:,>i^s»i' Wedriesday^ May 26,i 993 Queshei;C#ife)OQSQl^^eryer*':i •M Card of Thanks Births HOW TO PLACE CLASSIFI - ^ e Cariboo Observer is pleased to provide a free "Births" column for proud grandparents (or other family members/friends) to announce out-of-town births of interest to • Quesnelites. (Local births will continue to be published in Wednesdays Community News. Thank you to the nurses & staff & volunteers of Baker Lx)dge for their patience & loviing' care. Special thanks Ric MacDonald for the memorial talk & to Baker Lodge for the tea. Tex & Rae Bjomason & Family (1-P-78) ^^ Notices II HALL RENTALS: Quesnel Curling Club hail rental available for summer months, seating capacity 170. For info call 992-5813 or Ken 992-3413. (16-P-92) Personals Personals Rendevous for Christian singles, compatible introductions, confidential, focus meaningful relationship/marriage. Box 377, 100 Mile House, B.C., VOK 2E0. (8-P-79) RESUMES, letters, reports, laminating, photocopying bookbinding, fax service, and morel Pam Crocker Secretarial (upstairs Regency Chrysler) 992-2662. (15-p-83) DO-IT-YOURSELF DIVORCE Typing services for uncontested divorces. 992-2662. (40-rts) INTERIOR MOBIUTY Electric scooters, lift chairs and wheelchairs. Ph: 992-3939. (91-rts) If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to stop that's ours. Alcoholics Anonymous? 992-2172 or 992-7867. (35-rts) WE TEACH TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING (specializing in WordPerfect 5,1). Pam Crocker Secretarial 992-2662. (77-rts) In Memoriam Midnite Oil or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, B.C. ACCEPTED Hours: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday For 1 insertion: $2.50 for the first 20 words, 10c per word thereafter/per insertion. 4 insertions: $5.00 for thefirst20 words, 1O0per word thereatter/per insertion. 564-4465 24 hours Quality and Disaetwn Assured Escort Service in Quesnel In Memory/In Honour Gary and Gwen Daly are pleased to announce tlie engagement of their daugliter Shauna to Albert, son of Harold and Charlotte Faust of-Nanaimo. The wedding will take place Junel9J993 at the Chapel of the Epiphany at U.B.C. In B.C. Yukon The Canadian Cancer Society supports research, education and patient services. Mail gifts to: #3-462 Reid S t include name ol person being honoured or J name ol deceased, and where to send cards Visa/Mastercard accepted ^^»5tg^vai»igKy'S?^;::?^iB?yigay^^ Professional Services Experienced Interior & Exterior housepainter. Ref. avail. 249-5882. (8-P-85) ABC Communications The Technology Experts Motorolla 550 cellular flip phone - oply $479.95. 345 Reid (above J&J), 992-1230. (4-P-80) Professional Roofer doing new work and re-roofing. Good rates. Shane 992-6674. (8-p-84) BIRTNDAY CLASSIRED SPECIALS: i cptumn X 2 inches - $15.00; 2 Columns by 2 Inches - $25.00. Submit your favorite photo if desired. LEGAL NOTICES: Change of name - $25.00 per Insertion^ Personals, not responsible for d ^ b ^ ^ $2d.Q0/4 Insertions -PRICES dUOTED FOR vibfit) ADS INCLUDE Q.S.T. M !Sfi;:S M 'JWA •'Wf 1 il i ABC COMMUNICATIONS The Technology Experts Upgrade to a 386 DX from $295. Repairs. Qualified Technicians. 345 Reid St., 992-1230. (8-p-78) Registered carpenter apprentice (1st year) looking for fulltime or part-time employment. Hard worker, good attitude. Please call 992-3479 anytime. (8-P-82) MOBILE UCENSED MECHANIC Heavy duty and automotive. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed workmanship. Phone Dave 747-4623. (8-p-79) Do you have trouble looking after your feet? Do you have trouble cut-' ting your toe nails? Do your corns and callouses bother you? If you need help with these problems, call Rosina Wood, RN, The Foot Care Nurse, at 747-1104 for futher info and appointments. (8-P-78) It costs you nothing but a phone call to place a found advertisement. Ph. 992-2121, Mon. - Fri., 8 am - 5 pm. (20-rts) Roofing & Const Returning students may begin registering May 14, 1993. Registration for first-time students will be accepted starting June 14, 1993. This certificate program prepares students to work with mentally handicapped individuals in a variety of settings. All courses are in a distance education (correspondence) format and can be combined with fiill-time employment. AppUcants who are not currently employed in this field should have as a career goal working wtih developmentally disabled children or adults. The admission requirements are grade 12 graduation, GE.B., or mature student status with related work experience. The course being offered in the fall semester are: ;vriiloi>h'or{e£5(>2;2i:Jt^ Please drop resumes to Dr. Andrew Wood Inc. 674 Front Street H Salesclerit for casual position. Experience preferred. Leave resume at Tilly's, N/laple Pari< Shopping Centre. (4-f^81) DONT DELAY! • CALL TODAY! 5 positions available for enthusiastic people who like dealing with the public! Great for students and homemakers! Guaranteed wage plus great bonuses! Full or part time hours available. Call Now! 992-3574 and ask for Matt. (2-p-79) Make money picking mushrooms. Wante true, black & burnsite and morels. Fresh or dried. No brain or eariy morels. Days 992-6708, Evenings 992-2678. (8-p-85) m Dragon Lake area, mom for occasional afterschool or overnight respite Care for special needs 11 yr old boy, Ph: 747-3866. (4-p-80) m m I 1 m Camerica Service requires a merchandiser for your area to perfonn service and merchandising in retail store. This opportunity is part time. Please send resume to: Camerica Service #1807-8620 Jasper Ave,, Edmonton AB, T5H 3S6 or fax to (403)426-4312, Attention: Selena Weber. (4-p-78) Request for Proposals Development of Protocols Community Family Violence Intervention The Amata Transition House Society has received funds from the N.1inistry of Women's Equality to contract with a Project Co-ordinatof to develop specific protocols for health ca.'e professionals, police, justice system, victim's assistance and other community service providers who address issues of family violence in our community. The contractor will use the Ministry of Attorney General's guideline document for development of protocols, and base the protocol development on the 1993 Violence Against Women in Relationships policy. A second part of this contract involves developing an administrative stmcture for the. Quesnel Family Violence Advisory Committee (Formeriy Quesnel Family Violence Task Force), A maximum of $3,950.00 is available for this project which will take twelve weeks to complete. *' The contractor will report to the executive director of the Amata Transition House Society, supported by an advisory group. An information package is available from the Amata Transition House Society. Closing date for proposals is June 2, 1993. Mail proposals to Sharon Hurd c/o 693 McLean St., Quesnel, B.C V2J 2P3, For more information call 992-3385. (4-p-aO) Quesnel Curiing Club concession, available for 93-94 season. Apply to Box 4041, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 3J2, Deadline for applications is July 3 1 , 1993. (16-P-92) Needed: Experienced framing crew, 3-4 people. 963-3380, (4-p-80) Reliable sitter with other toddler required in North Quesnel, 4 days a week, starting in mid-June, Ph: 992-6876, (8-p-79) c'SK- Found: a bird in W. Quesnel, identify to claim. Ph: 992-8312. (6-p-82) FOUND: Young, black & white female, border Collie, Near Maple Park Mall. Ph: 747-1560. (28-rts) m It !ii ii i ft m Quesnel, B.C. It's newspaper talk for a onecolumn by two-inch ad. Too=small to be effective? You're reading this one! SMALL BUSINESS LOANS Loans to $75,000. Competitive rates. Flexible repayment terms. North Cariboo Business Development Centre. . 992-5626. (89-rts) McDonald's Restaurant We are looking for Part-time cashiers and grill people Applicants must be friendly, outgoing and able to communicate with people, McDonald's offers: paid breaks, full benefit package, all training and uniforms. Apply at McDonald's Restaurant 105 North Star Road Quesnel National Greeting Card Company requires permanent part/time merchandiser to service display in Quesnel Food Store, Approx. 4-8 hoursAvk. No selling. Start at $5.70/hr. Reply to Cariboo Observer, Box "B", 188 Carson Ave., V2J 2A8, (3-p-78) Salesperson wanted for local automobile dealership. Must be stable and reliable. Previous sales knowledge an asset, but not necessary. Reply to Box "V", c/o Cariboo Observer, 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2A8, (67-rts) Experienced residential painter. Fulltime or part-time work available. Reply to Box " H " do Cariboo Observer, 188 Carson Ave,, Quesnel, B C . V2J 2A8. (67-rts) Observer carriers needed in all areas of Quesnel. Reply at 188 Carson Avenue, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2M8. (20-rts-sta) m Pm pii^ ^ "' ^m For Sale: Well established angling guide service in prime Cariboo fishing country. Boats, float tubes, vehicles, wall tents, etc. $80,000, Call (604) 593-4949, (4-p-80) PRIME VENDING routes available in the Cariboo. High return guaranteed. Investment from $6,000, Call Eagle 1-800-387-CASH. Canadian Owned. (8-P-86) Employment Wanted Mature, responsible caregiver to care for handicapped or elderiy person Has LTC certificate, first aid and WHMIS. Excellent references available. Kim 747-4605, please leave message, (8-P-84) 11 year old boy will do yard work. Have own tools including lawn mower. Call Tim 747-1450 (16-p-91) Call Pattie at t h e Cariboo Observer 992-2121 Interior & exterior painting, residential and commercial bidgs. & houses. Ph:992-9772. (8-p-83) Certified Carpenter, free estimates. Phone Tom at 992-7278. (4-P-78) Call Hetmut'a Renovating for all kinds of home repair, carpentry, drywall, painting, tiles, mason worK- No job too big ortoosmall.,28 years experience. Ref. avail. 992-9277, 992-!3089. 18-P-82) Employment Opportunities Cariboo Tourist Association is inviting b i d s ^ provide various aspects of its Annual Trave Guide Jo-the CaribooChilcotin-Coast Tourism Region. Interested parties may obtain information on bidding arid a copy of the Travel Guide by calling Cariboo Tourist Assocation a l 392-2226 or writing CTA, Box 4900. Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 2V8. Deadline for submissions is June 12. 1993. (2-P-79) For Rent VALLEYVIEW CONDOMINIUMS FOR RENT 992-2588 For rent - 3 bdrm, upstairs, duplex. Fridge, stove, heat inci,, avail, immed,, no pets. Mature adults. Ref. req. $500/mo. plus 1/2 mo, security deposit. Ph: 747-1644. (4-p-79) 2-bdrm house for rent, 1 utility room, garage. Avail. June 1st. Rent $425/ mo. Ph: 992-2861, (4-p-78) FOR RENT Pasture, 3-bdrm farmhouse, $350/ mo. or- 300-acre farm, $800 per month by the year. Ph: 993-4493, before noon. (4-p-78) For Rent 3-txirm apt. in fiveplex, close to downtown. Avail. June 10. $550/mo. Call Marion 992-7202. (2-p-78) For rent June/93. 2-bdnm apt., partly furnished, n/g heat and close to schools and mall. Laundry room. $400/mo, 1/2 security deposit. References required. Avail. June 1st. Leave message: 747-1361. (4-p-79) Large 2 txirm c/w 2 full baths, free cable, super Channel, hot water Resident manager 1 bdrm bsmt "suite. Fridge, stove, drapes & utilities incI, Suitable for reliable working couple. Ref, required. $450/mon. 747-1434, (2-p-78) 2 bdrm suite in duplex. Fridge, stove, own entrance, washer/dryer hookups. Avail, immed., ref. required. Days 747-1112. (4-P-80) Apartments Spacious 1 bdrm suites No pets References required Preferred rates for seniors Some newly renovated suites 992-2370 - 992-7890 Healthy, affordable, beautiful country living in renovated 1-2-3 bedroom townhouses in Wells, from $345/mon. Fridge, stove, partly furnished, utilities included, 994-3296, (16-p-93) CHARLOHE MANOR 1, 2 & 3 bdrm suites for rent FREE heat, cable & hot water Brand new spacious split level 2 bdrm suite with walk-in ctoset, 2 washrooms, $550/mon. No pets, avail. July 1/93. Ph. 992-2039. (4-p-80) Call 992-2670 COTTONWOOD COURT Quiet, adult-oriented, private park-like setting, 1/2 block to West Park Mall, newly renovated. Qualified, tenants, Call resident manager at 992-8286. (51-rts) Fumished 1 bdrm bsmt suite. Utilities included. $400/mon. Ph. 992-2492. (4-P-81) U Hall rentals available for small group meetings up to 100 people Ph 992-8036. (76-c-rts) i Si m^ ^m'^m Business Opportunities Laundromat for Sale: Green Acres Mall in Williams Lake. For more information ph, 398-9912 or 398-6460. (4-f>81) i SW.M»ftiMtfJMaSBBE n S E : W'- Vy 'i'^iW;*- ai's-'.v Business Opportunities WlSffllllJ 747-1234 For additional information and registration contact the Office of Admissions and Registration a t 562-2131 Local 386 or CounseUing at 561-5818. As seats are limited, early registration is recommended. No registrations uall be accepted after August 31, 1993 for the \ September semester. ^ §imO;?:K!22nd:mvfcK iRliilll BBMe^ESiH0M.. RENOVATIONS 130 - Physical Care 140 - Interpersonal & Organization Relations 150 - Programming and Planning 160 - Ethics and the Paraprofessional 170 - History and Systems 181 - Introduction to Behavior Change 182 - Introduction to Verbal Behavior 185 - Employment Facilitation 186 - Advanced Behavior Change (new course) 199 - Practicum iiiijiiiiiilil^^ CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT required Full time position Employment Opportunities Employment Opportunities I CHARMAINE! SSTP SSTP SSTP SSTP SSTP SSTP SSTP SSTP SSTP SSPP Employment Opportunities Quesnel HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALSO Try the Cariboo Wide Classifieds CUSSIFIED DISPUY RATE: (Volume Discount Available). $9.00/column inch per issue. NON-PROFIT RATE: $6.75 per column inch per issue. CLASSIFIED DEADUNES: 12 Noon Monday for word and display ads for Wednesday's pap.er and 5:00 pm Wednesday for class dsplay ads and legal ads, 12iioon Thursday for word ads. CASH & CARRY CABINET WAREHOUSE Huge savings, warehouse pricirig. Cabinets by Kitchen Craft of Canada, 3566 Massey Dr., Prince George, BC. 561-2240, Fax 561-2250. (53-rts) m i m Quesnel B.C. V2J 2M6. 992-6551. Please Lordy, Lordy our baby sister 8 insertions: $8.00 for the first 20 words, lOcper word thereafter/per insertion. $30.00 for 20 words or less: You receive: 4 issues in the Cariboo Observer 6 issues in the Williams Lake Tribune 2 issues in the 100 Mile Free Press M •M'i Advancing Hearts Matchmaking Service. Affordable, Active and Caring. For more information contact Debbie at 992-1210. (8-p-78) "The essence of pleasure" Fresh Morel mushrooms wanted Top price paid. Call collect Pierre at 579-5838 or Rolf at 554-1038. {16-P-84) Professional Services I I II s '9. if I *t A Buck or Two is the fastest growing retail concept in CANADA today. Franchises are available from coast to coast. Be a part ol A Bgck or Two Stores in British Columbia. Watch for our new stores in Chilliwack. Courtney, Granbrook, Kamloops, l^apie Ridge, Nanaimo, Penticton and Victoria. Maple Park Shopping Centre, Quesnel For m o r e I n f o r m a t i o n : A B u c k or T w o Western Head Office' '435 L a k e s h o r e B a y S a s k a t o o n , S k . S 7 J 3T5 P h o n e 306-374-8800 Fax 306-374-7395 70 STORES Si GROWmG! 1 bdrm house, $300/mon. No pets, avail. June 1. Ph. 1-563-8922 (4-P-81) 1 txirm suite, furnished, utilities & cable included. No pets or children Avail, June 1, $350/mon. 747-1395 (4-p^1) m^.ic:mi. '•' Wednesday,. May 26,:;i 993 B i 4 Quesnel Cariboo OBserver Mobile Homes Commercial Space for Rent Real Estate For sale: Ford Tempo, auto, 4 cyl,. sunroof, silver color, good condition, asking $2,800. Ph: 992-2655. (4-P-81) ^ ^ „ Quesnel City Centre, commercial space for rent. 1680 sq/ft, (269 Barv low Ave.) Ph; 992-5443. (8-p-78) OFFICE SPACE REID STREET Ground floor 1250 s/f. Upper floor 700 s/f and 750 s/f. Call Glenn Banr at 992-5547, (56-rts) Offices 532 sq/ft into.3 units; 270 sq/ft unit, a/c, 2nd floor, prime location, • Lon Godfrey - 242 Reid St. 992-7111. (71-rts) Office Space upper floor on Front St. Approx. 1100 sq. ft. 2 washrooms, large reception area, 3 offices & Storage area. $600.00 per montfi Available immediately Ph: 992-8847 during business hours ^ S U f ^' fsfa/e up & Down duplex, W. Quesnel, 3 bdrm upstairs, 1-1/2 baths, 3 bdrm downstairs with laundry room, fridge, stove included. 992-3830. (&-p-84) ~ FOR SALE 1300 s/f on 1 acre. City Limits, secluded. 2 bdrdms up. 2 bed down. Possible in-law suite. 2 1/2 baths, n/g, city water. 30"x24 shop, $125,000, Ph: 992-9563. (4-p-8p) House on Dragon Lake. After 8 p.m. 747-3866. (4-p-80) 7 yr. old, 1900 sq. ft. home in Dragon Lake, 4 bdrms up, 1 down, 2-1/2 baths. 2 acres. $130,000, 747-1651, (8-P-84) Investors unlimited, potential Red Bluff Srea, 12 acres, $20,000. 5 only, 2 acre level lots $10,000 each. Paved road frontage, hydro avail. Ph; 7473483 or 1-752-1621. (8-p-83) Southills 3 bdrm 1600 s/f rancher, on 1/2 acre. Community water and sewer, gas heat, central v a c , private treed back yard. Ph: 747-4465. (8-P-83) Uplands 1100 sq. ft. home, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, finished basement. $68,000. 74^6r1651. (8-P-84) Property for sale - 7.6 acres. Tmck shop, etc. South of town. 747-3561, (4-P-79) For sale 160 acres - 2-bdrm house with full bsmt New drilled well, 2 bay garage and hay shed. $115,000 Ph:. 992-6923. (8-p-82) ^80.0 sq. fl.r4 level splttl^'S^^^ bff|itdi?n/laige lentsd fu • | | i ^ ^ ;,>,.:jf^r-:flliii|!f^^ Boats Automotive [iR'EmBmym: 3 bdrm house on quiet deadend street. In-law suite, with private entrance. $58,000. Bill Cejka LOT ON DENNIS RD. Owner wants fast sale. Asking only-$8,900. Co-op water system. 0,58 acres. 992-9558 House for sale. Ph, 992-2185, (2-P-79) NEW & USED CARS & TRUCKS 630 Winder Street Corner lot COWPLETELY RENOVATED Vacant 1 bedroom home, in West Quesnel. Nice, quiet neighbourhood, on city l o t Asking $35,000. 2 bedroonns on main 3 pee. bath in full bsmt Fenced yard Great revenue home close to schools. Call for appointment to view GROCERY & "COTNER' CONVENIENCE STORE Well established with new stock. Luxurious family living area, \xxaXed on 3 acres, lots of room for family and expansion. FOR SALE Commercial building downtown, good income. High profile investment, 5 plex in fast developing commercial area. Good income, while awaiting future development Days 992-7414 or evenings 992-8766. (40-rts) For sale nicely treed and level 2,31 acres in city limits. Turn right on Kivi Rd just past Con-elieu School. Will took at offers to $22,500. Ph: 992-9101. (8-P-82) In beautiful Bella Coola Valley. Small two h)drm home, large workshop (3 bays), small greehouse, large yard, in Hagensborg, $55,000. Ph: 1-982-2365. (4-p-78) •14 Homes on Display, including 2 Doublewides •Ready for IMf^EDIATE delivery! •Priced to CLEAR! Motel and RV Parf< for sale. 20 rooms, managers suite, 40 RV sites, washrooms, house store. Gross $185,000. Prime location. Hwy 97 Quesnel, B.C. Ph;992-2256, (8-p-80) SOUTHILLS 2,200 s/f, plus full finished bsmt Main floor family room and large laundry, 3 bdnns, den/skylight, 2 1/2 baths, 2 fireplaces, and many extras, $159,900. Ph: 747-3602. (8-p-79) $30,000 Newly renovated 2 bdrm home in the mining town of Wells, Vacant Ph: 994-3437, (8-p-79) 3/4 acre level treed lot, w/new drilled well, (4 gal/min), o a Maple Drive, close to Mall. $17,500. Ph: 992-1188. 1496 sq. ft. ranch style home on quiet cul de sac. 3 bdrm, f/bsmt, attached garage, main floor laundry, large oak country kitchen, sunken L/R, 3 major appliances, N/G heat, 1200 sq. ft. immaculate workshop, excel, water supply. On 2 lots in Bouchle Lake. Reduced to $138,000. 249-5132 eves. FOR SALE;BY;;.OWNER wmmi^xmmmmmm^. (We'll beat any advertised price) 747-2064 PLUS... 2 New Floor Plans have just arrived! Here is an example of some floor plans that we carry: 1957 1957 Chevy 350 V-8, auto, w/ratchet shifter, needs good body and paint job, 1 piece fibreglass front, $5,500 obo, Ph: 992-2058. (4-p-79) NEW USTINGS Bay #47. Norlhslde Vlliaaa 1974 12x60 Leader, 2 bdrm,, Front LMngroom, Wood Heater. Storage Shed and Addition, Nicely Landscaped, Great view. Available Immediately, Full Price $15,000 TRANSFERS • PERMITS LICENSING Financing Available O.A.C. OPEN fWION. - SAT. SNEL - 555 WILSON ST. home, full bsmt. Asking $69,900. Offers. //yfoiiwould like to see your property advertised tor sale here, free of charge call BIU today! Wiles & Cindric VIONrrY 10 MILE LAKE 115 acres, cleared. Asking $65,000, NO MONEY DOWN 13 acres. Asking $10,000. north of town. 5 acres. AsKing $7,000, west of town. 5 acres. Asking $7,000, north of town. 1992 24 ft Wilderness, air, awning, microwave, stereo, forced air furnace, only used twice. Asking $16,000. Days 992-7202, Eves. 747-1463. (4-P-80) 1980 Prowler, 27' fully self contained, air conditioning, awning, Tnint condition, asking $9,500 Ph: 74.7-4625 (4-P-7B) 1990 Slumber Queen, 8ft camper •w/flush toilet, and 4 hyrdaulic jacks. Excellent condition. $8,500 obo. Ph: 992-6785. (4-p-78) 1985 Allegro 23 ft. Class A, R. bod, 454 GM, cruise, tilt, R & D air, auto start water heater, fridge & furnace, new awning, rear brakes and front tires. Alum/frame construction. Immaculate. $25,000. Quesnel 747-1014. (sta-rts) Ques-Cu Insurance! Agencies Ltd. 992-5559 253 Reid St. FOR SALE 1981 Class "A" 26' Vanguard motorhome. Rear bedroom dual air, awning, C.B. radio, etc. 454 GM motor, heavy duty trans. $28,000 obo Ph: 747-3796. (16-p-86) Campers & Canopies 1976 11' 6" Okanagan camper Fndge, stove, lots of cupboards, sleeps 6, great cond. $4,500 Ph. 747-3144 after 4 p.m. (sta-rts) Homes & RVs British Columbia land Surveyors 992-2265 Mobile Homes EASY TO EfilOY! ORES. $79,500. This h^.!e features a large yard a n d ^ ^ a located on a very p e a c e f i i O ^ e t It is extremely well insul^^d^ cool in the summer, e a s y ^ heat in the winter. It feature^^ts of brickwork inside, slidino^lass doors, deck and the list OSes on. This would be a great f a ^ l y home. Lots of kids in the ^igfibourhood to play with. Recreational Vehicles M 4 Phone Mel or Merv Today! Ph. 392-7135 Fax 392-6680 160 ACRES FENCED in rolling land, pastures, view of mountains, spring fed year round pond, located Fn ttie vicinity of Puntchesakut Lake. bathrmsriarge family room lot. A must see! $149,900 call, 747^2030 • 1 Ton Ford Van, good cond., 351 V8 motor, new auto transmission & brakes. $9,000, Ph. 747-4568. (4-P-80) 12 ft aluminum boat with 6 hp Merc. Older. Excellent condition. $1,200. Ph: 747-1002. (4-p-78) 3 bdrm trailer includes fridge & stove Ph. 992-8810. (8-P-85) i i€S2 S. Bfifsd&By, VMiams L^e [(Hwy. 97 South) DL#6660 Properly for Sale 4 one acre lots. 3 1/2 miles from Quesnel post office (west). Level bidg sites, $2,000 down. Owners will carry balance, "Shuswap Industries Ltd, Box 1059 Salmon Arm B.C. V1E 4P2. Ph or fax 832-6147, (6-p-83) • 14x70 Meadowbrook 2 bdrm, family room, custom design, no hallways, nat, gas heat in excel, cond, $25,900. Days 747-3444, Evenings 747-1498, (4-P-80) 23 acres on Abbott Dr, West Quesnel, subdividable with potential view lots, offers, Ph: 562-1079 or 747-3361,. worit: 565-6572. (12-p-88) 14x70 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 baths, set up in new park, ready to move into. Space #10 on Larch Ave., Mobile Home Pari< (behind Cloverdale Paint), Priced to sell at $39,500, (3-p-78) WANTED: Would like to buy a reasonably priced lot on Quesnel Lake, 10 Mile Lake or Dragon Lake cleared or uncleared. Ph: 992-6161 or 9922726. (8-P-83) 10x48 mobile home, newly renovated. 992-2783. (8-p-85) 1 plus, view acre lot overiooking Bouchie Lake. Cleared ready to build Natural gas, bus route, for more info call 992-3344. (8-p-80) Idyllic mobile home Park, quiet and beautiful location. Nice pads ampng the trees, 2 months rental easment to new tenants. Ph: 992-2114. (8-p-82) For sale; 10'x50' Knight Mobile Home with carpeted 12x20 addition. Includes wood heater, furnace, elec rdhge & fridge. Ideal for Rancher or Placer Miner. $6,500. Ph: 992-2114. (8-P-82) 1976 2-l>drm on fenced 1/2 acre, 2 bay garage, porch, shed, paved drive, 4 appliances and blinds included. Ph; 747-1559. (8-P-80) 1974 12x60, 10x24 addition, partially fumished. $17,000. Ph: 993-4312. (8-p^O) 1979 1979 CJ7 Jeep, hard Top, soft-top. 2 sets winter & summer tires. Low mileage. $5,000.--Ph: 992-8537. (8-P-82) 1979ChevSien-a, 1/2 ton, 6 cyl 1979 Chev 4x4. $2,000 for both Ph 992-3109 after 5. (78-rts-sta) Scragg Mill, Bull Edger on 45' Hi-boy 318 Jimmy. $9,500. obo. Ph. 476-1102. (4-P-80) 4 new Moldboard Sliders tor 600 D Champion Grader, $500. Ph: 249-5919. (8-P-84) Inventory reduction sale! 6 small loaders, 3 low beds, 2 bobcats, 4 backhoes, 6 compactors, 3 graders, 2 excavators, 4 ambulances, 2 fori<lifts, 2 buses, Hiab-tnjck, farm tractor, fire tnjck, tnjck scales. Call for complete list. 1-493-6791. (8-P-78) Farm Machinery New never been used 1981 Ford 532 square baler; $4,000. Cattle squeeze, good cond.; $600. Ph: 397-2396 or Mess: 397-2757. (4-p-79) 1981 45.3 acres at Dragon Lake, approximately 3/4 mile lakeshore. Have inigation rights. Asking $155,000 Ph: 992-5408, (8-P-79) 1979 L-82 Corvette, black in color, 4 spd, new paint & rear tires, Alpine stereo, 88,000 km, t-roof, $13,500, 992-2798 (74-rts-sta) Lot for sale, Southills, $12,500. Ph: 249-5717. (8-P-78) 1983 1983 OldsmobllB Delta 88. Royal Broughm, 4-door, loaded, 97,000 km, $4,800. Ph: 747-1014. (starts) Smart Spenders Shop first in the Observer Classifieds^. 99S-8191 1 Heavy Duty Equipment 1986 1986 Toyota Corolla, 4 dr sedan, 5 spd, radio/cass/sunroof, good condition in and p u t Ex gas mi. Town 35-40 mpg. Hwy 45-48 mpg. $5,300 obo. Ph: 747-1076. (4-p-79) For-1 lon, $2,500. 1412 David Brown cab &' loader, good cond., $13,500. J.D. #39 Mower, $1,500. 3 pt. Fertilizer Spreader, $350. J.D. Side delivery rake, $550 500 gal fuel tank, offers. 1974 Datsun, offers. Ph; 1-243-2360, (4-P-78) 274 New Holland square toler, exc, cond., $3,500 obo. Ph: 395-2944 after 6 p.m. (4-p-78) 1977 TD15C Pops canopy, DAT blade, FS winch and arch, 50% undercan-iage. Ph; 249-5152.iirp-78) OBSERVES CLASSIFIEDS 882-2121 :,.«??;;•. 't > - VVednesdayiMay ^jB, 1993^ B t ^ Quesnel Caribop Observer" Miscellaneous for Sale - Shortened Brown Bess Flintlock w/round ball mould, brand Jlfew - Laser Ready to sail, "Afters p.m. 747-3866, (4-p-80) 3 family garage sale May 29 & 30. Many home and garden items. Ph: 992-5030 or 992-7810. (4-p-79) Complete aluminum box liner for short box pickup, $75. Ph: 992-9090. (8-P-82) Kent upright piano $1500. Phone; 249-5179. (87-sta-rts) ililiBiiiiil Produce WANTED Buying Morel mushrooms, call Darrel at (days): 992-6708 (eves):. 992-2678- (8-p-83) .Quality & Experience Guaranteed *Commerclal 'Industrial 'Residential HEATING - PLUMBING SHEET METAL FABRICATION III Pets W W p8i Dealer for ICH Heil Gas Furnaces Full installation sales & service Animals sold as purebred stock' must be registered in compliance with the Canadian Livestock Pedigree Act 992-9807 "GARAGE SALE SUNDAY MAY 30/93 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. #7 Gemini St, (Nortfi Fraser Drive, across from tJie scfiool bus garage). Tools, equipment & housefiold goodies. Ph: 992-2905. (3-p-79) Garage Sale: May 29, 10 am - 4 pm. 1340 Paley Ave, Uplands. (1-p-78) 1297 Cariboo Hwy North (Next to Design Flooring) Lyn's Pet Grooming Professional dog styling, senior's discounts, 792 Walkem St., ph; 992-5912. (24-P-96) !^iMiSE®li^BMl Timber lii Appliances General Electric washer and dryer. Excellent condition. $300. Ph: 992-8442. (4-p-79) Fridge w/ice box only, no freezer section. Good condition. Perfect for rec room or second fridge $150 Ph 992-9229. (73-rts-sta) i Livestock *Vinyl & AlufTiinum Siding *SOffit & Fascia * Installation & Sales *Speciali2lng in renovation 4 year old Gelding, 16 hands sired by amazing Sultan, very quiet. 4 year old Chestnut Appaloosa Mare, well started, t.'ailers well. 10 Year old Appaloosa Mare well broke Ph: 699-6563 (4 p-80) Queen size waterbed for sale. New motionless mattress purchased 1-1/2 years ago. Padded headboard with storage space inside. White laced comforter & shams optional. $375.00 for everything. Ph, 992-3109 after 5 pm, (77-rts-sta) 4TH ANNUAL SELECT SALE JUNE 5TH, 100 MILE HOUSE Quality paints and Quarterhorses, over 80 head consigned, super selection of Roper horses. West and Eng Pleas, horses. Barrel Race winners. Penning horses, well started two year olds, yearlings, broodmares, plus Percheron team, and some really well broke grade horses! Catalogues available at XR Tack Shop after May 26th, Ph; 395-2882, (6-p-81) Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED; Antique anything on consignment for Victorian Country Shop Opening June 1, 992-7889. (8-p-84) Yard & Garden 747-2704 Well aged manure for sale. Ph; 9934404. (4-P-78) Rich black topsoil (pickup or delivery), mixed topsoil, sancf, gravel, manure, Backhoe service. Cariboo Peat & Gravel, Ph; 747-1266, (16-p-88) Cariboo Supervisor Lloyd Belcourt 747-3201 *Tar and Gravel *Seamless Gutters 'Asphalt Shingles 'Insulation Blowing 'Metal Cladding & Decking INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL i»»/. m « ! (604)392-4322 • Don or Rick Contracting & supplies (all types) Phone 249-5178 QUEST WOOD PRODUCTS DIV. Wanted to Purchase (Day or Evening) Top dollar paid for Fir, Spaice or Pine, Dave Bickerton Office: 992-1711 Home: 992-3275 '^j»-r. The Siding Specialist 562-9551 I ;¥xW:¥S Vinyl & Aluminum Siding Soffit, Facia, Metal Roofing, f ;,'S:¥:$K ' p^»S|iE^g • ^iKi^iK^i^i^i^i^-k-k^iK Free Estimates 992-6439 *;:!¥S!;SI ROY CLOSSON Rgg. 992.5439 Competitive Prices IS For sale; yeariing Red Angus bulls. Ph: 1-396-7342, (4-p-78) 1 J:¥ft¥:¥¥: Workmanship guaranteed in writing -k k: C.K.C. Registered Pommerianian. Only one left. Shots, tattoed. Ph: 296-3504 or leave message at 3922717. (4-P-78) -k * ic PRIVATE k: -k' TIMBER k: Top dollar paid k for timber k WE ALSO BUY k: k LAND WITH k: TIMBER k Phone us and ir compare prices • k Ph: 24 hrs. 992-6881* k 1992, Logan Coach deluxe 3-horse angle haul show trailer. Every available option. Extra height, dressing room, feed doors, unloading ramp at back and side. $7,000, Ph: 392-6090. (4-P-77) kkkkkkckkkkkk:k TIMBER WANTED DAWSOM Seed GQ Ltd AA Stud Lucifer Reg. Egyptian Arabian, black. 15.1 h/h. Sire exported to England. Purebreds $450. Others $225. For more info, phone: 3985488. Come and see his babies. (8-P-79) Ugg^gfj^^r I HORSEMAN ' Registered Appaloosa and registered Arabian Stallions^Jor stud service. We do have young obedient horses that your children can train and ride. 844 Barkerville Hwy. Eves. 992-8245. (16-P-84) INDUSTRIES LTD. 1-800-663-6894 Wanted; Reliable childs horse or large pony, 14 h/h, Ph: 1-394-4505, (4-P-78) r \ Mi Log sales - Hardwoods & Softwoods. Specialty products sales mean more value for our customers. Co. Ltd. :•»• Sparta Toro Milkanova Fdstorina Arctic "improved Grasses 4 Legumes Tetra AtJbade Maximize. Condesa Garet636 Moblte Courtenay Parol Residential Lawn Seed also Available. Ihocalants & Pesticides. Rob Moon 435 Gik)boh Rd., Williams Lake J —^ "Flying Dutctiman sluice box complete witfi pump, fiose, etc. As new. $2,000 otx3, Pfi: 992-3446, (8-p-79) Will locate mineral veins or river channels using electronic equipment. Will be in Cariboo this spring, some books are still open. Reasonable rates. Also electronic equip, for sale. Call now for info, Floyd 403-8852976, (16-P-79) MINING AND GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT Mineral and placer exploration, specialized in placer geology, daim staking, surveying, lease conversions and placer property enquiries. Gold,nuggets for sale. Ph. 992-9570 (39-rts)' Mlnislry ol Province ol £1 British Columbia Foradt Support advanced research and province-wide communify education programs sponsored by your Lung Association. NOTICE INVITING APPUCATIONS FOR TIMBER SALE UCENbE A445S1 Pursuant to Section 16 of ttw Forest Act, sealed tender appBcallons will be accepted by the District Manager, Quesnel, B.C., up to 0 9 « ) hours on the 3rd day of June, 1993, for a Timber Sale Licence to authorize the hanreeting of 2,070 cubic meters, more or less, of timber located within the vicinity of Beavernx)uth, Quesnel Tirrtber Supply Area. Species: Pine 56%. Fir 44%, more or less. Term; One (1) year. Sealed lenders win be opened In Ihe District Oftioe, Quesnel. B.C. al 10:00 hours on June 3. 1993. Bidding is restricted lo persons registered in the Small Business Forest Enterprise Program. Category 2, If there is no Interest from Category 2 rogblreuits on the auction data, then the sale may t>e readvertised for offer under both categories. Particulars may be obtained from Ihe District Manager, Ministry of Forests, 322 Johoplon Avenue, Quesnel, B,C. r74,76.78) B.C. L u n g Association Box M009. station D, Vancouver. E.G^VW 4M2 • (Advem.iing space donaird frv this I Legals 398-6046 Mobile 398-1239 AINSWORTH LUMBER Top rates in B.C. interior for fir & spruce peelers.' Call Bob Phaneuf anytime at 791-5490 or Doug at Ainsworth offiee 395:2222. Prompt response. No obligation. publication) K. Watson Construction Timber management specialists for woodlots and private lands. 255 Hodgson Road, Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 3P7 ili Gold Trortimel 30-50 yards per hour, comes witfi ample accessories Asking $12,500, Pfi; 835-8330, (4-p-78) 201-705 l_aval Crescent Kamloops, B.C. Pfione 372-7055 'ili":i^M-fm :::i£ss: Quesnel & District Riding Club Gykanna registration at Bouchie Lake arena. May 26. June 12: Sat 10-4, July 6: Tue 5 p,m.-6 p.m. Horseshow June 4.5,6. Ph: 249-5346. (8-p-83) 21 head calved Heifers. 1 ton Dodge Dually with rack 414 International tractor, Irene Sure 8:30-4:30. 1-4405611. Evenings, 1-398-3504, (4-p-79) WESTWOOD FIBRE LTD. FREE ESTIMATES - CALL DON Standing. R H. Ele^tsr 15HH, grey Rebuilt appliances for sale Stove • Arabian, multichampion passing on $89.95 and up Fridges, $95 & up. his great attributes to his get. Style, Elements $8 to $12 6-mo warranty movement, conlormation and loveaWe trade appliances and buy. We do ble nature For more info on this house calls. WE FIX IT ALL SHOP class 'A' Stallion call -395-4818 Pur 992-7442. (10-rts) ebred, $600. Part bred $350 (4-p-79) Furniture gbrs^ Ltd INTRODUCING SSSgix Legals Mining Garage Sales General Contractors^ \il REQUEST FOR TENDER B.C. Hydro is requesting offers to supply labour and material for a natural gas conversion at the warehouse at; Williams Lake LWC E616-015 To obtain required documents, contact: Margaret Leier 561-4889 Williams Lake Office 392-6210 In order to submit bids, bndders ARE REQUIRED to attend on-site PRE-TENDER MEETING: Tuesday June 1, 1993 10:00 a m Please direct inquiries and send tenders to: Margaret Leier B.C. Hydro Mari^eting P.O. Box 6500 Prince George, B.C. V2N 2K4 Telephone: 561-4889 TENDER CLOSES JUNE 11, 1993 at 11:00 a.m. Residential - Commercial Wlruslryol Province ol BrIKsli Columbia Forests Insurance Claims mm: Painting and Interior Decorating Security Bars for home or business Scaling Examination The Ministry of Forests Will be conducting an Interior Scaling Examination 00;jJune23. 1993 in Quesnel at the Saint Mdfews United Church, 218 Kinchant Street, commencing at BXK) a.m. Persons wishing to write this examination must complete an Application to Scaile (FS 87) and forward lo the: Regional Scaling Manager Ministry of Forests 540 Borland Street Williams Lake. British Columbia V2G 1R8 Phone; 398-4345 Fax: 398-4380 by the dose ol business June 18. 1993. Payment of a fifty ($50.00) dollar examination fee is payable by cash, certified cheque, or money order prior to writing the examination. Applicants must provide safety head gear lor the practical ponbn ol the examination. For further information, contact Ifie Regional Scaling Manager al (604) 398^345. Alex Wallech Regional Scaling Manager Cariboo Fore«t Region (78. 82) > Farm Buildings 993-4313 Phone for a free estimate I.. J.I .III III. .1! • .-.I.-.J,., 1!'.!. ;.i..iii...i lyj:!-.-. ••!.! i-Jiip:'aMi3iipy''i'^ ..••umUlLiJ.i.'.V-l,'.'l,.. ]H-.!-.i S Z E » ..-...•.•.••..•.•,,,•,-. .• 7.:.:: r'lyr^i*"^'"-^^^^^''''—''"•f I Residential and Comnnerclal Interior/Exterior "No job too large - No job'too small" Free Estimates Seniors Discounts MM Invitation to Tender gi In accordance witti the Ministry of Transportation and Highways Act, Section 49(1), sealed tenders are invited for the following: Project No. 05689-0000 Location: 5.2 km on Knife Creek Road Description: Installation of pavement membrane and asphalt overlay on Knife Creek Bridge. Sealed tenders, completed in accordance with the Conditions o f Tender on the forms provided, will he received by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways at #209, 540 Borland Street, Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 1R8 until 2:00 p.m. (local time) on June 2, 1993, when tenders will be opened in public. (Fax revisions to the tendered amount musj be sent to: (604)398-4454.) A security deposit/surety bid bond will be required (in accordance with the Conditions of Tender) Tender documents, complete with envelope, plans, specifications and Conditions of tender are available from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways #209, 540 Borland Street, Williams Lake, B.C between the hours of 8:30 a m to 12 00 p m , and 1 00 p m. to 4:30 p.m.. Monday to Friday, except holidays Where required, payment for contract documentation shall t>e made by cheque or money order, made payable to the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations. All purchases are non-refundable. For further information, contact Ron Baerg at (604)398-4510, or fax Magic ^Horizons m * SPECIALTY RENOVATOR * Home & Garden * Show Home Available George P. Jensen - 747-1724 Box 14, Lovelidge Site, Quesnel B.C. V2J 5E5 Serving communities from Ashcroft to Terrace. A great investment for your advertising dollar! ilii ^ fc Sherryl Martens (6(J4)398-4454. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Award of this contract is contingent upon the Provincial Legislature authonzing sufficient funding. Province of - Bn'tish Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Highways iiiili Advertising Consultant : ;i:5^;>:X::v^/:W^$/.;C:-^-^ 'i- i::-:siv^: 'W;^' T-V •. • ':. ••:-^^M^-: WednescJaiy.M3yi26.1993 B18 Quesnel Cariboo ObseW; } Wedneslday, May 26,1993; Quesnel GaribOQ Observer BBSBB NEWS ^SCohtlniied fr6m^pa^ B0 nduranceride June 4 NOTICE TO CHED)TOnS AND OTHERS HE: THE ESTATE OF1VLEXANDER ANDRIOSKl, deceased, late of Wells, B.Cr Creditors and others having clairrs against the estate of ALEXANDER ANDRIOSKl are hereby notified under section 33 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the administrator at R.R.4, Site 26, Comp. 6, Prince George. B.C. V2N 2J2 on or before the 30th day of August, 1993 after which date the administrator win distrbute the estate arrxjng the parties entitled to it, having regard to the daims of which the adrrtnistralor then has notice. Wiibert M.R Melaen by hiB MlicHor CHRISTIAN O. HANSEN (78, 79, 80, 81) For sale by way of the "Warehouseman's" Leins Act, to satisfy storage costs of $3,160.00 to Westpark Toyota and to be sold where is/as is: 1 only 1983 Honda Accord Serial #JHMSY7433DC821532. Westpark Toyota will be taking offers on this vehicle until May 3 1 , 1993, with the highest offer to be notified on June 1, 1993. Please submit your offer in writing to: Westpark Toyota, 201 Anderson Drive, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 1E9. Attention: Accounting. NOTICE OF AN APPROVAL NO. AE11769 ISSUED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT, S.aC. 1962, c 4 t , IN THE NAftiE OF WEST FRASER TIMBER UMITED AND DAISHOWA CANADA CO. UM]T£D Take notice that an Approval No. AE11769 lor landfarming of sludge located at District Lot 221, Cariboo District near Quesnel has t>een Issued. The Approval consists of restrictions and monitoring requirements for the applicalion of 150 bone dry tonries of pulp sludge to agricultural land. A copy of the Approval may be viewed al 640 Borland Street. Williams Lake. B.C., 398-4533 during normal business hours. Dated at WilBams Lake. B.C. J. Negraefi, P. Eng. Ftegiond Waste Manager (78) NOTICE OF APPUCATION FOR A WATER LICENCE WATER ACT (SECTION 6) I, Eric F. Sargent, of 545 Wilson St.. Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2W2 hereby give notice of my application for a water licence to divert and use water out of Dragon Lake wfiich flows into Dragon Creek. The point of diversion (intake to water pump) is located approximately 20 metres East of Lot 7, District Lot 6677, Map 5861. This Lot fpDnts on Dragon Lake. The quantity of water to t)e diverted and used is 800 gallons a day. The purpose for which the water will be used is domestic. Objections to this application may be filed with the Regional Water Manager at Williams Lal(e within 30 days of the date of publication of this notice. = r 0^ / / Advertise ^ in the ;fc Observer j^ Classifieds l K > . s 3. and get results Visa Accepted Legals Legals Legals <^ prior to the meetings from 6 to g7:30 p.m. Their dances are held the first Saturday of each month at the Elks Hall. Eileen Manweiler coordinates bookings throughout the year such as playing for OAPO potluck suppers the first Thursday of every month, until March, at the G o l d e n C e n t r e ; HalIdwe'en, Valentines, and a pancake breakfast at Dunrovin; Billy Barker Days; and will play for the Elders Luncheon at t h e F r i e n d s h i p Centre in recognition of Father's Day. "" SALMON VALLEY ENDURANCE RIDE The'annual Endurance Ride in Quesnel in late June is so popular riders are holding - in the Prince George area their first Salmon Valley Endurance Ride June 5. Applications may be picked- up at' our district Agriculture office in the Proviiicial building. There Will be 50 and 25 mile sanctioned rides with preride vet check given June 4. Adequate camping and parking space wilh water and out- Province ol British Columbia Ministry ol Forests NOTICE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION But you can beat the odds on lung disease. In the manerol Silviculture contracts in-the Quesnel Forest District: Owner: Ministry of Forests 322 Johnston Avenue Quesnel, BrKish Columbia V2J 3M5 Take notice that substantial completion has been given tor the following: " ^ A r m yourself Protact Number P93 C01-01 Typeol ConUsct Tree Planting P93 C01-02 Tree Planting P93C01-O3& P93 001-05 Tree Planting P93 001-04 Tree Planting Completion Date May 18/93 Location Quesnel Forest District Quesnel Forest District Ouesnel Forest District Quesnel Forest District May i a ^ 3 May 1 8 / ^ May 18/93 Cor«triK:tor, Nan»/Address Cariboo Tree Service Ltd. 815 Avery Avenue Quesnel, B;C. V2J 1G9 Tiger Forest Tree Planting Ltd. 12368 - 69A Avenue Surrey. B.Q. V3W 3N6 Root's Fteforestallon Ltd. Box 1801, Station "A" Prince George. B.C. V2L 4V7 Unique SUvicutture Lid. 268 Reid Street Quesnel. B.C. V2J 2M2 w i t h t h e l a t e s t lung facts from the B.C. Lung Association. R e d u c e a i r p o l l u t i o n from residential w o o d smoke and auto emissions witfi tips from tfie Association. S u p p o r t a d v a n c e d r e s e a r c h and province-wide community education programs sponsored by your Lung Association. (78) Advertise in the Observer Classifieds and get results B.C. Lung Association Box 34009, Station D Vancouver, B.C. V6J 4M2 -£3^] (Advertising space donated by this publication) houses arc available. Follow Hart Highway north of Prince George ,26 km. to the blue steel bridge over Salmon River and follow signs. There will be lots of awards and completion prizes for all, including a 50mile best conditioned trophy. Mail entries to Teresa Berry, RR # 2 , 8^16 C-7, P r i n c e George, V2J-2H9. Phone 9712396 for information. QUESNEL ENDURANCE RIDE Members of the Quesnel Endurance Ride ask horseback riders if they have ever wondered about endurance riding as a sport you and your horse might enjoy? On June 26 a 25 and 50 mile endurance ride will be held in the Baker Cfeek area west of Quesnel. Here is an opportunity to meet new friends who are also interested in horses, trails, and the great outdoors. Perhaps you would like to just observe a ride in progress or consider entering the ride. For complete information call Bonny Morlev at 249-5346 or .2495203. xiiissmmaiii^isssmm'^t^^msmi^mmmG^mim^ms. BCYCNA BRmSH COLUMBIA ANO YUKON covwuNrrY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION These ads appear In more than 100 community newspapers In B.C. and Yukon and reach more ttian 3 million readers. TO PLACE AN AD CALL THIS PAPER OR BCYCNA AT (604) 669-9222. 309 •_!-.i. i n ••Jill . f f j T ^ }jS1^3S,?!^'''^^iiA<t''fir^'-<!^-?^*>'--'Frf'''''irin:^s^ '!ig''jjj_i,!j.jjyiL'i^wi'^r!?gf;it!;m't"'^\;^ -••PJ'-.gqr-"J ^'--.- ^r-jz.Ti.T^r'.tii $195 for 25 words $3.70 each additbnal word SiTf'TtJiV r r r^^-"^-~- - • - f t - ' .^.v-<Jtv.g BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES EDUCATION FOR SALE MISC. MOBILE HOMES ENGINES FROM $995. for cars and trucks. Complete rebuilds with new parts. 6 Yr/ 120,000 KM Wananty. 20% Down-Payments later. Bond Mechanical 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. 7 Days. 872-0641. HOT TUB RENTAL BUSINESSI Everything you need starting at ^ 2 9 5 . Recover Investment with 10 rentals. Full-lime or supplement current Income. Call 1-800-6651932. _^ Train to be a "CRM" - Certified Apartment Manager. Many jobs availabTe. Over 2,000 graduates now working. Government licensed home-study course. R M . T . I . 681-5456 or 1-800-665-8339. Hotel Duck Mountain, Manitoba. Hunting, fisWng, sports, V.L.T.'s Licensed Restaurant, modem building, suite. Good sales. Sell property, come to friendly Manitoba. Offers contact: 1(204)548-2018; 1 (204)546-2807. BUY FACTORY DIRECT. Book now and save thousarKis on your new mobile or modular home. Top dollar given for trades. Also many used units available with as llttie as $500 down. Noble Homes (403)447-3414. BEFORE YOU BUY a rebuilt engine, compare quality and service. CANADA ENGINES LTD. IS THE BEST. Cars/ light Trucks from $995. 5 Yr. limited warranty. 580-1050 (24 Hrs/7Days). 1-800-6653570. TIRED OF WHAT YOUR'RE DOINO? W o r k p a r t - t i m e hours. Earn minimum 50,000 jr year. We'll show you how bt MLM. 90's opportunity. Call (416)638-8383, (416)638-8384. DOORSIWINDOWSI Interior and exterior wood, metal and French Doors, wood windews, skylights. MOREI Call collect to WALKER DOOR and WINDOW In Vancouver at (604)266-1101. K FULL TIME $$$ PART-TIME HOURS selling lingerie, beauty and bath products through home parties. FREE training. No investment for stock. FANTASIA 582-6684 or 1-800-363-6068. BUSINESS OPPORTUWUIES TRUCK-MATE: Tmck and trailer mounted backhoes. Dealers and owner operators wanted. Low c o s t R n a n d n g available O JV.C. Don't miss this opportunity. Phone Bill: (403)235-5125, (403)2355127 Calgary. CANADIAN COMPANY RAPIDLY EXPANDING has the fundraising and premium tool of the ' 9 0 ' 8 . Distributors needed immediately. Minimum investment $9d5. Federal Music and Video Club 1 800-263-1900. GROUND FLOORI No Selling, Meetings, Fees! 100% Guarantee o n ail productsi Buyers Club - Exploding. Natkjnwidel FREE Information Package. 1-800-6534637. Refer to Transit No. 33603. WESTERN BUILDING SYSTEMS. Now accepting applications forexdusive Regional Dealer/DlBtrlbutorsnips. Product Lines: Steel Ouonsets arvl Straightwail Structural Steel Buildings, low Investment required. 1-800565-9800, Kelowna. RENTAL BUSINESS IN QUESNEL. Well established equipment arxi truck rentals Arm. Bccellent k>cation, spacfous bulWing. For further Information call: Bruce 9925303 Business, 747-1742 Residence. " T H E AMAZING VIDEO M A C H I N E " $15,000 gives you a dynamic business that mns by itself & generates income for you with peace of mind. No Oveitieadsl No Staff I For details call: THE A V M NETWORK(604)5346151. Working for the forest ministry, they were to document the condition of the trail, its c a m p s i t e s , n e e d s , and limitations - specifically for those who would follow Mackenzie's footsteps on horseback. 3iia53Bae«saaBateiMaiSaw<»uift^ AUTO F-250, 4X4'8, Cummins Diesel, E x p l o r e r s , R a n g e r s , Trucks. Up to $1500. cash rebate. 'O' down O.A.C. Payments from $ 1 8 9 / m o n t h . Phone Grant or Don collect 538-9778. BUtLPINQ SUPPLIES IContlnued from page B1 WESTERN CANADIAN SCHOOL of Auctioneering, next course July 26-Aug. 7. For a free brochure call (403)250-1281 orwriteto:#6, 2003 McKnight Blvd. N.E., Calgary, T2E 6L2. FINANCE Government Grants & Loans. Billions of dollars are made available to new and existing B.C. businesses. The Brad Book can show you how to get your share. Call nowl (604)756-2721. FOR SALE MISC. WATERI WATER I WATERI If 8 going to be a dry summerl Ask f o r colour b r o c h u r e . B.C.'s largest manufacturer of polyethylene water storage and septic tanks. Premier P l a s t i c s , 107-917 a i v e d e n , Delta. V3M 6E8. 1-800-661-4473. BUSINESS PERSONALS STEEL BUILDINGS. Spring •SELLEBRATION- on Steel BuiWlngsfrom FUTURE, e.g. OUONSETS 25'X30'$4,962.. 30'X40' $6,274., 35'X50' $8,478. STRAIGHTWALL OUONSETS 25'X30' $5,522., 30'X40'$6,454. Bundingsare complete with Endwafls and sliding door. Freight, GST includad. Call 1-800-6665111. •DUPLISKATE" Electronic Skate Sharpener 5 monttis oki. OHginai cost $7,639.00. Will sell for best offer. Rnandng AvaOable. Call Mart i n ^ . 1-800-387-1894 or (416)621-1188. FOXY ladles offer exciting personal fantasy and photos • discieet entertainment by malU For free Info write KAREN, Box 670-GB, Kelowna, B.C. VIY 7 P 4 . Adults Only Please. SEPTIC TANKS^ D-Boxes pumpbut chambers polyethylene water tanks, pumps, fittings. Any water related products^manufactured by Canwest Plastics, Surrey Toll-free Pager 1 -9775983, For Dealer 596^)608. 8 Phiico Bendix Dryers, 4 Alldry Dryers, I King Koln Drycleaner, 2 6x12 Slate Pool Tables, all plumbing drains, some gas fittings (604)7693108. GARDENING ONE STOP GREENHOUSE SHOP. B.C. Greenhouse Builders Ltd., 7425 Hedley Ave., Bunnaby, B.C. V5E 2R1. FREE BROCHURE. Aluminum/Glass . or Aluminum/Polycarbonate SDP, Double-walled Greenhouses, Solafiums and complete line of Greenhouse accessories. Telephone (604)433-4220, Fax: 4331285. " HELP WANTED Fully Licensed Journeyman Auto Mechanic to work in well established automotive parts & repair centre In North Okanagan. Would consider future part ownership. Apply In c o n f i d e n c e : 5 4 2 - 9 8 4 2 Night, 545-7733 Day or Fax: 542-0492. Lower Mainland Retail IxjildIng materials outiet requires energetic, organized, self starter to add to our customer service team. Applicants should have experience in all areas of building niaterials. S e n d w r i t t e n letter With resume to: 20803 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Rklge V2X 2R2. KITCHEN CABINETS CABINETS 1/2 PRICE, i n stock, counfertops/vanities also. Kitchen Craft Factory outleL Cash and Carry Cabinet Warehouse, 4278 L o u g h e e d , Burnaby 2 9 8 9277. 1868 S p a l l R d . , Kelowna 8 6 0 - 6 6 3 8 . 8 0 0 Cloverdale, Victoria 3891114. For 15 days Holley and Cave forded rivers, sauntered across sprawling meadows and climbed desolate mountain tops above the tree line. Their music was silence, the wind, the voice of eagles and the sound of hooves following the ghosts of the Carrier, the Chilcotin and the Nuxalk. OVERSTOCI^EDonused 14 wides. 6 to choose from, starting at $11,000. Group offers considered. Wholesalers w e l c o m e . Homes Canada, Calgary (403)2862488. • But for all its beauty and freshness, backpacking or riding the Mackenzie Grease Trail is an arduous, sometimes numbing adventure. REAL ESTATE NEW HOMES - CMHC Standards. From$55sa.ft Quality engineered modular homes. Factory-built for your site. 2X6 walls. R40/R20 Insulation. SiTowhomes - Demac Home Sales, Surrey. (604)597-2181. For Holley and Cave the days began at 6 a.ni. and a day in the saddle would often continue for eight to nine hours, covering an average of 15 to 20 miles. Eating pre-packaged dehydrated foods, a gourmet meal would consist of freshly caught trout in any one of a myriad of lakes and streams. By the time it was over - at the end of the 30 day round trip both Holley and Cave had each shed the better part of 20 pounds. MOTEL & R.V. PARK FOR SALE. 20 Rooms, Manager's Suite, 40 R.V. Sites, Washrooms, House, Store. Gross $185,000. Prime location Hwy 97 Quesnel B.C. 992-2256. SERVICES Major ICBC motor vehicle Injury claims. Joel A. Wener, trial lawyer for 24 years. Call free: 1 - 8 0 0 ^ 5 - 1 1 3 8 . Contingency/fees available. Simon, Wener & Adier. ORAL CHELATION Important information if you have Poor Circulation, Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, Hardening of tiie Arteries, Shortness of Breatii. Improve your quality of life 1 -800-661 -8533. TRAVEL TIME SHARE RESALES and rentals. Your Canadian connectionl Want to sell or buy pre-enjoyed resorttime share orcampground membersWp? Worldwide Networki 1-800565-3915 or Calgary (403)255-5650. T" From Nazko t o Eliguk Lake the pair encountered easy going. But once into the Ulgatchio Mountains to Tanya Lake, a distance of some 40 miles, the true ruggedness of the Cariboo-Chilcotin took its toll. Slippery rock conditions face h o r s e r i d e r S ' i n t h e mountains. Said Holley of the conditions which confront adventurers in the wilds of the Cariboo West: i "People" should be aware that this isn't a horse trail, it's a hiking trail. And because of the slippery conditions that exist in the mountainous areas, it's easy for a" horse to fall and break its legs. As it was we had to reset shoes on two of the horses." Indeed, Holley, the most veteran cowpoke to ever swing a scalpel since the days of Doc Baker, describes the final portions of the ride as "some of the wildest and roughest country in North America." But Toby Cave - a retired B.C. H y d r o employee - is quick to add that the beauty makes it all worthwhile at the end of each day's ride. "I've beenrflying throughout that whole area for the better part of 30 years," says Cave. "But it's the first time I have ever seen the Rainbow Mountains from the ground. It's so different ... so many colors. I guess that's why they call t h e m t h e Rainbow Mountains." If Toby and Holley were not good friends before the ride, there was a newfound respect and closeness when it was finally over. Hitting perfect weather throughout their m o n t h - l o n g adventure, (it rained only once), they shared a common appreciation for this land that they knew so well but like so many others, not well enough. Said the two: " W h e n you stand on its mountaintops, t h e country around you looks limitless. It looks like you could ride forever without reaching the end..." But as in any journey, tjiere is an end. For Doc Holley_and Toby Cave, in a lifetime of many rides, it was the ride of a lifetime. FIRE PREVENTION M E S S A G E : When using propane grills, always have a match lit before turning on the house. gas. Store and operate outside and a safe distance from the MAY 22: Anderson Ave. dumpster fire. MAY 18: Ouesnel Forest P-roducts - mill fire. households and 49 businesses have already used the City of Quesnel Recycling Depot. sis HAS EEfsl RECYCLED!. Cardboard 46.5 tons Office paper 12.5 tons Tin cans 6 tons Newsprint 27.5 tons Colored paper 2 tons Aluminum 1 ton HOPE Plastic 1.5 tons THE QUESNEL RECYCLING DEPOT is committed to taking only those materials that CAN BE RECYCLED therefore lack of a crusher for glass and a recycler for paint prevents The Depot from accepting these materials t o Slippy Recycling Depot with these niaterials ^Cardboard ^Sorted paper *Metals ^Catalogues, Magazines, Phone Books *Some Plastics Properly sorted and clean materials will ensure successful recycling and a brigfiter future for generations to come. liiiiilililliiiililffiilslK sraana
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