How to embrace Big Data A methodology to look at the new technology Contents 2 Big Data in a nutshell 3 Big data in Italy 3 Data volume is not an issue 4 Italian firms embrace Big Data 4 Big Data strategies and operations need enhancements 5 The “Big” misunderstanding 5 How to approach Big Data effectively? 6The Reply value offering 7 The technological perspective 7 Big Data as a ‘Washing Machine’ 8 Traditional architecture as a data source for Big Data analytics 8 Traditional and Big Data architectures working together 9 Business perspective 9 Can Big Data help in detecting insurance fraud? 11 Big Data to improve ‘churn’ analysis in the telecoms industry 12 New boundaries in customer profiling 13Conclusion How to embrace Big Data A methodology to look at the new technology How to embrace Big Data. A methodology to look at the new technology Big Data in a nutshell Over the last twenty years, ideas of how to assemble a decision support system have coalesced around the con- In it’s short life Big Data assumed a wide range of mean- cept of a data warehouse as a tool for navigating business ings: on the one hand it refers to the global phenomenon issues but today the real challenge for business intelli- of information growth, resulting from the proliferation of gence is to let emerge hidden value through intelligent activities and data generated on the net via the social net- filtering of low-density and high volumes of information, work, smartphones or machine to machine interactions. being them operational or unstructured data arising from On the other hand, Big Data describes a new generation of sensors, transactions or either the web. Unfortunately the technologies and architectures, designed to extract value unstructured data sources may not easily and cheaply fit in a cost-effective manner from very large volumes of in- in traditional data warehouses, which may not be able to formation, by enabling high-speed data capture, discovery handle the processing demand imposed by unstructured and analysis. data which for this reason remains largely untapped. In the already well-established technical literature, ‘three Vs’ are generally used to characterize Big Data: To help connecting the dots of all the content that’s out Volume: the total amount of data to be managed there by analyzing a huge data set and returning results Velocity: the pace at which the data can be processed in seconds a new class of technology has emerged; it in- Variety: the complexity and heterogeneity cludes new tools as NoSQL databases, Hadoop and Map of the data set Reduce. These tools form the core of an open source software framework that supports the processing of very large Please forget it all! Big Data solutions cannot be defined data sets across clustered systems. Let we show you how by how you can measure data in terms of Volume, Velocity and why these technologies are gaining a leading position and Variety. The three Vs are just measures of data related in the interest of companies issues. One firm’s “big data” is another firm’s peanut as velocity appreciation strongly depends on any single context behavior. So, what is Big Data? A nice definition says aloud: “The frontier of a firm’s ability to store, process, and access all the data it needs to operate effectively, make decisions, reduce risks and serve customers”: that’s probably the real essence of the paradigm change addressed by Big Data technology. 2 Big data in Italy Data volume is not an issue In January 2013, in collaboration with Forrester Consult- The results of the survey confirm that a high percentage ing, Reply carried out a survey to evaluate interest in adop- of respondents do not have to deal with ‘petabytes’, ‘zet- tion of Big Data solutions in Italy. The aim was to explore tabytes’ or ‘yottabytes’ of data. The most of the Italian not just the acceptance of Big Data but also the stage of companies manage volumes of data that are relatively in- maturity reached by organisations in building their strat- significant in comparison with the vast size of major enter- egy towards Big Data implementation. prises, being them social networks like Facebook, Twitter or important retailers as Walmart and Target. The study spanned vertical sectors across the country’s top 100 organisations, with concentrations in financial ser- Anyway, Italian companies seem to have realised that vol- vices, telecoms, energy, utilities and waste management, ume is not the only or primary characteristic of Big Data. retail and professional services. Key findings included the The interest in Big Data technologies is then driven by following, in such a way surprisingly, results: the necessity to acquire and process heterogeneous data, while fastening computational time at a greater level of accuracy. This is pretty similar to the findings of a recent study conducted in the U.S., where it became evident that the amount of useful data generated inside and outside the company is not raising the hugeness of the major social network. ESTIMATE THE SIZE/VOLUME OF DATA WITHIN YOUR COMPANY >1000TB 100-1000TB 14% 10-100TB 1-10TB 24% <1TB 26% None 25% Don’t know 7% 2% 2% 6% 3% 1% UNSTRUCTURED DATA 13% STRUCTURED DATA FROM TRANSACTIONAL SYSTEMS 11% 15% 25% 44% 18% 24% 26% 7% 2% 3% SEMI-STRUCTURED DATA 0 20 40 60 80 100 3 How to embrace Big Data. A methodology to look at the new technology Italian firms embrace Big Data or drivers organisation cares while overall orchestrating its business intelligence strategy, 34% of respondents Reply identified a significant amount of interest in Big pointed to improving data quality and consistency. But Data technologies and solutions. It looks as the wish to data quality is not the end goal. The whole idea of Big take a competitive advantage from the analysis and inte- Data is to improve business success, through factors as gration of unstructured data is driving companies to adopt customer insights, operational efficiencies and cost con- Big Data technologies. trol. Business targets must come first and data quality is Notwithstanding only around a quarter of respondents a prerequisite for these. have already implemented a solution, 40% were planning to implement in the next 12 months and a further 28% Only 11% of respondents claimed to have a business case planned stretching out to a slightly longer time horizon. for Big Data with concrete KPIs and proven ROI. They These companies are struggling with the data coming into represent the highest level of maturity in the Big Data their organisations and are looking for new methods to initiatives. A further 19% reported having a business case better leverage data to improve their businesses. with KPIs but no proven ROI. The majority (47%) have a business case with intangible benefits. “BASED ON FORRESTER’S DEFINITION OF BIG DATA, WHAT BEST DESCRIBES YOUR FIRM’S CURRENT USAGE/PLANS TO ADOPT BIG DATA TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS?” (SELECT ONE) As shown by the results, 70% of respondents are not yet able to translate the advantages of Big Data initiatives into 3% tangible business benefits. This would indicate that fur- EXPANDING/UPGRADING IMPLEMENTATION ther expertise is needed to lead Italian companies into the 19% PLANNING TO IMPLEMENT IN MORE THAN 1 YEAR Big Data world. Starting small and demonstrating tangible benefits will enable organisations to prove the ROI on a 28% PLANNING TO IMPLEMENT IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS 40% INTERESTED BUT NO PLANS 10% NOT INTERESTED 0% DON’T KNOW 0% Big Data strategies and operations need enhancements small scale before ‘going big’. “DO YOU HAVE A BUSINESS CASE FOR YOUR BIG DATA INITIATIVE IN PLACE?" WE HAVE A BUSINESS CASE FOR BIG DATA WITH MEASURABLE KPIS AND ALREADY PROVEN ROI 11% WE HAVE A BUSINESS CASE FOR BIG DATA WITH MEASURABLE KPIS AND A PROJECTED BUT NOT YET PROVEN ROI 19% WE HAVE A BUSINESS CASE FOR BIG DATA BUT WITH INTANGIBLE BENEFITS ONLY 47% Key goals focus firstly on data quality, followed by business objectives. The business cases that companies have developed do not measure concrete key performance indi- CURRENTLY WE HAVE NO BUSINESS CASE, BUT WE ARE CURRENTLY WORKING ON ONE 19% cators. Moreover, Italian organisations aren’t ‘pushing the envelope’ when exploring the potential of Big Data. WE HAVE NO EXPLICIT BUSINESS CASE FOR BIG DATA 4% Although the demonstrated significant interest for the new technology, Italian organisations need definitely to invest more attention in improving their Big Data strategies and operations. When asked about the most important goals 4 DON’T KNOW MATURITY IMPLEMENTED, NOT EXPANDING 0% The “Big” misunderstanding We can segment company’s behavior into 4 blocks: Inactive: Companies deal with Big Data issues as a A cause of frustration for the customer trying to tap into storage problem and essentially deny that there is a the ability to design and embrace a strategy about Big problem. When issues come up, they just try to fix the Data is the fundamentally misleading view of Big Data as problem using standard techniques. This approach a social phenomenon on the net, generated by millions or results from a lack of business awareness and has even billions of pieces of information and backed by tech- several failings: it is expensive and unpredictable. nologies that have been developed to extract the hidden Proactive: Companies have the technologies and the value of that data. infrastructures to deal with Big Data but they still Too often technology key users (marketing or sales depart- don’t have business cases with measurable KPIs and ment, product development team, security and fraud of- proven ROI. fices, to mention just a few), are asking for solutions that Reactive: Companies have business cases and the will never come because echoing the traditional approach. maturity to start a Big Data project but lack of ability It is not simply a matter of technology. Within the func- and expertise to address technological issues. tional organisation Big Data demands new processes, a Active: Companies view Big Data as an asset and different way of interacting with the end customer, even own the necessary human resources, processes and new skills to leverage the increased power of the analysis. technologies to gain insight into their data. These Simply Big Data requires a shift, in the corporate analyst companies looks at Big Data as an opportunity to dif- behaviors, to leverage the potentiality of new information ferentiate and gain competiveness, while well under- made available and in the IT departments, to deploy a stand it is not the last technological hype. The final new array of IT architectures that will enable companies to goal is then putting in place a comprehensive strategy handle both the data storage requirements and the heavy to maximize the data value to business purposes. computational processes needed to handle cost-effectively large volumes of data. How to approach Big Data effectively? The survey, in line with our overall understanding of company’s behaviours, suggests that the strategy to deal with Big Data challenges will strongly differ depending on the maturity of the organisation towards this topic. Reply has developed a ‘Big Data maturity model’ to measure the organisation’s aptitude in approaching Big Data. The real aim of this model is to help CxOs in better understanding the company behavior alongside the new technology and then properly identify the correct strategy for implementing a coherent and profitable Big Data project. 5 How to embrace Big Data. A methodology to look at the new technology The Reply value offering Reactive: Organisation has established a business case with measurable KPIs but it lacks the technical As the model demonstrates there are several challenges on experience necessary to develop a Big Data archi- both technical and organisational side that must be care- tecture. Reply’s technologists can help customers in fully addressed to achieve the full potential of Big Data, finding the best architectural solution. The first step while finding the right solution involves more than a simple is to analyse the organisation’s data sources and IT evaluation of price/performance of any specific tool. infrastructure. The overall overview of the technical Reply has built an integrated a consistent methodology environment enables technologists to develop a Big to support clients in the development of suitable strat- Data infrastructure tailored to the customer’s goals. egies to let them able to benefit of best of breed solu- Active: Organisation has here reached a high maturity tions. A multidisciplinary team of business analysts and level in both the technology and business issues. Fine- technologists has been established to address the main tuning job can still be done, however, to make it easier issues related to a Big Data project implementation within to better develop business opportunities: this is the a comprehensive approach. Additionally, to help business typical environment where data scientists can, use their people in challenging value from data, has been founded expertise to refine the logical approach to data discove- a data scientists team. The goal is to help customers by ry and modeling to deliver more detailed insights. proposing the most appropriate business and technology model fittings to their needs. In summary, Big Data may be approached by two different roadmaps: starting from the business issues, using Big This heterogeneous team can help companies at any stage Data as a very powerful tool to redesign and improve data of the Reply’s maturity model: analysis processes and from a technological perspective, Inactive: The first stage, where the organisation has no looking at Big Data solutions to reshuffle best practices expertise in Big Data. Technologists provide the archi- and infrastructure in order to provide faster and cheaper tectural solution, while business analysts and data results. scientists collaborate with business in discovering new patterns from the data, to create a business case with a proven ROI. Proactive: Organisation has already gained experience in the technology but do not know how to apply it to a real business case. Reply’s business analysts can help supporting the development of a Big Data roadmap, to transform customer’s needs into a real business scenario. Data scientists work with business analysts in finding new insight and perspectives, helping the company to improve data value. 6 The technological perspective Big Data as a ‘Washing Machine’ The most important value offered by the Reply’s approach A major problem when approaching a data warehouse solu- to Big Data implementation lies in the development and tion is represented by extracting data from outside sources, delivery of solutions which strongly fits with the custom- transforming and loading it into the data warehouse. ETL er’s technological architecture. processes (extract, transform, load) can involve considerable complexity while significant operational problems can The goal is addressing the resolution of specific business occur with improperly designed ETL systems, whereas – for problems while maximizing the safeguard of the current the business purposes – they represents a null-value, ex- investments in technology, through a gradual integration pensive and time consuming set of activities. of the Big Data architecture into existing legacy systems. Big Data can solve this problem by substituting the traFounding on the distinctive competencies and wide op- ditional ETL process with a new kind of storage architec- erational expertise of the Group companies, Reply devel- ture and, on top of this, a processing layer able to quickly oped a framework to tailor Big Data implementation in transform data and load it into a data warehouse. three different scenarios. This approach can appreciably lower the overall time needed to satisfy the necessity of building the base of reporting/analytics value chain, at a fraction of the cost incurred by the traditional approach. It will also introduce a faster management of the quality and coherence of the data ‘ignited’ into the systems. CALCULATION ENGINE DATA MART DWH DATA ANALYTICS & VISUALIZATION PRESENTATION CALCULATION ENGINE DATA DATA STORAGE DATA INGESTION & STORAGE STAGING AREA Unstructured Structured 7 How to embrace Big Data. A methodology to look at the new technology Traditional architecture as a data source for Traditional and Big Data architectures working together Big Data analytics In some cases, thinking of replacing or supplementing IT Traditional data warehouses can handle many situations architectures can be valued as a disruptive approach, so but they do have limits. The volume of data imported into that the Companies prefer to keep their incumbent sys- a data warehouse is a critical issue in terms of costs to up- tems despite the loss of the information that - if properly grade the system and in data elaboration time. The higher used - could dramatically upgrade their competiveness or the volume, the greater the impact on processing perfor- the revenue streams. mance. The usual solution for this problem is to back up Big Data architecture, more than others solutions, allows the data but in most cases this is tantamount to losing companies to implement a parallel infrastructure to ex- the information. ploit new data sources in counterpart with the traditional Big Data architectures can load data from existing data B.I. ones. The cost-effective hardware jointly with the warehouse systems and process it along with data from open source software, which represents the foundations of sources such as data streams or unstructured data that the Big Data solutions, enable a company to manage both are not easily managed by the traditional data warehouse. scenarios at a very marginal differential cost. Moreover, There are many benefits from using this approach; it is some of the tools that belong to the Big Data ecosystem possible, for example, to combine classical structured data (e.g. analytics, presentation and data integration layers) with other sources, enabling new insights and achieving a can be substituted by or integrated with resources already better granularity in the data analysis. Furthermore, hav- present in the traditional architectural stack. ing a Big Data storage structure means that data coming from the data warehouse will never be lost; it will always DWH STAGING AREA DWH CALC. ENGINE STAGING AREA DATA STORAGE ETL - ELT DATA ETL - ELT Unstructured 8 Structured Unstructured Structured DATA ANALYTICS & VISUALIZATION ANALYTICS DATA MANAGEMENT & STORAGE DATA STORAGE PRESENTATION DATA CALCULATION ENGINE DATA INGESTION & STORAGE PRESENTATION DATA ANALYTICS & VISUALIZATION be possible to use historical data and analyse it. Business perspective Can Big Data help in detecting insurance fraud? Our daily confrontation with CxOs make clear that many organisations start in claiming how business intelligence The technology that most insurers have currently in place solutions are failing to meet their current business needs; to help to fight frauds is a blend of business rules and this is the major push to accept looking at Big Data as database searches, where the results rely heavily on the the ultimate instrument to design a new, more effective sensitivity of the claims auditor. While these techniques information strategy. From being the sort of tool that was have proved being successful in detecting known fraud only needed for meteorology or mathematical simulations, patterns, insurers today need to invest in new analytical Big Data has pretty recently moved into the industry main- capabilities to help them to spot unknown and complex stream as the easiest and cheapest way to overcome tra- fraud activities. These analytical capabilities include in- ditional costs and implementation times of complex data congruity detection, predictive modelling, unstructured management systems, essential to encompass and manage data mining and social network analysis. heterogeneous and multi source data sets. Anomaly detection aims at discovering fraud by identify- Not all industries are likely to benefit from Big Data projects ing those elements that vary from the norm. Key perfor- equally and not surprisingly, the first movers were internet mance indicators associated with tasks or events are base- companies; in fact, the most popular Big Data platforms lined and thresholds set. When a threshold for a particular has been built on top of software originally used to batch measure is exceeded, then the event is reported. Outliers process data for search analysis but now retail, telecom, or anomalies could indicate a new or previously unknown financial services and media sectors are quickly recovering fraud pattern. while manufacturing and process industry are definitely approaching. But just having the Big Data tools isn’t enough: enterprises need to know what questions to ask, actually ask them and then translate that into strategy or tactics. It will be important for enterprises to develop new policies around privacy, security and intellectual property. Big Data isn’t just about technology and employees with the right skill sets, it will also require businesses to align work flows, processes and organization to get the most out of it. It is important to note that enterprises should not concentrate on destructured data at the expense of “current data” or business information as normal. There is still a lot of value to be extracted from the information inside their traditional databases! Reply can help customers in designing and addressing the right path to define an appropriate strategy, by identifying business cases where a Big Data approach can create a true difference to meet unsolved organisation’s needs. Below are summarized some of the most common usage patterns explored by Reply; while the explanation of the usage patterns may be industry-specific, the rational basis can be applied across industries to bring new sparks that ignite the change. 9 How to embrace Big Data. A methodology to look at the new technology Predictive models use past fraud events to produce fraud- Reply has established a proven methodology to apply a propensity scores. Adjusters simply enter data and claims Bayesian model in fraud recognition combined with Big are automatically scored against the likelihood of them Data analysis techniques. This is a comprehensive ap- being fraudulent. These scores are then made available proach, which includes data discovery through all the for review. Use of predictive modelling makes it possible available internal and external structured and unstruc- to understand new fraud trends. tured data sources, combined with the powerful computa- Since around 80 percent of claims data is unstructured, tional capabilities of a Big Data infrastructure to support the use of tools able to mine unstructured data enables the claims manager in every phase of the investigation. insurers to analyse information arising from medical First of all, a network analysis will identify any histori- chronicles, police records, external and internal database cal relationship between the actors in a specific claim, sources or even e-mails. revealing any connection in the past that could suggest a Social network visualisation tools allow investigators to ac- propensity to commit a fraud. Then a clusterization of the tually see network connections so they can uncover previ- actors and related behaviors based on a self-learning sta- ously unknown relationships and conduct more effective tistical model let emerge similarities in the data model, to and efficient investigations. better represent relations and attitudes to plausible fraud By using Big Data technologies companies are able to existence. manage all of these issues and to ‘learn’ from experience While this technology is still in its early stages, the bottom to improve their fraud detection and pattern identification line is that new Big Data analytics can be used to explore capability. This learning characteristic enables the soft- large volumes of networked data, using high-speed pro- ware to adapt and increase in sophistication as more and cessing with configurable data entry from multiple internal more intelligence is gathered over time. The more analyti- and external sources, to reveal fraudulent behaviour. Can cal the tools, the higher the chance of detecting fraud in you imagine how far you could go using a so strong para- the early stages and predicting potential areas of abuse digm change in tracking frauds? before fraudsters discover the opportunity themselves. Automation also means less reliance on the human element, and provides greater accuracy and homogeneity in fraud discovery activity. USERS Internet data base ACTUARIAL Risk/Tarif Evaluation Real time evaluation Contracts Customers Claims BRMS CLAIM MANAGER Claims Managements Fraud Monitoring Case Manager Dashboard Case Analysis SOGEI Case Assignment Fraud reporting MCTC Data Matching ANIA / ISVAP Data Certification Others Scoring Clustering 10 External data base Workflow Mgmt Big Data Analytics Frauds black list RISK MANAGER Network analysis Big Data to improve ‘churn’ analysis in the telecoms industry from reactive churn management to proactive customer retention is to use predictive churn modelling based on social analytics to identify potential ‘churners’, thereby ena- Today’s customers want competitive pricing, value for mon- bling the operator to act on such predictions, rather than ey and, above all, a high quality service. They won’t hesitate waiting for explicit trigger points (e.g. credit on prepaid to switch providers if they don’t find what they’re looking card running down), by which time the churn is most prob- for. So particularly in mature markets or where regulations ably inevitable, irrespective of any act or offer on the part and service dematerialisation makes ‘churn’ easier, it is ab- of the operator. Big Data analytics offer the opportunity solutely crucial to put in place a sustainable and robust to process and correlate new data sources and types with strategy for customer retention to preserve customer life- traditional ones, to achieve better results more efficiently time value. The telecoms market provides a good example and receive insights that will set alarm bells ringing before of why the high acquisition costs and slim profit margins for any damage has been done, so giving companies the op- each customer make churn analysis vital to help companies portunity to take preventive measures. identify and retain the most profitable among them. Pricing analytics and ‘next best offer’ recommendations In this context, the paradigm change ‘more is more’ is in in particular are classic examples of how, by analysing tune with the main aim of Big Data analytics. The uncov- structured data (such as CDRs) and unstructured or semi- ering of hidden value, through the intelligent filtering of structured data types (such as log files, IVR tracked calls low-density and high volumes of data, can become a real to call centres, clickstreams and, ultimately, text from differentiating factor. The more data you have, and the e-mails), telecoms operators can provide more accurate, more recent and accurate it is, the faster you can learn personalised offer recommendations. from it and the more predictive you can be. Last but not least is the issue of timing. It is true that The value of Big Data can then be exploited in two dif- traditional business intelligence solutions have allowed ferent directions: to decrease the capital expenditure enterprises to move forward by consolidating data sources (CAPEX) or operational expenditure (OPEX) associated into centralised data centres. However, this data is used with the computational infrastructure needed to address ‘simply’ for reporting. We are now moving into a new era the huge amount of data used to feed predictive analyti- where information can and must be converted into real- cal models; and/or to increase the data sources used for time actionable insight, to enable the company to respond the integration and leverage of new kinds of unstructured in real-time to behavioural changes in the customer mind- information, enabling companies to better describe and set or to react quickly to threats on the competitive hori- understand customer behaviour. zon. This is exactly why and where Big Data analytics can One method now emerging to enable an operator to move win the battle against ‘old’ BI tools. Feedback VOICE NETWORK DATA MOBILE WEB NAVIGATION DATA CUSTOMER INTERACTION DATA CRM TOOLS HDFS & MAP REDUCE REAL TIME ANALYTICS AD SERVER INSIGHTS CAMPAIGN MNGT CALL CENTER CELL TOWERS DATA BIG DATA PLATFORM OPERATIONAL STACK 11 How to embrace Big Data. A methodology to look at the new technology New boundaries in customer profiling ing more dynamic to deal with the geo-spatial and temporal dimensions, acknowledging the fact that location and time events impact people’s propensity to react to external Customer analytics start with data. To get better customer stimulation; in this case, the ability to react in real-time or insight, most companies begin by analysing their struc- near real-time becomes a ‘must have’ feature. tured transactional data, which typically includes information such as demographics, purchase history, com- As demonstrated by a recent Reply project, Big Data plaints and retention information. Statistical algorithms technologies provide a very powerful tool-set to address can help companies to create meaningful segments and all of these issues. The ability to digest and elaborate in gain insight into buying patterns. These insights and ten- real-time huge amounts of data as single cash lines in dencies are then encapsulated in models which are used till receipts, and compare them with the purchase his- as a basis for future predictions; basically, an extrapola- tory of each customer in order to generate promotions in tion of past history. Is this enough in today’s markets? real-time is without any doubt a capability that would be Probably not! extremely hard to achieve using traditional analytics solu- In recent years every one of us has become a powerful tions - which would in any event be prohibitively expen- ‘walking data generator’, delivering personal information sive. The more data and information to be analysed, the (that reflects daily changes in our habits) through many longer the process required (days); while Big Data solu- different channels. Information sources include call cen- tions allow retail companies to analyse huge volumes of tre records, email communications and transactional data data, with more granularity, in a shorter period (hours vs. as well as usage patterns on company websites. Very few days). Retailers can now get insight into customers’ sea- enterprises, however, are in a position to probe this ‘gold sonal trends and use it to improve the management of mine’ of information. stock or create tailored pricing and promotions. In their quest to make these models more accurate, com- While embracing this new customer approach companies panies are starting to embrace new sources of data; but must be aware there is a very fine line between using cus- most of this data is unstructured and it is quite expensive tomer analytics to create value by serving customers with to have it integrated into traditional data warehouse and customised precision, and destroying value by surprising data-mart infrastructures, both in terms of cost and time. customers with actions that erode trust. Privacy policies Moreover, analytical algorithms are continuing to evolve to and a consistent execution across the enterprise are es- deal with the changing landscape brought about by new sential and must be properly performed to understand the trends (such as mobility, social media and e-Commerce), ever-narrower segmentation of customers and so deliver while the need for a very fast computational time is in- much more precisely tailored products or services. It is creasingly becoming a necessity to help companies to seg- worth it, however, and the reward will surely overcome ment their customer base more effectively, attract more best expectations. profitable customers, improve campaign handling or reduce customer churn. Propensity models are also becom- 12 Conclusion As organizations will definitely understand this pattern and invest to become more dependent on information, While other business metrics come and go, growth con- the processes of gathering, managing, and utilizing data tinues to be the most important criterion used to meas- will become more central to operational success, because ure companies value, the measure by which the market data is only as valuable as our ability to access and extract assesses companies and managers evaluate their perfor- meaning from it. This is probably the main reason why Big mance compared to competitors. Daily we appreciate as Data solutions have definitely left their primordial field of competiveness passes more and more through a better application, entering to its own right the industrial world. understanding of the huge amount of data organizations Also if there could be reasons to be skeptical about the collect and store about employees, customers, finances, Big Data expansion we can say without risk of contradic- vendors, inventory, competitors and markets, to name only tion that a disciplined, targeted approach to Big Data de- a few. The amount of data needed is important because serves a very focused attention; when organizations will people generally make better decisions if they have more recognize that Big Data’s ultimate value lies in generat- data available to them. ing higher quality insights looking in a different way to available data to enable better decision making, interest In parallel, even more in the coming years we will ap- and related revenues will accelerate sharply. Albeit in this preciate the increasing volume and detail of information field Big Data is still in its infancy, the rapid and constant captured by enterprises as the rise of multimedia, social growth of attention to this technology suggests that indus- media and the Internet of Things will fuel exponential try begin to embrace the challenge and is ready to take on growth in data for the foreseeable future. The real issue is transformative measures, using the next generation of Big data have swept into every industry and business function Data industrial solutions. and are now an important factor of production, alongside Then, the final and most important question is: are you labor and capital. ready to harness the power of Big Data? 13
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