CLASSIFIED I am going to share with you some quick tips that led to many success stories. Believe it or not there, there is nothing particularly revolutionary about this, other than that it simply works. So if you follow this, you will improve your chances of conceiving. How to Protect Yourself from these Five Pervasive Toxins Thanks to the spoils of the industrial revolution, your body is now home to a growing cocktail of chemicals which could be affecting your chances of getting pregnant Intermingling with your red and white blood cells, your endocrine system, brain, tissues and other organs are chemicals used to make epoxy resins, non-stock cookware, flame-resistant upholstery and plastic -- clearly substances that have no business taking residence in a living, breathing creature such as yourself. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that may interfere with the body's endocrine (hormonal) system, causing negative developmental, reproductive, neurological and immune effects in both humans and animals. And these endocrine disruptors are everywhere: in cosmetics, plasticizers, pesticides and more. When they get into your body, they can change your hormone levels for such things as estrogens, androgens and thyroid hormones — all important hormones the reproductive health of men and women. Your Body Probably Contains Over 200 Chemicals A typical American comes in regular contact with 6,000 chemicals and an untold number of potentially toxic substances on a less frequent basis. When it comes to the potentially hazardous chemicals you and your family are exposed to as you go about your daily lives, it can easily feel overwhelming. There are chemicals literally everywhere, but rather than feeling burdened by the thought I encourage you instead to focus on simple steps you can take to reduce your risk. A good starting point, is to focus on avoiding some of the most pervasive, and most toxic, chemicals that are virtually guaranteed to be in your home right now. Five Top Common Chemicals to Avoid … The five chemicals definitely worthy of eliminating from your life as much as possible, and given that they are among the most widely used chemicals around, doing so will make a serious positive impact on your chemical exposure. They gave a great summary above, but I'll touch on them again briefly here: BPA: BPA is one of the world's highest production-volume chemicals and is widely used in the production of plastics, canned foods and soda cans, food packaging, baby bottles and toys and more. The chemical can lead to heart disease, diabetes and liver problems in adults, and previous research has linked BPA to serious developmental and reproductive problems. Phthalates: Phthalates, or "plasticizers," are a group of industrial chemicals used to make plastics like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) more flexible and resilient. They're also one of the most pervasive of the endocrine disrupters. These chemicals have increasingly become associated with changes in development of the male brain as well as with genital defects, metabolic abnormalities and reduced testosterone in babies and adults. PFOA: Teflon-coated cookware is the primary source of dangerous perfluorinated chemicals (PFOAs). Teflon pans quickly reach temperatures that cause the non-stick coating to begin breaking down, releasing toxins that have been linked to cancer, birth defects and thyroid disease into the air in your kitchen. I highly recommend you throw away this type of non-stick cookware immediately and replace it with either ceramic or glass. My personal choice is ceramic cookware, because it's very durable and easy to clean, and there's absolutely no risk of exposure to harmful chemicals. Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde, most commonly known as embalming fluid, serves a number of purposes in manufactured products. It is actually frequently used in fabrics to give them a variety of "easy care properties" as well as being a common component of pressed-wood products. Formaldehyde has been shown to cause cancer in animals, and may cause cancer in humans. Other common adverse health effects include fatigue, skin rashes, and allergic reactions. Choosing all natural materials for your clothing and furniture can help cut down on your exposure. PBDEs: These flame-retardant chemicals have been linked to decreased fertility and numerous problems with development when exposure occurs in utero. PBDEs are commonly found in household items like upholstery and television and computer housings. Fortunately, several states now ban the use of PBDEs, so there is some progress toward reducing exposure. Another common source of PBDEs is your mattress, and since you can spend up to a third of your life in bed, this is a significant health concern. Mattress manufacturers are not required to label or disclose which chemicals their mattresses contain. Look for 100 percent wool, toxin-free mattresses. Another viable option is to look for a mattress that uses a Kevlar, bullet-proof type of material in lieu of chemicals for fire-proofing. Stearns and Foster uses this process for their mattresses, which is sufficient to pass fire safety standards. What Else Can You do to Reduce Unnecessary Chemical Exposure to Your Family? Rather than compile an endless list of what you should avoid, it's far easier to focus on what you should do to lead a healthy lifestyle with as minimal a chemical exposure as possible: 1. As much as possible, buy and eat organic produce and free-range, organic foods to reduce your exposure to pesticides and fertilizers. 2. Rather than eating conventional or farm-raised fish, which are often heavily contaminated with PCBs and mercury, supplement with a high-quality purified krill oil, or eat fish that is wild-caught and lab tested for purity. 3. Eat mostly raw, fresh foods, steering clear of processed, prepackaged foods of all kinds. This way you automatically avoid artificial food additives, including dangerous artificial sweeteners, food coloring and MSG. 4. Store your food and beverages in glass rather than plastic, and avoid using plastic wrap and canned foods (which are often lined with BPA-containing liners). 5. Have your tap water tested and, if contaminants are found, install an appropriate water filter on all your faucets (even those in your shower or bath). My personal favorite, and the one I personally use, is a high-quality reverse osmosis (RO) filter. You just need to add a few minerals back to the water, but RO reliably removes virtually every possible contaminant that could be in the water. 6. Only use natural cleaning products in your home. 7. Switch over to natural brands of toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants and cosmetics. The Environmental Working Group has a great safety guide to help you find personal care products that are free of phthalates and other potentially dangerous chemicals. I also offer one of the highest quality organic skin care lines, shampoo and conditioner, and body butter that are completely natural and safe. 8. Avoid using artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances. 9. Replace your Teflon pots and pans with ceramic or glass cookware or a safe nonstick pan. 10. When redoing your home, look for "green," toxin-free alternatives in lieu of regular paint and vinyl floor coverings. 11. Replace your vinyl shower curtain with one made of fabric, or install a glass shower door. It is important to make these positive and gradual steps toward decreasing your chemical risk through healthy lifestyle choices. While you make the switch to remove and reduce chemicals around your home, remember that one of the ways to significantly reduce your toxic load is to pay careful attention to what you eat. Organically-grown, biodynamic whole foods are really the key to success here, and, as an added bonus, when you eat right, you're also optimizing your body's natural detoxification system, which can help eliminate toxins your body encounters from other sources. Endocrine disruptors are serious health issues that haven't quite made it to prime time. But if you start now to eliminate these harmful compounds from your environment and diet, your reward will be better hormone balance now that boost your fertility to get pregnant fast… and less risk of disease later. Seven Simple Solutions for Better Hormone Balance Here are the seven ways the most dangerous endocrine disruptors make their way into your body and the simple choices you can make to protect yourself. #1 - Conventional Meats & Dairy: Foods just aren’t what they used to be. Not only do they lack the farm-fresh taste of yesteryear, but livestock are packed into tightly cramped quarters where they’re fed unnatural diets of pesticide-treated grain and corn, given growth hormones (rBGH) and antibiotics. While it’s more profitable for the farmer, the contaminants that end up in the meats, dairy and eggs are potent endocrine disruptors. Conventional meats and dairy are also high in dioxins – potent chemicals that bind to hormone receptors in cells and alter genetic function, causing a wide range of effects - from cancer to reduced immunity to nervous system disorders to miscarriages and birth deformity. Pollution Solution: Buy grass-fed beef and dairy, as well as pastured poultry and pork products, raised using organic principles. Because the harmful compounds are stored in fat tissue, choose leaner cuts, trim the fat and allow it to drip away during cooking. #2 – Farm-Raised Seafood: Farm-raised fish are fed “fishmeal” - a concentrated fish product that is high in pollutants. In this case, the primary pollutants are polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) - powerful endocrine disruptors that have been linked to hormone-related cancers, thyroid problems and feminization of men. PollutionSolution: Choose only wild seafood that is produced sustainably. Read the package labels in the grocery. And steer clear of salmon in restaurants – it’s almost always farm-raised. #3 - Conventional Plant Foods: Spotless strawberries neatly packaged and ready for purchase in December come at an exceptionally high price… even if you don’t pay it the day you buy them. Why? Imported produce may contain DDT. Although this organochlorine has been banned since 1972, it is still legal and produced in other countries (like China). And that’s likely where those strawberries came from. Even if you’re not buying imported fruits and veggies, there’s still a big risk of contamination with conventional produce. One of the most common biocides used organophosphates (OP) - don’t just kill bugs. They destroy nerve cells too (neurotoxins). Pollution Solution: Reduce your exposure to pesticides by 90% by ensuring you always buy organic for the 12 most contaminated crops: peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, kale, lettuce, grapes (imported), carrots, and pears. SPECIAL NOTE: Remember – wine is made from grapes… concentrated grapes – always choose organic! #4 - Plastics: A recent study found that polycarbonate water bottles exposed to regular conditions contain harmful levels of bisphenol-a (BPA). This endocrine offender has been linked to obesity, as well as prostate cancer and breast cancer. What’s more, 95% of Americans have detectable levels of BPA in their urine. PollutionSolution: BPA is found in polycarbonate plastic food containers (often marked on the bottom with the letters "PC" recycling label #7) as well as in the liners of canned foods. Opt instead for BPA-free plastics with the recycling labels #1, #2 and #4. NEVER microwave plastic and limit your consumption of canned foods. #5 – Non-Stick Pots & Pans: Beneath that smooth surface lies a dangerous group of chemicals: perfluorinated compounds (PFCs). These estrogen-mimics have been linked with cancer, “polymer fume fever” and other health problems. PollutionSolution: Toss your non-stick pans and invest in high quality, non-toxic cookware. Try Xtrema, Le Crueset, Chantal, Lodge Cast Iron and good oldfashioned glass (like Pyrex). #6 - Household Products: Chances are, most of the products in your cleaning cabinet bear the words Caution!, Warning! or Danger! Start by tossing the most toxic – those bearing “Warning” and “Danger” labels. Next, avoid products made with chlorine and fragrances, including fabric softeners and dryer sheets – which can contain estrogen-mimicking parabensand phthalates - reproductive toxins banned by the European Union. Pollution Solution: Reduce your exposure to the laundry list of endocrine disruptors by turning to all-natural, non-toxic alternatives. When you need bleach, opt for an oxygen-based bleach like OxyBoost or OxiClean. #7 - Personal Care Products: What you put on your skin… you put in your body. And personal care products are some of the most polluted. Because the list of harmful compounds in these products is so extensive, the best advice is to only put on your body what you could safely eat. Pollution Solution: Here are some of the most dangerous compounds to avoid: fragrances, parabens (estrogen-mimics used as preservatives), triclosan (a thyroid disruptor most commonly found in antibacterial products), sodium laurel/laureth sulfate (endocrine disruptor/carcinogen), 4-methylbenzylidene camphor 4MBC (an estrogen mimic commonly found in sunscreen). Read labels on all personal care products and opt for mineral-based sunscreens made with titanium or zinc oxide Endocrine disruption. Hormone-mimics. Pesticide exposure. These are serious health issues that haven't quite made it to prime time. But if you start now to eliminate these harmful compounds from your environment and diet, your reward will be better hormone balance now… and less risk of disease later. Cleansing: Not Just for Health Nuts Why you should consider a fertility cleanse? Over the years the body can accumulate toxins in the body from chemicals in the air, earth, water and from substances we put into our bodies. Many of these toxins get stored in the fat tissues of the body and can be released quicker through cleansing. A fertility cleanse is specific to the reproductive system and assists the body in eliminating the additional burden of substances not good for fertility. While a good you don’t require any dramatic dietary changes, I suggest you begin to switch to a more fertility friendly diet. When toxins and hormones are being released this can sometimes make one cranky, similar to PMS. This is good and can be helped by drinking more water. Fertility Cleansing Herbs Fertility cleansing is best done using whole herbs as they are the safest way to encourage cleansing in the body. Below are some of the herbs used in fertility cleansing. Uterine Cleansing & Support Herbs: Goldenseal Root: Anti-inflammatory. Reduction in inflammation may help to prevent scar tissue and adhesion formation. Cleanses to the uterus. Damiana Leaf: A female aphrodesiac, damiana has been used for centuries to help increase circulation to the reproductive system as well as increase sexual pleasure. Dong Quai Root: Dong Quai increases circulation, which helps to bring in fresh healthy blood to remove excess tissue growth, heal tissue damage, limit scar tissue and adhesion formation. Peony Root:Overall this herb has excellent hormone balancing support. It also aids in pain reduction and relaxation. Moves the blood in the pelvic area, good for uterine stagnation. Raspberry Leaf: Raspberry leaf works to tone the uterine muscles and normalize blood flow during menses. This is one of the best normalizing herbs for the female reproductive organs. I suggest that couples refrain from trying to conceive during the month of a fertility cleanse. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that there are herbs in the fertility cleanse that are not suggested during pregnancy. The second is the fertility cleanse works best in preparation before conception. This cleanse helps in getting periods back, see a shift in your cycles, experience relief from occasional menstrual cramps, and many feel nothing at all. Just because someone may not ‘feel’ any different does not mean that the fertility cleanse did not work. After cleansing, I promise you'll have more confidence and a renewed sense of energy …and that helps you to become a mother much faster. But why wait? You've got a cleansing and fasting program to get started on. Do it now. You might be thinking this seems so simple, but just try it and you could be pregnant soon! To Your Success; Sharon Dee
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