''4S/^ )^eclnesday^ Jiine 10; i'992 BSCluesnel Cariboo DbsesFven Quesnel Qariboo Observer Wednesday. JdnejiO. 1992 B||t^l >::6>'>^- SPORTS 'T BASE BALL i The return of .senior men's ba.seball lo Ouesnel has meant two t h i n g s , a n o t h e r exciting sport to watch on those la/y s u m m e r d a y s , . a n d the local s u p p l i e r s of B e n ( J a y a r e making a mint. Arms that have not seriously pitched a hardball in a n u m b e r of years a r e being called upon to go the distance against teams who have played in the league for a few years. T h a t factor is one of the major reasons that the Selects find t h e m s e l v e s s t r u g g l i n g ihrough their inaugural season with limited success. T h e latest c h a p t e r in the Absorbine Jr story plaved itself out al the s e n i o r m e n ' s park over the weekend as ihe Selects hosted the Prince George Senior Babe Ruth Allstars. The Selects started out well enough, behind strong pitching from Lorne Lilley the Ouesnel squad won the first game 5-2. However, the second game was an entirely dilTerent slory, as O u e s n e l was m a n h a n d l e d 17-.'^ by the youngsters. Observer photo by Shane Mills L o n g d a y : F o r Q u e s n e l Selects c a t c h e r Mike D a v i d the sight of a Prince G e o r g e player crossing the plate became all t o o familiar o n S u n d a y afternoon. Rabeir) tl^e $avir)gs Quesnel Minor ttockey is looking The Selects used four different p i t c h e r s in the losing cause, but nothing could stop the ollensiye onslaught. T h e t e a m now has a two week l e a g u e lavo'ff. Classlljeds. I 4655, Quesnel B.C. Attention: S. Call 992-2121 Aiken. Division and outline your coaching background and goals for the season. For more info call 992-9333. BP, ST R.B.PUB KOKANEE KIASSIC Golf Tournament Saturday Jurie 27/92 Entry Deadline: June 20 ipfiiir^RilMMiBYi YFASTBALL ^Ouesnel's Hooligan R a n g e r s , after what may be described as a shaky start lo the 1992 season, seem to have found the right ingredients for winning. p l a c e in t h e i r i n v i t a t i o n a l tournament. After going 4-1 through the round robin the Rangers were poised tor victory againsl the very tt)uuh P r i n c e (Jeorge Hulls. T h e R a n g e r s , a power in the Spruce City Men's Fastball League, have had varying degrees of success this year, but everything came together this w e e k e n d at R a n g e r P a r k as the ' H o o l i g a n s ' captured fust T h e Rangers definitely hil their stride in the final game, d r u b b i n g the visitors 7-3 to take the final. For their efforts, the Rangers won .$1()(H), while the second [)lace Bull,^ took home $500. ACCEPTED Hours: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday i For 1 insertion: $2 50 for the first 20 words, lOcper word ttiereaffer/per insertion. all the games, swims, crafts, hikes and special events, then this is a great course for you. You do not have to be a Summer Parks Leader to take this workshop, or perhaps you want to be, it's great to put in a resume, teaches many skills and is great for babysitters. June 29July 3,1992. 9 am - 4 pm. (excluding Canada Day). DRAGONMAN TRIATHLON: July 5, Sunday. BILLY BARKER DAYS TRIATHLON: July 18, contact Elaine Wafteyne. SUMMER PARKS LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM: If you like working with children and enjoy MODELING: VICTORIA VON KANE, Aug. 13,14 & 15. Info call 992-8200 5^'We Serv\<^^^ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RATE: (Volume Discount Available). $9.00/column inch per issue. NON-PROFIT RATE: $6.75 per column inch per issue. CLASSIFIED DEADUNES: 12 Noon Monday for word and display ads for Wednesday's paper and 5:00 pm Wednesday for class display ads and legal ads, 12 noon Thursday for word ads. BILLY BARKER DAYS GOLD RUSH FUN RUN: July 19, Rec Centre. NEW PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAM: Junior Jocks, kids 3-5 yrs. will have fun as well as be introduced to a variety of different sports, ie: soccer, dodgeball, etc. Thursday 10 am - 11:30 am or 1-2:30 pm July 2-Aug. 6. SUMMER PARKS PROGRAM: Sun Fun is running Monday to Friday in LeBourdais Park starling Jljly 6. Register now for great deals. There are many special events from roller skating to horseback riding. Details are in the summer brochure. Get involved for a terrific summer. ' We would like to say a special thank you to all who sent flowers to the Funeral Chappel for Archie Watson's Memorial Service. Also the many cards of sympathy. The Watson Family (3-P-84) We would like to say a very special thank you to all the nursing staff and Doctors t.hat took such good care of Archie Watson while he was in the hospital. The Watson Family (3p84) 1 wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my family and all my many dear friends who sent beautiful flowers and cards and prayers for my recent stay in the hospital. Special thanks to the staff and Doctors at Baker Momonal Hospital. Rose Gassoff (4-P-82) I Yvonne Paquctte, about your pine needle basket, please phone Betty Edwards at 747-4373. (4-p-83) If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to stop that's ours Alcoholics Anonymous 992-2172 or 992-7867 (35-rts) Support Correlieu Dry Grad by donating your Club Z points. Number available at counter or by using the points to purchase a gift for the dry grad (8-P-84) DO-IT-YOURSELF DIVORCE Typing services for uncontested divorces. 992-2662. (40-rts) QSS CLUB Z NUMBER 967 904 565 Help support the QSS Grads of 1992! Present the above number to any Zeller's cashier and help support our Dry Grad (8-p-82) BIRTHDAY CLASSIRED SPECIALS: 1 column X 2 inches - $15.00; 2 columns by 2 inches - $25 00. Submit your favorite photo if desired. Professional Services We would like to express pur sincere thanks and appreciation, to our many friends and relatives who sent cards, flowers and,|ood. To those that called with their words of courage, after our recent loss of Grandson, nephew Rodney Eckland of Prince George who was suddenly taken from us M a y ' 22/92. - Special thinks to Albert & Dianne Matula and Everette & Bunnie Inscho for doing so much for us. It meant so much to all of us. Words cannot express our feelings. Thanks again, we won't forget you. Charlie & Vi Eckland, Brgce and Les Eckland & family. Jean Eckland & son Ryan and Roger Eckland (2-P-83) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take notice that on and after this date, I, the undersigned, will no longer bo responsible for debts contracted in my name by any person or persons other than myself. Name: Marc Tremblay Address RR4 Box 27 Roimer Site Quesnel, BC Date: May 27/92 (4-P-82) 8 insertions: $8 00 for the first 20 words, lOcper word thereafter/per insertion. STEP FFTNESS WORKSHOP This workshop is designed for fitness leaders. Content includes intro to step, biomechanics, technique and how to present the workout lo the class. Music in your step class, step and circuit with dyna bands and durobbells, step choreography and how to accommodate different levels. J u n ^ 3 , instructor Sharon B r o w n . For more HAPPY SWEET 16th BIRTHDAY KRISTIE Love Mom, Dad, Kory & Kirk (1-P-82) 4 insertions $5 00 for the first 20 words, lOcper word thereafter/per rnsertion. $30.00 for 20 words or less: You receive: 4 issues in the Carilx)o Observer 6 issues in the Williams Lake Tribune 2 issues in the 100 Mile Free Press STANDARD FIRST AID: Sat/Sun., June 13 & 14, 9-5 pm, ' $56.00 (includes CPR certification) Notices Card of Tiianks Personals FAMILY CANOEING PROGRAM: Sat. June 20 (Beg.) & Sunday June 21 (Adv.) $15.00/family. SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING PROGRAM: Courses available lor youths, teens & adults. Beginning June 29. SUMMER SWIMMING LESSONS SESSION I. Begins June 29. EVENING AQUASIZES MonAVed 5:15-6:15 pm beginning May 25, - BARTKOW, WILLIAM (BILL) passed away suddenly at the PentictOF^egional Hospital on Sunday May 24, " 1992 at the age of 35 years. Beloved son of Doris Bartkow of Quesnel and Emil Bartkow of Keromeos. Dear brother of Judy Bartkow of Penticton and Kristy Mueller of Medicine Hat. Loving grandson of Nettie Schile of Chilliwack and Julia Bartkow of Keromeos. Beloved uncle of three nieCes and three nephews A Memorial- Service was held Friday. May 29, 1992 in Penticton, B C (1-P-82) ;.>»'ags.i. ALSO Try the Cariboo Wide Classifieds Details available at the Pub Ask for Al ^B&^HHIK:^ 747-1396- & Dance Hall tttttntrntt/, or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, B.C. FPTNESS CLASSES: Classes are offered seven days a week in beginner to intense levels. Check our fitness schedule available at the front desk. Dragon Lake Golf Course ftnttmttai Obituaries LCX3K FOR OUR SUMMER PROGRAM BROCHURE COMING OUR THROUGH THE SCHOOLS, THE SECOND WEEK IN JUNE. Entry forms availble at the Pub or at the Cold Beer & Wine Store Rani Gill would like to announce the birth of a 5 lb, 4 oz. baby Ixiy on June 6 to Stuart and Kay Bagri of Toronto, Ont A grandson for Rajinder Bagri and cousin for Carole and David (1-P-82) When In doubt: Bob Melnyk knew it would be a close call POTTERY CLASSES. Beginners classes start on June 18. $30.00. CHILDRENS SUMMER ARTS PROGRAMS scheduled for July and August. B.C. YOUNG ARTISTS EXHIBITION showing in gallery for 2 weeks. Indicate Pee Wee, Bantam or Midget The Cariboo Observer is pleased to provide a free "Births" column for proud grandparents (or other family members/friends) to announce out-of-town births of interest to Quesneliles. (Local births will continue to be published in Wednesdays Community News. (20-rts) at first base, so, he gave it that extra effort. It worked. Register you and your family in programs at the Recereation Centre. Recreation Centre hours: Monday to Friday 6 am - 10 pm Saturday and Sunday 8 am - 10 pm wnh the Quesnel Minor Hockey Assoc, Box Observer photo by Shane Mills -QUESNEL AND DISTRICT ARTS & RECREATION CENTRE Observer's City Wide written application by June 30 to: CLASSIFIE AD! ^^SB^^^^^^S^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ss^^^^^^^^^^^Ms for Rep Team coaches for the -1992-93 season. Please submit a HOW TO PLACE Births Central Interior Hydraulic Sales 'n' Service Ltd. rebuilding and manufacturing machining and welding valves and pumps. Call P.G. 963-3252 or 963-7461. (8-P-89) Young black male cat, few white hairs on chin, Correlieu School area, Phone: 747-1173. (82-rts) Retired Carpenter, no job too small, cheapest rates in town.' Free estimates, phone Frank anytime at 9929090. (4-P-85) Do you have trouble looking after your feet? Do you have trouble cutting your toe nails? Do your corns and callouses bother you? If you need help with these problems. callRosina Wood, RN The Foot Care Nurse at 992-3445 for further info and appointments. (8-p-89) • Trilogy Quality Jewelery Repairs, replacement stones; all work guaranteed, nothing leaves town. For appointment call 249-5181. (8-p-88) Purse at First Choice Car Wash on May 30 & 3 1 . Call to identify 992-9119. (4-'p-84) Girts Norco 20" Bike on Levyis. Call to identify. 992-7310. (4-p-82) Found: Female Brittany Spaniel in W. Quesnel, postlactating Ph: 992-9703 (68-rts) It's newspaper talk for a one-column by two-incti ad. Too small to be effective? You're reading tfiis one! Call Helmut's Renovating at 7473487 for all kinds of Home Repair, carpentry, drywall. painting, tiles, chimneys, bnck, block and stone work 26 yrs experience Rets available, free estimates. (8-p-87) WE TEACH TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING (specializing in WordPerfect 5,1). Pam Crocker Secrctanal 992-2662. (77-rts) Marriage, Family and Individual Counselling. Chris Kempling, M Ed , Registered Clinical Counsellor For appointment 249 5131 or 747-21,25 (8-P-82) For All Your STUCCO Needs Phone Brian Prodeahl 992-7930 (8-P-82) Central Intenor Hydraulics Ltd Sales and Services, rebuilding and manufacturing, machining and weld ing Valves and pumps Call Prince George 963 3252 or 963 7461 (16p-87) M A R G S LANDSCAPING "Lawn and Garden 'Pruning and Upkeep 'Reasonable Rates Phone 992-3391 Marg Doern. (16-p-85) MATCHiyjAKERS Interested in meeting someone new? "Don't be shy, give us a try!" 992-2662. (12-ns) - Lost In Memoriam IN LOVING MEMORY OF LEON ANNETT NOV. 26/72 - JUNE 9/90 Words can't describe how much we miss you Your laughter rings in our ears Lovingly remembered and always missed Dad, Mom, Yvette & Tom Found Lost: between Voyageur school.and Inglis store, t>oys brown tinged wire nmmed glasses, desperately needed If you can help please phone 9927783. (4-P-84) 9 wk old, white, black and grey kitten in Johnston Sub on May 30th No collar Please call 992-8197. Leave message. (4-p-84) Call Pattle at the Cariboo Observer 992-2121 Employment Opportunities Required immediately A ticketed Journeyman Plumber Estimate experience or a gas ticket will be an asset. Apply in person at Quesnel Oil & Gas, 1297 Cariboo Hwy N. (6-p 86) Crafts We'll sell your cralts on consignment Send picture and info to SS3, Site 40, Box 12, Prince George B C V2N 2S7. (8-P-84) Delivery own car time/part Front St drivers needed, rhust have Earn as much as $9/hr Full time Bring resume to 394 (8-p-86) Quesnel Travel Agency requires a full time position vacation/cruise agent with min 3 yrs exp. and superior selling skills APG an asset, tomp position for 6 months Maternity leave Start July 15, 1992 to Jan. 3 1 , 1993 Send resume m confidence to #1-556 Jones St. Quesnel BC, V2J 2X1, Attn John (4-p-85) Observer earners needed in all areas of Quesnel Reply at 188 Carson Avenue, Quesnel, B C. V2J 2M8 (20-rts-sta) i Business Opportunities BREAD DELIVERY SERVICE Be your own boss. Established route. Plus potential. For more info call 992-9731. (8-P-89) Cariboo-tiased house moving and trailer towing business for sale, well established, call (504)395-3205 after 6 p m. (4-P-83) Pest control business for sale. Excellent first or second income. Will train. Phone: 397-2940 evenings. (4-p-82) RRnEB9S99ak Canadian Wmrfcer^ >Wmieiyl. LEGAL NOTICES: Chanje of najne - .*>25.00 per inse-Hon: , Perr.jna's, not responsiole for dpbts - $20.00/4 insertions - REWARD For the return of the "Quesnel Forks Museum and Historical Society Inc sign" taken from City Hall. Anyone with any information please call 9922921. No questions asked! (4-p-82) Join B C.'s leading gift basket company. Start your own home based busi ness $5,500 includes inventory and training. Call 929-8816. (North Vancouver). (4-p-82) in Memory/In Honour In B.C. Yukon Ttie Canadian Caneer Society supports researcfi, education and patient sen/ices. Mail gifts to: «3-462 Reld S t Quesnel B.C. V2J 2M6. 992-6551. Please include n^me ol person being fionoured or name of deceased, and wfiere to send cards Visa/Mastercard accepted. PRICES QUOTED FOR WORD ADS INCLUDE G S T . PDimciPDCTion E l Found ft costs you nothing but a phone call to place a found advertisement. Ph. 992-2121, Mon. - Fri, 8 am - 5 pm. (20-rts) Home Income $$ Make up to $1,000 weekly. Free details, send self addressed, stamped envelope to Uniglobe Distributor, Box 2683, . S t a t i o n - f l ' , Degt^ A 0 1 , Kelowna. BC, V I X 6A7. ( 8 ^ 86) Wedweisday, Juhe il 0^ 1992 B i t ' • RQuesneiX^kriboa Obsefver. ; r-;-^^ ® B l dduesnel daribpo Observer i 1 For Rent Business Opportunities VENDING ROUTES All cash business. Part-time hours, net high returns, investments from $5,500.00, For details call Eagle Profit Systems 1-800-387-CASH, (8-P-87) • ^ FINANCING ASSISTANCE FOR SMALL BUSINESS Professional coijnselling and financial assistance provided to qualified businesses. North Cariboo Business Development Centre. 992-5626. (74-rts) WILKINSON APARTMENTS Resident Manager 1 & 2 bdrm suites 992-8949 or apply at #305, 398 Roddis Drive aaagia'JA Employment Wanted WE DO IT ALL! University students looking for odd jobs, painting, mow lawns, house' sitting, gardening, etc Call Harv 9928010 and Shane 747-1709. (8-p-89) For Rent Small 2 room house,, suitable for single person. 992-5043. (2-p-83) Furnished 1 bdrm apartment 2 Mile Flat. Veiy private. Not suitable for cfiildren or pets. Rent includes heat, light & utilities. $425.00/mo. plus damage deposit. Days 992-2216 Evenings 992-2031 Commercial Space for Rent MiMd ^^ 4-plex, 2 bdrm suite. Fndge, stove, utility room. Private entrance and driveway. No pets please. Phone: 992-5796 (4-p-83) North Quesnel extra large, 600 sq/ft one bedroom apartment. $380/mo. Available end of June. Ph: 992-5408, 992-5994 (2-p-83) Available July 1st, 4 bdrm duplex, south of Quesnel, no smokers, $575/ mo. Phone: 993-4565. (4-p-82) FOR RENT Call Paul & Maureen Ouimet 992-2588 2-bdrm bsmt suite, W. Quesnel, wall to wall carpet, n/g, n/s please, very close to mall. Available now. Phone: 992-9772. (4-p-85) Small 1 bdrm apt. Suitable for 1 person, no pets, ref. please, avail July 1st. Ph: 992-5233. (4-p-85) For rent: One tsedroom house, $300/ mo. Ph; U563-8922. (4-p-85) Large 2 bdrm suites, West Eraser Rd. Fridge & stove inci, natural gas heat. $295/mon. Ph. 747-2636. (8-p-88) Woodland Park Apartments 1 & 2 bdrm bachelor suites Resident manager Renovations in progress FREE extended cable and parking plug-ins QUIET TENANTS ONLY Doherty Drive, West Quesnel 992-2370 2 bdrm duplex. Avail. July 1. $400/ mon. West Quesnel, no pets. 992-3408. (8-P-88) Small 3-bdrm house, North Quesnel. newly renovated, n/s, n/d preferred. $600 mo. Ph: 249-5328. (1-p-82) 2-bdrm unit, close to Frank's Supermarket. Quiet responsible adults only. Seniors welcome. $335/mo. including heal and hot water. Ph: 992-7740., (4-p=84) Prime Retail Building for Rent. Approx. 3,000<sq. ft., next to Lighthouse and across from Eagle Building Supplies, Reid St. Ph. 992-2216 days, 992-2031 evenings. (75-rts) Commercial Space 1100 sq. f t Highway 97 frontage $500 per month 747-3243 Wiles & Cindric SURVEYING British Columbia land Surveyors 992-2265 Large 2 bdrm c/w 2 full baths, free cable, super channel, hot water Resident manager CHARLOTTE MANOR 1, 2 & 3 b d r m suites for rent FOR RENT 1550 sq/ft, downtown. Ph: 992-7414 or 992-8766. (60-rts) For rent. Small commercial building on 170 Carson Avenue Call 992-5310 (56-rts) 2-txirm bachelor suite on Bouchie Lake, furnished, $450 includes utilities, no pets. Ph: 249-5195. (4p-82) Need a holiday? Fully serviced cabin at Chimney Lake. $250/wk. Call 3923555 or 398-3807. Avail June 15th to Sept 15th. (4-P-82) 3-bdrm house on farm, 30 miles south on West Eraser Rd. $350/mo. Mostly furnished, house only. Also good pasture for rent. Before noon phone 993-4493. (4-p-82) CENTENNIAL COURT 2 bdrm. Quiet adults only. $315$350/month. includes cable. West Quesnel, after 4 p.m. 992-2263. (78-ns) VISTA MANOR APTS Deluxe 2 bdrm units include free cable & hot water, 2 bathrooms. Resident manager 1241 Lark Ave. 992-7868 1 Bdrm Apt. Vaughan Apts. 992-6020. (8-P-82) COTTONWOOD COURT Quiet, adult-oriented, private park-like setting, 1/2 block to West Park (\toli, newly renovated. Qualified tenants. Call resident manager at 992-8286. (51-ns) Hall rentals available for small group meetings up to 100 people. Ph. 992-8036. (76:c-rts) For Sale in Summerland Deluxe lakeview condo. 2 txirms with den, gas fireplace, 2 full bathrooms, 5 appliances, built-in vacuum, verticals 6 blinds included, excel, cond. 494-7557. (4-p-84) UPLANDS UPPER LEVEL OFFICE SPACE REID STREET Ground floor 700 sq. ft and 1200 sq ' ft. Upper floor 2600 sq. ft. Call: Glenn Barr at 992-5547 (32-rts) FRONT STREET! Well built two storey concrete block retail office building. Market rent indicated $23,400 annual gross income. Priced to sell at $139,000. Call Stan at Re/Max Properties 561-2280^days and 563-2790 evenings for details. Wanted to Rent Responsible dean family looking for 2 or 3 bdrm home. Enjoy yard work. Ph: 297-6303. (8-P-87) f Executive 2 6 ' Class A M o t o r h o m e . Propane converted, loaded, excellent condition. Reduced price of $18,900. Contact Gerry Hogan at 747-2283. i fits 1 if 6 unit apt. plus owners house in excel, location. For more info call 992-2237. (4-p-84) FOR SALE: 1250 sq.ft. home, 4 bdrms, 2 1/2 baths, rec room with rsf wood stove, workshop, fenced yard, close to schools. Will take smaller house in trade. Phone after 6 p.m. 992-2610. (8-P-87) 4 .i CARSON MEADOWS 5 bdrm h o m e , fireplace in living room, formal dining room plus eating area in kitchen, ensuite off master b e d r o o m , g a r a g e , fenced y a r d . G o o d neighborhood, great view. Asking $74,900. 992-2266 City serviced new home lots adjacent Carson Elementary and ttie Aquatic/Recreation Centre. From $18,500 before Aug. 1/92 From $21,500 after Aug. 1/92. INVEST NOW!! FRED GOOK Vancouver collect 736-0027 IfflSftiSMiMNEB^ ^i 1' M Sii EVERYTHING NICE ABOUT THIS HOME Located on 711 Winder Street, among nice homes. Closed in garage, large rooms, fireplace and... // you would like to see your property advertised for sale here, free of ctiarge call Bill today! •if. fej; 992-2121 li'ji Quesnel C a r i b o o Observer 188 C a r s o n Ave. GREAT STARTER HOME At $39,500. Fridge, stove, dishwasher, curtains and'drapes are included. 2 bay garage and workshop. Very neat and well kept log house on corner lot, landscaped and fenced on 0.59 a a e , vicinity of Bouchie Lake. Is Business Opportunities Business Opportunities Real Estate I •;•'.-: OLDER HOME IN NORTH QUESNEL Suitable for a large family, 66x122 lot with lots of trees around it. Could be good rental investment. Asking $45,000. '/A I 1900 s.f. Commerciai Building located on prime property downtown Williams Lake. Ample parking. New interior. ^^*" BEAUTIFUL TREED 10 ACRES South of town on Teofil Rd. w\h $1,500.00 down. Owner will cany Isl mortgage. LOT 10 ON DENNIS RD. Owner wants fast sale. Asking only $8,900. Co-op water system. 0.58 aae. 3 bdrm house on 2.5 acres on hwy 20 in Nimpo lake. Hottub, wood and electric tigat. Small shop 5 min. walk to lake. $29,500. obo. After 6 p.m. phone 742-3328. (4-p-82) Excellent return for your investment dollar. $250,000. Plione 398-6656 after 6:00 pm. BOB 3 bedroom Pan-a-txjde cedar home on Coach Road in Southills on .52 acres. Beautiful view of western mountains and sunset. Natural gas heat and water. 2 baths. Large wrap around deck. Excellent landscaping, fenced back yard. Close to school and shopping. $79,500. Phone: 7471015. (8-P-85) 3 bdnm house on 1.86 acres, new siding and roof, city water, low taxes, close to Correlieu School 992-6530. (4-P-80) V / 9 « T H CHECKING OUT! Reasonably priced, Southills, 3 bdrm house w/2 full bathrooms, quiet culde-sac street, fully landscaped, garden, greenhouses, orchard. 7472589 or call at 215 Grosz Rd. (8-p-84) 3 bdrm double wide in trailer court Can be moved. Clean, well kept, $39,500 Ph. 747-2795, (8-p-82) 2-bdrm mobile home w/attached garage, small work shop, green house, attached sun room and porch. Excellent cond. Barters Trailer Park, river view. Call 992-5315. $18,000 obo. (45-rts) CABIN FOR SALE Finished cabin of approx. 900 sq. ft., avail, for sale on 4.24 acres of leased recreational property located on Scum Lake, 32 miles south of Highway 20 and 55 miles west of Williams Lake, B.C. C/W propane lighting, finished cupboarads and interior water system. No field or well. Lake has private air strip. Asking $15,000 for quick sale. Call Realty World Northern at 398-8266. Property of 4.24 acres is on an assumable lease or is avail, for purchase through the B.C. Government. (11-rts) FOR SALE Commercial building downtown, good income. High profile, investment, 5plex in fast developing commercial area. Good income, while awaiting future development. Days 992-7414 or evenings 992-8766. (64-rts) i Kathy Edwards • Allan Ford GENERAL AGENTS 6 Wau/anesa 353 Reid St. ooo cc-ii (Across from the Post Office) «^\/£>"QQ I I :\7ERNATI0NAl SOLID TIMBfK Ph (6041992-5003 Fax 16041992-2222 COK'SUi 1 ANl 14' wide & doublewide. Homes by TRIPLE E New and used. NOW SHOWING 12-4 Saturday & Sunday 2 & 3 bdrm 14 x 70 ' C u s t o m Design and Construction Full S a w m i l l Facilities Canada - U S A • Japan • Germany Office 462 Callanan Street. Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2 T 9 Canada ^Mi SPECIAL!! 1983 Shelter, 3 bdrm, stove, fridge & dishwasher ORTHTOWN EXCAVATING $28,900.00 BACKHOE - - TRUCKING - :5.::S::S::;:S::S^^ Syi!j[jS*ffl «WSi£S:'S£a®^iW2i J BWIlBWEHi^iMliM Ron Wylie C u s t o m Picture Framing & Gallery BOB PATERSON HOMES INC. 747-1579 W.'!!:'!i!*i!!SPjfJ,ii!pjf!!!|f;if.M!^ From $ 3 3 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 USED HOMES IN QUESNEL AREA 14x68 OLYMPIC 2 bdrm, fridge, stove, dishwasher, must be moved. Asking $16,900. NEAT AS A PIN 12 X 46, 2 bdrm, page, fridge, stove, some turn., new wiring, natural gas furnace, must be moved. Only $8,800.00 We have the largest listing service In the Cariboo. Call us collect today! 392-7212 Ron Harder Richard Kohleh !i IJmit9d 'E(Mon Prints by Marta Wilson. Robert BatoQan. Cari Btenders, Terry Isaac, John SeayLester. Andrew Kiss. Ken Ferls and many others. 1671 Cypresi Rd., Gunnel, B.C. V2J 4B1 NEW 14' WIDE HOMES Includes... -Delivery & setup in Quesnel -Bay window -Residential windows -Vinyl lap siding ill 'Laminating & Dry Mounting 'Frames made to any size 'Affordable prices PLUS 392-7212 1979- \HI DALE COWLIN STAN LOWE 992-6286 992-9126 610 Legion, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2A6 Larch Ave. Park 747-4442 Chris Kimpton 992-8377 message s ¥S:S FULL QUESNEL SALES Bob Sutton Realty Ltd. 12x60 mobile home, n/g heat, addition and outbuildings on 5 treed acres withi>eautiful building site with creek. Phone: 992-8187. (1-p-82) • Barb Munro D a r w i n Brian Curie TTOME(§ Mobile Homes 351 Reld Street 992-8818 Res: 747-1567 • Carol Handsor mmmmmmmmmm • CIAc?)(STG Custom built log home overlooking Bouchie l.ake. Open floor plan w/ many features. Large double garage, options available. For more info 249-5336. (8-p-82) Large modern bright 3 bdrm Rancher on 2 acres on Rawlings Road. Asking $76,500 00. Ph. 249-5689. (8-p-82) Presently leased to international Franchise. New log house on Nimpo Lake, waterfront, over 3 acres, $34,000. Phone: 742-3303. (4-p-82) 3 bdrm house, Ig living room, kitchen, finished bsmt, new carpet, w f/places, 2 1/2 baths, big sundeck, intercom, paved garage. $71,900. Ph: 9928725. (4-P-82) 1.11 acre lot overlooking Bouchie Lake. Wired cabin & shop, year-round creek thru property. For more^'info 249-5336. (8-p-82) ¥ •sfi BEST BUY IN SOUTHILLS $99,500 1350 s/f, 4 bdrm home on .78 acre, finished basement, 3 full baths. 2 fireplaces, new lino/carpeting, built in dishwasher (new), screened patios, double carport. RV parking, open to offers.-Ph: 747-1681. (80-rts) 120 ACRES PLUS A 2 bdrm log tiouse with diesel generator or solar battery power system, unique and picturesque property, Baziko River winds-through the whole property, meadows and timber. Excellent fishing from the porch of the house, atiundance o f | wildlife. Total seclusion. ••-V3 •m Hound your owner to place t h a t classified ad t o d a y ! It's easy to find warm, caring pet lovers for everything from mutts to monkeys. A call will do the trick. LOVELY TO LOOK AT | LOVELY TO UVE IN Large tiome, paved driveway, immacu-i lately clean, 2 fireplaces, close to Fraser | River. Asking $89,900. '^^ fslew 1,100 sq ft. house, 1 acre. $98,500.00. Ph. 747-2159. (8-p-82) 'Courtesy to realtors We Found a Home in the Classifieds Birchland Estate, .56 acre, 3 yrs old, Rancfier oppx 1500 sq/ft double garage, fireplace, blinds, 2 1/2 bathis, Jacuzzi room, community water and more. Call 747-2322 after 4 p.m., weekends anytime. (8-p-87) 1 M afe^ii-A^MaffeiiaiBiaiiiiaKn^ F R E E heat, cable & hot water Call 992-2670 5 acres beautifully treed on Birch Bay Road. Horsefly Lake, $24,500: Phone: 398-1269 or 392-2916. (4-P-84) Truck bay, 2 mile flat, air, nat gas. Phone Don Stonehouse at 392-7752. (68-rts) 1600 sq/ft, QDI Complex, $750/mo., 2 lyiile Flat, Hwy 97, N. frontage. Ph: 992-2239. (64-rts) ' 992-647 VALLEYVIEW CONDOMINIUMS Offices 532 sq/ft into 3 units; 270 sq/ft unit, a/c, 2nd floor, prime location, Lon Godfrey - 242 Reid St. 992-7111. •(71-rts) • Horse Owners: You can hiave your own incfoor riding arena plus 26 box stalls. An outside sfiowbarn witti 17 stalls, paddocks, two residences and mucfi more on 104 beautiful acres. After 15 years we regrefully must sell due to failing healtli. Hazelmist Equestrian Center can be a dream come true for you as it was for us. $275,000 firm. Phone ownefs at 396-7678. (4-P-84) m ^ S 2 bdrm house. Fridge & stove, avail immediately $350/mon 992-5543 • (4-P-84) Real Estate Quesnel City Centre, 269 Barlow Ave , commercial building for rent or for sale. Ph: 992-5443. .(8-p-89) Real Estate Real Estate H-'rtf Real Estate IMSMIMN©E! FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS, CALL iSEBMElMRIIiili g«ii > ^ ^ / ^ ^ w SECRE COMPLETE SECRETARIAL SERVICES • Typing • Word Processing • Resumes • Binding • Laser Printing • Photocopying • Fax Sen/ice OPEN 8 am to 5 pm, Monday t o Friday # 1 - 259 M c L E A N ST. Abov« Regency Ctrystor F a x 992-3886 P h . 992-2662 ;-Vr^-;" •- i^y::.^;/;-: Homes & R Vs 1980 GMC p/u, short box. 6 cylinder, 89,000 km, new rear brakers, spring tune up and safety inspected, $3,000, ph: 747-4369. (4-p-82) 1980 GMC Heavy 1/2 Ton 4x4. Recently rebuilt 350, new carb, intake, cjutch, pressure plate, fly wheel, paint, brakes, U-jolnts, 4 inch suspension lift, with 3 inch body lift, 38 inch Gumbo mudders. $5,000. obo. 992-7813. (75-rts-sta) JUST ARRIVED! New 14' Wide Homes. 2 & 3 Bedroom Models Complete with 1 yr. Warranty PRICE MCLUOES: 'Local dsMvory 'Fridge & eiove 'Ruga fi drapea 'Gyproc cefiing & walls 'Asphalt 6hin(pes 'ResidentiQi, Norttwm, 3/4" I win Seal. Vinyl Wlrapped, Windows STAfiTING FROM 1981 1981 T-Bird 2 dr, 302 motor, ps, pb, auto, clean, no rust. $1,950. 993-4518. (8-P-B4) • 1981 Ford F25Q, camper special aluminum canopy, radial tires. Dual batteries, ex cond., no rust. $4,500. Ph: 992-5032. (8-P-83) 1981 Yamaha YZ 490. $1,000. 992-7813. (75-rts-sta) 1985 Must sell: 1985 Acadian, 50,000 km., 2 dr, hatchback, 5 spd, am/fm cassette, good condition, $3,000 obo. Eves. 992-3960. (4-p-85) 1985 Ranger XL, V6, 5 spd, matching canopy, clean cond. $3,300. 992-7619. (4-P-84) 392-7135 1662 South Broadwray (Hwy. ^ 7 South) OL 3 ^ 6 0 m Property for Sale 23 acres on Abbott Drive, West Quesnel Subdivision with potential view lots. $49,000. Ph. 562-1079, 565-6572 or 747-3361 ask for Ken. (8-P-88) Flat lot on corner of Viker and Redden Rd. Ph: 523-9591. (8-p-86) Small family farm overlooking Dragon Lake. Also acreage homesites on 3 locations, reasonable. 747-3515. (8-P-84) Excellerjt building lot, 1.06 acre overlooking Bouchie Lake. Close to schools, store & rec centre. For more info phoQe 249-5336. (8-p-e2) 1986 Honda Rebel, 450, Only 4,500 km's, mint condition, $2,200. Phone: 747-3878. (4-p-85) 1986 FORD F-250, 4x4. 302, auto, 91,000 km., new tires, 2 batt, clean. Phone: 747-1683. (4-p-82) 1990 1990 Sprint Turbo, clean, fast, 55 mpg, 6 yr 150,000 km warranty, 30,000 km. $9,000 obo. Ph: 9925849. (4-P-85) 1990 Chev Corsica, LT, 4 door, air, tilt and cruise, cassette, stereo, and trailer hitch, $9,000 ftmi. Ph: 7472100. (4-P-82) I Sporting Equipment VOLKL 203 cm explosive " R " downhill skis c/w, marker M48 bindings, $500, Ph: 992-7954. (8-p-86) Come ride wdthus. 1976 Ford Pinto Runabout, $500. Ph: 992-6561. (4-P-82) 1977 Chev Monza, 305. V-8, auto trans. Ph: 992-7991 (60-rts) 1978 GMC Van, 350. p/s, p/b, 5 passenger, partially camperized. $3,500 obo. Ph: 747-3445. (1-p-82) 1979 1979 Plymouth Horizon. 4 dr. hatchback^ 4 spd. gbod motor, no rust. $800. Ph. 993-4518. (8-p-84) Travel Trailer, 31 ft Airstream, fully loaded, ex cond, also 26 ft Argosy by Airstream, see owner at Airport Inn, R.V. park space No. 1. (1-p-82) 1985 ALLEGRO CLASS *A' 23 ft Motorhome. Excellent condition, 454 GM Chassis, with rear bed, dual air, new awning and tires. $28,900. Phone: 747-1014. (80-rts) 1981 Class "A" Motorhome. 26' Vanguard 454 GM Motor, rear bdrm, air, generator & much more. For more info Ph. 747-3796. (8-p-82) 1976 21 ft. Scamper Class 'C-Motorhome. 350 Chev, dual air, sleeps six, good cond., clean. $11,500.00. 993-4518. (8-P-84) 1974 13 ft. Honey (Boler) fibreglass trailer. 3-way fridge, furnace, 3-burner stove. Good cond. $2,395.00 obo Ph. 992-7648 or 992-6611, ask for Allan. (8-P-84) Will do repairs on small engines, snowmobiles, chainsaws, motorcycles, lawn mowers, 15 yrs. exp. Very reasonable. Free pickup, 747-3509. (8-P-82) 'iili Trailers 1974 Bellvue tent trailer, 3 burner stove, heater, and 3 way fridge. Sleeps 8. Excellent condition, asking $2,000. Ph: 747-4405. (8-p-84) 1974 Bellvue tent trailer, 3-burner stove, heater & 3-way fridge, sleeps 8. Excellent cond. Asking $2,000. Ph. 747-4405. (8-P-84) Heavy Duty Equipment D6 9U Cat, good condition, $8,500. TD 14 Drott grapple loader, runs good, $5,500. 356 f ^ s s y loader Ford 6 cyl engine, good bucket, runs ex., $5,200, Clark Fork lift Ford 6 cyl engine, 20 ft lift, 16,000 lbs, $6,500, Will take trades on any or all, 6743939 or 674-3885, (4-p-85) 1985 Mack, MH 613 cab over, air ride cab and suspension, rebuilt 998 Mack motor, rebuilt 12 spd trans, fully reconditioned, $33,000 obo. Phone: 398-5704 7 p m , to 10 p.m. Ask for Roy. (4-P-85) Ford Backhoe in gd wqrking cond. $8,900 obo. Ph: 747-2660. (4-p-83) Rope cable,.5/8, J / 4 , 7/8 (wedged), $1.50 per ft. Ask for Roy. 7 p m to 10 p.m. Phone: 398-5704, (4-p-85) For sale or hire, 1979 drop 40 buncher with Lockamo sawhead completely rebuilt and ready for work, $40,000 obo. Morning and late evenings phone 992-9677. (8-p-83) 1977 1978 Recreational Vehicles ISales IService lAccessories PVEL» B86 IBM compatable computer in Tower Case, lots of room for expansion. Super VGA color monitor. Panasonic dot matrix printer. $1,600 firm. Phone: 992-6610 after 5 p.m. (4-p83) SALIS 195 Keis Ave. 992-6332 Clothing Balance Fashions Spring Clearance, sf^orts, tanks, skirts, pants, sweatshirts and more. Call Nancy Stefan 747-3449, (8-p-88) Miscellaneous Wanted Sparky 4 wheel cart, used by disabled person, call after 6 p.m. 992-6837. (4-P-83) ANTIQUES Lakeshore Antiques, 2 km down Milburn Lk. Rd, 249-5645, open Tuesday to Friday, . 1 0 - 4 , Sunday and Saturday 1 0 - 2 . (8-p-87) Jeep T-15A 3-speed manual transmission, $150. '88 Toyota headlight doors, new, $100 both, Ph: 992-7954. (8-P-86) Oil house furnace with oil tank and some oil. $100 obo. Gd cond. Phone: • 992-9229. (76-rts-sta) Electric digital scale. Mettler PC 4400, 5 kg x 0.01 g. Ph: 992-7991. (60-rts) Tamron 70-210 200 m lense. Mounts for most cameras, avail. Ph: 992-7991. (60-rts) Stereo system with tape deck, record player & stand, works great, $125,00, 992-3109. (81-rts-sta) E ^ •1 Appliances SE-a 1972 1976 24" Fiberfoam 351 motor. Merc, Leg. V.H.F, C.B. Sounder Trailer. $11,000. Ph. 392-6137. (4-P-84) 1986 Automotive 1972 Chevette. SS. 350, auto, p/s, p/b, low mfleage, excellent condition, red/black, $8,500 obo. Prince George. Phone:561-2701. (4-p-84) Miscellaneous for Sale Boats Automotive 1980 ilHtTSlii Wednesday, Jiind i o;5?^2 B43 VVednesai^!\!Whe 10,^992 :BT20iJesnel Cariboo pbsieryer Mobile IHomes •:',-:i";^'v;,K- Rebuilt appliances for sale. Stove $89,95 and up. Fridges, $95 & up. Elements $8 to $12, 6-mo warranty, „We trade appliances and buy. We do "house calls, WE FIX IT ALL SHOP. '992-7442, (10-rts) Will buy your birch no rot, sound logs. Minimum 7" dia lengths, multiples of 51 or 51 inches will pay $20 cash on delivery per cubic meter. Must be winter cut. Ph: 992-5646. (8-p-85) Animals sold as 'purebred stock' must be registered in compliance with the Canadian Livestock Pedigree Act. Hobbies & Games 3 Siberian Huskies AKC, registered 5 . yrold male, $200, 1 male and female, 1 yr olds for breeding $250 each. Ph: 398-5138, (4.p-82) DISCOVERY TOYS SUMMER SALE 30 toys, books, games, 25-50% off, book a home demonstration soon Call Karen at 249-5607. June 3,10,17,24. (8-P-87) • Livestock Electronics Radio Shack colour computer, TRS 80 with cassette recorder.-instruction and program manuals, Ph: 992-7991. (60-rts) g Musical instruments Beautiful hand crafted Hagstrom electric guitar, $400 firm. Phone: 9926610 after 5 p.m. (4-p-83) mr Registered Thoroughbred Mare, winner on the track. Dam of several winners. Grand-daughter of Northern Dancers. In foal for 1993 to Diplomatic Note. $2,000. Ph: 392-3658. (4-p85) Horseshoeing Supplies available at Randy's Place #4 - 19295 Enterprise Way, Surrey, B.C. V3S 6J8, Tel. 534-3085. (8-P-88) Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pigs, hand raised, $20O-$400, 3 yr old Llama, male, gentle, and sweet disposition, $1,600, Phone: 397-2724, (4-p-84) w^. Mining Large hydraulic lift breaking plow. 2 24" shears, h ^ r t T l O O . loaded cab, air, heaters, radiouinple h y ^ u l i c 3 pnL hitch. Bucket with grapple^ 4400 hrs. Quesnel 249-5494. (4-p-84) [EXTERIORS ^^ss^E^ae MINING MISC. for dean up, gold hound wheel, clean-up table, tumbler, 1 1/2 hoses, 1500 Honda power plant, plus more can be seen at Airport Inn R.V park space No, 1. Thursday and Friday, June 11 and 12th. ONLY, (l-p-82) VINYL SIDING * SOFFIT 'FASCIA DO YOUR OWN SIDING AND SAVE For a free estimate call CARIBOO EXTERIORS 992-6005 Your Home Deserves The Best! Bargain Sale 4 " "Keene" suction dredge, complete w/ all attachments, fibreglass pontoons, $1,500 firm. Write to Len Knudson, Box 27, RR5, Gillies Crossing, Quesnel, BC, V2J 3H9. (4-P-82) mi*fjmsmfms-jiime)t'mm!ii'^iiJiJiiiiMii&^ mm »||BJBff^^^gjfei^?ftflW^^M^^^ Mining and Geological Consultant Mineral and placer exploration, specialized in placer geology, claim staking, surveying, lease conversions and placer property enquiries. Ph. 992-9570 (16-P-92) Quality & Experience Guaranteed "Commercial 'Industrial 'Residential HEATING - PLUMBING SHEET METAL FABRICATION 992-9807 ••;¥J>:¥fi I Heating For Sale: Duo-Matic wood/oil furnace. $200, 747-1039, (4-p-84) 1297 Cariboo Hwy. N. (Next to Design Flooring) Large selection of quality English riding equipment. New and used. 395-2408. (4-P-83) lite is^&SS Purebred Reg' Romney Ram. $300. Call Roseann Doert<sen at 747-2660. (4-P-83) ^M .IS 111 Residential • Commercial • Industrial Wiring and supplies. Fire alarm and emergency lighting. Mobile Home connections. Central vacuum systems III il FREE ESTIMATES 607 Doherty Dr. 99^~Q<£ e i #15979 ^iii:;; IvS-SS'i i:i:i:g|:i;i::::'.^^W .-^:;-..i.. ..>»^....-,^->i.,..,^ smiH "-CvOiXG Garage Sales GRECHU)OOD & SOHS COHTRACriHG I va^..r-..-v..f.«CTi.: T.1 --r-.•, — i r r o r v \ . " ' ^ j 558 N. Fraser Dr. Bikes, wheels, many other items, weekends till end of June. 992-5030. (8-p-84) ii« C Quesnel Horseshoe Club will be holding a garage sale at their clubhouse on Carson Pit Rd. June 20, 8-6, June 21st, 8-1 (4-P-84) Is .yy 1:3 Timber WILL BUY YOUR BIRCH No rot. sound logs. Minimum 7" dia lengths, multiples of 51 or 51 inches will^pay $20 cash on delivery per cubic meter Must be winter cut. Ph: 992-5646 (8-P-85) to pidce your classified ad ^ •I IB Wagon N/laster Trailer Sales. New 16' stock trailers, $4,695.00. 92, 2 horse angle haul, $5,495.00. 20' Gooseneck stock, $7,495.00, Many more on hand, Hythe, Alberta (403) 356-3044. (8-P-82) CALL^992-2121 :!:SSS:;:S!:SS araggagrffl^^^^^^ iii At Stud: Quarter Horse Stallions Adios Peppy, by Cue Bar Peppy, by Peppy San. Also Justa Contender, by American, by Three Bars. Phone 567-4917 (8-P-82) CITY WIDE CLASSIFIEDS m Dealer for Hell Gas Furnaces Full installation sales & service 'p'i i"')'/«,, ..... Expanding Again We now have a STREET SWEEPER *Complele Uni Loader Service *Bacl<hoe Service Tine Painting Free Estimates Phone M Guaranteed Doug or Dusty Greenwood Workmanship . 747-4693 ^^^ SCHONKE CEMENT FINISHING Sleyr KP-40 log processor, looking for work, 567-2758. (8-p-84) Farm Machinery P^MlWlSl 992-6005 A close second was the CITY WIDE CLASSIFIEDS 992-21211 *Basement Floors - Garages - Patios Sj^walks & Driveways 8 years experience Marve Schonke m 747-4693 Quesnel 398-6920 ^_^_ _ _ Williams Lake iiill.!lM!.l!iM|P!g^ : ?• > \ ^ Legals Legals R E G I O N A L Province o( British Columbia D I S T R I C T Minislrj ol forests INVITATION TO QUOTE SITE DEVELOPMENT A T THE McLEESE LAKE AND FROST CREEK RURAL REFUSE SITES The Cariboo Regional District is accepting quotes for site development at the McLeese Lake and Frost Creek rural refusesites. The work will include logging, clearing and road construction. Quote documents and further details are available from the undersigned. Completed quotes are to be delivered no later than 1:00 p.m., July 7,1992 to the address below, al which time a public opening will take place. All contractors must attend a site presentation scheduled lor 2:00 p m. at the McLeese Lake site and 10:00 a.m. at the Frost Creek site, on June 23, 1992. The Cariboo Regional District does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quote and reserves the right to reject all quotes and negotiate with any bidder. Mitch J. Minchau Solid Waste Management Coordinator Canboo Regional District 525 Boriand Street Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 1R9 Tel. 392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636 Invitation to Tender In accordance with the Ministry of Transportation and Highways Act, Section 49(1), sealed tenders are invited for the following: Contract No: 17-9203 Location: Central Cariboo Highways District Description: Supply and place of asphalt primer, tack coat, asphalt concrete pavement, and placing shoulder aggregate over a 900 metre section of Dog Creek Road. 137, km 1.3-2.2. Sealed tenders,'"completed in accordance with the Conditions of Tender on the form^ provided, will be received by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways at #209, 540 Borland Street, Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 1R8 until 200 p.m. (local time) on June 18, 1992, when tenders will be opened in public. A secunty deposit/surety bid bond will be required (in accordance, with the conditions of the tender) A pre-tender meeting is not scheduled. Tender documents complete with envelope, plans, speafications and conditions of tender are available from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways #209, 540 Boriand Street, Williams Lake, B.C. \/2G J R8 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to ' 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, except holidays. Where required, payment for contract documentation shall be made by certified cheque or money order, made payable to the Minister of finance and Corporate Relations. All purchases are non-refundable. For further information contact Roger HIina. Project Manager at (604)398-4510 or fax (604)3984454. The lowest or any tender will not necessanly be accepted. Province ol British Columbia PfMince'ol Biilish Columbia Minisli) ol Forests NOTICE INVITINQ APPUCATIONS FOR TIMBER SALE UCENCE A44342 Pursuant lo Section 16 ot t^e Forest Act. sealed lender applications wiD be accepted by the District Manager. Ouesnel, B.C.. up to 14fi0 hours on the 2Sth day of June 1992, lor a Tlnnbor Sale Lteence to authorize the harvesting ol 5.908 cubic meters, more or less, ol timber located at Baezaeko River, B200 Road. Ouesnel Timber Supply Area. Species: Pine 94%, Spruce 6%. more or less. Term: One (1) year. Sealed tenders will be opened In the 01s I rid Office. Ouesnel. B.C., al 15.00 hours on June 25, 1992. Bidding Is reslricled lo persons registered In the Small Business Forest Enlerprlse Program, Category 1. II Ihere is no Interest Irom Category 1 registrants on the auction date, then Ihe sale may be readvertised for oMer under both categories. Particulars n^y be obtained from ihe District Manager, Ministry o( Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Ouesnel B.C. Minislij ol Forests NOTICE INVITING APPUCATIONS FOR TIMBER SALE LICENCE A39932 Pursuant to Section 16 of Ihe Forest Act. sealed lender applications will be accepted by the District Manager. Quesnel, B.C.. up lo 0 9 « ) hours on Ihe 2nd day of July. 1992. lor a Timber Sale Licence to authorize the harvesting ol 12.334 cubic meters, more or less, ol Irrrtoer located al MicheHe Canyon, 4200 Road. Quesnel Timber Supply Area. Species; Spruce 51%. Pine 49%. more or loss Term: One (1) year. Sealed lenders will be opened in the DislricI Oltice. Quesnel. B.C.. al 10:00 hours on.July 2. 1992. Bidding is reslricled lo persons registered in Ihe Small Business Forest Enterpnse Program. Category 1. II Ihere is no interest Irom Category 1 registranls on the auclion date, Ihen the sale may be readvertised lor oiler under bolh categories. Particulars may be obtained from Ihe District Manager, Ministry of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue. Quesnel, B.C. mm When you advertise in the O b s e r v e r Classifieds^ Phone 992-2121 Legals Legals Sealed teriders lor the following (uvenile spacing contracts will be received up lo 10«0 houre on July 13th, 1992 at which dme all tenders will be opened: ST92 C01-10: located near Bluestone Creel*. Quesnel Forest District for juvenile spacing on +90 hectares. ST92 C01-11: located near Bluestone Creel? Quesnel Forest DislricI lor juvenile spacing on ±47 hectares. ST92 C01-12: located near Bluestone Creel*. Quesnel ForesI District lor juvenile spacing on ±83 hectares. Viewing date lor contracts ST92 C01 -10. ST92 C01-11 & ST92C01-12al Bluestone Creek is July 2nd, 1992 al 09.00 hours starling from the Quesnel Forest District Oltice, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel B.C. ST92 C01-13: located on Ihe 11B road. Ouesnel Forest DislricI for juvenile spacing on ±67 hectares. ST92 C01-14: located on the 11B road. Ouesnel Forest DislricI lor juvenile spacing on ±85 hectares. Viewing dale lor contracts ST92 C01 -13, ST92 C01-14 on Ihe 11B road is July 3rd. 1992 al 09O0 hours starling Irom Ihe Quesnel Forest District Oldce. 322 Johnston Avenue. Quesnel B.C. Viewing ol these sites prior lo submitting a bid is mandatory. To be eligtole lor these' contracts, bidders must have, within Ihe last 2 years, held and salislaclorily completed a juvenile spacing contract ol lil^e size and type (or either the Ministry o( Forests or a Licensee. A list ol relerences will be required lo subslanliale any work, When completing Ihe lender torm, include all details of your address. Including postal code so thai any documenlalion can be mailed directlj' and promptly. The successful contractor must have W.C.B coverage. Anyone attending the viewing is responsible for supplying Iheir oWn transportation. Pioymce o( British Columbia M i n i s l i j o( Forests NOTICE INVITING APPUCATIONS FOR FOREST LICENCE FOREST ACT (SECTION 11) TAKE NOTICE thai interested persons are invited to submit one or more appik:alion(s) to Ihe Minister ol Forests lor a one or more nonreplaceable Forest Lfcences in Ihe Ouesnel Timtier Supply Area (TSA). This License will authorize the harvesting ol 273,000 m3 or portion thereol, ol limber within the Quesnel TSA thai are designated as problem loresl types in the Quesnei Tirrtior Supply Area Analysis Inlormation Report. The loresl licence(s) wiH have a term ol five years Subject to the availability ol tinrtier. The objective of Ihis forest licence is to provide lor the utilization of problem loresl types comprising of small diameter lodgepole pine, Irom this licence and/or existing licences in the Quesnel TSA, to encourage and pronrwte lurther manufacturing ol the limber resource and loresl products in the province, and to provide employment opportunities lor local residents. This loresl licence has bean designated as an opportunity wood licence by the Regional Manager under Section 5 ol Ihe SmallBuslness Foresi Enlerprlse Regulallon (B.C. Reg. 265/88). in Ihe eveni that the successtui applicant is a registrant under Ihe Small Business ForesI Enterprise Program. Ihe Issuance ol Ihis loresl licence will nol contribute lo Ihe three (3) sale limit as descritsed under Iho Small Business Foresi Enlerprlse Regulation. Applications must be received by Ihe Minister c/o Timber Harvesting Branch, 1450 Government Street. Victoria, Bnlish Columbia, VBW 3E7, on or belore 15:30 hours on August 6. 1992. Bonus oilers may be submitted in whole multiples ol one hundred dollars ($100.00). Application forms and further particulars may be obtained Irom Timber Harvesting Branch. Minislry o( Forests. 145b Governmenl Street. Victoria, B.C. VBW 3E7, Ihe Regional Manager, Ministry ol Foresls, 540 Borland Slreet, Williams Lake, B.C.. V2G 3M5 or theOislrict Manager. Minislry ol Foresls, 322 j6h^^lon_ Avenue. Quespel. B.C. V2G 3M5. ApplK.ations, iriciuding proposals will be available lor public viewing at Ihe ollices ol Timber Harvesting Branch in Victoria, the Ministry's regional ollice al Williams Lake and Ihe disirid ollice at Ghjesnel Irom August 13. 1992 lo September 3, 1992. (82. 86. 90. 94) ( i ^ ^ i Province of British Columbia '''^vij Ministry ol foresls INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS FOREST ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME Proposals are invited Irom persons interested in sponsorship o( Foresi Enhancement Programme (FEP) projecl(s) in Ihe Ouesnel Foresi District. Tho successful sponsors will provide tor training and work experience in a variety ol labour inlensive aclivilies included in, bul nol limrted to, Ihe lieWs of Silviculture, Foresi Protection, Range Improvement, and Recreation. Programme partculars are available at: Ministry ol Forests Quesnel Forest DislricI ONiq© 322 Johnston Avenue Quesnel. British Columbia V2J 3 ^ 5 In order lo be considered, proposals must be received al Ihe above ollice belore 15:00 hours on June 17ih, 1992. A start dale in early lo mid July is anticipaled. The conlact person lor inlormation on Ihe Foresi EnhancemenI Programme (FEP) in Ihe Quesnel Foresi District is Gordon Hawkey, 992-4400. (81. 82) P.'crince of British Columbia ?j^/ Ministrj ot forests NOTICE INVITING APPUCATIONS FOR TIMBER SALE LICENCE A39953 Pursuant to Section 16 ol Ihe Foresi Act, sealed lender applications will b6 accepted by the DislricI Manager, Quesnel. B.C.. up to 14:00 hours on the 2nd day ol July. 1992. tor a Timber Sale Licence lo authorize Ihe harvesting ol 3,289 cubic melers. more or less, ol timber localed al Wentworth Lake, Quesnel Timber Supply Area. Speces:Pine 73%, Spruce 27% more or less. Term: One (1) year. Sealed lenders will be opened in the Dstnct Oflice, Quesnel. B.C., at 15:00 hours on July 2, 1992 Bidding is reslrcted lo persons registered in Ihe Small Business Foresi Enterprise Program, Category 1. 11 Ihere is no interest from Category 1 registrants on Ihe auction dale. Ihen Ihe sale may be readvertised lor ofler under both categories. Partk:ulars may be obtained Irom Ihe District Manager, Minislry of Foresls, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel. B.C. Province ol British Columbia .Ministry of forests SCAUNG EXAMINATION The Ministry ol Foresls will be conducting an inlerior scaling examination on June 25, 1992 in Williams Lake at the Bil-Nor Restaurant. comrriendng al 8.00 ara Persons wishing lo write iNs exam must fill out an Application to Scale and forward to the: Regional Scaling Manager Ministry ol Foresls 540 Borland Slreet Williams Lake'' B.C. V2G 1R8 Fax: 398-4380 by the dose ol business June 19, 1992. Payment ol a fifty ($50.00) dollar lee is payable by cash, certified cheque or money order prior to writing the exarti; Applicants must provide safety head gear lor the practfcal porlkjn o( the exam. For lurther inlormation, please contact; Alex Wallach Regional Scaling Manager Cariboo Forest Region 398-4345 1<), 1 9 9 2 Legals BRITISH COLUMBIA HYDRO AND POWER AUTHORfTY WILUSTON - KELLY LAKE 500 KV TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT CONTRACT NO. WKS-12-01 RIGHT-OF-WAY PREPARATION SECTK)N 317 TO 329 ADVERTISEMENT TO TENDERS Tenders are invited for clearing of the nght-of-way for Section 317 to 329 of the Williston-Kelly Lake 500 kV transmission line, located between an access road, approximately 21 km south of Jesmond, B.C. and Kelly Lake Substation, approximately 14 km west of Clinton, B.C. over approximately 12 km of transmission line. The tender documents for Contract No. WKS-12-01 may be inspected at B.C. Hydro's office located at 112 D North 2nd Avenue, Williaois Lake, British Columbia V2G 1L9, phone 398-5454 from 8.-00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday from Thursday, 11 June 1992. Copies of the tender documents may be obtained from the above noted office upon prepayment of a non-refundable fee of $28.25 including applicable taxes for the first copy, and $14.13 including applicable taxes for each additional copy. PHONE THE OFFICE PRIOR TO COMING IN TO PICK UP TENDER DOCUMENTS. Before being considered. Tenderers must demonstrate that their financial resources, record of environmental responsibility, technical ability, commercial aedibility and experience are commensurate with the work to be performed. B.C. Hydro may not accept the lowest or any tender and IS not responsible for any costs incurred by any Tenderer in prepanng his lender. B.C. Hydro will receive tenders until 11:00 a.m. local time on Wednesday, 24 June 1992 at B C. Hydro's office located at 112 D North. 2nd Avenue, Williams Lake, British Columbia, V2G 1L9. B.C. Hydro shall open the tenders publicly and shall make the prices known at 1:00 p.m. local time on that day. Tenderers requesting information or documents should also quote Reference No. WKS-12-01. B C Y C N A BRITISH COLUMBIA AND YUKON COMMUNPrY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION 'P'Sf i"",7 ID, Toji "/a* ssjaaasaaSi mummsjM Alzheimer Disease. wrm*mff] ff^&^fism 2 5 9 ALZHEIMER SOCIETY 6 F B X . #20 - 60"i West Cordova Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1G1 . 1-800-667-3742 $3.70 each additional word EDUCATION FOR SALE MISC. NOTICES Engines rebuilt for cars & trucks. 6 Cyl. from $995, 8 Cyl. from $1095. 5 Year or 100,000 Km limited warranty. Bond Mechanical 872-0641 8-7 p.m. 7days. Toll-free MonFrl 1-800-663-2521. B.C. HOME-BASED GIFT PRODUCERS are invited to participate in one of the largest wholesale gift shows in British Columbia! Under the Home-Based Business Program , the Ministry of Economic Development, Small Business and Trade fias reserved space at Southex Exhibition's Vancouver Fall Gift Gallery Show for the seventh B.C. Creative Arts Show, to be held at B.C. Place Stadium on August 2325, 1992. Over 100 of B.C.'s home-based businesses will be cfiosen to exhibit at the B.C. Creative Arts Show. Gift products including jewellery, pottery, glass, weaving, sculptures and other gift items will be sold wholesale to buvers from across Canada and the Pacific Northwest. People interestedin exhibiting must submit samples of their work to a selection committee by June 22, 1992. There is a non-refundable jurying fee of $25 and an additional $75-$100 for successful a f ^ i c a n t s to secure trade show space. For more Infonmation or application contact Barb Mowat at 520-6720, or toll-free voice message centre 1-978^155 or fax 854-3087. OUT OF WORK? Trained Apartment/Condominium Managers needed. Government,licensed, correspondence certification course has assisted thousands to find employment Free brochure: (604)681 -5456 or 1 -800-6658339. "O CANADA! I see mountains and valleys and rivers and trees, it's truly motiier natures warehouse." • Red Skelton's "Tribute to Canada" audio cassette available at Kalyns, Box 92029, 2900 Warden Ave., Scarborough. ON. M1W'3Y8. $5.75 Includes taxes and shipping. Mormons, Friends & Families. Fmd out facts the church doesn't want you to know. Confidential. LDS Facts, Box 73, Balfour, B.C. VOG I C Q . CANADA ENGINES LTD. Quality rebuilt engines: cars light trucks. 6 cylinder from $995,8 cylinder from $1,095. 5 year, 100,000 km ltd. warranty. 7 days, (604)580-1050, 1 -800-665-3570. If you've found this ad please taKe note that we're selling •24" brand new 1992 Volkswagen Passats (wagons and sedans) and 1992 V.W. Euro-Van, 7 passenger buses at 'absolute dealer cost" from now until June 15th or until supply runs ouL Bank tenms or lease plans available - phone 1-^985-0694 for choice of colour options etc. Capilano Volkswagen, B.C.'s Volkswagen Superstore. Government seized/surplus vehicles. U.S7Canadian low as $100. BMWs, Cadillacs, Chevs, Fords, Mercedes, P o r s c h e s , trucks, v a n s . Amazing 24-hr recorded message reveals details (416)482-3000. Copyright 1011. BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES We're the Alzheimer Society and we know that you can't deal with this disease all by yourself. We're here to help. Justfindthe Alzheimer organization nearest you in the phone txjok and call us. Because you can't fight this alone $195 BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES DOORSIWINDOWSI Interior and exterior wood, metal and French doors, wood windows, skylights. MOREI Call collect tp WALKER DOOR and WINDOW in V a n c o u v e r at (604)266-11(VL ^ Ministry ol foiesls These ads appear in more than 100 community newspapers In B.C. and Yukon and reach more than 3 million readers. TO PLACE AN AD CALL THIS PAPER OR BCYCNA AT (604) 669-9222. for 25 words AUTOMOTIVE BUILDtNQ 8UPPHE3 Province ol B'llish Columbia NOTICE INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR TIMBER SALE LICENCE A4434I Pursuant lo Section 16 ol Ihe Foresi Act. sealed lender applications will be accepted by Ihe Dislrct Manager, Quesnel, B.C , up lo 09:00 hours on the 25th"aay ol June 1992. lor a Timber Sale Lk;ence lo authorize Ihe harvesling ol 8,019 cubic melers. more or less, ol timber localed at Wentworth Lake, Quesnel Timber Supply Area' Species: Pine 96%. Spruce4%, more or less Term: One (1) year. Sealed tenders will be opened in Ihe District Otiice, Quesnei, B.C., al 10O0 hours on June 25. 1992. Bidding is reslricled lo persons registered in the Small Business Foresi Enterprise Program. Category 1. If there Is no interest from Category 1 regislranls on Ihe auction dalejtien the sale_may be readvertised lor offer under both categories. Particulars may be obtained Irbm the District Manager, MjoisUy of Forests, 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel B.C. BiimigBs/aw^waijyggat.itv^giig^ffgagasitm You too can start your own vinyl sundeck business. Full or part time, you decide. $3500 gets you all you need to enter this highly lucrative industiy, plus you get the supportofCanada'slargest group of licensed dealers. J (604)860-1200. FOR SALE: Newly built auction bam 2400 sq. f t on 2 acres Hwy 97 zoned commercial property In Quesnel. Radium gas heat, sodium lighting, sewer. Full-price $180,000. 747-3125 or 7471138. Small engine sales and service business irK;iuding building. Prime Vancouver Island location. Serious enquiries telephone 923-6734. BUSINESS PERSONALS ADD A LITTLE SPICEI B.C. College Roommates - Cindy, Wencfy and Lisa - have exciting Personal Photos of themselves for sale. For discreel Info write lo: Spice, Box 670QB, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y7P4. Adults only please. THE PACIFIC RIM PROGRAM at Langara Campus. Two year Diploma (University Transfer), intensive, interactive study of Chinese, Japanese ana Thai culture. Development a n d current state of Asia-Pacific nations. Seminars, field trips for offcampus linkages. Opportunities and support for study in Asia. Space is limited so apply now. Application deadline: June 30, 1992. Phone Student Services at 324-5505 for information and applications. Langara Campus, Vancouver Community College, 100 West 49th Ave., Vancouver. B.C. V 5 y 2 Z 6 . EOmPMEMT OVERSTOCK-HAVING A SALE! New Uster 12 K.W. $7,560. Reconditioned Ford 25 K.W. $7,983. Reconditioned Kubota 9 K.W. $5,689. Call for oth«- new & reconditioned models 4.5 to 80 K.W. Industrial Engines Limited, 8075 Oak Street, VarKouver, B.C.266-4126. Fax 266-4129. FINANCE Govennmenl Grants & Loans. Billions of dollars are made available to new and existing B.C. businesses. The Brad Book can show you how to get your share. Call now (604)753-9424. FOR SALE MISC. FREE! Games & educational IBMsoftware. FREE! Catalog; CAREER OPPORTUNmES 1200-^ educational & enterUNEMPLOYED? Tired of tainment tities. Send $5 shipdemarx) jobs? To find the ping & handling; SoftComp, career that matches your #201-1290 Broad S t , Victoskills, goals and interests, ria, B.C., VBW 2A5. Compuwrite; C & M Mann Ent., Box ter Problems? 1-800-6673010 Ft. Nelson, B.C. VOC 0212, Visa/MasterCard. First 1R0. Fax (604)774-4461. 5 minutes consulting FREE! SERVICES URINE-ERASE, since 1978, Major ICBC and Injury claims. guarantees removal urine Joel A. Wener trial lawyer for stains, odors, froVn carpets 24 y e a r s . Call c o l l e c t : regardless stain agel 24 hr. (604)736-5500. Contingency Toll-free Info/ordering. Reidell fees available. Injured in B.C. Chemicals Umlted-t-SOO-^s^ ERASE.. onPy. HELP WANTED Hands-on production. Manager to join our creative team and assist in production of award winning, twice weekly, newspaper on the Sunshine Coast. Macintosh/Quari</lllustrator experience essential. We'll reward your sense of humour, dedication, ability lo thrive on pressure and desire to excel with camaraderie, clean country living, unique working conditions arid even a littie cash. Send your resume to Pat Tripp, Manager Coast News, Box 460, GUbsons, B.C. VON 1V0 or fax to 886-7725. REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on both write: Properties, Dept CN, Box 5380. Stn. F, Ottawa, K2C3J1 Thompson River Estates. Valley View lots. 3/4 & 1 acre lots, 5 & 10 acre lots. 1 only 5 acre lot on tiie Thompson River 30 m i n . w e s t of Kamloops on the TCH#1. Call collect 1 (604)373-2282. 3600 Sq. F t executive home on 33 acres in beautiful Columbia Valley. Minutes to golfing, Cultus Lake, Chilliwack. 90 minutes to Vancouver. Mobile Home, n e w barn, shop. Reduced to $450,000. Phone 858-0226. REAL ESTATE OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top paying positions. Alt occupations. F r e e ' details. Overseas employment Services, Dept. CA, P.O. Box 460, Tovwi of Mount Royal, Quebec H3P 3C7. Winter home In Thousand Palms California, Golf Community. Fully furnished, 3 bedroom, 2 bamrooms, W/W, air conditioning, private patio, golf cart, garage, $69,500 (604)736-0938. ^ We need you to sell toys & gifts for C & M Gifts. NO INVESTMENT, NO DELIVERIES, no collection. Call 1 ( 5 1 9 ) 2 5 8 - 7 9 0 5 or Fax 1 (519)258-0707 tor free info. Condominiums on the beach at Shuswap Lake. Rents for $75.00 per night Major facelift completed. Be an owner for $4200 d o w n . I'm flexible. Phone (604)837-2348. MOBILE HOMES BUY FACTORY DIRECT. Save thousands on dealer mark-up. We will custom build mobile homes to suit your needs. Doubles, singles, modulars. Phone lor details. Noble Homes, Edmonton: (403)447-3414, (403)4472333. Modem 1 or 2 bedroom condo apartments (600-1200 sq. f t ) . Stove, fridge, balconies, laundry, etc. Logan Lake, a retirement community. $33,00068,000. 523-6924. 3 Bedroom Home on 10 acre hobby farm near Clearwater. Schools, Hospital & Shopping. Abundant water. Infieart ofsportsman'sparadise.Well kept. Phone: (604)674-3464. PERSONAL TRAVEL The government owes you money if no tax returns filed in any ot last seven years and if on welfare or low income senior or woridng person. Contact L. Houtman, Room 204122 East 14th Street, North Vancouver, B.C., V7L 2N3. For weekly rent. Privately owned waterfront properties on B.C.'s Gulf Islands, Shuswap, Okanagan and otiier lakes. To rent or list property call Private Getaways 1-675-4600. B16 Quesrifel Cariboo observer • Supplement to ttie Quesnel Garlbpp Obsen/er i|fjiSliiljl|^i|^^tfy^ ." V ' Wednesdays, June 10,19921 aasasssBSBBB VOL. 2 ISSUE 3 Newspaper of Quesnel School District (No.28) V TRANSPORTATION BARRY SANFORD Transportation Where are we headed? District 28 Superintendent J o h n Uzelac and the b o a r d of school t r u s t e e s a r e r e a c h i n g o u t to the public, industry and business in order to map out a long term e d u c a t i o n a l planning strategy. To find o u t w h a t ' s planned a n d how you can help shape District 28's e d u c a t i o n a l f u t u r e see story on page 4. Regular Quality. Approx. 10 Ib bag. l O l b . bag •mtiMSM.i P^ Students lead the way Regular, Diet, Caffeine Free Diet Coke, Coke Classic, Coke Classic Caffeine Free, Fresco, A & W Root Beer or Canada Dry Ginger Ale, regular or Lemon or Tonic Water. 6 - 3 5 5 m L t i n s plus deposit. ^^^m. i5.^i^"f^i^vi3 Pf*S :®i piP.iJ Area schools have more than their share of student leaders. O u r young people a r e a c t i v e in p l a n n i n g events, providing input to their teachers and administrators ... all while carrying on t h e i r s c h o l a s t i c careers. For students like Karla Eyford, Adam Sia and Noah Ralston, to name a few, it's a full time comm i t t m e n t . See stories on page 8. smi SHI Its*''jt?&i>' Perlettes. California G r o w n . N o . 1 Grade. i^'i-SSsiitl? 1.70/ kg Sunrise. 2 kg. b a g . Frozen. M.32 per bag 2.16/kg 1 JUNE, 1 9 9 2 1 WED THURS FRI SAT 13 U. S. G r o w n . Advertised prjees In effect of your Quesr>el Solewoy Store. Quantity rights reserved. Some items may rot be exactly as shovvn. No. 1 Grade 10 11 12 1.30/ kg Ib Gerry Hogan goes fishing A f t e r m o r e t h a n 20 y e a r s In t h e f i e l d of counselling young people on their individual futures, Quesnel's Gerry_ Hogan is retiring. M r . Hogan leaves behind a legacy of special services - m o s t of which were developed during his tenure with District 28. See story on page 2. All in a Day's Work So you t h i n k o u r day is c o m p l i c a t e d ? T h i n k of t h e poor school bus driver. His or her day starts%ith a complete P r c - t r i p In.spection of t h e s c h o o l bu.s, which involves checking 48 .separate items on the bus. The driver must fully understand the bus schedule, and adjust for daily changes such as road c o n s t r u c t i o n , d e t o u r s and revised school s c h e d u l e s . T h e driver must listen on the two-way radio for m e s s a g e s from the office or other drivers. T h e r e are connections to be made with other school buses. There are careless motorists and pedestrians lo avoid, logging trucks to look out for, gears lo shift, seven m i r r t i r s to watch, and nine dash gauges to monitor. If t h a t ' s nol e n o u g h already, i h e driver has to then attend to his or her main jt)|i looking after the kidsll The driver has to ensure that students stay safely in their seats while the bus is moving, get on and off safely at the bus stops and behave themselves while on board. With up to S4 students on board that task can be a major responsibilily. When the day is over, the driver has to gather up the lost m i t t e n s and scarves, ensure t h a t t h e b u s is fueled and cleaned, then d o the paperwork. T h a t makes for a long and busy day. Bul, you knc^iw, the drivers wouldn't wanl it any other way! It's the Law Provincial regulations re- quire a motorist approaching a s c h o o l b u s w h i c h displays Please turn to BUS, Page 2 School t r a n s p o r t a t i o n : Driving m(»re than 550.000 kilometres annually Where a loon's call mixes with a child's laughter DAN KISHKAN Principal - Nazko Elementary I have been asked to write a s h o r t a r t i c l e a b o u t rura4 schools. I am not sure why. The only rural school I have done time in is Nazko Valley E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l . .Maybe people think all rural schools a r c a l i k e . M a y b e they a r e right. I. am not sure. I'll talk a bit about what il is like to teach at this rural school. First, there are ^3 stud e n t s at Nazko.. They range from Primary 1 to Intermediate 4 ((}rades K - 7) and from 5 lo 14 y e a r s of a g e . T h i s means that they are relatively short. This is nice. It is the only place in the entire world where 1 feel tall. T h e r e a r e 3 t e a c h e r s al Nazko School. Linda Kishkan, my w i f e l o w h o m 1 a m married, teaches Primary Year 1 to Year 4 students. She is a good teacher and the children like h e r . D o r e e n Patrick teaches Carrier Language and Culture to all of our students. She is also a good teacher and the children like her. I teach grades 4 through 7.1 asked the Dan Kishkan: Nazko principal children whether I am a good leachcr and whether they like me. 1 received 14 blank stares and 1 shrug. I am nol sure. Teaching in a rural school means that you have probably known most of the students s i n c e t h e y w e r e b a b i e s . It means that some of them are p r o b a b l y m e m b e r s of your own family. It means that you are probably on a first name basis with all of their parents. Tiiis means that at school 1 am often r e f e r r e d to as " D a d " , " D a n " , " U n c l e D a n " , or "Kishkan". Getting students to say "Mr. Kishkan" is like pull- / asked the children whether I am a good teacher and whether they like me. I received 14 blank stares and 1 shrug. I am not sure. ing teclh - only harder. I do nol believe I have ever been called " S i r " . . . e x c e p t by my daughters after they'd been in high school for a coupLc of years. Teaching in a rural school m e a n s that you will gel lo KNOW your community and your c o m m u n i t y will gel lo know you, warts and all. Il means that you will share in the celebrations and triumphs in your n e i g h b o u r s ' lives. It also means that you will share t h e i r h u r t s a n d s o r r o w s as well. It m e a n s that you will k n o w t h e dog^s^on t h e playground by name. Il means that you will probably also know the cow that d o n a t e d second base. Teaching, at N a / k o means that .School District mail arrives once every two weeks. Full of notices about meetings held t h e p r e v i o u s w e e k . It means having to use a radiot e l e p h o n e with no privacy. This leads lo finding out that there are people out there who m o n i t o r t h e t e l e p h o n e fre(juency the way others listen to the radio. One of the things it meant for me was finding out that 1 have a c o m p u t e r i z e d a n s w e r i n g service in O u e s nel...2 years after it was installed...that I can only access from a phone in Ouesnel...if I could figure out how...and if 1 had a phone...and if 1 lived in Ouesnel. T e a c h i n g at N a z k o also m e a n s being able to go out and b r e a t h e t h e air on the playground without smelling rotten eggs. It means that the calls of the birds in the bush, the racket of ducks and geese Please turn to SMALL, Page ?
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