January/February 2011 !" #$%&%'#( ) * $+,%-* . /0. (1%-#) ) #$%-& ( 2 3%4%5 #/6. (1%'!/!$ & 0& (3%$ #& /.7#%0$ #& 83 !"#$%"$&'() '$*+,%"-).$ /)0'%1"2,314 56%).$&'7128$9" OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE COLOR ADO BANKERS ASSOCIATION !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 ! "! #$%&'(%)*+!(,++%-, E&,$%"1'*#)(.$ ?(#.1*#,2F%GH I#,16#($J)''#( K#,1&($L10#$?(#.1*#,2 /7),*)$M&;&:.-1 E1(#02&($&6$N)(-#21,; !17$?&:#(. E1(#02&($&6$%&774,10)21&,. /7=$+()= GA#0421>#$/..1.2),2 N)(;1#$N#''#,5(40" +&&--##3#(O %()1;$/8$P75)4;" %&4,.#'O I17$%&'# D&55=1.2O N#'),1#$D)=2&, D&55=1.2O Q)(1,$+()= D&55=1.2O N120"$D)=0&0+),0C,.4(# O$&42.&4(0#* ! .! %!/0'1!2'0(!#3%444 !!5!!!!2,%67',!8!/9:;*<!%!#=>>?@A;B!3:@C!;=!1=D ! 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The anticipated GOP surge played out even larger than most pundits’ expectations on the national level, and we saw significant changes in State politics as well. Banking benefited from voters’ actions both federally and in the Statehouse, as both split control of the legislative chambers. Overall, CBA was pleased with the results, as a split government has historically brought upon political gridlock, forced compromise, and protection from fringe proposals. This new dynamic will be especially interesting if Congress must further weigh in or revisit aspects of the Dodd Frank “Wall Street” Reform Act in the near future. However, with the elections, ballot campaigns and legislative battle of Dodd/Frank in the rear view mirror, your CBA has been focusing on three major components moving forward: 1. Educating legislators so that constructive changes to the 2300 page bill can be implemented before negative effects on customers or our economy surface. Your CBA will once again be making an early January trip back to Washington D.C. to visit with Colorado’s two freshman Representatives, Rep.-elect Corey Gardner (R-Dist.4), and Rep.-elect Scott Tipton (R-Dist. 3). We will familiarize them with our most pressing issues, and establish a strong trusting relationship right from the beginning. 2. Facilitating communication with regulatory bodies to ensure that the onslaught of new rules which get implemented provide a constructive balance between customers’ access to capital and banking services, safety of the industry, and consumer safety. CBA has established a regulatory compliance task force of skilled volunteer bankers who are examining proposed rules, organizing responses, and suggesting/creating tools that will assist with future compliance. A special thank you to those bankers is in order for their commitment and time given. Their work will provide huge value for all of us. 3. Providing helpful resources to bankers that will assist bankers’ transitions into the post Dodd/Frank era. CBA has created numerous resources since the passage of Dodd/Frank to assist us. The most recent of which was a 45 page planning and budgeting resource that summarized the Act’s functions line by line. This tool has already been mimicked or redistributed by other banking associations in over 40 states; and is just one more example of the assistance, education and support CBA is able to provide our industry. Finally, we must not forget the importance of CBA’s PAC and I encourage everyone to help strengthen it. The PAC provides financial support to those candidates for state and federal offices who have demonstrated an interest in the welfare and constructive development of the Colorado banking industry. Q D. Edward Sauer CBA Chairman President and CEO, The Bank at Broadmoor January • February 2011 " !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 %!/=KI!2K=>!#3%444 0'1#"2,%'1&'(),-#)34+$#)+*) 5+116."%'7 /F!NA<9!;9A<!N:<@*;!V:@CA@J*<!KF:GA;BW!V?;!A;!A<4!!69F!X@=K>:GY!NF!C@FN!<FOFK:G! BF:K<!:J=!NAGG!@FOFK!KF;?K@4!!#3%!A<!I=A@J!:GG!A;!T:@!;=!:<<A<;!V:@C<!A@!KF:T9A@J! :!G?TK:;AOF!@FN!@=K>:G4 Adoption of the Dodd-Frank act brings no relief for anyone in financial services. Bankers are dealing with a harsh economy, tough examiners, and now an unparalleled level of Dodd-Frank regulatory requirements with which banks must comply in the near future. A key step for bankers is to understand the scope of Dodd-Frank. That’s why CBA produced the recent 45 page schedule of budgeting and planning considerations for 2011 on the Dodd-Frank act. This was so popular it was utilized extensively throughout the U.S. # CBA now undertakes setting priorities among the 243 proposed Dodd-Frank rules coming at you and us, focusing on the higher priority ones, assisting you in commenting on proposed regulations, and then providing assistance for your compliance work. To do that we have organized a CBA DoddFrank Rules and Compliance Task Force of bankers which will guide our work on these topics. We expect it will be in existence for two years. Despite favorable election results which produced Colorado leaders with whom CBA has a strong positive relationship, in the 2011 Colorado Legislature we will see a f lurry of new issues. While it appears that credit unions have opted not to attack us in 2011 (it’s still not certain), we believe that they will seek the ability to hold public deposits in the 2012 session. Among the newer issues we believe will be in the 2011 legislature where we must protect banking’s interests are: • Foreclosure issues • Original evidence of debt requirement – doesn’t change outcome but increases hassle & cost for lender • Tenant protection – delays lender’s ability to deal with property • Actions intended to promote banks’ small business lending (often accompanied with unacceptable requirements) – oppose unworkable or burdensome programs • UCC Article 9 amendments (secured transactions) – protect banks’ security interests • Prompt payment of subcontractors (prohibiting retainage) – oppose • Colorado government as a competitor in providing “green lending” for both residential and commercial properties – oppose unfair competition • Real estate lean priority by local governments for nonpayment of use taxes – protect lender’s priority • Compensation for trust departments acting as conservators – keep workable system • Number of claims in small claims courts – expand to limit collection costs • Many more… The public and some public officials still have hostility against banking despite CBA’s major educational efforts directed at helping them understand the pressure cooker in which you work. That hostility and misunderstanding translates into topics like the above and many others. You have a lot of work to do in your bank dealing with this economy, tough regulators, and implementation of DoddFrank, and CBA has a lot to do on the Dodd-Frank rules, helping with your compliance, and a bevy of new issues in the state legislature. We wish this wasn’t banking’s reality, but it is. The “normal” we knew several years ago will never return. CBA is doing all it can to assist banks in reaching a lucrative new normal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�"#1:1&5 $+#"G5.$"+1&5 $ I/U%5G$&.,F&./%,$UF-/5.VW ?RLSL7RSORL+ARATAR8L+BPS7AR7MDP8TB !"#$%&"'()* +,%-)./01(%()2$ 3-#",(*405(67-) 5,(8909(:$7."% ;(,</0&"7#-, !0=.-'-%/"%-) &,$)Ɵ%=0>.-," ?)"7.&05-))< &-,,$10@))-77 !6(%;05-*,:(% 1-,,640A7(%.B C$2"7-=.,"%D !"""#$%&'(&)*+,-./0!1234/56/$*7892:2: ;020<1=0Ͳ!>223;020<1=0Ͳ9!00?&@ 1>!04A7B&$C(&)*+,-./"=23D$//5(%%'E-FF&G/*7892!!! ;020<0=>Ͳ9H223;020<0=>Ͳ9H0"?&@ IIIJK8LM+NMOOMPJ78Q !"#$%&''()'*+,+'-%&..+&/$%&$%&%,&Ʃ+/%(0%/+*(/1%('234% %5.X/UF%V-5G%Y&Z:J9[-FF-%5 %-F&5'G&V'/6/F%\[/5.F%&5Y&U-F-.)J K%5/V]N/FF/$&U./'&VO/5'/$V^U%,5V/F%5.X/.$&5V&UƟ%5J S'6-V-5G%5.X/.$&5V&UƟ%5(/$/W #$&'_J_&[-F.%5 PJ+./6/5K%5/V January • February 2011 !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 !"#$%&" #&$'()" *+,-./0.!)+12! "#$%&'$()"*+ ,-#(!./!01-23!4!566-7%$896 ^$_&4$0),$0"&&.#$2&$*&$ ,&2"1,;$),*$#12"#($'&.#$ &42$&,$)$0&73'1),2$ .&4(0#$&6$(#>#,4#$&($ % (1.-$(#;4')2&(.$2)-1,;$ *1.013'1,)(=$)021&,$ &,$=&4($#A1.21,;$ 4,*1.0'&.#*$&>#(*()62$ .&'421&,8`$$ &@TKF:<FI!'FJ?G:;=KB!3?KIF@< :@I!)FFI!Q=K!'FOF@?F What’s A Community Bank to Do? A s the realities of the post-financial crisis set in for community banks, many are taking stock of how to move forward in the new regulatory and economic environment. In addition to the anticipated increased costs of implementing new regulations and uncertainty regarding the final authority of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), there are on-going concerns about the effects of low interest rates, depressed loan volumes and the potential loss of interchange fee revenue going into the New Year. And while community banks continue to strive for healthy performance, forecasts re- leased by the FDIC in November 2010 projecting the unemployment rate to remain above eight percent through 2012, along with a slower than previously expected economic recovery could put exceptional performance out of reach for many institutions. When you take a step back and begin to look at the scenario that many institutions find themselves in today, it appears that there is an all-out assault on bank income. Q!.&343563»!!!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,')-. !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 "#$%&'# $'%()*# 7&'8$'-.80.+$"&+! ,-(96!4!:9119&;!<" ^$J"1'#$2"#$0)312)'$ New Capital For Community Banks &<!69F!+>:GG!3?<A@F<< HF@IA@J!2?@I!'AJ9;!2=K!L=?D O n September 27, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (Act), which, among other things, created the Small Business Lending Fund Program (Program) to facilitate up to a $30 billion capital investment in community banks. This article is intended to briefly describe the eligibility criteria, the application process, and a bank’s obligations if it wants to participate in the Program. application, are ineligible to participate in the Program. Eligible institutions may use the Program to refinance an existing TARP investment as long as the institution has not missed more than one TARP dividend payment. 89&(&:&9&,; <=+/', Under the Program, the U.S. Treasury may invest in preferred stock and other debt instruments issued by financial institutions. To be eligible, a bank or, if the bank is controlled by a bank holding company, the bank holding company, must have total assets of $10 billion or less. The U.S. Treasury must consult with the bank’s regulators to determine if banks should receive the investment. Institutions on the FDIC’s problem-bank list as of, or within 90 days prior to, the date of the Investments in banks having assets of $1 billion or less are limited to an amount equal to 5% of the bank’s risk-weighted assets. Investments in banks having assets exceeding $1 billion but less than $10 billion are limited to an amount equal to 3% of the bank’s risk-weighted assets. All investments under the Program will be reduced by the amount of the existing TARP )>)1')5'#$2&$ 0&774,12=$5),-.$ 1.$1,*##*$#,2101,;B$ )33'10),2.$."&4'*$5#$ ):)(#$2")2$2"#$(4'#.$ 4,*#($2"#$?(&;()7$ & )(#$.45a#02$2&$0"),;#$ )2$),=$217#$),*$ ),=$(#0131#,2$:1''$ 5#$5&4,*$5=$2"&.#$ 0"),;#.$4,21'$2"#$ 1,>#.27#,2$1.$(#3)1*8` Q!.-39.(:;<=:>.»!!!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,')-. January • February 2011 !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 &"?"-%"[email protected] B 5 = < 5 6 3 C To stay viable going forward, it is imperative to maximize your revenue. >+'2/=#"2)?**#")%)>9/#)*+")!%,-),+)@&(-#") !#"*+"=%'4#) With the implementation of Regulation E’s opt-in requirement for paying overdrafts on ATM and one-time debit card transactions, many institutions began to discount overdraft programs as a viable source of non-interest income – anticipating a decline in the number of customers who might be interested in signing up for the service. However, in spite of the early projections, consumer actions indicate quite the opposite. According to an industry survey, opt-in consent for all consumers has varied between about half and 80 percent. Ninety percent of frequent overdraft users have opted in so far. Additionally, the majority of consumers who have paid an overdraft fee in the past year reported that they were glad the transaction was covered. A##,&'()B#(/9%,+";)8C$#4,%,&+'2)&2),-#)D%=#)+*) ,-#)E%=# '( No doubt, in the current regulatory environment, you need to be certain that your overdraft policies are fair and easy for the account holder to understand. This is especially true for programs that are undisclosed and by their very nature have the appearance of being deceptive or unfair. But a fully-disclosed overdraft program that gives account holders the ability to make informed decisions about their finances can be just the answer for your bank and your customers. And while it will take some time and effort to make sure your program meets regulatory standards, an experienced business partner can simplify the process for your staff and give you the results you want. Consider the benefits of becoming a valuable partner for your customers who need a little assistance managing their finances. Plus, you can earn much needed income to balance the costs of doing business in today’s challenging economy without adding or increasing service charges and fees. F-#)?/,4+=#)G)&,H2)I+/")>%99 Like many institutions that have decided to take a wait and see stance, you can choose to do nothing and either lose out on a compliant source of revenue or risk regulators taking disciplinary action on your existing undisclosed overdraft solution. Or, you can embrace a business partner with the regulatory experience and compliance knowledge to provide all the resources necessary to help you implement and manage a compliant overdraft program. The reward will be an overdraft solution that operates in the best interest of your customers and provides peak returns for your bank. Q ,-#(!./!01-23!4!566-7%$896!=,.05>;!$!<&9?9&&93!@A6%(966!<$&8(9&! ?-&!"-1-&$3-!@$(B9&6!566-7%$8%-(;!%6!$!C&-?%8$D%1%82!$(3!C9&?-&'$(79! %'C&-E9'9(8!7-(6A18%(F!?%&';!69&E%(F!'-&9!8#$(!G;HHH!?%($(7%$1!%(I 68%8A8%-(6!%(!$11!JH!68$896/!K-!19$&(!'-&9!$D-A8!,.05;!C19$69!7-(8$78! "#&%6!0%6#9&;!,.05!&9F%-($1!3%&978-&!$8!"#&%6/0%6#9&L,.05/7-'! -&!=MHH>!MJNIMOMP/! -"D.(#E'$#)[email protected] B 5 = < 5 6 3 C investment, if any, made in such institution (unless the Program funds are used to refinance the TARP investment). As of the date of the writing of this article, it is unclear whether the investment will constitute Tier 1 capital. <$$9&4%,&+' As part of the application, an applicant must submit to its primary regulator a small business lending plan describing how the applicant intends to use the new capital to address the needs of small businesses in the areas it serves. Small business lending includes commercial and industrial loans, owner-occupied non-farm, nonresidential real estate loans, loans to finance agricultural production, and loans secured by farmland, but excludes loans in excess of $10 million and loans made to any business that exceeds $50 million in annual revenues. The plan must also describe how the applicant will “provide linguistically and culturally appropriate outreach and advertising” regarding the availability and application process for new credits. B#$%;=#', Treasury’s investment must be repaid within 10 years. While the investment is outstanding, the rate at which dividends are payable varies between 1% and 7%, with an initial rate of 5%, and is wholly dependent upon the amount of increase in the bank’s small business lending following Treasury’s capital investment. If Treasury’s investment is not redeemed on or before 4 ! years following its investment, the dividend rate increases to 9%. While the capital available to community banks pursuant to the Program is indeed enticing, applicants should be aware that the rules under the Program are subject to change at any time and any recipient will be bound by those changes until the investment is repaid. Q :&%68%(!Q/!+89&-!%6!$!6#$&9#-139&!R%8#!8#9!1$R!?%&'!-?!,-(96!4!:9119&! <"/!Q#9!%6!$!'9'D9&!-?!8#9!?%&'S6!?%($(7%$1!%(68%8A8%-(6!F&-AC!$(3!#9&! C&$78%79!?-7A696!-(!$11!$6C9786!-?!D$(B%(F!1$R/!Q#9!7$(!D9!&9$7#93! $8!=NHN>!NOPIMTHJ!-&!B-89&-LU-(96B9119&/7-'/ Q!.$FB6G>3C.$<H3I.»..!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,')-!"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5 #/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 "#$%&'# $'%()*# 7"-2#)).(+)/#"*+ "-1'$(!4!"-'C$(2 ^$D&,;$2#(7$04.2&7#($ (#')21&,."13.$0&7#$ 6(&7$0(#)21,;$ 7#),1,;64'$ How to Save a Customer Relationship T %Q;FK!+:BA@J!)= here is a saying, “market delays are not market denials.” This may be a nice keep your chin up kind of platitude for those lending money, yet hard to hear as a small business owner who has just been turned down for important capital dreamed of for growth. But all is not lost. The new banking regulations actually provide us all with an opportunity to recreate relationships in a different, deeper way - as a facilitator, consultant and true adviser. It’s all how you look at it. The industr y has seen an increase in small business lending year over year, and the government capital thatwas injected into 0&,>#(.)21&,.$ 2"(&4;"&42$2"#$=#)($ 0&751,#*$:12"$ '' 3&:#(64'$.#(>10#8$ !(4'=$1,,&>)21>#$),*$ #66#021>#$.#(>10#$ 1.$2"#$4'217)2#$ 0(#)21>#$)028` the industr y throughout 2008 and 2009 will net taxpayers a nice return. Although public perception varies on whether banks are lending, credit worthy borrowers are securing loans. In a speech I gave recently on Situational Selling 2.0, I made the distinction between people-pleasing a customer and truly serving the customer, two very different things. Q!.&3>:=<B5IJ<;.»!!!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,')-/ January • February 2011 !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 &")#$'+-8,'[email protected] B 5 = < 5 6 3 C When we can spend our day serving---really, truly serving others to the point where they receive value and we’ve made a difference for them, that’s where long term customer loyalty comes from. Successful banking leaders know that the people before them are valuable because they have the capacity to refer within their network. If my purpose is for the customer to be so happy with the help I gave him that he’ll gladly introduce me to at least two or more colleagues before we finish (or do not finish) the transaction, then my business grows. Greg Atkinson from United Western Bank learned a while ago that anyone who looked like they have “bubble credit” (low bankability and probable declination), he tells them right away. He then uses a two step process to advise the business owner on what to do next. The first step is to look at how to strengthen their position - including targets for improvements, a business plan to include balance sheet forecast, and a written justification for other potential finance sources to make a decision. The second step is to open his network and advise on other banks or non-bank finance sources for options and providers of capital. Long term customer relationships come from creating meaningful conversations throughout the year combined with powerful service. How many people am I serving? How well am I serving them? Truly innovative and effective service is the ultimate creative act. Fifty times a day ask yourself: How can I serve? What changes would be necessary to bring the operations and financial statements of this client to an acceptable level, to meet the criteria that would make a loan possible. Slowing conversations down and advising clients without ever compromising integrity, that is serving. That way when people ask you how many customers you have, you can answer, only one, the one I am with. Q :9(3$11!"-1'$(!%6!"*+!-?!"-1'$(!4!"-'C$(2;!$!K$19(8! .$($F9'9(8! ?%&'! %(! V9(E9&;! 8#9! 9(3-&693! E9(3-&! ?-&! 19$39&6#%C!39E91-C'9(8!D2!"-1-&$3-!@$(B9&S6!566-7%$I 8%-(;!$(3!8#9!?$7%1%8$8-&!!-?!8#9!@$(B!W9$39&6!-?!K-'-&I &-R! C&-F&$'/! Q#9! 7$(! D9! &9$7#93! $8! NHN/JMX/JOTX! -&! B9(3$11L7-1'$(7-$7#%(F/7-'/ ') seconds anyone? In this economy, you can’t let a lending opportunity pass you by. Increase your reach with CHFA secondary market programs, designed to reduce your risk while increasing your portfolio. Contact CHFA Commercial Lending today to gain your business advantage. 800.877.chfa (2432) www.chfainfo.com financing the places where people live and work !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 "#$%&'# $'%()*# *"88".E#)/"& "<5 @:V;!WW< Don’t Overlook Tax Incentives When Hiring A s the economy slowly recovers from the “Great Recession,” many businesses will likely start hiring again. If your business is considering adding new employees or has done so in the past few months, certain tax incentives may be available. This article will examine the hiring tax incentives made available with passage of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act), as well as other potential tax benefits. @&"&'()F%C)J'4#',&K#2)0'1#"),-#) @JB8)<4, The HIRE Act was passed on March 18, 2010, to promote job growth and includes two tax incentives for hiring qualifying employees: Payroll tax holiday. The first incentive is an exemption available to qualifying employers for the 6.2 percent Social Security tax paid on the ^!"#$bCMG$/02$ :).$3)..#*$&,$ '! N)(0"$SWB$XUSUB$2&$ 3(&7&2#$a&5$;(&:2"$ ),*$1,0'4*#.$2:&$ 2)A$1,0#,21>#.$6&($ "1(1,;$c4)'16=1,;$ first $106,800 of wages paid to each qualifying employee from March 19, 2010 through December 31, 2010. A qualifying employer is any employer except for federal or state governments or any political subdivision except for state colleges and universities. A qualifying employee must meet the following criteria: • Employee was hired after February 3, 2010, and before January 1, 2011. • Employee certifies by signed affidavit that he or she has not been employed for more than 40 hours during the 60-day period prior to employment. The IRS has developed Form W-11 to document this #73'&=##.8` Q!.'5A35=<43I.»!!!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,')-0 January • February 2011 !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 !"#$%&" #&$'()" &%88.,+&"YQ5;!"YQQ< "-Z98&%[ ^$C,$.477)(=B$:"#2"#($ =&4$0"&&.#$2&$(#;1.2#($ &,#$&($7&(#$.&01)'$ ,#2:&(-1,;$^*&7)1,$ '* ,)7#.`$2&*)=$&($,&2B$ =&4$74.2$,&2$1;,&(#$2"#$ &33&(24,12=$),*$(1.-$ )..&01)2#*$:12"$2"#.#$ 3&34')($.12#.8`$$ Registering Your Bank on Social Networks I n the 1990s, we learned about the value of Internet real estate. Many banks, not foreseeing the significance of an Internet presence, did not register their domain names in time to secure an ideal one. The effects of this are still with us today. While it is debatable whether social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter will have business value to banks, the popularity of these sites is growing at a much quicker rate than the Internet did a couple of decades ago, and social networking domains are being reserved at an staggering rate. To ensure your bank secures the most ideal “domain name”, you should consider registering your bank on various social networking sites. Here are some steps to assist with that process for a few of the most popular social networking sites: .%4#:++7 Before you can register a Facebook domain, you must first create the business’s Facebook page and have at least 25 “fans.” To register a domain on Facebook, (for example, facebook. com/bankname), go to facebook.com/username. You must be an administrator of the page to register the name. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) or a period. Be careful when selecting a username as they are not transferable and cannot be changed. It is usually wise to use a period where there would normally be a space when creating your username. For example, a good username for !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 First State Bank is “First.State.Bank.” In this case, both facebook.com/FirstStateBank and facebook.com/First.State.Bank would work. Many banks choose to use their Internet domain name as their username. Information Security Risk: Phishing and pharming attacks are increasing on social networking sites. How will the bank protect customers and employees from these new sophisticated threats? FL&,,#" Footprinting and Information Gathering: If you create and maintain a business social networking page for your bank, you will likely have your employees and customers “follow,” “like” or become “fans” of the page, thereby potentially providing a list of your customers and employees to everyone on the Internet. How will the bank prevent cybercriminals from harvests and using this information maliciously? To register a Twitter domain (for example, twitter.com/ bankname), go to twitter.com/signup. Whatever you enter in the “username” field will become the “handle” or domain name for Twitter. Note: Twitter does not allow name squatting, so if your bank name has already been registered by an illegitimate party, you can contact Twitter to get it released. M&'7#1J' Most banks already have company pages on LinkedIn. To determine if your bank is on LinkedIn or to add your bank, go to linkedin.com/companies. To edit or create a company page, you must login using a valid bank e-mail address. Reputation Risk: Who is going to manage and monitor the social networking site, and what policies need to be in place to define controls? Strategic Risk: How does social networking fit in with the bank’s strategic plan? B&27)A%'%(#=#',):#*+"#)B#(&2,#"&'( Due diligence and appropriate risk management must be considered as a part of a bank’s overall Social Network strategic plan. Before you register your bank on these social networking sites, consider these threats in your risk assessment process: Compliance Risk: Who will monitor compliance with bank policies and regulatory guidance? Q!.8BA<:>.-3=9BFKI.»!!!"#$%#&'()"#)*+,')-1 '" Power comes from being understood . SM Yeah. You’re a little pumped. Is 6 enough? A partner who really knows your game is a key part of any strategic approach. And when you trust the advice you’re getting, you know your next move is the right move. That’s what you can expect from McGladrey. That’s the power of being understood. Call Steve Riddle at 303.298.6400. Experience the power. Go to zachisunderstood.com. Assurance Tax Consulting z Team McGladrey Golfer Zach Johnson and his caddie, Damon Green. z McGladrey is the brand under which RSM McGladrey, Inc. and McGladrey & Pullen, LLP serve clients’ business needs. The two firms operate as separate legal entities in an alternative practice structure. January • February 2011 !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 '-("-$'?"[email protected] B 5 = < 5 6 3 C certification. Signed certification must be received by the time the employer files an employment tax return applying the payroll exemption for the employee. • The individual was not hired to replace another employee, unless the other employee separated from employment voluntarily or for cause. • The employee is not related to the employer or any individual who owns more than 50 percent of the employer. • The payroll tax exemption is claimed by not remitting the 6.2 percent Social Security tax for the qualifying employee at the time the tax is otherwise due. This only applies to the employer portion. The employee portion of Social Security tax must still be deposited with the ?,-#").#1#"%9)F%C)J'4#',&K#2)*+")@&"&'( In addition to the HIRE Act incentives, employers should also keep in mind other federal income tax incentives available for hiring, including the following: Work Opportunity Credit. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is an income tax credit available for hiring individuals belonging to certain “targeted groups,” such as food stamp recipients, ex-felons, veterans and disconnected youth. The credit can be as much as $2,400 for each new hire ($4,800 for certain veterans and $9,000 for certain aid recipients). Qualifying individuals must be certified, either in advance or immediately after employment, by the designated state agency. If an employee qualifies for both the payroll tax exemption and the WOTC, the employer cannot receive both benefits. If the potential benefit of claiming the WOTC is greater than the When making hiring decisions, it is important to factor potential federal and state tax incentives into your cost/ benefit analysis. '# IRS when normally due. The IRS has revised Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return, to provide lines for the employer to report the amount of exempt wages paid. Retained worker credit. The other hiring incentive included in the HIRE Act is an income tax credit of up to $1,000 for each qualifying employee. To qualify for the credit, the following conditions must be met: • The employee is a qualifying employee for purposes of the payroll tax exemption. • The employee is employed by the employer for at least 52 consecutive weeks. • The employee is paid wages during the second half of the 52-week period equal to at least 80 percent of wages paid during the first 26 weeks. • The credit is equal to the lesser of $1,000 or 6.2 percent of wages paid to the employee during the 52-week period. There is no limit on the number of retained workers on which an employer can claim the credit, as long as the retained workers meet the above criteria. • The credit only may be claimed during the tax year the retained worker satisfies the 52-consecutive-week requirement. Since the retained worker must have been hired after February 3, 2010, to qualify, the tax credit will not be available until the 2011 tax return for calendar year taxpayers. Additional information on hiring incentives in the HIRE Act, including forms and answers to frequently asked questions, can be found on the IRS website. payroll tax exemption, the employer should make an election to forgo the payroll tax forgiveness on those wages. Indian Employment Credit. The Indian employment credit is an income tax credit available for employers of qualified American Indian employees. The credit is equal to 20 percent of Indian employment wages and health insurance costs paid during the year in excess of the amount paid in 1993. Only the first $20,000 of wages and health insurance costs paid to each qualifying employee is counted. To qualify, the employee must be an enrolled member or the spouse of an enrolled member of an Indian tribe, paid less than $45,000, perform substantially all his or her services within an Indian reservation and have his or her principal residence on or near the reservation where the employee works. The credit has expired as of December 31, 2009, but a proposed one-year extension of the credit is included in a tax bill currently being debated in Congress. Empowerment Zone and Renewal Community Employment Credit. The Empowerment Zone and Renewal Community Employment Credit is an income tax credit available for employers paying wages to qualifying employees who work and live within an empowerment or renewal community zone. Empowerment and renewal community zones are typically areas of the country with high poverty rates, low population or other economically depressed factors. Maps of designated areas are available on the Department of Housing and Urban Development website. The empowerment zone credit is equal to 20 percent of the first $15,000 of wages paid to a qualifying employee per !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 year. The renewal community credit is equal to 15 percent of the first $10,000 of wages paid to a qualifying employee per year. Both credits are limited to the extent the WOTC is claimed for the same employee. 8+('#).-"$D+&[email protected] B 5 = < 5 6 3 C Privacy Risk: How will the bank maintain privacy in a “social” environment? 3,%,#)J'4#',&K#2)*+")@&"&'( In addition to federal hiring incentives, many states provide similar incentives for hiring employees. Incentives include state income tax credits for increasing employment, hiring in certain areas and hiring individuals belonging to designated groups. Many states also provide grants or credits related to training costs. >+'49/2&+' The decision to hire additional employees can be challenging. When making hiring decisions, it is important to factor potential federal and state tax incentives into your cost/benefit analysis. For more information on the various incentives available for hiring new employees or for help assessing potential benefits, contact your accountant. Q ,9669!<$1'9&!%6!$!"<5!R%8#!@:V;!WW<;!-(9!-?!8#9!($8%-(S6!\H!1$&F968!"<5! $(3!$3E%6-&2!?%&'6/!"-(8$78!8#9!$A8#-&!$8!UC$1'9&LDB3/7-'/ In summary, whether you choose to register one or more social networking “domain names” today or not, you must not ignore the opportunity and risk associated with these popular sites. At a minimum, all banks should: 1. Get educated on the benefits of social networking sites; 2. Conduct a formal risk assessment on the risks of social networking sites; 3. Make a plan that, at a minimum, includes monitoring; 4. Create policies to define the bank’s stance on the use of social networking sites; and 5. Repeat this cycle, at least quarterly, since social networking sites change often. Q ]A66!^-&(;!"YQ5;!"YQQ<;!%6!8#9!"#%9?!+C9&$8%-(6!+??%79&!?-&!"-Z98&%[;! $!C&-E%39&!-?!(98R-&B!7-(6A18%(F;!697A&%82!8968%(F;!&%6B!'$($F9'9(8;! $(3!%(?-&'$8%-(!697A&%82!7-'C1%$(79!6-?8R$&9!8-!?%($(7%$1!%(68%8A8%-(6/!! _%6%8!-A&!R9D6%89!$8!RRR/7-(98&%[/7-'/ '$ 303.623.9000 · www.rothgerber.com Denver · Colorado Springs · Casper Creating Solutions Since 1903 Nationally recognized for our corporate, regulatory, and litigation practices for community banks • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Affiliate Transactions Asset-Based Lines of Credit Bank Operations Branch Banking Compliance and Disclosure Consumer Finance Credit Document Drafting and Review Creditor's Rights/Bankruptcy De Novo Financial Institutions Charters Factoring Foreclosures and Collections Holding Company Formations Lender Liability Lending Limit Advice Leveraged Acquisitions • Litigation • Loan Originations and Modifications • Loan Restructuring • Mergers and Acquisitions • New Product Development • Project Finance • Recapitalization • Regulatory Advice • Regulatory Enforcement Defense • REO Disposition • Stock Offerings • Strategic Planning • Sub Chapter S Corporate Restructuring • Uniform Commercial Code • Use of ESOPs Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons LLP Banking Group Robert S. Arthur, Jr. Justin H. Boyd Tennyson W. Grebenar Stephen T. Johnson William P. Johnson Kevin M. Kelly David P. Kunstle Mark A. Meyer Nicole R. Nies Nina Gawne Ward Bruce N. Warren Karen L. Witt Bank of Millbrook Millbrook, New York Acquisition of The Stissing National Bank of Pine Plains Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons LLP represented Bank of Millbrook September 2010 Savings Bank of Mendocino County Ukiah, California Merger of Bank of Willits into Savings Bank of Mendocino County Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons LLP represented Savings Bank of Mendocino County June 2010 January • February 2011 !"#$%&%'#()*$+,%-*./0.(1%-#))#$%-&(23%4%5#/6.(1%'!/!$&0&(3%$#&/.7#%0$#&83 '% There are financial parasites within every business that would like nothing better than to feed off of your blood, sweat and tears. We’re not your average accountants. We know what’s bugging your business. 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