THUESDAY, JULY 12, ± 'EDB3ON TOWHSHIP AND FOBDS BEACON Mrs. Tares Hostess At Club Card Party 9 Chain o Bills'Park Reports I 1 . ; AVENEL PERSONALS' AVENEL — The Avenel Wolyn, Wesfcbury Park; Mr. and Mrs.' m a n ' s C l u b s sc o r re d a irt ds seventh—The Fire Commissioners of the Perth Amboy General Hos-r Edward Lease and daughter, Pa- £ « f ™8 ° / ™ £ f «%*• District 5 will .meet tonight in thepital, where he is undergoing tficia, and the three Elio boys, A Monday, at the home of Mrs. treatment for a broken collar bone, Avenel fierhouse. By e * Jarcz 103 Muuia Avenue, —The Brotherhood of Congre- received from a fall from his VIRS. GEORGE L u i s Frank and Gregory. Mr, Sedlak's gift was a third de- with Mrs. John Medvetz as the cogation Sons of Jacob will meet to- bicycle last Friday. P. FERGUSON gree nights of Columbus ring. He hostess. night at 8:30 o'clock at the Av- —The Avenel-Colcnia First Aid 93 Homes Park also received many other pres-1 Mrs. Leonard Lacanic was the nel Jewish Community Center, Squad will meet Tuesday night , =n t s ' winner of the door prize and Mrs. Avenue at 8 o'clock at the headquarters Lord Street. : iane B i b ^a w a**? Presented with —Members of Avenel Fire Com- on Av.enel Street. liberty 9-1473 " - D o n n a and James Pentz, t*> h es eclal rd Homes Park Avenue, are spending » ™> noir-player —The Avenel Woman's Club osny will hold drill exercises Montheir vacation with their grand- - £ " » ™ w ° n *>y Mrs. Wilham day at 7:30 P. M., at the fire- will sponsor a hot-dog and soda parents at the New Jersey shore. * aikenstern. house. .. », sale • next Tuesday at the Avenel —A farewell dinner-party was —Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blyden- ' Winners of the table prizes were, Park and the Fifth District playThe Avenel Memorial V.F.W. given by Mr, and Mrs. Raymond burg and daughters, Denise and M r s . Edna Magargal, Miss MariPost will meet next Tuesday at 8 grounds. The sale previously Alexander, Woodruff Street, for Joann, Blopmfield Avenue, spent ^ Lacanic, Mrs. Ruth Cox, Mrs. P. M. in the post club rooms, scheduled to start at 2 P. M., Mr. and Mrs. Leo KosakaWski and Sunday at Horseshoe Lake. The Michael Holocik, and Mrs. Mary will be held each Tuesday from Club Avenel. their children, Helen Rose, Kathie, picnic was in celebration of, Lukach. —-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith 12:30 P. M. to 3:30 P. M., due Barbara Ann and 'Leo, Jr., who Dcnise's fifth birthday. . ji The club will hold its eighth ar.d daughters, Barbara, Jean arid to requests made by mothers who have moved from their home in —Karen Brauer, Washington party Lucille, East Cleveland, Ohio, have desired the sale to serve as lunch next Monday at the home Stelton, to Evansvill, IxuX. PresentAvenue, marked her fourth birth- of Mrs. Thomas Markous, 11 returned home after spending the for the children. In the event of were Mrs. S. Baum. After their day with a party attended by .Harvard Avenue, with Mrs. Anweek visiting with Mrs. Smith's rain the sale will be held the foldance ' recital in which their Christopher Smith, Deborah Sin- j drew Galisin as the co-hostess, sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.lowing, day. All proceeds will benedaughter, Vivien, took part, Mr. Arthur Herman, 39 Madison Ave- fit the Avenel Library Building nott, Linda and • Karen Rosetti,' and Mrs. Alexander gave a party Fund. . ' '• nue. attended by Mrs. S. Parness, Budd Robert and Joan Kacinko, pebor-; host at a dinner party Saturday in —'Richard McHugh, son of Mr. ah Grasso, John DeStef ano, Ro-' honor of his sixteenth birthday, Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond May and Mrs. James McHugh, 63 Com- Butler y^ays Eisenhower abanand son, Kenneth, Roselle; Miss selle Park; Melanie and Susan He will be joined by the Jewkes mercial Avenue, is a patient in dons his readership. Barbara Baum, Bloomfield; Miss Torgerson, Menlo Park Terrace, family for the occasion. -Neighbors bid good-bye to two Diane Smith, Metuchen: and-from and Karen's brother, Frederick families on Washington Avenue. the Park, Mrs. J. Saranszac and William, Jr. daughter, Deborah; Mrs. Stanley —John Gill, Harrison Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald and Baum with Stanley, Jr., Laura, has returned from a week's visit their daughters, Aileen, Nora Ann, Richard and Steven; Mrs. Steven at Camp Columbus, Bamber Lake,) and Paula Marie, are now in their Oberheiser and daughter, Jose- Whiting. John was nine years-old new home in Westchester; and Mr. and Mrs. Santo Cavallaro - with phine, and 'Raymond, Jr., and Val- last Thursday.. —Gary C rl-a b e k, Woodruff their children, Barbara Ann, erie Alexander. his twelfth Sandra and Santo Anthony have —Mrs. Louis E3io, Washington Street, celebrated -on Sunday with a fam- moved to Massachusetts. Avenue, planned a birthday sur- birthday party. They also spent a day —.Anniversary greetings to Mr. prise party for her husband on ily at -Forest Lodge. Gary will spend and Mrs. William Moorhead, Park the Fourth of July and the guest weeks at the Pine Bush Bible Avenue, married eight years Monlist included several of Mr. Elio's two Camp, Pine Bush, N. Y. | day; to Mr. and Mrs. Chester buddies from World War If. Among —Mr. and Mrs. Paul Filce and Aronson, Washington Avenue, 5 those present were Mr. and Mrs. Linda, also Mrs. Filce's years on July 4, Mr. and •Salvatore Elio and children, daughter, THE PROFESSIONAL GARDENER'S WAY brother, William Savo, all of | Mrs. James Ikuss, Bloomfield AveFrank, Samuel, and Antoinette, Washington Avenue, are spending -nue, who celebrated last Thursday. CONSTRUCTION BEGINS: With Caloil President B. W. Pickard at the controls, the first earth was and Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver, a two-week vacation at Water —The Sewing Club met Mon- moved this week as construction begran on a new four-story annex to The California Oil Company's Bayonne; the Lawrence Fagens, Witch. William returned Satur- day night at the home of Mrs. Sid- administration building- at 1200 State St. Directing- Mr. Pickard in this photo is F. W. Mayer, Secretary-Treasurer of the company. The new annex, containing approximately 9,000 square feet, will Senior and Junior, of Harrison; l from camp at Island Heights. ney Goff, Homes Park Avenue. provide additional office space for some 60 employees as well as a conference room for group meetMichael LaMarr, Bronx; Mr. andday —Linda Ferguson, Pines Lake, is Present were Mrs. Thomas Caloia, ings. Cost of the project is estimated at $140,00{h W. J. Wilck, Inc., Perth Amboy, is serving- as Mrs. Joseph Desting and children, spending this week with her Mrs. Richard Eckersley, Mrs. R. geenral contractor for construction of the new addition, which is scheduled for completion in JanuCarol and Joseph, Astoria; Mr. Mrs. George P. Fer- E. Murphy and Mrs. Albert Nevin. ary of 1957. The building' was originally constructed by the Barber Asphalt Company, and has housed and Mrs. Eugene Jordan and grandmother, —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caloia administrative offices of Caloil since 1946. children, and Morris Kingsburg, guson. and sons, Thomas, Jr., and Ken—Elizabeth Tilman Manning, Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Seneca and daughters Joanne Homes Park Avenue, celebrated neth, Woodruff Street, were FAST-ACTING, EASY-TO-APPLY and Michele, Nutley; Mr. and Mrs. her second birthday Monday. On' among the family group celebratSunday her parents entertained j tag the Fourth of July at the home James Egidio and daughter, at a hot dog and hamburger roast.' of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Giacobbi Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Guests, were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene j.of Bloomfield. On Sunday they Manganelli, Orange; Mr. and. Mrs. James Napolillo, Jersey City; Stringer and their children, Vir- had entertained Mrs. Caloia's is survived by her husband, Frank; Mr. and Mrs. George Sedlak, Iie- ginia, Elizabeth, Marion and Eu-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pro- MRS. ANNA POLLAK lin; Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Manno, gene, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Stewart vencher and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- PORT READING — Mrs. Anna a daughter, Mrs. Olga Johnson, By ALLAN A. BASS and children, Thomas and Mari- Dooley with Louis, Ellen, Timothy thur Wagner, Jr., and son, Wayne, Pollak, 22 Grant Avenue, died East Orange; a son, jidward*; her and Stewart, Jr., Bayonne; and and later In the evening Mr. and Saturday at Perth Anlboy General mother, Mrs. Anna Wodzinski; A. I do toaby-sitting in a numMr. and Mrs. Frank Markman and Mrs. Ralph Renna, with Ralph, Hospital after a short illness. A three brothers, Edward Wodzinski, ber of private homes. I average children, Suzanne, Patricia and Jr., and Ronald. Kenilworth. resident of Port Reading lor 21Long Island; Stanley Wodzinski, over $100 every three months from Fred. years, she was a communicant of L in. d e n; Theodore Wodzinski, this work, but I understand I am —Congratulations to Mr. and —Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Levy Mrs. Robert R. Henry, Elizabeth Sacred Heart Church, Carteret, Perth Amboy and nine grandchil- not covered by social security beSAVE TJME, WORK AND MONEY! Avenue, on their wedding anni- and a member of the Ladies' Jed- dren. Elizabeth Avenue, are the parcause no single employer pays me Funeral services were held nota Society. Modern science has found a way for you to grow a spectacular, golfents of a son, born last week at versary. as much as $50 in a quarter. Can't green lawn . . . beautiful flowering shrubs and evergreens . . . masses Beth Israel Hospital, Newark. —In honor'of his fifth birth- Widow' of Ignatz foitak, Mrs. Monday morning from the Zylka I pay my own social security on Funeral Home, Perth Amboy and of blooming roses, dahlias, azaleas, mums and other ornamentals . . • —Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jewkes, day yast Saturday, Richard John Pollak is survived by four daugh- at St. Stephen's Church. Burial this income, since I make over Hartford. faster, easier and more economically than ever before. Jr., and children, Judith and John Eckersley of Park Avenue enter- ters, Miss Ann Pollak1, Port Read- was in the family plot in the$400 a year? Norfolk.. rot How? Bj- supplying them with miracle chemical concentrates—the Rand, Elizabeth Avenue, spent the tained his friends, Laura Richman, ing; Mrs. Joseph Juriga, Fair- church cemetery. A, No, there is no way this insame kind the professional gardeners use! Prom KBW BRUNSWICK week-end in Pleas antville, at theRichard Murphy, Christine and chase, Pa.; Mrs. Eugene Dufay, come can be counted for social after 6 PM and Sundays. 3 min. home of Mrs-. Jewkes' brother and Peter Schwoebel; Peggy, Andrew Jersey City, and Mrs. George Paw- GABRIEL WHITE Scientific Gardening Method Now Available! •station rates, 10% tax not ind. and Linda Kolb, Colonia, and Jane lakos, Newark; two sons, Mark, ", WOODBRIDGE — G a b r i e l security. Since your work is for sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. N. For years, professional gardeners have been fertilizing golf-courses, Katherine Eckersley, Richard's Port Reading and Stephen, Elk White, 76 Caroline Street, died other people in their private Capelli. campuses, ball-fields and public parks simply by spraying with fast—Anthony Gianpietro will be sister. City, Okla.; 17 grandchildren and • yesterday. He is survived by hishomes, you are an employe and cannot be classed as a selfacting, instantly-available concentrated chemicals—and saving time, a great-grandchild. (widow, Mary; a daughter, Mrs. employed person. If you were work and money, too. Until recently, only the professionals were able Funeral services were held Tues- 'Dorothy Ann Sino; a son, Robert; operating: a day school or a day to use miracle concentrated chemicals because only they had the big day morning from the Bizub Fu- j three sisters, Mrs. Martin Tompc300-gallon tank-sprays needed to apply them. neral Home, Carteret, and at Sa-j sik, Mrs. Andrew Wargo, Mrs. Ber- nursery as a business, and had But thanks to to the CARAC cred Heart Church. Burial was in nard Kirscher; four brothers, net earnings of $400 or more a Lawn and Garden Sprayer, and AND HERE ARE THE AMAZING St. Gertrude's Cemetery, Colonia. i-.ouis,;James, Herman and Mi-year, you would then report social security for yourself. CARAC Professional Concen- CARAC PROFESSIONAL CONchael. This same question often trates, now you can take advan- CENTRATES YOU CAN APPLYl MBS. ELIZABETH A. WINKLER. Funeral services will be held arises with respect to other nontage of this easy, scientific gar- MORE BEAUTIFUL LAWNS with FORDS—Mrs. Elizabeth A. Win- Saturday moning from the -Leon J. covered jobs, such as work for dening method yourself! kler, 85 East William Street, died Verity Funeral CARAC Balanced Lawn Fertilizer Home, 411 Amboy an exempt non-profit organizaMonday at the home of her daugh- Avenue The perfect, easy-to-apply, at 8:30 o'clock and at 9 tion, or short time farm work.. ter, Mrs. Helen Ivan, of the same' o'clock in fast-acting lawn food, conSt. James Church. BurThere is no way that earnings taining the 3 vital minerals address. al will be in St. James Cemetery. all grass has to have. ActuGET SET FOR A WONDERFUL TIME . . . She is also survived by two other Wends may call beginning this from any non-covered job can ally contains 30% Nitrogen be reported for social security —the vital greening mineral daughters, Mrs. Mary Ludwig and afternoon at 1 o'clock. with pretty, practical and packable fashcredits. —as well as 10 % Potash and Mrs. Elizabeth Zupko, Fords; a ions from our new vacation-special selec14% Phosphorus. This is son, John, also of Fords; a sister, more than twice as much tion! We have a wide range of styles and Mrs. Mary Szendrel, Hungary; ——'Nitrogen as most other | sizes for every type. Shop here today! Model Illustrated: preparations, yet it costs less than half eleven grandchildren and ten the-price! High concentration enables you , Black and White great-grandchildren. to fertilize 4500 sq. ft. lawn in 14mmutes, thru your CARAC Sprayer. MU5>T Funeral services were held yesLAWN AND give your lawn vigorous, more lasting terday morning from the S. J. — stronger root system — greener, 0ARD1N SPRAYER growth Mitruska Funeral Home, Fords, lusher color in 7 days time—01 your money back! Apply now for best results! and at Our (Lady of Peace Church. 5 lbs. (for average lawns) only ?4.95 only Burial was in Our Lady of HunBy 10 lbs. (for larger lawns) only $8.95 gary Cemetery. HOW TO LAWNS, SHRUBS, FLOWERS with Jmi m Towh Your Thumb!. ^ GIT SPIGTACUL1R GIOWTI with *• OBITUARIES .YOUR NEW SOCIAL SECURITY phone Wfflmm PiOFESSlOiAl COiCElTiATES rates are 1885 RISTENSEN'S "The Friendly Store FOR VACATION TIME! CARAC this year step up to a new SWIM SUITS from 8 . 9 5 SORCERY MRS. LILLIAN W. BIEDRON ISELTN — Mrs. Lillian W. Biedron, ,236 Middlesex Avenue, died last Thursday at her home. She Others front 5.98 $395 for \\\Q most beautiful iawn you've ever had Women's and Children's Styled by Jantzen, Old Colony, Sally Togs , and Sacony m Tee Shirts # Shorts # Bras • Play Suits @Pedal Pushers • Midriffs # Terry cloth Beach-Jackets @ Sandals • Beach Towels m Sun Dresses ® Robes Complete Line of MEN'S and BOYS' Summer Sportswear by Arrow, Tru-Val, McGregor, Kaynee, Jantzen T h i s remarkable invention (Patents N o s . 2381589^ 2388445) is not a plastic gadget but a featherweight, preci- DEUJXE \ SPORTSWEAR LARGER SHRUBS, EVERGREENS with CARAC Evergreen and Shrub Fertilizer ONLt sion - engi- neered, scien- tific instrument! Simply fill the jar with the proper CARAC concentrated fertilizer dissolved in water . . . attach to the end of your water-hose . . . and spray. That's all there is to it! You get the same results the experts do—without pumping a tankspray or working bulk-fertilizers into the soil. Because the water-pressure does the "dirty work" for you! A Suit That's Fit To Print! Mid-Summer This' Bates disciplined cotton swim short' is a neat meld of black and white. Fits foreverthanks to Jantzen Crinkelastic \ method of shirring. Off-on straps. Bra Boning Adjusts to your shape. SALE Now On!! FANTASTIC SAVINGS ON ALL Sizes 10 to 18 ©JANTZEN MANY OTHER LOVELY JANTZEN SUITS IN STOCK STOKE HOURS: BAII>Y 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. FRIDAY TIIX 9 F. M. Closed Wednesday All Day AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR CHOPPING COMFORT SUMMER FASHIONS HOURS: ^?atch forsythias, azaleas, rho- &g dodendrons and other flowering shrubs and foundation plantings take on new healthy life, burst into radiant bloom when you spray with CARAC Evergreen and Shrub Fertilizer (25-14-18). That's because concentrated nutrients become instantly available and supply the right combination of vital minerals. No fuss! No mess! Just fill and spray! 3 !b. «lie (for up so 600 sq. ft. >*• snrub area) only ?3.49 S Ib. size (for over 600 sq. ft. shrub area) only $4.95 BIGGER, BRIGHTER FLOWERS with CARAC Rose and Plant Fertilizer Feed this special fertilizer to the soil of your indoor and outdoor ornamentals—and see, for yourself how much sturdier and lovelier they grow The sprayer is so easy to handle Flowers burst into bloom eareven a teen-age child can use it. lier — blossoms grow almost Amazing 60 to 1 ratio permits you twice the size. Unique prepa to spray up to 15 gallons of solution ration (22-1S-22) is highlj — on your lawn with just one filling. concentrated and goes to work You actually handle 150 lbs. of mix- in minutes. Nothing like it for ro es, ture without feeling the weight. mums, dahlias and other precious blooms, And it's so perfectly engineered 3 Ib. s i z e . . . only $2.89 that it automatically distributes the exact ratio of fertiliser and water from the first drop to the last, regardless of water-pressure, even if Order all CARAC-producis in full it's as low as 20 lbs. confidence. They are absolutely So order immediately! Eliminates guaranteed fo give you spectacular dozens of your hardest chores, and results when used as directed —or makes gardening fun again. Absoyour money bock. But don't delay I lutely guaranteed to save you time, The time to fertilize is right now! wprk and money—or your purchase So act at once I price back. featherweightl Easy-To-Handlel No other lawn mower has so e many features to make grass e cutting your favorite outdoor sport. And no other lawn mow- e er gives you the great new 9 "LEVEL CUT". e Exclusive new "Turf-Rider" can't scalp. Cuts so close it a eliminates hand clipping. a Keeps your lawn smooth as a o putting green. 9 6r«af tww "l«vsl Cut* New "Turf-Ridar" and staggered wfaits for oven cut on rough ground Won't scalp Front and side (rim within %faeh«f wolfs or fences Snap-on,' Hi-La Safety H<sns3fs fteepe user at safe distance Adjustable wheels for 1 "tet * OS? light weight Super-safe Fully guaranteed /•• 9:30 AM to SPM Friday Till 9 Closed Wednesday H& FASHIONS 104 Main Street +>•' Woodbridge PHONE HI-2-1350 . GEORGE WALSH, President OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 A. M. 2 7 9 N e w B r u n s w i c k Avenue FREE DELIVERY to 6 P. M. — CLOSE WEDNESDAY 13 NOON (comerofOa* street) P e r t h Amboy
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