three Barton Skyway ...and start packing! 1221 S. Mopac, Suite 120 Austin, Texas 78746 Peel, Inc. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE 311 Ranch Road 620 S. Ste 200 Lakeway, Texas 78734-4775 % Voice 512-263-9181 Westcreek Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2008 PAID PEEL, INC. V www.PEELinc.com WK Copyright © 2008 Peel, Inc.
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