AUSTRALASIAN RECORD . 0 11 1 1 41 AND ADVENT WORLD SURVEY ""ZZA.1 fl! int? EDITOR: R. H. PARR WARBURTON, VICTORIA, AUSTRALP\ Volume 75, Number 8 Price 5 cents February 22, 1971 HOW TO INGATHER 1. Knock at every door. There is a surprise behind many a door you feel like skipping! Don't pass any house by. 2. Canvass for bigger donations. Go in and tell your story. That way you will get paper money! It works. Try it. 3. Make call-backs. Take a small notebook and write down addresses of homes where the people were out. Note names of liberal donors. It will help next year. 4. Go two by two. This is the Bible plan. People may refuse one caller. It is not easy to refuse two! It's worth trying, and it works. 5. Set yourself a goal. A personal goal works wonders. Set one for each time you go out. 6. Be enthusiastic. It's a privilege to be an Ingatherer. It's an honour. It's a joy. It's a thrill. It's wonderful. It's fun. Hit it hard, and get it over quickly. Go at it with a will to succeed, and you will! 7. Work the same territory. You'll get to know the people, and they will get to know you—and to like you. 8. Be cheerful. People respond to a smiling countenance, specially nowadays when there is so much misery in our sad old world. What a wonderful reward to have people say, "We hope you will leave as much sunshine in every home as you have in ours!" Whoever said Ingathering was a trial? It is the nicest thing that could happen to a person. If you don't believe me, try it! Registered for posting as a newspaper—Category A [2] 22/2/71 "I HAVE MADE THEE A MINISTER" R. D. CRAIG Secretary-Treasurer, Trans-Tasman Union Conference THREE WERE ORDAINED at the North New Zealand camp meeting held at Haskell Park, Ardmore, on Sabbath afternoon, January 2, 1971. Those ordained were Ernest George Krause, Donald Sidney Lewis, and Peter Theuerkauf. Brother Krause is at present principal of Longburn College, and his dedication to Christian education and his spiritual leadership are very much appreciated. Since leaving Avondale College in 1965, Brother Lewis and Brother Theuerkauf have been very successful in the work of evangelism, and are presently engaged in evangelistic work in the North Island of New Zealand. Pastor C. D. Judd, the president of the Trans-Tasman Union Conference, conducted the address, and commenced by quoting from "Gospel Workers" page 18, "The greatest work, the noblest effort, in which men can engage, is to point sinners to the Lamb of God." He went on to say: "To be called as a minister of the gospel in this hour of earth's history is not only a wonderful privilege, but it is a tremendous responsibility." When Jesus came to earth he called men into the ministry saying, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Pastor Judd explained the spiritual significance of the laying on of hands, and challenged the congregation to honour and respect the ministry for their work's sake. In conclusion, Pastor Judd quoted from "Gospel Workers" page 63, "The Lord calls for more ministers to labour in His vineyard. . . . God calls for you, young men. He calls for whole armies of young men who are large-hearted and large-minded, and who have a deep love for Christ and the truth." May many respond as did Isaiah, and say, "Here am I; send me." Pastor I. R. Stratford, the secretary-treasurer of the North New Zealand Conference, read the charge, and the prayer of ordination was offered by Pastor W. J. Hackett, General VicePresident of the General Conference. The president of the North New Zealand Conference, Pastor V. Wood-Stotesbury, officially welcomed the candidates into the gospel ministry. We pray that God will richly bless the ministry of these three brethren and their wives who loyally support them in this very important work. The three men ordained, with their wives. The couples are (left to right): Pastor and Mrs. P. Theuerkauf, Pastor and Mrs. D. S. Lewis, and Pastor and Mrs. E. G. Krause. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD ORDINATION SERVICE IN MACKAY EDWIN I. TOTENHOFER THE NEW Central Mackay church was packed with 450 reverent worshippers for an impressive ordination service held on Sabbath, December 5, 1970, at 3 p.m., when three North Queensland ministers were invested with full ministerial authority. Present for this special occasion was Pastor L. C. Naden, Field Secretary of the Australasian Division, who preached the dedicatory sermon and offered the ordination prayer. Pastor R. H. Abbott, president of the North Queensland Conference, expressed his pleasure in presenting the three From left: Pastor and Mrs. G. Oaklands, Mrs. G. Ormiston, Pastor G. Ormiston, Mrs. F. Mackay and Pastor F. Mackay. (Photo: E. I. Totenhofer.) candidates for ordination, and gave details of each minister's work. Pastor W. G. Dowling read the charge. The three men who were ordained to the sacred work of the ministry in recognition of God's call, were Fergus Mackay, Gordon Oaklands and Gordon Ormiston. Pastor F. Mackay spent nine years in the colporteur ministry, and during the past four years has been engaged in ministerial work in the North Queensland Conference. Pastor Mackay is currently under transfer to Darwin. Pastor G. Oaklands spent five years at Avondale College, and has been six years in field work in North Queensland. During 1970, he has been associated with Pastor E. I. Totenhofer and Brother N. Smith in evangelistic work and the care of the Mackay and district's six churches. After spending seven years in literature-evangelist work, Pastor G. Ormiston was appointed an assistant Publishing Department secretary of the Greater Sydney Conference. For the past six years he has been in charge of the Publishing Department in the North Queensland Conference. Pastor Ormiston has just accepted a call to the North New South Wales Conference, where he will serve in the same capacity. Other ordained ministers who were present and assisted in the ordination service included Pastor N. K. Peatey, Pastor A. Probert, Pastor E. I. Totenhofer and Pastor E. Ibbott. After the solemn service of ordination, the newly-ordained ministers with their wives and families led an orderly procession out of the church and then received the best wishes and Christian goodwill of the church family. Our earnest desire is that God will give these ministers strength in their added responsibilities and make them fruitful in His service. 22/2/71 [3] AUSTRALASIAN RECORD "I Remember . ." (No. 11 in a series) "SUNDAY IS NOT THE SABBATH" A. E. HODGKINSON IT WAS ONE SATURDAY MORNING in the year 1895, about Easter time, when my mother called me into her bedroom and said: "Arthur, you cannot go out to play with the other children today as this is the Sabbath day, and God wants us to keep His Sabbath holy. Sunday is not the Sabbath." I always believed that Mother knew what she was saying, even though I was only six years old. was commenced with the north-side That was the commencement of believers meeting with the South Sabbath-keeping in our home. As it Brisbane believers. I can well rehappened, Mother and I were the first member the first Sabbath school lesSabbath-keepers in South Brisbane. How did this come about? My son we studied being on the Book of Acts. mother used to attend the Methodist Then in the year 1898, it was deChurch. While at church one night, a lady came up to her and said: "Mrs. cided to hold a small camp meeting on a piece of vacant land just off Hodgkinson, if you would like to hear Logan Road, near the Buranda Station, the Bible explained, a man comes to about 200 yards below the spot my house once a week [stating which night]. His name is Pastor J. Pallant." where the first South Brisbane church was later built. About fifteen tents Mother accepted the invitation, and after listening to him, she realized were erected to enable the members that this was what she was looking from Balmoral and the north side to for. She attended the rest of the camp on the grounds. It was at this meetings, and when the Sabbath was small camp meeting that Mrs. E. G. presented, Mother was the only one White and Pastor A. G. Daniells were of those attending who accepted it present. I well remember hearing and started to keep it immediately. Mrs. White preach. One could hear her quite well, as she had a strong Pastor Pallant was asked by Mother to come to our home to hold meet- voice. The attendances were very ings, as we lived in a different part of good. The two-pole tent was filled, Balmoral. He found time to conduct and people were standing outside. these meetings, which were a suc- After the camp meeting, it was decess, with a number of folk accepting cided to leave the tent standing and the Sabbath. At the same time, Pas- hold a tent effort, which proved very successful. tor Pallant was holding cottage meetIt was told my mother (who told ings on the north side of Brisbane, me) that as Mrs. White and company and it was decided to hire the Balwere travelling up from Avondale by moral School of Arts; so the first ortrain to Brisbane, and she saw the ganized Sabbath school in Brisbane range of mountains through which they were passing, she said that she remembered seeing God's people hiding in these mountains during the time of trouble. The house that was rented for Mrs. White and staff was still standing, and as far as I know had not been altered, when I saw it only a few years ago. It was the second house after passing under the railway bridge over Logan Road, on the right going toward Stones Corner. The first South Brisbane church was built and opened about Easter time in the year 1899. My mother and the other believers from Balmoral were the charter members of that church. Well do I remember, even if it is seventy-five years ago, the time when Mother and I kept the first Sabbath. I remember the children's hymns we sang, such as: "Little Feet Be Careful," and "'Tis Love That Makes Us Happy," Brother A. E. Hodgkinson pictured at Mount Rucipehu, New Zealand. and "We Should Be Like Gardens." BLIND SPOT ,,7kAt4t,?11-= 00000000000000 NO. 4 BLIND PEOPLE seem to have an extra portion of problems. Sometimes just listening to them is the simple solution. Whether they have easy or difficult problems, one of the seventy field representatives of the Christian Record Braille Foundation is always anxious to help sightless persons. To bring the Advent Message to the blind and physically handicapped is the primary purpose for the existence of the Christian Record Braille Foundation. You can be proud of the good job they are doing. Hanging in the lobby of the new, modern offices of the Christian Record Braille Foundation in Lincoln, Nebraska, is a mural. This oil painting, nineteen feet by five feet, by artist Joseph Maniscalco, depicts the scene of the Lord's Second Coming. On the right, Christ is shown ascending, surrounded by hosts of angels. On the left is a group of people beholding the glory of His appearance. These are not ordinary people, however, for many show signs of having been blind. One lady, seeing for the first time, drops her long white cane. A mother tells her daughter, "See, this is the Jesus we've told you about, and now His promise to return is fulfilled!" Joy radiates from every face as they behold His brightness. This scene and time we all long for, but perhaps blind people do so more than others. To give to the blind people the message of His return is the reason Christian Record Braille Foundation was founded seventy-one years ago, and continues to be the purpose for our operating today. "The loveliness of the character of Christ will be seen in His followers. It was His delight to do the will of God. Love to God, zeal for His glory, was the controlling power in our Saviour's life. Love beautified and ennobled all His actions. Love is of God. The unconsecrated heart cannot originate or produce it. It is found only in the heart where Jesus reigns. 'We love, because He first loved us.' 1 John 4: 19, R.V. In the heart renewed by divine grace, love is the principle of action. It modifies the character, governs the impulses, controls the passions, subdues enmity, and ennobles the affections. This love, cherished in the soul, sweetens the life and sheds a refining influence of all around."—"Steps to Christ," page 59. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD [4] 22/241 EDITORIAL DROPPED STITCHES FOR SOME TIME we have been aware of the fact that marriage isn't what it used to be. When we were young, we lived next to a (childless) married couple, both of whom worked. The neighbours were scandalized. Terms and epithets such as "money-grabbers," and "hungry for a quid" were freely bandied about when these people were being discussed. A working wife was something of a novelty, and a somewhat unacceptable novelty at that. Then, of course, came the war, and suddenly the working potential of the married woman—and she didn't have to be childless, either—was discovered. Suddenly, with almost indecent haste, women were courted for their manual skills and wooed into industry, being called into jobs that, a few years before, were considered far from the ordinary preserves of the fairer sex. And then, when most of the pool of woman-power had been siphoned off, it will be recalled that the stirling attributes of the ladies in the over-forty-five bracket were suddenly found to be of scintillating worth. For a short few years, it was a virtue to be over forty-five, because such woman-power was not controlled by a somewhat benign Department of Labour and Industry (or whatever) and could free-lance whither it would. Time passed, as time does. The war jolted to a halt with the capitulation of Germany and the Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Back came the soldiers, all hungry for the delights of civilian life and anxious to set up homes and fill them with the consumer goods and so-called prime cost items the like of which were unknown in their fathers' day. But wages could not cope and so the young father-husband was forced to face up to one of three alternatives: 1. He could go without all these goodies (an unthinkable state of affairs because the Joneses next-door were getting the knick-knacks of the new age faster than he could ever compete with them) ; 2. He had to get another (second) job and work day and night (another alternative that hardly had him wild with delight) ; 3. Or he could, with a decent show of reluctance, allow his wife and the mother of his small brood to seek employment in the growing labour market. Usually—in 90 per cent of the homes—the third alternative became the one to be followed. And no one will deny that the money that thus rolled in was extremely welcome and useful. Creature comforts the like of which a generation previous had never imagined were now part and parcel of his set-up—a motor-car, a washing machine, a refrigerator, a TV set, a radiogram with a hundred records (more or less), a more sophisticated form of heating than the old open fire, or an airconditioner perhaps if the next-doors had one, new furniture, a second car and a pop-up toaster, a juice extractor and a vitamizer and a dozen other gew-gaws that are essential to the smooth flow of modern living. Add to this the burgeoning possibilities of education. "Soon you'll need a science degree to collect the garbage" could be heard from the lips of many an arm-chair philosopher who, himself, had never quite managed sixth grade in the primary school. And so the post-war generation became the greatest lot in history to live by the slogan: "My boy will have a better chance than I had." So money had to be on hand for textbooks and fees and what-not. And where would it come from if mother didn't get to and do her nine-to-five shift? Now, the sophisticated appliances of the modern home notwithstanding, the average wife and mother is no super-woman. She is (and we mean no disrespect) no smarter or more able than her own mother or grandmother. She is like ninetenths of the rest of the world: she can handle one job with reasonable skill; two jobs almost inevitably bring her to the place where one of them is only half-done. And the one that goes by the board, usually, is the one for which she receives no direct emolument. In other words, it is her home that suffers. And when the home suffers, the family suffers. When the mother is not present when the children come home from school, there is a hiatus, a void, in the domestic programme that is quite irreparable. For a vital couple of hours, children who shouldn't have that responsibility are charged with looking after smaller brothers and sisters, and, what is often worse, looking after themselves. It is here that mischief is born and trouble and even delinquency begins. The situation, however, does not get better; it gets worse. The ladies have had in their nostrils the sweet smell of the extra dollars for long enough. But then they began to take a harder look at what was going on. And they discovered the far-from-sublime truth that George Orwell enunciated in his book "Animal Farm" which was: "Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others." And they began to notice that their pay packets were not so well filled as those of the men—who were, in their eyes, wrongly considered "more equal." Thus there arose a movement for equal pay. The ladies had virtually forsaken the kitchen for the workbench where the stipend was direct and tangible. Nowadays, out of all this, we have such things as the Women's National Liberation Movement in America and Europe and (in England) The National Women's Movement. Both of these organizations, when reduced to their lowest terms, are merely for the purpose of upgrading (according to their own definitions) the position of women in the world. Mrs.. Sheila Walsh, the leader of the National Women's Movement in England, believes that women ought to be invading the traditional realms of the male worker. She herself became the first woman to be apprenticed as a silversmith. Her oldest daughter is in her second year of a five-year apprenticeship in engineering. Another daughter, Carol, recently led the women of the chain-making factory where she works, in a three-week strike for equal pay with the men. Mrs. Walsh and her three equally militant daughters (a fourth one is still at school) are symptomatic of the upsurge of women in industry who are battling for their rights, with one eye ever fixed on that bulging pay packet. Now we do not want to be misunderstood. We are not against fair and equitable wages. Far from it. What we are saying is that, since women have moved out of the home, things have not gone from worse to better on the domestic front. They have rather deteriorated. Says this same Mrs. Walsh (whose own marriage broke up eight years ago, and we can't help wondering why) : "Society is in a transitional stage. Marriage appears to be breaking down and we don't really know what is going to replace it." Says her daughter: "We do not know all the answers, but we are trying to work toward them. . . . [The future] can't be left to men. The women are being pushed into the background. . . . We want to be part of the achievements. Otherwise half the talent there is in the world is being wasted. Says Ellen White: "The Lord has not called you to neglect your home and your husband and your children. He never works this way; and He never will. Never for a moment suppose that God has given you a work that will necessitate a separation from your precious little flock. Do not leave them to become demoralized by improper associations. . . . "The mother should not accept burdens . . . which compel her to neglect her children. The best work in which a mother can engage is to see that no stitches are dropped in. the training of her children."—"The Adventist Home," page 246. Rateia H Pi 22/2/71 [5] AUSTRALASIAN RECORD CASTLE HILL SCHOOL OF NUTRITION G. KENCH PREPARATIONS HAD BEEN MADE, leaflets printed, health magazines distributed, and with a prayer in our hearts we were all eagerly awaiting the opening night of our School of Nutrition which commenced Wednesday, September 16, 1970, at 7.30 p.m. in the Seventh-day Adventist church hall, Castle Hill. Eighty-five people had enrolled for the course, and at least 75 per cent of those were non-Adventists. The attendances throughout the eight exciting classes on cooking and nutrition were very good, and more than 75 per cent of those enrolled completed the course. In these classes Mrs. Hazel Hon with the aid of her helpers, Mrs. M. Beatty and Mrs. B. Chester, gave practical instructions in cooking. The folk were given a 140-page nutrition text book and twelve printed lessons on nutrition. At each class at least three recipes were given, and taste-samples of all foods demonstrated were handed out. Various lectures on different aspects of nutrition were presented by Dr. H. G. Clifford, Dr. C. H. Palmer, Dr. R. Stocken, Miss M. Weiss and Mr. M. Steele who are all connected with the Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital. On the final evening Pastor E. Hon spoke a few words and offered a Gift Bible or the book "Life at Its Best" (which is commonly known to us as "Ministry of Healing"). There were twenty-one Bibles and twenty-eight copies of "Life at Its Best" requested. The finale was a Family Night held in the Harvey Lowe Pavilion of the Castle Hill showground on Monday, November 9, where the folk could introduce their families to their new-found friends at a delicious smorgasbord dinner prepared by the ladies' auxiliary. Mr. Franklin Baldwin played background music on his organ for this occasion. Teenage Vignette PEARL B. ELLISON SHE WAS a very beautiful girl who had had all the advantages money could give her. Since her parents were well-to-do she was given an expensive education in a ladies' school and was well-informed. Having been brought up, in a formal way, a Seventh-day Adventist, she then went to one of our colleges. Here she became better acquainted with the Adventist message. Later she was baptized. Although she had been baptized she adopted the dress and associations of the world. Many offers of marriage came her way from professional men, but somehow none interested her. One hot day as she walked up the hill towards her home, a car pulled up beside her and a modern young man with beard and side-burns asked if she would care for a lift. She accepted—a risky thing to do, perhaps, but God was leading her. Some time later she met the young man again and ventured to invite him home. In this world social status is important and here there was a big disparity. He lacked the finesse that the family desired, and there was opposition. But today's young people tend to live their own lives and so they became engaged and eventually married in a lovely old Anglican Mrs. Hon pointing out the four basic church. food groups. In the rural area of N.S.W. where they After the meal musical items were ren- lived, a mission was started by a dedicated dered by tenor, Mr. Ted Bennett; saxo- Seventh-day Adventist evangelist. The phonist, Mr. Franklyn Wainman; and folk young woman became interested again and singer, Mrs. Norma Branster. A film on began to give her husband Bible studies. drugs proved to be a very successful finish These were like water to a thirsty soul. As he studied with her the law of God he to our School of Nutrition. We hope and pray that through this was convicted that he ought to dispose of avenue of lay evangelism new souls will his valuable collection of guns. Guns are meant to kill, and the commandment says, be won to the kingdom of God. "Thou shalt not kill." They studied the Sabbath commandment and he decided he must keep the Sabbath holy. His mother, who is an active worker in the Church of England, was amazed at the change in him. This young man has become a wonderful Christian, and is now assisting in young people's work. As they worship together, his young wife, transformed and preparing to meet Christ, says, "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform." Now the girl's mother has become a dedicated Christian and this little family has no lines of demarcation, but the oneness that God plans for all who will let Him. FOUR OnAie Felt) Lecturers at work. From left: Mrs. M. Beatty, Mrs. H. Hon and Mrs. B. Chester. Also featured is the unique overhead mirror. (Photos: M. Olsen.) The more a man is educated, the more is it necessary, for the welfare of the State, to instruct him how to make a proper use of his talents. Education is like a double-edged sword. It may be turned to dangerous uses if it is not properly handled.—Wu Ting-Fang. [6] 22/2/71 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD The Solomons Open Up A RECENT NUMBER of "Newsweek" magazine stated very openly that there is a nostalgia for the things of yesteryear currently sweeping through the United States. I wish to state just as openly that the United States doesn't hold all the rights on nostalgia. A sense of those "good old days" was felt as we visited some of the old Adventist landmarks in the Solomons recently. Back in those "good old days" the first sighting of any of the myriad islands in the Solomons would bring forth the shout, "Well, there she is to port [or to the starboard]," but this was a sighting with a difference. We had a bird's eye view from VH-SDM of places familiar to old Adventist readers. There was Batuna under the wing; Kukudu straight ahead; Marovo Lagoon with its thousands of little palm-covered dots of earth splattered out underneath us. Betikama; Afutara; Atoifi. The Solomons had radioed and written that they were really opening up, so here we were—the president, Pastor A. R. Mitchell; the secretarytreasurer, A. E. Jones; the building supervisor for the B.S.U.M., Ray Elliott; the Medical secretary, Rex Tindall; and the most important man in flight, Colin Winch, the pilot and navigator—to help them open the new doors. Years of Toil and Victory It was good to hear stories first hand of the impressions of old Captain G. F. Jones of 1914 fame; of the daring and courage of Jack Radley; of how Pastor Barrett could get his tongue around those curly words of the Marovo; of J. D. Anderson's sweep back into the Solomons again immediately after the war years, with the Ferris brothers hard on his heels. The nostalgic air was heavy as the Solomons giants were continually listed from place to place—Pastors A. J. Campbell, Kata Ragoso, Rore, Tutty, and so we could go down the list. Years of toil, tears and trouble were evident; but so were the years of victory against odds of every description. We had winged our way from Rabaul to Honiara in our own mission plane—a six-hour flight over seas that had seen the heat of battle both of war and heathenism. The first indication of the Adventist "opening up" came when we arrived at Betikama and were met by the very congenial staff headed by Brother Ray Smith. Additions (to existing buildings), subtractions (taking down of the old), multiplication (of one dormitory after another)— this seemed to be the story that was told at Betikama recently. The builder? We must give Brother Malcolm Long an honourable mention here. And They Cast Lots .. . An interesting feature of our Betikama stay was the day when lots were cast— no, not to throw a Jonah out of the boat, but to push five people into a plane. As a kind Christian gesture by our leaders at Bismarck-Solomons Union Mission the names of everyone (420 students, plus teachers) were placed in a hat, and the five names that were plucked out (three staff and two students) became the lucky candidates for a free ride in the brand-new VH-SDM. Puffed out shirts and broken shirt buttons were the order of the day for the men, and an air of light-footed dignity and grace for the ladies, upon arrival back at Betikama. "Now what comes next, brethren?" Ah, The old hospital at Batuna. yes, our new school at Afutara on the East Coast of Malaita. A short skip (or so it seemed) across the sea dividing Malaita and Guadalcanal, and before we could say VH-SDM, we were rolling over the grass air-strip that serves Auki, the administrative centre for Malaita, and on our way up the coast towards Afutara. Four and a half hours later and with the morning food intake still intact we stepped ashore onto the renowned coloured stone foreshore at our brand new central school. There was the towering figure of the principal, Kata Richards Ragoso, to greet us. The district commissioner and a representative of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate Education Department had also sailed in for the big day, and if public comments amount to anything, Afutara must have taken out a gold medal that day. The cement-brick class-rooms and staff homes were a credit to our national brethren. Our good builder from Malaita, Ani Gafutu, demands a "mention in despatches." The Seventh-day Adventist frontier base at Batuna was the third in line of "Operation Open-Up." Certainly a joy to behold was the near eighty-feet by twenty-feet fourteen-bed timber hospital that was replacing the old well-worn shell of a hospital that now stood out over the water in stark contrast to the new. Sister Martin Brown was now looking forward to safer nursing instead of the possibility of a nocturnal drop through the rotting timber into the deeps below, while faithfully clutching lamp and lint. Hebrews 11 According to Marovo Afutara Central School opens up on Malaita. We talk about the line up of the giants; I read for myself the modern version of Hebrews 11 in Marovo when I peered into the ebony faces of men like Pana, Tasa, Italu, Rini, Jugha, Jacob, Laejama, Hoke and Oti, while here at Batuna. As a practical vote of confidence that day the 22/2/71 [7] AUSTRALASIAN RECORD Bible Activity in U.S.S.R. REVEREND ALAN SCOTT British and Foreign Bible Society Part of the sacrificial offering for Batuna. church members in the district stepped these trees could walk and talk what a story of labour and sacrifice they could relate forward in their representative groups and at the very spot where the old Aymes placed $285 on the table. A touching Memorial Hospital once stood. I didn't scene indeed! have to wait long to hear the story from A parting prayer and vote of thanks to one of God's men—Pastor Orepala, the the Browns on the wharf at day-break assistant president of the Western Soloand we were on the move again up the never-to-be-forgotten journey through the mons. Just in case we needed to be brought up Marovo Lagoon in the little "Valerane" to to date on our denominational history the old American war-time airstrip at in the Solomons, our pastor took us back Sege. to 1937 when the "house-sick" was just a "There's the old home of Pastor Kata storehouse. Then in quick succession he Ragoso," someone commented. And sure listed the medical missionaries. Dr. Finenough there it was, tucked away among kle of the United States, assisted by Brothe palms, no doubt the scene of many a ther Gosling, established and ran a large verbal plea with God for the salvation of medical unit. World War II drove our his people from the cruel vice-like grip medical men away, but not the spirit of that heathen devil worship can have over men like Jimaru and Pana, who carefully men and women. took the hospital instruments and hid A short taxi down the strip among the them in the jungle until the days of modcoconuts, and we were nosing up through ern savagery had died down. Dr. Evans the heavy overcast for the run down to arrived to find the instruments and equipGizo airstrip and Kukudu, the headquarment returned ready for use. Then Dr. ters for the Western Solomons Mission. Palmer gave his knowledge, time and love; It was Solomon Islands soup we were fly(Concluded on page 13) ing through, and at times it seemed that we would have to fly at palm tree height to get through. However, one look at the pilot was enough to assure us that all was well. He's a "prayer-pilot." Then out of the soup into the blue and there it was right up ahead, quite a welcome sight. Now I know why they call Gizo strip the "island aircraft carrier," for that is just what it looks like as you come into land on its bright surface sitting there in the blue sea. More happy well-wishers to greet us and reverently fondle the new plane, and officialdom was sailing again. More memories as we set foot on sturdy soil at Kukudu! High Day at Kukudu I mused for a moment as I stood and took in the scene at this final official opening—that of the Kukudu hospital. If only Sister Rosie Franki and Dr. Weber. (All photos: R. Tindall.) A NEW TRANSLATION of the Bible is being prepared for the Armenian Church in Soviet Armenia; the Gospels have already been produced in this translation. Some months ago translation specialists of the United Bible Societies visited Etchmiadzin and discussed the project with those concerned. In November, two U.B.S. representatives visited Leningrad, Tallinn, Riga and Moscow for further discussions with Bible translators. They were the Rev. S. Smaadahl, U.B.S. Secretary-Consultant for Europe, and the Rev. R. Kassuhlke, Translations Secretary. At the theological academy in Leningrad they met with a group of professors who are studying the history of the Bible in Russian, as well as working on the original text of the Bible. It has been agreed that scientific data and findings relating to Bible translation should be exchanged. In Tallinn the U.B.S. representatives also discussed principles and techniques of translation with an inter-confessional group of theologians. The Lutheran Church was given permission over a year ago to prepare a new translation of the Bible in Estonian. Theologians from Baptist churches and the Methodist Church are also taking an active part in the task. In Riga, where a revision of the Latvian New Testament was completed in the early 1960s, steps towards setting up a committee to revise the Old Testament were discussed at a meeting with leaders of the Latvian Lutheran Church. In Moscow the U.B.S. men rounded off their visit by holding general discussions on problems of translation. They met with the Rt. Rev. Bishop Filaret, vicepresident of the Department of Foreign Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, and rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, and with the Rt. Rev. Bishop Pitirim, chairman of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate, and professor of New Testament of the Moscow Theological Academy. Here again it was felt that an exchange of data and ideas about the scientific aspect of Bible translation might prove valuable. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD [8] 22/2/71 AVONDALE COLLEGE G Back Row: Calvin Stewart, Douglas Richter, Leslie Renton, Graham Chesher, Peter Schattleitner, Norman Hardy, Graham Conway, Peter Morey, Guy Rigg, Neil Keene, Clive Sandon, John Kemp, Evan Hughes, Richard Skinner, Wolfgang Liesens, Clyde Drury, Arthur Dougherty, Bruce Potter, Ernest Kum Yuen. Fourth Row: Anthea Nicholls, Stephanie Thompson, Suzanne Green, Clare Hardy, Daphne Best, Jennifer Barber, Joy Patrick, Vicki Dunn, Carol Rigby, Robyn Ward, Denise Griffin, Faye Schneider, Dawn Maberly, Dawn Earl, Angela Vince, Gail Crow, Denise Bamford, Julie Bowden, Lynette Robinson, Margaret Penrose, Ruth Green, Rosalie Stevenson, Roseli Engler, Penelope Smith, Linda Watson, Sandra Pascoe, Lynda Branster. Third Row: Rosanne Logie, Dulce Rickards, Lynette Hutchinson, Edwina Ridgeway, Narelle Dawson, Kathy Jazebak, Carolyn Giblett, Carolyn Hankinson, Wendy Douglas, Deborah Pohle, Janette Hughes, Diane Humphries, Elizabeth Nicholls, Jennifer Thorpe, Amira Tolman, Lorinda Johanson, Earlyne Hema, Coralyan Elphick, Beryl Patrick, Bessie Doncevic, Cheryl Borgas, Karen Perkins, Heather Adams, Robin Paine. Second Row: Sheryl Smith, Helene Jenkins, Wendy Bolst, Heather Bruce, Margaret Dagg, Sandra Brown, Donald Edgeworth, David Harvey, Wendy Barrift, Wallace Liggett, Stewart Shaw, Russell Woolley, Gillian Wastell, Hamdesa Tuso, Darryl Kent, Judith Smith, David Clark, Barry Butler, Sydney Jokes, Robin Godfrey, Roberta Johanson, Benyta Doyle, Jennifer Petherbridge, Marlene Kane, Vivienne Hill. Front Row: Kerry Hortop, Ross Baines, Graham Stacey, Clement Cook, Robert Craig, Mervyn Sparrowhawk, Geoffrey Twine, Raymond Sills, Peter Roennfeldt, Kevin Rappell, Julia Rippon, Roger Vince, Pastor Barry Crabtree, Althea Cook, Ian Rock, Cyril Wrankmore, Neil Watts, Kevin Price, Noel Mason, Gerhard Pfandl, Francois Flohr, John Bitcon, Robert Hossack, William Gerken. In Absentia: Karen Anderson, Janice Ferguson, Herbert Parkin, Michael Tarburton. 22/2/71 [9] AUSTRALASIAN RECORD DUATION CLASS, 1970 OUR DUTY THEIR DESTINY was the prayer of the 119 students of Avondale College who received diplomas and certificates on November 22, 1970. One hundred and twenty diplomas were presented to students graduating from fourteen different courses. Ninety-three graduates and students have been appointed to denominational service in Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji, Canada, Austria and England. Eleven students have been accepted by the Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital for nurses' training in 1971. Special guest speakers for the graduation week-end were Pastor W. J. Hackett, vice-president of the General Conference, and Pastor Kenneth H. Wood, editor of "The Review and Herald," who gave the graduation address. The Graduates' Prayer ALTHEA COOK How shall they hear?— those of them who wait, and do not know; How shall they see?— those of them who cry, and do not understand; flow shall they hope?— when there is cause to fear— How shall they choose and know . . . their destiny? They cannot hear until they hear His voice, They cannot see until they see His face, They cannot hope until in Him they trust, They cannot know until the Christ they see In us, poured out for them . . . our duty. God give us faith to see the worth of man; God give us love to pour out self for them; God give us strength to reach the clutching hand . . . Our duty . . . their destiny. [10] 22/2/71 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD One Australian's Impressions of California R. BRANDSTATER TO THOSE who still have us in remembrance, despite our forays into other lands in recent years, my wife and I now send greetings from Fallbrook, Southern California. The town lies near Los Angeles, and proudly claims to be the "Avocado Capital of the World." Not far off is the Clam Capital of the World," over from Morro Bay, the "Gibraltar of the Pacific," near the "Land of the Wizard of Oz." In the semi-desert near by we find the "Borax Capital of the World," and eastward still, we reach the Colorado River where an enterprising community is re-assembling stone by stone the ancient London Bridge, pride of all Britishers! It is all rather intriguing to a modest Australian! California is perhaps the most popular of all American States. Newcomers are arriving at an alarming rate, to the concern of all local authorities. The congenial climate, lavish response from the soil, good wages and working conditions make it a Mecca for people seeking their fortune or relaxing in retirement. Here there is the highest concentration of Adventists in the world. Loma Linda University church has a membership of 3,500, and the adjoining Campus Hill church reports 1,500 members. On the La Sierra campus of the same university there is a membership of 2,600, while every suburban area is well represented by flourishing churches. There are four conferences in California; we belong to the South-eastern Conference, which has a membership of 27,800 and an operating budget of $6,400,000 last year. Reviewing these figures, surely we have come a long way since the days of the James Whites and the Bateses. That "mustard seed" was indeed a prolific one! Here the vitality and growth are something at which to marvel. Our larger churches are well organized and programmed. I recently baptized Suzanne, our eldest granddaughter, in the Loma Linda church. The service was part of a smooth-running worship hour, taking but a few minutes. The pastor dons a waterproof suit, wears a white covering robe, and the candidate is baptized in a raised font above the choir platform. There are a number of Australians in the vicinity of our institutions here, and it is always refreshing to meet with them. The names are well known to Australian readers— Doctors Len Bullas, Ian Fraser, Maurice Hodgen, Bernard Brandstater, Don Wilson, Edith Humphries (nee Edith Morris of Western Australia), R. A. Anderson, Len Minchin, Bert Cooper and all their families. Loma Linda University Hospital with its 520 beds and roof heliport is a hive of activity, and is held in high esteem throughout the State. The heart clinic is famed for its free contribution in needy areas and in distant countries, while sundry clinics serve those who call for help, physical and spiritual. Loma Linda Broadcasting Station From our university we operate our own broadcasting station, and it is good to tune in to not only world news, wholesome programmes and musical interludes, but on Friday evenings to have the whole San Bernardino Valley and beyond blanketed with Sabbath bells, announcements of Adventist churches, their preachers and subjects. It makes this part of the country Sabbath-conscious. National television companies utilize our professional men to convey our denominational viewpoint on current issues. I recently tuned in to see Dr. Alonzo Baker offering comment on matters of national importance. He is rated high in his particular field. Congressman Jerry Pettis is an Adventist whose presence on Capitol Hill, Washington, provides an invaluable liaison between the Federal Government and our own church interests; he recently briefed the General Conference Committee on legislation pending in Congress. "The Spectrum" is a university publication where our professors and teachers exchange constructive comment and criticism, airing their views on all matters affecting the work of God and the proclamation of the message to the world. The journal is quite stimulating, and one has the privilege of accepting or rejecting the material offered. It affords a forum for new areas of expression. Some time ago I attended a meeting of those widely-publicized men who are in deadly earnest about finding Noah's Ark. They have come up with some interesting films, facts and objects. I held a piece of gopher wood about two feet long, which they brought to America from an ancient structure on Mount Ararat, and which they claim answered to the description of the Ark. I still find it prudent to hold my judgment pending further investigation. Pastoring a church here is similar to pastoring a church in Australia, and in Fallbrook we have found our members responsive, warm-hearted and dedicated. We have just finished our Appeal for Missions, which is done mainly at night with the aid of tape-recorded carols. It was my privilege to contact the business people, my best donation being $150. An Australian Touch There is an Australian touch here, with wide avenues of A giant Californian redwood. gum trees near by and a large clump of trees hovering over our church building. Our friends are now adjusting to our "accent" after sundry attempts at correcting us. An hour's run along a magnificent freeway brings us to Bernard and his family at Loma Linda, or to our daughter Rhona Hodgen, on the La Sierra campus. Our youngest daughter, Lynette, is at Stanford, California, while Murray and family are at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada. The presence of our children here is our main reason for being in this country, but we hold a continued interest in our beloved homeland and are trying to be loyal and faithful ambassadors for it. Americans display an amazing interest in the "Land Downunder," and we have become experts in extolling its virtues. May God bless you all, and prosper the proclamation of the message throughout the Australasian Division. 22/2/71 [11] AUSTRALASIAN RECORD Echoes from the Broken Stone Mission, Peru ROY BRANDSTATER PIONEERS of the Broken Stone Mission were honoured recently at Fallbrook Seventh-day Adventist church, California. Pastor Archie Field and his wife, who carried the one half of the historic stone, and Pastor and Mrs. Levant Clark told some down-to-earth stories as they recounted the rigours of those early days in 1919 and the twenties around Lake Titicaca, Peru. The story of Ferdinand Stahl's encounter with an Indian chief has often been told. It was near the beginning of World War I when the first contact was made, and the chief appealed for an Adventist mission teacher. His urging and insistence moved Pastor Stahl to make a definite promise, even though there seemed little chance of an early fulfilment. With other religious groups entering the region and the country being racked with insurrection, the chief wisely asked how he would know the identity of the missionary Pastor Stahl would send. The latter picked up a flat piece of stone, broke it in half, gave one half to the chief and retained the other himself. "The man I will send you will bring with him this half I hold," he said. The chief was satisfied and waited. Yes, for five long years he waited. Seven thousand miles away in Illinois a young man named Archie Field, trained in nursing, building and teaching, read the Broken Stone story, and was stirred with the possibilities for mission adventure and service. In early 1919 he was called; the man and the hour had met. With his new wife and the precious half of the stone he set sail for the distant field. The youthful, dedicated energy produced quick results. The work developed strongly, and in 1920 Levant Clark and his wife Rachel (Field's sister) joined them. With them came Sister Field, senior, known as Mother Rovilla Field, and also her daughter Gussie and her husband, Brother Colburn, all trained teachers. Thus a unique family unit made a strong team of mission workers amongst the Inca Indians around the shores of the bleak Lake Titicaca. Mother Rovilla Field and her daughter Gussie Colburn became highly successful teachers and carried on a strong work. Sad to say, they both died within nine days of each other, succumbing to an indigenous disease. They rest together in that far-off land where they made their supreme contribution. There are 1,500 baptized members of the Broken Stone Mission today, and 35,000 members in the Inca Indian Union Mission. Brethren Field and Clark and their wives are now in their eighties, and we are privileged to have them associated with our Fallbrook church, Brother Clark being our senior elder. It is well that the pioneering mission efforts of these devoted workers should be an inspiration to the youth of today From left: Pastor R. Brandstater, Pastor and Mrs. Archie Field, Pastor and Mrs. Levant Clark. NORTH PAPUAN ORDINATION W. LIVERSIDGE AT THE NORTH PAPUAN camp meeting in Karaisa recently, Guina Gagu was ordained to the gospel ministry. The ordination sermon was delivered by Pastor R. Aveling, the Sabbath School and Lay Activities secretary of the Coral Sea Union. Prayer was offered by Pastor Alphaeus Rore, the assistant Educational secretary for the union, and the charge was read by Pastor W. Liversidge, the pastor of Port Moresby District. Those taking part in the ordination of Pastor Guina. From left, Pastor R. L. Aveling, Pastor Paul Jama, Pastor and Mrs. Guina and family, Pastor Heroma, Pastor Liversidge, Pastor Rore and Pastor Kila Kai. (Photo: W. Liversidge.) Pastor Guina and his family were welcomed to the ranks of ordained brethren firstly by Pastor Paul Jama, the president of the North Papuan Mission, and then by Pastor Rore on behalf of the union. Pastor Guina has given long and faithful service in the educational work and more recently in pastoral work in the mountain areas of North Papua. North Papua is a field that is totally staffed by nationals, and it is thrilling to see the progress of the work in this predominantly Anglican territory. The NEW TESTAMENT WORLD: A STUDY TOUR ANDREWS UNIVERSITY, BERRIEN SPRINGS of the Seminary at Andrews University has been authorized to conduct a study tour of countries of special interest to readers of the New Testament, this coming summer. Designed for ministers, teachers, students, and qualified laymen, this seven-week tour is scheduled to leave New York for Rome on Tuesday evening, July 13, 1971. In Italy special attention will be given to early Christian archaeological remains in Rome, and to the fascinating cities of New Testament times, Pompeii and Herculaneum. In Greece there will be emphasis on. the cities of Paul, such as Corinth, Athens, Philippi and Thessalonica. Of unusual interest will be a five-day trip to such Greek islands as Patmos, Rhodes and Crete. In Asia the group will visit the cities of the famous seven churches of Revelation. There will be visits also to Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus, Amman, Petra, and a short visit to Egypt. The climax will come in the Holy Land with visits to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Capernaum, Nazareth, Caesarea, and Masada. An unforgettable four-day trip to Mt. Sinai is also planned. The tour will be under the joint direction of Walter F. Specht, chairman of the Department of New Testament, and James J. C. Cox, associate professor of New Testament. The tour may earn from four to six credits at Andrews University. THE DEPARTMENT OF NEW TESTAMENT AUSTRALASIAN RECORD [12] 22/2/71 LETTERS to the EDITOR PLEASE NOTE: Letters are accepted for publication at the discretion of the editor; the receipt of a letter does not mean that it will necessarily be published. Correspondents should also understand that their lettere will be subedited to bring them to a suitable literary standard, though every effort will be made to preserve the essential point of the original. Pseudonyms may be used for publication, but the original must have the full name and address of the writer. Letters published may not necessarily represent the ideals or the teachings of the denomination; such are found in our editorial. devotional and news columns. That Young Man and His Answers! Dear Editor, In reply to the "Young Man in Search of an Answer": I have been an Adventist for almost three years and I've learned to allow people to express their opinions and discuss their convictions without letting it get under my skin. Adventists are a wonderful people—have you noticed how they like everyone to have his say? Firstly, how do you distinguish a "whim" from a "conviction" (apart from the fact that it's usually a whim on someone else's part and a conviction on mine)? I'm thirty-three, so I don't know if, by today's standards, I qualify as a "younger generation member," but I'm married and I, too, am glad about life, because now I can live it to the brim since I've learned how wonderful life can become when the anchors of sloppy, intemperate living have been cast off. I'm amazed and excited because I can say "No!" to myself, instead of pandering to my every whim. If that's going through all sorts of hardships and mental torture for the sake of a good wholesome life, then let me suffer—I enjoy it! Regarding that "poor" South Queenslander—I wonder if your adjective denotes pity because that person was so incredibly silly as to go against the majority? Truth to that person is following the leadings of the light revealed. Might is no criterion of right! Truth can't be measured by number, but if you want to compare right against wrong, using majority versus minority as your measuring stick, look at your Bible statistics and compare the minority that stood for right against overwhelming majorities. Like you, after all I read I, too, had the feeling that every time I ate Brand X biscuits I was shortening my life (not to mention my spiritual growth). Finally I had to make a choice (My rule? "When in doubt, don't"). You say, "But what of it, we're all going to be wiped out by pollution and starvation by 1980!" Brother, we all know that the ultimate result of sin is death, but we don't all rush off to do away with ourselves just because it's inevitable, so why do it deliberately by the mouthful? About that "flake" and that hamburger. Burgers are not as a rule made of ham, so the choice for that brother was really one of "clean" or "unclean" foods. If I were a meat-eater I should certainly choose the hamburger, but since I'm not, the problem doesn't arise. If, however, you thought this was a case illustrating the foolish way in which we sometimes quibble over our choice of sins, you're quite right. Justifying one's own actions and beliefs by pointing the finger of scorn at others constitutes just as great a wrong as unhealthful living, to my mind. Re Sister White. I was a Catholic. I didn't just study with one, but I DID study this faith and I can give a reason for my hope; you seem to have a few reservations about some aspects that you must have accepted prior to your baptism. If time and space permitted I would tell you the differences between the Seventhday Adventist concept of Sister White and the Catholic concept of the pope, but if you've been in this message as long as I have you should be able to defend Sister White's position in this church at least as well as you do the pope. Meantime I suggest you do a refresher course with your pastor and find out again why you're in this church. Finally, Brother, I guess it wouldn't make much difference which point of time we lived in: sin has always been sin, music has always been as modern as its era, certain foods have always contained harmful ingredients. Drugs contemporary to each age have found a ready market, and temperance has ever been connected with a good wholesome life. Throughout the societies of each age there have been "Younger Generation Members" who expressed complete satisfaction with their way of life, even as far back through the centuries as the "with it" members of the antediluvian world. D. Mason, New South Wales. Happy Where You Are? Dear Editor, I'd like to comment on the thoughts brought forward by Younger Generation Member, Victoria ("Record," 7/12/70). First, let me be negative. (I like to keep the best till last.) About the "flood of letters on biscuits and their contents," yes, these strike me as unnecessary, for I came to a helpful conclusion about this matter previously. You don't need to include commercially manufactured biscuits in your diet if you feel they will harm your health. About pollution killing us all off by 1980—this is just a reminder of the late hour in which we live. It points up the fact that we doubly need to share the faith of Jesus now, and prepare to receive the latter rain. And about the hamburger being preferred to eating flake —well, that makes no sense to me, either. I believe that there is no need for any Australian citizen to be non-vegetarian. Regarding the point about Catholics turning out to hear the Pope, I'm glad they are sincere about it, for the Lord said, "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice." Our job is, once again, to tell them. We cannot help but respect their sincerity, but that does not mean we accept their beliefs. I do not believe the Adventist Church exalts the writings of Ellen White above the Scriptures. If emphasis is given to her writings by individual members, even to the point of fanaticism, this in no way alters their truth or value to those who prayerfully consider them as a lesser light which leads to the greater light, the Scriptures. On the other hand, the Pope asserts he is God on earth and worthy of all honour. While we cannot now turn out to hear Ellen White, during her lifetime camp meetings far larger than any held today were convened, at which many thousands present were blessed as they received messages via her ministry. Today her wriings, at least in part, are to be found being read and enjoyed in the vast majority of Seventh-day Adventist homes, and in many other circles, too. Younger Generation Member points out that 99.9 per cent of today's younger generation prefer mod music. This may be so, but I think this is not so in all areas. Some modern music is good, but, like the biscuits, we will enjoy better health if we leave out that which is known to have a poor effect on our soul's health. Right here it is interesting to consider Luke 18:8: "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?" And in "Testimonies for the Church," Volume 1, page 496, in her "Address to the Young," Ellen White states: "I saw that there is not one in twenty who knows what experimental religion is." Perhaps the kind of song in our hearts is mirrored by the desire of our ears. Now, let's get really positive. I'm glad to live in this time in history, for I am able to see signs that men like Daniel and John and William Miller wished to see but did not fully grasp. This is a time when Jesus can mean more to the younger generation than He ever meant to their ancestors. I must be careful of just one thing. If I get this straight, then everything else will fit into perspective. I must know my Lord person to person. Today's younger generation wants truth, they don't want veneer. They want "it" real. But they're not positive what "it" is. The modern music, the biscuits and drugs will never confuse the person who can say with Paul, "I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." Galatians 2:20. Doing things cannot save us, however, for "neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven . . . whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12. I don't think times should change, except to hasten the second ad- 22/2/71 [13] AUSTRALASIAN RECORD vent. But we need to change. I'm sorry that Younger Generation Member is "happy where I am." We can't be on our way to live with Jesus and be static. In the words of the old hymn, "I'm but a stranger here, heaven is my home." Let's do more to make it a reality soon. We already have the Guide-book. Noreen Pringle, Victoria. Hearers and Doers Dear Editor, Your "Young Man in Search of an Answer" interests me. He is typical of a lot of members of this church. They are convinced that the church is right in its teachings, but have no programme themselves. Anyone in this situation is in a dangerous position. They are hearers in the church, and may not be doers. It is only as a man sets a definite programme for himself that he qualifies to be classed as MAN, and not a cumberer of the ground. If this young man went to work for others in some sphere that suits him he would have no time for the small things that irritate him now. When General Douglas McArthur left the Philippines in the early war years, he promised, "I will return," and did it. He had a sense of direction and kept to it in the face of all opposition. The Lord has given enough orders and instructions to occupy the full time, intelligence and energy of all of the members of this church for the few remaining years of this life. Let us gird up the loins of our mind and set our own faces like flint and press the battle to the gates. We in this time of earth's history should "gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason."—"Testimonies," Vol 5, page 136. Gordon Heise, South Australia. The Only Answer Dear Editor, I would like to reply to "A Young Man in Search of an Answer" ("Record," Dec. 7, 1970). I grew up attending a country Seventh-day Adventist church where petty squabbling rather than real missionary work filled the time and attentions of the members. I may have been extra critical, but I could see very little change in the members' lives, yet I was told that Christianity changed lives. I have spent hours in discussing, reasoning, threatening and satirizing on such issues as you have raised and got nowhere except to become confused, annoyed, and more critical. I often asked myself what Christianity meant for them, and what could it mean for me? The last thing I wanted was to become a hypocrite, so for the past three years I've been searching for an answer. I submit to you the answer I have found, though still not perfectly understood: God and an experimental knowledge of the plan of salvation. I entered into the experiment of specifically submitting my will to God at the beginning of each day, and then spending time throughout the day in get- ting to know Him. It somehow changed my values, and I started to think of things in an eternal perspective. I even began to want to tell people about Christ, because I began to see what He could mean for the world today. I learned to be more tolerant and kind, to remember, for instance, that the older generation possibly no longer enjoyed good health, and that they often had lost the love of life through confrontation with real human suffering. I'd like you to think about some of the questions I confronted in finding this answer. What was Christ really like? What was the "good news" that He preached, and what does it mean for us today? Then the question of the Sabbath—why do we consider it so important to worship on the seventh day? Does it really mean going along to sit and listen to a sermon, or have we lost the essence of worshipping in "spirit and reality"? Do you really believe in the Judgment, both Investigative and Executive? If you do, how about the people you meet in the street every day who don't believe in God? Do you see them as lost people eternally, or doesn't it matter, because you are happy where you are? What is your concept of God? Do you really believe He has claims upon your life and service? "Ye are not your own. . . . Ye are bought with a price." 1 Cor. 6:19, 20. Have you ever thought about these words of Peter: "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps." 1 Peter 2:21. Always remember—God needs you. In the face of an atheistic and nominally Christian world, He needs your life to loudly proclaim that there is a God and a Saviour. He wants you to do what He would do if He were in the world today— "to preach good tidings unto the meek; . . . to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives . . . to comfort all that mourn." Isaiah 61:1, 2. Christ's steps would have been amongst the modern music and the drugs, for remember, "God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17. And just before Christ left, He said, "As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you." John 20:21. May you never give up searching until you find "the way, the truth, and the life." Margie G. Ward, New South Wales. Lopsided Weeks Dear Editor, A few weeks ago, about Week of Prayer time, you had an editorial in the "Record" which I am sure all readers would have appreciated. In this you urged attendance at the weekly prayer meeting, and several times referred to it as the "Wednesday night meeting." For many years I have wondered why Seventh-day Adventists conduct their weekly prayer meeting on Wednesday night, and on coming to Western Australia was delighted to find that my new church, Fremantle, held theirs on Tuesday nights. And it works really well. I wonder if it has occurred to our people that Wednesday night is not "mid-week" as we so often refer to it. I have wondered also, when we changed from Sunday Sabbath-keeping to Saturday Sabbathkeeping, why we retained the Wednesday night for prayer meeting, the same night that Sunday-keeping churches held theirs. Thus we have made the week lopsided, as it were. Tuesday night to us is really "mid-week," so why not go all the way in changing our time or days of worship? Wednesday night prayer meetings apparently often get in the way of public evangelistic meetings when the mission workers plan their mid-week meeting for a Wednesday. Sometimes the church, for this reason, either has to drop out its weekly prayer meeting or change to some other time, often Tuesday, then when the mission programme ceases, back we go to Wednesday night. Why do we not definitely appoint our mid-week prayer meeting for Tuesday night? If we did we would find it more convenient both as to the time and for our people to be able to attend. I have noticed, Mr. Editor, that you have inclinations to stir us up to making changes for the better in other things, so here is another idea for your talent of promulgation. I am certain our people, when once they changed to a really "mid-week" prayer meeting on Tuesday nights, would find it better in every way. R. E. G. Blair, Western Australia. THE SOLOMONS OPENS UP (Concluded from page 7) but Dr. Palmer's period of service terminated the line of medicos, for the faithful old hospital was broken up and another "T" shaped building replaced it. Then came a faithful line of male and female nurses: Sister Long, Brother Colin Winch, Brother and Sister Harris, and Sister Cook. At the end of Sister Cook's ministry, the door finally closed to European medical staff, and then came the opening of opportunities for the "national dressers," and inevitably for our own properly trained staff. On that "high day" for Kukudu the fourteen bed, sixty-five foot by twenty foot, $6,000 hospital unit was declared open by the affable British district commissioner from Gizo. Bouquets were showered on our gallant little nurse, Sister Rosie Frank. We certainly saw real evidence of the Solomons opening up its doors, not only in terms of buildings but also in terms of opportunities similar to those which are challening our Sister Rosie at Kukudu. The seventies will see more of the national president, doctor, nurse, secretary-treasurer, and school administrator. Like us, our brethren still rest heavily upon a God who has been good to them down through the years, and look forward with everincreasing confidence to the return of their King. [14] 22/2/71 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD -1 HILDA BARTLETT'S PORTER—MISON. Monday, November 30, 1970, was the day chosen for the wedding of Alan Leonard Porter and Sylvia Ann Mison, in the Port Macquarie Seventh-day Adventist church, New South Wales. A large group of friends and relatives assembled to witness the ceremony and to wish God's blessing on the happy couple as they establish another Christian home to His glory. R. V. Moe. 911enu CrnaerterpieceJ BREAD AND BUTTER PUDDING —with a difference 2 cups apple pulp (sweetened) 6 thin slices of bread (buttered) 1 pint milk 2 ounces sultanas 3 eggs Grated rind of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon sugar Arrange bread in dish. Cover with apple, lemon rind and sultanas. Beat eggs, milk and sugar. Pour over, and let stand fifteen minutes. Sprinkle with topping. TOPPING1 ounce margarine 3 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons coconut l cup self-raising flour Rub together as breadcrumbs, and sprinkle over pudding. Bake in a slow oven 300 degrees for forty minutes or until set. It is important to fit desserts carefully into the menu that is being planned. They should form a nutritional part of the meal, and not be something extra that is just tacked on at the end. WEDDINGS BARRON—LEMKE. John Ross Barron and Noelene Dawn Lemke linked the remainder of their lives together through marriage, in the afternoon of December 27, 1970. Ross was baptized only a few weeks prior to his marriage, while Noelene comes from a well-known Adventist family in the West, being the daughter of Brother and Sister Norman Lemke. May the Lord make this young couple to walk in pleasS. R. Goldstone. ant pathways together. BOYD—MILLEN. East met West late in the afternoon of January 17, 1971, as Kenneth John Boyd of Mudgee, New South Wales, took the hand of Wendy Lorna Millen of Gosnells, Western Australia, and led her to the marriage altar in the beautiful Gosnells church. The depth of love held for each other was obvious as these dedicated young people solemnly exchanged their vows. As they settle in Mudgee, may God abundantly nurture their love for each other and S. R. Goldstone. for Him. CAMPS—PENNINGTON. On December 22, 1970, in the Glenhuntly church, Victoria, Douglas Keith Camps and Joy Heather May Pennington were united in the sacred bonds of matrimony. Douglas is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Camps of Newcastle, New South Wales, and Joy the only daughter of the late Mr. G. Pennington, and of Mrs. Ada Pennington of Caulfield, Victoria. Many friends and relatives gathered at the church to witness the exchange of sacred vows, and later met around the breakfast table. Messages from near and far were received and were an indication of the esteem in which this well-known young couple are held. We wish Joy and Douglas much of God's blessing and guidance as they establish another Christian E. A. Reye. home in Melbourne. CRELLEY—ABOLTINS. The new and beautiful church at Blacktown, New South Wales, was suitably prepared to receive its first bride on the occasion of the marriage of William Douglas Crelley and Alda Aboltins on December 20, 1970. William is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crelley of Merrylands, New South Wales, and Alda is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. Aboltins of Quakers Hill, New Rockhampton church school, where her work has been much appreciated. She and John will now take up residence in Mackay, where we know that the influence of their young lives will bring happiness to those who know them. We wish them God's continued blessing, R. V. Moe. South Wales. Bill was led to know the truth through the efforts of his older brother, while Alda and her father found their way to the church through the efforts of a faithful literature evangelist, Pastor John Chang. Alda graduated from Avondale College and has served at the Greater Sydney Conference office for the past two years. The host of relatives and friends present at their wedding and the reception joined the celebrant in wishing them God's richest blessing as they establish a Christian home at Wentworthville, New South Wales. Ormond K. Anderson. FORD—TAYLOR. On Sunday, December 20, 1970, Greg Ford of Canberra, A.C.T., and Neroli Taylor of Mullumbimby, New South Wales, met in the Mullumbimby church to exchange marriage vows. The parents of the bride, Brother and Sister R. Taylor, had invited the guests to their home for the fellowship meal. The delightful garden setting was appreciated by all. It seemed a fitting place where we could wish Greg and Neroli Heaven's blessing as they set up a Christian home in Canberra. C. A. Townend. MACGILLIVRAY—CAVE. On January 28, 1970, in the beautifully decorated Springvale church, Victoria, John Baird Macgillivray and Patricia Anne Cave exchanged vows of faith and fidelity when they were united in marriage. John and Pat will be making their home in Cooranbong while John completes his theology degree at Avondale College. We wish this couple God's rich blessing as they plan to prepare themselves for service in His cause. David J. Dabson. NASH—PARBS. Two talented young Adventists united their lives in marriage at the Trinity Gardens church, South Australia, on the evening of December 23, 1970. After meeting his bride at the front of the church the groom sang a meaningful solo, whence the ceremony proceeded. Relatives and friends had gathered from near and far, and at the reception shared in the social joy of the occasion. Clive Wesley Nash's parents and family reside in Queensland, while Monica Dome, daughter of Brother and Sister F. Parbs (nee Roennfeldt), is from Greenock, South Australia. Our best wishes accompany the setting up of this new home. S. H. Wood. PORDAGE—BERGMANN. Frederick John Pordage and Annette Elizabeth Bergmann were married on December 22, 1970, in the Port Macquarie Seventh-day Adventist church, New South Wales. Annette has been teaching in the ROSENDAHL—FORD. Many friends and relatives gathered to witness the first wedding to be solemnized in the Wauchope Seventh-day Adventist church, New South Wales. On December 30, 1970, Alan Eric Rosendahl and Deidre Kay Ford were linked together in marriage in the happy atmosphere of an ideal afternoon, and in the dignified company of the many friends and relatives who had come to do them honour. They are returning to New Zealand where Alan is teaching at Palmerston North. May every happiness and God's blessing go with them. Pastor A. E. Watts was associated with the writer. R. V. Moe. TARBURTON—JOSEPHS. On the beautiful summer afternoon of December 20, 1970, Shirley Ruth Josephs walked down the aisle of the Nunawading church, Victoria, on the arm of her father to be united in marriage to Michael Kenneth Tarburton. Shirley, who is the elder daughter of Pastor and Mrs. Harold Josephs of Horsham, Victoria, has served two years in mission service at the Betikama school, Solomon Islands. Michael is the elder son of Sister E. Hall of Victoria Park, Western Australia, and received his B.A. Education at the recent Avondale graduation. Many relatives and friends from several States gathered to wish the radiant couple God's richest blessing as they go to Tasmania to join the teaching staff at the Moonah school. H. G. Josephs. WALLACE—VON WEILDT. Sandgate church, Queensland, was the chosen venue for Graham Wallace and Cynthia von Weildt to exchange marriage vows, on Sunday afternoon, December 20, 1970. Each having only recently joined the church through baptism, they desired an Adventist wedding among our church folk. As this couple unite their lives in Christ, may the good Lord guide them all the days of their lives together. We wish them continued happiness as they set up home in Aspley. Arthur J. Bath. WARD—POWER. In her striking yet simple Spanish-styled wedding grown, Audrey, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Power of Lenah Valley, Tasmania, exchanged marriage vows with Peter John Ward in the beautifully decorated Glenorchy church on the evening of December 21, 1970. Peter is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward of Bridgewater, Tasmania, and is an electrical fitter in the Hydro-Electric Commission, stationed at Tarraleah, south-west Tasmania. Peter and Audrey will be the only Adventists in the area and their lives and witness will be a blessing to the community. R. H. H. Thomas. WATSON-BROWN—EVANS. In the delightful Armidale church, New South Wales, on December 20, 1970, Stephen Watson-Brown and Christine Evans assured both God and congregation of their eternal love. Stephen's parents from Melbourne and Christine's of Armidale had the joy of adding to the happiness of a neverto-be-forgotten day. These fine folk had given of their best—a devoted young couple dedicated to the Lord. We can be sure that Heaven's blessing rests upon this dear young couple as they begin their life together. Friends from great distances graced the occasion by their attendance and participation. May the beauty of the day grace each of our lives. P. C. Bamford. WEBSTER—BARRITT. On Monday afternoon, January 4, 1971, in the Adventist church, Thornleigh, New South Wales, the fragrance of flowers and the warmth of Christian love and friendship created a fitting atmosphere as David Webster and Ruth Barritt quietly made their vows and united their lives in marriage. David is a teacher at Longburn College, New Zealand, and is the second son of Pastor and Mrs. L. A. J. Webster of Ayr, North Queensland. Pastor Webster officiated for part of the ceremony. Ruth, who is also a teacher, is the second daughter of Pastor and Mrs. H. C. Barritt of Wahroonga, New South Wales. May God abundantly bless David and Ruth as they establish their home at Longburn and together move forward in the work to which God has called them. H. C. Barritt. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 22/2/71 [15] A TILL HE COMES ARTHUR. A much-loved member of the Erina, New South Wales, church, Mrs. Annie Ethel Alma Arthur (nee Garrett), passed to her rest in the Gosford District Hospital in the early hours of January 15, 1971, in her eightythird year. A kind and loving heavenly Father had granted her calm and confident repose after months of illness. She was the wife of Mr. Amos Arthur, a resident of Terrigal and a member of a well-known and respected family in the Lismore area. She was the mother of five daughters and two sons. A lover of beauty, Sister Arthur had for years supplied the flowers each Sabbath for the Erina church, and it was most fitting that her last resting place at the Avondale lawn cemetery should be adorned with many beautiful floral tributes. To her dear ones and friends words of comfort, based on the Adventist's belief in a glorious resurrection, were extended by Pastors C. J. Griffin and the writer. E. A. Boehm. BARKER. While visiting her brother in Albury, New South Wales, Isabella Lucy Barker, late of Altona, Victoria, passed away on February 2, 1971, at the age of eighty-three, being the seventh member of the well known Mitchell family to lay down life's burden. She was baptized many years ago by her brother, the late Pastor Albert Mitchell. In the Albury church and at the lawn cemetery, Brother G. Merritt and the writer brought gleams of the golden morning to her husband, Les, and to her sons and daughters, Dolly, Dan, Ray and Alma, her nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, and to her remaining brothers and sister. J. E. Cormack. BAXTER. Charles William Baxter was born in London, England, on December 12, 1883. His long and good life came to an end in the Gosford, New South Wales, General Hospital, at the age of eighty-seven, on January 27, 1971. Brother Baxter was taught to love the Lord Jesus as a child, and he maintained a firm belief in Him all through His life. He came to Australia in 1908 and married Jessie Mabel Brown in 1932. Present truth was brought to the attention of the family in 1943, and although fully accepted by his wife and family at that time, Brother Baxter was content to be a listener to its teachings and an adherent to its principles until May, 1970, when he was baptized and became a member of the Erina Seventh-day Adventist church. His widow resides at Green Point, Gosford. One daughter, Ruth, is the wife of Pastor D. B. Hills, Youth leader of the Trans-Africa Division, and resident in Salisbury, Rhodesia. The other, Jill, is Mrs. Peter Weekes of Dural, New South Wales. Words of comfort were extended to his dear ones and friends at the Avondale lawn cemetery by the writer and Pastor C. J. Griffin on JanuE. A. Boehm. ary 29, 1971. DAHMS. Mrs. Alvina Dahms slipped quietly to rest in the early hours of January 6, 1971, at the age of fifty-one years. After a service at the Mount Thomson, Queensland, crematorium, her body was cremated. Her illness was long and wearying, but borne with Christian courage and patience, and accepted in full assurance that "all things work together for good to them that love God." It was a privilege to visit with this dear sister in Christ during the last weeks of her life, and in death to point her loved ones and friends to the blessed morning when the dead in Christ will come again from the land of the enemy. To her husband Harry, and son John and his wife, we do extend our heartfelt sympathy. E. S. Bartlett. DISBREY. The earthly pilgrimage of Walter Cecil Disbrey came to its close on January 26, 1971, in his eighty-first year. Through the ministry of the printed page our late brother found and accepted the Advent message in 1932, and found great joy in walking in its light. He subsequently engaged in the literature ministry for a period of three years-1937-39. As we laid him to rest in the Pine Grove Memorial cemetery, New South Wales, his sorrowing wife and family found comfort and assurance that the golden morning that will burst the tomb is fast approaching. We share with them the consolation of the blessed hope. Pastor C. T. Potter was associated with the writer in the funeral service. W. Morris. HALE. Tragedy struck with double force on Sabbath morning, January 16, 1971, as the lives of Norman Albert Hale and his two-and-a-halfyear-old daughter, Desrae June, were cut short by a traffic accident. Though this accident has left relatives, friends, and church members numb, yet the hope of the resurrection has become even more real. The faith of Sister June ("Les") Hale, wife and mother of the deceased, has been an eloquent witness to all. Brother Hale and his daughter were laid to rest together in the Boyup Brook cemetery, Western Australia, on Monday, January 18, 1971. Brother Graeme Loftus assisted the writer in bringing words of hope and comfort to the large number who travelled specially from many parts of Western Australia, the Eastern States and from Fiji, to pay their last respects on this earth to those who had lost their lives. "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." S. R. Goldstone. MASON. In her ninetieth year, Sister Alice Maud Mason closed her tired eyes to await the call of the Life-giver. She has served Him nearly all the days of her long life. Sister Mason was in her earlier days a member of the Dandenong church in Victoria, then later became a charter member of the Oakleigh church, now known as the Hughesdale church. Three of her children, Bert, Ted and Florence, were present as we laid their mother to rest in the Burwood cemetery. For them and the eight grandchildren and the fourteen great-grandchildren and many friends, Heaven's blessing and sympathy was invoked. Those of us whose lives have been enriched by Sister Mason's lovely Christian life, look forward to the glad re-union. E. L. Martin. MASTERS. Lilla Maud Masters passed to her rest on January 24, 1971, in the Waikato hospital, New Zealand, after a long illness. She reached the grand old age of eighty-six years, and for many years rejoiced in this present truth. She lived in the Huntly area with her daughter, Mrs. E. M. McNee, who mourns her passing. In the absence of her church pastor, the writer with the elder of the Huntly church, and many relatives and friends, laid our sister to rest in the Hamilton Park cemetery, Newstead. K. D. L. Brook. PURSELL. Isobel Margaret Pursell, for eighteen years a member of the South Brisbane church, Queensland, passed to her rest on January 16, 1971. Sister Pursell was born in Wales eighty-one years ago, but has lived in Queensland for the past thirty years. She was the mother of three sons, two of whom, Sidney and Leonard, recently pre-deceased her. To the remaining son, Edgar, and other relatives, words of comfort and hope were spoken at a service held at the Mount Thomson crematorium. G. H. Engelbrecht. RODWELL. Robert Richard Rodwell was a man who had deep faith and trust in his God despite a time of extreme suffering and discomfort in the latter years of his life. A new Adventist, he was first contacted by Brother and Sister Kelly (retired literature evangelists now returned to England) at a time when he was given only two months to live. Following their invitation, he attended the Warrimoo Adventist church, where he found Christian love and helpfulness. Last year he was baptized with his wife and daughter during an evangelistic programme conducted by the writer. He died January 25, 1971, some two years later than medical advice thought possible. Following a service at the Warrimoo, Blue Mountains, church, New South Wales, he was laid to rest in the Springwood cemetery. Brethren T. Kallio, D. Wilesmith and A. Smith assisted at the services. We commend to his wife and three children—Richard, Irene, and Gregory, the sure promises of the Word of God, of a glorious reunion on the great resurrection day. G. A. Metcalfe. ADVANCE CLEANING SERVICE: For offices, homes, factories, shops, etc., in the Melbourne area. Specialists in floor treatments. Work satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 786 3173. Free quote all hours. BRICK HOLIDAY FLATS. Fingal Heads, near Coolangatta. S.C. Water frontage, minutes' walk surf, beach and river fishing; mountain views; ideal children, family and honeymooners. Minter, Ballina Road, Lismore Heights. 2480 WANTED. Driver for one-ton van. Melbourne and suburbs with occasional inside work. Lee and Diverall Pty. Ltd., 4 Richards Street, Mitcham. 3132 WANTED. Plumber for two-year term in highlands of New Guinea. Must be experienced an d qualified. Single man preferred. Accommodation and fares provided with good conditions for right man. Apply Summerscales and Lambert Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box 74, Goroka, T.P.N.G. "XL" PAINTING SERVICE (Prop., G. Brigdon). Painting; interior decorating and renovations. First-class work at reasonable rates. Free quotes anywhere Melbourne metropolitan area. Ring now 88 2351. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD and Advent World Survey Official Organ of the AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF SEVENTHDAY ADVENTISTS Editor .. .. R. H. PARR Associate Editor .. K. S. PARMENTER Office Secretary .. MERRIL HAYWARD Wahroonga Representative CELIA STOTESBURY * Single subscriptions in Australia and New Zealand $2.50 per year (post paid). When mailed to territories outside Australasia and territories annexed thereto (Papua, New Guinea, Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. and Western Samoa), $2.50 extra for British Commonwealth and foreign postage is required. • Order through your Book and Bible House, or send direct to the Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria, Australia. 3799 All copy for the paper should be sent to The Editor, "Record," Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria. 3799. Appearing regularly in the Australasian Record are articles from the Review and Herald, the general church paper of the Seventh-day Adventists, published at Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Printed weekly for the division by the Signs Publishing Co., Warburton, Victoria. DIRECTORY AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, N.S.W. 2076 President .. R. R. Frame Secretary .. K. S. Parmenter Treasurer .. . L. L. Butler Assistant Secretary .. R. A. Evans Assistant Treasurer A. H. Forbes Field Secretary . L. C. Naden Auditor .. R. L. Parkinson Associate Auditors G. Bland R. W. Richardson Departmental Secretaries Education .. . .. E. G. McDowell Health Food (Acting) .. .. R. W. Groom Lay Activities .. G. W. Maywald Medical .. S. A. Farag Ministerial Association .. C. R. Stanley Sabbath School, Public Relations and Radio-TV .. .. M. G. Townend Publishing .. J. W. Nixon Temperance and Religious Liberty . . R. W. Taylor Young People's Missionary Volunteer .. .. C. V. Christian ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE! All advertisements should be sent to the editor at Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria. 3799. All cheques other than those originating in Victoria should include 5 cents stamp duty. Advertisements approved by the editor will be inserted at the following rates: First 25 words .. . .. $2 Each additional 5 words .. . 10 cents Remittance and recommendations from local pastor or conference officer must accompany copy. [16] 22/2/71 FLASH POINT The many friends of Brother Albert Bohringer, for many years associated with the Plant Development Division of the Sanitarium Health Food Company at Cooranbong, will be saddened to learn of his sudden death. We understand that cardiac arrest following a coronary occlusion was the cause of his passing in the Sydney Sanitarium. We offer sincere sympathy to Mrs. Bohringer and family. * A successful literature evangelist, Brother Reg Martin of the North Queensland Conference, has been called to South Queensland as Publishing Department assistant secretary. - Miss C. Elphick was ready to start the school year in Mount Gravatt, South Queensland, when, owing to a need arising in Port Macquarie, North New South Wales, she had to up stakes and go to the very pleasant locale at Port Macquarie. Mrs. Robyn Raymond (nee Cross) has joined the staff of the Mount Gravatt school. * To cope with the present needs and the envisaged expansion of the Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital, four full-time university scholarships in pharmacy have been awarded to Sergey Agafonoff, Robyn Edwards, Neville Rappell and Darryl Toepfer. The scholarships will commence with the academic year, 1971. )(.._ What a pity! Again we see how a once good, noble and thoroughly respectable word can fall upon evil days. For years the Fulton Missionary College has functioned under that name, but henceforth and after this, it will be known simply as Fulton College. And why drop the middle word of its title? Simply because, in some areas, the word "missionary" is almost a dirty word, and students from some of the islands are having increasing difficulty to get from their home islands to attend a MISSIONARY college. However, although the name has been dropped, the purpose and charter of the college remain the same. Because of the educational needs of their children, two experienced missionary families will be returning to the homeland permanently in the year 1971. Pastor Dean Giles, president of the New Hebrides Mission, and Pastor Edmund Parker of the Coral Sea Union Mission, will, with their families, be returning to the home fields. The Dean Giles family are already in Australia, but the Parkers will not return until about the end of the year. )(-- Nursing Sister C. Brennan, now at the Atoifi Hospital in the Solomons, will shortly be returning to the homeland, and Sister Helen Hay, a sanitarium graduate, who topped the State in her final examinations, will take her place. )(--_ Up in the Bismarck-Solomons they have been without a union MV and Educational secretary since the return of Pastor John Lee to the homeland. (He is now in North New South Wales.) To take care of this need, Brother L. Max Miller has been appointed. >(.- And they need another teacher in the Betikama high school in the Solomons, but fortunately there is one right on hand who will stand in for at least a year. She is Mrs. Carol D. Smith, the wife of the headmaster. )(.._ Brother Graham Byrne has been appointed district director in Vila, New Hebrides. Brother Byrne is currently working in the South Queensland Conference. >(-- If we failed to mention that Mr. Dennis Charlton transferred from the school at Warburton to take over at the Wagga Wagga school, then we admit that we overlooked a major item, and we apologize. However, our omission becomes doubly indictable in that, in the same transfer, the former teacher at Wagga Wagga, Miss Jenny Hoult, was also involved. From Wagga Wagga she moved to the Lilydale Academy where the designation is: Miss J. Hoult, Preceptress. Usually, when an item such as this is overlooked, we blithely blame the division office (a nebulous term in this case) for the omission, and this we cheerfully do on this occasion. )(-- Up in Greater Sydney three good men and true have smilingly bowed to the inroads of Father Time. Pastors W. P. Claus, D. H. Watson and H. B. Jones have all been farewelled by a conference grateful for their years of service, and have retired to carry bricks, metaphorically, that is (at least, this is the usual procedure). However, Pastor and Mrs. D. H. Watson have embarked on a spot of travel before they begin the serious business of retirement. )(-- "Finally, brethren . . .": A bright eye indicates curiosity; a black eye indicates too much curiosity. * AUSTRALASIAN RECORD Gleanings from the "Record" FIFTY YEARS AGO THE FOLLOWING are news clippings from the back page of the "Australasian Record" dated 21/2/21. "One hundred young men from Russia were converted and accepted the truths of the last gospel message while in German and Austrian prisons during the war. These have returned to their own land to help spread the good news of salvation." "Brother Dudley Meyers, who is conducting a tent mission in Liverpool, near Sydney, is having an especially interesting time. Although he has met with strong opposition from other churches, a number of the leading townspeople of that place have a keen interest to hear the message." "Brother A. E. Wright has arrived from Norfolk Island where he has been engaged in self-supporting work for a number of years. Brother Wright has returned to the home field bringing his son Timothy to the college, where he can have the benefit of a Christian education." "The Victorian camp meeting opened on Tuesday, February 8, at the Royal Park in Melbourne. Pastors Westerman, Lemke, and Knight are in attendance for the entire meeting, and Pastor Turner is expecting to be in attendance part of the time." TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO A report of the Victorian Conference annual session was given by A. G. Stewart in the "Australasian Record" dated 25/2/46. The following are extracts from his report. "The Victorian Conference annual session was a ten-day programme, from January 17 to 27 inclusive. "The Prahran City Hall and some subsidiary halls were engaged, and provided sufficient accommodation for all the day and evening meetings. The week-end services certainly taxed their capacity, as on the last Sabbath there were up to 1,100 people present. "The evening services were evangelical, and the first of these was conducted by Pastor W. G. Turner. Pastor R. E. Hare made the appeal and this resulted in over £1,200 being subscribed in cash and pledges. . . "The message was first preached in Richmond, Melbourne, sixty years ago. Steady progress has been made through the years, and the conference, with a membership of over 2,800, is financially strong. . . . "Pastor Moulds was re-elected as president of the Victorian Conference." Speech is the index of the mind. —Seneca.
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