How To Select the Right IoT Platform Considerations Beyond Connectivity —

How To Select the Right IoT Platform
Considerations Beyond Connectivity —
Security, Flexibility, and Data Intelligence
© 2014 Ayla Networks, Inc.
Ho w t o S e l e c t t h e R i g h t I o T P l at fo rm
Page 3
Page 4
Part I: 7 Steps to Security for the Internet of Things
1. End-to-end security mechanisms
2. End-to-end data encryption
3. Access and authorization control
4. Activity auditing
5. Hardened cloud infrastructure
6. Equal protection across multiple protocols
7. Education
Page 5
Part II: The Internet of Things and the Great Unknown
Page 6
Part III: Putting the Smarts in IoT
Page 7
About Ayla Networks
Page 9
Appendix A: Summary of Key IoT Platform Requirements
Ho w t o S e l e c t t h e R i g h t I o T P l at fo rm
Although it has been with us in some form and under different names for many years, the Internet of
Things (IoT) is suddenly the thing. The ability to connect, communicate with, and remotely manage an
incalculable number of networked, automated devices via the Internet is becoming pervasive, from the
commercial kitchen to the residential basement room to the arm of the fitness buff.
If you’re reading this white paper, you probably have an interest in adding Internet connectivity, mobile
application control, and likely also some “smarts” to your product or device, and so it all can be controlled
and monitored by a smartphone or tablet. Let’s make an assumption that you already believe that
working with an IoT Platform provider will accelerate your time to market and increase your ability to
deliver a world-class connected product, versus trying to do it all in-house. But what’s most important to
consider when evaluating and selecting an IoT Platform?
The ease and simplicity of getting basic networking to work on your prototype, getting it to talk to a
cloud and your mobile app are essential and a critical first step. But what else must you think about and
consider, so that this new era of IoT doesn’t come biting you back later, like an angry junkyard dog.
This white paper focuses on three critical considerations when choosing an IoT platform, specifically what
to evaluate in a platform architecture so that your needs are met today, and more importantly, are going
to be met in the future as you expand your family and functionality of smart-connected products. The key
platform architectural attributes are: (I) Security, (II) Flexibility and (III) Data Intelligence.
This white paper will elaborate on each of these considerations, and close with an introduction to the IoT
platform from Ayla Networks, the end-to-end solution that leading manufacturers are choosing to deliver
world-class IoT products. Finally, an appendix is included at the end with a table of specific features to
look for as you evaluate the best IoT platform for your needs.
White papers can often be dry, and we tried to write this paper a bit differently. The prose is somewhat
informal, written more like the way we’d write a blog post. In this way, we hope you find it more
interesting to read. Tell us what you think – email us at [email protected] –
we’d love to hear from you.
Part I:
7 Steps to Security for the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to appear everywhere in
many shapes and forms. But security is one of the hurdles that
could trip up the growth of the IoT. Following security principles
used in enterprise computing can help clear that hurdle.
Ho w t o S e l e c t t h e R i g h t I o T P l at fo rm
1. End-to-end security mechanisms
Mobile apps and connected devices must be authenticated
separately. Both the mobile app and the end user’s credentials
must pass authorization. The identity of the connected device
is best maintained in hardware. That is, the device’s credentials
can be burned into its connectivity module at the factory, so
Think of the IoT’s breadth for a moment. Already there are
it’s not exposed to anyone. This dramatically raises the bar
more connected devices than people on the planet, according
for spoofing. Someone would have to steal your device, your
to Norio Nakajima, an executive vice president at Murata. By
mobile app, and your password.
2020, there will be 50 billion connected devices, outnumbering
people by more than 6 to 1.
Many of these devices will be controllable over the Internet,
and they will increasingly be responsible for collecting and
transmitting sensitive information. Today consumers might own
a FitBit that collects information on their exercise routine. In a
few years, those same people might have an Internet-enabled
insulin pump that continually delivers data to their doctor. In the
wrong hands, data from home management systems could be
2. End-to-end data encryption
Standard-based encryption from device to mobile app is
arguably one of the best deterrents of data theft. Many services
encrypt data once it gets to their datacenter, but in many ways
data is more vulnerable when it’s in transit. The challenge with
doing this from end to end is making all the authentication and
key management happen without user configuration, so the
data encrypts automatically.
used to assess your whereabouts. Likewise, businesses could
3. Access and authorization control
be vulnerable when they connect things like HVAC, irrigation,
This means giving different user types different levels of data
and commercial appliances.
access. Consumers might let their utility link to their thermostat
Hackers often scan for poor or misconfigured security on
networks, and IoT environments will likely be no different. This
was the case in the early days of Wi-Fi Internet connectivity,
when weak security on access points and wardriving prevailed
until education and configurations improved. The IoT could be
vulnerable. By design, it’s always connected to the Internet.
Therefore, it must have strong security built in.
to turn down the AC on peak power days. But the utility would
be able to using the data for power consumption analysis only.
Or maybe consumers would give retailers limited access to
monitor their AC for proactive maintenance and repair.
4. Activity auditing
IoT device manufacturers and service providers need to keep log
records so that any breaches can be traced back to the source.
But that’s only half the problem. Security also has to be really
Auditing data is also an important way to identify patterns that
simple to implement. Otherwise, people won’t use it. They will
can pinpoint problems before they happen. Additionally, it’s a
blame the manufacturers and service providers instead. If we
way to rate vendors. If businesses could compare the security
don’t iron out how to make strong security goof-proof, a very
practices of vendors in an open and honest way, cloud providers
public breach could result.
and IoT service providers would have a huge incentive to invest
It’s nearly impossible to make any Internet application platform
in security.
100% impenetrable from attack, but implementing the best-
5. Hardened cloud infrastructure
practices of enterprise-class security can thwart all but the
Hosting data in the cloud can be far more secure than keeping
most persevering hacker with malicious intent.
it at home or in a company-run datacenter. Cloud providers
What does enterprise-class security really mean in the case of
an IoT cloud-based platform? Here are seven key principles.
can invest more money and personnel in strengthening their
operations against attack. But you still see hackers gaining
entry into well-known organizations. How do you know security
Ho w t o S e l e c t t h e R i g h t I o T P l at fo rm
best-practices are followed? ISO 27001 is a security certification
For product engineers and marketers, unpredictability is an
standard that specifies security management best-practices
occupational hazard. Tablets might be a rip-roaring success
and comprehensive security controls for datacenters and other
today, but they flopped in 2002 when Microsoft lined up nearly
environments. For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is
every major manufacturer to release them. You also have the
compliant with ISO 27001.
unanticipated success stories like Twitter and Facebook. Wi-
6. Equal protection across multiple protocols
Fi analysts questioned whether consumers would use public
hotspots. FitBit and Nest helped create and popularize two
Devices will communicate over WiFi, cellular, ZigBee, Bluetooth,
(connected) product categories -- wearable health monitors
and other wireless (and wired) protocols. Security has to be
and smart thermostats -- by incorporating design aesthetics
equally strong across all of them, regardless of whether the
and intuitive experience that hit the right pitch with customers.
mobile app is talking to a connected device over the Internet
or locally (e.g. at home, on the same WiFi network as the
The Internet of Things market is amplifying but still in the
connected device).
early stages of adoption. We are just starting to visualize what
7. Education
create world-class customer experiences, and drive new
Vendors have to be ready to teach consumers and buyers --
understandings between manufacturers and their customer
through easy-to-read web pages or through their customer
service desk -- why security is important and why they need
to think about it. Sadly, human error is still one of the biggest
cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Together these measures will significantly increase the security
for the Internet of Things. But the IoT will be at risk if end users
believe the added steps required for strong security outweigh
the value. Automated, push-button functionality absolutely can
be done, but it is very difficult to develop well, and it requires an
engineering team with deep experience. Most manufacturers
won’t be able to hire world-class security teams. The cost and
complexity will far outweigh the benefits for appliance makers
or light equipment manufacturers. Instead, they should look for
partners that can provide it for them.
Make no mistake. The IoT is coming. But so are the hackers.
Part II:
The Internet of Things & the Great Unknown
What will the next killer app be for the Internet of
Things? We have no idea.
connected products can do to improve industrial productivity,
behaviors. What’s behind the next corner is really anyone’s
Engineers developing the next generation of connected
products need to design for flexibility, so they can quickly
adapt to how the uses for their products will evolve and grow.
Marketing doesn’t have a crystal ball, and it cannot really know
what features are wanted in the future.
Designing in flexibility is easier said than done. It’s often
expensive, and many manufacturers arent willing to add the
insurance costs of accommodating TBD new features. This
often results in products with rigid designs that can’t evolve to
meet the customer’s unanticipated needs, or those that require
forklift upgrades to do so.
What does this all mean for a development team tasked with
designing and supporting world-class connected products?
Here’s a partial list of flexibility-increasing architectural
considerations that will increase the adaptability of connected
1. Design for networking agnosticism:
What’s in a
thing? If it’s going to be part of the Internet of Things, it
In fact, we don’t think anyone has a clear idea yet. This is an
probably has some sort of system architecture featuring
entirely new market, and if the history of technology is any
a microcontroller unit (MCU). Most things don’t have any
guide, consumers and even business buyers will behave in
operating system -- just a simple MCU and a few sensors.
unpredictable ways. Digital Equipment CEO Ken Olsen didn’t
Manufacturers should be able to connect almost any MCU-
think anyone would ever want a computer in their home. Bob
based system to the Internet without being redesigned just
“Father of Ethernet” Metcalfe predicted the Internet would
to add networking and security. This is accomplished by
suffer a mind-boggling collapse in 1997.
removing the burden of networking stacks from the host
Ho w t o S e l e c t t h e R i g h t I o T P l at fo rm
MCU and providing a very thin bit of code that can easily be
way to make different products work better together. This
ported to the host MCU. If networking stacks are completely
is a great goal, but it’s very difficult when marketing doesn’t
removed from the host MCU (e.g., if they pre-exist on the
know what products are coming next, so it doesn’t know
comms chips/modules), then a simple driver is all that’s
how products might interact. A configurable cloud-based
required to connect to the Internet. This also provides great
rules engine solves this challenge, providing the ability to
future proofing; next year’s product may use a different
modify a product’s characteristics and behavior after it
MCU. With this approach, that’s no problem. Marketing can
has been in the field, making it work with new products
choose any new features it wants, and engineering can
that are being launched. By putting the rules engine in the
deliver it using the most appropriate components.
cloud and making it highly configurable, manufacturers can
2. Design for data agnosticism: OK, so I’m recycling
terminology, but my point is similar. Just as there could be
much more rapidly enable a network effect among their
nearly any type of MCU-based architecture in a thing, there
5. Open APIs: Integrations of other enterprise application
could also be just about any type of data. And you can be
or cloud platforms may not be a requirement today, but
sure that, even across some product line, the data is going
they will surely be in the future. Integrations may be
to change each year with enhancements and new iterations.
unidirectional (e.g., inbound from or outbound
Any solution that somehow requires a crystal ball for what
to or bidirectional (e.g., to/from a specialized
sort of data will be leveraged (including what you name that
analytical engine or separate IoT cloud platforms). Either
data) will result in significant downstream redevelopment.
way, cloud-centric platforms provide the foundation for an
A better solution includes integrated databases in the
open interface approach.
backend with no preset data schema. Marketing and
engineering teams should be free to decide what they want
devices to do and what sort of data they should collect.
When they need to change the product, there should be
no major engineering burden and no major customization.
The manufacturers that do this best will easily out-innovate
competition and get new products to market faster.
3. Built-in feedback loops: This is really the home run of IoT
design. Imagine easily getting products to market with any
architecture or data set, as well as being able to learn on the
fly as those products are used in the field. The world’s premier companies -- Amazon, Apple, Google -- already do this
by selling Internet services and connected products. They
leverage their platforms to know which features customers
like and which ones they don’t. They use built-in feedback
Adapting quickly in the Internet of Things will be greatly
facilitated by outsourcing the thorny problems like security,
data management, and networking. Trusted providers of IoT
application-enablement platforms, meanwhile, will spend a lot
of their time and energy crafting highly flexible and scalable
solutions that can be dropped into myriad designs without a
hitch. That’s very cost effective, too.
Plan to be adaptable in a new market in an unpredictable world.
Look to partners who can help get you there faster. Trial and
error will be the norm.
And that is something we can predict with complete confidence.
Part III:
Putting the Smarts in the IoT
loops to design products their customers love. This will also
be critical for manufacturers seeking to build IoT products.
We watched The Wizard of Oz in 3-D at a company outing last
Those that can gather data, learn from their products, and
week, and we can’t get the tune out of our head from when
adapt quickly to change them to suit their customers will
Dorothy first meets the Scarecrow, and he sings, “If I only had
be the winners. Doing this involves a complex integration of
a brain.” We think much of the Internet of Things now under
devices, databases, and business intelligence and analytics
development may end up lamenting the same tune.
tools, but it will be crucial for responsiveness and success.
The IoT has become a catchall phrase. Smart cars, smart
4. Configurable cloud-based rules engines: The Internet
home gadgets, smart wearables, and more -- all end up with
of Things is truly enabled when devices can interact with
the “smart” moniker. But the brains in the Internet of Things
other devices. Moreover, marketing is always looking for a
are more than being tied to the Internet and connecting to an
Ho w t o S e l e c t t h e R i g h t I o T P l at fo rm
ecosystem of other devices. It’s more than a remote monitor for
3. Data processing and analytics services: An IoT platform
your smartphone or tablet. It’s really all about data intelligence.
really starts to multiply value when it includes services to
For the Internet at large, the real value has been the capability
to provide significant new value in the way to collect, manage,
and make sense of all the data we create. For the IoT, of course,
the data will come from the things, and perhaps also from
users in the form of metadata. Think of the user cases, such
as gathering data from blood pressure cuffs and weight scales
for the chronically ill and aging and then identifying patterns
process the collected data and turn it to usable information.
At the foundation are the capabilities to create and control
event triggers in a highly customizable fashion. Finally,
there are data analytics modules for business intelligence
-- e.g., reports and dashboards that the marketing, product
strategy, and service support teams each will want to
to predict deteriorating health. We will save billions alone in
4. Role-based data access control: Manufacturers need
healthcare from the ability to collect, analyze, and respond to
to be able to define various user profiles, each with fully
health data from connected devices.
customizable control of what data for which the user has
In another use case, imagine consumer products that help
manufacturers learn which features are most popular and how
read and/or write access and then to classify each user ID
to a defined profile.
their products are faring in the field. By leveraging the data,
5. Data scalability: This may be the least sexy part of the data
manufacturers will be get higher-quality products to market
intelligence potential of the IoT, but it’s a critical prerequisite
quicker with the set of capabilities that their customers really
to making it all work. Again, the manufacturer will need
good tools to manage the warehouse of data as the data set
Finally, consider the broad set of commercial products sold.
They typically have complex channels to get to market, and
grows, e.g., culling and archiving data over the long term.
Much of this should be customizable and automated.
the various channel participants can have different access
A manufacturer can try to assemble a breadth of development
data privileges. There are several categories of data intelligence
expertise and build a platform with all these data intelligence
functions to consider, and they are best managed through
functions in-house. But building all this will require hiring and
a secure portal for the manufacturer’s operations team to
retaining significant expertise and paying an ongoing cost: lots
of money and lots of risk. The alternatives are to be like Google
1. Flexible data definition tools: The platform needs to
include intuitive tools for the manufacturer to customize
the definition for what data to collect for a given device and
how it is to be collected (e.g., how often, how much). It also
needs to be easy to set up and define new types of devices.
There should be no limit on what types of devices can be
and buy a company that can do it for you (got $3.2 billion
burning a hole in your pocket?) or to go about it the smartest
way and select an off-the-shelf IoT platform from a company
that does only that.
Any other way to compete would be, well, not so smart.
defined. Manufacturers should have to work with only one
About Ayla Networks
platform for all the connected devices they will launch.
Ayla Networks provides the leading application-enablement
2. Data virtualization and non-SQL database: The system
for organizing the device data for retention also has to be
very flexible. While accommodating most any data definition
of a device, the platform needs to adapt quickly to the fact
that device data definitions will change (expand) often, and
that each device will have many different data definitions
out in the field. As a result, the inherent rigidity of an
SQL database -- and the development lag to change SQL
database schemas -- is overcome.
platform as a service (PaaS) for the Internet of Things. It is a
comprehensive software solution that transforms everyday
products into intelligent, interactive products quickly, easily,
and economically. The Ayla IoT Platform combines innovative
software and networking technologies with cloud-based
platforms and digital information services, and supports bestin-class hardware from leading component vendors.
streamlined approach allows manufacturers to integrate
Ayla connectivity into products without substantial design
modifications or changes to existing business models, and in a
way that consumers will understand and appreciate.
Ho w t o S e l e c t t h e R i g h t I o T P l at fo rm
Figure 1: End-to-End Architecture of the Ayla IoT Platform
Figure 1 shows the end-to-end architecture of the Ayla IoT
• Ayla Cloud Services
Platform. The end-to-end solution encompasses software
The heart of the Ayla IoT Platform, the cloud services provide
agents on the connected device, a suite of software services
secure connectivity between devices and apps, virtually
in the cloud, and extensive software libraries for the leading
manages an unlimited number of device templates in the field,
mobile operating systems – enabling manufacturers to
processes all data pushed and pulled to devices, and provide
easily, securely, and cost effectively build Internet-connected
an extensive toolset portal for manufacturers to securely
devices with amazing customer experiences that can scale.
manage their customers’ products anywhere.
This single platform can be easily leveraged across a family
of different IoT products.
• Ayla Applications Libraries
Libraries contain all the necessary APIs for creating mobile
The Ayla IoT Platform is Composed of:
apps to control Ayla-enabled devices with a smartphone or
• Ayla Embedded Agents
tablet in a secure manner.
Agents incorporate a fully-optimized networking and
security stack to connect devices to the Ayla Cloud
Services easily.
Agents are pre-burned into leading
communications modules and chips, making it practically
Supports both iOS and Android
The Ayla IoT Platform robustly supports all of the architectural
capabilities and key requirements outlined in this white paper.
Please refer to the Appendix A below for a tabular description of
these capability requirements and a summary of Ayla’s support.
Ho w t o S e l e c t t h e R i g h t I o T P l at fo rm
Appendix A
Summary of Key IoT Platform Requirements
Key Functional Considerations When Evaluating IoT Platforms
The Ayla IoT Platform
1. End-to-end security mechanisms
2. End-to-end data encryption
3. Flexible & configurable access and authorization control
4. Activity logging for audits
5. Hardened cloud infrastructure
6. Equal protection across multiple communication protocols
Yes, multi-level authentication
Yes, TLS/SSL on all links
Yes, role/time based
Yes , within OEMportal toolset
Yes, compliant to ISO27001
1. Designed for networking agnosticism
2. Designed for data agnosticism
3. Built-in feedback loops
4. Configurable cloud-based rules engines
5. Open APIs
Yes, data analytics within cloud
Yes, within cloud
Yes, to apps, to other clouds
1. Flexible data definition tools
Yes, within OEMportal toolset
2. Data virtualization and non-SQL database
Yes, abstraction layer in cloud
3. Data processing and analytics services
4. Flexible & configurable role-based data access control
5. Data scalability
Yes, role/time based
Yes, very high