Tells how to judge anti-Communistgroups c or anrclcr conr s.s sil rdirorial -r,"n-n"" on Un-Arlrcfican i{tlililtfl]tDlille|-rh.].il..rmmnnylclmtgivc.'',thcris,oI0osiioitoi| R 4 N Actilitics nrxl thc 'r,hr flnh,,n,,nn, ,r,,t: !,:lllllltist -*n,l^l p lo}lcnr "" cr.rrmcnt or gre arnrcrl iiis iilii rcal for.ccs jrili,i$i,1r: pu*t1:',:,qu6*;:r;i 13ffr,'"in11iif;5;,,;;i fi;;t;iltt,yil;i,*rd*,"liir"+,r $tiiliiilil;;,liii"'dfl;$1 .dilnftl r $hrch. nc{rll' hro "dunnB tlo Unil.d rilnl r.riod., nisls.''.1booIloi..'|[G0rrlorinri,liijii'iiirot'n.g.nifm;Ii.*l[hl$baon]t*"*-'"',"iiil].il'i"il'}l lrl.,]'ijiliill.',Jif'.T'*'iiil",iirl*ililliI#'jl.l;lii*ji;'lulin:;l"iltii 7.1k.5. 'l,yt,l.r f.lii,,*illllll:lf,ll;',lln:li ::iu,,1i:.*llll;,*ililil'illi#,,',nl* ",;lill,,:,1 'inrrivirrrrnr" rupb1' trrgarrrzcdlepIisils :ur:rinst llllillli"il]: l''rl.\' it \ ('t\ li'rt' ('ottt' gr.oul)s lre acrrlc, rrr,, inrtir.i,rrrrr"^, ,,,.,,,:,,l,,ttj,l:l ui. coq{crr tr\t oI tsxilDr CRnnn\ nra(ta foltNs: lt),10's. n,j*in'p."..,'r.l]llliilii;liiii',,,filllllli. uTl,,".ilil.i; cr't tIr'rI 'hc ;., rs sutrilsillr nn, nrd\cn'cm i\ ncalriililc. l:ftcrr hr x|rrDnrM csDrnnr(c uDrrn. ptblican partiar. ,t or rhii p.r.dox t5 to b;tound in rh. unu.u.l d.fhtrio^ .t .am. vl.wr h.v .ppa3.. Nuns ncetl educrr, t i,ort cquuI to tlrc clergy's, scltlol lrcucl contcruls ('lll('.\ti(), Sistels lurlll lt(.{'(l "trlrral erlrrcalion in ilrlcrrsitt' antl (l('Nlt'o" lil llt;tl grrr'tt lllrr.:ils. il Sistcl tokl a sl rrrpusiurl at l,o].ulir LIn ivet'sit.v. Sislor' )llr'1 pt'r'srdcnt of [irllllrntlc \lc1't'r., ('ollttgt., II:rlilluc Not111"p,1,'. llo., ttlqorl sotn{' ii{}{) plrtsts attonrlin{ tlro fifth anrrrral "l!t'it'st in tlrc lltrrlol'n \\'or'ltl" {'{)nlril'(,il(:o lo bc pntient in tlrt'ir tk'ttrtrnrls fol rnorc Sistct's lo sllrff pa rislr sr:lrools, T\r r:rasis stili vote Iact0r', f l . "['alcnls atr cxpt'rttirrg tolcltitt,{ Sistcls ttl tkr tltrclr-to tcaclr, to be ;lttitlos trl llrt:il clrikllen, to 1 , , , . , , r i 1g i i : i i r n s , lo l:r,.'st:ur.s-.-r.rftt'rr t(r lili((t tho plilca alr;rrtrlott0tl by I ele('tron sur\/e\,r ' - J SNO\YS \\ \SIll\(i1'tl\-'l'ltc b i g g a s l s l r r t l . \.' r . r r . ' r a r l c . l ' r . o t e r . s i n l t P r r s i i l t ' r r l i i r l c l t t : l i r r n c o r i c l l u t l e st h r i t i t i s u u i r . c t o . u l a r o i * "t'trtllolit. thtr i.ssuc" lrlrs llet rr laitl to r.esl. I ' r ' t ' s i t l t ' r r t i l r le l n t l i r l l r i t ' s u t r o i l r ' e ( ' a i l r o i i c s s t i l l r i i l l f a c e ''lin irriliirlrlislrivlrntagc" bcl'ole votcls bccatrscof rcligion, tlesllilt llrrr l[]titt Iict0r.r, ol I'r'e.sitlurl liurrrt'tlr'. i1 siliLl. 'l'hi.s ettne lirsiorr is rlt.tlri n 1orrr' politicul scicntists lrr' o! the Ll iiir.clsitr.oi llichigtrrr 'l Strlrc.r' llcsr.ilt alt i'onlt'r. ltt''strr.\o] \virs tt'lt'lisr,rl (.\irIrl llli ltt tht: ,.\rnericarr I'olirical St'it'ncr. .\ssrr. ( ' t a l l ( ) i l s l t t , t r t l r i r t attt t s h , : t . t . A ::!:,_ PANEL llllit' of ll,, I,iti:j Lt.S. roter.s 't'lrc ril'. surre). \t-aI icittt n('\r s|]itlx.r. c-\I|l'('ssts t lrtIiqln fl\ {lI' sl)a(,r' [('itl ( ' l ' l ' Y - - t ) s \ ( . 1\ l l o r e \'.\ l'l(l.\\ liutil:uro. \ :rlii:rrr ('il\ ll( \\ sl)irP(lf, tict'lalerl irr ulr ctlitolilrl tlrut lltrr, sia's su(,(,e..r!rrl launt'lrirrq of a l l ) : r l 1 l l t l l ) s l r i r ( . r '" t ) r ' t t l l ( , 1 'i i l l . l ) t i \ o s rr(rf ilr\llll'l) r'ilf Ir,liqi{}lls \.isi(}n, bttt iitiltts tt-. .lo! ilrItl r.()llll(rrt." " l'hr. lirrt |r'nliiln\." tltc 0rlitor'iill riil'1. "lltirl r';rt'lr \rtl){,l.tlrl. gi{t or rntellr,:('n('c iul(l lrlt, tt,ntls [0 ni;ii.t' us irriicyc. ltlrp.t' atrrl tlrirnk lhc ltirinc ol lilc tnslt':rrl {rl t'r'lutil)q ii." \\.tittfn bt liairnt'rrtio Illtzzini, r l t t t r c l o t ' ( ) l ( ) s f r , t . \i r t { ) l . c [ i 0 t n i t t r o , It sairl I'rt'sirlcnl lierrnerlr.'s reli! 1 r { r n! l u r t h i r n n r o l e t h a r r i t l r r l p l r l , lionnt't11"s qain frorrr (tatholic I rrtr'i rn tlrc petccrrta{a o{ thc niilionitl .1..y [\1'(],1)arl] i0tt"\1'n5 l)!.t r','rlt, $hilt: lris ltlss of \Otes h.r' I'r',rlt':lailt I)cn)()cfa1s anri ln. (l.pen(lonls on thc r.cliqious lssu(: \ r i l s t ; . 5 l ) t .t . ( , o n t , r n c a n i n g a t o t a l Irss. 0f 5 i l t {t , '!'!rl :.:: por cont_ thc sur\.cy rllrrrilllrtc i>f anti.(';tilrt,lie \olinit \\'as nreasurcd b]'thc \olcs ol rrtlrclu'isc l)rrttoct.atic I'roteslilnls pitl't). rvho tlt'fectcrl fr.onr the lie lt is ask- BENEDICTINE Grove, limes, Holy "'l'lrcre tt'ls:r tinto rvlron;r Sistct' rvlxt iintu. lrtr. etrtor.lrisrrt.arttl 'l'ltlt'e tltc ll's, r'orrltl rlo a florul .job ol teaclring in a sclrrtol. Sltc can'i totluf in this sp;rct' ;rtr). Sltc'lI hc stunrpotl bS llrc qrrtslions 0\'0n first glarlet's ask lrn' i{ slu: llr. Kcnnetll' shorrltl har.c grrttcn at loast nro|c than 50 p()1.celtt of the total popular votc, sairl the snr\'()]'. lt rcpor.tcrl that lris ,,1t. tLactncncss" cxceerled llr. Nixon's, tlrat shrtrt.teiln {0r.ccs apart Irtrur lt'ligiorr lar.or.erl thc l)cnroerats antl lhat tlre l)ernoclilts ilLc tlto rru.lor.ity par,t.v. i\lf. Nonncdy got ,19.8 pcr. cent t I thr poilrilar votc. "'i'he fact thilt it slal,ed rnstcad on lhc Rcpublican-sidc tnaJ. t.(tpt.esent ftlfthof danraging effects of t'eligion lol llr'. l(cnncd5'," it slid. Irrour ilris the srrr.r'e1' conclrrrlcd "it that u'oultl be naivc to supyrose that r (.'ntlrolic ctnditlatc no Iongcl suffcr.s nny initial rlisad, Ialltarle ho{o|c tlrc ^,\nrc|ican t'lcc. ttl'alc as a lcsrrlt of his cr.ectl." hasn'I lrad tlre cquit ulult collPoB erlucntion." of il "\'orr gr'ls superior t'nrr'l {.Nl)r('t ir Sistt'r.rvlro ililt Itcaltlr.t lrilll.l|lrincrl, untl lo entotirinallr, lrt ttr'i t t r l r r c a li o n s , anrl lS calle'tl ttpott to dt'ul * ith chikllerr iit llris tl;r.r artrl l;.ic." CIll(l'\GO- -1'eacltet' nirlcs llc tiuing :r Iint' .iob in e hica,Jrr's (-llt{holic schrlols, accorrling to a strlvc;' lly lhe alchiot:csan sclrool boa ld. 'l'ltc sulvr..y disclosctl that l{i,t sclrools htrlc airlt's lrrrrl tlit't.r.1ri, cal nitlc is a nroihel u'lro r:onttilrrrtes ir lrall.rla).'s n'ork to a school, langcs tt'achittg--usuall5'in oflitltrtl rvithorrt airlt's, lhc Ittnchloolr hrl all tlrc rvll'tnrrn h'tlt't's {o at'ttral "cnr.iclrnrcnt" sonre that c0trltl n0t bc 'l'ltc hclp, rnosi c()nlnrr)rl drr{ios gicllirr.nrt,rl ll}. sul'\'(r,\,fcvoalt'rl, ar.c srclrtati:ll anrl pl a1'.{r.ouncl supcr.v is ion. rbove, of lhe new communiiy GOES recognired ls INDEPENDENT-Thc rn motherhouse. at independnl Archbishop Ferdinanrl. Schulte Looking Convcnl of Reverend Molher tllo -\ulrr'] saiel. lt desclibcd tl)onl its: fr,i l)cl' (,ont o[ [hc r.oters ilr iire Sotrllr al'o llt'otcst.luts; I)t1)to-\lltlts thr:rc alc tttole farth. Ittl clrtrlclr.gocr-\i and nrost 1)l'o1csjflnt church.gocrs outsirle the lh* formal Eleclion Sl. Eenedici. Beech decree lo Sisler Mary lr1ary Clarisra. of r Reverend Mother for Our lake place Junc ?1. (Strff photo) :trtrl,ul rloLlt oL ()rucc l,,ud.1'rt.l' Lady from ihe Robert, O,S,B. O.S.B., of 6e Bene. of Grece Convenl will ConL,enI is git:crt Popc corlsccratcsbis[ro1l i n llyzar]tirrc li t uf'gy 'l'ht' llcrrcrlii'lirrr. (irttr lttt ol ()trr' Lirrlr ol (iutct', Ilt'er'lt (ilort., ltl: llt'('tt llt lttllr'(l lltt' stltttts .l att intic' J r t , r r t l t ' n tp r i o l t a c t o l r l i r r g l o t | r t ' r r tnt'nl s |orcivt'tl lhis N cck f|ont tlrt lLrll Stt,. tlrrtltrr'Ilro low at'flnl.lo nrt'ttl llrr. frr t, lcar'-oltl t'ontnrttnitl' uill llt. on an ,'r;rtal lt.rel rvitlt tlrt: I ) a l c n t r ] r { r t l } ( 'ht o r r s r . ; r t l " c l r l i n a l r r l , Sisler ll atr, Ilol)r'r'1, O.S.ll-. ('l'l'\'--l"or \'.\'l'l('AN u'lrnt is Ix'litlcrl t(' !)e tlrc {irst tilne in Itistot'r' lt pol)o c6ll:iecl'atctl att a|clrbishop in thc I.l)'zantinc llitc liturgl' tvhcn IIis llolittcss I'opc ,John XIIII consecratorl l.'athcr At:acio (ioussa as titular.\lchh i s l r r r J ro l l [ , r ' n p r r l i s . .srrllcliol ol llrc trcrv lotutrlatitrn .srncc I1157,u ill torrtirrut' irr hrr rap;rt'itv rrnlil tlrc Jrrnc 2l clectrutis til ii Iict rt'rntl ;r.lotltct' :tttt"! Corrncil of ;\tlvisors. (.)trl l,lrrl.r ol (it'act Cirttvcttt rvas olgartizctl as a rlcpcntlelt. pll()r!' A lrrrrtrlltt J'ears ag{} [)r,l)c I'lus lX consrclatcd Bulgllian Ilisltrrlr Joseph Sokolski used tltc but Latirt ltite.'lbda.v's cctclrlorU' r 1 1 1 cr ' r r l i l r r l t i n ( l r n o k x r r d 1 1 ' g r - r l r l . inr.J to the IJ,rzantine litut'g1'b1' of I'ope,l<tlttt er[)t'(!ss cornrland rvlro and lhrr.s honoled hi.stoly of the tltc tradition nastcr'tt Clrulch, tstalrlislt a noritiatc lirt' llrrr tlainin{ ol Sislt,ts. locirlcrl on i\lso tlrc convcnt l)fop(:rly is Il]e nc\r St. I'aul's r ' c ti t ' c n r c r t t l r o n r c I o r Ilclrnitagc, tlrc ugcd rvhich opcncd last 1ear'. tlclt,t.tion lulc thcr.c rlas 1?.3 per o('nt r)f tlt0 l\\'o-l)iil.t]' \'olc, 'l'hlct {trctors c1-plain tlrc largcr t t t t t t t l r t ' t ' o I r l t ' [ e c t i o n . _ si r r l I C S 6 r r t | , fhe Sislers of priory upon receipl of presenls lha commission on ir sl;il.rkt Roleof teacher aidesfauded llot'rvurk diciine PRIORY bcen Shown rt'rilairt rrlrcn slro is srrltotrntlrtl l11.llcoplt: tt'itlt has See. rtr l{}ir1, a lcrv .{r'ortt fct rlinlnd rnoillhs aflcl thr-'openrng of Our (ilat'e r\cadolll.v tln a l,ad1'ol :Jt)-lcrc lrlol at l4(t2 Southcln Ave., l ' r , r ' r r r i s - s i t ' r r \ 1a s Jict'ch (ilotc. gr';rrttctl il'orli Ilr)t)l('irr lllirS lo It earrtioncrl that the link he. a c l t i t r i r t r . ll l l i s e o n { l u c s t b 3 p c a c c tulrn deft'ction antl $t[ t t l t t t r ' a r t s r r l r i c l r : r l , , 1 c t . , , r r l r l , ] 1 ,c, l c l l ( ! e . r l c c r k r p ; , s s q , id c l i n i t e l l , n r e a n rnunlirrrrl it sensc of solitlalit,r.altl the irrlluoncc of an anti.Ctatholic r t i n l n t t . c i t s r . e ' l i q i o u sl a i t l r , " scl'nlon irr or. sonte otlrcr s t l o s s i n ! l r l r a t l i u s s i a ' s t c 0 1 1 1 1 1 a . , 1[ o l n r o l d i r e c t p e r . s u a s i o n by ilre aclilcVrltn0nt rs u,0r.tll,r, of c l t t tl c h . tlre rvot'lrl's arlnriLation. r.t,gartllcss of "Social Scicrrcc ilrcor..v ast-lre cotrnlr.r''s irlolloqr , t ltr erli, strrts." it t'xplairrerl, ..t.hat rrheth. tolial sairl tlrat "r'at'lr l)atlt to r,r tltrorrglr serll.totts, infornral t l ' i l t l t . ( , \ r , r r i l s t . r r . r rrlt i r , i : i l l)illlr eorlntrrrrications pr.ivate ol. a Iou alrl llrc spir.ilutrl r.calit.r. of s(!llsrr of t.oscr.\'e 1o$.ar.d Catltolinran antl lilc," cisrn, tlrc faitlrhrl Ill.otestant " lf a lreoplt hirs bt,cn oLganri ottltl rcae t tllrll.c ncgativcl-\, to irt'tl to suclt an e\tetlt as to l)c. thr. plcsi<lcrrlial carrrliilacl. irf a c()lllc it Iriunt't, a c(lll(luest tllat Catholic t l r a r r r r . c _ r u l t ln t o r . c i n t l i f nlaJ so{)n l)('long lr) nlan,\'." tllL) {elcnt Plott'starrts,', lrlrtolial conclutletl. ..this shorrl<l lnrl tui!lrt siglrill thilt nralte r. rvill THE BIcGEST dcfcction by onc tlar' lt.aI Ilre \ oil that sul.othcnVis0 I)t'rnocr.atic pf()tcstants r'ottn(ls lls l)ir rnt' oIilirrs Ir'ortr llrt iln(l Independenls. it said, took qirzc ()l tlr{)sl'\\'ll() r.lairtt to ltc plat'c in lht'Soutlr. It said thc KE Y N O TR E [)r.ntocr.ats, but \ ()[r'rs \\ r'] e l inler.r'it n'ctl in llliti, r't: irrlt'r.r'it'rvt'tl in lllsti arrrl tlrt.n iiltrrvrcrv('rl ailain bcfore and aitcI llre l{ttit} elt,ction. tirt' ttlitolial {lllot(.(l cxeerI)ts Ir'orrr stateulcllts h1 l'opt s .lohn \,\lll itntl Pitrs \!l on lhc srrbjcct of l l l i l n ' s o ( r l t ( l u e . p {\ l! l s l ) a t c , .{ll tlrtsc stitt{,r.u('nls, it sairl. ''itrsislt,rl ',n tlrr nr:ct,ssilv o[ tttalclurlrsts irt lrrtrlr antl sutrl." Sottlh are not publicans. l l t e 1 t 3 1 ' i 1 1 1t.h. o n r s c l l c s . tng l qlcat (loal. "ll pastors is essential lor and ofher priests lo undersland how necessary it is lor Sisferr to be educated for the work lhey nrust do in lhese charrging It riill contilttre untlol thtr dilt'cl.iou ol thrr li'cr<linand ltlotltcrItousc. 'l'lte ncu' cornrnunitl truntbcrs l2l prolt'sst'rl Sis{crs, llrlce nov'l'hc ir,cs atttl seIcn l)oslulitnts. Sistet's stafl t5 palislr sr:lrools anrl ttvo lrigh sclrools--inclrrrlirrg Chatald IIigh Sclrool in lntlilnapolis-in thc alchrliriccse, rlc throughout *'as crorvtled ndred pelsons inldinals, dozens of and Interlaith a lalks helcl in, IJosIon 1953. others. nronk lJr.rln of in I j ( ) S ' l ' ll N - , \ drscrrssion h.v' tlrclatt and Ur'tlrorlo>: clerg-r'tttetr oI contornpolar'1' Irrotcstattt antl Olthotlor conccl)t.s r.rf tltc t'lturclt \r'fls a leiltul'c of thc scvctttlr naAFTE R SE RVING as a plofestiunal convcntion ol tltc Socictl'of sor irt a sctninat',r' in Lcbanon he 'feachct's of SaCalho,,c Coller:c rt'rur.nerl to Rorrrr- in I929 to aid in clcrl lloetline lrcrc. t.odil)ing thc canon la*' of thc \r et'c l)l'. \\';rltt't' -'--I'altit'illants RrrE ByzANnNE )1.:,,,,11:,1'iili"1;,,,1ii,i;]'"i,,:il,-,llli l l l , . 1 1h i c l r t l a r n - s c l t ' r ' S l ' ; t t t i l l a v learlels irt {lrc ccrirrrcnrcal nl()\eln(,nt (\tol'l(l-\r'trlt' chrrt't'lt eool)ol'. .lohtt A l r r ) l l) : altri iirr. Rtl . llt'r ctttLrt'ff. a pt rrfu:sot at St. Vlarlinrir"s Sctlttlat'y, tllthudux Ncw Yotk, ()! ioillitl ('htrIr'lr, llc lras irt.rn a1I a e h ( ' ( i t { ) t l l c I I ( , 1 . \S c r s i n t : o t l r r t t , also ltolrltttg lrosts as one of llrc llt|ct' rilr.nrbcrri (r1 thlr l'onlilical ('onrnrtssiort lol Ittrssilr. s{'efctlr'!. o l l r o t l t l l t c l t ( r n l r l i (i l l ( ' , ) l l l n r i r s r r r t t lol tlrc Atrtltt,ntrc lntct'pletation ol llro (lorlc ol (lanon l,arr' ;iltd the I'ontiltcal f]trrnrrrisstott lor' Orlit.irr.; thr: f)r'icntal t-otlc of Canrrn Lau'. antl an al(lrir(,r'lrr tltc Ccntlal I'r'cJralalorv cortrntissiort lirr tltc t'rrrtringcctttttcnit'aI cotnrcil, I'rlpc Jrrhn. allt'rtrit<l b.v g;i1dinlls and l',astern Illtc pl'clat{'s, pcrIornrctl thc c('r'{'nl{}11J'itt thc 'l'hc l)opc rrolc Sislitte chapcl. Oleek tt'strncrrls uhrch rliffel cortsirk:r'abl1' f lorrr I hosc nortnally ust'd in tlrc Lalitt Rite. trftei' lltr: )l;rss,,\tcirlrislrrrfr (-oirssa said that tlrt' rurlllcccdctrt"oqtlal lvits t'rl cclurronl' t() aI THE CRITERION,APRIL T!, T96t PAGE TWO onew approach'to the Scriptures The cosmological notions of their en. vironnrert[ in cxler to announce the biblical message of salvation untl consolation. Wheu criticisnr Is il trventies the lnovenlent got rrndenvay (ierman among ttnt Form hrr crilicism lrken rway lhe ground on whith lhesc critics rlood. Apprrenl .onlr!. dicllons rlc rt6 longor r problem, They do nol delrrrl from Scripfure; very sffen fhcy hoighien ilr rignilicancr. Thoy reveal a particular lnlrnlion of lhe aulhor, rnd it ir lion fhrt lhc sx€gclc ol lorm in ilre Protcs. exegetes scholars, Catholic availed themselves of their work, and oven if they were unrvilling to follow all the conclusions of the I'rotestant writcrs and apply the reerlly nretho<l to thc sanlc extent, they celtainly nrade use of it, albeit tcntatively, in their rvritings. nerv? In counlrltr whoru ccclesirsii. cal rltlluder hrvc cncouraged (onlrovrrsy in biblical nraflars, lhert hrr becn r grudual evolu" rion of Crtholic exogcgir In lhc dirccllon ol rn intelligenl urc of form rrilickm. lhir Inten. musi lind. ' On this r:ontinent. tvlrcrc cal prrhlications havc beelr hesitant and conscrvative, to tltt: Applf iug folnr criticisut llilllictrl itccounls trf tltc ucltcsis rr t tvc rliscovr-.r tltal of lsracl. a here latring a lroll'slgir. rrc rlevice slcred sior'1', a litcrnt'y wondelful n'hich lltr' thlough rlolks of (iorl. llis tt'tlt'cttting ininto IIis pcopl(l'$ his' tenentiou lol'I', $otc lnl!' eppcur to sonrt' people. It is a nrcthod *'hich. sittcrr thc beginrrirrg of tlre twcltics, has rcceiverl 1he unnte o[ {ornr criticisnl, Irr this approrch, the tariorrs parrts of lhe Scriptrtres itr{} c()nrpared u'ith othcr oriental literaturcr^, Rut[ b1' rrt analysis oi style lnd stnrcturc, the litcrarl'forur ol passagc is dctcrthr scriptural nlincd. Such ail attal!'sis rrill bring t<.r iight u'ltellte'r a triblical text is to brr regarderl as a {actual rcport oI lrn clric, :i-c :i i;ociir it,iilnrcnl. oratiolt, a pamtrle taken ironr liie, genros or auy of tha othcr litcrlrl' found in tht literattrt'e of ihe Neir Ortly rlhen ntr tlis}:ast. roref litorai'J' ol the fot'rt e g'tr trntlcr" ctn Irier'e of \f riting starul tlte ntcaning tlttr ruthor in. tcndcd to eonvcy, il'his is lruo lor all tinrrs. I|', for irtslanee. \re flre unil\r'are.thrrl. a certairt text is really a lelegranr, rlc nlight conclrrle that the author nust have been very attnottncotl. ll'hcle is uo atttltr.rt on tltt' Artror. ican t:ontinent rvho has nrntlc tltis ripploRclt bcttct' kttorrn th:rtt I"ain ltis John L. ilIcKtnzie lhel Lrook The Two.edged Sword. 1\'c realizc norv tltnt lltc tlttcs"Ditl rs tion, this lcllll'[tappert is not nntlo*'n?" it is u'ritttn ac{rour thc bililical ss'tralllu al)out tllosc currnt. All rve klorv t r,cnts is \vhat thc sllcrc(l allthot' rynnts to tell tts, ttrntel5' lltc sigof thc divinc cvcnts itt nificlnce tlre pcople's hiskrt'1'. 'l'he ploblern of clrronologl', of the tinres irnd placcs hrrnronizing givcn in thc Riblc among thcnrsclvcs' antl u'ith those -frtund in litt t'alttt't. lrecorrtt-'s nt sccrtlar sDcciulist. bost u pt'oblcnr fot'thc to lhe It is of no signiliclnce If lltc sntttt: reil(lcr ol tlrc llible. {'vent is lt'pot'tcrl by lrvo bibli<:al authorr-. it uray rvcll lre <lcsclilrcd ',lic ii',r-.r'ni'.i' tliffct'cttlly ll1' tltctn, if Iorm in rvhich thcy clolhc lhcir indicates tlrtrt thcy ar'e !ccottrts coneernetl ahout tlte evenl points ol vierv. dillerent angry fionr rvlro betraS' an atlolcsccnt joy rn lluing ablc to sity rvltnt tltcy rvelc ruttablt tti say bnfott. Thcy crclttr the irnprcssirrn tlrat thcy rvish t0 pru'ge thc Scripturcs. lvltlrl rvt' (.()llsi(k'r tllrr itctuirl lrislorir:al {act, lhe cxar:t nurnher of blintl nlcrr prcsent. is only srlcoll(I,flr]' lt-r thc lxrsie rrntlcrr stan([irru of tlrc biblical tcst. anrl ofton tllc (tucstiO[ is not cvcn au- rr-hich ean suppll- Llris infolmirtiou. Intlccd. sourc rutiivitluals trtakc a good liritrg by supplling s t t el r d o s s i r t ' s . 'J'ltt: trnsttspcttrng deepli' impresscrl u'ttctt rlocrt. ntcntation of tltis solt is shr)\rll [(l 'lht-. hiur. ne ]il str.l) in this ploctrss of guilt lly Rssor,ialion is ttr con- tlrr-eatcnerl Lr], an uncorrntt'd nurnlrrr of -scclcl Coninrrurists antl fcllorr.'tlar'elcls. dt'ntn a lalgc attrl r'espcctlLrlt: olganization !rccarrst' sorne of its ('orrrrnurrist.ftont oflicels lrirre 'llris, rccoltls. lor exaurplc, is pat't of the indictnreut against thc Natiolal Council of Clrulches. llorl are the susper:tetl inrlivitlrrals to bc irlcntitictl:' lt rnav be clr(rugh to apply to thenr the lnbel "liberal." u'hcther tlris refers to eeonomics or theolod!', an(l thus autornaticalll' tlu'ust thcrn into the llonilllunist ciltrlp. Whr.n possiblc, horvevcr, it is plefclnblc lo cite Thcre arc trvrr substantial flawg in thc pt'occss jr,rst outlinerl. Orrc rlerivcs flonr t;:.. t'cry trittut'e of rr Conttruiiisi ironi. ii1' detrnrtrorr. somt: of their viervs intlie ltitrg soflncss on cotttntttnisrlr or slnlpathl' tolald thc moveurent. niziltion secrelly lled b5' the Conr" Sincc ilrr range of thcse suspect vicls is lat'gc, the net su'ceps in l r l i l ! ' ! l o r l t t t t l l - t { , ' to f v i c l i r t t s . -e'o be suspr:ct, orle need not ha\.e gone so fal us to asselt thitl Commuuist Chinl lras a legal claim lo rnembership in thc Uuiicd Nutions on the basis of thc UN Chartcr. It nray be sufficient to har.c advo" catcd cultural exchanges rvitlr Cournrrrnist natiolls or. cven to falor dit'cct lalks betrveen I'resid':ut ltcnnctlj, ald Chairnran Khrusltcher'. tlut rvhat these olganizations "i1":U.-:TlI:'jliP is to lulc rtnstrspcr:1. ably loyal Anreripot'l. of eleverly t o f l a j ( r lin' b c ing of urpiio lic. above all is iu a cotnmu' tlre lrilrlitrnl rvitness tto lottrlcl ltistolically t luc? Walc thalc lltrhrtps l)i|\'()r :tny I)lil'ilcles a c t ' t r 1 n p ; 1 1 1i11 1 g t l r c l i b c l l ( i o n of lst'i1cl florn lijgl,ptinn horrdtgc',' .{nrl rr'hal ahout the uriruculous evcnts surLountling lhe ltirtlr oI ()ul Lolrll' Ditl Jesur- rlo all thc l lrinss tlrat lre rvlitii.n rlorvu'l I)itl Ilc lcalll'rlic fol us nnrl risc Itil us fr'onr lhe rh.arl'] 'l'lre slrock rvhich a sullcrficinl rnttlt'r'stlnding of lhc uc\\r npproach to llrr. Iliblc coukl plorluctt Conrnrunisl. list ln0\'cnlcnt. checkers do not ;\rnatcur haye ilrc E N GINE S -A l Mokes l ond Models I Doy lnstollofion Gusronteed 10,000Miles or I ?0 Deryr f rcr PlclupWirhinj0 A{i, Cronkshof I Excho.ngc, Cy_llndcr Hoodt Excho ngc All Mokes& Modelr CompleteMochineShop Service @'i;';i:ii' - I NtoHtJ u br626 | r,s, ptn wr. In I tl||T|lREIIIIIAIIGE 300 3. lAst St. t s, a event rvlrich thelr bcg1rJ11s5 availallle to all u,ho believe. As a nliltter of filr,l, tlrc nc$' irpplolclr is no nen' approat:h at all irr Ilrc l;r'nse o[ lrciug a turrralrorrt. r\s is lrrre of nll other. cltntrges in tho Cllrlch, it is the t'csrtlt of a str.'atly tlct'r':lopnrenl. Itbtnr ct'itioisrrr ol' a kirrtl has a[. u'11's lrt'r'r1 applicrl to the Scrip. tttlus.'i'lrc l,'ntlrcrs rrrulclstootl rnuch of it intuililtll , Itt'[orc llre nnrne of loflll r:riti. r:isur n'as irrvcnted. l,oo Illl uscd il u'lrerr lrc lenrin<le<l us lltat lhe liihlc rvas not rncaut to bc a ur;rntual uf ttnttrlal science nrrtl hent:r: conld not bc uscrl as a sorrlce o[ ittfolnratiolt on rnattels tlcalinrt u'ilh natrrrat phcnonrcna. is tro[ the fault of thc Ultholie exc.qctcs rvho lrc ntnking the f indings iif nrorlern sclroliuship kuou'n to llrgrrp 1111dip119e5. Ilrrt il DrH]' paltially be the fault o[ soule of theit cnlhusiastie follotvwho enjoy shocking hacliglttrttrtl if people, to rrrlltr' srrr:lr ct altta- tl0lls. A SECONO FLAW rrr the rin" ct'itic:rl usr- of (iontrnttnist,flonL ( ' ( ) t t t l r , ( ' l i r l t l si s t h c l o l a l i g n 0 r ' i r r g rif tho t itnc e lerrtcnt irtverlrt'tl. .,\ llet s()n \\llo beltrnqerl to a L-onuuu" nisl front itgaillst $'ar rnd las, crsln l)('f(rl'c r\uqttsl. l9Jlt. nlil.y harc lrt'ur ltotlliilg nrore thitn ;r pacifist. nris;iuirlul But if hc re. taittctl urcnrbclship lfter tlrc llitlcr'.Stalin pact, tvhcn the title "fast:isrrr" rvls dropperl frrrrn {lre ol'gilnizaliou, this is a ntrtclt ntorc seriorts nlfltter. 'l'o hlve bclong('d lo the r Na. tiottal Cotrncil for i\rnclican"Sovic[ l;'r'irudslrip duling Worltl lVar It, 'rvhcn mosl. propagarrda orgatrs in thr' 1-ni,n,t Slnlos u't'r'e :.;inging thr! llr'!lises of tlre Sot,iet Llnlorr. is quite diffclcnt front tlre nrt'mberslrip il tlris sallte gr.oup tluring thtt Korcan \\'ar. Likcwisr, lc ignorr thc tli. malc of lhe 1940's in appraising Comnrunisl cbnneclionr crn ba very untalr. 'he told by biblicnl arrthors, \r'c \\'crc Leo XllI, enrployerl the A (:arclcss explarralion of iorrn cliticisnr nray givc tlre idca that certain biblical stor.itts llc poctic invurtions to s1'nrbolizc ilrc clcvatetl spilitrrnl idcas of thc sacred atttlror'. lf this rvcr.c tr.ue. tltr:n lhr: llihlt-. $ould tcnclr us ilrings rlivine tlrrotrgh Ihc poctic gonirts err. r.cligiorrs insiglrt ot' ;tn rurustrallv Iii[lctl rrrarr. 'l'lre pillal of filc b1, riiglrt anr! tlrc pillar o{ clorrtl b1' da1' rvhiclr, acr,olrlirr,l to tlrc St.r.iptrtres, nc" cornp:rnictl tlre people of lsr.acl in lhc tlc$erl. rvotrld ltc only synrlrols which llrc author seler:terl [o expt'c.:s the plotcctiott anrl Il lhe liglrt o[ these eonsider.a. tioirs it is not importanl whctller the pillar of firc tvas visible in the tleserl as are rrrodcrn se$l'ch- Irave acctrnnrlatctl n {crv cunucc. liotts rvith Conrrrturrist callscli. In thc rnr:arttltnr-'. they lravc otrt, qrorvu their early naivetc. lntl nor\' ilru) respectable tttcmlters of lhc ncarlenric rvotltl, or tlre govtrnnrcnt. ol' soulo agt:nc5, lhat affccts lxrblic opiniort. When Ilrtr llottse (lourrnittee lrolrls lrr:al'ilEs "rrncovcrs" anrl conccalctl Ootrtnrunisl.s, these pelsons oftcn leacl 'l'lrc1' in tclror, fccl likc cscaperl r:ont'icls rvlro har,e r:lrangerl their' Visilrnca in fhr fucr ol rvil may givc risc lo prcoccuprlion wilh rvil, , . . lf wc rrc unduly preoccupicd with rvil, wc bc. come cvil, There ir dsngrr in giving morc fhoughl fo lhe thingr lhrt w! !r! ACAINST thrn lhe things wc arc FOR, lf ir arricr lo dirtrurl fhrn lo hlvc feilh. . . , Wc hrvr our norc fo ground lhr to fcrrcl oul lhc nRmes and lived lespectabtc livcs, yct still dlcll in lcut of the da5' rvhcn they gt':ttrcrl. rnay bc prrblicly <lis. Fronr this obscrt'ef's vicrvpoint in Waslrington, srrch lears are un. founded in regard to the Ilorrsc Comtuittctt on Un.Arncricarl r\ctivitics. !lvell in ils earliest and less rcsponsiblc dnl's, lho comnrittec as srtclt, in contras[ ttt sotne of its publicity-urinded nlentbers, tlid very rakirrg. littlc irresponsible munist influence in government antl in other important tields of Anrerican life. It uncoveretl hundreds ol Cotnmtrnist-front organizations. In the course of these activities, teus of thousands of names of'pbrsons conneeted with Communist fronts and related activities beiame nr:rttcrs of public reeoril. These records are the main source lor the.,activities of private groups llusily engaged in ,,exposing Com. ntunists" today. It is unfortunate that such rec. ords are being misused by un. skilled amateurs. But the victim of such abuse eannot legitimatel.v hlame the Horrse Committee. If he can argue that he was &n lnno. cent dupe in a different climate of opinion, the committee can also argue that lt rvas its public duty to change that climate of opinion. lVc deplore the abuse ol suCh rec. ords, but the publie interest was served by the original revelations. SINCE THE KOREAN War. the Ilouse Comnrittee has had leaner pickings. This is understandabte because decline liviiies, 'I'he IJut the fact conspiratorial ntuck- Sinr:r: 19,17. lt rvoultl be ttilficult lo rlocrrnrcnt :r charge that official comrniitae statcnlents have beerr tunlair in regard to indivkluals or organizations, Individual conrrnit. lee urerubers have lrot ahvays bccn so calefrrl. Ilut opponclts ol ilre cotnmittee stroultt not rnako llre rnistake thoy contlcrull in r'xlfenle private anti.Comnrunist or:ganizations, o{ blaming a group for the unofficial sctioxs oI just s fe\v 0l its rnenrbers. years lfhe 194?.r$bo werc the nteisL Inritful for the }Iouse Corn. nrittee. I)uring this period it vied rvith thc Scnate Subeammittee or Internal Securit)' produeing in rvell-documented exposris of Com" It ir not merely a mrilcr of Christian lorgiveness nol fo iudge a men loday for viows and conneclions held fi{leon or years lwenly rgo. In mrny cases, clemenhry iuslice ir in. volved. Soen in this light thc nrw bib" lical scholarrhip har onormour. ly cnriched our undtrrhndlng of lhc Word ef Qed. lhe new lrulh, or you ere oul in ihe old frlsehoods ol yeslordry. is tcllihlc, litblc to lend lreople lo (loul)t, or at lc.asl to (letnr:ll lll(,rll froln lltc llilrlc ns thc lrooli of lift-. Suclt n t'enction on thc prrll itf thc public. I lrlslcn to atld, It frr-rnt gr0lll)s. An c::pelt, in cer.ilin cascs. llllv go fulllrcl antl rcaclr sonrc dedtrctirrn nbout the lo1'alty of thc person concelncd. But this t1'pc o{ expclt knou'lrdge rerluircs long anrl conscientious stu(iy oi tirc lars in sueh a rva!' that ttrc slrJrv ir rrol a sinrlrle rccorrnting rrf an Iristorical event. fnrt a tclling of a rlivine People arc madc lo feel lhrt ihere has been o real brerk, thot iderr on Scriplure are la. ,,affer,, beled by "before" rnd fhc ncw light; you era eithcr ln ls --in rvhiclr Corumunist conlrol Itad not bccn cxposcd*of itscil proves nothing nlot.e lharr a mrs. {,ake in jutlgrnent. anti.Cornnlunrsl pleler busint'ssrnan is In the Bible (iorl can be {ountl not lrucarrse of the poelry of a siinlly t!'riter, hul heerrrrsr.a rli. vine evcnt in thc past is matle available. thlough the inspiration of llrc book, to all rvlro rcad and belicve. 'lhe pillnr oI firrr b1' niglrt antl thc pillar o{ cloud by tiay ara nol. sinply syrnbols clroscn by uren to Prr.rclaim the plolitlence of Go<|. On the contrary, it has pleasc<l (lod lo rct'cal Ilis prorirlencc lntl protr-'ction in thc stor.y of thc pil- srvt lnble, cts nisl.[r'on{ orilanizatitlt r)r sr}lt)e "proof sinrilar' of dilret Conrnru, rrist cunnt'ctirlls," Qtrite a Ierv ijr0rrl)f^ lr:r(e files trtrl irtrlex trarrls fHE DOCTRTNE of inspiratiorr whieh the Church has always fende{l meons that the lifrticat l$trk,s are noi sitnply humarr u'olrls ahout God*tlrorrgh {lrcy ara lhls also*but tlra{, he rc God ls speaking about IIirnsell. Corl revcals llimsef ln the Seriptures. tlre n<:iv. r\t lltis poittl u'tr sr,o ho\\' l his st-r-t';rllcrl trcu' itllproach t'atl leitrl t{) rosults rvhiclr staltle {ll(r pul}. Anti-Communist rCuntirrued fi'orn pagc l) :il\ r'r'nlucnt, sr:h.rols anrl ttttlIt,t'siorganizalions, llre iirs. tesellch r'iutrches and the t'ut'ious metlia f,rl nffcciin.q public opiniorr. Nor afr lhcl' silling to lcl thcir tilr. :lcts ofi rvith tht' r'r.lativcll' rniltl irrdictrnlnt lx'ittg of unu'itting rhrpes oI thc (-'trnrrrrtrnist conspir. 'lhc1' lc.\. :rle ra.gcl lo allege ttot forrllal. ttrer'cl.r' nratet'i;rl, (-)ul nation is al['gcdly euill- biblirnore thc rlevelopment ltas conrr: \'cl'I' sud. <krnl]', and thc rapirl r:harrlic crc. atetl tlrc inrpr'ession tltat sorrtr:. tlring altoge{her new had treuun irr llrr: lifc ol thc ,triris intpressiolt hrlrvevcr is falsc, anrt il rrtrrs{ not l)0 r,rrr,ortr.agcrlbt. "the speaking of nen' look" of biblical strrtlies or by opposing antitlrr:tically thc old rvistlont and provirlence (iod br:stowcrl which on IIis chosen people. The Biblir would thcn meroly bc lhc worrt rrI rnan sbout Cod. but it is our faith that the Bible is the Worrl of God about Gnrl. this was a period of sharp in Commuuist party ac- Xorean IYar and the Cold War ntade Antericans mrtch nrore soplristicated. Labor hati expelled Ol coursc, onc crn rrisa r qvorlion logrl pro. rboul lhc priefy of a lcgklrllvr body rn. grging In cxporurt ol lhh nr. turc. In lheory, fhcrc inqulrlcr rre dcfended rr rn rld lo logir. lrfion, As ruch, thcy hrvc bcrn uphcld hy fhc courtr. Yrl lhcrr aro morr lhrn crrurl lndira. lionr lhal lhc meln funcllon of lhc comnrillcc hrr bccn cx. poiurc of Communlrlr rnd lhcir r cllvllirr. ls this rvork still neeried today? If the eommittee retains a baljudicial anced and view of its task, there ls a good case for lts continued existence. It is helpful lo have a continual srrrvey of Communist activities. government The only other agency that currently is equlpped to do this work must of necessity work in secrecy. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is superb. Iy informed on all phases of ths problem. Communist But its re. ports cannot be made public. Il the House Committee ryere abo!. ished, the vacuum would be lilled groups. by private The activities of some of these would make such a prospect appalling. AGAINST TlllS background we judge Operation can Abolition, There is no doubt that tle Comnrunist party wants to abolish the House Committee. As noted earlier, there are historical reasons \r'hy man5, influential Anrericons p o s s l b l e lear the misuso ol lists linklng pcrsons to Communist causes, Others, \l'ho have Do per. sonal worries, none lhe less decry tbe concept of governnrental in. tlrat comnrurrisnr is justify does not 3cenl of lhc adversaryl wc hrvc our arr! io fhc ground fo hcrr fhc distrni rumbling; belorc wr SolemnI\ovena to St.Anthony trIiruele Wbrher of Padua Tz30P.lUl. Every Tuesday f3 AprilZJ TOJune tE r- Inclusive aI HeartChurch Sacred Street Union Franciscan Fathers-1530 Sermon- Congregalional Prayers- BlessingWith Relic' Benediction SolemnBfessingof Sl. Anthony Lilies June t3th THE CR|TERION,APRTL2lr r96i PAGE TI{REE T H E C H U R C HAN D T H E W OR LD Carzonization set- Aid for THE VATICAN American cflorts, Whilc Catholies tnake up lcss than onc pcr cent of the corrntry's population, aborrt a third of Sierrn Leone's studcnts are in Church-nrn schools. I'AZ, IJolivia-'l'hc hcad. 0 LA (grartol's of tlrc eatholic daily, Lc Presencia, were storred by lcftist nrobs in tlre rvake of a stutlcnt dcnronstration rvhich'inclutlctl stone-throrving at thc govcrnmcnt Parltalace anrl city hall here, protost ticipants in the violcrrt against the Catlrolic paper arrivcd in a srnall tlrrck bealing govcrn. rtlent lflgs and in policc vchicles. SCIENCE last FAIR $aturday's Ninth tion in the WINNERS-Scecina Regionol Physicrl Grade Science Scienee Eleventh Biologicrl Grade High School, Indlancpolig, Memorill Fair seelion, Louir University. Buller al Aull, phced lwo frerhmrn, winners look Pafricir Tiemeior, whiie Mrry iunior, rchieved Scienee recllon rnd was awcrdcd Bert Exhibil during third in honorable in rho men- Phormlcev. sl:i-:'*:i"t"'*:.::i.111 l:l::::: 1- "'!-':h"::i:-.::T l:.-f:I-,ly-1""-"*.. ----':l NO SET PAT'TERN ide variation is noted in Canadaschoolaid ()nl.-'l'hc {)1"1'i\\\'.\, - rnulrl)(.r' ('anadiln (]lhof iln(l 'l'lris is orre stipulntion ol the arln. Itlilish r\nrclica ,\ct of Nolth l8i(i. tlrt' birsis ol (-'anadian tton- t igltl('ittholic nrilli0u Clrrrlch ()r)cl'atc tvlro denotttinittions ('()rillll()llschools irr this (1(lun't'alllt t't'r't'ir{t !()\'('illnl0nl cllionll s t t l r l l o ll t l l t l l n t l ] ' r t ' g i o t t s . Ilorvcver, llrr.r'c is un .tuo11. pat, tcln rrf sul)l)rllt anrl nnnt' of lhtr plt't'ollt'gtr lllorlr'J, rtltit'h aitls sclrools conlt's Iforll tlre Irtrtlt't'al g{)\'efn nlr'n t. srhools alo opcratcrl b)' Catholics, rr ho urakc up '1.1.3 pcl ccnt o{ population Curadl's of ltl.t nrillion 1-teoplt'. t)thor sc.htlrrls inclttdc thosr) opr.r:ttcd b.y lhc Unitcrl tlhtrt'ch, t\'lrrlsc rtrtrllbers lorrn 2t) pr.r ctnl of tlre poprrlation, and thc plrrtirrcr's, ln ttto oI llrt'tt'rr C:tiholic p:rr(.trts. likt' tlrose irr tlrc 1!nitctl St:rtr:s. l)al- tit\('s for prrb. liu scltrols iut{l :iut)})()rt adrlitionalll'thc nunprrhlic schools lhel' Irave choscn for. their clriltllcn. In lroth plovrnct's, c{folls to rlrangc tltis silrtatrtln at'c utrdcr Ictlclat ion. 'l'his intlcpr.ttdtrtee lrom ccntl'rl c{)lltf,\i rll(l fic;ii riliii 1:r'ovinccs plorltrr:orl has rvirloly v;rr5'ing sllrtcturr's of e<lucation. Most contcssional or leligious Arrslicatr t:lrulelr, rvlrosc adhelrnts rnake ttp 15 per ccnt o{ thc tlan" arlinn pcoplc. ual'. EDUCATION is trclusiloll' thc bttsitttss o[ thc ])r'o\iuut's in Can- tlcnorninationnl, gious gl'oup u'itlr givcn ench leli. provincial asslsIance. plovinccs 3.'l'hc i\llt'ilinrc ol Plince lCdrvnld lslantl. Nerv Ilnrns*'ick and Novn St:otia have "gcntlcnran's a nglet'nlcnt" to allttrv public. selrtrols lo bc rlirected by tl:tlholics or otlrcr rlcnonrinations if lhc rurnrbor ol strrdcnls rvarlnrrt it, Ileligious instluction is ltivcn oulsirle class tinrt. 3. In Quebec proviuce. n plc. tlonttnantly Catholic alta, is a tlual systaur, onc tltrtlurlie antl tltc otlrtr' Illotcsllrrt. lliach Itas crlral riglrts anrl gols fillnn. cill suppolt fronr taxes. ,{. In Ontnlio, Allrerta nntl Sask:ttr:hcrvnn, schools contluctttrl by Catholits antl 0tlrtr rt'liAious groups al'c pull of llto gonclal pulllic school sJ-stcln and Act governnrrrrl aid. ir. lrr l\lanitoba antl Iir.itir-h (b. (latlrolic Ittrubiit, llalents lrity tarcs krr pulllic sclulols lrxl srrltport tlrcir orln sthorrls as rvcll. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllilillilllliiiiiiiiiiiifiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil lutheran nunsplanpilgrimage . lt . \ l i i r l S ' I : \ l ) ' l ' . G t l n u r u y * ,{ curn uurritl' Ilas rnn{)ureerl pllnts for a pilgr.intagc to Sl'itzrrlanrl. 'l'he pilglintnge, Itcing pr.r'rlorninantly sponst'rlcrl by tts kind. of St. it llt:unterrical the for ol Luthclan l lly mcn Sister.s of is schcduled Nieholils for' .lull' :.t(i to iil. lflur.. patr.on slint of toll Catholic Its tnd Sistcls ltcr.e sanrluar.y in trorncn, 'the {irst is llar'.v. goal is the Srr'itzcr.alntl, marott'hotel AT HOME (llllurlic or'a WASlllN(i'l'oN gattizllions tlrlt'rv lhcir srrpprllt bchintl thrcr' hills hefolc Conrtlcss ic irirl tlxr natiorr's rnilllant [alnt rtorltt'rs. Fafher James L. Vir" rard, 5,J,, lcstific<l (r\pfil l:l) l)cforc a Scnllc srrbctltrrntitl.0r: irr bt'lralf of llre Naliorral (lltholi<r Itttlal f , i f r ' ( ' o 1 1 f 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 ( .t1h.t.' I l i s h ops' {lorrrrrrittt'c on l\li;lllnl }Volkct's anrl thc [lrshops' (]ornrnittcc [ot' lhtr Sparrislr,spcaking.'l'lrc bills notrkl sr't l.l ls tlrc rrrirrirrrrrnr al{0 {(}r' crrrllkr,r'rnr.rrt of clriklt'cn ;rttrl onl.v orrtsirlc school horrls; plovirlc tirl lcgistration unrl licensinti of cLctv lcatlt'r's tlr labor rontrat'lols u'ith tlrr: tl.S. Lalrol l)r.pal'ln)cl)t ; anrl estnblislrrncnt o[ ('ilizt'us Council a National on 1\ligt'atory I.abor. EtftlER's April CARPETSpociul! SniTSA'JlOiTrtt vAr,lln! ot rvhich rts f(nn)dr{rssr.s-illothcl iuo iUolhcr il c(llnnlrril Thc ( l!r'ilin llat't1 r'il rn porcftJ ltft conrntunrll"s rt'itlt I'astor llaltin Basilea atxl Quality lrr.rc iu 19.1i. lt is lt'rl (Dr. Schlink) Klaltr arrrl illlrlarrss)--*'ho rvcrc iuspilctl to trcgin self-tlcnial. nr.rr.' clrapel lrcr.e tlill bc dttlicated irr il1a5,, preaching on tle occilslon. Nitnrocllcl I.ttthel'lrn sllit'itllal tt'troit{s a1c lrelrl [cr.e r.cgularl1.,'l'lre grou'ins1 colstantlS'. scrvices o[ ilre conrnrtrnity are pattcrncri a{ter thc Scnorlictint-. trarlition. Opltot.tultilics are offclt,d ( 1 o 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 p i , rann r l c o n l c s s i o n s . irt illany of ilre Sister.s at.c cnqa(ctl in chapel nrissiorrs irr slunr rlistr.jcts, lcnriancc SecL lo estlblish n ser:ultr school s.yrilclllin Qrrebt-.c flousc srrhconrrtrillre has t,rt. |:\ sltottdcrl to appcals frrlnt college ctltttatots att<l lras alrpt'ovcrl l,'t'tl. crll ctlnslltrctitrrr gr.ants to llotlt 1rt'ilalr anrl puhlic inslilrrtions rrf Itifiliel Ie:rlnirrg.'l'hc srtl)r.otnlllittcc's aetion rrr:rrlo clrrrrch-r'elated plir ate collc[es anrl otht'r tlrc firsl scgrnent oI pliuatc cducation in lhis scssiorr of Conglcss to rvirr sottre lotnr o[ ('ongr.cssiorral appt'oval as lt'cipicnts of lt'ccleral 'l'hc glants aid. n'oultl bc usetl oltl.r' lirt' slt'ir.llv rclrlernic, rronlrligious facilitics, srrch as class. ror)rrrs arrrl lihr';rlir,s. Scrnirralics :rrtrl dir.inity schools tvoultl hc ballctl front t'eccir,ing thcnr. lrctl- Cerlholie Ard llolirl:rv '['our . . . A 3{i-Day of Six !]uropearl Coullhies . Leaving trom lnclianapolison Ju l y l B th . Bscorteclliy IVIsgr'. LrrancisJ. Reine, S.1f.l).,President of {\,larianCoiiege For Additional Information, TItAl/EI-,IIIART, Inc. et'al rnoncy rvoultl be givcn ort a nrntching ltasis.'l'lre govrlr.nnrcnt rrottlrl gilc onc tlollar tbr every trvo raisctl r'cISrty, rtltJlrtt' C(O. l l : i. tli o',-;tJ-i^fA?+8 MUSTC citizels. ::::,',\p ta:t.r.,..r.1r.:1rrl!*inrin,.;4:+rr\.rn Plan night school 3r*o#**H for late vocatiorrs GOilFIDEIUGE lVo err rpeclalirtr In morumontr rculFlured from Seloct grrra Grrnitr rnd """1'l','i"fio ,-rrr, F o rF R E E Catalog and Price List ___ lilA||m isc- . /l | l t f li Edw. W. Schaefer& Sons,Inc. 32nd & Norlhwerlern Avonuc Indianapolir 23, Indiana trr ur:i. .'- Msgr. I BOS'|ON Francir J. 't'lrc pilot. Lally, cditol of Boston archdiocesan newsllapcr, has taken ovel as lhe netv chairman of the lloslon Redcvclountcnt Atrlholily. A[lcr trvice rlcfirring action on eleclion l'ollorvirrg norrr. ination, llsgr. Lally finally dccidcd to accopl tlre post at lhe request of intcrestcd and dedicated SCHOOL ,till 8:J0; ,till i:00 rlours: I{ouls:Upetr'l'hurs. Openlhurs. ,tiu 8:30;other otherdays days,till i:00 \-fi!:i collt.gc rlrrcslcrl llre acliorr on llchalf of tlrc exocutive corrrnriltce of the .loinl, Council o{ the N(IC}I and NCCW. tta N, PENNIYLVANIA} # "lndicrro,s rllost Conrplete rllrrsic C enter,, PIANOS & ORGANS SHEET MUSIC RECORDS EUIIZ.HfGGIIIS,lt{C. tt t lhc latule of San ,iuan rle la llaarranl h1' lhe I)orninican lloprrblic' govelntlent. John C. Hayer, plcsidenI o[ the N:rtional Couneil ot Catlrolic I\lcn, an(l M;1. Elirabeth plcsidcrrt Zepf, of thc Nationnl (-burrcil of Catholic lVonren. rc- Tour membershiprpplicalions must bo received by Mry lrt JLrfirl,l A PE^H.RS()NI lnnUSrC by lleplcsentatn cs I oi solne lg nrillion otganize<l U.S. Catholic nrcn nnd tvonlcn htvc llrlttusted off icia ls of thc Olgarrization of Anrclican Statcs t.rr talie acfion against tlre nristr.t'atnrcnt of llisho1r l'hinras l'. Rcilly of llre pre- Contacf tot*i' C O N T I N U O U SF I L A M E N T is Incated rn lhc clnton oI flntcnlaltlcn. 'l'ltc Sistcllrood of i\lnr.v rvas cstalrlishcd by f00Yo All Petfect shline * ANT!lWllRP, Belgiunr A night schol for delayed vocatious is opening here on l\fay I to pre. pare men for entrance to the seminary rvhile they continuc their work in the rvorld. Etnphasis will be on Latin arrd Grcek. Father Jule F. Ecrls, S.\r.D., forrnder and director oI the school, said: "trIany men othcnvise weii qualified priest. for the Catholic hood nevcr enter lhe 'l'cx. 0 STONITWALL, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer at. tendcd l\Iass at St^ l'rancis Xavier clrrrrclr hcre acconrpanied by his dauglrter, Mrs. Lisbelh Wernohn, antl Vice Presidenl Lyndon B, Johnson. The Chancellor was on his rvay to the Vice presidcnt's rancll, locatetl near Fredericks. bulg. Falher Winibald W. Schnei. der,- a native of ilitvaria. Gernrany, and assistarit pastor of St. Francis Xavir:r church. the trlass and plcachod nron in Gerntan. offered the ser- ABROAD senrinary bccause they learned too little Latin and Greek in eoliege," Canon Ber. I ROIIU-Anghcan nrrd Prwley has arlivcti here to 7 !:xcn'rNG COLORS . . . r . . . o . . FUDIIRAL {;Oi,ii COCOA utJltittr SANDAI,IVOOD VAl,l,IrlY CRIIUN SAND NIAITTINI ilYL{lil ":#:#:'" otvt,y$711 12 & l s-FT. fPf t I aat t l0-YnArl PRO-IIAT'ED I i GUAEEAITt'$lti t 1 I bv BLMEIT's " 1 CUT and LOOPTEXTURED ExTRA $or,,ot CAITPETING rvicruis OIO of Regular rz.tL Slight lrregulars | 00 Hil' 9"955q.Yd.ll Perfect ' PIIR]\IANIINTLY O POWDIIIIED Bl,U}l :#'l;^T""#'*:i:: $ ( 95 ontt * lt;i";ttt"tlltl',1'",,,u'u,n,. L, YD. sQ. $il.e5 ;.; Now oNLy We will ROLL I1' OUI'! SEE WHAT YOU BUY -rile- carpet'Russ Elmer's One-StopLinoleum FloorCovering Service . . . our floor covering service is avaif' complele your ebte in our large showroonr or in 2 a c c o u n l s ? Why have homet Whetever your needr flooring * * FL[l0R CtlVERINE NO Up lsl DOWN to . * Paymanl to 95 illiil$ttix$ ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE Ior PAYMENT 36 Months "$a '#'O i. ro. C al f Ll 7'5418 * l N c . * | 37OI N. SHADELAND Ll7-5414 NArrrriAL 3 . f":8i,"* cttDAtr MOTH PROOFED coLoRSt tfililltuooo lllrcut AIILY a ttAn'r'H BROWN PaY Due in 60 DrYr Also 30.60'90'DaY Accounis 'til 9 OPEN Mon" and Fri. 9 Tues.,Wed., Thurs, and Saf. ' f i l 5:30 9 cuslonters THE CRITERION,APR|L 21,196I PAGE FOUR 'JJlllllll llli l ll lll ltllll l = Cornrrent The reseni viewpoinl. opinion €rlholic ?hoy wilhin in cxprc*cd opiniont l the rra of lfforlr rnd Church lhcrr columne rdlforirf THE nlcrllrlly vicwpolnt-nol lfic wltfiln lo rdllorr t{rl rorvr rcp' Catholic public Nrllon. trtead tlris, please Conset'vatives and Litrerals, let tls stop calling other names and let us reason together. olle an- \Vhcther lve lean to the lelt or lean to the right politi' cnllr'. rvc shall all be pttshovers for the Communists tlnless u:o ftccu orui heads anti work together intelligenlly to defend oursclv'cs ilgilinst an cnemy bcnt upon fashioning us t0 llls A l;irrrr: to acl spa.ce .exploration but wherever our foreign and domestic obligations involve our integrity and honor. It rvoukl be inrllossiblc to cxaggcrate thc scicntific imDortatrce oI thc ploof tltttt il lltan may be lattnclted ittto ipace rvithout, bi' I.hc sane tlct, his being launchecl also into etcrnity. Wc tnust appraisc thc Soviet feaf for what it is, objeetivcly. Althorrglt rve tttity itttleed rcgret patriotically that thc filst tttan ittto spncc \v$s not ottc of our owll, our qualitv as a {r'cc llatiolr l'eqtlircs lls gclrerously to admire the erielgy uttrl tccltttology ittrd llersonal cotlrage displayed. We might well hava this in mind as ',vc rvatch Conqress rllag. its fcct on prollosals involving ncrv taxes-;.i-;;; and our gorxlrril[ to make sacrificcs u, w"ti-is-Jn otlt' [tnancinl rcsources. We miglrt tlso keep in mincl that it is .rca.lly we w-ho drag thc fcc1. Congress rcprcsents us and rs thore to do what rve want it to do. At tlre same tirRe, it catt bc vcry easy to exaggerate tlrc non-scientific intplieations o[ rvhat hari been done attd thereby fall for tlre all loo oltyiotts itltentiotts of the Sovict Alltcr all, thtrt tt SovieI olficer has tlavellcd politicians. I QUESTION IIOX own image. "I[ n,c bccomc a nation of hate and distrust, tlten spir' ituallv \\re are like the Communists," says Father John F ' mflgazine S.S., in an artiele written for Amtrieo irtniii, illl(l leprinteil in {ull in this issue of Thc Criterion. Wc rtrge our readers to stutly this 'statement of Father eloniu carefully. It cloes not represcnt a line. It rvas not It rvlittt'n to sttptlort lhe vien'point of America magazine' is Father Croriin's answer [o requests that have been de' sccnrlin[ upou ihe National Catholic Welfare Conference lrcnriqrrni'leis in Washington, D,C., from anxious and beu'il' tlercrl'Catholics in all parts of the nation. "\Yhat alc \r'e to believe?" they rvant to knorv. "Sltottltl ruc ioiu a Caldinal I\{indzenty sludy group' as Father Richalrl"Ciitrrler of Our Sunday Viritor recommends, or shouid as other Catholic aditors \ve oppOse lhc l\'Iindzentyites '."' lll'ge "ls lhere a vast, con,spiratorial Comtnunist appat'attts in lhis countr)' successfully subverting governmcnt, schools iln(l churches :ts thc .Iohn Birch Society and other anticorumunist olganizations warn? Or are the John Birchers And if so, lvhy have so m.1n! respects1';lgkpot crlrcmists? Who are yott ;rblc jrcople supported the organization? going' to l)r:liovc?" Parallel A stormy. day is a bad time to repair r.oof shingles, [,ines O STRAY LBAVBS Curious about liftr Iean de Brebeuf otr other ;rlanets and Peace Corps J. D. coNWAY BY MSGR. By MICHAEL it, son're Catholic At I vnderstii'td possibililY of life cxprorsed their belief in the Crn you tell syslem' outside our lolar on planrt, ctrd be drawn from lhe pre' me if eny tonclusions l y pe of life (exlra' w h a t tapls of our failh legarding toircstirl tlfe) might exisl? Could it be rn intelligenf O. hrvc r withouf life, nalurrl not lally; bipedal' ory' have lo b'e a mamnralian, nrccsrerily possibilitier lhe Or lre gen.brcrthing crealure? unlimiled, withoul reslriclion, as far as the leachingr As A. planets, sclf.irnl*ovcmonl; sulc tltcy qrrt'sscs tltayllc erct'pt A filsl irt( nnd hc uriglrt krll gcn suf f icicnt col)rpoucnts rnasler sul)port liic, a.s rvc ililfi ilililililililfi ilil111ililililililililililililililililililil1ililililililililililili1ii[l lntelligt:nt ol lript'tlal. I hirvt: ttrrtrblc inragitting it rrs otltcr thatt oxl gcn.blcatlring. I lrrvt' tnrublo irnlgining it.peliod, trlaybc 'I'hctllogilns is not I tlon't lc:rtl cnouilh u'ill tcll supclnatura[. rvay ltalt o[ us-thc being rrnulrl nccrl sirrilal llowcvel', yott scit'ttrc us, houcrcr', a sortl natulll intclligr:rtt crilriIrlrrrrt. spilitrrll supclrt:rtuLul llrolrlen rrrurginatiorr. Ilave tlrc Iir,lrt hrr' loul crt'lltu'r:s orr otlrr,r'[)lln('ts bccrr llisrrt to irttclligcnt tltc sttpertratrrlll givctt bccn tltcl' liie of a lrt,t'n'l llavr: litr', irs 1r'r'lrlr(r t'clt,latirrnl l)rrl tltcy llrr,.r r.orrrrnit sitr'J bcon lt'tlt'tuttrrll ,,\f(! llt('l cirlk'd lrt a itt trrtrott rlrtlr (ioti .'\lrr:ht sontc ul ltcaltn g,J to htll:' thcrlt Norv thosi, :tlr tle rigtrt :ll'r'lls itt u lrit'lr tlrt: tlroulogiarr rvotrltl at h0nrc*-iI onll lrc hit(l sr)trlr) Ilcts lo rvolli ott. .{t Icast ortt'gct.u'r'trIiort *'ill trevcl lirurrv. I,]r'err tvc eottltl st,nrl a plolrrrrg l}ilttl t() orrt, of lltose c,rtLir-solal plauets--tlrr \ rl'J lloilr'('st rllic -rre shotrlrl i{ all bc oul tlcarl, along tlesccndallts thing witll bt,fol'c ls to wait gcrrclations iti)out- llttl tlrcv tr,otrkl gr:t back. irn(l se(! il rvc trrr.cI itu] of Ilcst ol'tllrlttr ttl Iteavrn. I notrltl llittt' t{} tulic lr t,hrncr on the frrc. l c g g e r l , t l r l r . r e- t ' ) ' c r l I c p t r l r i t n t l l ) o s \ \ , i ' n i l ! l h t r i l c o u n t 0 l in hcll. lleaclcrs elifler orl [:]nglish in Nl:rss tltc those to this problenr, dc Brelreuf in and also thc material IIclc lanijuagc condition arc some cxccrpts rvoultl lllitor': saintly I'o1rt' I'ius X atrtl <:harn- lhis t'orrr,isc rvorl<-'-calr'f it in lris bc to attach hirnself to (tlrc illontagnais) anrl . . . ircc()mpflny u,anrlerings thcnr inriqlrt a.s tltcy into rlurirrg livcrl. Lhcil l,n, surlcri*,rryrvilr rr,:rnrro l lrvl* unrir.u. clriltrlcnarc ffi:il,lJlll:ll" :iXl.:,lii,,:;f"',11,'l'li t t l t l o t l t o c : t t t s t ' a l l l l t t l a t l s r t ' r : t ' si r t ' c r't'lclltlrlc At,chahltot l'rrlrtirts firr,l,l'a',,ao,.., on lhr, usc (){ llngllsh tt, titJ ii;*;. rv,'ltl | {ot,l th.1 strcl :r 'r.ritt lta'r, it tr.r,ttr.rr,lot* irrrpt,.,1 .r' i5c 't'hcoltl ar.gunrt'n( rrratllre lla. rlilion;rl L;rl itt givcs lo.rrrit' to ilr. a glrrlrrrl ttiii' itltrl c.lttntr'nl.tatc lltis gtc;rl,r'tcn[,itr llrcil livcs, rl ii ts I t t ' r r t t H l r tl o { h c i l l l l o n l i o n . Yottt' ltaltci .r1r'ou's tnoLc t'r;ttng tt'itlt citclt isstte. of lhc tlotncr l rtt'gy. [ongttrr in {lrrr Clrut'elt's One ol tlrc big of attt'lctions is that tlre ser.vices I'ro{tstanlisnr rlc conrtuctctl in r lrngua;; ii,;i is intclligiblc to l.hc perlplc. Sinco lru rla1,s of ttre-'saintty Popc Pirrs X. t1e (lhLrlch lra.s stlbssc6 t5c iptltgrlan<.g ol,. r rg, r tt ii tr co li l. al rsr st u r ri .l ihl l r tt ll tr e rr p r ,l,i .ci sr ,t . t a : itt tt ll ti rt ,t in Yct notlirrg lrai lrt'r'1 rlotre altar. [u irnplcnrcnt this rlcsilc by pcrntiltitttl llro ttst' ol lltt' r't't'nat'ttllt'. [)r'onrott'rs of lhe Llrlin llgttc lhat Ilroso altenrlirtg trlass (ritn folkrrv llrc plics[ b1'usine lhc nrissrrl tlirnslatiorrs.'l'lrr, olrvitlrrsirnswcr to tlris. of courso. is tlrat thc cirtt'l l\'cl'al.lo llI'urllt kt'trp trp 'lir ". ,$. ,,,iitt hl r r r r d p tl thr nc rl lr ao cs.s t l t c - , t; ^' i"c, ,s, t " r. .v, rl t, -c, u, atc rcatling ttre oirc.tiriv ) ou ih; i.,r,a.*c|s rvhilc hc is sta[iint Canrrr,., l,atin in tlte illass ltts no ltlaeC 'fltc in tlto strace aacsootlcr lhc rv.rrld }rc1t'.tttlt, ltart'tltosctt',t'tls{or Latin in Canon iltc (ia{lt,lie '\n1 trtintprotttist'' ilr:rss ir ;;;i":i,,;;;; rrsrng 'rll ('l)lt;rl)lr' lirlitor': lllrr. (']. ,\1. Tlurnras rvoulrl lcar.n aninrals lhcy IIc rrralized fully thc danand rnight thcir rages, encountcr, Iront fronr thc the cold of the rvinler high in thc rnorrntains. IIe hcaltl ntany stories of those rvho rvere abanrloncr.l bccarrse of sir:kilcss of accitlont . . ." ()n Octobt,r' 20, 1$25, l:'athor ,Ican dc. Ilrcbeuf on his slrorrldcrs and belt" anrl set ofl with the lUontagnais. o It is aslirnalarl laliottsll' thal lho (osl (lf putling a l)t,acc (lolps rvr,iher into thc ficld and paf ing hinr no nlol'e than a sirllsistence \r'ilh rvcll, thc Intlirnsl thc to rvill \yatje bc he intercsting might belwecn therefore a(:c()untsof de ilrellcttf's living r:onrli{ions rvhilo lcarnirrg flientls notc ['lainficltt the rvlntcl. rvorrlrl gain a hc tlrr:ir cuslorrrs anrl lrnhits. and ryorrkl, possibly, ''l,r',i'J"iliii"iii'"u,*$ 1 2 . 0 ( 1 0a n d $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . I t Io n(rlic(! titc lolLrrving rrrttra.:r'otis rr.r,.cIr. R'ehrn illl,,,:ll]:"1;J;;r cnouslrro rr{scr,rr.,",''r11l,,ll"lilil lrlltages intct- llttt'c itt :t trttlslt.ll 'l'lto 'lirrn lf rlcsctiPtion l)r'. l)oolc1' stoorl otrl in llrr: u'holc "llo tr';rs u Clttholic rvith" stot'l . hc nrinds, 'il,1ll " I a s t c n c r l cornn,.nring ,rsa ',rnail iil ilrc lllji:l:I,,il],,:[:,tjJ$ii'l],,,,1.'i,.,,:i'i: lll;lli;'"]li"ll 1.,,.11,.""fi,, l i e r l h i s s mhailsl e rb a 6plo- suacnhtel s b ltaon kt hcitss languagc a as beginniug [ris anrl tnakin:l pleliminaL-v, nlcrrj rvork oI r'cgcnelaiion anrong them. a I.::tin :rtltls il tliqnil\' arrrl sol0nrnit] to tlrc llass rlhiclr Iinglisl, t ' o t t l t l n c r t ' t ' < l < t . I l l o p r ' 1 1 1 r 11 1 1 1 v tltll thc (illrlch *'ill'Iieclt ii airvitys, r:ettitittly for lhc (lltnon at lcasl.. lt is lttlt tlifficttlt. {o_follo*' tlte 1lt'icst itt llrc fintl [,atiD-linglish lt'illlslatlolls rvc havc aI tltc pI'osent tintc' (,. ll''rvn lrrtlia'arrolis Sermonette 1'o lhc lltlitor: a sl ;. r v i r r ri l r c p r i r l s t a I t r , " " r t r , ' ' , ' j r " ' l i . . . . ] . ! t ' t l l l t t l l 3 J , : , t , i s s t l t ' . , , 1 ciln !.ou ia1' that vou aIe sil-r,ing ]].:ll-i; ,]l:lt. "I:'"'rllcllr rt'a{!!!rl1 ! \r'0ul(l Itl(c i3t u t 'gFg iors; tL r ( to sso( f!irl rt (r)(n' r- r - \\'c hale exautilled the pr.ogram of the John ttirch Socielr'. \\'c linrl it contlaly io Catholic social teaching ancl subvcl'sivc of Antclican civil liberties. We strcnuouslyn'atn our rcarlcls :rgaitrst lhis organization. of of problcms rvin tlrcir ft'itnrlship.,,, gcls, {r'onr thc srr,agcs CSurrlr in :\r'r,r.i.*. i:l ilraI t'oltl b1'ht'rttgin$ Iirliort. nurn's thlt It is spilrttrul, lrut (iod mttlt rrs. r\rrf in bccn Peace bcfore him when hundrcd antl fifty ycars ( A .Iesuit l,'athcr, hc lfi,lf) aller'2ir yr:als'lalior to irn- rrornatlit: r.lealel rvilrl 'Ib lilir u,ouhl not nccrl lo lrt'nrarrnlaliltr thc u'illt bcttcr .jPINIONS galaxics, othcf thc tlrc languagc Lakcs Indians.) fnnrily thr:ir Living loul inriulinatiott. r\utl kuorv it. No nr:etl to lcstlict i{ you gct trt'cd of tltc t'csttictiorrs o{ tltc illilliy \Yal', just let 1'orrl tlrrorrglrts lurp oft [o an5'orc of a nrillion llalc \\'c rlo not blirrg it up to make an inr.idious compat.i.sou, _ brrl ulrat lrappcnctl in Germany is tur extrrullle of ri,hat r,,e nrcillt*iln(l a \\'ilrtrirlg, too. to loll'n havc Qtrebcc thrce be instluctive, martl't'crl sonrc in lllnnets sirrtilnt' to t'al'tlt-ot' s itlt ;t t irttllc trl' lt'tttlttttlttufo, n)oislurr', arrd rvith cufl)r)u, ttitt'oge n, atttl lt;tlt'o. rvorkers frorn lris hioglaphy, Saint Among lhe Hurons, by thc 'l'albot. Ilrtc l,'r';ittcisXavicr S.,1. "lt secnrcd lo (de Illabauf) that tlre bast lvfly lr, rvhich an.t'li[c wclfare antl hclp. mountain to of thc {llcat OI cortt'sc, thct't' at't' rttillions trl ttlltct stttts ilt otlr little {)l(lgtlarl: a l t t l a n } ' r t t i l l i o t to l ' t l t r : n t r t t i g l t t l t a r t r (ioldrvatar claimed to be inrpressed by _ Scttator Bat'r'.l.' tlrt' liinrl of peoplti iri'thc Johrr Ililch Socicl.v. Antl'even sorn'c oi lhosc who criticized the thinking ol' thc foundcr of the olgarrizi-rlion pfaised hirn as a tledicated ntan. lo prrrvc lht: spiritual lborrt its atntos;tltet'c; ils holl lttttl ttttttsttttc tlottltl probnbll' supl)ort lifoi lrtll I har t' ltcat'd that it has During the plcsidential campaign John Birch membcrs \\'cre respollsilile for some of the most viciotrs anti-Catholic lilt rature tlistributetl in the IVliddle West. Surelv none oi our Catholir: l'eadel's ueeded to be rvarned against srich a society. 'l'hen u'e reatl that a Catholic priest is a ureruber of the council of the .Iohn Birch Society. Then \\e read that Robcrt \\'clch, lbuldcr of the society, a;lltounced thal half lhe nrembt-r'ship is Catholic. 1'his is a society that ntllacts slrflnge lrerlfcllon's. Qther rncnrbels of the couucil arc prornineitt b t r s i n es s r n e t t . airn allil.rrrle of ,lcan cotrltl n'as rvoukl o[ o canrc ago, Sithata, thc !.{assos:rrour'rrl it s'hieh tricd trl grow oll lt, It seemed like tilting at windmills; so we dirl not Naste cclitolial .spacc t0 condemn the John tsirch Society. activity rvorkols onr: of thc lts tt'ttrJrel'ittttt'e,:rt lcast at tlttt lt cottltl hitvc simple llerrtril liftl. sot't trf lttngtts things, likc lichcns*-n \rentts hides itself so thot'rvilh algae. contbinetl otrghly belrind a clorrrl lltitt tvt' t'lttt't [itttl trttt trtttclt over equator. It lvitrn inlf an Llorys [litt's ntttislttt'c trtttch rvill bc to anrl elservlrere rvhich sccms to prrblicizr,"tl of latc. Ilather nright 'l'lrc of tlxl'11tltt irl its altltosllltct'c ltas its tlrc.l'l;rt'lh rt tinl'bit ns ttrt.r'bc of. if nruch illt't'ettt'y at'e too coltl. llltrs tlttt ottcs hc)ottrl is too hot; sr:t'nls lo ltavc llat's. lttttl t.r'pr.s of living o care, ohviously, I)rr(lislr, Africa ott Vcrtrts to the the Arnct'ican tlrc'y wish to bcfricnd kinrl agains[ th{: friendship anrl confidcncc oI thc cornnrunities to be helpcd; on a pcrsonal basis, lhc onllr socure rva.y. ll'hele nright be some doubt, lhclcfolr, of thc usefulncss of beginning by teach, t:on' ntntosllhorit: nrlcd thc $,in I'ott cdtt' Ilo ;lt'ecise \\'c ltlrtc of lltc knorvletlgo of Chulch of crrlturc; )'ou likt' thc phlasc, lVay of t,ifc, antl I am ask sctrlttlists; cittt onlv givc spccifically of o[ thc laxpayers' Jnoney. BtrI llrey rvill lrc rnission. arios, jtrst thc sltnc; of cconontic on this strb,it:ct. Yott tro infortttation bccn Scpalation cxpentlitule of lifc on other to thc facl ol possihilitl' kttorvlcrlge' rto lclialrltl ltavc thcologians '.1'lrc1' lo get it f t'ottl rvottltl halt: ( l o t l hns given us r r u l l'orclltiott; hlrtl bt-ttcl lrls intcrplctnttons antl Slatc antl its rclationshifr ir concerned? foith of ovr religious it that by cxisting plinr:iplc of Corps, 'vhr:n they take csscntially. They will concepts to thc backrvard is ploposcd to help. ex<:ep[ inciden- ba blinging comurunitics il Would soul? superndlorsl BOWLES 'l'lre nrcmbers of thc Pcacc post, rvill bc lay nrisrionaries lheologirnr catetl IIe is an authot'ity 0n the Ilelievr' !'lther Cronin. Clurrch's socii'rl tcaching. He is the country's best Catholic i,s so recogniied by Catholics cxpcr'l on (:otrllnunismland ut"lll dcglecs 0f political leanings. Through the years lte has ntriutained a l'elnarkable balance in his attitude townrd ('ol'nuNllisln. Hc has been criticized as too liberal bj' tltc r:onsen'ativcs and as too conservativc by the libertrls. As tussistant diretltor ot'tlte N,C.\\t.C. social action department, Irc rvorks {ol trll thc bishops o[ thc country aucl not any one iu parliculttr. If the Soviet achievement in spaca travel convinces us of l.hc necd for sacrifice of some of our comfort unO-co* vcnicnce, individually and as a nation, it will trave-Oon'e a good thing. Surely, we do not always need a disastrous situation to stirnulate us. Srrch snerifiecs cannot bc r,cclrrilcd of a flcc pcorrlc. 'ot srrcll ils \t,c ate, rvithorrt rls corrscirt. ,l,hc cxcr.cisc frtc rvill anrt tlrc <lig.nity of man lerFrirc ir.. But sacr,iiicci tticie lntrst, be, Jrrsl,,thc santc, not ouly in tha obvious mattcr. of tLhIc' u l::':"' 1'^:,,"1, "tl chastitl' bc pt itttctl on ,t-lT, ilttd. be tlistt'iltttted in otrr' ,"-:,.t,,]t l t t f i l l s c l l o o l s . I f c v t ' r ' y . _ v o u n gp c f . sott rvortltl t'crcatl atttl nrcclitatc ott ''Irntil Pope's Jir thc Stofefooms l'jrlilrtt': riu,u,'. \i'c' cn jiii lli;ii:ri;nr;i Coiiiiai"s A r orc,rs i rl, ino n ( )r u Ink^ rr .x ,r.totr' ryr rr rtrtrtr tr r, l'rl t . I'). StlnltrY l\lls. I'ast Atrlt u almt'cl his hands and rvipcd 'flte Qrrestion []ox in llrc ]l:il'clr 'l'5c Cliterion carl(tt5 isstrc 1l tr '.iito' rr ll :; rr r lr rr rn"s' tt ii rornr r (r .or lrtn( r{.' rl ,t ri t' nr trgn , rIr lnt e in ]lornc. l)()l)(,'s .(trt',,rn,,,r',, 'l'ltct'r' lcttrall)' are Iloll' l;'athet"s Slot'cfoottts in tlre [i{t'r'nlrl City. I)eanel'y At a lcccrtt llttttcic tnt't'tin{ (}l tllc ('otlntil ot [-ittlt' olic \Vorut'n. l"ittlref licitll I[oscy, I)iocese, a 1ri'icst of lllc l,afrI'rttc shrlrvotl slttlts ol tlte Stot'et'oottts rvlrit'lt ltc trroli rthilc sttttl: ing in rvas !iarne. lhcir'food rvalc'r. in tepid I:iach one into thc greasy pot for his portion, thc-v carrght sorle srrrtrlrerl ccls rlippcd Rrcl;etrf his hands on his hail follorvcrl theil or on tlte dogs, Dc cxa mplc." a "'Ihlorrlh Not'cmltel and Decr'rlbor the 'lhc1' slashed dorvn saplings, \1'onrcn burlt lhe tents. ancl plantcrl thcrn in a rvidc cit'clc on an angle so lhal lheir lapeling <'nds could intel'twine 8bove. 'I'lre1' ticrl tlrcir rohes an<l skrns over thc trpper skele. ton of polt-'s and folnrcrl thc lorvet' rvalls rvith rolls o[ supple bark. stoncs. slcpl In tlrrs in thcil rvilh rvalnrtlr. In thc center lhey banked a fire with. ploter:tcd catrin, tha rvhole family packed close to onc another lor fuls, the rlogs findjnil them. of llrc furs, llc open any rvas Ii:ebcuf ts.ccn slcnch by thc body insccts that infestcd space sttiiocuicri by beihc and maddencd bodie.s and srnoke, him." o Ilirtccsatt Itrr:stdcnt ll(-l(l\\r In Lafa)'ottc tlre follou'in( lIalch. l.'athcr Rrellettf came u'ith thc u,antlcling Intlians fronr thc mottntains "IIc had tnadc fricrtds, he knerv, bchind Qucbae. lIe comprehended familics, rvith his Iuontat{nais their manners anrl custotns, . . , IIc cottld now eonback 'rltrtilrttttrnrrrulrrrrrrnnrn sERMoNETTEiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllll ti,lli,i''i?,'i,l,,l,i: ;;':,J;';il,l[: illlllllllllllillililillillililliliiii lislr the bcttcr'. hxlianapolis BY REV. LikesEnglish 'J'o o Iior p:rrents only You say the honor once a should hold thc Clucilir in loul hantl. antl pra j'ers: onc{j l'ol' cach Stalion, oncc ln of cach fol total thc oI of thc fivc intcutions worrntls oI our oI oul lloly Savior', and f I'ltillips Keep the Latin! thc Itlitor': I guess I atn .iust an old fogey, but I say let's keep tltc [,atitt in tlrc I\Iass! Ncrv Albany, It, T. K, Ind. Jubilee year A. You alc riglrt, Angus is thc the Irish nanrc Aengus or ;\onglrus. lorm of this name, as usctl for half the Glengalry Acneas-just branclr the like of the na rnu Scol"ch folnr a arilleuium Clan of ol Scotch Another IlacDonncll thc ancicnt by is Tlojan helo. In the 9th Ccntur-v Aouglrus nenagh, n'het'e he rvas Abllott fcast iltalch is l1i ltis llauic rvas ol a liishop oI thc Sncc$. sarnts ol llclarttl, anrl lol at monastcly, is sonrotintcs Ocngus, and hc is notctl {ol his nlitings Pcrhaps an expenditure of public rnoney to boost thc . educatlon ot parents may also be worth thfu*ing about, Janres Inrlianapolis 'l'o Clo. IIis rvr.itten otr lhe liles lris austcrc i;rir. To the llditor': Of the thousantls in tltc Archatlmittcd to dioce sc rvho rvcle .1911, in I early lloly Cornrlunion rvonrlcr horv rrratty at'o awarc that this is our gol<len itrbilcc 1'ear. IIere at Sacrcrl IIeat't alotle lltere werc 500 wlto receiycd tltcil fit'st Lloly Comntunion It occttrt'etl rrriglrt likc to gleat privilcgc thc prcsident of vcrse a lalgc tlreil atlveltisirrg {ilnt, rras taking associatcs ottt to dinnet'. As thcy rr'alketl alttng hc stoppod at a ncws stand to ltttl'an evenitlg papcf. Al callctl tltc netvs vcntlol by his filst natltc alttl as hc pairl him "lIorv " 'I'he nctvs lllall r\':ls gt tttttpl' attd intltril'cd, at'c 5'ou todal'? ";,, ;::':f" Ill".[JnW :i:.i,'ll',':'"".'* :' n'l',11^n J:i'd:nl:.',1,' ""u,1]1"i.1'ii,,il:l','i'i::il'tt,,)ll'jj';;i",, ra inry ffi -, ^X cer at that titne. lllat lnc to .\'otl corntnctll0l'ate lltts gt'antcd trs b)' tlte to get along'vitlr today, isn't he?" "IJc's AI ans*,ered, alu,nJ's llrat rval'." f,{. &i 7. of in tlreir flucnc-r'. lle oq'n progfcss Ianguage, and ltlrrases and on a gtarnntat." hatl with a fair a dictionary rvrit{an lrad rrolrls cvcn tnade of some o 'Jlhele is norv hardly in ruttelll,unknorvn every an1'part t'r'spcct of as lhe tt'orltl \vas the so St, Nor is Las'r'cncc lcgion in lhe calll' l?th ccntttt'y. tlrclc an-v pat't so fat' retnovctl frotn conrntttttication It is implob:rblc that any Pcacc rrith civilization. Colps rvolkcr rvill bc so nruch ctrt olf ft'om his felnrissionalies rvlto first lorvs as ryolc the,lcsuit (,lhrist ianitl' l0 tho gl'cat rit'els antl lakcs blouglrt ;ttrii,l i :,r,'...,,1 of Canacla, Fe*' arc norv callt'<l upon for tltc sttper- ,ilx"il:i:,;li *;:?*ii:i;ll,riilil'i,Jll'.ii;'if &lH "I of fact. rvat', Al cotlntercd *'ith' tlranked hint bccartsc I attt ttr-rtgoin* to allon't",'er]'rlisgt'trn{lcd If I lt't lris attitttde per.son I urcet clctcr.nritle nly rnanncI of acting. cltange nrine thcn in vc.f.v sltort noticc I u'ill bc itrst likc ltint." I,-r'onr timc to tinre it is goorl for us to ask outsclvc-s rvltctltcr In a nlattcr rvith thcnr rlcgrcc D. MORIARTY onc of his bttsiness illls. 20. Iless, JAMES tltc stlcct hald be used rvhich. in important, such as effort from schoolthe same from thl We read in the report of a nation-u'ide survev. also arrnounced rvcek, that the majority of the parenti bolled wct'e agalns.t more intense programs of schoql-rvork and against an iucrcase of requirerf home-work; this in face of .a li.sing opinion lhat siudy programs al college ancl unlversll), lcvcl may have to be prolonged to ,,teach ,Iohnnv t0 r'eatl" and otherwise make ub for dbserved deficienciei in high-school and grade-school'education. l,lditor': Alchabbot Ignatius Esser is to be congralulatctl on his piottcet'ing cffolts in sccking applovnl for in thc thc usc of thc vclnlculnl I\Iass. I hopc I livc to sce tltc tlay. l'athcr-nrakiug a ISut thcre are other resources to nrany.r'espects, might be thought more lhe little matter of increased personal chiklren and an encouraging aftitude to parents. Al tlrc or reactittn? Aetiort Stahl Ilohclt rvc have a positivc plograllr o{ action in ottr <lai11'lilc or tlo tt'e jttst allorv ourselves to bceoute victints o{ t'eactiorllr A s l o n g a s w e n l e e t p l e a s a n t p c o p l c t l t t l r n g o t t t ' r l a l ' \ 1e a r c pleasant btrt if rvc happcn acl'oss sonleolle',r'lto givcs tts a llat'd titrte rcaet ancl bccotrtc disgrrrntlcd ottt'se'lf. Do u'c tlo *'c itntnctliatcly goorl fol gootl ancl also cvil for t'l il' It (locsn't takc a gr('al rlcal ol t't'ltsoning for tts to lcalize that Tltis tt'c tlo foolish to lct othc|s tlctcl'tttitlc otlf rltiltl(lc. Chlist follorycd Ilis ltositivc pt'oi{ rvc fall into tlte pit of rcactr.)ll. cl'rtcil.vitrg Ilinr' gt'ant of love torvat'tls all, cvclt tvltctt tltcl'tt'ctt 'I'otla1'lct's ltoiv exantinc.irrsI lrorv oftcn rt'c act;;ositillli'ltttrl natrrlalll' by, heloic But a Peace pclhaps, a Typc, llark ef forts of a ,lcan rlc Bt'ebettf. C'ot'ps rvot'kct', solne day, ltai'asscd "llcfrigcrator, Field in the failule XVIIl, Peace Crrt'ps, fol the rtse of," or a delal'of ilrlce rvecks in thc <lclivct'y of airntail florrr honrc, ol an inrplacably obtusc iltcontpt'ehcnsion "l.he nativcs" principles of of the clcmentary bv nrfly take comfort by tlcrnoclacy and econornics, and by safing tlrinking about Blebeuf "You bud?" thiuk you got ploblems, to hintself rcturn it is plain oftcn u'c only lcact, :\. \'orr gol tho Nttp{ial i}lcs-singat 1'olrr Iorv illass iust as tlroloughll' as )'oui' sisttrr u,ill ar lrcr IIigh trlass. llililillilililliilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliililiiiiltiiiliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll THE CRITERION,APRIL 2I, 196I PAGE FIVE it seoms to work. quently dependent. qu.ntlE yd rh. lud rFmr b look fr. Slnrt In S.t | & or {y s.? = - = i::iii.'xr'.'.'r':J:'J"ii.,rr.Y*"iHlT:"1'i.',r'#*-.i ! complains about a poutirg l'd llk. h dl..u.. .ur probl.n sh.f' h.t ol h* .ffllu&? *.nFr. .&3.., wife $ wlft = . = L I It keeps you uncertain, off balance, and conse. The next time she starts pouting over some pretcnded hurt, refuse to take her seriously. Don't start analyzing 5;our past actions to find out what you've done amiss. I,et her stew_ if there's real cause for hor ,'hurtin,,', she'll tcll you; if it's a pretext' ignore or dismiss it, but don't lot her feel that you are <listurtred. when she finds that her act doesn't get resrrlts because ilre audicnce is no longer receptive, shu'll quit the pretcnse, Q : o 'fhcre's thlt husbnntls, mny have nrnny tlifr\s you sccrn of hcts in lhcir bonncts. your rvifc's lcnclion is qttiltt ottt of to rccognizt. propoltion itttrirltnt or rvord tltlt to the p:rlticrtlrt rvives. likc Iorent kinrls scts it off. silcnt she appelrs lbr sonrc occnsion to bcgin pout, and onc reason rvill scrve about as wcll as concct'ne(l ovelly \irrt diffiertlty. rtt;ry oxplltin, argrte, dony, ask ligure and st'l ln lcirlil).. this rrtirrtcuvt r out. chil<lish irtg lo hc uttclly Is possible, tlcperxlcrrt I feptcsenls [or stnlgHlc slntll-sellc ulron lrinr. a i[ l,'t'rnk, {olgivc. lty bcing )0u rvill glin,notlting abortt tlre plr'tr'ntled cattsc of ltcr this situution. another tyfre of pouting rvhich is sometvhut easier to It reprcsents a continurlion in atlulihootl of a typieally reaction to fnrstrdtion, \yhcn thc $'ifc doesn't get what she wants' she pouts-as shc did rvhen she rvas a child. rf this tactic rvorketl rvell with her parentsr shc may try using it. again in maniage. O{ course it will appcar in a more adult {orm in marriage. She miy lveep, renrain silcnt, or play the persccuted martyr,,s rolc until she gets hcr way. Husbands give in to this tactic because sonretimcs it's too rnuch hother not to, This is a rnistaka. It tloesn't help their rvivcs to grow up, and it destroys all sense of paltnership, since this ntust develop throtrgh coopcration antl sharing, tlo rittgktrttr-'tl, havcltadtottraliaalltttcconecssionsiltrt|ltavclteertntrrstrvillittgtoDotttingdtrr'inErrtarliagc? this siturt.irln ltrlatively another. In gills lltctttsclvcs;andattltcsirtrrctirtte,lrynrrrking grrilty lborr{: {lrcrr acliorrs, t-lrrry bopo to maintairt the uppcl ltantl in 'tlris il' llta rvorks, parlit:trlnlty tnclic sotuctiures tlrc rclationship. skillfully ttse llte insccuro and lho gitls trlerr lle a lillle Joung rQconciIialiontoSt|enI.Jth0n1lreinrprcssiontlratthc1' to be on the Iookout Sltc intcnds to ltet'act. In fact. some urxlerstoorl, llrat nirrv? 5,otrr rvife is tr..ving tg usc Irelhlp$ you arc iSis jusl, bccouring 1acl.ic alare o l i t iinctic n c t i c sshc h c lhas tas u usetl serl n nll l l illong. ill0ng. Ilow tlo you tleal rvith it.'/ Wcll. vou I for- tr{arriage is for atlults, forgive, find our \ilI dFt "hftlin loJ'ro trot loo strrc or thcrnsclvos itr thc fttt lf llc !1, crn ]hce. rvile )o!'ro usite ltre vrotrg {pDronuh. are ehiltlish [o gro\.v up, (Fother . ttt-a "t tt t' rallcls the- lat| n {lcn,t. list :rsrt. Antl )tot on An &nalysisof Chesterton By D. B. THEALL, O.S.B. tlt;rt ltils ln tlie qtiilrter-cerllrrry passed siuce tlte cleallt of G. li. (lhesterton. tlrtrrc is not nrrtt'lr r'r"tlonce tlrnt his is a livins. blt'atlting influenct' ou nloil('rn (-ttholic Tltclt thinking. hale bt'cn. o[ course. ntlnl' books iuul ct'ii it'ul at'tir:h,s, ltrtl il is tliifirrttli lo fittrl liur,u'lerlse of, of r'ttl'idcsprtnd tltusiasm for (-i.K.L-'. :rtttuug I ltt ''conllll(rn ('l(lr r('a(l('l's" rrithitt r-rlicisrn. It hls lrls:r1's slr!lll()d tu lllrl ihlt this rt'ls lrotttttl Io bt' tlttt ctse, git t n llte u t'olt1{ lppr()il('h tloxical strle tlifficult, if not tcd" ious; so they nre rluilc lilicll' to finislr sclrool nnd collccc rvith t (llrcsralltct' solitl convictiou lhlt icrton hls lrecu ovtr"sohl. Ii thcr. lla lttt'k1', lltcy Iitttl s()lllc l'('as{lr l() thrl gl'()itt nliril for rclurnirg; a bil lrrlct' in lifc, rtnrl llrr'u orol']. 'l'lrr..v trtirkcs scnst. tlting I'irrd Cltcsllr'trrn one rI lhc lrtst rom' nlent{l{ofs on thc ctrtt't'nt stttt0. a ttt'ittt' lot u'hont :ttr ltpl tlttrrtatiott catr llt: rlt'lrltr to ltt,ln lhr: sidc t,f tltr' uri{r,ls irr, srr1. lr rlis. Drttt lltottt llrc cl;rittrs of st,it,nr,r, r'tlrrt's ol' or ttbortt. thc lclttirr: lillcralisn ittttl t'ortsr'l'r'l1ion, r)f altottt tlre crrrts{iluttut l)l'o[)('t'ti('s uI llrlt tlusivc thini;, u seusr ul Irutuot. uilh lll o!c lrr tlrcit't'clclilr)('(' t() [ltrr l)f('s(-'nt Iinr(r. 'l'ht'r'r' is :r fittt. ;rttall'sis of 1'lr: rllrti l\'/i0 ltrts'l'[rtt.srlrttr, ltttrl ittl irrttlr.rlirr'.: srrqqcstion ol tlrt litts pr'cfir:trt'r'rl tht' l t i c h r r lltis irr gl'('ill{'r sot'li. Ollliorlo.r'y. :\nrl il tltt- t'otrtprtt'isnn lhal. ,\lr. \\'il[-s rlrtrNs hctuor'll ('llcslollon in tllis lluok rrlilt'r ltttl tltc tttot'c [asltiotutlrle ol totll.r'. lrt'artz liull;tr, is firllr('r r'ils]. lo s('(). llluell nl{)l'e lrlt'stittg lrttl {ltt'rrt{lrt.proioliin;; i.s ltis sttglicstiott t{rut ( hls nrrtt'lt tn ('orlull(,n l itlt Nictrse hc, "rlcluphl I'ot lrotlr aLc sit:ll .icst('l's." a .,\s rrrilirt lrc r'rpcr,tctl. t)re luIlrof sPt'rtrls rlrrelt tirtrc ort ltis ltt. ol ()rllrot{o.r'rt, :rttrl I lnt trot lllsis sulc thut. thul .qrtll book is lrl" \\uls ls tltclrlS' conrplicltcd as lrt: sr:Lrnls lo trr;rktr i{; s'lt;rt il; intpot'1. ;rrrt. tlrorrgh, is llrirI lre pleseuls it ls a glcat u'olk. I shoultl havo lilcrl to s(rrt nlorc ahotr[ its plctlc. ('r'ssol', ll('rfli('s. r)llon trrtlitrot|n l . r rl h o s t . \ r h r ) l ) l ' x i s ( r i t s s t t I t r l . b u t ir lrook irrll rrl qoorl lltrrrqs. I thinli cspt'ciullr rrf Ilrc utrntlclfrrl t'hup"'l'hc l('r on lusl itutiou ol thtr l'litnilI.'' ulticlt is \\'()rth llanlt foiulls rit 1lr'utessiutt;tl sociokr5lica! rrril irtiis. April 26 "-' S!i' WEDNESDAY, Cletrrs antl'\[itt't:tlllitttts, Itoptrs' 'l'lrtr t}f lllill t} t's'i'it ll*r't.r'r's, t' tlit' la5'ttrart t1r*r. s. iur'or'1.'I :rs rvell .s lo lh. lrit't''r'tllty antl .f *'istl'r'tt c6r'g1 . is t1c s'i'il il'(l (,.1r'irtl(,. lt is 6c .Silily to litiltl of .s.c lilllc rr'.ttls in tlc r HOVDA W' By ROBERT 23'--'l'hilrl Strntlll' Af{e l APRIL llaslrtt'. llastt't' bt'iul:s tnrlk its rvell as io1 . srrtli'r'irti1 as s'r:ll as tt'iuttrPlt. botlr l'lpistltl ttrtrl tiospel ('ht'isl ollt't's ol lltc llass lfl'ilrlt, a stt'ugglt'as *'t'lI ts a gilt. r\tttl l(l irc('epl.ihc iiift rvilltorrl llltct'itlg I Ilrt! stt'ttggltt is intprrssibkl. lilttt'gf is a git'rlittlr lttt' ltattle ils rvr'll its ir ct'lt'ltt'lttittlt'l\rrlu]'s s{cfll lt'ssotts. ltrrttt rlirrrirri-"lritri{ l')lstt'r' .irr1'. sitttp[1 rellcct the ('ltttt't'lt's Ltitlisnt. ltt't irtlrt 'l'lrr: insislt-ltt:e on Iit<'iltq tlistltrieting hcts. r\ntl sltc cittt faetl lltc fitels "litllc \\'hilt"'\\'itll'trr!, l)cot- ihis glotltrll. rll' llloll-)s(' l]t" co|lting c;tuse sltr-' l)osscshls cltlt'ttal lilc 'lirtlrtl's atttl tltc risi<rrt of l';rith. i\lass cottrtnttnicatcs that liftr arrtl to visiou n.s ()ilf ilns\l'cl' lhat 'rrrl lr rtct ltrte.t'rlittl1l;. ctr.'tit\'. is lirI all ol] us. i\la|t1'rrloni ,l,lle lrirrt).r,(hlnr ol,\\,itnr,s-cin* [r] lrl tlcittlt b.plisrnlrl rvlrit:lr .r' ( - ' l r 1 i s l ,6 i l t l s s s i s ; t r l a 1 " i n , t l i t 1 " r]ut sl]l't ol llritrul llrc \ isiort 1o st'tt lft in tr't'llls oI ttitirrritlc iu lt'tttts 9f rlcstirr5' I'itthr'l' thlD 'l'[c l'ltt' ittlr antagtl, l]toltol;s'j' r'lrllistrt: nrt,ll irrrilrs us, as itl' r'icrr', tcflll l l r i s l o l l ( lo \\'it) s. I t t : t t l g lt siut-c it is. in itrklitrorl to rttcturtrial ol llis pitssiott itlltl lt xn(l to rurtitns u[ g!'lccr glor';'. a pltrttge o{ frttulc 'i,1i,ll'lifio"i',,1\L1l'lii Aprirrr * sr. r rHURsoAy, Lllii'll.llijlll; sirr alrrl sr.rciit I Irl'tr-.stt t'r-'. ItilONDAY, April 24*-St. t'idclis 'fhc Nlarll r. of Sigmalirrlicu, lipislkr spcaks ol lh,: laltors of tlt,.: jttsl ltul tlte (-iospel of tltcit' ft'uit. "litlle o 1 . c i r r l l t ltrrl So tlris rvlrilc" is no srnlll lcnrporll :l(rti\ ity lllcrt whctr rvc contcntltlltc lhing. insists thc nrurtl rs, tltt' Chut'tlt ol llrtt rrttt'ItI ott {lrt,itltllultattt'tt pnrl rrf oul rvor'lrll1' s'olli. llttl not. ;ts tltL. ,\ll';tts irs it blittrl itlllr'. I slul'f orrt of rr'hiclr. in sourt-. sct.tsc, l h e c o n r i n u l i i n g r l o n r r v i l l b t - .f a s l r iongl. Jl illrrrul lcss('ttinq oul' r()lll- (:\'(rry tl(]ncrltiott itt thc Cltul'clt's lfttr' its tt'itcltct's. litc rnttsI ltlvc thc Chut'clt'-s taslr is no[ ottly lo ploach tlre \Vold of fiotl. lt is to pt'trrclt it to ntctt, 11)otl wllo ill'o rr'lto iittttls, of tht'il r:r'r'irtulcs t{rcill)tllill'.\, sl)charc a lcr'llin e{}tlcurtls, ittttl itttct'csts til'it: '['llrr pt'ciiliitt' ri nl's of tlrirrliinil. {l{}cl t'itrc rt'tttaitts lhc sillrle, l)tll ils corlrtrtrttticillir)ll, its espt'cssittlt rvill bc rlilfet'cttt. Itclrorl criribilor:s i;lilii,,l'li,lli:,,i'i:;',1'fi,1,,,'i1"""'" Ir iltrl. ilt()\ io (:()(1(l lo lrt: l.ishlened Pcr'Irctrral t\Icmbelslrip tS::0.t]0' or -.\nrrual ilernireIslrip rSl.0Lrr in the C.{TUOI,IC N}1.\R E.{ST \l-llLFAnE ASSOCI.,\TION, Lepelt, 'l'llr ctrlt't'tuiuurertt llublictrtir-rn s:ritl (,\1tt'il l.l) tltat tlre cougi'css hatl .ioirted rrilh trlo of crhibitot's olltt t orsaniza{iotts tltal clt'lir.t' liirrl iriii)tiil(.il l'or n tiijhlcf c,J{!c. 'l'lit'l'ltcotltct' groups :u'c thc ;rlet'Orrttcl's ol r\urclica ttrl tltc .\llictl,Slttcs whieh eilatrles lrs to fulllll solll. r\ssociatiott. TUESDAY. April ?S-St, illt'li, (lt'uatcl l,illrlvattuclist.'l'ltc trnlelalurl lilrrlgir:al irrtit's.'l'rvo t,t'lt'llt;rliorts llr.' possihle torlir5': I thc Litan5'rvith {lre Iiogation trlass ot' tlttr Ilass itt ltottoL ol tlttt (ios'l'hc *r'ilor', lolrrrcr ntat'hs lttl lotlll its onc of tlrc tllcat rlals ol 'l'lrt-' Pclitiort in lhc Clrrrlclr's 1'oar. ('ltlistian Iiuorvs in his llastr.r' .ioy tltat tttxv ltc cltr spolk to tlro -,\ltutiglttS' as to his I.'allrer'. ":\bba-" 'llltis coufirltnt ill inracl', * lriclt er-ct'1 rvltclc l) e f nl () il t c s tlrt: ('ltttt'clt's ('{)u)nlon J r t i r . v t , t ' ,i s n o wlrcl'c iirolc vir.irl anrl st liliing ll.,,,r rrrorl ;,i rrr (lorl's arrl [or ..,,......1 .. {tlrlr(a{l trI rt.:.,,.,...-i^..-r^ rlrr.r lr.riiltuil(lt( blessittf tlul orr htrrnan supplf irrg n,olk of lurnrln perronal to refuse to ,Iell your replies.) A grcal dcal of progress lras bccn nratlc in calr.r.ipg orrt ilre "r'cfonns" spocif ic of the elrcl.cli. cirls, hul r.orrsirlt'rlbl,v lcss irt pro. .,rccon. moting tlris lorrg-rangrr sl.r'rrctiorl" of the social ortlcr, 'l'hc principirl ol "re. folnr" atlvocatt'rl by l_,eo XllI aud I)itts Xl are lcriislation an<l or. ganization. Progless has bccn ttrnrlc in lLoth IicLls, tlthorrglr ecrtain gaps rcnrain Lrr lle fillctl. But how tnuch progress has been mrde in lhe practiral ap. plicrfion of fhe morrl direclivar iiiiiti,:liiiiilrffil n,;i'it,iii,l|l iffii of ' iK tion irr {lrt' ttnil.. : . j : l :' j . : i l the two encyclicrls? Sint'c ltJS)1,anrt ntolc partic. tullt'ly s;incc l{):Jl, thc fr:rlcral (lotolnntcnt, ruvt,r'sirr( a ltird tlatlttiolt of laisscz failc. or' "lrantls ofl.'' lras glarlrrally (ioilic to nlerit i H Iltc plaisc thal, I'itts II bcstos s "a trpon thosc nalions irt t'bich ncrv blirrich rif larv. rvlrolly unkttoritt t,i tlte elrlirl' tirne, has ;rt'isen flf0ttt tltr: t:otltitlu{rils :lrt(l tlnn'caliurl labor trr protect vig- fair to sitl', I tllink. tIat l{r.ripri ^ ' h t ' t t r 'I t | i l l t t t t l ( J t i r t r l t t t r l r ; r ; i ) r i o . , 1r rt r r r huvc lrarl cunsitk't:tbler ittl'lUerr<,c ororrsly t lre slt'tcrl lilhls ol' rvot'lict'ri thlt. florv Ilorn tltcir tlilinity as lrcn arrrl as (lhristians." in tlttl [,rritctl Stirtt,r;, a[ |r:as{. Irr {ltc t,stcttt ol' rnlliilJl pcople artll't ul llrc e{lrit,ll itspcets of t ' r ' r | , l o r r ' t i t I. i l c : r t r t l l l l o l ' c ( : 0 n s t i { r u j of {lrcir incsctrpalrlt rc. spottsilriIitirs ls intlititluals antl as tttt'tttlters of t'cottolttic gt'oulls. to sll' uothing rrf tlrt'il dutics in tlre ficltl ol politicrrl lil't,. Itt lllfll. arnrl rrlctr as tcccntll' irs l!)ill, r'r,littirclr Icrr l\rru'fit'uns a r uc r e t h i n l i i n g in tcrnrs of thc rnortlitl' or rrf eco- g inrnr olrrlily n o r u i c s ; ' s l e t t t s lat trr d p l a c t i c c s . a r r r l 1 p[)s $el'c plepared I c u ' c r s t i l l p e l hla) a 1 t o a t l u r i t i h a t t llrl ct l e c u t r o t t t i t . o r t l e t ' , { ' onr r n e c t e t l r r i t l r t l r o I i r r a l l t h i n g s c- o n t o l ' l l l a l , r o t t ttccss r r ' i t h i n t h c i u r i s . I q ( ' h t r l c l r . tliction of ihc Chr l ' l c r r r t o n r i c l i bbccit ' a l i s n r o r intli- f 'uundlt' litlttalisnt. s() t'{)ut r'r,ttrlcrnrtcrl I bl Lco llll ; r trtrr tl Il ' i r r i \ 1 . r r a s l l r r r ! < l o t r t i t t a t t t p l r i l orssot rl t l l t t o l , \ t t t c t ' i , i r t t I e r u n o l r l i r : l i { r . . , lai tr r l ' t l r c s o ' r ' l t l r : t l 'i;r\ts" { ) l t ) ( : (l}l l(l)(l}l l i t . i \ t ( ' l ' t c 0 t t r . n r o r t l y t l r o r r g l r l t o D ( r . t l l l l ' L , l i r l { ' [ tl o I l r t r n r o l a l l a t r ' iatrl tl r l l l l ( ' f r ' l ( ' l ' ( ' i l i l lcl;rtcrl in any rri llr('. l('u(ilr. "t:it' 1ii i t t g a r r t h r r l i t y o)ll tl l l { ' l . l l l l f t l l , Funeral Seruice ! I I i t "llrc Finest Possible At Lowesl Possible ()ost" I I a L ottsitltrlablc ' p l )ll ' u g l ' ( : s s l t a s l t t r t l r I I r t a t l 0 . l r u u c t c t ' ,' , s i r r r : e l f ) l J l . . t i j r : o . I u o r r r i c l r b e r a l i s rrunr,. H t l c a s t i n e c r " I t a i u n r i t i g a t c r l lI o t ' u r s , s t i l l o - \ a l ' " I t ' i s e s a t t i t r l l r r eInr c re i u t l ) { ) t i u i t O d I FRIDAY, April 28.-St. I'attl of Again llrc Closs, Cotrft'ssor. rvitlt tlte is crtttatetl ol lhtr t't'ttcifiorl atttl list'n Saviorrr, rr'itli the r:onritt'.{ of llrt_r liingrlotn. itr thtr Ilpistlc arttl (iosgrel ot tlris ll:rss ol. a cottfcsstrr. Otrl litrtt'g1' crbllt'atc.s :t tonfcssor ol lhe l':ritlr, not br'catrsc Irr: has arl.iustcd. t!o[ lx.(:atlsc lle is srrttli rkrep irt thc t'ttts of tlrc Irr:r'e irnrl runr'. tlilh no frrtru'e antl nrl visiott of n fttltttc. Wc celeblatc lrirrr llr:caust: he is dilferelt. T]SIIER IJIORIUARY USHER MElrose 2'9352 2313W. \tashinglon$1. I Introducirtg \\'isdorrr plcaclrirrg llcetustr :rnd act stir ottl necrls, prol;lcns. a Irr plcpalat iou I'or' Ilris join{, iilrttiutl'strl'y, llrc rrc.rt thlac ol { . r r u r i s s u t s o l { h r r Y a r . k - c li c k t l i l l . rrritrncrtt. then. Iu n'or'ldl.r' {lsks. ol thc rn:rr'{1r [;'itlcli.t t.str,nlrr!"s ot' tisinn silcnt, arlult nomic lruangentents r',lrrch lrave exislcd for the last tiO years. annivclsaly o[ I'ope l,ius ,\l's (i)itatlrrtf/rrsilto ttttcyclical, t\tLtto (()n Rceonstlrrctitrg I.hc Social (,)r'. tlris IIass t'ort[itttts '.1. G. HIGG|NS rle r ), trslnS l rrrirtirrtrtnr ul' birl;1r'lphi. clrl lt.ft'r'ent'c. llt'. \\'ills' rtrclltorl rs a cltruttololiicitl ltttlllsis ttl lltlt lto cousittt'ts to bc tltc tnost iur" l)()rllnt ol ('lr('slt'l'lon's lloolis, irl- tenrain to give be unable Itlay l5 rvill rriark thc ?Oth an. nir,et'sar';' of Popc Lr:o Xlll's tn. r:5'r:licll, /la'rrnl Norrrrrrinr (Ou tlrc (lonrlitiou of Labor.) antl ltre iJ{)lh ii,t*,i*i,:;jl|rilfi"liiiitll =Thc l,i turgfir:arltVe"k = to wiilr Tu:o CInniuersories By MSGR. cEoRCE unc) bct$'et:n l$'o scltools t|uthiul o[ ('ltostct'lonian lhou;1lttl tltc sort {)\'clsill)plil'ir}s lhrrl :ulrtriringll', :iltrl llrrl illol'c i'oc{tlll. trottrl to' "rltlrttttliittg,'' \r'ltrlsc' rt'1x'e\r'at'tl ll.vs HELP WANTED will dcaling TLILI YARDS'T'ICK of itll, r.r[ iorr tells us il{ tlte outset trlr', \fills that hc is intt.r'csterl in firtdiug n plolitlhle nridtllc l'11' (.or a lnolc Thomor pout, To wa1's oi lre levenls ia l)urlx)sc in cvcrS'rvold so clcar rs to inraginlliotts, 'l'ire (-lotltr is opeLatI'rorluction t'rl uutler arrspices o[ thc r\lotiou r\ssociltion. Pit:tulc 19{il ltcvisecl Etlil.iou Dailyllfiissal 5t. Joseph . ln Accordance With Now Code ol Rubricr (Jan. l. 196ll Allowan(e $1.00Trade'ln ....$100 . J J t")0 50 {0 ;-urilr BUrlGniSelievo il or not, 11'E CAN FFED A FAilfLY FOR A IIIO!{TR FOR $10. thc lamily Palertlnlrn rrc Relugecr, poor unfor. tunater who havc lost thelr horuer rnd llvellhoodr, Wlth your help wt lry lo keeF lhem lrom loslng heari, If Jou eould rec lhc rqurlor iu rhlch mrny ol them livc . . , You may ,,adopt" onc lrmily lor r month by rendlng ur Sl0. Ar r loken of our wc'll Bend you In return en Ollvc Wood Rosary fron 3rrtltudo, llrc Holy l,anil. And n'e'll thank God lor folks tikc lou! youRStrLF. i\rAKrNc A ffiIBEn of thr CATHOLIC As r benefactor NEAR EAST IVEI-,Fr\RE you will rhare torevcr tn tht prayerr ancl good ASSOCIATION you may ba rura, oi our griesti xorke rnd rlsterr, too, that what l'ou havr raved ir not belng wast+d: Every penny ir narlc to rvork lor God, Our legal titl. h: TIIE CATILOLIC NEAR \\rELf,\RE EAST ASSOCIATION. Remember you u! $hen uako your wlll. The Criierion Af licial Newspuper ol the Archdiocese oJ llrdicnapolis 12{ W. Georgia, P. O. Box i/4 Indianapolis6, Ind. MElrose 5.4531 ln llemlrer Audit AiliN lilll7 EIEZ Inlerud Porl d'lll,ilt'#' TURl{Iu5T.JUDE Witlr tracle $2'75 .,.' $5.00 \Yith tracle $4'00 8t0-13 Leather', Gold Erlges ... $S'50 With trade $7'50 Black Leather 810-50 Bt'orvtt SPanish Leatlter, Cioltll)clgcs'....$10'00 Withtradc$9'00 lprll 2$,to ltlog I Atktt. rlSlorr lc lfir Jvdo, f* "fh holp, l{crlorrl Jolnt $tnd I[tln ol th: lnpot. tor F.rltl.n. It, Judo ltdcy. d A GIFT WILL BE SENT TO THOIE TAK'NG PART IN THE TOLEMNNOVENA llcruberCatltolic P'-ess r\ssociation *- llail !s Sscord Clrrt mrlfar tl Indirnrgolir, lnc, Officr, Oldels Promptly Fillerl - SUPPIY Cnuncn lromnn I)wEstCIissions6 (Formerly Wm. F. Krleg & Sonrl tlANClS CAIDINAI t?t[tl{AN, lrorldonr Ir9. tmpt L Itrr. lki.l t.l t d.ll rrrlrilcdlrr trt cAlHouc i|tAl EAsf wcltAar AtsoctAltoN 480 lrringlon Avr. ol46th 3t, Nrw Yo* 17;N, Y. .. $3.75 810-22 Sturlerrt E.Jition 810.01 lmit. c A T H O L I CS U ? P L Y H O U S E Price S4.00r yerr. Publirhed Every Fridry 107 South Pennsylvania €;,'l. au 22t Wccf lvirdison slrcol, Sec' l8r chicogo {, lllinoir ME 74797 Indianapolis,Ind. 'l TI{E CRITERION,AFRIL 2I, 196I PAGE SIX 'I I :l I { I ,l SCIENCE lirsl Hink AWARD look Grade honorrbft menllon Lrrerv, enllflod wrr trlegory ln thc rrmc ol last School war Hish of Calhedrrl lbove, Sclence secllon "Wind Physicrl His cxpcrimenl Llniversily. Tom WINNER-Sophomorc place in lhe Tenth Buller Salurdry'r Airfoilr." Frir olir. rl Clrssmrlc Eleclro.Slrlic cRADE awarded Science R.egionel for Testing Tunnel "Van de Graff wilh r scHooL had grader Ken Famllyr" Genoralor." VERsloN-scienec lheir own Berbare rclonce slebnicki, frir rtudontr lacl rbovc, fo one of lhr week philip lhe parish Gorrld ludgel, her Malheny, Neri exhibit, an school, Indhnrp. gymnasium. ,,Thr sun inrlruelor rl Sevonlh onslralion and Philip'r. llr iunior scienlisls Steve Nonfe, lefl, and Mike Brandon, ioth gradei, eighth displry is entitled "Nebular Theory of the Beginning of lhe solar syrlcm and lion of lhe Earth." ($taff photo:) LIDIICI' I-iltc Ncrvs Erlitor"s thcy tki cornr: in, dcsk. Wlrcn ryc'll includc t.ltuttt in ]'0ur nc\\' Cy Ciplrcr, colyou figulctl tuntn. (lllve out the nnmc? ) IIcLc's onc to star.t Ihc 0[ Ediled by lhe Clerlc Semlnariansof \A/estBrden Collcgc 1'otr. You don't lrrrvo to bo on thc thenr. Iiccortte .iob long lo fiud pt'ople.cousciotts. If yott't'e lttck.r', ITHIRSTI bnll roltinc. FOR LOVE! 1'ou mighl nrn in{o n Neglo, Jcrv, ot l)ucttrr liicln rr'lto is rnttclt likc 1'out'self. \Yho pulls ior tltc slruc btrscball tclrtr tltlt yott pttll lot', 'l'hc llishoqr sairl thtrt :rltltorrglr lltet'c Itas bct'rt a slc;rrl1, jn(:t{'ilsc ttt nraLriagcs or relrls llrc sanre papelhneks lhat you rcatl, or su'iur at thc sanre belch tltat. yort srvinr nt. \Yould you go up nnd talk to him if yort snrv hiur ut thc beach? Yort should, As thc ],errs go b1', I'ou ilililililil11ililililnilililililililililililnmilililililililt sturlcnts Noler -' Tor{ny'.s busy lrflrrt lilLle lirne for 'l'he rcadirrg ?lcr(rslropcfs -- tluut, ()'ift:rjort. Stdrlint this rrroclc, CU Oilrhcr ( t.lta Leen.dg et's"J'ic'J nt:l,t ruill attempt cr) t.o coytsrtlizc itt. cotrr:i$c lorm. all. tfte happcrrirrgs fcrv of thcsc l'jtlitor's fc{rr-ogcls nuy rLrrr into lcu'or" nnd fon'cr of thcsc 1-rcoplc. You cnn hardly oxpt:trt thlrt tlte.y u'ill follotv yott rrll thc Inrlder, Tltey'r'e conrc as far as tlttry can. ot the CYO front, els tuill like thc lVe neu; hope amonll utcd l. I)on't lct yorrr palents *they lllought )'ou up. arnolrll high thc U.S., rnarriagr'5 reutl. 3. Stop antl {hink plea of llocn JESUS 1'outh. llc ailr.ihthr: (jon(:ol'n of lrar', plic.sts arrtl tcaelrcr.s jn Catlurlic hcforc fhe dying r.clittivr:ly havc to Do selurtrls, 5. Don't shorv you wlrrt ing*-if lndianlrpolis. off to Sisler ;,ou ll06 lltc lrynrn of thc National Youth Olgauizatiou. .l{). Kccp lllclll.s. ryill thc hccorne 'i-cn .y rvhat R U GC L E A N E R S KEYSTONE (,irurmand- u. 6.150a "::::::i: JJ"t"1; S A C R E DA R T S H O W Catbolic sT 7-7833 , o. roNEs I Avoirl follorving the cr.orvd,bc nn enginc rroi. a caltoose. 9. Cltoostt coruPanions ) our carcl'ully*-you thcy alc, Adorers of the Preciour Blood State Street, Lafcyeflr, Ind. sT 7.0738 I. sougs to ltc prcscntcd "r\vc " inclurle Arcatlclt's lIaria, "All Clcaturcs of Orrr God end "I,'or (jhlisi King," lrlr(l thc King," cloister? 5 T . P A U L Q U A R R I E SI,N C . 'fhc ?. tio to clrulclr laith[ully. givcs you a rvcck-givc e lcator llim bnck onc hour.. Sar:r'ed enough to prayer and the WhiteDriveway Stone rvoultl nrakc A'ero llislrcp withirr Applicationr accepted betweeu lhc agcs o{ 1? and 30, rvlrcn rlt.iv. l.asc, go to (i, Choosc it rla tcr rvho a goorl nrltc. love Ilim your lifc in rcparation 4. At the fir st rrronrcnt {rrr.n arvay [r'ont rrnclcan thinkirtg. jobs you spcnd 2. lle hunrblc cnough to obl.y* you'll bc giving older.s yoursclf sonrctlay. fornat, FOR SOULS! selrool Calholic this crrts, tlorvrr in rlrink, .ltrnlntcr "i-sr. Formr. Dangersof going steacly, carly rlarriages ci tccl t) LVJ by Their Scccine. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilililililillililililllilililililililililtl Bovs' choir is featurc trtoil lrog at st. in demonrlrales I.ITZEI"ftIAil Coal& OilCorp, Sr;mmer work ir r porfuniy lo hammer ,,OUR OIL HEAI " . . CAN'T BE 8EAT" grerl op. inlo your head a {ew lough facir about play, people, rnd sociely, lair The world of work isn'l noted plry. for fair Dog ert dos. Everyone for himself and all thal slu{f, How woulci you like lo be underpaid you becruse tre r 5ummer replace. menl, lake it or leave? 4 4 5N . x o l m m rvould ltc scurcthiug," tltey all agt'ct'tl, iI :rcrv bislrop *'as a ,it. lgnalius l;oy oI nrany 1'eals past, it raal honor to thcir sclrool. AnC then a thinllr arnong "What tltem came up I'ith: it Pope John appcintetl a Ncgro pricst ntrv nuxiliary bislrop of elcvclandl' Woul<ln't that be nrarvclous?" All again agrectl. Ilut rlrtcstions arosc llo sooncr tltau agrccnrcnt had bccn rcgistcled. swrnk suburhs? r,vrs lhe answer. Hrrd Whct I c o M t N G E V E N T S _ N et i o n r t Yourh Adorrfion Day is corningl'1, on .I)ctttccost sunrlay, trIay 21. Jrtnior cYo units irr the Alclulio. Plan noaitiate in {,atin America . . . . . . ^ O'I'ALLON, Irto.*-1t'he Sistms of the l\lost Precious tllood rvill oprril a novitiatc in Lima, I,eru, prospective to acconrmodate South American ntcrnllers. fo sry, do you of Illarquette U. Ilorv you ryould ansrvcr cluestjons? lVhat rvould you thcsc think of the idea of havitrg a Negro bishop your in diocese? Or, bringing thc ntrrtter closer to lrome, horv about a Neglo pastor oI assist:rnt pastor in .yortr parisll? llow do ]otr think hc would bc rcccivcd by thc Catholics you knorv? Ilorv you rvould r.eact? IrTO rvoultl nrake srrggcstions, bul you knotv wlrat tlrey rvould bc, itlake thern your.sclf. ND to play host b fazz Festiaal NOTRE DAU!:, Ind. Notre Darne, famctl for its colorful athlctic rivalries, tvill be hcr: gs1 . cornpotltron of a dill'erent ternDo April 21.22. The e ntrpnts h;rve ',The nantes liko Swingin' Chips,,' r'Thc ,,The Colleagues," anrl Un. callcd Four Plus One.,' The event ALL-BRITE vENETIAN | | ralnr ot YvallPaPer, Inc. sr 6.2358 BLIND LAUNDRY | | zzst Briil Rd. tlfllf,Joo$:-Ji,! 522 N.. -a; Rural 6.rfi6 ME ,tli,ti,,j| | --, .. | | iria-nir.r cru rr'i.zro3:)----| | F.dayrvc.,tit9 p.M. | I I _ - - : t ! tcntions for 1) Success thc 19til obscrvance: of thc Ilcumcnical Council and thc rcunion of all Chlistian Churches; I) Dedication of all youth to Christ in the Eu- | 4371 honor 100 Juniors and Seniors of Cathe. dral Iligh School for their parts in making the 1960.61 year in Cathedral athletics one of the greatest in Cathedral history, Participants represent the Iootball, wrestling, basketball, base. golf ball, cross country, track, and tennis teams. At the event, to be held April 24 in the Council 437 auditorium, 35 Saniors efforts and their is rire Collegiate Jazz Ii'estival 1901, and twenty-six instrurnerrlal groups lronr campuses throrrghouI the corrntry rlill Ior an'ards and prizes valucd at .Iames $6,500. Jr., teanrs Coordinating Council are: chairman, and their in to the the event George W. S. L, tr'crd will turn l\rilliam George Ludcwig, Coach. tcams will rvith for at Cathedral. respective introduced duee nrcdals while ts or'the be presented will achievement Cox. F rr --. _. 'l'lris is {hc INDIANA BIISINIISS COLLncE of Indianapolis, 1'he othcls arr: at {\lnliorr, I\lrrncic, Lo1;arrspor.t, Antlcrson, Koko. ttto, l|uafal'ettc, Colunrlrus, Iliclrnrond, and Vinccnnes. Iridiana's ii'ltliiig;;i'ii.iiic liiisiiir:;;:;;i'l;ccl-e:;tal;!ishetl in -1902. ,Sec, rvrite or phonc the location plcfcllcd, or Central BusinessCollege ll C.f. ForworthyCo.,Inc. Ed Marlin Harry A. SharpCo. Jerry Alderman Ford narieto Motorc,Inc. *"t McKay Ford, Inc. Call t-fs! FRREEE E F Z EZOEUO T U T -II nndtiici naeno rop l i so l i s ' + € Junior Kickbrll rnd Bareball Leaguesrvill opcn play early next rveek aftcr last Sunday's inaugurals wcrc snorved out in both Esfablishod 1854 sports. Kickball starts l\{onday, April 24, with baseball scheduled GTORGT N. GRINSTEINER :j HAROLDD. UNGTR for thc lid.lifters on thc folowing llElrorc 2-537f 160l EqrrNew York St, day, April 25. When You Do be intro. operate as a separate,.C in the Junior Baseball BUREAU SATUAGE CATH(}LIC your Neishborhood 24-Hour coin Laundrv Park Dopartment. CYO plans to l{ case eligibility rules to' Z "limited number of high school 7 Offerr We need clothing, furniture, t 2 t'4 . . . and household items. I FREE*,lI}:::',:;:;',IJetp Us To Help Others Ht{,{":ir,h;i*':ffi to playror a pali'tr-tE;;;.;r;il1i, i I I q'rr" 7 ' tv to a.m. vSaturday srv'vef ,,C U li".f,#'l'j','.$1o,..11." b y C Y O t e a r n s i,b^"t,# n Z mer. Sahm, League', program ",LTri"lui,l.,Tj,[ $;ffi.i;'"'ll 7 for Kelltrr, Call Us! $gfr ;iff#*d;1:#T ijl|fiEmersonQuickWash showing L c a (grut eel"' the Your Housecleaningr r CADET BASEBALLNOTE _ lst:$s$rxrr$s$$silrrs$s$$$$ttssss$.irss$rsr! Dirsw$ss$$rT$sf$fsf*rs$fr$r$sv council, Killinger, L. r____r- Grinsteiner Funerai Home Catheclral athletes Indianapolis Council Knights ol Columbus, will ^_ DEATERs fono 0l Indianapolis fl ll il || || r K.C. will honor | | I charist antl a eontinuing growth in personal sanctity; i) A regencrstion of personal public and standards of moral responsihiliiy. . " . Indianapolis Junlor Boyr, and Junlor Girlr' Softbrll Loaguer rvill start play on Junc 11. Bntry blanks shorrld be returned no lator than I'lay 17. sry? Lauds foresight 7-13I8 "It How would Crfholics reacl lo a Negro bishop? Would he br well received? What would hrppen, say, when he clme lo administer Confirmalisn in a pari:h in nne lhe of cify'r Don't look for fair-play insidc yorlr pay envelope. But do look for docent pcolilc rvorking around ME. p n li a yv o lf f s ^t a cu nr id ^ if s" rur m r r -o C 2 Z rrrr /rr-tT\-'t-\.rr n r I 'r'|.r7 r 2 .t r , I ino".n,*. iEil,IERSONQuick Washi TEEN coMtiiANDMENTH"- , "t vrrJrtLLJv tootN. N.Emorson E,norson ::::',i'll"'l"liy":1, YLil.l':':l Ave. Ave. ;ffi,'it-*."i'fl.i*'1,** '" iI roos other areas of the couniry crosses ?SSSfSxtsSX*fx*fftffM 'a tndianapotis'g , CALL ME 2-3155 St. 449E. Washington 9th rnd Fayelfe '1547 Roosevell THE CRITERION,APRIL 2I, 196I By IGNATIUS HUNT, O.S.B. iiiii SEATTCHING The sccond book o[ tlrc Biblc is built almost cntirely arounrl an 'l'lrc rvcnl and a man, c'r'ortt is the exodus, inclutling thc trip to, and sojourn a{, l\lt. Sinai. Tlrt: nlt'tttol'it's; l() rlseoprl ft'ortt lltcil the Prophots rcntitttlctl tht'tll of il l 1 1 1 r. l s ' r v i s h l i t t t t ' g i c a l continuall)'; l l t c I'lschrl i r t ' o t t t t d 1'ear, lruilt ctrnnoctcd n'itlt feast (intirrtotcll' the cxotltts), rt'ntitttlotl tltcrtl ol tt; and thc I'salttts of lhc llcllt'orv pcople ottcn Icatttt'r'tl tltt' oxorlttscvluts: all, lt Sinli the Ilclltett's pcttplc {iorl's covctuttctl bcertntc tlrlotrgh llosc-s {t'om anrl rcceivtd God their Larv as thc' sllrtttlltt'd oI ('o\'{ n rt rl Above iidelity, Thc l.look of I,jsorhrs tltrts ctt.iols 'tbstla unique placr' in tlrr: ()ld nrcut and is n licl' to utttclt of 'ft'stantent thc later Old an(l Nt'n' 'l'lte rrf tltc rlrlilot'lttce thought. pcople il'onr lltc oppt'cs" .lcwish sive Egt'pt lrocanrc a t1'pc of rll antl <lclilt't'rlivine intclvttntions ances. ll'hc rotut'n ft'ottr lhe llabl'rvrs cottccivt'tl of Ionian cnptivitl' by Sctrrnd-Isaialt as n tterv t'sotltts, o[ thc rctlt'tnptilr: lotk Elen Ohlist rvas thoullht uf in tt't'ttts of ('hrist's exodtts-evr'ttt, ior' the l'otk rvns (and is) il d('livcrilrlc(', the lonnntion of a tu'rv pr'o1tle, l'ith a nerv and ctt't'nal covcnallt, rvith a ncrv lnv o{ lovc \vrittcn on lhc hcalts o[ tlte t't'cipicnts of tltc Iloly Spilit. 'fhis exorlrrs A()cs on nnrl on as rvc sharc ruolc conrplctt'lf in thc fnrils of Ilcdemptiou^ t)ur illass lras a dt'fittitc I':rscltrl rntl lltcrcI l l t r ' l l c s s at'c c x t r r l u s s c t t i n g . Iore PAGE SEVEN ,$;ii *iiriri.' i:,:.,iri-,:.;j;ij'i.11.'.1,;s;1;11;:,i of 1'he Sirrri incirlent is one of the rorrlly grolt points Old in 'l'cstanront thc. ology and his. tory. The Ilook of Gettesis rvrts for it; Sinai cott' bttt a prr'ptrrltion stitutes thc kcrttol antl stlt'tin!l' 'l'estitttlr'rtt st'rtittg; point of Okl ucvcr alkruetl il. faithful Ilcblct's Sinai SCRIPTURBS is lepr-.titiorrs on s(!nl(l points as a books of the ltsult: antl llter Pontltauch, rspccirlly Levitictrs antl l)cutclonomy, rvill also repeat :r g()o(l rlcnl of lhc illattcl' tltat rvo il'he going ,ilfc hcre. to f ind rlilision bctnt'ctr Gcucsis autl Exat odrrs is rru artificill onc*nrarlc thcir final sotttc tirtrc lntct'lhlrn courpihtiort. 'I'lre rta nre counts were first stored up wiihin the hearts oI the Israelites, Only later werc thcy rlown, written 'I'he book is an epic, antl hcnce it tends to glorify, hyperbolir,e, and inflate the facts, numbcrs antl cvcnts rathcr constantly. While lhe evenls werc hirlori. cel. fhey cerfcinly wera not wrllfen up !i rYo would wrlto is a G lcck nlnre. rlescliltirtg thc tnrin'cvcnt of ihc lrook, jttst ls Cctlesis is thc mein' also Grctrk. dcsclibititl cvcnt oI thni book, 1'lrc llebrervs havc ncvcl userl thc-se nitrnes, l-rttt lc{cn'cd to thc books hrvt lllhel tltcy tt'lticlt l).v lhc rvot'tls rvith l-rogin. l'hc,v crll I!xotltts, Wecllch "r\ntl tltcsc Bl'c thc .Slrcnrolh, " tla tn r-'s. 'fhc booli uLcrv into its Iinnl Iolnr n'ilh thc plsslgc o[ tiruc, antl nrtnl' of its cvcnts atc dcscr'iborl lrorc cxnclly as thcy caruo to be dopietorl :rttrl Ie.cnnctcr,l rl. thc grcnt litrrlgicll ccnters, Tlrus Exorlus lhem up lodry. The modern pleniy rradar cln uncover of ovidencc if ha rerdr for lhir with open oyes. AFTER A THREE months' .joulney, thc Israclites arrived at Ilft, Sinai. The idcntification of ::]i.ll:'".ll.r;:;::,!.,.].i .,; t,l::.:i:::::;r]:::.:li : l:,t,',::,,,;l:l;illil:l':,il:: i this pcak lras alwa,ls been a problatn, for thc lliblc l\{oses. There is no tloubt that he docs not de. cxistctl; scribe its loeality in anything like that the biblical stories a spccifie nranner. ccntoring around him arc bascd 'iltere on olcnts that are fundamentally is, nonethelass, an an. historical; that he was a great ciont iltrd rvorthy trndition that and haroic nran; anrl that hc gave the mountain now callad Jetrcl thc Ilelrrew peoplc thcir Larv antl llorrsa (tr{t.1\losos), rather far brought thern into a Covcnant south on tlra Sinai pcninsula, is rvith Yahwch at Sinai. tho rnorrrrtain rvlrich the Bible rclors Bttt orrr problcnts (or to as Sinai arisc when Iloreb). I\IosI visitors we cone to thc dctails of his lile to (Jebel i\Iousa) -its nle sulficicntly lcngth (c.g,, the thlco 4o-year irnlrr.esscrl with its pcriods appearanco, stirrorrnrlings, that St, Steplren mentions and hcight (7,407 fcot) to at lcasl. allorv in his spccclr rocor(lc(l in Acts ?). for lhc possibility his youtlr, the precisc nature ilrat it was the oI .fo l\It. Sinli his nrystical of the Bihlc. cxpcricnccs, thc be asscrtive on the rtrattor. is lrnother tklllth of mono{heisur that lrc pro" qu0stiorl altogcthcr, fcssctl. Rcutlels thal rvislr to scc oue o{ lhc ftirest and nrost scicntitic trc;rtnrcnts of this qucstion coukl harrlly do hetter than rcad tlro pages that touch ou this rlucstiorr in Dr. Jolrn Ilright's A History of lsrrel. irhilarlclphilr, 19i0. IIcrc cvcl'y rosoulce has bcctr tappcd atttl tlre restrlts ale cxtr.curcly sirt isll,ing. thc cvt'nts alotuul *Sinai, or the clossing of thc Rccrl Sca (tha oliginul tt:xt docs uot speak ol thc lltd Sca), ot thc Plagucs, arc all thc ltsult of a litulgical rccital int'unt to inrp|css lhese evcnts rlecply uporr thc ntinds of the IIeblcrv rvolsltippcls. Sttch a prcscntation rvls aimcd at "dyrramic (F. L. trIorinlly, rotcnlion" S..I.), {oL nrcn alc rlceply irnprcssed by n foLccittl portrlyill and re.cnnct. Thc Paulist Pnnrplrlcts on llxodus, rvrittcn by .l'nther lloland 11. Itlulplry, O. Calnr., in lg00 al'c likuvise greatcst of thc v:rlue, cycn though thcy arc popular.izations alld do nol ol$'fl]'s givc tlre cotnplctc rcilsons sions tlral'n nnd ptrblic. nrctrt oI lristorical cvcnts. Thir doer nol dastroy thc force or fho merning of lht rc. counls in any wry-but il docr show ur thal the Hobrew wrilors wished lo impress upon their readers lhe inlervention of God in lheir hislory. 'r'lr did kl As ihe Book of Exodut opent, we find the Hebrewr bcin31 lor. ribly persecuted in Egypt. Long gone are lhe lriendly condifionr only lrt: of hyperbole sttrpenrlous of rvhnl. arranged by Joseph wilh tho Pharaoh cf his fimc. Now lhe Fharrsh is fearful of lhr rrpidly incrersing Hebrew populrtion. fol set tlre conclubcforc the It is ol intcrcst that lhe llcbr.qv {exl, of llxorlrrs rrcycl rrscs lhe "Ilc(I" l.0l'nl Scn. II spcaks of l'Ynlu Srtllht'anrl that nlcilns "Sca ( i l ' l r c of llccrls" Itcd Sca has ttot rccds). ll'hi,s again is irnpor.t" ant in getting al thc olljcctive role The se,ntifying' ccivc thc IIoly Spilit uhcn 1'ort 'l'hcit' " itn. bccanc bclievcr'-s? "We Ilr-rt olLttt swcr wtsr havc lrr.alrl r'!tat tltct'e is I llttl)'Sltit't1." (leltainly rtotte ol 115 [61lnt is iI iiltttrrant of tlte Ikrly Spit'it-ol ihc the Okl lirr{ltsh, we pt'efcr "(lhost." \\'t'krros' rvcll that Iloly t l i v r n c t h e lhlce lIc is one of I'crsons Nho. R'ith Ihc I :rthc| antl thc Sott, constillrtc thc lllcssctl '.h'inity. \Vc also li.nory tl,at llt' is callct[ (tlte (ltct-h nut'd thc I'at'aclclc "Conrfot'tet'" Ior' ), tltc r\rlvocatc (pleading (lotl's t'attstr tt'itlt ntltn'['r'ttth, tltt: kind). thc Spit'it of ( l o r l . of Spilit artrl tlrc ;ipilit ot lVc also l<no,.v I lrat IIe L,ote. "comcs to tts" u'ltctt rve nrc bitpcontinucs to tizcd, anrl that IIt tlrvcll rvitlrin us as lonlj as u'c tlo not shut ilinl (rul l).\'ul(|ftill sill, of theHoly&irir 'l'lris living irrragc of llinrsclf (io<l lras llct.n gt:ncrating uhit:h ({)r' t'giving lriIth to") in IIis dir rrrc nrintl flonr all ctelnit5', rve t'ull (lorl thr. Son. Gorl tlre Irathel *c nritht say is God iu the otcr'"tlrirrkinrt nll ar:t of about" Ilim(lorl tltt' .iln st'lf. .s thc li.,'illg "lhr'.rglrt" ( lnrl etcrnal_, rvhich lcsu'Is from that thiuking. lloth 'l'hinkcl llrt' and thc Thought ale of coulse rvithin onc and the sanre rlivirtc natulcl tht-r'c is only one (iorl, lrtrt llrcsc at'e t\r'o Pttsons. r lr" of Spilit fact t paltictt'lu r'. tlrc tlrlce al'e not otrly unitctl nltulc; thcy also each olher. Eaclt the , I sout'ce o[ ptinciplrr of thc divinc :rctrvrly rvhich gocs on rvithin tlrc lllcssctl ll'r'inity (thc knorving-arrrlloving aclivity), IIe is considcr.ed lo be the l:eFinninA of evclything, 't'ltat is rvhy rve assign to thc li'atlrer the rvolk of cl'L.ntioll. Actualll', of coursc, it is tlrtr lllt:sserl 'l'r'inity wlro crr-'ates*-rvlrethcr it llc tltc uttivelse or n!r intlivitlurl .sottl, Whal one tlivinu lroLson 'l'hrcc tlor:s, all du. Ilrrt 1vc rppropriafe to tlre lrallrer thc act of r:r'eation, Becausc of Ilis lcla. {ionship to hc othcr trvo l)clsons, thc toltt of Cit'eatot' (its lhe rather bt st. Ikxvcvcr', wt. havc [u kccp irt nrinrl that the thrce divine l'ersons ill'c inscparablc. Ir! tclms that arc lrunran (but not theologieally cxact) rvc nriglrt say that trono of thc thlon tlivine l)clsons tloes anything sclralntcly ol alone, outsitlc thc <livine natulc. Wiiliit that tlivitre nature, rvithin thc Got[-hcntl, cach Person has IIis orvn palticulal activity, IIis orvn palticular relationship, onc to thc otlrcr. God tha Irathel is Go<l ()otl "sccing" knowing IIimsclf, 'I'lre cxislencc of tlrc lloll' Spilit. '-tntlccd lhc rlocllinc oI tlrc lilcss'l\'init-v-rvrs ed all brrl unknou'rr tutrtil Chlist urrvoilcrl tlre lrtrth to 'l'cstarurrrt {rs. In Old tintcs thc Cht'istian nlan that thcle iu'e thlce Pclsons in Corl. It r.trrnaincrl for Jesus C-lnist to givc rus this nralvelous insight ilto thc ittner natule of tlrc I)t.itt. lT MIGHT BE rvcll to rceall hele, bliotly, the csscnco of the tlivinc natut'c so fat'as we call (lotl's hnorvlctlee rundelstand it. of Ilinrscll, rvc krrou., is an iJt. per'[act knos'ledge. {initely l'hat " p i c t u l e " is, thc that (iorl has of Iliurself in IIis ol'n diyinc nrintl is an absolntcl.v pcr.fect lcl)rcscn" tation of Ilinrself. Rut it rvoukl not bc a perfect r.cplcscntatiorr runless it rvelc a living reprcscnta'Io tion, livc, to trxist, belongs to lhc very naturc of Gotl. A nrental inragc o[ God thar: ri'as not a [ivirtg irnagc rvoultl ur)l be a perfcr:t repl'escIt a tion. 'Ihr.ce divine ach distinct lrom the in his relatiorrship to e othels and yct poso n oI a n cd l t h c s a n r c d t li v i n e Dosscssing that nattrre. hsolrrte unily. Since thcv tlrc divinc natllre equally, suboldination of one hcr'. Gorl thc Father is than Gorl thc Son, God Son is not nrore powerlul than hc lloly Spirit. \Vc. rnust gLiartl too tgainst ilrinking of thc Blesserl trinitv in tclurs of tinrc. God the Father "conre dirl.not lilst," and thcn God thc Scn a littlc latar, rvith God tho Iloly Ghost ,,coining" last of all. This plocess of knoivrng anrl loving that eonstitutes the inncl lifc of the Illcssed Trinity Itns bcen going on from rll etei. nity; il [rad no beginning. THERE intcrcst lS ONE other point o( before rve go on to dis- on " __g-'|]]tttt'tl -pilgrt tl) I ***" {'4. s?. ^srncrusop,t Ar)eNEZu . . , rottsborrt,r:et nosror,.rre toort nr'.DrntrlUr) Ltr t{'trUVI\r;/'Il ' . . UtoS bortl tt(t1t'nOStOlr' IIe tOOIt Lhe.lile of lrc,rntit in a !orest, soriro 'i.,rrtr f ront Il/,oscotrt irr. IBJS. -a gaLhered' alound Disciples hitn, antl Ilrc fanunLs Monastery oJ tlte '[rinity camc into being, !lc wns in soutc rcspccl.s rctninisccttt of St, t?ancis oI Assisi. I]e liued, to be ttearly eitflt(y llerzrs oItL I l i s o i s i o n o f l , h e I i l o t l t c r o f G o L I i s o n e o l L I t . t :e u r l i g s t . g ! : [ ) r e s s 2 o . ; , s up Iloly ol tltis ltittd in' Iiussinru luutiogrutilut. ltcostduu Scpt"'. 25. _oTr{s LrFIr OF ouR LQRL r y T ' o t ne rnCIrtseesI p&ntc By F. J. SHEED Most of us, when we were in rchool, physiology sludied or biologv. As a consequence we have a prelty good ldea of whal goei on inside our bodies. Buf nol so many of us have r clear idea as lo whrl goes on inside our souls. Wc falk ralher eos. ily of grace-acfual grace and sanclifying grace-and of super. nalural life ard growlh in holi. nass. The queslion is, whrl do lhese words MEAN? Itaps, they slirl, it s'as a rlif[cr'etr{. ruan, or. if it n'as tltc s il In (t tnart, pcrhulis he had not brrgr LIintl flon-r 'l'lray birth. cross-q ttestioncrl lhe man hintstlf, his l)af0llls, thc rnan again. 'l'ltelc l.;rs no li'ift-lt Arncnrlrrre nl. . htti thc liarents rvcrc dctcrrninerl not l.o incrimirtatc ilrenrsetvcs* .vcs, lre rvas thcir son; yeg, he was lrrrlrr blirrrl; bclorrrl tlltt lhcv Christfan Symbols liirc',i ltlliing, hiul rro opinions c\'011. IJott(!r ask liirrr. Alt llris hetrarrsc {hr: ltarlcrs of ,leryrv hrrl n(r'ecrl tlrirl iul]'ono rllro nlfilnrerl that tha (ilrrllcnler rvas tho[ " p r r I put of tho syna. shottltl bc (oqtt{,." 'lir lrc ilrtrs ercorrrrrrirrrit'atcrl u'orrld tnake lifc for a ,Icrv rrr,lcnlsllcrr.r rrnlivable. 'l'ltr: nrart hinrsclf rnarle no t,f. fot't to covt'r' ul). ()l' all thc nco- ittg of anl' ol tlrcrn, lltrt this nran is a .jo1'- alclt, lrtrruolous, tlcvastlting irr rctolt. llc rvas nruch too rlcliglrtcrl lrv tlre nt'rv gift of sighl, l o \ r ' o l ' t ' j ' a l r o 1 1 {l 1 g i t l ' ' e x c o r n t t t t t t r i . catctl-il'hich oI coulse hc u'trs. Iteatl vclscs 35.iltl I'or. his act of 'fhc Candle Iaith in his licale r'. a pilecs Si. ioiln tiris episorie at 'l';rltcrtho cnrl of the lrcasl of lat:lrrs. lt harl llcr:n a tr.ying tinre sincc llr: rvolk ol sanctiffing souis is prc.erniucnlly a rvork of tlivinu ]ovc (as rli..;tinguisherl ft'onr a rvor.k o[ powcr. or a tvork ol rvisdonr) rvc rcfcr lhis rvot'k o{ sanc{ification lt-r lhc llolv Spilit. Ile is, altcl all, divinc [,ovc pelsonifictl. l]asically it is nd-lovcd. ti,,,,,,,,lY lrlt' lrolrlorl br' Otrr Lorrl, lrc is lhc olrlv rrrro rrhclsc Jrcrsonality has conre rlon'n to rrs. llrho klrorvs rvlrat l<inrl of grrl I'lilus'tlauthtcr rvus? Was ilre n irlotv's son of Naim a good son? We knorv noth. FINALLY, llost RlcssertTrinity-Gocl (.: . God Gtlrl kknorvn. nnrvn and fCnd -lnd and t'lj people (lotl the Son is (iotl's llirnsclf: living iurage of llinrscll; anrl (iorl {lxr Iloly (.iho:;t is (lotl's kr'.,e lol lf. J ervs rvere sullounrlod b_v itlola. Ilous naiiorts. llolc than once tlru .Icrvs turnetl flonr the tvolshtp of tllc ollc Cotl rvho hltl marlc thcru IIis choscn ptople, i.o thc rvorship gotls as placticcd o[ many by thcir ncighbols. As a consertrrrncc, Cod, lhlotr(h Ilis plophcts, lratrrnrelcrl irrvay at llre idea of tlrc oneness ol God, thc unily of God. IIc did not complicate things li5'r'cvcaling lo ple- t\l ,l would hardly herd for lhe deepest welers to mrke ils crossing, even though grealesl it hrd lhe trust in God's onrnipolence. THE FAITH TiXPLAINIII) J. TRESE ;lllll,,I"i:ll1't*';',l3l,rl",,ll^ttl.:: Here egain, lhler rcholar feel* obliged to rpeak of hyperbolc *-lo bring up lhe fact ihel a anrl tlprrs tltnt thc vnlid Illallels itt lltt' Ilook ttI \\'c nlry tliscctn Christiitn lixodus fot'cslt:ttlou'itt:t Irr tlrc Bible. in tlte :\ets oI tltc rvc lr'ad tlt:tt St. .,\postlcs (19:fi. I)rul cautc to tlre cilt'of llphestts, 'Itrclc he fountl a sutall in ^{sia. gloup of pooplc u'hn altcitily beri[ .]cslts. iier-cd in thc teatlrinqs "l)rtl l';rrtl askt'rl thctn, I'ott f('. -ha'e anCient fcgal tt*,,Onts rcvcnf trd rcprar.trfrfu .imifniliiior't points rvitlrirr tlrc llcblgv t,arv.-fin nssr:t'I ctrrttltletr.. inrlcpcntlt'nce of lltc }losnic l,atv ft'otir [hese systcnts, tr'g', lltc (jotlc of Ilarnmirr. rvill rccall thc maicstic rlepiction of this Clossing, aucl ruost of orrl portrayals afc cornpnrable iu ii. llecing l,ffiq At all evints, lhc cvcnts at Sinai, llrorrgh nr.vstclious, are oJ thc lri(hcst siflnificancc in Israclite lrisloly. I lt'r.c tr llggcrl antl ll('l('l'otl(rlloOlls pr,01ll(' enlelcd into :t Covcnant rvith yahrveh and rc. cr.iv.erl n,, NIoscs sclving as rncrliatol bctrvecn tlrcmsclvas and Gotl. I I(,\v(,vcr. \ve lllay fis well I)e fratrk, rl is ag:iirr tliffcrrlt to set. tlc on many tlctails. Ilorv much of lhc law, fol cxamplc, wlts tlilcq{ly rcvcalerl to iUoscs? The qtrestion is not an itilc orrc, cspe- Iacts of thc Clossing of tlre Stra as lhc lslaelitcs cscaped flonr the 'l'hose ligyplians. rvho sarv Ihc "'l'lre'l'cn filttt Cornnrantlntcnls" r,alucs, Ey LEO Saints of East and West lltosss e,nd the Erodus man is trloses: ,. lau'givcr, medi-$i ator, prophct,i, and dclivcre'r the Choscn I ple, THB the lJlcsserl l\,inity rvlro sancti{ic-s rus. lt is Cotl the Blessed 'J\'inity rvho drvclls s'ithin the sin-{r.r:e soul, llut tve appropriale thc tction of grace to the lloly Spirit. In the precerling palagraphs I havc cntphasized thc rvord,'applopriaic." i havc rione so irccause it is the exacl, rvold rrsccl iu the sciencc. of theology. It is thc rvolrl rrse<l to desclille [his rvay "dividing of up" thc tvork of thc Illessed Tlinity among thc thrcc tlivine Pcrsons. \lthat onc Person does, all do. And yet certain activities secm mot'e appropriale to onc I'eLson than to altothcr., As a consequcnce thcologians say tltat God the Fathcr is tlra Cleator, by appropriation; Gotl the Son is thc Iledeemcr', by appropliation; and God the Iloly Ghost is tlre Sanctificr', by appropliation. i\ll this ntay scell unnecessarily technical to the avcrage r.earlcr. r\nd yet it nray help us to untlcr'stand rvhaI is nteant rvhcn thc catechisrn, fol exanrplc, sa]'s, "Tlrc IIoly {lhosi rlrvclls in thc Clurrch as the sourcc of its life and sanctifics souls tlrlough the gift of gracc," Gorl's Love is aI *'olk, lltt IIis wisdonr anrl llon,lr also at'e tltcLc, for thc lcadcr'.s of tho l)hatisees. 'l'hey sarv this nran frorn (ialilcc as rvaging rvar upon the lcligion of thcir pcoplc, ancl nory lor thc l'irs[ tirne llc lrarl lrrought llrc rr.'allalc into thc vcry 'l'curple 'l'lris ilsclf. rvas the las[ strarv. 'I'lrc iialrllatlr rcsI harl beerr brokcn lrr'icc-hy thc shaping ttf l.lrc cla.y. by thc hc;rling of thc blindness. '['hcn thcre rvas the shecr e[l)rinlcly of scrrtling {hc rnan [o rvash itt thc I'ool of Siloc. inviting conrJrarison s'ith thc prophct llliscus rvlro harl scnt itllislra) Naarnatt thc lcper to rvash rn Jordan, And lhcle rvas thc bcg. gar hinrsclf, kuorvn Ior ycars to 'feurple rrvcly i,isitor to Ihc as a uran borrr lllind. Sonre ot' thenr nrusl liavc kept. a vagrrc rDcnlory of tlrc ttvelvc. ycar'-olri boy rvho hatl intlrrcssed thcnr rvith llis brilliance twcnty ycars lleforc. Did any of thent knorv that this troublcnraker was 'I'lrc lltat santc boy? boy had anrlucstiorrs learncdly su'clcrl and asliccl thenr intelligently, but IIe hatl not prcsumerl to tenr:ft. at all. 'fhcle rvas no hirrt in that carlicr scene of thc nronstrorrs claitns to llc gl'eater tllan illoscs, tlran the 'fcnrplc, tltan the Larr,, tltc tnortstrorrs disnrissals oI rittral yrt'acinto tices tltaI thc.v lrad crcctcd tlivinc larv, the rlorrstrous attacks rupon {heir orvn authot'ity as teacltcrs attrl tltcir rttot'al cltaLactet' as "I r1'1c llr;cs iic ivlio fi;lloirl; am thc light oI thc rvoliti. bttt rvilI havc tltc li{rlrt o[ lifc" not rvalk in the dalkncss, 'l'he (John. is a s1'ttrlrrtl of Jcstrs 8, l2). lightecl canrlle "thc cvcl'y ntan wlto contes Chlist, true liglrI that cnlightcns (Joltn 1. 0). into the rvolld" The Church l;roclaints this tnrth lltrotr(h Ihe ttse of lirJlttetl .{t tlre Llas{ct' \:igil sct'vices in all iis cercntottit's. candlcs "tlte 'l't'ttc Lighl." thc cleal- pascltnl canrllc t]'pifics (llrl ist, atttl Jlrc srrrlllcr eatttllcs sj'ntltolize circlt inrljtirltr;ri Clttistian 'fltc lttrt'niltg pasclral rvho stlivcs I.o lettloducc Cltrist in his life. t'anrllo is plunged inlo lllr: birplisrtral u'ill('l',.ttr)(l otrt of it thc " "clrildlcn of tlrc lighf . I'lach of tlte faithfrrl ar:a b'ot'tt as ir lighlorl c;rrrdJc srgtlif}'ittg tltat-.he nclvly bap{izr'rl teceive. lras becorirc a living ttteml;er oI the l,ight of tlrr: Wot'ld, Who is C'lrlisl. 'fhc TIle pi,t'o cantllcs ttsetl at l\lass arc tttatlc of bccs'rrax. rvax extracic(l b1' bccs ft'ottr florvct's s)'ntllolizcs thc prrre flc'sh thc wick signifies of Chlist rcceivcid flonr Ilis Virgin Ilothct'; thc soul of Chlist, and the flarnc t'c1'rlcscnts Ilis divinity' 't'hough a liglrtctl candle syttrbolizcs Cltt'ist, it also nrny ln tltc e'ally days of Chris' of failh. reoresent thc illunrination "the illtrntinated." ti:initv. thc baptizerl sotnelinrcs rvcte r:allr:tl lcl, thcir ligltt sltinc ns eliiltllen of-light, tlrcS' rnusI hcncclottlt before mcn, l6th in r serier lndirnapolis' rponsored rs Oulstanding Prcf erred r rerder Colonial bu Ctttltolic service Moriuary FatiLilics nl()ll. o As I ltavc said, it ltad bcctt a lirne. lle lratl lrrottghI Ilis attd tlre'l'otttple rloctrinr-'s into But Hitn. liatl t:onlrcnietl they lr'fing (, 1 M E R I D I A NA T I g T H S T R E E T by PAGE THE CRtTERtON, APRIL EIGHT 2I, t96l o.4nnrr caLKIN . , w#n long hair fiovs J "['nr yorr," say solrl' lo inteurrpl it cxcuscs thr.rn. lt. doesn'tl il'here lt'(! ox(r('lttiofrs, lto*cvcr, lo ilrr: rttlc, lrot' irrslirttr:e,,ltttly, sttpllosing yotr rvct'c going lo lre lal.e lor class r'rt rttiss ;t l)us; ll'h{-\Ir ]'otr rroultl lrar'o a 11ootl roasou lor illperson is tlre who iolrtrpting sperrking. l'rrrrkitt'1 ]'ou:r Such alr irtlcr'rupl ion can lrt rlonrr !it'itciousll' and rvithout oll'ensc if yott givc tltc rclson n'hy ytttt itrt asli- 1 1 ' l U r l o , s i ) r r { ' l ) ( i . r t . \l r ' . r ( r r t i l c i } ' Itrrll'/oiig oi'l{i r{'.ilrs(' l{) 0(:l d ,rttif. 'll'Ii cltt:' lirt'irt lrr ltorrr t'olr{rtnl -sorrrtrlirnt' liritt tirr'3y looL, like btt.tiis, rlill rioir. lltt r'1i ,/tt 't rl Uclt' i\l:rr1' .l:tut': I)' Jrr(l)': IJrlttr thlt yotr folgct \\hlt l'ou wilntc(l lo sa5', tltltr to tlisltl;ty llatl thal,'s csactly $hat rrrill)ncrs-aD(l )otl rlr\ .Ittd)', rllrt'tt ;'ott ittlcnttpl; il p(lfsolt n'lto is sportliirtg, Srrtttr: pcople t'c.c.l thntl:: loug_ils tlley ing to bc tlisurisscrl front tlttt coullul, *lren rclsalion, I'ort irttep rttlt{. rrnutlrr't lo lcll lltttttt sontcthilrg tlrnl 1'otl I't'r.l cirnlloi. \utit, l l t a l . 1 ' r r c I rlespile the 1'ott ltref:tctt "I'm sot't'y, *'itlt, 5 orlr rertrlt'ks Nlll'). {o iul.t'r'trttpL yott, bttt I do you ru'url to lcll this bclorc I Clinic slo,led ftrrgt'1," irr rcrlill' ,v(,u flr0 snying: "What I hlve to tcll )'ott is ntuch rvhat 1'ou rrrolc imqtrl'tnttl, thln .: at'c ttrllittg tttt'." \\'h.r no1. st'ltool I'ottrscll, Jtrdl', ttotc of tr'ltlt to rrr;rkc ;r nlcllllll lrru larrl. to slrI".' lLvcrttttllly you g i r r : r t tltc slagc. l\tul rvhcn rr ill he on Fantily Liting S c r e t t p n r i sh e s it is ull 1'ouls. it is nry rvish th:rt ruo one n ill ltrr lrrdc cuortgh to in" l0l'f upt ) ou. p l i r n c i l l ' r l l )i l rl )' J,)t'rn' JIiss YCA CARD will at Philip p.m. I Catholic Young Adults of lndianapolis rlip Crrd Parly on Fridey, April 2g, in the ruditorium, 535 Erctern Avc, Games will besin rddltion lo mrny doot prirer, rn ouldoor charcoal In eheirmsn, eway. rssisted Miss by (fcfl Mrry fo right) L'rrl/iil.' CALENDAR lililllllillllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll ;rta1 Thc Saturdry Social at llull' Cross begurs at {i:30 p.ur, in 1hc 1r:tlisltltitll, ltir N, Olitutal St, anrl lcligious aetilitias. I tucutbct' of Sl. illatthct'.s 1riit, tslt. lutliurt:rLruli., Ci,iri iornnrons rs cooftlinirttl' ol ;ill f.irst aid aqIn'itics orr tlrtr l''irt. l)t'pnrtrucnt, licrnlrrl,Ur't.iint). chairnrau of the arvald lrrrnnrittce. rcccii'itl arr CARD PARTY SET lhe his. L.G.Clements & Sons cENERAL IC€NTRACTORS Spuciolizingin light ond Heovy Repoirs Commerciolond Relidentiol | 509 lvtsin 5t. 0r, ll u Lahins,s(r),'.s {Beech Grove} ST. 4.6372 MEETING liubt'tt K, \\',\SlIl\(i'['t)\-'-nt'. "uo lcason in tlte st'rs llntchius rvtrl'ltl" s'hy l,'erlcral lttntls sltortltl ttut. lrt spr,'nt IoL 1lt'ivutu antl parrrchill sclrools. r:ititttccllor' oll tlre: ll'lrt: fomrcr ol' L.hi':lgo atrtl dr:att L..uivclsity l,it*'Sclurol oi thc Yllc Unir,usity grolrp Itct'c lltitt told r. lrtncltcon tllc (ilrestiotls t'rtiscd abottt extettrl" irr.g Fetlet'al ai<l ter frrivirlc selttrols "incomDtrte nt. in'clcvcltt alt(l is .iurrualcrial." of .lJt'. llutchino'. rto$' ltrcsitltnt llre (--'()rttL'r for tltt-. Stutly oi l)entoir Sirtttil llilrl]t'tttie lttstitutitrtts ilonorat'1 |it't' Chie f's lxulgr: fronr l)cp:rItln('1il tllrir'l,Ar.ttold ril'c ()rtl\ four' suclr a*ar.tls I'ltillips. hin 0 l.'t'r'n [rlls,.'lltrl iu t0r'1. ()l' tllc {lcl};u'tru(rl}l r\ prolt,ssirrrr for. rrrrvit,rs u ill lrt, Itcltl urr Sttnrlll, ,\l;r1 21, arn. l'illif.. trottrl tlrr,'tilN tN()nrl). tion is givcu prir irtc scltools ll: r:nttsc tltef nt'tr rlttrtntcrl to l)o porftrlminr{ a puhlic sctvicc. "l[ lhe.v ule nrul if it is a scrrr lctr th:rt r,,'iltr!,.1 rrlhct'rvistr ha\'e to pttblic. tltt:rr lrc supplicrl h1'lhc lhntr.r is lo plivltc uhy rr!asol iu tlte rvorl<l olgluization-r shoukl assistanet: hc sairl. ruot t'cccivtr appuopliultr ll'otu tltc govcrtturent," 4l0l E, Warhington St. s!|tcr!935 MARKERS * MONUMENTS i Lllgcst Stock Granites and i,iarblc ol tire Ilishesl. Qunlity at the ltrst ileasouable Cost. O Credit Terms * Slate Wide Delivery tro ailr.rt* l e ! t c \ c n li l i v n M[ 6'9044 0l tico r-ffif I FL 7.762e I r- in f)ulch lnrrgungc Spociitl sen'iccs fol Dutch r\rriionais rvitI ba contluctcd lry a Jtsuit. plicst flonr'l'hc Nethcrl:rntls itt St. .loltn's elutt'r:h. [ntlianapolis, on S:rlru'tlay, r\pril 22, hOln 7 l.o lt p,ul. l,':rthel Belnard'I'lr,'.lclvooltn S..t., l'h,l).. a rratiio of rlen .lloseh, lloll:rtul, rlill ltclu' (lrnfessions in lirtrgrrage a[ ? p.nt. Ilc rvill .rtirc il shor'l talk to thc asscnrbletl gloup lt 8:30, Iollnrr'r',1 ht. llnrrorlialinrr l r r l r & Sundcys /fna* Funeral Homes ilIB.2-9,433 The tisiting .ft'suit ls in Inr'iianitptrlis (k)ing lescalclr in ltnguage rlcvelopnrenl: ol young dcnf ehil" tlc is gntlrcr'ing tlre'n. lraterial lntliana aI thc School {or tho Dcaf, 'lhcrc arc nclrlly 25 Drrtch rstirgee lanrilies n'ho lrave uroved to tnrlianapolis sincc \Vorltl for cartl party FATHER GASNICK said r\ction firl lntclracial tJndcrstarulilg rlill goals: hlvc [ivc ovrlull "'lb I. tlain la]. leatle r',s clUri. l.rlc ol countcllrr:tin!{ lhc lcntlelr', ship of llcists antl agiiatols." "'l'o ll. lirrrrrulule arr crtucittiouitl atttl ae:t iorr prrr:.lrilur [or. +uch pitlislr, school nrrrl cotrrtuttni[1. irt n'lrich tlre 1l'lrilrt ()rrlcl cxists.'f "'{h :i. inrlrrcgnalc thc r:ir'ie (lhristian ruuturunity rr'ith litr: GNAITY'S ASPIIALlT W. tr. Grrdy R, !, Grady trsphclt Roodr, Drlvor, Strcot Conttnrstlon MqrLelerr od f,ppllerr Emuleified f,sphall G{)LLUGE AVB" ol Roqdr Oil fo cL. 6.t36f lontair.i, t6ur-t) 1..,{i.'i.Jy lllo V.rllly tlr,. ll,'i',, trl Vil;a,rr 1|,all llafitl t i n , , . ; 1 , , r 1Y, i . . i l l 0 . r '.li,r:rr 'Jai:r: ()vrr, l',e ll'r W,!ll 'ili,i1" lr'. 'ror, .r,'alLirrrl 1,rr,1r,1, '/r. I r I ( I .t i ,i li u . r"tasJ Morrllt| a-sIcItoL tlrobirr.liorrrblr :rntl spilit lar:ial in l.ensions t,1urr ifariat littt, Lnt,,. IL?c dn,l f ttrirlri?ilf trdt,. Yocatiooel Center It?5'F*;wood fd" ll.Br Waqhh*icn tt. D. e- I PRoSARY RAYiFl I I WIRE 1 4 3 0o n y our D i al FRIDAY, April Mon. - Fri, 7:45 p.m, 2l-(Tape) Rev, Willirm Rippcrger. MONDAY, April ?4*(Live) Vely. R;v. M:gr. Cornelius lnd mernbers ol Guade lupe Rose ry Club. TUESOAY, April 15.-( Live) Rev. Richsrd Zora, rnd lhe Junior Lcaion of Mrry of Sl. Patrick'r Sweeney, tlr;, oI l;t | ., rirrriqr WEDNESDAY. dentr ill lor ilr,0rr\, , u, tjo.Rau'rr. ,r,f1#;11:}l:i,',1,1fi ;,jl?l"ii,;iiijri,,rr. Etrett.ir_ .,. Grcut; It ldPr!i 0 Illi?1. l,jtI tt?'tl, lVrrlrnn, ley,.r, 3t t r .. f/,,i:r.lo?t, Inr,t. lt, An/,!,r,J.,/,, 5.!rql ol llte l'urIlr. Rpfi. Sert.rl Pnttn.ri. 5r{r(:l Wf,/!. Seltr.,tr: ll0rl.iirlr, 5evlr,'i\ry, lronr 5urrtl,rair, Sfirr'.r'. ilirirle. Soir(l Willrorrt trij, S 0.5l,,i.jlr,,5l,rl,rq l,r, \tccl Udy,, (,rrr;rrur;r,r[, 5urltio*tttr. . 5rrrr i:.i' r\l li,r Slo(]; . Iirr.jrr t!,,. l.!",rIilir,,rrt, In{l il tr,:rrrtfy, lrr, u f,l,rrlirr:r, l()llLrr{,rrrl, llre; It,'ir',' rj ril ldr,linr:,, 11,,!,,i,ji?,.1r, liie, tric l],,;jllli.', A6riir April 26*(Tope) Rev. of Ladywood Acrdemy. Prtrick gmith. THURSOAY, April ?7*.(Tape) Rcv, Richrrd Modc ol Charity ol St, Vinseni De Poul. ,nll lr, s lli{l,r',, ,,;or}. /rll li,!,e i,,Jr,i (..|,riu,tl:. Aril!l V/otc l{{lj, rt|,tt? 5ii,ir,.,., Ai-atll,r:,rl lt,r-. IJd.i 1r, ir. l.,li, lJri.i ut f,r'rrt,r|,r;J. gi,1 B, r l.rnil lJr!l {tr:,rl tl,r .',,l,iultr,r 5tr{rcl, ulc,,i. To have your n.rnr cnrollcd memberr pnrirh. rnd rnd ol clu. Drughferr in fhe RosaryRadioProgramof Spontorr i . . [ ] , t , r , f _ . 1 i ] ,( - i , r | . , ' fdDl.f,r; - f.,irir, (,,,rrr, ',',:(lir,'{, (.-'1lflr {a,,f' {;,1 t ( , , , i , 1 r ' r' ; ; j l , Lr.rjrLt Ar0 | it,t!r.:, Lti|,50{, Lirrlon0, Stnd your olleringr {lrrge or smrll) lo: T H E R O SAR YR A D I O P R O G R A M l,l8 f,t11) oi .i a;{,rr,, I oll W. Georgia Sl, Indirncpolir 25 (arpetsr milhr-Frederil(sen !nc. 303 W . W ASH IN GT ONST . ( D i agonal l yAc r os s F r om S t a t e h o u s e ) orrl<:r, lo plcvent iuul str.ifc." ._,.11'l_,:,l:t:-._:1l l:1i1,-..:l::ll::,': ll" Sundrt ATJA IIONMILIIN l,layisioI,-Sacrcd ilcurt ....... "....,".(8),-Clrrirtopherr - .,.,..u."......(6j Sundry lrltvklon 2 : 0 0 p . i ! : . - - 5 r 0 p c , . . , . . , . . , , . , , , , , . , . ( 8 -8:30 l0:C0 frldty Irdit .l'C,o,-S,crcrl fi.drt .,...,,,",..',VFU5 6!15 Sundry Xrdio r.til,*StiLrrrt lic,irt ..,",.......,,VtS1r ,3i33 i:ll::ilXi,''li''H,."BlJ.;;' ::::::ii],.lo,l 9 1 3 0 9 . m . * 6 6 1 L 6 1 1H. o u r . . . . . " . " . . . V 1 t n f ..."...'......(t{ ll:19 :.:.-ll.1s"l3P" !r,r'J .".6.....rr,...t/J $6lurdry a r i 5 p , m , - [ r r d o. . . , , . , . i . " . " . . . . , . , . . ( I b ) fudio Prognmr 6rt0 u,ii,llt,,lr, . , . ". , .., .\TrpS i;iJi;lll::ilii[ff i',';fl'i']1.:::::::fl,tti '.t I r00p.rn.-r.ocrrt fll,ilf, o,ru, ",."". . td6BF HADtlolt atrA DOWNTOWN HEAVY ACRITAN Acrilun . 7 1 3 0I , m , - H o r e l S i d eo f i l ! i \ . . . . . . . W H A 5 RtrHt{oND lRtA nrdio-5rlurt.y 6rl3 r,rll,-Houroi, St. Fr|n;lr ,.;..,\!iiby ?rts r,m.-srcild i".111it...........,**ru tArCM AIEA fudle5undev t:30 c,nr,-iiourqi 5i. irrr;ci: i.ri..fjSii,i 5[rrEYvtrtE AtfA Sundry t.dio l 2 r l 5 t , . r r r , - H o uo r t St, trancii ......,/,'gVl fEtL cltY Attl trdio_Drll, 6 : 0 Op . m . - l h r R o s s r y , . . ' . . . . . d . . . , . . ! f f C J R.dio_lundav 7 r @ r , f i r , - S a c r rH drrrt ....."......,W1T2 iliS!:f;::iri',"ii'ilLlt',f,rrr:e' Ii:i :ilili i i;?3i:il::l',i1*' i1"11 #;",1toil .::::illll Sundry-telayi!lon _9,30 r.m,-Ava l.lrrl8 Hout . . , , . .. .. ,Wlf f 9 1 3 0r . m . - L s o kU p 6 n d i l \ c . , . , . , W I H | - I V lrdio-Sundrv ?rlf r.6.-lhr (ttrijloDhc15',.,.+..,.t,jiHl tErRt ilAUIE Arrt S; turdry-Itlayirion l r 0 0 p . m . - R : t r q i o Ii ln l f u s ! . . . , . , i t I l l l . f V 6 r t ) 0r . m , - S : i r r dH . 6 r t . . . . , , . . . , . . . I f l i | t Sundrylthvirion l | m p , m . - 0 i f t h { l 6 yG r . . t i r r g s. . . , , . , . ( 1 0 ) .Br.5r,m,-(rrhoii.drfi-.$il1 *,r lr Curlxll IJecuuse 8 GOOD DECOR COLORS . 12'AND 15'WIDTHS It Is $79[ $lain Resistant Easy lo Clean Crush Resislant Mildew Resisfanf Non-Allergenic Highly Resilient Molh Resistant Wear Resisfant R.dlo-Surdrv 7r?5 r,rn,-Hour ot St. Fruiel3..,,.,!,J0tt) IIORIH VTRI{OHAREA Rr d l o - S u n d r y !.ir20a.rii,-Rellgiou Nse l s ' . . . , . " . " . . W 0 C 1 t l r J u p , r ' 1 , - S s c r cHde B r l. . . . . . , . . . " " W 0 C H iltw at.0atY AntA fr lcvirion-t undrv ,f:30 t,r'lr,-l.nrpunto tiy Fcif ......V,,HAS I !dio-5und.y l l . r 3 0 p , m . - C h r i s t o p t r . r i. . : " . . . , . . . . U j A v t : 4 1 3 { ,p , n t , - f , g l h o l i c- H o u r . . . . . . . . . " . W A V E o r t J t . r r t . - l t o u ro t . 5 t . I t l n c i r . . . . . . . , Xt0 / t l J t . n ? , - ) ! c f a dt i e a r t . . . . . . . . . . . . W X 1 1 1 8 r l 5 ! , t n . - S d c r a dH e d r t H o u r . . . . . . . , 1 1 H 1 S 8OBHOWASD S O U T H E R NP L A Z A ls fletler Made Especially fcr Miller-Frederiksen Carpelr fo Our Specificationr Irlondrt thru [ridry .. r... / : { 5 p . { a . - } l o s d rHy o u r . . . , , . . . " . . , " V , , | i ! cor{NEtsvtttf AREI Srdlo-SuhCrr l ? r U 0 i ' , r 1 . - S B c t cl dl c a r l . . . . . " . . , " " , $ 1 ; l l B rYAHSYtttt lf,tl 5utrdiy Ialryi!lon WTIPTR fRED TREDERII$TI{ ROY S O U T H E R NP L A Z A OOWNTOWN ilill'I.:::::,ltilfi 3;ii'i:i#!!i,!"'l';.lll Card l)arty' sot F nrLv,t nr.'' ,,,,:'J,',:'ti,?l: 11i1"',' T;o l'n';.,6, A SPECIAT SEMIHAW " Iri {riro, r,i Ilo',,.u'i il,'"1".'"',";f il;, ?i,1'"1.' JUgr FOnYO r! jii:1,';, t rl"J,l'Jil',,;,'iil',,,t'r,l,J:';" t:lil Only 32t Milct from Indhnrpolis ll;''t1,,fiilii"ii'.1''1, il,ii",,ot,,',l,l.i'iil','i;llW?it" to? frcr Gabf*r ".rou, fl,r/inq (,.nrir,!l (i;4nt dril,r [,livrrc. rjl (,olir'lir f'\,irdthofi,0old ol lire Se?fn ldinli, .)lrd llre 0rdqoftr Lrtnl ltrrlx)1lt't. ll.nrl. tlc; lrdr,nil,dl, lI ll l).rnl trr te,ltlrfr, tli,lli t,,ir,,ff Rill,!. t1,r'|4 l:, firf ljarq, lirl,t,i_ (.,{lri- H!|[r I't;r,1, Hot,.,r ol llre ,\rrrrr fl,r',?kl, llor,\,, ot tJSirrf. I Airri At tirr: :rirr li.l: i'dl.!Lu. J,rill)r.,rfitr1r l!rrri'fy l0 liie Iu r 1 it,i. t ,o , , ? d . l. rrr'l ll.iic ^',l,rriil:ioli Sai,fr, ii,,r, lr! n (i(r.rl U,ri, ',,,r f 1 1 q . .l , , r t lrr,,.. 1,1,r,',l.,r:-l.,rt. rtrrt Iiilc, Lirirr,r,1l,t Lar,r, Ai|!|l.rit! Ri,d,j i'lnlL[r (jrrl ,I],i ]1,' 51nVfr, ili,lllt I i(llrl0r:, O p r ) r n l i ( r r i I l o l ! 1 , ' rr r . l , r i l l r c l J , , , f','? oi Uro, IrJrr" ir' iir':iln. l)i|1.,f Ir'i'! | ,,1 li,i {t,ii!ift, l,o:.,c I rrr!t lhll, ['rr:rrrfl ril llrt Vclqa. llri,ir: lrr ll,r 5rrr, A. lot :r,.1'r'l 1f lJy'1.,)', !, irrdl !, u,il',ilii;, LrrlJ.(ic(l Sf'/'. [,,',! A, l"n l,,r' ol ',,r: !,. Ir'ii of lt,tro,u,!-r, l:ri]!rur ld.1: {rt Lilr, f,j ,1 .,, ,i lij.'/, l.'art, irv'rr li,r iil llio,,,l, foUr n{10 Bl(},'.i. I1l,(ir 1.'r'."'..1. 7 r 3 O p . m . - - C _ s t h o1l iocu r , . . . . . . . . . . . U V f Llondry fhru Srturd|' lur.5 r.m,-ilrouqtlt tor Today......WKy,t 6 ! 4 5 p . m , - 8 o s r r fyJ 0 : L . . . . . . . . . . . , . w t R p BURKHARTCHAPEL-37t W. Main-Grcenwood Ar Strong and Tough ar You Know llflrat . . . \Yar Announce dale CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES-|234Prospecf SOUTHPOR'I' CHAPEL-3S Union St. cRE ENWOODCHAPEL-S. Madison-Gresnwood cll{ ,,jJ';'i"it rEvil' 0ril Quirotc, ftrrliry tlt'l{j Jl. lhilrl, ,.r,,lj'.r.r,rt {;n,nhq, rit: fllliffiffii u{cilt, u{o0d^ dt\l It,)..t1., IllucLrrlrrl,s lq,r llonnToloon5r Sre,rllr of Sr,ilt(dl, BUltrrlifld g, Ldn-lJx. LJtly llUf,n, L,,rtlrdle In ,, .{jrr, I ldnr":. LrfLrr....0l H0rfora, (rd(1, iil t,r; l,1ir. rur, (.ry l0I tl,,lI)y, LDr:e ol lhc Wrreroll. uelIc ilr lt,c uusl. Radio and TV Programt Serr icr:s plunnt:d tlrc Duteh ! t " \ / , llonlly -[. ,iNwtE PRIE$T c{ ,Il$'",lll' ll';;,i,'j','l,P"i'"'' ,,, fflfi .--lft[ - fi'',1,,l,Yi'' il lor idullr r:il,qr. II'DIANAPOIII A S K R E N MONU ME NT CO., Inc. SLATEO A*St(ilox Unobieclionrhlr rtrd Adolc[cenll All. tlrC YOUrtq l/'cn, Arrr-1ry R0d Planct. 4., , l!!o 5cd Rd{Jf!, ntl,}t,li!, tlis Losl Coritirirr,l, nloiiiir Subrudrinr:, '//,:r, Il0bellc 6oes Io llalbrJ 0f d So,iJier, , Bdt, lJdltle o{ llre !lrc:, llr:rlutf Tlrly,rc grjll: Ycuig, {Jfll l}oy, Are Rirrqlr!, Blnrl. SurrrrJy. [iiur,pt iBl for Rohhelr, Bride! ot 0rdL0 id. (rnlrjiatrs, Iirc, courrlcrpiol, Lrlr,siilrtt'r- ol' rrorilt's uill lll cotttluctctl l,! l"l{lru. l. (,1'gus. {).1,'.11. lir t.11 lcrtiirr'.r. is irrr itr.rl Io l)r'it)g l frir,rrr{ ol.r'(,lirlj\.r,{)1. t t t ' i g l t l r o t l u ; 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1l l1l c1 s r , r r i r . t , , lo ull sc/rools. K. [l. lllstn('t I'llc L'lllr.t l;'r'uneis [,). (,loturtrotts lns lrt'en ttlnturl "C;ttbrrlit l.'it'crtrlu ol lltt Yt'u"'tr.r' littights ol (.'olrrtuhrrs. ['otrnt'il -{i1?. 'l'ltc is givcn lrrrtrttnlly iu lnulrl fccosniti()ll ()f oulsl:ltxling clrtrlclt (tAss of . ' l ' l n' l ' l rSi l at l r r l r l l l o i l r ' { l " r i l l c l l t i l i ilrc t)r.rlt,r' ol S(. l,'r' u i l l r t r t , r ' lo r r S r r r r r l : r ) .r \ 1 r l i l 1 i t itl l l 1 t . t r t .i t t S l r r . r . r ' r l l c l r r i ( ' l r r r r . r . l r _ ' .li't'it tr'is ('lrtttttto lrs lrr William n r c o l $l \ p r i l 2 l f Giue fi'cdetul u,id A\3- lin Horrttyortrrriocllftl. r.n ,,, rrr is gen. lh:rl Or:rl('r'gr.oul, .\lt's, .losr'1rh Sl(irt.l . Sl. Jtrtlo; L i t ' i t l g tn : r l t ' t ' . .\talk's; St. llls. . l l i c h l l r l l , ; r t r t l t i r t q .S t . ( ' a t l t r . r i r t r ' s ; Jlrs. ll;u'r' \\'illirrrrrs, St.,litul('s: JIr's- \'ir':lil Iilit, S;u'tt'rl lli.irltl :rurl .\lrs. \\'illrirru \ortlitrtll. Si. .lkrclt s Itonored LaVerne righl, jonas, tion rvith arrd pn rlicipar run nl g16lll)s. tltostl eit it ('sl)(,ci'lly l t r i l h o u s i n g l r r . l l t i r : r ' . sc r r r n r r r i l t r , c i , n'hiclt tt'c nln'lrrl1, acl ir r: in tlre .irttr:r'nrciirl [it'k1, " "'l'o 5. slronsor' 1lr't,iorlic iltt,t,. t'itcirtl flllrt't'ings t'lrcr.r' N<,gtocs lntl n'hilr,s cln rrrct'l trul l'r'lrtltl1, tliscttss iltc 1rtrlrk,111 oI hrrrrrlir lc IlI iutis, " Sorrt lt Sitlt' lrtiinnupolis irt u ill t'otttbittt cifot'ls -\l){)lls()l'inA ;, lrt'rrt'fit cltt'tl pltrtl' I t i l p . n t . , S r t t t r l i r l. . \ p r i l ! l ] . i n r\llrirctitr' l)r'i/('s r\ill h* 11it'rrn itreltttlittl: t\\(l l)o\ s0lts llt(l l\\'(] !lt':ltl(lstilrtrl sr';rls lrt thtt StX)' .\lile ll;rcr,.,\lt's. ('ltlt'lt-s l.t.lrpor. is gr'ttr.rirl cltirit'nurtt. lltrll \lntt, t-'hltirnrrtt frrl t'rrt'h of tltc pitt'{icrpltirtg prrlislrt,s lrrt': llt's. [iolrtrI {iilspcr, llol1 1a,uu. llt's. (ictn'gc far h,Iaps3d Orclcr projccr for in tt":rracialj ustict: Sr.r t'u pirrishcs Ililll. li('o(ll {;irlc, lltrll' \uruc Pt'or'ftth rrill lo trr !lrt'Irirlirtt;r Ilr.ll'r';li llottst Iiuikiirtr Fttutl. Sprlngcr, _*::::l::_i-"_Lry1""':1 "'_:l 1::1i::=J-:'i-il .ll1ll,- o Gan rts 1 You 8c A a pillow Neri be glvon will srill arrl 0elayedUocation? PARTY-Thc sponsor St. ll.1al,ii l:il"l'$,?i" ff:;$288 .'"ftfil* hyC0R01{[T ACRIIAN O H I G H L O W L O O PC U T P I L E O 1 2 'A N D 1 5 ' W I D T H S ff :; $ 3 | 8 lli""'1"$.o"r; lX,ls;Lili 1{0WOPENOUR2ndBIG No llorvn P:nynrcml! :f6 tfonlhs F LO O R C O VER IN GST OR E CARPETSR , U G S ,T I L E , L I N O L E U M A } SOUTHERN PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER {420 S. Erst St. South on Highway 3l at Hanna phone Extra Liberal Trade-ln Allowance For Your Old ll/lE. 5-T 416-Downtown ST. 6-4396-t"urhern NOWI HOURS Downtown-Mon. & Thurs, 8130A.M. ro 9 P.M. Other Days 8:30 lo 5:30 thru Southern Plaza-Mon. Fri. l0 A.M. lo 9 P.M. Sat. I0 A.M. lo 6 P.M, Free Parking 1o ltery I st PaymenlNot Due 'Till July 15, l96l carpersandRuss Praza T H E C R | T E R | O NA , PRIL 2t, t96t Moscs ||||l|||||l|||||||ll||||l||||l|l||||ii|||||lll||ll|||ll||ll|||l||||l||l||||ll|||l||lll||ll|l||il|||l|||l|l|||ll rf-r f-T-t. I I rc I acKer llllllllllllllllilililiiliiiiililiiiliiiililiiiiiiiuitriirlllliliilillllilllllllilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllll OP E RATTON diocesan archtliocesc an oul(rorvtlr t cccnt o{ at clt- ltavc bccn organizing alottg acatlcntic of .{r'ts r\ssocintion, Lnnguagc Nationll Catlrolic llusic tt't'tns o[ ot'ganizatiott, At'clrditrcr'san Clraptct' of tlte ( an oltlct' Erottp-in Irrlirrtlpolis Iiluc:rtors .'\ssoi'iation :ttltl nges of lltc ttlt'nrbcts) ttol itl tltt't't'sleclivrr ;\ll havc Alclrrliocr'san Clorrrtcrlof Sociirl Sltrrlics'lililchcl's. to intplovc thc (lulllity ol tcacltinll in lhcir corllnlon goll: thc spcctivc glnm alcls rc- in alchtlioccsnn high GOOD Sinrilar schools. Rrcas al'c in llre plnnrring tcaching onll' SHOWING-,\lter torvat'd a rrniftt'd pt'o- lctivities and to coolrlinatt'thcil otller in ot'ganizalions \\rc rvislr tltr'trt rvt'll. stiigos. sis plactices, ioint corltbiricd tlrc ht'lss llantls of Christ the Kins itnrl St' Pius X parishes, ltttliattaptllis, fianrell, pnlticipaterl ilt r('qr()nll crrntlrotilion litst Sattrlrlil.y at Ill'ond Itipplc IIigh Sclttrol. t-onrlucltrl b1' Sister M. Mellitr, Q,5.8., of St. I'irrs \. tht'gloup tllt'rv fltvot'llrlo contrttcnts front tlte irrtlEes, allhotrAh 'l'lro ('r)nllt('lrls t'attqetl lt'tlttt "r'rt.t'llt'ttl" [o rrot rvinnin{ ln luitltl. "gootl itiltttr. "r't11'good llulattcr'tl llln(l" t() atttl gootl ll:tsic hatttl^" I'hc rntrsicians, p:il'cnts thcir CONGRATULATIONS of St. parish, Paul's \\'rikling antl tcurhcls ulc nruch !tr':-t riislit,s to Mr. St'llrt'sltttt{, lncottt'agcd. and f,lrs. Phil Andres rvlt,t locctttl5'ollscLvt'rl thcir ?irtlt . , \ n r u v c r - s ar ' 1 ' . THESPIANS-l"ir YOUNG o l r t u t t r l s l t ' r ' sf n r r r I t u l i l l r t p o l i s L ' r t h o l i c 'I'ltcutlc rn th0 ftillhcoutrng I't'otlttction [iiIic grntlc sclxrols ltltr t Iolt's "llansel of and Grrtcl." Int'lrrdcrl in thc cast alt': Judy Pallerman, er:rrk'r'; Joan Rickey. Litlle Flow'er sixtlr grader; Smifh, St. Thonras Aquinas forrlth gllrlcr: Mary Wheeler, Sl, liftlt gt'atlct': antl Kathy Whee ler, Sl. .{nrllorv's r.ighth gladcr. rlill bc prt'sontcrl n( llre (livir:'l'lrr.llle. I8,t? N. arl(l t:fclol" Chrlst the Ring fiilh Nanaife Androw's "llrtnscl ilabarua St., on l,'r'itll1 . Sutrr|rl:r1' :rnrl Srrnrlal'. April :tt, :9. and :i0. lieset'r't'd scilts llll.\' lrt'olrtuittt'tl :tt thc Llrvit: llox officc alttrl ilunday, 2.1. .{plil OTHER SCIENCE WINNERS-,-ln ltlrlition to tlre u'inncls:rt l:tst Krnrby, tltr eightlr gr':rt!cl al Sl. Miclrael's l)ighth Schosl, lorrk -secontt rrlact in Gt'atlt, I'h1 sicill S('ir,ilcr,s.cli()n. MISSION DAY-Bishop John J. Wright of t,iilsl)rtr.Ah x'as Fucst of arrnu;rl ll is.sion l)ly hcltl at lioiiiri lli:il lit ittcip:tl spt'alit'r rlrrling thc Senriiraty l cslcltll.r'. Si. llrinriiil AT LONG LAST-Ailcr tion of tlrc lott{ al'lrttrl \va],. llrrlkkrzr.r's \\rcrlncsrlir.r',.\Plil nronlhs of litiqalion nnrl rlclll'. parish in llor.irlian llills Sl. Luke's lrt'lln l1). ltlenkirt.r: F.rlher thc schrtol t'cutl1' [or' ocruplu..\' MISSION [ol llrc Courhl€y, Paul nt'rt ttctr' par.islr constluc. is undt:.plrlt oll hlpr-.s to Plstor, ha\.c Iall. F R . B U R K ED I E S AtD t.(l(lnRNI'), Srvrtzrll:rntl- Srr rl zt'rluntl's 3,000.0()() ()r lll()l'(. ('ltll. olrcs lln'c llt't'ltll' corrlribrrlr,rl l l r ' i f l y , S : 1 . 0 ( ' ) t ) . ( l t l ( )i n a r l l r v t lrr i r s s i s t S r r i s s n r i s s r r r r t l r r i * si t r t t t r t i r L rler'*lrrpetl r\sian ;rrrl .\friclrrr crrrrntrics slrii'h uls llrrnr.lrcil l:rsl {)clobcr, shcn a sltccirl }lission, \O'l'lili l)..\1lll. Intl...*Rcclrrionr .\llss lol l.'itlllof liugoltc I'. Iirtrlic. ('.S.(1., ?7, [olnror plcsitlont ttl' the tinivt'rsil) oI Itor.tlirntl ( trnrl j\1ilr.iil, iorntcr ctlitoI of ,\r.e t uc o l i l l ' C r r l h o l r c r u a r l z i n e , u . l t s o f It,r't'd (April l.l) in Slcr.r'rl Ilt'ur.t t hrrt'clt lrt.n' on the []nivcrsitl' ot \()l fo l)illllo (.illllpu-s. i"t'tl"t, -ii-I_IT_t:l:_"li:f et .liorl lf/qyne ilyr Monolheism and fhe Histori. (lity, Nerv Calclcn cal Process. Yot'k, Dotrblcdal' t\ucltor book, ?nil ctlition. 1$5?. tiures trvito ovct'..-tlrc eonstrttction of thc'l'allcrnaclc, altals, and trthcr crillic rlll.iects. lllrts tltc or'gartir.alion of tltc llcbrcrv plicsthoorl. etc. lluch of llris tna{t'r'ial slt'nrs fLom a llrlcl agc antl s'as urclcly proit't'lctl franrcback inlo lhe rlot'k of tlrc lifu oI llosos-fot' lrc 'l'hc rvirs lhe Ilt'brerv lnrvgivcr. nralerinl is nonetlreless of tlte Frciltes{ r'alrre. no nrillter whilt its agc-length rnay be. Dcspile thcsc and urany othel gt truine plohlcnrs lhut wrl cn('oulrlt!f ils \\'o g() tht'0ttglt ltl.rorltrs, it is ont. of tlrc nrosl sigrtificant of Olli('ors Ihc lnrlianapolis l) of I ('ilr'lt'irrcltrlt. Nrs. /\licc I"allcll, S t . . , \ n t h o n 1 , ' s , r - t ' J : t ' n t1 (,-athcrllirl, . l e a n N l r r n l g l r l n , illiss vice-rcscnt ; ll ls. tlck'rt Willis, {'nlho(ll':rl. iinltrciai sct't't'lat'y; llls. Ilott5, Ilcr\t'rll. Slt. l,arr't'ciit:c. lr.cortlirrq sr't'rutlt'1'; irnrl r\liss ('nthct'irrr. l,'r\, lflorvtt, l,itllc t l ' ( .a s u l c f . '['tvtl boolrs of tlrc enlilc Ilible. r\ll tlrnt it coutains is built :tlouutl lhrl evcnt rvhich the ltc. blcs's considclt'tl lo bc lhc glcrl' ast in lristrrrl' (llrc t'xorlrrs florrr l,)gvpl anrl tlrc lrappt nings fl1. Sirrai) anrl nlorrnrl that nran like Io rylrtrrrr no otlrcr clct' aLosc itt Islael, r\[oses (Deut. 3'1, l0), IIr all of tht se ficltls irnil irt lcft otltcrs unspccil'ictl rn thrs pltticttllt' oi tht' cncycli[]lsslgc cal, tlr,. [;'ctlr'r'll (irx't'r'rrrrront, horr'llolatt'rlll' ovcr antl cxpcrinrunt;rllr', has cn;rltt'rl lcrlislirliort rrrore or less in hllrrrorrl rvilh tltt' teirrltrng oI [,r'o antl l)ius. rvcelr rve shall t'ousirlcr Ncxt thc upplication in thc [Jnitctl ott Stltes of trucr,t:lit::rl lcaching ttl cco' ttrtiorrs irrtrl rrtlrtr'liitttls J 'l'RN.\ l'llrtealinn lrl,Y, N..1. f ulnrshcd b1' {,'atltolic anrl othel rnissionirrics in Lillclil u'its tltc kt'1' factor in rlcveloping ltarkrrs 5 P.M. to l0 A l'rcstd Dr:ligrrl P.M. oJ Your i'auoritc Sea Foods bacligrorrntls." Debhs notrtir: otgirtrizltion. FL 7-!18,t ((lontinrrr:tl frDm pilrl(r 7) of Ilrc blinrl nralr, n'c fintl in St. .lohn's gospol a rcrtrltlialllc cxlrtrplc oI Our Lof(l's spcakiug rlith tot:rl clirli{y, lnd Ilis hccklcrs rtrltrccrl Io silr.rrce. lle harl spe nt thc tti(hI ott tltc l\lortnt of {.)litcs*--pclhaps in thc vcry ctve 'll'nrplc gttnt'<l rlr,trkl rvlrcrc lhc t'intl IIinr on llrc nir:ht of His nrrcst. I,)ally iu lht' nrolrtittly l{c eanrc tlon'n to lhu TuntDlu, tool< ptcitclt. to llis sc;rt arttl llcliatt "i\rrrl llrc scLibrrs nntl I'lutristtrts bring trll lo llinr a $'onl;rtl tilk()n 'l'ltr:y lrarl :rlg';tys iu ixIulttry." lountl llinr utut'lt too ltiutl to sintrets, lrt,nr rvas :r cltattce to tcsl, 'l'hc Lal' of illoscs had strirl llirrr. stottt:tl trr sltr.r sltrrrrlrl lxr I ltlt "llttt rlcltlt. \Vlrll. tlid l lc s;rt'l .lesus, bou inl: Ilirrsclf tlorvrr, \rr()l(-r \\'ilh llis ftnrtcr on llttr grotrnrl".-that bcing a rccogniecd $'lv ()f itrrlir:aling thlrt onc takc no I)art. itt lhc cotlv(rr\;ttion. an ittvtlittiott lo tlte oihcls to go nwily. 'l'hey Tltey rlirl uot go arvay. lhc samc <1ucskopt on pulting "llc lion. .'\l last llc spolit': that is tlilhorrt. sin antorrg I'ou, lt:t ltirn to c:r;t thc fiLst stotttr at hct"'--*tltetr 'l'ltis hack to llis {irtglrr.rvliting! rvcnt, bciltnnillg tllntl thcy $lth lrc cltlt:st-. .l Bl[t KUHN says: NtD-tV-llrr) * C. H.IIeraHma!3.!:.-. Air ONI,Y 2-Door $2089 Horns ME. z.g4gg Conditioned 1505 Soofh to.1 if*rf "ln Sorrow, {lrrcJerslondrng Con iMeon.5oMrrcfi" HDelivor A Brand-New 196lftevy B i s c a y n e- Trrneral c-M*ffi Youru luutnrd, Bqqgat, Sedan TuLLPRIcIi Facloryequippedwirh 5 TubelessTires, DeluxeHeater, YO IJIl- BIGGIIS'f INVBSTN{ENT in a funcral set'vicc is the time yon spcntl ehoosing tltc funet'al (lirector. O i l F i l te r,Di re cti o n aSl i g n alsand DeluxeSteer ingW heel "ffi ),';:.;)::";:,:, "']0,, * BlIt KUHN ri]illtixlt,'irxr?;i. I\'[OORE and KIRK E A S Ts l D E C H E V R O L E T N O R T HS I D E C H E V R O L E T I groadRipple 5436 Erstwashinglon FL 7-llll i 1045 Avenur cL 5.?471 { , i MORTUARIES Ou'necl .ind Operated by Tressie Kirk Ll' 6'1561 2530station st. FL, t.ll59 5342E. WashinsionSt. FL. 7'5140 8051E. 46rh Sr.CH. {'4ttl 7052W. WashinstonSl. wA. 6-605C 3447€ollege Avl. Csvonogh Hotr no moller whot your pricol" Jurlgc Golrlon in his lBlagc dc" A{R. JOE O'HARA eision also snirl lhat to lulc Nativity sccncs rnndc hy ehildlen Itcn'r Hoh in at't rvot'k, or a tlross ol Star of Ilethlehcnt on lhL' eovcr of a ( l l r r i s l t r ,l r s p r o g r n r n school viol a l c t l l l r c ( b r r s t i t r t t i o n " r v o r r l t l l r r : sIS$!{TJ!SXSJSlS*Stt\t;XXXXIST*{It{I!; to lurld tlral llrc clrildrcn coul<l not lverr and rlisplay such synrbols in school srrr,h as a picec of jarvelly antl n'ill not, thr.r'efolc, bc enjoinctl. " slid Anrbnssarlor ehristophcr I)oc. rvlto is in tlte LI.S. as n mt'Jrrllct of a spccial nrission Lillclia to thc lirth scssion of r\sths I-lnited Nat.ions (lr:neral sentlrl)'. i\ir'. Doc. n Catholic and a plorlut't of schools conrluctcd in by lhe Socicly of Aflican l,illclia llissions, visitctl thc provincill of thc socicty hcrc. nrothelhousc IIc said nrission schools in sttbsit!izcd bv .irc thc Lilre ria governulcnt otttt'igltl atttl lcccivc grnnls for toirclr('l's' sltlitt'ics, cott- snd 'The BEST your ot prica- scltools, 2lst and Arlington sehools In a slal.cnrcnt cornnrenting :tbout his clcction trr thc lrtrrrrrl. Ilishop l)tvyct'sui<l one of the p;rt'ntrrunt trecrls oI tlre Anreriean "is public fol accurntc anrl rlc. tailerl infornration on thc rvholc alel o[ forcign nffnirs. "Only on tlre llasis of such knorvlatlge," tho prolai.e saitl, "rarr lronr t | t L L [ 0 Et r { l l plarrs dinner-dance 8 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU ALWAYS OPENI wA 4-5381 for that nation, tlte Lil.rerian r\nrbassatlol to Spaiu said ltelc. All luri a fcn of Libcria's lcadtt'linctl in rrrrssion ers w()re .l Phi Ka1)pa RLUE & TI/IIITB SERVICE,INC. Phar:isccs rtrissi ortttr\r rv{)rl( FriclayFish Buffet use, Prayer bassatlor to thc Unitc<l Nations arttl Republican vicc prcsitlurtial canditlatc; lnd I\lichacl V. l'or" tcst:rl, son of fortner Navy Sccrc" taly Junrcs l,'orcstal. cans oI nll Liberiei l)misrls N e r o . 4 r l r . c r i t r r rI rel D r r r i r r o l in publie bttt of ttntltrtstatuling, lrc sairl lhlt "in tlris cril ol' r'r.unrctricisltr, it, has allcadv pr'ovcrl its virlrre to Arncli- Next week: Joshur, lhe Con. quest, and fhe Judges. i t o p y r i g h l . l 9 6 l I h r C . f h o l i cl c p 0 r i i i ) . 1 l r r y1 1 ' cS r r g g r r s. ,l . . . 1 Association Boarcl rvc nurkc sounrl .ltrtlgments anrl offer intelligent cri(it:isnrs." 'lhe praiserl tho IrPAbishop "ir \\rA(i for r:onscientiorrs und higlrly sur:cr.ssful effor'[ [o ltralie srrch information avrilalrlc rvith. orrt llias ol prcjurlice," l,au<ling it ts not iln ilgcnt of plopagantla, II. Iton'lcy. 'l'hc rlhole tluestion has becn proforrnrlly stutlirrl lly tltc fanrous in his book llr. W. l,'. .\llllight Fronr lhe Stone Age to Chrislian- BOOK OF I'lxorlus offcls THE rnarrv rlotails of Ilcblcrv larv atttl of Lidywood School, rvas aullrlerl honolnhlc (irirrlo I'h,vsicirl Scienec ser.tron, n,hile Randall slaled Apr. 2I-23 II. litulllical reAulations, It also rlesclillos in nrirrrrtc tlct ril-soruo- Dierks D-.1slutc pur'Iey lrcsilalc to crrll llosr's a rnottotlrelo but hc rvould fecl forccd tlualil)' this n'ith sontc ttrtut suclt "im"gclnriral." "initinl," or' ns 'l'ltis, as rvo hnt'c scctt, llclfect." is thc posilion takcn llv I't'ofe.sor Scnior Clrire Lorcl's izatiorr, Ootlrcr rccent ltklitions to tlro boaltl, lrtr said, rver'e llertry ertbot Lorlge, formcr U.S. rlm. lVe ;rtr: illstt st'tntcu'ltrt at a loss to state rvhclhcr ot'not trloses tvls {irrtl lhc first in lristory to kno| 'fhc nccounts in Exoas Yahrveh, tlrrs 3 nnrl 0 rlif[r'r on thc point, rntl tcntlcl a {iual tlccision ncarly irnposstlllc. 'l'ho intlofinitcncss silnr(' rLrnrains rvith rts u'ltctt tvc lsk horv ilIoscs' ntottothcistic {lroroughly 'l'ltis rvritcr tloes not outlook rvas. Sltttt'dn1''s licqionnl Screncc li'rir nt llutlcl trnivclsitl, listcd on I'ngc 'fhrec lntl Ilitgt, Sir, Irvo ollrt'r (]lrlltrrlic crrtr.ios rt'ccivcrl r.t'cosrri{iorr, urcntiorr iu thr'l's'ollllr Bachs ltible to Foreign Policy rvorld affairs aetivitics. Annoullcernent of the bishop's selectiort was madc here by John W. Nason, presitlcnt of lhe org:rn. thc sanlc Prelate is namecl NI.;W YORK-Bislrop Robcrt J. I)wycr of Iieno has becn clectetl to the boarrl of direetors of thc Iroreign I' olicy Association lVorltl A[fairs Ccntre, a non. profit organizttiorr serving Ameri. can colnlllulities. btrsiness anrl jn civic organirntions cntsaged tltt'ottghottt thc lincs, Sotttc posstlss soc{}n(l:ll'},ittstt'uctot's i n t p l c s s i v i . - s o r r n r l i n r : :n a r l c s - l n t l i a t t a p o l i s . \ r ' c l t t l i o c t ' s a n , { s s o c i . 'lt English Sciencc antl ill athunltics achcr'.s, i\r'chdioct'snn t'alhcl ation COOP E RATION-.,\s lr:lcht'rs'irtstitutt's, PAGE NINE 'fhcta 'l a\rat(le{l the r\nnanrlalc I\lenrorial I\letlul b1' Lhc (lorrneil of the Asi" ati<: Sot:iotv in (l;rlr:rrtta frlr his "corrsllir,rrorrsly inpot'tant contli. brrtirrns tri thc stutly of anthl'op. oloAy irr r\sin." IAMESH. DREW "Corporolion XI' ton Lawler's OREENWOOD HONORED \\r.,\SlllN(i1'ON. I),(:. An alrlhlopologist.Jrlit'st rvho is arr cxpclt orr prirnitile cullurcs, tlte llcr'. Xlullin (irrsinrlo, (i.V.l)., rvas [.3IRAUSs& CO. ,a, Driuo a {gq_Exlra llliles and ? Joo Lawler hag hrd ll years oxpsrionco sallirrl car$ in lho Indianap6lis rre6. PAGE TEN THE CRITERION, 2I, 196I APRIT ,Sccsn0 comprom$e irt interfaith talks WEIGEL, rvho teachFATHER cs lhcologl' at lhc Jcsuit seminary in Woodstock, l\[d,, has been appointcd on the papal to serve D.C. Scn. _ WAS-IIINGTON, (D.-Wyo,) Gale iltcCae W. denounced in the Senate. as "reck, less slurs and snleafs" the charge of Robert H,W, Welch, Jr., founder of the controversial ultraconscrvative John Birch Society, that Communisn has invaded the Protestant clergy. lor Churctr unity, re. sccrctariat by Pope John cently established will take xxUI. The secretariet an active part in the forthcoming scumenical eouncil, but will also the to function after continuc CLUB NEWMAN rhavr {arnrrrrrirr PLAN ehawa CONVENTION-Mambert of tha Indlane State-Rosc rrrnr rar rhr 6hir wrrrau Draviarr rrxrr:*ri* }r provinee rnccli'g! Surplus ililcmrna I'r'c askcrl a lo[ o{ farrners Ihis qtrcstion. Invut'iably thc lnsrvcl "Not corttcs back: nrc! I'tl cut back tu lralf ls ntxny cou's *-.lrtst r:rtQtt!llt t0 trttrkc ;r livitrg--spcrtrl lJrotlrer lnnor-:enl tlics ll Archahbcy Roildi .lJl Hoyes Gene Phormocy, Hover Joirn lcred Ahbcl', r\uloLa, lll., ol'. a- Irontific:rl Ilcqrriorn l,'u Inc. cooPEk "Prescripf ion Specialists" ilRES nant to bc tltc richcsI Ilut tny thtr ccmctct'y, Lalnrt'r' rrt ttcigltltor," So 1'ou go autl ask ltis rtcigltbor, fr:stivilir:sslatetl CARDPARTY Satttrday inclrtrlc laeult.y aflclnoon "at ru honrc" rncrnlrcrs in -'i,fi,,,i'il",,- ask grc (i.'erirl f f,., iu,i,,*i,,f clrrriLnra' of I,,ar.1rs Cor_ Wilhite rt Son otF'uner.trl IIorttet, 116 [. Pihe Jt Ot t-!ta6 lfr ov i r l r :nc o nr - ur rlics in flhiclgo S'i'. - at St. - lirltgl)S, (lhttrclt, l,oo "Refioble {uuclal scrvit'es u'crc I\l a ry-of .t hc.Woorls, SAND-GRAVEI-TI[I DIRt m€ct s:rid cHRis u(ltz M(IT0RS, lllc. KUNKEL'5 w Ilne lood ond Drinkt Curb Srrvlcc DRIVE.IN 2402PsrkRd. {all-ln Scrrlcc Ph, 2660 f'irlcl Castro Insure qnd Be,Sure @ Ins.Agency Sheels ?,I9 tllaln St. ""t t*I3a9. Ph. 386 j't1'ltri!{:--_ :'!::1-.::y:l-il'9 A Itnrorr9l - R atz Br ofh e rs BURKHART'S pturtlBrNc a HIAilt{o S T A N O A R DS E R V I C E }1llai 'linrkr:n Ilre$-gdlleri{J 12th & l{ain 5t. Oll lluruen Ph. 253 .- SAVE TIME SAFELY hcltl "nod" m lras I'hdnc, TheFranklinCounty Nalional Bank ol Brookville EINVEN HUNDREDCAR SERVICE lll W. Courf Avr. 't eadershlp through ServtcC III;II TFJEFRDEAIL DI:TOSITINf UEANCECORPORATIOII Jef,crronvlllr. Ind. club. FA S H I O N CLEANERS at St. Ullrich Drug Slore o[ nioiinr', iilinois, A native thc Sistel d{rrcs Lorolto cntclcd Cornururrity of thc Srstcls of I'tovShe lartAht itt tlte irlcnce in t!n6. gfiullrlral' glatlcs ol' lltc st:ltools of I,'or Ilettcr Drycleaning COIN Use Our LAUNDRY Go Io Ullrich'r for Scrvicr Ph, eftstwd. ZENITHHEARING AIDS 32125 Hishwry on Anything Conlrocling SaYage AppliancesJOE CHRISMAN Dealsr Hotaric Company - Clolhier - Gencrql LittL I'r ee--Clin.11tr'rec Non StaLic AURONA, INDIA'{A Iaatronize Our Aduertisers SCHULER'sSTORE ilcCaufey Insurance ItO Glle Stirulcr Mulborry 5l' Phonr 3{6 DRY CLEANING Paul J. Peddie t21 W. sth Ph. 63 inADISON WATIPAPER . PAINI F U R N I I U R E. G I f I S ll Ph, 56GB E, Iftoin Jt, Elcctronicf' 3O Ycorr ond BOYS' 3ylvonio l80l tV & Hi.Fi Cenrrol Dn.6-75t0 Inluroncc-Gcnorol tlcd, Inc. Foctwcor the & Wqrhlngron 3t?..t, llargo|lil Company ond Delico?essen 525 Wqshington DR. 6.tt828 1762 25fh 3r. Fihered F U E LO I L T-U:.ffiG;F : i2 Pcorl3r. Ph.WIl' 4-0581 iloin 3tr, {or ALl, J,opolaro Hsrdwore & Electric Co. @ W Ph. F. II/I. DREYTING ERAXCH-2I36 ChrlrrfM DAUBY'E DEPT. STORE ",NSUfiANCE" ta 731 Moin r.3256 Kt 67our Volue Conhf 3r, Dt,2.53tt 3 Slorkr Oi Kl. 7-5156 ln lcll Telf City GlassService ss'IRstu ---'Juneral tocc Sricl With thr Color Eurncd lr 739 Moin 5t' PhoneKl, 7-4881 ph.2-4016 Afrr Greenhoueec 7rh al5 ond llh NEFF Ct NUSBAUM Shop DeF*, U. S. BRICK COfYTPANY "Forlrai!s - Wedding{' C/eoned Speciol Color & Postritr of icrvltct TheEgerSludio Bill's TV Sqles snd Service llttN'S S.I.P. Phone WH.4-2285 l/ome Otcn and StotG Ev.nltra! tlloiil by sl?.alt ADpolnt[rnl HOUSE Moil ClfT FISCHER'5 PAINT Window and Auto Glass s t o r { M t f | l t D o Y Y St I P A t R E D Phone Kl 1.4146 1408 Main Furniluro & ASplionccr "Frigidofue ond A{oylog Dltfributof Fomily Ph,2.261t lViedemann's - Blatz Falls City - Gaebel - Pabst AemeBemaV ewnpaaq llomeFederalSavings andLoanAssocialion Insured Sovings Accounls lvlorfgoge Loorrr _ CIRPEIITER'S NEI[tt DRUG STI|NES fth I WA3HINOIONgt. - 2tt9 €iNtnAt AVr. Phonr PhofoSuppllcs--sundrio-Gittr pfiona DR.&4,l 27 Prctcripfionr-Drugr-Cormetio OR.2.7g5t 7 IICHI.YTER BUII.DING SUPPIY oi l'r'ovirlcttt'c at $it, thc Sistcls Ilolv Cl'o\c, and St, Attl)allick, tlronl', itt ltttlianlpolis. IIcr lasl appointrnent rvas at. Sl., Leo Scltool in t,llricago. "Sorvice Horrington.Hoch Florisl vill 18, Iol Aplil cill{r}, on'l'trcstlay, (.foycc), [,orciio Sistcl r\gncs llospital, S.l'., u'ho rlied at Lolrtto ('hir:aflo. aflcl att illttcss ol sotttc nrorttlrs. ()n \Vcrlnr'srlay, Apfil 10, o"nFiffif cnd fhe Daqrborn Grqvsi Co., Inc. "READY MIXCONCRETEI Prescriptions,, Roberl C. Stoggs,Owner Norfh Sldc ol 3quorr Wailerman.friggle to Homr Bailey DrugStore CIO?XING Phono 2217t ot st. ftancis 9d9. Depcndnhlt DellvBr?,' tllti- AGI{ES lrrCOLU^IBUS...tcc GAIISE Nliuister: scrrtctl b;' tltr: caltrprrs srvitnrnitrg . 'l'ilti [iilii'.iti.' oft'crcd fnR5. IltEl.'r.lA XLtl0. llaute Icrrc MISS LUtA [|lRltl0ER, SellcrOUrb tAl.lRA SAIVYER. Iofic lldule DttlSER. Narv Albany Gompany, for lNc. sturlcnts Priruc Illt CHItRl0ll wlll tl}fy r fiaf of r|llsh orgtnIationrl t0rrc]tondnnts Ind Ind otfiatJ who lravo repo.lad news tor lhe (uraetri i$ua. lhe lollowing rubmillad iters lo. lhis !e/rodr rorl. Phelps Bank& Trusl DrugSlore lndiana "Yorrr tsnnliing Scl.vice Sincc ll)Lli)" n.]tunrsn. "Ctrurteous of [Iavana here. t,lrey sairl. 'l'hc stutlcnts saitl ll0 per cent of the University of Ilavann's pro. lcssors havc 11uil, the univcrsity rathar thati subtttit [o the dirartjunta tivcs of a nrilitary rvhich llte cvcnitttl, pi'ogfaln Sunday's fclrtrrlcs an "0u altclnoon of ac. -v(rur ()wn, Iivitics. inclutling an opcn house itr {lre nerv cattll)uli Strrdcnt Gov. ct'nurr:u[ Associal ion of ficc. A plcvicw of the 1$til rvatcL slrrrrv "Cit'ls, (iit'ls, Girls" rvill br: ple. CONTRIBUTOR$ f4taa "Contplotc tJniversity sitle are tltrottled, aclir,itics visit rvith thc classrlorns anrl t <lenronstlation of tlro lervly-installctl language labora'l'hc tol'y. tlatlitional lratlrerI)auglrlcr llln(luct is scheduled Satulrlay cvening, folkrrvcd lly a 'I'arkingprcscnlation oI looth "Scverrtcc.n," ton's l)y llrc nrusic atrtl tlrarla dcpat trnetrts. A ['allu,r-Dauglrtcl nrixrrr rvill concludc trvo rcfttgcc fcstivitics lrule Aplil 22 and ?3, Sgrccial cntt'rtainrncnt rvill featurc a r:ollcgc rlrarnn anrl rnusitl protltrction nnd a plcvicw of tlrc 1e0l collcgc tvatcl slrotv. Your _Dt. Prescri;tlionSlore,, No. Side ol Sguore Dt. 2-3321 want The students, Raul Gonzales, 24, antl Erluardo llluniz, 22, also srirl tlre Castro regimc is trying to harncss youth organizations to its olvn purposcs. Orga:rizations that will not be yokcrl to ("lastro's -'l'l'tlt . 1\'OOl)S, S'l'. Ni\ltY-Ol" Irtd,*Trvo hunth'cd fathcls :tro exto &ttcnd the seventlr ltccted ghl er lYeek-t:nd *unual l'rthei'lliiu R a c o p p i n go n d V u l c o n i r l n g **,t* Catholics Golden Guernsey fililk liiil,'.,,1,'.il-.,Li..ioi;,'il,,Jli:-i::":,",:,-.---r:-::::::::'"t.:::,: llial3-6088 llial Ilrother Innocent Bcnkclt, 0.S.8., ll.l. a rnonk o[ St, r\, abltcy for' 54 .t'cals. lllotlicr Innoccnt. tt'ho rva-s btl.ierl on lris lcasi. drt'. dierl orr ii'riday, Aplil 1.1, lJorrr in Obclrvci.ssrnblunn. Btr, vlt'ia, orr Scpt. l.[, l{l??, l}rrrtlrcr (Joscph ) rlls Ittttocettt investt-.r{ I nraster tailor, uas rr,cll krrorr'rr antottg tlte dioccsan clclL:I', csper'ially St. illciulatl alunrli. for tvltottt hc ltatl tnatlc cassocl<s. Illotlrer Innoecnt, n'ho r:clc. blatcd lris ilolrlcn.ltrbilee a[ ilrt: Arthitllllcl, irr tOir?, is srrri'ivcrt hv Iris sistcr', Sistcr Anrarlcus llenh. ert. KrcIckl, 1\[olt'lrnlreiulanrl. (lcrntan.y. thomor rnole tittre iu thc rockiuJ; t:hair antl k:ss tinrc on tlrc tractol scat. Iit like lo .spr,ntl nrorc linrc rritlr I a lrip. tlrtr rvile ;rrul kitls-l;rkc I rlon't .iusl. rr'lnl. to gcl. altrng. Cuba, ;J,,;\f"li ;lil.iii:;,itil+:l,,J',lirir';'1'1iii s1,1,,,^l';i,Il;ti'i,l';', i\ln11nlpu as a novicc of tlrc lit. Ncinlatl conrnrunily in l0{}(i h1'his unclc, Ilt. lltrr'. r\thtrrasius Schrnit.t, u.S.ll., third lbbot of St. illcirrrarl r\bllcy. Ilcad ol ilrc r\r.clrabbcv tailor. sltop sitrcc ltlUB. jlrotlrcr' Innot'cnl, gt) t WASIIINGTON, D.C. --. Aca. rlcnric f reedonr is dying-if not (.iastro's ltcd.tinged dcatl --- in .Fatlrer-Daughtr:r N Phone TU l-2975 that btiiltl. = ::,ffi;,il;;l lrriccs "Sanr, ask hinr, if yorr 2l-l',i' trirrt'tr-ty()rilil yorr Ittr;' rtrore ('()\1's. nrotc lantl, tttorc Iclt ilizcr?" (.lunclion all schools g.l',tr**tili{**{rF;iliT}fl*+,tl:[:#+li*il .-'T'*-:ii; pr;ilriciioir; ,,; i;ir 'dyitrg' .iriil'"i:,,rv' in Cubn u artrl flrnr fanrilies So you crrttltl get BUTTZ-HIGGINS M U S I CC E N T E R i;;- noncy $'e gct, thc nrore eapital, has bcen rccciving nlany lettcrs labrrr lrtrl land we can assign for condcmning hirn {or.criticising the input in orrler to mlximise out. -=:'* put an<lthercby lnaxinrisenct re. lurns antl dividcnds to our stock. ACACleff tit: ffeetlOfff hol<lors!" l f you'rc rvorricrl alrrrtrl over" L . . . By DANA C. JENNINGS {u discussingthe possiblewlys o[ lrlinsing about uttity, ho stated that thcle arc thrcc possibilitics: colnprornisc, contpi'cht'nsion,and r:ottvtrtsion, "llcligious corrrpr'0n'risc,"hc saitl, "rvould be blasphenrous.lf n clurrch is sincere in its laith, then it is in no position to make " cottlProtltiscs. Wilqro Shopping Center Bishop Bcrnard J. Topel of ^ s.pokane expressed coniid"nci "cnough thal, prayer, enough de. slre, cnough sacrifice, enough ef. fort" will pruduce Sisters to staff fol. ;it"tii'iri11",Tiiil#i;a;,[ 8llllil: i,ll,1"3,"ll",iJi"ll"lyii :*,tld:j,1.""ji"_".1:_jll":: ryg: n'lgn"r r,6 r... rn ho iehoor. lr",*,,*oi,"...",'- KTiI-LY CHIiVRO[,E'f thcy lRooRDER roMEEr ilJii;.fi:'.:jIJlllll'l':[,f',,iT,,;j''J:,::1,,'ffj:'ifil"J[l,"1'',f*'ff"1'.t ltjjn$rirL$I*i::'$dtr]ii: r;rilh..,M.'r.nooyr.,s;nd.rr.r&!ndr.q r.ft h d'h} c.ror,, JrmDvnn, [email protected] r.row*i silr B.r.v, RodE.trd,Jlm o.conn.u. - in neecly cose.s that DECLARING that tr{r. Welch's "raise statcmcxts. sclious -ques' tions alrout the motive of this Poly Newmcn Club arc hr hrrj t- .^--* --1..-||n!..,l..y|.g.y.r.L.'.||sr||brUm,||n.t|..l.rdi.3t.nd|n!''L.lrw,|.fb;i':,.ii;"f-;"#;:'"."i.ji.".j1.N!w^L8^NY .irir: e.rb.r. holt. M.rr l.lln i tum H..t, K.r.n wdkr, F.trir J, v. E ..h.m, .hrFhln, trk. ;i"-" ;;-'d-;;;;,,;i:i Rqtort increase SocietS, ancl a pattcr.n. about 200,000 lrrotestant minislcrs in the U.S. and alrout ?.000 oI them are Comnrunist sympathizers. Protestant ministors do not bccomc Communists, but C{lniinunists bcconrc Prottstant ministers." progrcss lras becn made "would ho stated, {.orylld unity," probnllll' be untlonc if rvc Roman (,'atholics, with ottr bolief that our rvith the Chureh is eo-tcrtttinous rvould ioin ihe o{ elrlist, Chureh " Council. Bilch lowed _ Spokane,s _ . S . P O K A N E , _W l s h . tltsnop sat(t that tithing by parrsnloners and greater efforts to ln_crca,se vocations to sisterhoods rvilI enahlc Catholic schools-io l(ccp pacc without Fetlerat aitl. Scn. McGee calle d ridiculorrs IlIr, Wclch's statenrcnt in a [,os Angelcs speeeh that .,there are Council. pointcd I-athcr Weigcl out that lhc Honran Catholic Church does not, and should not at the present l80-membcr to lhe tirne belong of Churches. Council lVorld "lVhlt REMEDY Denounces Birch head 'slur' on clergy fo, T Palronize 0ur Adverlisels TIGHE lgency Insurance Room 2Ol, federal Savingr lldg. George l. Shrader F uneral Honte Enoblhhtd Orygon 6rorgo J, Shrodrr tgulpncnl l81E lwo.Woy AMBU|.ANCI SERV|CE fodlo Poul V. Shrador Palronize 0ur Idverlisers Wesiern Auto Associqle Store "Everyfhlng tltr cltY For & Thc Aulo" cAt{illttox Zoercher-Giick FunerofHome - Ambuloncs Servico- TETL CITY,lND. THE CRfTERION, APRTL 2f, tg6t PAGE ELEVE}I t THE FI FTH COMMANDMENT'xr rlrf, sPTLLED A[r ovERTr{E OtRus HAIR. AOY.fVE NTVER MADi SEEN tl$TER 80 In Your Prayerc I Par'Y slated ?"'! d.ushrsr. r.1.rrrriccl brirhor.B,adw. Vrt. by t lPllt,.Itiltr, w"rltf,.*, T,^.It.L.Jll.ll: ,'lli""i,lll iiill ni3;r,tll',I.8[?i:"j".t'"' The Annual Spring Card party 'p'n*..i-r,v rhe st. Francis Hos- IIOSpitAt GUiId -$iTi:i;iili;*1f'*',';,'J,.:i,lrqiiLli*:$ 't ll:DfflCX Altril . .ll. nlll'Drolht.. t.ltrmAn_r. r^*iq,lr, (alvary li. Cemrt!ri. . thurch, .A'lril Str, vlvQflr Wllt, Helenr son, Richard C.r dauoh, ttf, O'0orrrrelll sislFr\, Mi.;n alookiil\, ,lifyll! Vl19lnir Ldtnlke, Ailtra frrrrn6 Quitril, f,6gngr' * * Cathedral * l'hc ladies of l{oly t ylttfArrr.*ririi.- 75, 3r. p611;s1,5 ut' cc'"ieiv' s,lJiil,:'l',,l,tilj, Lt;,t-'iu.',ll: I jlilt0MExA.. Hrcor.l crrrl. f I Assumption nYDI t(f{ott t rg6lt{A CRAI r(HltlotEl, 80. St. t,1arv" .0l.llrt.Kflob\ (lrurch. April |4. (|urrr.h M r i . J O s e D lDr i d a l . b 0 t l l o l l t o y 0 t x n 0 D 5 , a h r o l l r r r , E d w a r d6 r d f _ srllrrrhrrrqr siitirJ, Mri, Mary gry61, 1r17rf.,lrr911q1tooo, both ol Scllrrrhrrrq, MB. JosaphinEldppr of orlandd, fh. J. 0'(0Nl{0R, 72, SS. Fetnr -lDlYAiD. arrd CalhcdrEl, AIrll 17. Holy (rosr (errrr, . Ptul laay, 5urvivorr neir.. Mrry Afiltilfo09, * I\trS. Wm. Il, Lossin ;iiia;;" ANNUAL RETREAT parish rs l'atima Relreat House from .Fritlay, April 29, to Sun. 9a]" April 30. Heservations cen be marleuntil April 24, by calling llrs. .[a-mesGa,vaghan,irtn. Z.rof3] illrs. .llomcr ltadel, AIE. 2.0m6: i\[rs,-.l lorry Wern.sing, IIE. l.lS0t; or rllss Lona \Yehrcr, $ft). 2_?201. Cross , " scheduletl their annul! blli:l :''[.,i.",'$'"ii!.fi ti' t';,,.ii i.,r"G"lJ]have treat al. l I U d c .5 p I i 9 l . e r , . a n d I Indianapolis Parish ShoppingList n r o l l r e r A l € x i r . S a c L c dH c r r t O i d a r , ' R o r n c , of f'1':1f,'lli:'']""1''ll;:.,i"ard [lll,"1,"1,'.111;: $';fiiii,ffi#i-,,{"-sl'J sr. prrril,Ncrr XUNXtt, 55, it. lolrl,s trrurrtr Holy Crorr tc'lelery, Survivoti Paul F. 5#4tlr. tAHESVtttf G _ r s t v r t N , 9. 5 , 5 r . t { d r y , s t l r u r c h . A p r i l 1 3 . C h r l r c hC € r n a t € r y . 7f"-n-otu no, ltaw At6AXt ;,,1:'';_',r['rr#.1.';r,tlhillii"s"c,',]i,iil; f - f t M A - C .t u t t , i t l , 5 t , M 6 r y , i ( h u r c h ,A o r i l 1 2 , S u r v i v 0 f S rf t l a r . t , [ 5 l h e r M a r s h . o l l l s w A l l , 0 n y ,; d d d l r 1 . r y E , I ' r l t r r s o n ; 0 f t 0 r i l 0 1 0 i l .C d l i f o r n i d . t ttnrsr tmrrtorrlll s r . r , { o n t c cr h r r r h , A p t i l . 1 8 . S l . J o r c p h( e r r c l e r y . S v r v i v o r . l rffscqr'; risrer$? r^lrid BrnDdIriicr, iliili,l?. FOR REFUGEES _ DUBI-IN_-A check for $10,b00 has licen prcscntcrl t0 I'aiher Donriniqucl,ire, O.p., as the first insllrllment torvartls constrttctiotr of rtn "Irish" village Ior refrrgee cuNl0H JARr, 4.5, S.rcred frdrr I ttlltl, Church, Atril 12. Survivorsr brolh;r!, lrdnk tnrJ Alex, oI Cllntooi sirier, cricc f6srl, of Ciin, lon. J M A t c A R r r , M l n r i i l r r o u o , < l i r ,5 s . r e r r r dfl(l I'dul April lg. ltoly Cro!., (. .a r i l t t t t y . 5_ !(rdvl tl vl eorrl \rra ll ,l t r b d h r l , W i l l i d m C . r f i 0 n r c r ,J o l t r rG . ; s i s t a r ,c r i l r r y n t:l:;,lu'nuno Brownsburg aal l{. t .tatat Soura 36 [. Mtln lt. SIOREY'S FOOD SHOPS Good Foofi rnd f,ptcuii t\|ertt Porritrl! uE, i-f6E trrary€rl Lxcrt @rjt gL OrisinalMOVIEBAR RIIIiAI, INN MI.JLHERN's STANDARD a SERVICE ,*[?rrto''.1t,lolr. ,4. Mr 5{56t lm|Imrrt .V *T,ll tillii:i+rron;,rtrr C{r *---=---- *l;';il' HARDWAREMART l7t0 E. {grh 5r. aiid Furnifurs Co. sPITD APPTIAN(.E5 QUIEII .Nd GliddenPainto S A T E Sr n d S E R V t T , E i I | [. Mrin lt. lrcrrtbur; uL 2.{587 - _t:.':::i't:1"!affi * r l c o i l ' S t A \ l N S U P P L I Fr. $ 0 u P 0 n t P [ i n f- ' K e n . t ! r n t * l l o u s c w € r1f p l u m b i n gS u p o l i . j - - G l a ! s - - S n o! r l G i f ,o o d ! lna, An lnexpenslve Wqnt Ad Doee o BiS lob cA!.t ME, $.{531 $'ilh C h r i s tt h e K i n g lrorrrbu|i. Becr end Srndwlchor thom U[ l,0tr8 B.oJl"-iffiJf,r"r. MIXED DRINKS . WINE . I M P O R T E DB E E F o coLD CHAMPAGNE o In Our "Unusual,, Carry Out l)eDartntent 157VAtilt,l'ftnS of LIQIJ0RS and 45 ltnANDS of COLD BEER 7 1 2 3E , M i c h i g a nS l . ( a l R u r a l ) Frcc parking * _ FEENEY'S TAVERN txo! N. f6[n, lplr' RerclFh * cL 1.3794 Lady of Lourder * FL St. Bernadette 9.8265 St. lvliehae! Ft{DSCRt l"I,t(]NS .\crrmtcly l'llk:d DIRK'S TIIARKET HAVT UPHOISIERYWORK 00Nc Nowl hn l{rw tprlnr fttrks Safcway lrl.sf & B. UPHOI.STIRING . lLtlmal?a Furnlrbal r N. GBAI $'r. tf F.t.6.t000 US -.-:l gl :.*'-:,1i 'I:':-'-- P A T R O N I Z ET H E Foode ADVERTIZERS ftDaF JlT& rt l.ArAYEfDI'rtBD. Gholcr H$lcrb Crrtr licrt A ltt Quallty ;ft,n;i'-' sctt|)u\ER'8 PHAnilact 'l'(l 'lBlNtl YtlUlt Plttls(lElI'fl()N lVltb the aisuranc6 thrt lt rtll Bc Fllled "Erutu r| Wrltten' * I' REAIESTATE 5t. Monica ? M F F F E T T& PURVI, ir4rDA*D *rvt* (ffifi;l 5z ilruri srrvrcr i coMprtrr * ,Sr1Ltll, ",ti,j,Tt*t. il ll 0i,rn r\cri., Ihuru.. frl, Evr, br ,lpqt" II \ , r f r r r r o i + c r c t ya q u r i j u l i r l c i i , ' [nllish & fmerron f[ t{981 I | PArs colN-oPLAufj.D"RY l* l hY;n9fdn'r lrf!crlplion TIEE OILIVERY I n d i a n r p o l i r 't a r g 0 r t ( 0 i n - 0 p t t t o p O f l S . t r i r o i rltANtNG.nrtIAUNDRv l0,.\y lrAlE Aitilll)Artf I I 0p.,, :l.t ilrs.--.t 0r - Home- Maintenance Churcir- School fnr tRtE ! ,s3Ti dii'lqii iii',irr:gl futrb Bcfinflhad RrDlrccd "* clPtT0L Grlss a Slorc i WAYNE's BARBER SHOP I 1225 sherby sr. ffi luilt.up Rootl.RrD!ir rnd Downrioulr r Furniiura r Window I hllrron o Alrynlte MILLS ROOFERS u:*11s01..*-- r Topr Glosr ^-* ' ;" "' - S U T H E R L A NLD UMBER CO. I5OOKENTUCKYAVE. Fridry 8 r.m. lo g p,m. Glher I iFRLr.slr I l t. t. u*?,?I a soNs i - St. Philip Neri cuT rndrri.rrilr t. hd. * @ ats Eastern Ave. I t'ut'i;:l:,,-',ortilirS'r,'ullo,'{, t'"'t' I f I chos.e,;,f-ampbell I I ils. 3ss6! Lady of Lourdes * 3.BEDRMS. 27 5. Hawthorne Deluxc Mr$hrr tl, Corltrilc, C!ld t.rcrrt.. Chas. Sondwichol - $t,750, lerms, fl. lrthr. sT 7.0870 ME 9.5638 FL 6"2746 Jrct Crnlrrll * [rEA'I.Sf * St. Phi l i p N er i * | ADVERTIZERS * St. Roch * All Mrlcr rnd Ltodclt * MICHAEL B. JONES sT 6-8724 St, Roch * 5t. Thomas * BROWI.I'SSTANOARO sERVICE lgth T T I U T I U P P T YY O U I D I U G H E T D I I O A T R O N I Z ET H E * RADIO - TV SERVICE * ^lirtfiil,'*i," I ( O ^uilrendy q Jon h:ll-L--- 6.9555 B. Campbell rtArT0r soodqu8'r'' AT" 3-63?l t:t I * I ME 9.2345 t sor..r.l-' cH.4.!o4rI | ,t, (P.O. Wctldtyr 8 to 5 2100r[, W.l, $rotion) r "=- I I I ct. t.e4ot PAT DOLLEN'S oul o\rn..fruits Bnd yeg6tal,teG )l'g bW (;roser-a. 'fhi-r inruref, you (rerb. trom I lox loo N, cotlcgc . . CUUILDAI CAEES r WnPornC Cer|i5 nOI D(}.NUTS r;!0 p.I. EVEat Dltt -i++- lfl!j::lffi W h i t e ,T o p e u a l i r y ,s c l , . . . : : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 1 S iiio, a r0$ nL Mrrt tr. St, Joan of Ai.c * eh''il gt[iGt qqqRe,.l!T[i, T'pi:'i.ii"iTi1,:y:1 ..... +3e,es P A I N T ,O u f s i d e lilo atu, Ilurrrhinq i,11ll11s5 Jfr0llilrq tr00dt ,- liou5e,ydt03 5.t30l LC'OK AMERT;;N rsr.A.TEs eo. ioeKo's Indlcnopolir $AtfEAI $UIHERLANDI .- l*r.n."*'i SCHOOLER'S HARDWARE 1 0 9 9E . H a n n a S T 6 - 7 l t l 39lt E. loth PAlllrs* ...* PITISEURCH Mlrcd Drinlr, [.lcetr,, Rcpoired ilr, 5t" James l*r'ffi; * recosx;mttmponoror ccnDa|t : I * Hond'Polntrd Sprclol Drriqnr ldodr For Chunh Y/indm tl.ilt !. llLrouri . #*f,i*. OpenSunday,l. 'l'"'"]::lTt^:il:fr,;i,i;*lt.* i - ' - LEADEDGLASS STAINEDGLASS F q 9 F l - N 9 . 3, ; ! _ S l r l s l e s 3, _ 210! , _s q . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 6 . 4 5 | 1 { , ' 9 ,2 - x 6 ' rw, E s T c o A S T -E l R r . h d : r . : . . : : . : : ; ; , , . . . . . . . . . . i 6 . 1 i EArH I NG,-.lxa,.i.",,-C.o.,';i;;i' . : : . : . : : : : : : : : ii:i5 t!.!W99D p lsH K N O T T Y N E p A N E L t ' N G6, . 8 . 1 0 w , , a i n . ,t r i . ' : . . . . . : : . . . . s i l . i i lYindow Unit, rer up-_!v-irh_.I9!!he1 itxil giajc ;t;. iii;ti L A R SSt I t t C l t o0l tt 0lrrip, I l t t RS t I r s *, -Presctiptionr- o fhcrmopono A. HUBERT Ff anCis tullHu$ J. lduuNrFr Doorl Plbg. & Hcating Conlrrctor 715 E. SoulhernAvr. sT 6.30E3 )t. -,,,I:r:,5*#J:to*g:Si, I ""*ffi Fibre Glosr Wlndowr *,"Lff*i-, l\ry Boiley Glosr Slidins €hunh sr {.065s1/f,ffi lt*W I I RURAL PHARMACY ,r rrrherrro s.rrr rru! -.7t 'r Fronlr Prrnllhf Jl"i"fl l!N. p!.rr,, .,.. i:i Jl.'l.'"Ti"fi -* C*,lit9i.f;i?rO* $'rn. onErrrlldr C0ilPAllV, lll8, oo* A, J. Loker ond Sonr -firlcrlor lt03 {nrrlr.,orr'rrn (.rr .nrrn,ond}i P.O. Sutr.,Stetion t * l-.1-:':l":lt:: I:l:T:: * | "..---:t13.i'U-JoHANTGEN'S Cook'r Glag & Mittor Co. Top]-AU ... Ol||r rErorFN.w rnd d4t f,t_ud 0lrrd o* ttor *. "o*l$o * MoRRow-s lHARnrAcYlffi Con lraet org - Suppliers - Eleetrician. - C.erpenlerr - Plarterers - Painterg - Feneing Ilumbem (!ll St' Philip Neri I DoN sHtNEREALTY I I I l:lr-n*rl _**'""*-il il * Nativity * ii?i=*o* ii*H'l'*' r.r sr lupprr*€r *,,.or n.d.ry' l* Ir. l0CH'1, ll. ttAgx't rnd I | |.'...,'1,,'iil1,l,i*'ll,',1,, I tIAUilfUt oRy cttAiltHo fo' Your Drrperirl rrd Srrinr (lothill |.' ffi , " 5r0s rx'rrs*Ayr.. rr rnr'ron ,.,,.o.,oi,JIr:_lLildt ao"irlr"$r:.rl3."ll f,rntB ffi GENERAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS It.tl0txc-rHsul.Ai r0N--t00rtilG Sr. parrick St. Patr i c k | I I | PHARMACY MORROW'S P f c s c r i g l i o nS 0 c 6 i r l i s l 5 5t ..l5lj Jt6t s. HtfltDrAx ( U . S . P o ! t o I f r c c S u bs i a l t 6 D l l c v z 0 l c n ) r lVr Florida Fish & Poullry trrmour tol oot Ftglr . oYUrEAt 'tgtli tnc Prno.trtlnlt tcr lbdr a tUlllil? t|l 'gtl| I Cl, iltlt P€nn, $Etvlc[ Aulo * ro[tPttlE m0lol lh lubticali0il, lorirllrc lun?up, llrar, .nd balldl?r rnd DrllvarY Frfr Plclud ffilh-;; Sl@ PAT]RONIZII'IUTI ADVEITTISERS s H E L Ls E R v l c E I5 Ct t{teO 4601 H. lllinoir G 0 0 0 y t A t rI t R t ! i f J o t 0 n l u l l E . u P t 8o.d s*Yi.r * Pirl.up rn,J Ddlv?r' THE CRITERION, APRIL PAGETWELVE ADNRESSdS CATI{OLIC 2I, I96I WOrt,IEN Rome demands accuracy Protestant leader lauds Pontiff's unity efforts \'4. - l't'iltttlc ROANOIiIi. lo I'opc John XXIII's ofl'olls on bcjralf oL t-'!tristir'ttr uttity \\'efe voieed ht'r't: by a Pl'otr-stnnt lt'ader of thc ecuntenic:rl nrovenrctrtin n kc1'notctnlk rt lhc bicnni:ll ctinvcntionof tltc llicltrtrontl IJior'tsrn Cottttcil of fntlrolie \\irrtrttt at trlticlt ttnity rt'itstltc lltettre. clrrrrr,lr itt At'lingtott, hc spokc at br, R "ltolr Jolttt A st'ssion ltlt'nclctl ,1. llusscll of Ilichntoud' in liturgical By D.C,, cited cspetrialll' llrc rolc of Council of Cltttlches in thc \\hllrl plonroting torvaltl the lllogr(:ss "a clcntion of cliurntc fuvolnhle t0 unit]'." It St:heduIo "llt' is lltot'ougltll' littttiliat," ltc "rt'rtlr s:ritl. llto $'otli rrl tltc \Vot'ltl t'orttteil oi ('ltut't'ltts irttrl rvith tlte i l l ( , l l l l ) 0 r ' sr r I i t s s t : r l t . l t n r l i s q t t i t l t . t() fltllilitrt lll \rlI litrtl in tr(rf]' illl(l tlialogttes tlrosc t:oltvcrslti(ins slriclt ur' ;rll tt'rtsl tt ill bccontc Iuoft'ltttl lll()rc ll'('(ltt('lt{ as tllc -l clt's lll t'aitlrs. as opposerl Io rvlrich rt'ill nevcl rc('()lll'l'hc plish thr iloals." kcy lo unitl', Itc atltlctl. is "tlto frrc()rllliti()n oI thc inrlir irlrrll sint:clit1' ol (,\'(!l'y 'l'lrc huttrirn bcirr{. inrlir irlrral's belit.[s rlo not sliln(l alt)nc-*the]' ilfc ptrl 0l his lltrt k{tuultrl lrlt(l Iris srrllountlings " Miller slressed that fhe an apostolic lcttel announc. that dcclce, Ilis lkrlincss I'opc John XXIII said that special rliocesan and rcligious calcntlars as sooll as possiblc should be "confornr nratle trr to the pr.inci. plcs and idcals ol the nerv edition of the rubrics anrl of the calcn. 'l'he tlar." instluctions norv issucrl rvclc pronriserl by thc Ilitcs conglcllation at tlrc tirnc it published lhc genclal lulcs fol t,lte t.ubr.ics anr.l calenrlar'. Thc ncu' rlcclcc said it is good lol cach rlioccsr: [o lrave its otvn litttlgit:irl calenrlar. But it rvalns thc (llrurclr arrthorities rcsponsible llcporl'frujillo hcnchrncn at tackcdBishop'slrousc rkl ol of liishop llt'illl' untl ninc l lrrirsts attd ttutts hatl ,lrrirrr rk. la ll irgrttna lirl the ctrpital <:ity o[ llo, f)(, lnilcsi to thc Ilut hc tlctrictl callicl HOME MADE BUTTER CANDIFS 'l'ltt' t'otlttt(ion illso ltcir|d a "'l'ltc (.'utlrrrlitr ott :\1rp111ngl1 l\tll, lulk Io ['ttit.t'." itr rvhiclt l.'irtlrr:r' l,]rrqctro litrr'lir'. (i.S.l'.. ploft,ssot oI Iltt'olU!r at thc (]ittltrrlic Uni!rr'. {-s(iri! srtl' ul,.\nreriet, \\iashington, - Roaches Termites Rats,Etc. A total of 63 per cenl of fhc €atholic vole should have gone norrrrally lo lhe Democr.rts irr 1960, fhe survey Free lnspeclions cALLST4-32JS cor-r-rcr HUB STATE P E S TC O N T R O L SERVICE 'lt stirl: :tl)l)ours lhlI liettncrll \\'on :l \'()tr) lx) ltotn L'lttholit:s lrtrrorrnlilrlllo irlrotrt,l I)r\f (:(.nt of tllc nltional trro, sur\('J' Les Saludomos puptrlal AMIGOS! A i r I t l i s c r i r r r i n ni ul r r Sornething Unusual For Yorrr ARRCS CON -TEQUILA MARISCOS APERITIVO SEAFOOD IVITH RICE .DECANI ER OF CHILLEO Ile callctl lin' an intensivc clli)!.t ('ltlrolic tnahc lhc positiou hrros'n in ln arklr-rtss helc at thc lttntritl Ir,r'ilas '\n,trrtl l)inner ol' tlrrr I'rrrvirlcncc (lollcgc Clull of to SAUTERNE i\AONDAYS ONLY Ncrr KEY \^IEST S H RI M P HOUSE kcpt rrnrlcr tlrc l'cct()r.\' and 2861 Madison Avenue sT 6-144i Halt'n. . ri l 155p1'1c,1thc cre Irrsiorr of nonptrlllic sclrool t.lrilrllt:n l"ctlct'al aid is "a tlilcct violation ol llrt: lilrct'tit,s guiu itnto(.(l all Arrrr,r'ican t:itizt,ns l)1 tllc l'llst r\rnt'nrlnrcnt to tlrr: tr.S. (ionstitrrtion." F E E N E Y ' SF I N E S T F U N E R A L S_ ST. JOAN OF ARC MEN's CLI.'B ;\r'clrlrislrolr ()'[ilion sartl lhat tltc :rrltninistt'ation's l)l'ofcssttl arrn ot i)cttcr' plcpaling chrl<llerr "is {ol citizcnship nu loss nc(:essat.r' ltrt chiklt'ctt attcntlittg patrl, cltial sclurols tlran li)t'chikllen attonding pul-rlic sclurols." S O C I A LB U | L D | N G For Tickets Will Don l(aufnran--AT Haake-WA nc\\ At:tl\\/ \\ ts tlcctc<l '\t't'lttliot'csrn inrplication has historical ence said it any liturgical is not of is that thc con- decided cvidence the saint that oI the is too the exist. dubious. 1l'he itlentity of thr: person whose renlalns wcre tliscovered in the Roman eateonbs in 1902, and who rvas believerl thcn to have becn a virgin martyr namcd l)hilomena, has long bccrr a matter of ttoubt. EDSETS LAWNEOUIPMENT & SUPPLIES ?958 Carson Ave. at Troy lndianapolis 3, Ind. 5T plr.sirlcnt (lottncil ol '-TBITTIITIL Lifctima Guorantee Plan I lwA3-3393 A'l 2305 X, Mrrldlrn for 0rdination fnd FirstlUlass THE ORGY of virrlolcc u'as palt rrl a sclics of provocations that lrt:gan sholtll. altcr Ilishop Iieilly anrl thc otlrel llishops of publicll' thc l)onrinican Ilcpublrc A cotnplcte selection is nou' availaltlc. r)f lrrrrnan rigltts bj'llru 1 1 ' g 1 1 1 , "o i G c n c r n l 'l'r'ujillo, Itatael That rvas iu ['cbl'uary 0f lt)6(1. 'flte rcgintrt's hostilit-v tolr'arrl lhtl (llrun,h $.its aqgravatetl rvhcn t{oltlnnrent dcnrantls CONFIISSIONAI, S'|'OLB ....92.50 SICK CALI,,IJUIISL] .. .S4.50 N t r \ S S T I P B N DB 0 O K ....,.$1.s0 S t e t ' l i r rSgi l v c l I I O L Y \ V A ' l ' E Ist J ' I i l \ l i t . l . l l i . . . . . . . 5 7 , 7 5 P l l [ t s ' f ' s s t c K C A L L S E ' .f ........57.?5 DICLUXtrSI{IR'I'FRO.\T ... $/.50 otl, s'r'octi \vt'r'trRINC . .. .sr2.50 Pl'xBS . ...,.516.75 .$15.25 TRIPLE OII, S'I'OCI{ I I A C I i O NS t j I t P L I C E ,. .,.. 516.?5 I,INI'N SUIII)LICE . . .SII.?5 YEAR-IIOUNIlflR Cl,IjRIC Cr\SSO('li (Scmi-Jcsuitl .,...$46,50 that'i'r'u. o[ thc (-'atholic Renner's Express,Inc. Silnle Dry Serllcc lict\\'(rn ltr{lt{jl n(lrrsorr.,\l nnltolir. rrnr:ic. lltr rt I ord Cit],. lJlutl ton, [.'t. \\ rnd Aul)rlrn, 'I'ick-Up ['orlry--l)elircrr'forlny" r E.5.9312 rillo i. writ 3t. Eyes Erlmined Choice Selection of First Mass Glosses Mode and Ordination Cards. f r00sI rilt - i\Iail 0rders Promptly li'illctl 'oWe Speciulize In Serr-icc" oPTtcAtco. Dr. Jcna f, Xerncl Or. Donald R. Hiatt OPTOMETRISTS KnfnC 26il. PEllN. ST. r i [e Itt92 [srallisnerl llnOS. Cutholic Supply llouse hrc' (th )lock touth of Avrerl ME. ll9 S. Illerirlian You Confrol the Cost w h e ny o u C o i i UuA3.4504 g-34r 6 tdE. e=3+'!7 inriiarrapoiir scl itl . Sl . Si nl ol l " s r\r'r'lrlrislrop Schirlfc rvill blcss t llc ('()rncl'slonc ol the nerv St. Silrrun's clrulch.sclrool pltnt, lo. catt'tl al lkr.t lloa<l :rntl I)e von r\r'enuc on Intlianapolis' llastsitlc, r u t 2 : : X ) p - n r . S r r r r t l a l. A p r i l 2 l | . i\ccot'tling to lhc pastol'. li'itlhcr plirnt lrlall l,'r-l{niiur. llre pllish rvill bc < r on r p l e t e d b y 1, J u ly .ltJt) {anrilie:; Ncalll. livc rvithin thc palish Ilrirrnrlalics, a1 lt(|n'I''z'sffi Each rjg you contein during our Attniversaryceleltrafion(April 20" Examples | | 120"x96" As tow As l. Ladies Gruen Diamond Wrist Watch 2. Man's Gruen Automatic Walch 3. Crown Transistor Radio 4. Americana Transistor Radio Percolalor 5. Lady Dunbar-Presto Percolalor 6. Lady Dunbar-Presfo 7. Sunbursl Electric Wall Clock C h a i r -HeavY Pad 8. Aluminum Porch Pad 9. Aluminum Porch Chair-Heavy 10. Jewel Bath Scales II. Jewel Balh Scales Now, - I|0I3'I'Z'S (1.5-0058 CottEGE 5373 OPEN 6:30 a.m. to I p.m. 7 Days a Week a CleliCiOtts $1.10,"lT';"":1.:i, cAFETERLA Plenly of Free parkins on lol o, oilll6r-*-.-*", il'S e\/erlingSPIICiAL EVLRY NIGI-lT, for All tootl is pt'cpat'cdby Nolton and Gct'ald Bot'tz, folmcr cltcfs of the ColtllllbiaCltttr. H a rry J. Feeney owner Inrlianrpolir Gift Suggestions r\iE. 5-9629 $39.00$48.64 /.'FEEItIEYTfEE|\lEI ,\ a n d Ma rti n T. Feeney '2 r0rMccARTtrY Termite Control Service, Inc. pfizcrj: May 8) you nlay l.egisteffor one of thesevalual-rle Price T-I IA'EITAL I * Rcfcrenccr: Numerou$CalholicChurcher Throughoutthe Strtc * F R E E S t a t e . W i d r t n s p e c t i a nF o r A l l I n r e c t r n d R o d e n fP c s l s Day or Night f alrle to holtl the ruob blck frurn thc st't'onrl floor lrl'stiln(ling orr tltc stails rvith baschlll l;lats. of lnrlilrtapolis. r'cct-rlding soclol a r ' 1 : I l l s . l , ' r ' a r n kS c h o c n r l k e r , o f Iliclurrond, tr'(jasulcr'; and tlls, (lili'. au<lilioss licllcttts, ol'l't'll I o t ' . ' l ' h t : r ' t r s l l r ' < : l i v t l' ) e a n e l y p t ' e s itlcnts sclvc cx oflicio ls i\CCW .,rc,.'.plrsirlcnls. ( lr nr t' r s l onc 7.51I I I"r'eo I'alkinll "Dcath ittg \rcnt lo thc pliests" tit'st tltlouglt tltc lloot' of lhtt tt'sirlt,ttt:c likc lorttsls 1lt'itsts' thlrrtrclr lr rvhcat fit'kl, it \vrls l'cpol't c(1. "'l'he]' rllcckt'tl clcr.r'tlring-fru'. nitulc, rliror.s. clrapelies, rr inrlos's -cvalythingl" l'allrcr' Sclrutulrr:r' saitl. 'l'ltc pt'iests itt tlrtr lrousc rvclc ht'url S h c u : r s i r r . i r r l t ' r li n n t * o t ' a r a u t o S:rlultlal n0ar accirirnt clr'ning Sttllilrn. cn r'()ut(!to tlrc cottvcntrrrtt arrtl r.rrrtlrl not be plesent. Slro is lepoltt'tl in Iail corrrlition '['lte :rt Ilat'1 Slrt'r'rn;rn hospital. rllivt't'ol lltc clr'. \lt's. I\lalgat'et l,iltz.,l('ll('r'sorrviIl<', rvas |cpoltcd S P R I N GS A L E ftrsrs/ On A 'I'rulyCATI IOLIC in volvcd, ile Sleeps Peocefully, His Future Secure With Coltic Sovinsr! 108"x84" As tow A5 ---: ryho \\'rrrrrr,n ;rl tlr0 oIgiltrililli()ll's illltttrirl crrrrrcnlir)n llrr'{t ;\plil l{i-l?. A d u t r s9 1 . 5 0 3.3628 lbr tlrnn'inA up spccial litulgicnl not to givc local fcasts ovct thr: tcntpolal r:1't:k: or thc univr:rsal Icasts of thc Clrru'ch. calenrlals plolctcnec 'l'l,lli ltl,l ll.\U'l't,]. lrr<1.-llls. llli (iorrrltrrirtt, ol ('lrnrk.stotvl. Ind., 6.6224 F U I { E R AHI O M F Si \ 53{2E.WA5HIH6TON ST. \ 2339 N,MERTDIAN 5I. SCHOMBER, j\lr s. Ii l i C ootl ur nn 7 P .M. Calt The gragation contlctnrrt-tl riolations FATHER "'l: lll-I'l'lt"ll]i!ll'l:l'-lt Ita liiru SpoghcrtiL)irurcr T u e sd a y,A p ri l 2 5 - cxptrlsiurr wlrt n tltc viok'ncc ln'okc ,Itran rlc l;r llagrriura, in San lrnlnr.d rlctlils ol thc atlrck florrr llishop ltcilly and tlre plicsts in- ilt scriorrs corttlitirrtt. otir(,r n('\\: r\('(lW oliit'ct's itt. cltrtlc: Ilt's, (ie0rgc \V. II0flnlan, SOUR SHRIMP - r ott'," llr()[r.slsul'ge(l DINING ENJOYMENT fo said. 'l'hc l7 1lt'r r.cnl riil[er.ctrct_. llc. trre'r,n tlris frjlulc nntl {hc 8u licr cctlI lllilt l(cnncrll l ot,oir erl ctrr "plovisionallr " lrr' [;rlierr ls lrtt tstlnl;tt(' of tlrp ;:r'ott'th in [)('ltro ('irtirrrirt.s clltic \ {)tr.s :ultollg 'ulrrt'lr tlrc nrl alror c that nt;il, []t()lr'stant l)cntor,r.lrlic clrttrlrrlattr cottltl hare ctllcr:lerl. it sirrtt, includcd In ing IJiers .llo lrt..," Col. anrl nrtrst rrrrl lle .iutlgt'tl a lonc. congregation be calendar. thc Missal anrl llrc. eliminating a nunrber of feast dnys of saints {r'orn thc calenrla r'. bctrlcen "rle!:atc, St instlrrctions to sinrplifying viary and lcntlorn." Ifc sitirl hc bclicvetl lltc tinrc is lipc fol Llhl'istians to l)l'c' st nt a unitttl hout against thc in tlrr. rvorld folccs iotlal' 1y5i.1t rroul<l rlcstrrry lll frtillrs. 'llrc Cutlxrlic tlrcologi:rrt slitl he sarv in thc Scconrl \tltit:nn Cotrn"tliuloguc" cil tlrc lrt'gittttittg of Arclrbislrop ! lllinors ngv Ititcs THE INSTRUCTION rvns issuetl tlrc Sacrcrl by Congregation of Ilitcs. It conrplcmcnts the con. grcgation's tlcclec oI last,luly ltttcntion to llrtr ruission l,'ather lickl, t'slteeiall.r' in Aflica. .liurkc rlf tefnrcrl llrc rlivisiott "the rli-sqlacc of (iltrisChlist:.:ts i-orth issuotl atl.ention on Sun. which locuses rlays and the fcasts anrl sensons cclebrating thc major mystclics of lhc Chlisiian rcligion. 'l\rlning I O'NEILL to r l i r r ee s a n b i s l r o p s t h r o t r g h o u t thc rvorld lnrl to hea<ls ol rcligious orders to make theil spccial cal. entlars conform lo thc Chrrrch's rencrvetl cnrphasis on the cyclc "The Bible, we all which "is have," he said, a logical place lo beEin work on whal we have in common." ln JAMES CITY-'l'he lloly VAiI'ICAN Sec issuetl a decree dcrnanding str.iql to historical adlrcrcncc accuracy liturgical in tha spacial olrservances of local tlioceses and religiotrs ortlcrs, Potver ToSpare ForAllYardCare calendars
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