I N S T R U C T I O N S on H O W T O U S E T H I S W O R K D I A R Y Who must use a work diary? How do you get a new work diary? You only have to use a work diary if you are driving: If you have nearly filled up your work diary, you can get a new one by applying in person to a road agency. The road agency will cancel the unused pages in your work diary. • a heavy vehicle; - with a GVM over 12 tonnes (except a bus or tram); - that is part of a combination, if the total of the GVMs of the vehicles in the combination is over 12 tonnes; or • a bus with more than 12 seats. Work time is the time spent driving heavy vehicles or buses on or off the road, or doing tasks related to their operation (eg: pre-trip inspection). When should you use a work diary? You must use the work diary if you are working: • • • in NSW or Tas (regardless of the distance travelled); or more than 100km from your base (200km in Qld); or under Basic Fatigue Management (BFM) or Advanced Fatigue Management (AFM) (you must carry a copy of the operator’s BFM or AFM accreditation certificate at all times); or • under a work/rest hours exemption (you must carry a copy of the work/rest hours exemption at all times). Drivers required to use a work diary must keep a work diary in the vehicle which contains records of your work and rest time within the last 28 day period. If you travel in WA or the ACT for less than 7 days you must continue to use the work diary. You must only ever record information at any one time in a single work diary. This includes electronic work diaries. However, if you used a paper work diary for part of the previous 28 days you need to keep that paper work diary in the vehicle for compliance purposes. If you have changed from using an electronic work diary to a paper work diary, you must carry printouts of your daily records for the previous 28 days with you. What if your work diary is lost, stolen or destroyed? If your work diary is lost, stolen, destroyed or filled up before you can get a new work diary you must report this in writing to a road agency within 2 business days. You have a maximum of 7 business days to get a new work diary. Until you are issued with a new work diary, you must continue to record all work and rest time in a supplementary record. This must contain the same information as you would record in your work diary. Any supplementary record must be treated the same way as your work diary. You must keep a copy of each daily supplementary record in the vehicle for 28 days after it is made and give a copy to your employer within 21 days, who must store it for 3 years. If your lost work diary is returned to you after you have been issued with a new one you must immediately cancel any unused daily sheets in the old work diary by writing CANCELLED across each unused page and notify the road agency as soon as possible. How to fill in your work diary It is important to always use a blue or black ballpoint pen and record all entries legibly. Make sure you apply enough pressure so your entries are transferred and clearly recorded on the duplicate sheets. You must complete a daily sheet for the full 24 hours of each day during which you are the driver of a heavy vehicle or bus. You must start a new daily sheet every time you change work/rest options, if you change to a driver base located in a different time zone or you start working for a different employer. If your shift is recorded over more than one daily sheet you should leave the balance of the work and rest timelines blank. On each daily sheet you must record: • Who keeps the copies of your work diary pages? Each daily sheet (marked ORIGINAL) must remain in the work diary. Each daily sheet has two copies. You must give the first copy (marked DUPLICATE) to the person you are currently working for as soon as possible or within 21 days of the date recorded on the daily sheet. • • You should keep the second copy (also marked DUPLICATE) in the work diary unless you have worked for two separate employers within the same 24 hour period. In this case give a copy to each employer. Otherwise retain the second copy in the work diary unless it is requested by an authorised enforcement officer who may remove it. • • If you are self-employed you must keep copies of your work diaries and daily sheets for 3 years for audit purposes. If you are an employed driver, your employer must keep these copies for 3 years. • • What should you do with your work diary if you are stopped at the roadside? If you are stopped by an authorised officer or a police officer for a roadside inspection, you must produce your work diary for inspection. The officer may ground you for 24 hours if you do not. The officer may remove a duplicate of each work diary daily sheet from your work diary if required. You can ask the officer to make a note in your work diary if you have been stopped for more than 5 minutes. • • your full name, licence number, date, State or Territory of your base, State or Territory your licence was issued and the day of the week; whether you are a Solo or Two-up driver, the work/rest option you are working under (and your operator’s BFM or AFM accreditation number if you are working under BFM or AFM) and if you are working under a work/rest hours exemption; the location (rest area, truck stop, suburb or town) of where you are when you start work, have a work/rest break and when you stop work (including when you change from a Solo to Two-up driver or vice versa); the odometer reading of the vehicle when you start and stop work including all work/rest changes; the number plate of the vehicle you are operating when you start and stop work including all work/rest changes; and if you change vehicles in that 24 hour period; the time spent working Solo and/or Two-up and resting by drawing a line in the appropriate rows along the 24 hour timeline; the total time spent in 24 hours working Solo and/or Two-up and resting in appropriate boxes at the end of each timeline (if you use more than one daily sheet in 24 hours, record the total time spent in that 24 hour period on the last daily sheet); if applicable, the Two-up driver’s full name, work diary number (if it is a written work diary), driver’s licence number and State or Territory their work diary was issued; and the signatures of both the driver and Two-up driver (if applicable) at the bottom of every daily sheet. WORK DIARY SAMPLE PAGE N AT I O N A L D R I V E R W O R K D I A RY D A I LY S H E E T ORIGINAL (To remain in work diary): Licence No: Driver’s Name: ROBBIE O’Brien State/Territory Issued: Date: 2 ___ 8 /___ 1 ___ 1 /___ 2 ___ 0 ___ 0 ___ 8 ___ S M T W Q002 T xF Standard Pre-trip check (optional): queensland S Solo driver work/rest options: BFM/AFM drivers only. Time Zone: Day of the Week: Tick the work/rest option for this daily sheet only BFM/AFM Accreditation No: queensland 2311000 x State/Territory (Driver Base) SECURITY NO: Time: Standard (Bus) x BFM 6.30 am Standard BFM AFM Work/rest hours exemption: (if applicable) Two-up driver work/rest options: AFM DETAILS OF ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 531243 bc2414 bc2414 4 5 6 gympie kingaro y , qld 531101 531038 utt B l ac k b Ac ac i a (rest area, truck stop, suburb, or town) midnight 530886 , qld Name of Location at Work/Rest Change ridge 530693 (record at start & end of day & at work/rest change & vehicle change) gympie record at start and end of day and at change of activity and/or heavy vehicle Odometer Reading bc2414 bc2414 (record at start & end of day & at work/rest change & vehicle change) bc2414 Number Plate 7 8 9 10 11 midnight All drivers: calculate totals Total Solo: Solo Work 13 1/4 Total Rest: Rest 10 3/4 Total Two-up: Two-up Work midnight 1 2 3 4 5 Driver Signature: 6 7 8 Two-up Driver Name: 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 Licence No: By signing this daily sheet you verify the information given is true and correct in every detail. R. O’Brien YOU MUST SIGN THIS PAGE BEFORE STARTING A NEW DAILY SHEET 5 6 7 8 9 Two-up Driver Signature: 10 11 midnight By signing this sheet you verify the information given is true and correct in every detail. Work Diary No: State/Territory Issued: WORK/REST HOURS OPTIONS STANDARD HOURS - TWO-UP DRIVERS STANDARD HOURS - SOLO DRIVERS Time Work In any period of… A driver must not work for more than a MAXIMUM of … 5 ½ hours 5 ¼ hours work time 8 hours 7 ½ hours work time 11 hours 10 hours work time 24 hours 12 hours work time 7 days 72 hours work time 14 days 144 hours work time 1 2 Rest And must have the rest of that period off work with at least a MINIMUM rest break of... 15 continuous minutes rest time 30 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous minutes 60 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous minutes 7 continuous hours stationary rest time1 24 continuous hours stationary rest time 2 x night rest breaks2 and 2 x night rest breaks taken on consecutive days Stationary rest time is the time a driver spends out of a regulated heavy vehicle or in an approved sleeper berth of a stationary regulated heavy vehicle. Time In any period of… 5 ½ hours 8 hours 11 hours 24 hours 52 hours 7 days Night rest breaks are 7 continuous hours stationary rest time taken between the hours of 10pm on a day and 8am on the next day (using the time zone of the base of the driver) or a 24 continuous hours stationary rest break. 14 days Work A driver must not work for more than a MAXIMUM of … Rest And must have the rest of that period off work with at least a MINIMUM rest break of... 5 ¼ hours work time 15 continuous minutes rest time 7 ½ hours work time 30 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous minutes 10 hours work time 60 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous minutes 12 hours work time 5 continuous hours stationary rest time1 or 5 hours continuous rest time in an approved sleeper berth while the vehicle is moving 10 continuous hours stationary rest time 60 hours work time 24 continuous hours stationary rest time and 24 hours stationary rest time in blocks of at least 7 continuous hours of stationary rest time 120 hours work time 2 x night rest breaks2 and 2 x night rest breaks taken on consecutive days 1 Stationary rest time is the time a driver spends out of a regulated heavy vehicle or in an approved sleeper berth of a stationary regulated heavy vehicle. 2 Night rest breaks are 7 continuous hours stationary rest time taken between the hours of 10pm on a day and 8am on the next day (using the time zone of the base of the driver) or a 24 continuous hours stationary rest break. STANDARD HOURS - SOLO DRIVERS OF BUSES AND COACHES TIme Work In any period of… A driver must not work for more than a MAXIMUM of … 5 ½ hours 8 hours 11 hours 24 hours 7 days 28 days Rest And must have the rest of that period off work with at least a MINIMUM rest break of... 5 ¼ hours work time 15 continuous minutes rest time 7 ½ hours work time 30 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous minutes 10 hours work time 60 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous minutes 12 hours work time 7 continuous hours stationary rest time1 6 x night rest breaks2 288 hours work time 4 x 24 continuous hours stationary rest time 1 Stationary rest time is the time a driver spends out of a regulated heavy vehicle or in an approved sleeper berth of a stationary regulated heavy vehicle. 2 Night rest breaks are 7 continuous hours stationary rest time taken between the hours of 10pm on a day and 8am on the next day (using the time zone of the base of the driver) or a 24 continuous hours stationary rest break. WORK/REST HOURS OPTIONS BASIC FATIGUE MANAGEMENT (BFM) OPTION At all times while operating under an operator’s BFM accreditation, a driver must; • • • record the operator’s BFM accrediation number on their work diary daily sheet; carry a copy of the operator’s BFM accreditation certificate; and carry a document signed by the operator stating that the driver: - is working under the operator’s accreditation; - has been inducted into the operator’s BFM fatigue managment system; and - meets the requirements relating to drivers under the accreditation. BASIC FATIGUE MANAGEMENT - SOLO DRIVERS BASIC FATIGUE MANAGEMENT - TWO-UP DRIVERS Time Work Rest Time Work In any period of… A driver must not work for more than a MAXIMUM of … And must have the rest of that period off work with at least a MINIMUM rest break of... In any period of… A driver must not And must have the rest of work for more than that period off work with at a MAXIMUM of … least a MINIMUM rest break of... 6 ¼ hours 6 hours work time 15 continuous minutes rest time 24 hours 14 hours work time 9 hours 8 ½ hours work time 30 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous minutes 12 hours 11 hours work time 60 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous minutes 24 hours 14 hours work time 7 continuous hours stationary rest time1 7 days 36 hours long/night work time2 14 days 144 hours work time 24 continuous hours stationary rest time taken after no more than 84 hours work time and 24 continuous hours stationary rest time and 2 x night rest breaks3 and 2 x night rest breaks taken on consecutive days 1 Stationary rest time is the time a driver spends out of a regulated heavy vehicle or in an approved sleeper berth of a stationary regulated heavy vehicle. 2 Long/night work time is any work time in excess of 12 hours in a 24 hour period or any work time between midnight and 6 am (or the equivalent hours in the time zone of the base of a driver) 3 Night rest breaks are 7 continuous hours stationary rest time taken between the hours of 10pm on a day and 8am on the next day (using the time zone of the base of the driver) or a 24 continuous hours stationary rest break. 82 hours Rest 10 continuous hours stationary rest time1 7 days 70 hours work time 24 continuous hours stationary rest time and 24 hours stationary rest time in blocks of at least 7 continuous hours 14 days 140 hours work time 4 x night rest breaks2 1 Stationary rest time is the time a driver spends out of a regulated heavy vehicle or in an approved sleeper berth of a stationary regulated heavy vehicle. 2 Night rest breaks are 7 continuous hours stationary rest time taken between the hours of 10pm on a day and 8am on the next day (using the time zone of the base of the driver) or a 24 continuous hours stationary rest break. WORK/REST HOURS OPTIONS ADVANCED FATIGUE MANAGEMENT (AFM) OPTION AFM operating limits will be set on a case-by-case basis for each transport operator accredited under the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS). At all times while operating under an operator’s AFM accreditation, a driver must; • • • record the operator’s AFM accrediation number on their work diary daily sheet; carry a copy of the operator’s AFM accreditation certificate; and carry a document signed by the operator stating that the driver: - is working under the operator’s accreditation; - has been inducted into the operator’s AFM fatigue managment system; and - meets the requirements relating to drivers under the accreditation. AFM Operating Limits AFM Outer Limits Either attach a copy of the operator’s approved AFM operating limits or copy them into the table below If you are working under an approved AFM option you may be able to exceed the AFM operating limits in order to respond to unexpected delays, however, you can never exceed the AFM outer limits – as set out below. You should talk to the operator you are working for to work out how often you can exceed the approved AFM operating limits and to find out what counter measures should be put in place to manage the risk of fatigue. AFM outer limits are not to be exceeded. Time Work Rest In any period of… A driver must not work for more than a MAXIMUM of … With the balance of hours taken as off duty with the MINIMUM following rest breaks… 24 hours Time Work Rest In any period of… A driver must not work for more than a MAXIMUM of … With the balance of hours taken as off duty with the MINIMUM following rest breaks… 24 hours 16 hours* 6 hours continuous stationary rest (two-up drivers may take this in an approved sleeper berth) or 8 hours stationary rest taken in no more than 2 blocks (two-up drivers may take this in an approved sleeper berth) 14 day period 154 hours 2 x 7 hours continuous stationary rest taken between 10 pm and 8 am on the next day using the time zone of the driver base.** 28 day period 288 hours 4 x 24 hours continuous stationary rest 14 day period 28 day period These limits can only be exceeded as permitted in the approved AFM option up to the fixed outer limits. *15 hours in NSW or Victoria ** 24 continuous hours stationary rest time taken after no more than 84 hours work time in NSW D R I V E R B A S E A N D R E C O R D L O C A T I O N ALL DRIVERS MUST COMPLETE THIS SHEET Address of Driver Base Address of Record Location The driver base is the place from which you normally work. The address of record location is the place where your work diary sheets and other work records are kept. Record the driver base if this is where these records are kept. If you have two or more employers you may have a different base for each employer. Record each location. If your work records are not kept at the driver base, your employer or operator must inform you where the records are If the vehicle is registered in another state record the place from which you normally work and receive instructions stored. Record this location. when operating the vehicle. This information must be kept up to date. This information must be kept up to date. Date Address of Driver Base Date Location of duplicate work diary daily sheets / other work records D R I V E R Date B A S E Address of Driver Base A N D R E C O R D L O C A T I O N Date Location of duplicate work diary daily sheets / other work records
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