How to meet requirements for different evolutions of nuclear energy M. Salvatores Senior Scientific Advisor CEA, Nuclear Energy Division (France) and Idaho National Laboratory (USA) Outline Introduction The role of fast reactors Fast reactors and close fuel cycles Fuel cycle scenarios and issues Potential benefits of fuel cycles with P&T Technological challenges: Safety Fuels Materials Actinide Chemistry Advanced simulation,uncertainty/sensitivity analysis,V&V and…Economics! Conclusions Introduction Nuclear energy can be a powerful asset for future generations in order to meet growing energy demand However, new goals, as formulated within Gen-IV, should be accounted for: Safety and Reliability Sustainability and Waste Minimisation Enhanced Economics Proliferation resistence and physical protection Innovative reactor systems should be conceived from the very beginning to meet the possible evolution of needs and objectives and/or the emergence of new technologies, without leaving the burden of legacy waste inventories, both of radioactive materials and potentially associated to proliferation risks Fast reactors and adapted fuel cycles can represent a flexible and credible long term solution The role of fast reactors As first discovered by Enrico Fermi back in 1944, the nuclear characteristics of Transuranics (TRU) cross sections in a fast neutron spectrum allow a unique flexibility: Breed (i.e. Conversion Ratio, defined as the ratio of the fissile produced to the fissile destroyed, CR>1) Burn (TRU or Minor Actinides, MA), i.e. CR<1. Breed (e.g. Pu) and burn (MA) CR~1: Self-sustaining fast reactor. Wide coolant and fuel type choice according to the objective, e.g. for short Doubling Time* DT: Na coolant and dense (e.g. metal) fuels * time required for a specific reactor to produce enough fissile material in excess of its own fissile inventory to fuel a new, identical reactor A wide range of MA content and different Pu vectors or TRU compositions can be handled, according e.g. waste minimization or Pu management strategies 1 0.9 Fission/Absorption 0.8 PWR SFR 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 The fission/absorption ratios are consistently higher for the fast spectrum reactors. Thus, in a fast spectrum, actinides are preferentially fissioned, not transmuted into higher actinides New challenges within reactor physics and fuel cycle areas Physics features of the cores and associated innovative fuel cycles are in principle well understood. However, if the current knowledge in reactor physics allows to explore wide ranges of parameters, there are challenges associated to several specific core and fuel cycle design features. This is essentially due to the requirement to reduce uncertainties for safety assessment, the reduction of margins (economy) and for overall design optimization. Typical examples are: • Cores with low reactivity loss during the cycle (combination of effects with different signs due to isotopes build‐up and depletion), • Cores with near zero void reactivity coefficients (leakage and spectrum components compensation, local effects) • Increased inventory of Minor Actinides (MA) in the fuel (waste management) • Cores with no uranium blankets (reflector effects) • Fuel cycles with large amounts of higher TRU: high decay heat and neutron sources at irradiated fuel unloading, reprocessing and fabrication steps. Fast Reactors and close fuel cycles Critical FRs together with close cycle are a unique technology Possibility to vary the CR from <0.5 to >1.5, without degrading the Pu vector and without building up large amounts of Cm and other higher mass actinides (up to Cf isotopes) Burning ~70% of the max theoretical TRU burning rate, whatever the Pu vector and whatever the MA/Pu ratio (for P&T, Partitioning and Transmutation, strategies) Self-sustained recycle of Pu and MA burning, either in the core as homogeneous fuel (not-separated TRU) or in specific S/A as heterogeneous recycle of MA targets; Doubling times of <10 years with dense fuels (e.g. metal) and Na coolant. FRs have a unique potential to keep a large range of fuel cycle options open without leaving a legacy of highly radiotoxic and radioactive material. Fuel cycle issues should however be carefully analyzed The flexibility of a fast reactor allows to consider very different cases, associated to different strategies. Three examples: 1) Break-even FRs: CR~1 (or TBG~0) At present, this option is a reference for FRs in some OECD countries with non-proliferation concerns (i.e. no Pu-producing blanket). Break-even FR can handle Pu and avoid its build-up. Alternative: LWRs with CR~1 (lower moderation with tighter lattice and consequently harder spectrum). Many studies in the past. Difficulty to overcome problems of positive void coefficient, in particular for degraded Pu vectors. Still concerns remain on the safe operability of this system. 2) Fast reactors with CR>>1 (or TBG>>0) Numerous studies (IAEA, IEA, etc) have made predictions of worldwide energy demand and nuclear energy share. Among the most recent ones (IPCC, IIASA): World: from ~3000TWhe in 2010 to ~24,000 TWhe in 2200 Uranium resources could be under potential stress if only U-LWRs are deployed worldwide. The deployment of FRs with short doubling times (here indicated as CDT), i.e with CR>>1, can help. FR with CR>>1 An extra significant gain if CDT~8 y Fast reactors and multiple recycle allow sustainability in terms of optimal utilization of resources and waste minimization. Alternatives? Uranium utilization without reprocessing has been envisaged since an early proposal by Teller, and successively by Van Dam and by Sekimoto (the CANDLE concept) and more recently by the Travelling Wave Reactor proposal of Terra Power However, no miracle solution can be found with any once-through cycle 3) Burner fast reactors CR<1 (or IBG<<0): According to the fractional amount of the fertile material (e.g. Uranium) one can have a breeder, a break‐even or a burner core Varying the ratio TRU/(TRU+U) one can reach the maximum theoretical consumption of TRU Relation between TRU consumption rate and TRU fraction in critical Advanced Burner Fast Reactors: 70-80% of max. theoretical consumption can be obtained with TRU/(U+TRU) ~0.4-0.6 both for metal or oxide fuelled cores and for a wide range of Pu/MA ratios 1.1 Normalized TRU consumption rate 0.9 0.7 0.5 Metal, MA/Pu~1 feed Oxide, MA/Pu~1 feed 0.3 Metal, LWR-TRU feed Oxide, LWR-TRU feed 0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 TRU fraction 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Alternatives: the ADS Potential safety problems in the case of a critical core loaded with only TRU and with a high content of Minor Actinides. In these types of cores, the absence of Uranium produces both a very low fraction of delayed neutrons and a very low Doppler reactivity coefficient (in general, mostly due to U-238 capture). Moreover, a high content of Minor Actinides like Am isotopes and Np induces a deterioration of the void reactivity coefficient (in case of liquid metal coolants). Sub-critical systems (or Accelerator Driven Systems ADS), were “rediscovered” (~1985), since they provide a possible way out from these potential difficulties. Example: Case of burning out a legacy inventory (e.g. ~150 t Pu+ 30 t MA) Comparison of the potential performances of a critical low CR FR and of an ADS Fuel Matrix CR Power Pu/MA ratio Adapted to German needs (Pu and MAs burning) TRU Burning rates TRU burned / TRU loaded per cycle Irradiation time (with 100% load factor) Estimated number of units needed to burn-out the TRU inventory in the SNF TRU cumulative losses after 150 years of operation (tons) ADS (IMF, TRUs) MgO or Mo (natural) 0 FR (U,TRUs) U 400 MWth ~ 70/30 0 (0.7) ~ 1200 MWth ~ 80/20 40-45 kg/TWhth ~ 10% 14-16 kg/TWhth ~ 13% 3 years 5 years 7-8 units working for 150 y 7-8 units working for 150 y ~ 1.8 ~ 1.8 Alternatives (other than ADS): Deep burners: HTRs; IMF-LWRs and Increased Moderation LWRs: In all cases, the neutron spectrum can be considerably softer than a standard PWR, and consequently higher capture-to-fission ratios for « gateway » isotopes (Pu-242, Cm-244 etc) will induce very significant build-up of higher mass actinides (up to Cf isotopes) As a reminder, the Cf-252 production during the irradiation of TRU fuel in a standard PWR (need for very long out-of-pile cooling times): LWR Cf-252 inventory in the core. Case of full TRU multirecycle in a LWR FR Cf-252 inventory in the core. Case of full TRU multirecycle in a FR Fuel cycle scenarios and issues Today options for the nuclear fuel cycle: Spent fuel disposal Spent fuel reprocessing and Pu recovery A general scheme for advanced fuel cycles (with Partitioning and Transmutaion, P&T ): Geological Disposal Direct Disposal Temporary Storage for heat decay Cs, Sr Geological Disposal Spent Fuel from LWRs Partitioning Stable FP, TRU losses P&T Stable FP, TRU losses Pu, MA, LLFP Dedicated Fuel and LLFP target Fabrication Transmutation Dedicated Fuel and LLFP Target Reprocessing Pu, MA, LLFP LLFP: Long lived fission products (Tc -99, I -129, Se -79, ...); MA: Minor Actinides (Am, Np, Cm) Three major scenarios with advanced fuel cycles (and P&T) a) Sustainable development of nuclear energy with waste minimisation. One type of reactor, one fuel type, one reprocessing process (homogeneous TRU recycling). FR with CR≥1 b) „Double strata“ fuel cycle: 1) commercial reactors with Pu utilisation 2) separate MA management. Two separate fuel cycles. FR with CR<1 or ADS with CR=0 Scenarios a) and b) imply the continuous use of nuclear energy, the stabilisation of the TRU stocks in the fuel cycle and the minimisation of wastes in a repository. c) Reduction of TRU stockpiles (e.g. as a legacy from the past operation of power plants: potential change of energy mix or even phase-out). FR with CR<1 or ADS with CR=0 All three scenarios go beyond the strategy of „once-through“ („open“) fuel cycle (i.e. the final storage of irradiated fuel), and imply fuel reprocessing. Feasibility issues of the different fuel cycle options indicated previously can arise when considering not only the core feasibility but also fuel cycle performances. Impact expected at fuel fabrication, reprocessing and transportation. Case of decay heat and neutron production after post‐irradiation cooling (at fuel fabrication): Reactor type Fuel type Parameter Decay PWR MOX FR Homog TRU (Pu only, reference) recycle Pu only Homog. TRU Homog. TRU Homog.TRU recycle, recycle, recycle, CR=1 and CR=0.5 and CR=0.5 and MA/Pu~0.1 MA/Pu~0.1 MA/Pu~1 x3 x0.5 x2.5 x12 x38 x8000 ~1 x150 x1000 x4000 1 heat Neutron source 1 Potential benefits of fuel cycles with P&T In principle, P&T offers significant potential benefits to any of the fuel cycles described previously: - Reduction of the potential source of radiotoxicity in a deep geological storage („intrusion“ scenario) - Reduction of the heat load and high level waste volumes: larger amount of wastes can be stored in the same repository - If TRU are not separated (e.g. in the homogeneous recycling in a Fast Neutron Reactor), improved proliferation resistance is expected Results of impact studies in the USA, in Japan and in Europe However, still a debated issue between P&T and Waste Management Communities: which are the “good” metrics? A comparative analysis has been completed within the OECDNEA Potential benefits of P&T for advanced fuel cycles P&T P&T MA and FP A. Porracchia, CEA-France Heat load reduction. A US study • • Plutonium, americium, caesium, strontium, and curium are primarily responsible for the decay heat that can cause repository temperature limits to be reached Large gains in repository space are possible by processing spent nuclear fuel to remove those elements Potential volume reduction factors (R.Wigeland et al.) Similar studies in Europe and Japan with consistent conclusions The impact of P&T: Major Findings of the NEA Task Force The analysis performed has pointed out that most recent studies have demonstrated that the impact of P&T on geological disposal concepts can be significant even if not overwhelmingly high. In fact, by reducing waste heat production a more efficient utilization of repository mines is likely. In practice, the reduction of the thermal output of the High Level Wastes by a factor of ~3 can reduce the needed repository gallery length by a factor ~3 and the repository footprint up to a factor 9. A clear reduction of the actinide inventory in the Highly Active Waste (HAW) reduces risks arising from less probable evolutions of a repository, i.e. increase of actinide mobility in certain geochemical situations and radiological impact by human intrusion. P&T can reduce the importance of uncertainties both in normal evolution and in particular those related to hypothetical disruptive scenarios that can bring man in direct contact with the disposed waste. By introducing P&T in the fuel cycle, the impact of new waste forms (e.g. long-lived low- and intermediate-waste from reprocessing) should be accounted for. The existence of previously vitrified wastes can reduce the full potential benefit from P&T In summary, the introduction of P&T could increase the options for optimised waste forms since it provides a much needed flexibility in front of possible storage options, regulatory evolutions and the handling of uncertainties. Technological challenges Safety Fuels Materials Actinide Chemistry Advanced simulation, uncertainty/sensitivity analysis, V&V and…Economics! International collaboration plays a key role In what follows, a few examples Safety: avoid recriticality in FRs Y. Tobita Fuels: ultra-high burn-ups Materials: high doses and low swelling Actinide Chemistry: MA recovery, hydro and pyro-processes Very few full process (fuel fabrication, irradiation, reprocessing and new fuel fabrication) demonstrantions. One example for metal fuel: the METAPHIX experiment (JRC-CRIEPI-CEA) Advanced simulation, uncertainty/sensitivity analysis, V&V Modeling and Simulation have become key issues for development: “...the Modeling and Simulation hub will focus on providing validated advanced modeling and simulation tools necessary to enable fundamental change in how the U.S. designs nuclear power and fuel cycle technologies. This has the potential to improve the performance and reduce the costs of nuclear technologies.” (DOE Statement when established that specific “hub”) However, full advantage from advanced simulation only if an effective validation strategy is applied Uncertainty/sensitivity analysis plays a key role in this context Modern sensitivity tools are available in some fields (e.g. neutronics) but more efforts needed Also, sound uncertainties (variance-covariance data) should be developed (here again pioneer work in neutronics) New paradigms in experiment conceptual design. 1- V&V: Thermal-hydraulics and separate effects validation Strategy to assess turbulent heat transfer in liquid metals (R. Stieglitz, KIT-Germany). 33 2- V&V: New smart experiments in neutronics New “Smart” Validation Experiment: MANTRA (Measurements of Actinide Neutronic Transmutation Rates with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) • Samples of actinides irradiated at ATR (INL) and analyzed at ATLAS (ANL) with AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry). Samples irradiation in ATR • With AMS extreme accuracy on actinides densities are achievable with only days of irradiation. • Neutronic filters are used to modulate different types of spectra, e.g., fast, epithermal, and thermal. • New information on capture cross sections of actinides will be obtained down to Bk, Cf. 34 3- Science-driven validation is a « grand challenge » in the field of materials (and fuels): Empiricism is not practical, not possible for experiments to cover all materials and exposure conditions required Development and application of sound, physically based models will help plan and interpret the results of experiments: - allow interpolation within and extrapolation beyond discrete data set to complete domain of required exposure conditions -provide information for conditions that are too costly or impossible to reach experimentally (from “Radiation Effects in Fuel Cladding and Structural Alloys” by R. E. Stoller, BES Workshop: Basic Research Needs for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems, Bethesda, July 31-August 2, 2006) 35 Economics Conclusions Nuclear energy development: if sustainability is a key goal, it is essential to keep options open (i.e. evolution of role of NE in the energy mix) Nuclear system: need to consider reactor plus fuel cycle FR with close fuel cycle and MA management are a most flexible long term option Impact of different options should be carefully evaluated: not only from a technical point of view (e.g. on the fuel cycle), but also on societal issues (e.g. acceptability etc) Technological challenges suggest the need of strong international cooperation « Our simple, or simplified, illustrations carry us but a little way, and only half prepare us for much harder things. » D’Arcy Thompson, On Growth and Form
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