UNICard The personal patient support service and call centre are organized by Semmelweis Egészségügyi Kft. (SEK), and supplied to you free of charge by the university. Holders of UNICard can take advantage of: - if you feel sick, you can visit our English speaking GP; - if you need to see a specialist, we can arrange an appointment for you with Semmelweis University physicians. Member of the SEK staff will personally accompany you and help in the clinic, not only in health matters but also in arranging the administration and payment. BUT YOU NEED TO HAVE YOUR CARD VALIDATED! Your card can be validated at the Foreign Students’ Secretariat when registering, or after the registration period in the SEK office (1094 Budapest, Tompa u. 26/b Phone: +36 1 327-0452). DO Do NOT noT FORGET forgET TO To HAVE YOUR YoUr CARD CArD WITH YOU! YoU! How to use your UNICard You can call UNICard UnICard call center at +36 1 461-1591 on workdays between 7 am and 7 pm to enquire about any medical problem. Once you have verified your eligibility by stating your UNICard number, you can talk to an English speaking doctor about what to do for your particular complaint or question. English speaking operators will •• informyou inform you •• whattodoifyouareill; towhat do if you are ill; •• ifyouhavetocalladoctorwhenandwhereour you have if to call a doctor when and where our English speaking GP can be contacted; •• arrangeanappointment arrange an appointment to visit a clinic with somebody to help you out, •• providefurtherinformationon: provide further information on: •• healthproblems,diseases,treatments,takingcare health problems, diseases, treatments, taking care of health; •• composition,application,sideeffects,interchangecomposition, application, side interchangeability and price of medications; •• locatingall-nightpharmacies. locating all-night pharmacies. Your UNICard UnICard cannot be used to replace your health insurance certification, so please make sure you always have your insurance documents. Further information about UNICard services is available at the Semmelweis Egészségügyi Kft. website www.unicardinfo.hu www.unicardinfo.hu These services and instructions are provided to you in the hope that you will never actually get in a situation when you need them during your stay. We hope you will enjoy being a student in Hungary, and wish you great success in your studies. General Practitioner (GP) on duty in the centre of the city International Ambulance Service as the partner of UNICard providing medical service on duty can be found in the heart of Budapest: 1073 Budapest, Dob utca (street) 86. (at the corner of Vörösmarty utca – Dob utca) Phone: +36 40 200-763 0-24 everyday Phone:+3640200-7630-24 You can reach the place by: Youcanreachtheplaceby: Type of vehicle Trolley Tram Nr. of vehicle nr. Stop 70, 73, 74, Wesselényi utca (street) 76, 78 Király utca (street) fol- 4, 6 lowed by a short walk You can recognize the building easily by the signs and tables. The patients are welcome in a pleasant waitingroom and are served in two separated consulting rooms. 2 doctors, 1 nurse and 1 driver are available round-theclock. Almost all of the doctors speak English, more of them speak French and German. Nurses also communicate in foreign languages as many foreign patients arrive from the nearby hotels, hostels, schools, etc… Consulting hours on duty: 0 - 24 everyday Consultinghoursonduty:0-24everyday Normal consulting hours: 9 am - 6 pm on working days Prices: First visit: First visit: Review/re-examination: Review/re-examination: Consultation Consultation over over the the normal normal consulting consulting hours: hours: On-call examination at patient’s flat: On-call examination at patient’s flat: 8.000,-Ft 10.000,Ft 5.000,-Ft 6.000,Ft 10.000,-Ft 12.000,Ft 15.000,-Ft 14.000,Ft Prices are the same also for children. If you show up your UNICard UnICard you will be received by our doctor within some minutes without waiting. Patients receive a case-book of each visit on the requested language. 13 The annual insurance limit is HUF 2,000,000, the details of which are available at www.unicardinfo.hu Students of ours covered by this insurance are given a blue card issued in their name, which specifies the validity of the insurance. From 1 September 2011 all of our students have the option of purchasing UNIMed health insurance for a fee, the non-emergency health care service of which is provided by Semmelweis Egészségügyi Kft. Applications for insurance coverage are accepted at the SEK office (H-1094 Budapest, Tompa u. 26/b.). Please make sure that we are available before visiting in person (telephone: +36 1 327-0452). In addition, UNIMed health insurance includes 24/7 English language assistant service and patient escort for medical tests. for 250 EUR yearly (20 EUR/month) buy help insurance coverage ! UPGRADE YOUR UNICARD UNICard 2012/13
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