Nikki Weissend, 7 Mrs. McNea teaches us how to do math, phonics,

Nikki Weissend, 7
Mrs. McNea teaches us
how to do math, phonics,
religion, and handwriting;
I like that. Miss Gansen
teaches us how to play
sports. Mrs. Tennis teaches
us how to sing different
songs. She teaches me not
to be scared when I sing in
front of a crowd. I like all
of my teachers and they all
treat me nice.
Andrew Odette, 10
My teachers, Mrs. Haw
and Mrs. Adkins, teach so
well there aren’t words that
describe them. I love how
they let us do extra credit if
we didn’t get a good grade
St. John Vianney Catholic on an assignment. Mrs.
School Haw always says, “If you
Flint don’t practice, how do you
expect to be good?” My
Davion Parker, 8
teachers are excellent. I’ll
Mrs. McGowen is special be sad when I leave them.
St. John Vianney Catholic because she spends extra
Edgerton Elementary
School time with me in Math. And
Clio School District
Flint she spends time with me in
Devon Barr, 8
Center Academy
Noah Dehmel, 7
I feel my teacher is speFlint cial because she teaches our
There are a lot of special
things that I learned from
whole class. She teaches us
Mrs. White. I learned that
Vivica Knight, 8
cursive. That’s why I think
math can sometimes be
Dear Teacher,
our teacher is special.
Lacure Elementary
hard. I learned that readI like you because you
Clio School District
ing can be hard. I learned
teach us lots of things and
that you can make science
you are the best teacher.
projects. Also, we do writYou let us play outside.
ing workshop. Wow, Mrs.
You give us popcorn when
White has taught me a lot
we watch a movie. You are
this year.
Burton Glen Charter Academy
Logan Coon, 7
My teacher is special
because she likes frogs,
and she teaches us a lot of
lessons. And her important
rule is to be polite to other
Center Academy
Skyler Humphreys, 8
How would you like to
be a teacher? I would like
to be a teacher. I would
pass out candy at the end
of the day to everyone that
was good. I would have a
beach day. That is, if I was
a teacher.
Antonio McNeal, 8
Mrs. Ford is special
because sometimes she lets
us have more time to do our
work. She gives us recess,
sometimes even when we
did not stay on task. She
believes in us, and knows
we can do our work.
Prize — Alexandria Drwal, 7
My teacher is special
because she makes learning fun! My teacher, Mrs.
Slattery, always smiles and
is very helpful. She lets
us do fun things, but we
are learning something at
the same time. We sometimes skip work and do fun
things. She is kind, loving,
and teaches us to love one
another. I love school, and it
is because of my teacher!
DaCorius Cooper, 8
Mrs. Ford is special
because she teaches me
stuff I don’t know. She
makes me smart, that is
Oaktree Elementary
Goodrich School District
Center Academy
Merinda Allan, 8
My teacher teaches us
cursive. We know all the
cursive letters, and after
spring break, we will learn
capital letters.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Lerico Taylor, 8
The thing that I like that
my teacher taught me is
how to do my times tables,
and she taught me how to
South Bendle Elementary play games in the gym. My
Bendle School District teacher, Mrs. Wilkerson,
Edgerton Elementary
Clio School District
is special because she tells
Alissa Hatch, 7
me the best things, and she
Brett Swann, 8
My teacher is special
tells me to do the best that
Ms. Sheeran is special
because she is nice to the
I can do.
Brownell Elementary
because she is nice, and she class.
Flint School District
South Bendle Elementary
lets us cook on Friday.
South Bendle Elementary
Bendle School District
Rhiannon Gordon, 5
My teacher is special
because she is hooked on
books. My teacher is very
Bendle School District
Lawayne Blakely, 10
I learned about plants in
Prize — Hunter Morris, 6
the 4th grade. Mr. Chisolm
My teacher is special
taught me about them. And
because she gives us
I had to grow my own plant.
snacks. She makes us
I had to water it every day,
Garner Elementary and fertilize it every week.
smart. She fills our brains
Clio School District And I learned about the life
with smartness.
South Bendle Elementary
cycles in the 4th grade.
Bendle School District Dylan Howard, 8
International Academy of Flint
Mrs. Shmidt is the best
teacher ever. She tells us
Janie Barton, 6
how to write in cursive.
She’s so nice. She lets us
My teacher is special
have free time if we are
because she reads to us.
good. She knows everything. She takes good care of us.
Lacure Elementary She is very nice to all of us.
Clio School District When we get hurt, she gives
us Band-Aids. If we have a
Kelsey Reddy, 10
bloody nose, she sends us to
Teachers are really cool.
the office.
South Bendle Elementary
Teachers teach you things.
Bendle School District
They help you. They also
tutor you. Teachers are in
every subject you have.
Cheyenne Settle, 6
Teachers also help you
My teacher is nice
read. That is why I wrote
because she lets people be
about teachers.
Star Citizens. She also lets us
St. Pius X School do stuff like art and recess.
Flint She is lucky to have all of us.
Meliyah Lang, 6
The first grade teacher
taught us how to make
things like eggs and a
Ryan Bushey, 7
My teacher is special
because she is nice and
pretty and light hearted.
She cares about everyone.
She is not mean to me, or
any one in my class.
South Bendle Elementary
Bendle School District
Matthew Gaither, 7
My teacher is special to
me because she teaches me
cursive, math, and how to
regroup. My teacher is a
St. Mary School lot of fun. She lets us bring
Mt. Morris water to school. My teacher
is nice. We have this apple
Kaitlynn O’Hara, 9
that says, “Helping Hands.”
Edgerton Elementary
My teacher, Mrs.
Clio School District
Maberry, isn’t good--she
is awesome! She has the
best class. I learn so much.
Baylie Clontz, 7
Some people get her frusMy favorite teacher is
trated and then she gets
my health teacher. She is
sweet and nice. She is
so smart, funny and nice.
always sweet and nice. I
Her name is Mrs. Losey.
love you, Mrs. Maberry.
She’s the nicest teacher in
This year Mrs. Maberry
the world. She told me that
taught me how to divide.
when you learn something
Go, Maberry!
new, you get another wrinEisenhower Elementary kle in your brain. We learn
Flint School District about the brain, spine, eyes,
mouth, nose, arms, legs and
Justice Payne, 8
feet. I really like going to
My teacher is very nice
her class.
Edgerton Elementary
to me. She teaches us lots
Clio School District
of new stuff. We learn new
stuff every day. She talks
to us about times tables. I
Ashton Zimmerman, 7
love to learn and I love my
My karate teacher is
special to me because he
Eisenhower Elementary taught me a round kick,
Flint School District front kick, upper block,
and lower block. He lets us
Marcus Matiere-Bey, 10
warm up before we start.
I was transferred to Mrs. He supports us by saying,
Pinson-Kelley’s class from
“good, excellent, good try,
another teacher, and I was
better luck next time and
scared. My new teacher
more.” He lets us roll a
taught me that I could get
cube that says, pushups, tell
good grades in her room,
a joke, crunches and more.
too. Meeting my new classI am a white belt. Next year,
mates was easy and fun.
I will be a yellow belt, and
Mrs. Pinson-Kelley taught
he will congratulate me. I
me division and plurals. My love karate.
Edgerton Elementary
teacher is special because
Clio School District
she taught us that we could
be whatever we want to be
if we put our minds to it
Gabrielle Abbott, 9
and to get to work, get good
Mrs. Grindle is my favorgrades, be smart, and be
ite teacher. She helps me so
much with my work. She
Eisenhower Elementary taught me multiplication
Flint School District and homophones. If I don’t
understand, she’ll take time
Gabrielle Reese, 7
out of her day until I get it
I like my teachers, Mrs.
right. She helps me with my
Holtz and Mrs. Kincade,
problems at family meetbecause they teach me
ings, and lets us talk about
things that I did not know. I our feelings, too. I think I
like my teacher Mrs. Holtz
got lucky because it’s not
because I study bugs, but
every day you get a teacher
not spiders, because spiders like her. Mrs. Grindle does
are not insects. I like my
a great job teaching me,
teacher because she helps
and that’s why she is my
me and my friends with
favorite teacher.
Edgerton Elementary
math. I like my teacher
Clio School District
because she is fun. I like
my teacher because she
is funny. I like my teacher
Maegan Taylor, 10
because she lets us have
I think my teacher, Mrs.
free time after math, and
Faith, does well at teaching
we get to do whatever we
me everything. She made
me grow and grow and
Dieck Elementary grow inside. I get smarter
Swartz Creek School District each and every day.
Landon Varner, 8
I learned about how to
multiply. Mrs. Wilkerson
teaches me how to draw
and learn how to be smart
South Bendle Elementary and to be fair. And I love
Bendle School District school, it is fun in school.
You get to play with your
Prize — Matthew
friends, and you get to
Dickerson, 11
play in gym. She is special
There are a lot of good
because she is tall.
Brownell Elementary
teachers in the world. The
Prize — Allyson Przekora, 8, Murphy Elementary, Lapeer
Flint School District
teacher I am going to talk
School District
about is the best. She’s lovAlexis Christensen, 7
Robin Bock, 8
ing, caring, beautiful and
Skyler Clark, 10
My teacher’s name is
Teachers are great, espe- nice. Her name is Miss
My teacher is special
Mrs. Bowen. She is special
cially my teacher, Mrs. Rust. Taylor. Everyone in the
because she goes out of
because she teaches us
She is always fair and kind. class liked her. She was my her way to make learning
how to do math and money. She always makes learning fourth grade teacher. She
fun for us. We know a lot
She also taught me health.
fun for all of us. She also
taught my class how to be
about her, and she knows a
I learned about money. I
gives us help at everything. ladies and gentlemen. She
lot about us. She treats us
know a quarter is worth
She is my favorite teacher.
did not allow slang in her
like she’s our friend. That’s
Central Elementary classroom. She taught us to what makes my teacher,
25 cents. My teacher is my
Flushing School District be respectful to grown-ups
favorite teacher that I ever
Mrs. Ploompuu, special.
and classmates. She hated
She is amazing.
Edgerton Elementary Tyler Smith, 7
Central Elementary
cursing, and she taught us
Clio School District
Mt. Morris School District
My teacher is the greatnever to fight. Her class is
est teacher in the world. My very fun if you’re respectTyrece Allen, 9
Hana Ladd, 10
teacher is very nice to me,
ful. By the end of the year,
What I like most about
and sometimes we do fun
we were ladies and gentleMy teacher is special
my teacher is she teaches
stuff, like right now we’re
because she teaches us that
International Academy of Flint learning is important, and it
us so much and wonderat 101 music games for
Flint will always count. She told
fully. She makes us do so
teachers. My teacher has to
much work, so we can
write about them.
us grades will lead you all
Lacure Elementary Katelyn Smith, 6
become great students/
the way to college, so try
Clio School District
workers. We can grow up
My teacher is special
to succeed now. She had a
to have good careers. We
because she’s pretty. She’s
penny war to raise money
have to think about things,
Dylan Mosher, 9
always nice to the good
for kids that need toys. She
but it seems like we can not
I learned from teachers
people. She’s nice to me
takes pictures of us to put
store it all in our heads. She that you have to work hard
because I’m one of the good in our scrapbook. She pays
opens our brain’s door, and and pay attention. I also
out of her pocket to develop
South Bendle Elementary the pictures. She bought
we take adventures like you learned that teachers can
Bendle School District us a lunch when some kids
wouldn’t believe. Together
be really funny to you, and
we go to other worlds.
you know that they’re just
needed it on a field trip.
Hasan Hachem, 7
When we are leaning, she
playing around with you. I
She taught us that Abraham
makes it an adventure. I
learned that in fifth grade
I have learned how to do Lincoln was a lawyer before
know it seems a little too
you are going to have to be
projects. My teacher has
he became president. She
different, but when you
extra responsible, and get
showed me how to read
taught us Abe also bought
look into her eyes you can
work done quicker than
books. My teacher is speGeorge Washington a book
tell our work is done with
usual, way quicker. And pay cial because she gives me
for his first book. Our
excellence. When you think lots of attention more often. candy.
teacher is nice, and always
Genesee Academy encourages us to keep our
there can’t be more to learn, And you have to be more
Swartz Creek standard high. She told us
she opens another door. I
respectful a lot of the time.
love Mrs. Vargo.
And the last thing I learned,
you have to know multiRichard Mailhot, 8
Edgerton Elementary is that school can be really
plication to know division.
Clio School District fun, and better than anyMy teacher is a good
I enjoy my teacher very
thing else in the world.
teacher. My teacher is the
much. I’m glad I’m in her
Lacure Elementary best teacher you would
Trenton Marsh, 8
class. I learned how to douClio School District want. My teacher’s name
You know why I admire
ble-digit multiply.
Central Elementary
my teacher? Well, because
is Mrs. Hill. She is the best
Mt. Morris School District
she’s really hilarious. She
Aerin Pertler, 5
story reader.
South Bendle Elementary
makes me laugh every darn,
She is sweet. She is
Bendle School District Olivia Alsteen, 10
stinking day. She’s nerdly
nice. She is always right. I
smart. That’s what I serihave learned a lot from my
My teacher, Mrs. MonMichaela Simmonds, 10
ously think.
tague taught me a lot about
Edgerton Elementary
St. Roberts Catholic School
My fifth grade teacher
space. She taught me really
Clio School District
Flint is very special because she
well so I won’t mistake
teaches us new things in
a meteoroid for a shootAllisanne Schipper, 7
Madelyn Bloomfield, 9
social studies. Her name is
ing star. Mrs. Montague is
Ding, ding, ding, ding!
My teacher taught me
Mrs. Fetters. She is a great
special because she is nice,
Quiet class. My teacher
how to read, and math, and teacher. Mrs. Fetters had
funny and teaches me a lot
Ms. Ely is wonderful sweet
to be nice to kids. I get my
taught me a lot of things,
of useful things.
Central Elementary
and incredible. She is just
name on the board but I get and that also makes her
Mt. Morris School District
like my pal. My teacher is
a smiley face, too.
Garner Elementary
Central Elementary
special because she loves
Clio School District
Mt. Morris School District Huma Ahmad, 6
to talk about us, and have
fun with us while she is
My teacher has taught
teaching us. When she
me how to do turn around
does something wrong,
facts in math. My teacher is
we always have a fabuspecial because she teaches
lous giggle. I will have my
me how to do fun activities
third grade teacher in my
like painting.
Genesee Academy
Ocher Benson, 8
My teacher is beautiful and sweet because she
teaches us well. She teaches
us math, science, social
studies and reading, too.
She teaches us multiplication facts, too. This is why
my teacher is sweet and
Taylor Baker, 6
My teacher, Mrs. A,
teaches me math, and she
is not mad if I am late, but
she gets crabapplie if I do
not get my work done. If I
do get my work done, she is
super happy. I like school.
Edgerton Elementary
Clio School District
Center Academy
Edgerton Elementary
Clio School District
Seth Rivard, 8
Mrs. Forystek is the
greatest teacher in the
world. She teaches us how
to use maps and cursive,
she teaches us how to carry
ones and read. Most of all,
she is nice.
Edgerton Elementary
Clio School District
Swartz Creek
Edgerton Elementary
Clio School District
South Bendle Elementary
Bendle School District
Lxs Signer, 12
Mr. Lang taught me
some of the most important
things I know about drawing. Whether it be people,
animals or abiotic objects,
he taught me all of it. That’s
why he will be the best art
teacher always.
Andie Altenritter, 8, Edgerton Elementary, Clio School District
International Academy of Flint