PAOE TWENTY-THREE THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1962 LEGAL NOTICES l,EGAl NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES U ? U M NOTICES LEOVL NOTUES MKTUCBEN MIXED LEAGUE Standings ai ot April 12 ftrrt pitbllration thereof aft«r final be gl»»n an opportunity to he heart ieck for cot lem than ten p»r cent ir any dwelling house on this propof the said deotaMd. under nith W L oncernlng the lame the amount of the bid. affirmation, within Blx months ty other than any authortted «cContinued from Sports Page) or WAI.TER IIRFOLO. Metuohen Reo. Center . s i 33 B. J. DUNIOAM, ssory use allowed by tne Zoning The Townthlti Commltw* retents from this d»te or they will he forc»mmttt*«aan-tt-Uri« E. 0 . Wlokberg Oo. 49ft 37} ually charted with the Bomb ever barred' of m y action inert tor Jrdlnance of the TJownshlp of] ie right to accept or reject any or Tewnihtp Clerk (Continued from Sports Page) RayWal Trophy (Brookslde) 49 34 irs' defeat. AtUst: Of t h i Townihrp ot Woodbrldge against the aald Biecutors. oodbr'.dge. 1 bldi which In It* opinion wUl be ,«. J. p m J 45 41 Ntw Jersey ounge over Independents, Wood- Duchess Diner _ N«w D»ted Aprt 3rd I«O. Upon aeeeptanoe cf the minimum tht bMt Interest of Ibi Township. Ernie Adell, the Sayrevllle AN ORDINANCI TO AUTHORTH Township Clerk ;?rdg.;-Hom..O.nt,r oV.75oro7uto|Wtkway L ^my B..OA „ „ 4^ 44 REV A RTNO and Id, or bid above minimum, by the BERNARD M. HARTWaTT T b sdvertlied d To be I s Tbe IndeTKJ I M P R O n i B N T OF HARRIXL Wreckers, Oliver'* Tavern over HefFRANCIS C. TOLET, JR., Purchaalng Agent ownshlp Committee and the pay ihortstop, was credited with the 1(1 Dorothy Dufault Agency... 33'i Sl',i A V W U I AND OTHIR BTRlTTfi B t p*nn>ot-UadeT 00 April 19tb. IM1, changed ler-Snyder. tent thereof by t h t purchaser ao- •I, 4/19/62 hnW't ;wo lone hits off Matusz. Both Foley ft itoMlone, tsqi., Ixecutors ordlng n t h Notice »f Public Hwrtni f*r N. J. Til* Oo _ 35 31 TH1 TOWNSHrP OF WOODBRtDOJ to the manner of purchase !,,,l(?h the ages. ^ IN THE COUNTY OT MIDDI.FtlEX flnsl tdoptton on M«j 1st, 1M1. Honor Roll ihots penetrated through the 1341 Oak T n * Road, n acfordance with t»rms of sale on S I . JOHN VUNNEY I.EAOUB NOTICK TO BIDDIRI AND TO PROVTOK TOR THE I.-L. 4A9/M ,.,,,,,,„ Ral8 used to Men: Harold Blegle 599/210-501, infield. Iselln, N. J,, , le, the Township will deliver NOTICI 18 OTI«BT OIVKN, thatl George Belp 548/343 eg, diet KuII,,. moonlight and ud'i Hui Attorneys. iar;aln and tale (feed for Mlaj lealed Blda for the purcbtm by the FINANCING OF THE COST THKRI~. M OF BT T H I ISHCANCK OF HONDB lesza U0| Hank Boheieke S17, AI1 WOODBMDGK d) NOTICI OF SALE I.-L. 4/5, U. 19, 1J/M nman Spirit Shop ___ 47 'ownshlp of: Wilson 510, AND BOND ASTICirATIO?) TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDOE !H •loland'i Shell > 46 Athletic and (lame Equipment DATED: Arrtll lttth, 1962 ,'. ... 1 .Quonnel Scout, SchOfleld Women: Mary Kulensa 411, Ann Baluha,, ss NOTICI Or BALE THI COUNTT OF MIDDLWWl, HK IT ORnMNBI) hT lb« Town Florist tor the Recreation Department B. J. DUNI0AN, Township Clerk 4 Eocnwskl 457, Peg Klckey 45], Rita' Notaro, If Take notice that on April 27th a NEW JIRAEY «!ilp Uommltt't of the Townnhlp nf] Naval Air Station Clarrtcco Truoking 4] To be advertised April 19th and will be received at the Business Ad- Wnodbrldge. In th« r<mntv of MidSchmon 450, Aon Blegle 414, Ann Matusz, p 3 P. M. at 917 Carte ret Road. Por * [1300,000 Sewrr AHMSsment Bonds Fennelly'a Insurance 39 ilnlstrator's Office, Flrit Floor, MuPreseler 438/170, Ethel Shorter 438, Reading, New Jersey, the under April 3«th, 1983, In The Independ dlesex, New Jersey, as follows: • he Township of WoodhrldM. In tht Mlpal Building, « ] Main Street, Jlmmle'i Meat Market 3M! —„. 4 signed will aell at public suction •nt-Lesder. Rosa Buchholii 438-1M, Madl Blga- Brown, c Beclitn 1. The Towniihip nf Wood3al'i Barber Shop HB 49 I.-L. 4/19-26/62 Woodbrldge, New Jemey, until HOO brl<l»«, In the County at Middl«eai, County of MlddltMI ltifn>lt)tft»f refor cash, on* ISM Chevrolet 4-donr low 42J-181. Betty Deisolr 42S, Vickie' 8zewczyk, c 0 ferred to •« "Township") « municiHonor Roll M, May 1, 1M2, and then one bath In sedan, serial number C54T-099095. an Karausky 408. shall imprnvf the following atnwtt pality of the State of New Jersey, Nlemlec, lb 3 ild.i will be publicly opened B. Aucoln 31J, W. Dacey JU, J. py p NOTICE Is. Said vthlcle w u retaken from n ( hy ronstructlnii nr r»cntntnif!lon of htfehy Invites Misled proposals i'or Things like Walah 206, L. 8ud«k 202, V. Renn' Three-flam* winners: Metuchen d t th R l T o w n h i Notice Is hereby given that thi end at the Reg»ilar Township f n m Mundry, lb 0 Albert Q. Jaogues, 15 East nnnm Rec. over RayWal Trophy. ' ' mirfirt-.tresttd m«d An II- the purrhaae of ItJ ISOO.onfi bonds attract young OJ, W. t o r k e 201. Lane, WoodbridUl, New Jersey, toi 'ollowing propoted ordinance was mlttee Meeting. Two-game winners: E. O. Wick Richards, 3b - 4 '. stonfl r>r other h*r*lns.ft*r leaild Bldi m m t be acrompsnUd by t ' M h | " l r | 1 surface nf ( h r « l n a f t r ilescrtbed rt fluch ae 500 or better Mrlei: R. Aucoln tO3, berg over Hilltop Liquors, Parkwr default upon a conditional snle ntroduced and passed on tint r»sd Rusen, 2b 2 or Certified Check made p»«»hl« to elected material under parilnl cm-'proposalu will he receiver), publicly W. Tort* M7, W. Dao«y 811. ng at a meeting of the Townshl contract *««cuted to the community Beauty Salon over Duchess Diner t r n l m l s l > d w l t f l filio courier-Journal rongay 931, f. Quderltn Ml, in t h e l «'«m«nt or limn undlop+ned and »nnounred bv 'li Town Bank of LlndM,, Vehicle may be Committee of the Township 0 he Tnwnihlp of Wnrtdbrldita Tlrpak, rf 2 H. J. Tile over Dufault Agency. : rompm-ledishlp mount nf ten U0' (10';} the!"? « " • " 1 n r n « « In compm-ied, Committee at the Memoria r) percent ot the Walsh 8 » . C. Frlck SM, L. Reagan S hlp (•en at BIT Carifret Road, For' Woodbrldue, In the County of Mid amount D'Orsl, rf 4 Ihlrknew with bituminous 'Mrf«re'Munlclp«l Bnlldlnii. In lh» dlenex, New Jeney, held on tbe ifltl tntnl bid, 519, A. V l m n t 518, N. Lann 518, Reading, N«w Jersey. K. OF C. LEAGUE t.rtintmsnt snd rover: Hnrreli Avenue'of Wnodbrldje. New Jtrrfi on the !.,,i publication of Co1 V. Ren« SOS. day of April. 19««, and that aal. P.arh bidder must strictly comply Jaason, ef 0 RATMOHD n. rOI.EMAN ordinance wtll be taken up for fu with all requirements for a resiiUri f . r ' m ' ' l « ' m * n " 1 r M t l o W L o'clock P ^ I ^ M s t dsy of May. 1W2. »t .,,, ,-rslty asserts mar Results Assistant Treasurer Saving Aranel Pharmacy S9',i 33', M lEsjtern Daylldht Barrori Avenue from Free- p ther consideration and final pitwuf Md H, directed or required by „„•,Avenue 1 1 Ht |>r lrp .',.„ i\rf more capabl ThrM-gune winners: Bud's Rut Bud'l Hut S4 39 29 0 10 I.-L. 4/19/63 • nrt «t»tnt»« In mirh """ r PrOBpe^t Avtnilt. s meeting of ssld Towniblp Con: or*r 8*1'!, Barber Bhop, Clsrrtcco i 1 Avenel coal ft Oil .._ _ 5H4 40',; *'r>oth In t' Wmdbrlilge w i l o n of! The bonds comprise sn Issue «f , ] , i i n unmarried ones, vir Roland'!. mittee to be h*ld at Its SAYRrvTLLE (0) cases ninde »nd provided. Notice Is ihe Town Refer t o ; W - M l ; W-391 I'vprevi DrUe fn,m!t300,nOO Mewer Awessmedt Bond|, Hlllcrest Inn S3 41 room In the Memorial Municipal hereby given to all bidders that If Two-game winners: Jtjnmle'i Miat Home Maid Bskery .... h ori"* If 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE . „ . . _ , , iddH.f.rtii< '»»terly il«riwilon with Inmsn psynhle In snnusl Installments 6 1 . 50 43 KozlCkl, 3b Building in Woodbrldge, New their bids ' - l i f e , Market over P»nnelly'i, Inmsn Spirit Roxbury Inn TO WHOM XT MAT N: " . I . i'nV L. 11™" 'Avenue to l u westerly Intern-lion M»y 1 In «n-h year ^ follows: $30,.43 « Adell, on the 1st day of May, I9fl2. «t »-i irregular, the same, will be Imme0 A l l , ss s ,™ ovsr Schofleld. Aranel Haidwari At a regular meeting of the Town wltb Inman Avenue, Sherldsti Drive 0O0 In *«eh of th» ye»rs IMS tn IT?!, . 34(4 S8J - Boston Globe 0 dlatelv rejected. Alaska, cf 2 Avttiel Bhop Rite , • - ' • - - Township " . 86'i M Specifications and Bid Proposal from I « i e Avenue tn Albemsrlt'lnrlualv*. IT. CICELU'I WOMEN'S LEAGUE Honor Roll Lewis, Cf ; 1 0 Road, Albemirle Road from Sherl-i Tin bonds »M dat*d M»y I, 19*3, Woodbrldg*, held Monday, April 16th, on ttvf which time and place all perm gUndln[i ai of April 10 Ian Drive tn Caroline Plare. ('nm. »nd are of the denrmlh»tton ef Individual hlRtl KWiie 1M2, I v*a directed to advorttw the , nowaday* Is making J. DeAn- Barko, p 1 0 vlio may be Interested therein ivlirin the OHIc« of the Business Ad line Place from Alb(m»rli> rR<>«d tn tl 000 earn. gells 215. T. T o n l 231. W L fact that o n Tuesday ovenlnE, •,.,.,-v in pay the taxei iMlln Bhop Rlt* mtnlatrator, First Floor, Munlcipa.ll iWearsaw, p *. 0 Th* bondi are coirpon bond*, r e j 57 30 May 1st, 1M2, t h e Township nnm- tie Riven an opportunity to be heard BulldlnK. * 1 Main BtreH Woort-^ ••larldg* Plait, Clsrldje Place (mm concerning the same. ,j,vrr Iv paying if -amllne Place to Cameo P:»r*, literitble at the option of thi holder U U u r e Unlimited ... M 31 Micklaszewskl, p — D 0 Handings ai of April n mlttee will meet at 8 P. M. (DRT) B. J. DUN1GAN, , bridge, New Jersey, from 9:00 A. M. ^ e o Place from Clarldm P.nce to ai to principal only or as te bo I a Cooper'! Dairy , 53 34 W in the Commute* Chamhers. Mevide r.o much money Howard, lb -. 2 0 Township Clerk to 5:00 P M., Monday to Friday, and Avenue, all In the Colonu sre- principal and interest and are payO U Tree Drugs M>i 3411,Wll-fto Electric' 31 morial Municipal Building, Wood__ 3 0 io Kuczynskl, rf Marj'i Dreu Shop 4I>, 4J'i Wlraan Fum. Co. 53 bridge, New Jersey, and expose and AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN l m i i 1 . C ! 5 ' * n 1 f , 1 , d . * t V ™ ™ » u . nf t h . lon of the Townahlp. Tbe vim of able at the office of Woodbrldfe NsI,ondon . Fryitocl Ramblers 33 40 Alibi Bar 50 jiJKupcha, 2b sell at public sale and to the h l r * — ORDINANCE ENTTrLED "AN OH- The Township CommltUe or the 1I4J,4«O Is hereby appropriated to tlonal rinnk, 8 * n 7 Street, Wo«4- 3 0 DINANCB TO REGULATE THE Township of Woodbrldg. reaerves he cost of such *tre«t Imprnje- brldx*. N. J. Whit* Birch i n n 3! SI according to terms ot Bt. Andrew"! HN.8 _. 18 •jJjPaprota, c „ _ 3 0 Olbldder .it ion menu. The sum »o appropriated The bonds will b*ar lnUnit at i IS 71 Bowl-Mor on file with the Real Estate Uepnrt- SALE OP ALCOHOLIC m 1 . r wys that our Bt. Oeofte Pharmacy 0 Wrgoskl, IT _ 2 not eiaetd ill p pet all no ment and Township Clerk open to IN TUB TOWNSHIP OF WOOD- vithln 30 days after the actual dnte jShsll be met from the prore«l« of rate which shall 16 ((170 or Brttrr Camel, Wm. P«nn Insurance 1 BRIDGE," adopted June 29, 1934. d sue* * per annum and ..(•niinmic plight \» al- Honor Roll the bonds authorised and r.he down- cimum nipectlon and t o be publlHy read Honor Roll (200 or Better Games, «M or Better Btt Sell) Sl of the opening thereof, BF. IT ORDAINED BT THE shall be payable »mlpayment approprinted by thin Ordi.rlor to sale, LoU 1462, 14115. mid Interest l p y (00 or Better Bets ia It would Jean Frank 4M/18S-172, Iolme' 23 0 2 1 ny order of the Towniblp Coin4M In Block 9fll-A, cm tho Wood TOWNSIlIP COMMITTEE OF TtfE ilttee of the Township of Wood nance, No part of the co«t of inld annually on May I and November 1, A. Buchko 230-114-M5. W. Adam If the people whoillMUpttw 4M/175, Ruth Klnhom Sayrevllle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—0 bridge Township Assessment, Map TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDQE, IN bridge. purpose ahall be assessed sgalnitl The bonds »re Rental ohllfatteni 4<0'174-nO, Irene Walriak M9, Anne 1336. H. Hardlih 221. B. Bulls 224, A. property specially benefited nf the Town»hlr> and the Towasbip ,,! that it would be worse Bennett 4M/I19. Millie Anola 449, Leskn 314, A. Magyar 211. J Wegryn W'dbrldge .... 0 1 3 2 3 0 x—9 Take further notice that the run COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX AND BERNARD M. HARTNETT. W. Blatok 200. Township Committee lmi by reso STATE OF NEW JERSEY: Business Administrator Section 2. It Is hereby determined! Is authoVlMd and required by law to .,V..<i to those who ac-Maryon Clincy 440/179, Crslre Bailey 701, J. Kofka 300 I. Section 7 of the hereinsbove Reiult! lutlon snd pursuant to law fixed and stated that i l ) the muMm nf;!evv ad valorem t«*'s ttnon_ all real „ 443/174, Winnie Ruw-he 434, Kitty LEGAL NOTICES I.-L. 4/19/62 .!,„, of bring optimistic. Three-game winners: Wm. Penn minimum price at whlcli said lots entitled Ordinance Is hereby amendh Improvement (hereinafter re- property taxable bv Mid Township ""oiin^iSfhedenerk 430, Ann KorrewssJ 419, ed to read as fallows: Insurance over Bowl-Mor. Wlnan Hlddletei County larrofaie'i irred to M "purpose"). I* not n nir- for the psTmertt of tbe bond end rrofai Conrt In eald block will be lold together — r u n c n Clatr* Olsen 4U, null Allfn 417, dleti ouny f NOTICE TO BlDDEtt8 SECTION 7, Plenary Retail DisFiirh. oter St. Andrew's HNB, with all other detail! pertinent, said t espenw of «ald Township and th« Intereit thereon without llmlt*REDIT ITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ksy Smith 413 Miry Orrybowikl tribution License. The annual fee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Two-game winners: Wll-Flo Elec- Revs Ryno and Francis G. Foley, minimum price being W.250.00 pirn It l» necessary to finance sald'Hon of rat* or amount, imled Bids for the purchase by the for a Plenary Retail Dlstryiutlon "• :• budget huwrvlwd«o. ^ ^ tric over Alibi Bar. irpose by the Issuance of nbllga-' Each prortoisl lubmltted mult Jr., Biecuwrs ol LydU Helvine, de- losts of preparing deed and adver ownihlp of: • License shall be 1300,00 Such a tlslng this sale. Bald lots In said ns of said Township pvirnunt tolname the rate of Intenwt per annum ceased, by direction of Elmer H (I h u e s yoil may »« in- Th W .«;am* wlnneri: White Birch Two (2) Station Wacom of the license shall not be Issued to perI^cal Bond IAW of New jersry'tobt bome by the bonds bid for ana Brown, Surrogate of the County ot block must b* paid for In cash on (i In know that now llov«r at. O*orge Pharnimy, Two-1 He It? Ford, Plymouth or Chevrolet mit tho sale ot alcoholic beverages night of sal*. d (3) the estimated c o n of n»ld|th« r»t» named mrat be a multiple hereby gives notice to '. A- nntaBPOim time tO I ™ " "Inner*: Leisure Unlimited Class, for the Engineer'! Dept. A white collar man is one Middlesex, In or upon any premises in which .rpose Ii JlM,480, and (4) W.M0 of of one-elKhth or one-twentieth of The following condition shall be the creditors of the said Lydla Mel' Ill be received Bt the Business Adafl.untageOUB " m e 1 0 ^ f ^ . ^ lUmblers, Iselin Bhop, who any other mercantile business Is ,ld ., „ sum Is to ,„ be ,„, provided „,„, , bv „, the and must t * th* carries I1L1 lunch In a vine to bring In their debts, d« Included In t h e aalt: l l l r Jone per centum .•,: Clirlstmai shopping, B | U „ , , , Q , * Tree D n w , Mary's1 brief case instead of a pall. wn payment herelnntter »npro-|«arn/ for all the bonds bid for. The minds and claims against the estate No building permit shall be Issued carried on; provided, however, that ilnlstrator's Office. First Floor, Mu»ppr. this provision with respect to nicipal Building, #1 Main Street, irlated to finance u l d purpose, and urrhiue prtc« specified In the pro•i-r.Ri! PflfllCP Monitor. Dress Shop over Cooper's Dairy. other mercantile business shall Woodbrldge, New Jersey, until 9:00 ') the estimated maximum amount osal must n o t be less than $100,000 M, May 1, 1W2, and then said not be deemed to prohibit the bond* or notes nerewary to Ije ion more than 1300,000 nor more sale, o n plenary retail distribution ilds will be publicly opened and Issued for said purpose Is »IM,50O hart 1301.000. In selecting the prolicensed premlMa, of dinars and end at the Regular Township Com ,nd (6) the cost of such purpose, ioirsl to be be accepted, the Tow*cigarettes, Ice and Ice cubes, cock nlttee. Meeting. ~~~' ' ' stated, Includes 'he jhln will n o t consider proponls tall olives, cherries and onions, Bids must be accompanied by Cash .ggregste amount of $21,530 which which name a rate of interest higher potato chips, pretzels, nut*, crack- r Certified Check made payable to estlmMed to be necessary to tl- han the lowest rate named In any ers, and similar anack Items, bnr .he Township of Woodbrldge In thel ,ance the cost of such purpose, In- .'tallv acceptable proposal; and if accessories, such as glasses, cock- mount ot ten (10%) percent o t the hiding architect's lees, accounting wo or more mtch propoials name :he lowest rate, the proposal offertall shakers, can openers, mixers, total bid. inglneerlnR and inspection co&tA, but excluding b t r furniture, Each bidder must strictly eompl: legal expenses and other expenses, x\% to nceept the least amount cf 2. This ordinance shall take eBecl with all requirements for a regulai '.ncludlng Interest on inch oblige ixinds (mien bonds being the flr»t upon final adoption and publication bid as directed or required by thi (lors to the extent permitted b> maturing bonds! win be soeepUd, according t o law, specifications and statutes l a tuc r Section 40A:l-2t of the Local Bond unless two or more propoesli nams WALTER ZIRPOLO, case! made and provided. Notice I "*w. he lowest rate o t Interest and offer Commlttwman-at-L&rg, hereby given t o all bidders that I .0 secent the eame least amount Section 3. It is hereby determined of bondi. In which event that or*j Attest: their bids are Informal, defective, 0: nd stated that moneys exceeding of m c h last mentioned proposal! J. DUNKJAN, Irregular, the same will be Itnme M.960, appropriated for down p»y> which offers to nay the highest prlM Township Clerk dlately rejected. To be advertised In The Specifications and Bid Proposal ments on capital Improvements o: rill be accepted. pendent-Leader o n April 19th, 1962, form and envelope may be obtained for the capital Improvement fund li The purchaiK>r murt o a t accrued with Notice of Public Hearing fo: in the Office o t the Business Ad budgets heretofore adapted for sal. ntexert from the date of the bond! final adoption o n May 1st, 19S2. mlnlBtrator. First Floor, Munlolp: Township are now available to (1 to the date of delivery. No interest I.-L. 4/19/62 Building, # 1 Main Street. Woot nance said purpose. The mm < will be paid nnon the deposit made bridge, New Jersey, from 9:00 A. N ifl.960 Is hereby appropriated froL by the miccewful bidder. The right a 5:00 P. M., Monday to Friday, an such moneys to the payment of th is reserved to relect all bids. NOTICE cost of said Proposals should he addressed to Notice 1J hereby given that the ntll closing date of bids. Section 4, To finance, said purpose, the unrterslmed Townshlo Clerk and following proposed ordinance was] The Township Committee of ihi •ndosed in a sealed envelope Introduced and passed on first read- 'ownshlp of Woodbrldge reseryi bond! of said Township of an on the outside "Proporal at a meeting of the Township ,he rlRht to reject any and all bid, RreKat* principal amount not .. •nursed n ^r Bonds" Bidders mint, at the No Bidder may withdraw his bl :eedlng 11311,500 are hereby autlini Committee ot the Township of Ime of mnltlriR their bids, deposit zed to be Issued pursuant to SAI Woodbrltlce, In the County ot Mid- within 30 days after tho actual 'da Local Bond Law. Said bonds shull \ certified or Cnnhler'B or Treasurtr'i dlesex, New Jersey, held on the 16th if the opening thereof. 1 day of April, 19(12, and that said By order of the Township Com bear Interest at a rate whlcli1 shall i-he-lc for Jfl.nTO. drawn uoon a bank not exceed six per centum (D ",,) per or trust cnmpnnv fnr such amount, ordinance will be taken up for fur- mlttee of tbe Township of Woo annum. All matters with respect to to the order of the Townshlo to *«ther consideration and fl*ftl passage' irldge. ld said bonds not determined by this cure Uie Towtishln from any loll at a mcelliiK of said Township ComBERNARD M. HARTNETT, ordinance shall be determined by resulting from n fMlure of the bidmittee to be held at Its meeting Business Admlntstrat der to comnlT with the t«rm of his solution! to bi hereafter adopted. room In the Memorial Municipal I.-L. 4/19/62 bid. Checks ot un«uc<-""sful bidders Building in Woodbrldge, New Jersey Section 9. To finance said purpose. on the 1st day of May, 1962, at 8:<K md anticipation notes of said will be returned upon the award of NOTICE TO BIDDERS P. M. (DST), or as soon thereafte: of &a aenrtfjite prtnelpa the bonds. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that us said matter oan be reached, a' Sealed Bids for the purchase by the mount not exceeding $13',SO0 are The successful bidder wilt be furwhich time and place all person; Township ot: ireby authorized to be Issued pur- nl*he4 «t the time the bonds »re fl) the h* oolnlon of Messrs. who may be Interested therein wl ant to said Local Bond Law In delivered (1) Playground Equipment for the given an opportunity to bo hean itldpatlon ot the Issuance of s*ld Reed, HoH. w»shbum and MrCur Recreation Department thv. of New York City, t h i t the concerning the same, will be received at the Business Ad- >nds. Said notes ebsll be»r lnter- bonds lire vslld «nd 'easllv binding B. J. DUNIOAN, ministrator 1 ! Office, First Floor, Mu- t at a rat* which shall not exceed l of the Townshln. and Township Clerl nicipal Building, # 1 Main Street, li per centum ((TM per annum, i f t T .nd may be renewed from time to 12) rertlflrstfs in form AN ORDINANCE VACATING A POR Woodbrldge, New Jersey, until H:00 to ssld Attorneys evidencing the me pursuant to and within the P. M., May 1, 1962, and then said TION OP CAMPBELL STREET, IN limitation! prescribed by u l d Law. nroper execution and delivery of he THS WOODBRIDGE PROPER SEC. blda will be publicly opened and "II m a t t e n with respect to said bonds and receipt of navment thereOF THB TOWNSHIP O] read at the Regular Township ComlOtes not determined by this ordl- for, and 0 1 a certificate, dated aa WOODURIDG.E, IN THE COUNT mittee Meeting. lance shall be determined by rrso- of the date of delivery of the bonds, MIDDLESEX AND 'RELEASING Bids must be accompanied by Cash itlons to be hereafter adopted. In and sinned by the officers wh» AND EXTINGUISHING THE PUBLIi or Certified Check made payable to Mrned the bonds, stating that no ie event that bonds are issued pur- litigation Is then Dendlnf? or to t h t RIGHTS IN AND TO THE SAME. the Township of Woodbrldge ID t h e usnt to this ordinance, the aggre- knowledge of such officers threatIT ORDAINED BY THK amount of ten (10%) percent of the ;ate amount of notes hereby au-' ened to restrain or enjoin the IssuTOWNSHIP COMMITTEE- OF THE total bid. horlzed to be Issued shall b« re- ance or delivery of the bonds or the TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDQE, IN Each bidder must strictly comply uctd by a n amount equal to the THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX: with all requirements for a regular irlnclpal amount of the bonds so evy or rollectlnn of taxrs to pay be bond* or the Interest thereon, 1. Ttint ft portion of Campbell bid as directed or required by tbe ssued. If the aggregate amount of ir questioning the validity of the Street hereinafter more particularly specifications and statute! In such utBtanaing bonds and notes Issued tstutea or the proceedings under described, be, and the same hereby|oa M j m a d e and provided. Notice |i urmant to this ordinance shall at' (rtilch the bonds sre Issued, and Is. vacated and tbe public rights hereby given to all bidders that II my time exceed the «um first men. hat neither the corporate existence irtalng from the dedication thereof, their hld« are Informal, defeotlve, oi loned tn this section, the moneys, if the Township nor the title of any be, and the same hereby are, re- Irregular, the same will be Immealsed by the Issuance of said bonds' if said officers to their rfjp«ctlv* leased and eitlngulahed. diately rejected. ihall, to not less than the amount ifflres. Is being contested. 2. The lands BO vacated are deSpecifications and Eld Proposal >f such excess, be applied to the By order of the Township scribed as follows: form and envelope may be obtained myment of such notes then outCommlfcee From the Easterly line of Lincoln In the Office of the Business Ad landing. Dated, April 3rd. 19« Avenue to the Westerly line of minlstrator, First Floor, Munlclpi B. J DUUIOAN, Washington Avenue and all of the BulldlnK. # 1 Main Street, Wood Section (. It It hereby determined Township CleTk properties fronting on Campbell bridge, New Jersey, from 9:00 A. M ,nd declared that the period of \u>e 1 Street and known as Lots 293 to to 5:00 P. M.. Monday to Friday, and ulneM of said purpose, according to Section ? The Township Clerk la 308 Inclusive In Block 409-Q and until closing date of bids. t« reasonable life, It a period of 10 hereby authorized and dlieet«d to that part of Campbell Street The Township Committee of the 'ears computed from tbe date of publish ssld notice ot stle l o the touching the northerly aide line Township of Woodbrldge reserves said bond!. Dallv Bond Buyer, which Is a p u b ot Lot 292 In Block 409-G and that! the right to reject any and all bids, Section 7. It Is hereby determined lication carrylns municipal bond part of Campbell Street fronting No Bidder may withdraw his bid nd stated that tbe Supplemental notices »nd devoted primarily t o th* on LoU 109 through 324 Inclusive within 30 days after the actual date Debt Statement required by said subject of state and municipal In Block 409-H and tbe Southerly of the opening thereof. Local Bond Law has been duly made bonds, and Is published In S e w aide Hue of Lot 325 In Block 409-H By order o t the Township Com- and.filed In the office of the Towu- Tork City, end also In the Inde•which abuts said Campbell Street. mittee of the Towmhlp of Woo* shlp'Clerk of said Township, and pendent-Leader, a newspaper print3. ThU Ordinance shall take effect1 bridge. ;hat such statement so filed shows' ed and published in the County of Immediately upon Its adoption, and lhat the gross debt of u l d Town Middlesex. The notice of sale shall BERNARD M. HARTNITT, publication as required by law. ship, as defined in Section 40A:2-43 be mibltshed not later than April U , Business Administrate WALTER ZIRPOLO, >f said Local Bond Law, Is Increased 19(3. I.-L. 4/19/62 Commltteemaii-at-Large by this ordinance by 1138.500 and ADOPTED: April 3rd, 1M2. Attest: hat the Issuance of the bonds am I hereby certify that the abor* la NOTICE (TO BIDDERS notes authorized by this ordinance a true and exact copy ot the ResoluB. J. DUNIOAN, NOTICE IS H&REBY GIVEN, thai Is pursuant to an exception to thi Township Clerk tion Adopted by the Township ComTo be advertised la The Inde- Sealed Bids for the purchase, rent, debt limitations prescribed by sail mittee of the Township Of Woodor lease by the Township of unl Local Bond Law, contained tn Sub' pendent-Leader on April 19th. 1962, with Notice of Public Hearing for| forms and foul weather gear, In division f of Section 4OA:2-7 of »aJ< held on April eluding boots, for the employees Law. final adoption on May 1st, 1962. Toinnlilp Ol«rk Section B. This ordinance ah»: I.-L. 4/19/62 the Township Sanitation Depart ment, for 40,50, 60 or 70 mia will I..L. 4 / H / M received at the Buslnes* Admlnl» NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICB 13 HEREBY GIMSN, that trator's Office, First Floor, Munlc! 8UMMABV OF AUDIT Sealed Bids will be received by the pal Building, # 1 Main Street, Woot Board of Fire Commissioner! until 8:00 P. M Township Committee of the Town- bridge, New New Jersey Jersey un Fire District No. 4 ot E e u b e y , N. J. said blds'wl ship of Woodbrldge o n May 1, 1962 May 1, 19«2, and then Gentlemen: for the construction of a Storm be "publicly opened and read at tl Township Committee meeI hare audited the book! and record!, verifying In detail the rwselpU Wnter Drain in Mornlngslde Road, regular _ and disbursement! of the treasurer of this organization, and have found Lancaster Road, Jordan Road and! Ing. Bids must be accompknled by Ci Township uwnej Parkways lu the them to be correct and In balance. Colonla Section of the Township. or Certified Check made payable 1 Attached Is submitted a statement of the receipts and disbursement* The Storm Dralu -will consist of the the Township of Woodbrldge in the for the period audited, namely beginning March 1, 19(S1, and ending amount of ten (10%) percent of tbe following: 'ebruary 28, 1961. 2650 I.. P. ot Reinforced Concrete total bid. Respectfully submitted, Each bidder must strictly comply Culvert ripe j LEON JEQLINSKI with all requirements for a regular Board of Fire Commltiioiieri ISO L. V. of Corrugated Metal bid a* directed or required by the TOW DISTRICT NO. 4 OF KEABBKY, WOODBRIDCE TOWNSHIP Pipe speclfloatlous and statutes In such STATEMENT OF BECEIPTg AND DISBURSEMENTS 1 Each Manholes cases made and provided. Notice Is FOR THE PERIOD BBGINNINO MARCH I, IM1, AND ENWNO , 19 Each Inlets FEBRIAKY 2i, 1M2 ! and the necessary appurtenances In hereby given to all bidders that if accordance with plans and cpeclfl- their bldj are informal, defective, ot Balance at Beginning (March 1, 1981) Irregular, tbe same will be Immet U O U P T S : oatlons on file In the Office of the diately rejected. From Township, derived from property t a n a Township Engineer. Bids for the above will be received Specifications and Bid Proposal Utilities Adjusted form and envelope may be obtained at the Office of Hit) purchasing Agent 1 of the Township of Woodbrldge, Me- In the Office of the Business Adi JQUIPMKNT: morial Municipal Bulldlug, Wood- ministrator, First Floor, Municipal OF _ . « 1M.J7 bridge, New Jersey until 8:00 P. M., Building, #1 Main Street, WoodGeneral SuppUe* for house bridge, New Jersey, from 9:00 A. M Prevailing Time, May 1, 1962, to be Building R»palr« to 5:00 P. M., Monday to Friday, and 90300 opened and publicly read by the Alarm Repaln Township Committee at the regular until closing date of bids, Track Repair! JMSM The Township Committee of tbe meeting New Equipment — —»•»"•" Township of Woodbrldge reserves Kg plans ,nd specifications will M,J141> Total Maintenance of flldgjirBqulp— be given to prospective bidders until the right to reject any and all bids. No Bidder may withdraw'his bid DIHECT OPERATING E j r S t N D r m i B : they are prequiilltled. Prequalltlcatloti period shall end oil Api'll "ii, within 30 days after the actual date JMiltor Salary •• 1963. Didders will be notified of their of the opening thereof. Janitorial Salary-Emewncy - ^ otattM wUhlu t«W-#l«Ul IUUIM t l i w , •leelrte uwi« preouallficattoii farm liii.i been sub- mlttee oi Fuel Oil mitted to the PuiYtnujIng Agent. bridge. OS! k 011 BERNARD nl. HAHTNETT, Wnter Bids will be received only from Business Administrator Teleplione those Bidders who me qualified lu 13.94 Cooking Cta* the Instruction to I.-L. 4/19/62 accordance with the r U t l Bidders. Copies of ihe rrixjuuUtlcu Total Direct Operating Expensed NOTICE tlau Documents may bo obtained GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENHEB Notice Is hereby given that thi upon application to Bernard M. ' Iniuwnc* following proposed ordinance wa Hattnett, Purchasing Accountant „.„„„.„ who „ „ „ ,qualify, In .., , Introduced anil passed o n flrat re»d Bidders Legal NotlMi and Election •• with the Instruction to Bidden may ing at a meeting ot the Tawnsblr. Si -chief b»d|« obtain pltiua and apeclticutloru at Committee o l the Township- o Printing and Stttlonery — the Offlce of Charles W Beagle, Woodbrldge, In the County of Uld Commln4on»i Assp. Duet Township Engineer, during the baurwdltMl, New Jfrsey, held on the U t h Salaries 3f CotnmlMlooari day ot April, IW'i, and that sail of the regular cuurse course of oi m e regular ui uuuuvw, u*/ w A | H » , ^W*, <•»« v«-^. «—. Btuus at Firemen •••• but not liter than three (3) daya ordlnano* will be taken u p for fur Fir* Hydraolj Awewrcut .-, pilot to the final dute for receiving ther consideration for Anal pauag* Qf" blda. The charge for '•" ~ ' •- all -•• plan! - — a t a meeting of said Townahlp OomTotal Cuneral AdmlaUiritlve Kip. — to b« held and specifications la $5.00 which sum mlttee U t b h l d att It* It meeting mtin room l a the Memorial Uu&lclpa! hull a o t be returned. Bids m i n t be submitted ou the Building in Woodbrldge, New Jarjay TOTAL of May, 1M3, a t 8:00 .'Fopmwi Form furnl«h*d as l o o n thereafte: Balance a t ending (February 21, Bidder; uiu»t be uccoinu ( F l n t Bank * T w i t Oo.) rnitur C M b e . r e a c t e d , corporate aurety for exeoutl wlilca' time and ulau* all persons Contract on nward thereof The bid mu«t be *ccompanl«d by * certified who m a ; be taterttUd therein wl" l.-L. 4 / K / I 3 1S1 PARAGRAPHS Strikes & Spares Barrons Play w \\ , i Al ! ?, ™ii T,r^,™?rN™ 0 nr?»""r,('.r^:.™ How to make the finest quality gasoline and sell it for less! ship in your own ocean going tankers Start with your own oil wells and deliver in your own trucks your own pushbutton refinery £99 your own clean white gas stations. THAT'S WHAT HESS HAS DONE! Hess owns and operates all production, refining and transportation facilities from oil wells to gas stations. The result? Hess eliminates extra costs in each of these operations... and saves you money on every gallon! As for quality, Hess Certified 100+ has ahigher octane rating t h p the average of 7 competitive premium brands. Go Hess Certified 100+ or Hess Certified Regular. You'll enjoy the savings and the performance of the finest quality gasoline your money can buy! HESS nmm
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