HOW TO MAKE A SUCCESS OF Q U A L n r FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT K G Taylor LBM UK Laboratories Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a technique that was developed in Japan to match produd design against the needs and wants (in terms ofquahty and m o n ) of the customer. It also mcludes 0 t h pspeas ofqualitycontrolnotcoveradhen,foragencral description, see King [ll. A good deal has ken written about bow to &sign produfts using QFD, but recent rrports (Grithn [2]) iadirrtr that not all attempts mat with SUCCCSS, particulprty in theareas of compdtrsoftwareandmces. The suaxsfd use of QFD depends both on the 00operation of the software development team, and on an un’ of how to tackle somc of the problems involved This paper suggests 8omc prpaical ways in which to make QFD wodq includinga way to estimate the time to ckvclop a matrix, a d how to reduce this time. - PUNNING FOR QFD HOW BIG SHOULD MY HOUSE BE ? The i”Kz of the lqlw” gatbenng a d QFD phases for a produa cannot be owx wmed Not understanding the overall wants pad & of the customers mansthatsoonerorlaterthcpoduawill fail; witness the 8dadc a d o caruidge and the electric tricycle. If it does not fail because of illoonceptioq it may be Overtakur by t c c h n o l ~ ,s was the swiss watch and the slide rule. Both of these piW can be avoided,as will be shown one of the reasons why QFD is not l“& accepted is that it is p e r c a d t o &k too long or cost too much It also relies on knowmg what the customers wan& which again adds to b e ast. Tht first part of QFD is sometimes called a house of quality. This section on planning for QFD describes bow to estimate the time raquired to genetate a house of quahty, and how to reduct this time when the estimate proves too long. Figure one shows an Wervicw of the PrOQd design, not including code development and tcaing. The rcquircments gathering phase is beyond the scope of this paper, but a ftw points arc included here. Like many things in compting, QFD is largely a ‘garbage in, gahlagc out” proass; so Wcll-mXaIcbd customs wants and needs (which lllt the inplt to QFD) arc mandatory. This may involve additional project cost and t h e in design schedules Typlcelly this type of rcstafch tabes three to six I n O andcosts0~or ~ two perant of the project krdgd. Som companies regularly collect suggestions fkom customus about PrOQa % arc mly genaal enough to replace a survey. The requirements used in QFD must be wcU-chosen In practia.,$bk means that they cannot be arbitmy comments mackat a trade show. They mustarrathe whole scope of the p ” s usc. and be rcprtstntativc of a large Propomon ofthe customas. This almost certarnly meansthat they must be gathmd i n a b u ~ t y or workshop, and not merely colleacd as they are sent in, perhaps by a small group of customers. Another mason why they must be coUcctfd is that they must have a Customer importance fahng asaiakd with them, and this can only be found in a survey. f3yfouowingthroughthetwo phasesafQFD shownin Figure one, the produd design is d m d y cvaluatcd against “ e K ’ w a n t s pad needs. Difkml! design proposals can be compared, and the whole p ” s merit can be evaluated productpricingcanbe hctoled into the method by aslnng the arstomns to rate ‘Low cost” ag;unst other wants and rids, and only including the wants and needs that come above it in importance. The word processing system. Figure two introQccs the example usedin this m,a word proassing *em The customer wants ami nceds arc shown on the left of the figure, together with the rating of importancetothecustomeronascaleof l(a 10.twelve wants and needs are typical of those from surveys we have con&ct& but are not specifically from a m e y on word procesSing. In practice. many more wants and needs are collected, and these form the ”leaves” on a tne of requirements. These are sorted into groups, which form the branches of the tne.The twelve w a ~ t and s needs in this example w thebranches at a &&stance down the W. The impoxtance rating is found (from a survey) once thegroupsofwantsandneeds(twelveinthiscase) have been found It may be necessary to correlate the survey results with particular market areas with a view to exploring the need for two or more products. The choice of (groups of) wants and needs is crucial to thesc~ocessof the ex&There should not be more thanabouttwenty, as thiswouIdleadto excessive time neeckdtoamsiderthe QFD amtrix, since this time is roughlyproportionaltothe " b n o f wantr and needs squared. marketplace. The design objectives are selected by the technical planning, and development groups to rcpreswt measures on the customer wants and needs. Units of m e a " should be agreed, but absolute values are not needed at the system planning stage. Typically, one or two design objectives come h m each want and need, although there are likely to be more functional objectivesthanthis, even though these maybe statedat a high level. Functional objectives typically relate to which emimnments the product should run in, and additionalfeatures nquested Inmoslprojectr,moredetailcdI#earchwillbealso needed. This is likdytobe most or all of the following: c u s t O " S w a n t 0 r ~ . Thaccanbefapanmus tothis: Strong, I " weals of me&a Tbest me 1)MsrketrescarcbmthebepacrgClan . dourprocfuasin weighted 9,3.1, .ad0 in the adysis which follows. In this pm of the aMlysi& chae a n be no nep;stivlt effects; these are dealt with in theseandmatrix. comparisonwiththeoampdition 2) Market m h on the pMathl market areas for OurpoQCLs, iachding new markffarras. 3) Technicel rrstarch on recent advances and Next, for each combination of design and want andneed, thequestion isaskad"Howmuch does meeting this design o@kuivc help satisfy the 4) Detailed studies S c o w . For each objedk, a technical importonce mting is Calarlatad by multiplying the custonrer importance rating by the weight of &ea dscnbed above,and summing this down the column. theskinclicatcd,andtbcotherrcscarchfactoredintc it in the way tobe &scribed. The resultdthis calculation is shown at the bottom of Figurc &.This is a first pass at the ofthe design~cctive. Thne further measurcs can be brought in to imprwe the usefulnm of this mrc by taking into account QF'D Phase one competitiveperformance: 1) Customerpaceptionoftbtstrcngthsand wealwsscs of OUT produas ci"d with iruwvations. on one or more critical aspects of thepoauct QFD can beusedfor the last ofthesc, and is closely tinkdwiththeatherthree.Howevla,the"SystemmidPQFDchart describtd haq should be limitedto In the 6rst phase of the QFD, the strategy is to develop a good rmdtrstanding of the abstrucfion of the ideal produA Tbis abstraction is in the form of product otjecms that an.gcmral enough to mQrc for the Lifetimt ofthe pmduct and beyona The wants and DecQ sbould fonn a 'Vision" for the ideal pmduct, as indiceted in Figure one. The long-term nature ofthis vision will be demonstrated by the fact that most (but not au) OrFigure two relates to the ObJcdives that d d have ban dcvised for typewriters in use a century ago. - Figure two shows the first phase of QFD for the word Wants and needs go down the I&hand side ofthe while o cross the top go the design obgectivcs used to mawre those wauts and necds. These design otyctms have betn grouped under headings of function, usability, perfontlance, reliability, imtalMon, "rice., and documentation. This is to ensure that these important aspeus of function and quality are not overlooked, and to compare these aspects with survey data from the piocessor example. competition. 2) Maritet trends in "desirable" features to boost des. 3) Performance comparisons between our POQds and those of competition. These work by mod@ng the customer importance rating for each want and d in the following way: The customer perception (on a d e of 1 to 5) dour produa now is oamparui with that for the competition. A suallty plan is derived from this by taking time wants and needs for which the cuslbmers tbink wt MI short of the annptition, and giving them a higher customer importancc rating. This can only be Qnt wherewchaveancxistingproQain the marketplace. The SeODnd way that the rating can be modified is to give it a 20??or 5oo/o increase when the want and need is perceived as being a featun that everyone wants (at the moment), or is one that will cxpaad the potential market for the produa. The third way to refine the method is to compare ow product's &hnical specifications (either measured or prtxkted) with those of the Oampetrtion. However, this 4/2 To predict such a collapse is a key role for produa planners. It could be &ne by compafing Ihe KduCbg costs of new Lechnologies with the merit of old o w . and watching for when the new technology passes the old one in t e e of its cost-performance.This is part of the QFD phase two process which follows. is best done during the second phase of QFD, especially in a system-wide study of the rvpe discu~sed here. Note that,unlike the rest of the phase one matxi& the lifetime of these competitive measurcs may be only a Few months;thus they should be checked continually. DEPLOYING QFD INTO A PRODUCT DESIGN. Detailed studies. Where a customer want and need raquirrs added &tail, further investigation will be aecsslry.Inthisacample,thearact wantsandneeds for colour printing need further investigation to find the rmmbadcolours and types of paper q u i d . . This couldbe the subjea of an additional QFDstudy at a dctaiIed level. QFD often stops when the initial h o w of qual~lyis c o m p w l or else the two phases of QFD ciimscd here are merged into one. This is not to be " m e n d e d , since the ikst phase af QFD rdates to long tum wtomer wants and scumd phase relates to ever- whaars the produas. It is ~lythat#veralvasionsofthcphasetwomptrixwill P U " G CUSTOMERWANTS AND NEEDS INTOCONTEXT. exist ova the product lifetime. The relationship between the two QFD matrices was shown in Figure one. Figure thret shows a phase two matrix for the word prooessing example. Across the top are product candidates (in this case componcn& of a word proassing system), and down the si& axe the &sign objectives derived from phase one . Although customers know what they want, they are probably not awan of certain faaors, such as the impad of new technology. They may also take certain things For granted, such as "Good size and number of keys on the keyboard" which has becm added to the design ob~cctivcshere. Note that the ways that these addadobjecbvc arc bcond is ihtical to thase derived d m d y finmcustomer wantsand aeeds;so thcy are in DO way "cheating" by being added by the planner. .> ., The phase two chart is scored in a similar way to the phase one chart, but with the added pos?iiity of* items making a negative contributon to a &sign obpzive. These negmve contribrdions are not recorded in phase one because they are due mainly to technology htations that could be short-tcnn. Evcn Conflicts. The xxalled "roof" of the house of quality (indicated in Figure one) is used to identlfy points at which two design objeaives conflict with each other. tal conflicts in phase one do no3 have negahve soores there, but instead carry through to phase two because correct objectives must be spaSed for botb sides of the conflict. For example, the objective for "Low weight and size of the systcm" oonflicts with the one for "Good size and number of keys on the keyboard". A small system is likely to have little space for keys ! These fundamental design problems are toplcs for research programmes and innovative solutions. This particular problem might be solved by the recent range of pen-based computers. Figure three shows the score for each candidate item at the bo".Two xts of scores are shown; the white sets are for a fixed system (mains powtradandnot low weight), and the shaded sets are for a portable system. Notice that the word processor with a grapiucal user interfixscores highly in both cases, whereas the highfunaion hardware is both heavy and power-hungry. Sincc a!l laser printers need mains power, they are not The area of portable word processors leads to many intemting tra&+i& in system design, and needs separate consideration in the second phase of QFD.It is an example of a situation where a single prchct cannot s a w the whole market with today's technology. Howeva, when colour LCD scl.eens have got cheaper and clcarer, and the power a"ption of various components has beem reduced (or batteries have Impmved), the whole market may be open to a single product When this happens, the market for mainso w e d compters could suddenly collapse, just as it has (almost) done for mains-operated calculators. dircdcandidatesfortheportablesystem. scorcS for each component may be compared with Lhe cost of tbat component Looking at the scorn for a fixed system, it is notcworthythat the printersall score highly, men though they typicairy cost I C s than half the price of the system itself. This tells us that investing a small additional amount in a printer will be more cffeaive than investing it in a higher rcsoLutjon display, for example. A slmilar argument applies to a word processor with a graplucal user interFace. 4/3 Misunderstandings in the original requirements may be found by doing this.^ The phase two matrix can also be uscd to find gaps in the poposcd solution In this case, there are three "weak m a (ones with low or lregatin scores); reliability, installation, and maiatenance. This indicates a need for a new plan item in this area, such a s a " m a c " c i Conclusions This paper has described how @ty function deployment can improve the @ty and costeffeaivlmess of pPoducts and systems. The two-phase approachdcscribedhas several unique pmperties in the way it is used Emphasis has been placed on how to limit the work involved,yet at the same time i&nt@ problem areasthat xuay needfurther investigation. Multiple matrices The phase one matrix captures whut functions thc customers want, and how they want them to work; it tries to be general enough'to avoid discussion of d o are the users and where they are. The phase two matrix rep" an attemp at a practical solution to the djocths in phase one, for a particular sd of users ina pamcular situation. By the use of these techniques, &signers cm avoid producing produds that do not mMthccaIaom" needs. or Which do not match up to the competitiop In the umaqAc, by aualysing the two cases for lixed andportablequipment, we have really been looking at t w QFD matrioes; one for a portnblc system, and one h a fixed one. To Q a compidt study for two market segments like thest, two se& of customer priorities axt reaty needed These can be pwessed through the same phase one matrix to yield two sets of technical importance ratings for the design objeaks. In this casethetwomaktshavebccnsfsumedtobe similar e x q t for the d B e m raquircments on mains power ~ t h y - p r a d r a c e ~ ~ s a v i a s , u d systems whilst still keeping within budgets. Rcfe"es andweight. [ 11 Kmg, B."Betta designs in half the time" Customer fadback In all cascs it is wise to check each poposedpodrM with a sample set of customers before pzweuhg with devtlopment. [2] Gri&, "Eement A 1992 Journal of D innwation Quality Function Deployment :onf licts n Customer Importance Desian Conflicts + " A b Customer Perception Plan Item M e r i t FIGURE ONE 4/4 Phase One Deployment Matrix \\ \ Candidate Design Object Phase TWO Deployment Matrix FIGURE'IHREE Z 1994 The Institutionof Electrical Engineers Printed and published by the IEE, Savoy Place, London WCPR OBL, UK
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