tm^^mm^ •^^r^r^i^m^' • •'•! •^•^•W»-W»«^^^'^F^«^"T" ' **^^^^p^^^^iP^w^BPWiPPWPPy^i—w^HiPWWPW—PWWl^WIWPP—i Tuesday, April 17, 2001 Henderson Home Newt Pago 7 ^ Y HENDERSON HOME NEWS HENDERSON HOME NEWS HENDERSON HOME NEWS VIEWPOINT T MIk* O'Callaghtn Publisher T Carolyn O'Callaghan Co-Publisher T Paul Szydelko Managing Editor Galleria to give scholarships to five high school students Henderson Home News NJO, biO.HO... YOUOOAUeAV. I'LL <JET THE NEXT ONf. VOUT BE 6ILLy. TECHNICALLV YOU WERE HERE PIR6T. I THINK YOU SHOULP GO A^BAV. '^^r^ WELL, THAT 16 KINP OF yOi BUT r INSIST THAT YOU TAKE THIS ONE, THERE'S BOUNP TO BE ANOTHER. NEWS VIEW Commending crossing guards good idea Little Susie has no friends. Yet every day she smiles as she crosses the street to school because the nice and friendly crossing guard asked her how she was today. Or maybe Johnnie forgot his jacket and is shivering from the cold. But there stands a crossing guard with a jacket, promising warmth. And Elizabeth continues to confide in the crossing guard looking for assurance that her parents won't give her away. These artiktllie stwries Imd are bc^sed on the interaction our (Sty's crossing guards have with our children every day. They are the unsung heroes of Henderson because of their willingness to protect. They are heroes because of how much they love and care for children. The Henderson Police Department acknowledged the dedication crossing guards show last week at a luncheon at Sunset Station, An ice sculpture of a crossing guard with a STOP sign was featured. Police officers bestowed palmsized badges on each of the 110 crossing guards there to recognize them for the past year's service. A letter from state Assembly Speaker Richard Perkins, D-Henderson, expressed heartfelt thanks to each crossing guard for their excellence in protecting our city's children. Crossing guard Shirley Rizzo, who died Nov. 23, 1999, was remembered for protecting three children before losing her life. Needless to say, each individual deserved this appreciation and, according to Police Chief Michael Mayberry, will continue to receive recognition for years to come. We are thankful to these special men and women for keeping the city's youth safe. Don't buy castle just because rates are low Editor's Note: Myvesta org submitted the following editonal. "Don't let the drop in interest rates lure you into buying more house than you can afford," said Steve Rhode, president and co-founder of •TJse lower interest rates to your advantage and buy what you can reasonably afford. That way you'll be able to furnish your new homes and live comfortably, without setting yourself up for future debt problems.' Almost 10 million mortgages were made last year. That number could increase exponentially in 2001 because interest rates are predicted to drop to new lows. "Lenders try to give you the biggest nKntgage their formulas determine you can affimi." Rhode said. 'Just because a lender qualifies you for a certain amount, doesnt mean it's the right one for you." While the low rates are attractive, Americans' average debt-to-income ratio ia already at 90%. Seventy-five ;af diatdebt ia tied up in mort. *A 70% total dabt-toHnoonw ratio ia mnefa man wannaMa,* Rhode aaid. "Your morifiage shouldn't be more than 40% of you take-home pay. Keep other debts, including credit cards and auto loans, under 20*." "Hbo many people are in serious del>t trouble because they buy too much house for their income," Rhode said. The last thing anyone wants to hear is that they should move into a lessexpensive home. But in many cases it's necessary for people to downsize their homes to make ends meet." l^e lower interest rates are expected to trigger a rush of mortgage refinancings. "Some families could free up hundreds of dollars a month by refinancing," Rhode said. "Be sure to use extra money to build your future by paying down debt and putting money into savings. The most important thing to do is keep new debt off credit cards. Charge them up again and you1l have a double whammy of debt problems." Lower rates equal savings. Monthly payments on an average $132,900, 30year mortgage will be $884 at 7% interest, $840 at 6.5%, and $796 at 6%. The economic enthusiasm of the last few yean has died down. That. coupled with inoraaamg numbers of job layoA, could hdp to bring more people into reaaaaabia spanding limit«. Rhode added. OVERVIEW PAUL .SZYDELKO Move to new office represents many thi The News has moved. After more than a decade in the Green Valley Business Ptu-k, the Henderson Home News has moved to the Green Valley Corporate Center, off of Green Valley Parkway and Interstate 215. The new office represents many things to the newspaper — not the least of which is an excellent location, central to all parts of our remarkable city. We can get to Henderson City Hall in about 10 minutes, to Mission Hills in about 15, to Seven Hills in about 5 minutes, to the Galleria at Sunset in about 12. Ease of travel and the freeway access will allow us to go where news happens in a more timely way and allow better coverage of all parts of the city. A new computer system will allow for quicker, more accurate production of the newspaper. A new phone system, which feature direct line^and voice mail, will be more efficient as well. Individual e-mail addresses will allow readers and advertisers more direct contact with our stiiff. Finally, a more professional, consistent atmosphere throughout all departments will also aid communication and service to all of our many customers — from those reading the newspaper, to those wishing to place display advertising and those wishing to place classified Advertising. Be patient with us as we learn our systems. The wait will be well worth it. Well keep you posted on any new numbers and e-mail addresses to reach us. But please be advised our main switchboard phone number remai|i8 the sune, 435-7700. Our i^~ number remains 434-3527. Our mallingaddress is still PO Box 90430, Henderson, NV 89009. Our new address is 2300 Corporate Circle Dr, Suite 150. The O'Callaghan Print Shoppe, is right next door. Suite 160. The Print Shoppe's phone number is 435-7761. Before leaving our old office, I made a special effort to make last visits to some of the restaurants and businesses that have been our neighbors these past years. I ate breakfast at Thirstbusters and Blueberry Hill, had a slice of pizza at Barley's, coffee at Cafi^ Sensations, bought newspapers and refreshments at 7/Eleven8 on Sunset Road and Valle Verde. I had Taco Bell to myself, since the schools were on spring break. Certainly, FU make it to these places again, but not as fi^uently. There will be a new route to work, a new bank branch and new places to grab lunch. Fll have to find new convenience stores, and the local fast food places will see an immediate increase in foot traffic. Fve lived in Southern Nevada since 1986, which of course does not make me a native, but I suppose, qualifies me as an old-timer. I remember when the city had less than 10 stop lights; I remember when you would travel miles past any development on Green Valley Parkway in the dark before a hair-pin turn west onto Wigwam to get to Green Valley South; Tve been in a car on the floor of where Lake Vas Vegas was filled, in a helicopter over it, and finally on a boat on its surface. Before the Galleria at Simset, before Sunset Station, before Interstate 515 emd lf>terstate 215 and before so many Otner roads and thoroughfares, Fve called Henderson a place to work.'It was a bittersweet experience clearing out my desk of 10 years at 2 Commerce Center Dr. I was appointed editor in August 1990, about the same time the Home News moved from 22 Water St. Lotsof memos, notes, letters, photos and stories stirred memories. Figuring out what to keep, what to move, what to throw away, what to sort through later was a challenge. It was cleansing, refreshinjg and much-needed. It served to get a fii^sh perspective on where the newspaper has come and where it's heading. Over the years, the newspaper has evolved to reflect the changing needs of our growing city. We aim to publish an informative, enticing product that is familiar to those many loyal reliders who have been subscribing for decades. Our conuntmity newspaper also helps make the city a little more accessible for newcomers. We want to be a watchdog on behalf of the citizens at government meetings, and we want to be the newspaper of record. We want to provide objective information and lively comment, reflect current events and issues accurately and spark the dreams of Henderson's future. A newspaper is more than just an editorial department, Fve cpme to understand through the years. It's about advertising, circulation, art, accounting and marketing. And of course, it's more than just the building, more than just the tools we have to use. It's the people. In our new building, using new tools, all of us are striving to provide the best posaibl^ commuqit^ oewspa-'-' pdsf fat Ifcndferefm. It is Ah hoififtf, ft«"'' privilege and a responsibility we cherish. Szydelko is the managing editor of the Henderson Home News. GEORGE WILL How to balance competing values Should automobile.s be made as safe as possible? Most people might reflexively answer, "Certainly." But the indisputably correct answer is, "Certainly not." Automobiles designed to sacrifice all values to that of safety would have a maximum speed of perhaps 15 miles per hour They would be heavily reinforced in fuel-inefficient ways. They would have no radios or other possible distractions. And, by the way, if safety were society's sovereign goal, traffic laws would include a ban on (among many other things) left turns*, which are risky. Reasonable people do not talk about subordinating all values to any single value, be it safety, health, freedom, virtue, even justice. "Fiat justitia mat coelum" (Let justice be done, though the heavens fall)? Heaven forbid. Falling heavens are costly. Balancing com(>eting values is inevitable. Which brings us to today's eu'senic argument. Many people, uninterested in the pertinent science, denounce President Bush for overturning President Clinton's llth-hour regulation requiring the reduction of arsenic in drinking water from 50 parts per billion to 10 parts. Such people must believe, or want others to believe, that water should be made "as safe as possible." Are such people positive - if so, how? - that the health benefito of reaching that new standard would be worth the estimated cost of, for example, $400 million to New Mexico? How do such people know New Mexico could best use that $400 million that way rather than on more schools, courts, hospitals? Bush's critics mostly misunderstand, or misrepresent, his decision, which is not to aflirm the 50 parts per billion standard, but to question the cost-benefit rationale of an 80% reduction. Often, as environmental standards increase in ••verity, health benefits increaae Minimally, and costs increaae expo- nentially. And there are unanticipated consequences. Disregard the demagoguery about Bush favoring "polluters" who "put" arsenic^nto water. Most of the arsenic in America's water is put there by nature. It is mostly in groundwater in rural, not industrial areas. And in rural jurisdictions with small tax bases, the Clinton standard might have increased water costs so much that people would have dug their own wells, thereby increasing their exposure to arsenic. One anticipatable, and desirable, consequence of Bush's presidency will be less moral exhibitionism (e.g., Clinton's arsenic regulation, which he evidently considered lessthan-pressing business during seven years and 11 months of his administration) and more economic reasoning. For an introduction to such reasoning, try a new novel published, implausibly, by the MIT Press. "The Invisible Heart: An Economic Romance," by Russell Roberts, an economist, is the delightfully didactic story of a budding romance between two teachers at a Washington private secondary school — he teaches economics, she English. Instructing his class in the unintended consequences of government interventions in complex systems, the young economist tells his daas about the elimination of wolves from yellowstone in the first half of the 20th century. Wolves eat beavers, so beavers benefited, right? Not exactly. Wolves eat elk. Intensified grazing by the exploding elk population stripped vegetation from the banks of streams, including willow and aapen that.beavers need for food. "Fha baavw population plumnietML ' In "The Invisible Heart" the young economist asks his class: There are 531 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, worldwide, and world consumption is 16.5 billion barrels annually, so when will all the oil be gone? Answer: Never. Why? Consider the Nut Room. Suppose you love pistachio nuts, and are given a room filled with them to a level of five feet. But you must eat them in the room, and must leave the shells. When will you have eaten all the nuts? Never. As it becomes increasingly difficult to find nuts amidst the shells, the nuts will not be free anymore. When the cost — in time and effort — of the nuts becomes too high, a substitute will be preferred — nuts from a store, or another snack. And before the most-costly-toextract barrels of oil are found, we will switch to cheaper energy sources. Meanwhile, might it not be reasonable to extract the most accessible oil? Such as that in the Arctic National Wildlife Refiige. Do the costs of drilling there (in onehundredth of 1% of ANWR, where there already are roads, airstrips, houses, military installations) really outwei^ the coats of not drilling (higher energy costs, slower economic growth, increased national dependency)? Political argument is becoming a puerile cartoon about the moral (e.g., environmentalists) doing battle with the immoral (e.g., "polluters"). This is a consequence of regarding a blithe indifference to the costs of moral exhibitionism as evidence of mor^ superiority. Wllia of tw MMmglan PM WfWv^ Galleria at Sunset executives and part owners, Joan and Leslie Dunn will give five Henderson high school students $1,000 scholarships, next "Fuesday in the Galleria ^Sunset Food Court. Each year, local high school students are chosen to receive the Galleria at Sunset Scholarship based on academic achievement, community involvement, financial need and an essay on how to build a better community. Each recipient chosen is asked attend the ceremony with the teacher who made a difference in their lives. Ibgether with the teacher and family, each student will be presented with a scholarship for $1000. This year's recipi- ents are Sarah Alawami, Basic High School, Heather Mattick, Green Valley High School, Ryuji Wolf, Green Valley High School, Danielle Williams, Green Valley High School, and Amy Northrup, Green Valley High School. Ranked first in her class, Mattick is an AP Scholar, vice president of the National Honor Society and is a valedictorian candidate. In addition to her academic achievements, she also volunteers her time to participate in community service events such as Eagle Scout Project Volunteer and Math Olympiad Volunteer. Mattick has maintained a 4.0 GPAall four years of high school while receiving a Varsity letter in Btfid. Alawami, a senior at Basic High School, has overcome many obstacles in her life. She has been blind since she was a few days old. Throughout school, she has achieved academic excellence. Voted 2001 Green Valley Senior Most Likely to Succeed, Wolf has generously donated many hours to community service and has received various academic achievement awards. '' H awards and honors include speech and debate president, Nevada Institute for Gifted and Talented, the lococca Institute Millennial Conference and the Wendy's Heisman State Finalist. Over the last four years, Williams has worked hard to achieve athletic and academic success at Green Valley High School. She is on the Varsity Track and Field Team, a member of the National Honor Society and International Baccalaureate Honor Society President. A senior at Green Valley High School, Northrup has the May 16 meeting with a lecture and discussion of Victor V^Uasenor's book Rain of Gold. Perez is an assisttmt professor of Enghsh at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Bridges that Unite Us/Los Puentes que nos unen was designed by Utah-based Human Pursuits, a non-profit organization funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, and was created to bring bilingual communities together. Founded in 1991, by Helen A. Cox, Ph.D. Human Pursuits' progr^^ms operate in eight western states. Bridges that Unite Us/Los Puentes que nos unen program focuses primarily on activities that all cultures sheu-e. The community's response to this program has been very positive and the Henderson District weighted GPA, and has applied to Pepperdine University, Arizona State University and University of Southern California. A For more infoninti(al about the Galleria at /Sunset Scholarship Award Cnsremony or any Galleria atN^Sunset event, call 434-0202. 98 E. Lake Mead Drive, #201 Henderson, NV 89015 Bilingual reading program to begin The next meeting of the discussion group "Bridges that Unite Us/Los Puentes que nos imen" will be held Wednesday, April 25. Rudolfo Anaya's "Bless Me Ultima" will be the topic. Bridges that Unite Us/Los Puentes que nos unen is a bilingual reading program designed to unite members of the community through great literature. Dr. Patricia Geuder will lead the next discussion at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25, in thh Gibson Library Story Room. Geuder, former advisor for the Hispanic Association at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and long-time Henderson resident, feels this program wijl have a positive impact on the Henderson Community. Dr. Vincent Perez will lead spent her high school career participating in school athletics and community leadership events. She has donated her time as a student tutor, Ronald McDonald House Volunteer, and was also recognized as the Who's Who Among High School Students. Northrup currently has a 4.6 Public Libraries hopes to sponsor future programs such as "The language That Unites Us" and "Coming of Age in America." For more information or to register for this program and borrow a copy of the book, call the Henderson District Public Libraries, 567-3674. 564.1758 ! St.Rose Dominican Hospital CHW World Savings is now open in Henderson % Alumni scholarships offered The UNLV Alumni Association has allocated $30,000 of its annual endowed scholarships to establish the Fred Albrecht Business and Law Endowment, according to association President Kevin Page. Ilie endowment, named in honor of Albrecht, UNLV vice president for university and community relations and long-time director of alumni relations, will provide $10,000 for scholarships in each of three areas: undergraduate business degree, master of business administration, and Jsflfdegree candidates. The association endows scholarships in 45 departments throughout the university. "The scholarships are named in honor of Fred Albrecht because it was his hard work that helped raise most of the endowment funds," Page said. The scholarships will be awarded this spring and will become effective for the fall 2001 semester. Page said, adding that interested students should contact the business or law dean's office for detailed information and application forms. Candidates for the MBA and JD degrees must also have earned their undergraduate degrees from UNLV to be eligible for the new scholarehips. The UNLV Alumni Association is working with Dean Richard Morgan of the William S. Boyd School of Law to establish a law school alumni association similar to the one that already exists in the College of Business. Youth Orchestras in concert The Las Vegas Youth Orchestras will present their final concerts of the season at Artemus Ham Hall on the UNLV campus. The sinfonia, directed by T^rry Shade, and ensemble, directed by Shelly Burger, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 23; the philharmonic under the direction of Karl Reinarz, and symphony, directed by Karen McCauley, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 24. The programs include "Pavane" by Ravel, "Concerto for Cello" by Saint-Sfiens, "Concerto for Violin" by Mendelssohn and "Symphony No. 9* ("New World") by Dvorak. The orchestras, sponsored jointly by the Cultural and Community Affairs Division of the Las Vegas Department of Leisure Services, the Clark County School District and the Friends of the Las Vegas Youth Orchestras, are comprised of four ensembles based upon students' ages and ability. The musicians, from second grade through high school, are selected through auditions and are required to be enrolled in school music programs. Tickets, available at the door, are $4 for adults and $3 for students, seniors and disabled. For more information, call 229-6211. NtUIID lOlHMMUMMt Celebrate with our great yield. Get one of the best CD yields in Nevada. A $10,000 minimum deposit in our 6-Month CD gets you one of the highest yields from any bank in the state, a free safe deposit box, and more. Win our $3000 Vacation Sweepstakes. You can enter every day. Just bring in your completed entry form below or drop by to fill one out at the branch. '1 i r the World Sa(mgs lion'^ ' •' AnflrtoofM 1 1 iw-On Q y»s, please enter me In World s virand Opening Vacation Sweepstakes. •MWMM Name "Ofooo MaQs WB•^^ HKNDmSON Horizon Rainto Center 2666 W. Horizon RfdgePkwy. Address. City, S^ate, Zip. (702) 270-9270 Telephone We're open Monday through Thursday 9-S, Friday 9-6, ami Saturday 9-1. E-mail Address • Please let me know about future World prorrxjtional offers. Students can register for summer ACT The next ACT Assessment will be administered nationwide on June 9, 2001. Collegebound high school students must register for the college admissions and placement exam by May 4 — the deadline for having yo»ir registration postmarked. There is a late registration postmark deadline of Blay 18, but an extra fee is charged fbr late registrations. ACT wxiraa are acoapted by virtually all U.S. ooOegaa and' univenitiea, including all Iry League achools, and are used by colleges along with high school grade point average and ORIGINAL^.. other information in admissions decisions and to help place students in appropriatelevel courses, llie test fee is $23 ($26 in Florida). Students can register for the ACT by getting information from their high school counselors or by registering online at ACTs webaite — llie Web site also has helpful information, sample tests and the opportimity to order test prep materials including an interactive CD-ROM, ACTIve Prep, which contains actual, timed tests and helps etfidents build a study plan. The party, the sweepstakes, and the yield end Saturday. May 12. Don't miss out. o> WORLD SAVINGS How may we help you? 'World's Annual Percentage Yield effective April 16. 2001. Itirougt) close of business May 12. 2001. subildio witfKlrawal Funds must cotne from a financial institution other than World Savings $90,000 maximum per World Savings Bank. FSe ••Account not required to inter CwmilHi weepelilw nim iwHiMl m WorW Savings (D2001 World Savings Bank FS8 M1O0O-11 iHMrty
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