How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events The earlier you can start publicising your event with a well thought-out, structured marketing plan, the more chance you have of getting a good audience for your event. Start preparing your publicity campaign early How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Who do we want to reach and where are they? What kind of audience would appreciate our event (e.g. children, teenagers, adults, specific groups with a subject interest)? Is our event open to the general public or aimed solely at a specific group (i.e. students or staff)? Is there anyone who would benefit from attending the event? Identify your audience How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Think what it is about your event that makes it special, unique. What lies at its core? What's it about? What are its themes? What is it about the event that will attract an audience? Attracting your audience How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Once you have identified who your audience are, determining what methods you will use to publicise your event to them will be made easier, as some target groups will respond to certain forms of publicity and marketing more than others. What type of publicity will best attract your audience? How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Publicising on campus How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Business School Reception - [email protected] EMPS College Enquiry Mail - [email protected] Humanities College Office Mail - [email protected] Bio Sci Reception Mail - [email protected] Geography Help - [email protected] Psychology Mail - [email protected] SHS Office - [email protected] PGCE Admissions Mail - [email protected] SSIS Law Office at Streatham - [email protected] Politics Mail - [email protected] Sociology and Philosophy Office Mail [email protected] The University’s Academic Colleges How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events The Music Office’s “What’s On Calendar? How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events • For many students researching which University to apply for, this page will be their first contact with your society. Your Society’s page on the Music Office’s website How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events • Ensure you keep your society’s webpage eye-catching and up-todate with current information. Add a logo and a photo to your webpage How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events The text on your page can include a link to an external site. Add a link to another website How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events • Sites such as YouTube and SoundCloud can be a showcase for your music. YouTube & SoundCloud How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events • The Arts & Culture website has a high visitor ‘click’ rate and listing an event is free. • An events enewsletter is emailed to over 900 culture-hungry people each month. Arts & Culture website - How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Your International News is aimed at the University’s overseas student population. The publication is issued in November, January, February, March and May. Your article, which can be 100 words at most plus a photo, should be emailed to Sue O’Hara. International News – Sue O'Hara International Student Support Officer S.O’[email protected] How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events The University produces a termly paper newsletter for around 3500 households throughout the city mainly those close to our Streatham and St Luke’s campuses. The 'StreetWise' newsletter focuses on providing termly updates; good news stories, advance warning of events and activities and a reminder of key contact numbers and emails. The e-newsletter is circulated roughly once a term (in tandem with the paper newsletter). Community e-newsletter – Contact Rory Cunningham on: 01392 723721 or email [email protected] How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Adding the details of your society or event to your email signature means you publicise your it to everyone you send an email to. Email signatures How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Student News in Brief & University News in Brief are monthly newsletters emailed to all staff & students respectively. Contact Abigail Dixon, Communications Officer for submission [email protected] University News in Brief How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Exeposé and Exeposé Online XpressionFM XTV Plasma screens in A&V All of the above via the Activities Coordinator** Guild Times monthly email newsletter – email Steve Gibson [email protected] Guild website ubmitevent **NOTE: Olli Whittle WAS the Activities Coordinator, but he has now left the Guild and his post will not be filled until the new academic year. In the meantime, contact Orlando Murrish – [email protected] or Sara Bennett – [email protected] The Guild How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events • Create an event page on Facebook and invite people to ‘like’ the page. • You can use Twitter to keep your ‘followers’ updated. Social Media How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Publicising off campus How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events More people read local papers than you might think, so tell them what you have planned. Local papers love a good news story but the more creative, the more receptive they'll be. To add an event to the “What’s On?” page, you have to Register first. Express & Echo – online How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events • Add a photo as well to create a greater impact. On this site an image can be uploaded in addition to your text. Express & Echo – online How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events The newspaper is published each Thursday, so ensure your article is submitted at the start of the week in order to meet print deadlines. Contact: Anita Merritt - [email protected] Sue Kemp - [email protected] Rob Sims - [email protected] Express & Echo – in print How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Contact: Alan Quick, Editorial Manager / Photographer – [email protected] / 07979 753 571 Crediton Courier – online How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Contact: Gemma Clapp Staff Writer, Devon Life & Exeter Life 01392 888413 / 07921 108902 [email protected] Devon Life website – How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Anyone that has an event to promote can submit their information to this website it’s then instantly available for the public to view on both desktop and mobile platforms. Just complete and submit their "register" form. They will then create a unique page for your society and contact you when it’s available for you to use. Eastdevonhub – How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events is an online market retailer and their listing of events around the UK is a huge What's On Guide covering clubbing, live music and gigs, comedy, dating, theatre. Register your Society first to place a free event listing online. – How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events / Posters may seem old fashioned, but get your event noticed and create a poster. Spread it round your area and ask everyone from cafes and libraries to sports clubs and businesses to put up the poster and help spread the word. The Music Office – we have noticeboards in Cornwall House, Kay House and we own the information cabinet in Lower Argyll Road. Northcott Theatre – take A4 posters to the Box Office Guild – take posters to the A&V Desk to have them stamped as approved Boston Tea Party Phoenix Tea on the Green - Cathedral Close, to the left of the cathedral The Devon & Exeter Institution Cathedral Close, to the left of the cathedral RAMM – Queen Street Exeter Corn Exchange – George Street Real Food Café Café at 36 Exeter Picturehouse The Rusty Bike Public Library Waterstones – Cathedral Green Barnfield Theatre – Barnfield Road Bike Shed Theatre – Fore Street Exeter Quay Antique Centre – the Quay The Phoenix – Gandy Street The What’s On pillars in town (wallpaper paste/sticky tape required) Posters and Flyers How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Phonic FM Bradninch Place Gandy Street Exeter EX4 3LS Tel admin: 01392 427416 Email admin: [email protected] Tel studio: 01392 434577 Email Studio: [email protected] How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events The audience of local radio stations can be both large in number and cover a wide section of the community. Send an email to any of BBC Radio Devon's presenters using the form at the bottom of each of their individual web pages. Phone the newsroom on 01752 234511 or email [email protected] Google search “Radio Devon contact details. The form at the bottom of the web page can be used to send them details of all sorts of events. Radio Devon How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Once your event has finished, it is important to have a society meeting to evaluate how effective your publicity campaign was. Tell your local media how your event went and if it was a fundraising event, how much money you collected; Even if they don’t send someone to cover the event, you might still get some publicity. “That worked well” After your event How To Publicise Your Society & Your Events Next time we’ll also include…” GOOD LUCK!
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