Credit for previous studies (short track program) How to apply for credit Aruba Australia Austria Bulgaria Cameroon China Denmark Germany Indonesia Malasyia Switzerland Credit for previous studies (short track program) You can apply for credit for previous education you have undertaken. The relevant institute of Stenden university will consider the subjects you have taken and the results you have received to determine whether you are eligible for credit. If you are granted credit, you will get exemption of part of the curriculum. It will reduce the number of European Credits (EC) of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)*, you need to accomplish the Bachelor. Depending on the number of EC’s granted, you will find that your course duration is reduced. Any credits you receive can impact your choice of modules (units of study) during your course. If you receive an offer of admission to Stenden university, you will have an opportunity to accept or reject any credit that you may also have been offered. * One semester is (normally) equal to 30 EC’s How to apply for credit To have your previous study considered for credit, you must provide: 1. Detailed outlines for each subject including subjects descriptions, methods of teaching and assessment, reading lists, number of teaching hours, and any other relevant information 2. The academic level of the units studied (e.g. First Year, Second Year) 3. An explanation of the grading system used at your institution 4. Information on the total units of study requirement for the completion of the education you were taking 5. A certified copy of your diploma (diploma’s) and grade sheets 6. Curriculum Vitae 7. Proof of work experience, if applicable (recommendation + job description) For a number of study programmes Stenden university already grants credit (the final decision for granting credit is to the admissions committee of the specific study programme). Recognised qualifications for credit listed by country and Stenden programme(short track program out of 240 EC’s)*: Recognised general international qualifications for credit: Previous education/school Certificate/diploma Stenden program Exempted part of Compulsory part of Bachelor not related to the field of education (eg. BA in Anthropology, Modern English Literature) curriculum (in ECs) curriculum (in ECs) International Hotel Management 30 210 International Tourism Management 30 210 Please select the country of your choice: Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Denmark, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Switzerland Aruba Aruba: Previous education/school Certificate/diploma EPI Hospitality & Tourism Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) International Hotel Management 120 120 Stenden program Exempted Compulsory Australia Australia: Previous education/school Certificate/diploma Study Group Australia Pty Limited part of curriculum (in EC’s) part of curriculum (in EC’s) BSB60201 Advanced Diploma of Business Management International Hotel Management 30 210 Previous education/school (including diploma) Certificate/diploma Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) Höhere (Bundes-)Lehranstalt für Tourismus: Major in Hotel Management Reife- und International Hotel Diplomprüfungszeugnis Management 120 120 150 90 Austria Austria: Major in Tourism Management Tourismusschulen Bad Gleichenberg Zillertaler Tourismusschulen International Tourism Management Tourismusschulen Bad Ischl Tourismusschulen Bad Leonfelden Tourismusschulen Bludenz Kärntner Tourismusschulen Warmbad Villach Tourismusschulen Salzburg: Bad Hofgastein, Bischofshofen, Salzburg/Klessheim Kolleg für Tourismus: Major in Hotel Management Major in Tourism Management Diplomprüfungszeugnis International Hotel Management International Tourism Management 120 120 150 90 120 120 150 90 120 120 Kolleg für Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft Innsbruck Tourismusschulen Bad Gleichenberg Tourismusschulen Bad Leonfelden Tourismusschulen Bludenz Kärntner Tourismusschulen Warmbad Villach Tourismusschulen Salzburg: Salzburg/Klessheim ITM College Bad Vöslau Höhere (Bundes-)Lehranstalt: HLF Krems: Hotel- und Dienstleistungsmanagement, Tourismusmanagement und Reisewirtschaft HLA Baden: Kultur- und Kongressmanagement Reife- und International Hotel Diplomprüfungszeugnis Management Kolleg: Diplomprüfungszeugnis International Hotel International Tourism Management HLF Krems: Hotel- und Gastronomiemanagement HLA Baden: Kultur- und Kongressmanagement Management International Tourism Management 150 90 Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management (Tourismusschulen Salzbug: Salzburg/Klessheim) International Hotel Management 60 180 International Tourism Management 60 180 Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) International Hotel Management 150 90 Bulgaria Bulgaria: Previous education/school (including diploma) International University College, Dobrich Certificate/diploma Cameroon Cameroon: Previous education/school (including diploma) Certificate/diploma Bachelor in Management Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) International Hotel Management 90 150 Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) International Hotel Management 60 180 China China: Previous education/school (including diploma) Beijing Institute of Tourism Certificate/diploma International Tourism Management Shanghai University 90 150 International Tourism Management 120 120 SBRM 120 120 International Hotel Management Jiangsu Xi Shan Advanced Middle School (3 years) Denmark Denmark: Previous education/school (including diploma) Certificate/diploma Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) Copenhagen Hospitality College Major in Hotel & Restaurant Management International Hotel Management 90 150 Germany Germany: Previous education/school (including diploma) Certificate/diploma Hotelfachfrau/-mann Restaurantfachfrau/-mann Reiseverkehrskauffrau/-mann Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) Berufsschulabschlusszeugnis International Hotel + Management Fachhochschulreife or Abitur International Tourism Management 60 180 30 210 Berufsschulabschlusszeugnis International Hotel + Management Fachhochschulreife or Abitur International Tourism Management 60 180 30 210 Berufsschulabschlusszeugnis International Hotel + Management Fachhochschulreife or Abitur International Tourism 30 210 60 180 Management Hotelfachschule Hamburg Focal subject in Hotel management Focal subject in Tourism Management Berufsschulabschlusszeugnis + Fachhochschulreife or Abitur + Staatlich geprüfte(r) Betreibswirt(in) im Hotelund Gaststättengewerbe + 1 year work experience at supervisory level International Hotel Management 183 57 International Tourism Management 163 77 Fachhochschulreife or Abitur + Staatlich geprüfte(r) Assistent(in) für Tourismus International Hotel Management 78 162 International Tourism Management 102 138 Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft TÜV Rheinland Bildungswerk mbH Magdeburg: Tourismus Dr. Buhmann Schule/Europa Fachakademie Internationale Berufsausbildung, Vertiefungsrichtung Management Internationale Berufsausbildung, Vertiefungsrichtung Messe-, Kongress- und Event-Management Internationale Berufsausbildung, Vertiefungsrichtung Internationales Marketing International Hotel Management 99 141 International Tourism Management 133 107 International Leisure Management 133 107 Small Business & Retail Management 120 120 Staatlich geprüfter Kaufmännischer Assistant für Fremdsprachen und Korrespondenz + Geprüfter Betriebswirt für Messe-, Kongress- und Event-Management Management Higher European Diploma in Marketing and International Trade (HEDMINT) International Hotel Management 99 141 International Tourism Management 133 107 International Leisure Management 133 107 Small Business & Retail Management 120 120 Staatlich geprüfter Kaufmännischer Assistant für Fremdsprachen und International Hotel Management 99 141 Staatlich geprüfter Kaufmännischer Assistent für Fremdsprachen und Korrespondenz + Geprüfter Betriebswirt für internationales Management Higher European Diploma in Administrative Management (HEDAM) Internationale Berufsausbildung, Vertiefungsrichtung Sport-Management Internationale Berufsausbildung, Vertiefungsrichtung Tourismus Korrespondenz + Geprüfter Betriebswirt für internationales Marketing Higher European Diploma in Marketing and International Trade (HEDMINT) International Tourism Management 133 107 International Leisure Management 133 107 Small Business & Retail Management 120 120 Staatlich geprüfter Kaufmännischer Assistant für Fremdsprachen und Korrespondenz + Geprüfter Betriebswirt für Sport-Management Higher European Diploma in Marketing and International Trade (HEDMINT) International Hotel Management 99 141 International Tourism Management 133 107 International Leisure Management Small Business & Retail Management 163 77 120 120 Staatlich geprüfter Kaufmännischer Assistant für Fremdsprachen und Korrespondenz + Geprüfter Betriebswirt für Internationalen Tourismus Higher European Diploma in International Tourism (HEDTOUR) International Hotel Management 99 141 International Tourism Management 163 77 International Leisure Management 133 107 Small Business & Retail Management 120 120 Schule für Hotel- und Tourismusmanagement Wiesau Fachhochschulreife or Abitur + Staatliche geprüfte/r Assistent/in für Hotel- und Tourismusmanagement International Hotel Management 90 150 International Tourism Management 102 138 Indonesia Indonesia: Previous education/school (including diploma) Certificate/diploma Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) Diploma D3, Politechnics IHM 90 150 Bandung Institute of Tourism Food and Beverage Service Management Malasyia Malaysia: Previous education/school (including diploma) Certificate/diploma Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) Reliance College Hotel Management BA Hospitality Industrie Management IHM 120 120 Certificate/diploma Stenden program Exempted part of curriculum (in EC’s) Compulsory part of curriculum (in EC’s) 163 77 Switzerland Switzerland: Previous education/school (including diploma) Samedan Scuola superiore alberghiera e del turismo Bellinzona Hospitality Management IHM Tourism Management ITM Professional High School of Tourism * International Hotel Management 30 210 Diplomas not mentioned in the list above may also be considered admissible to a short track bachelor program. 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