• • • • p " " " " • Gazette Phone ' • SCHENECTADY GAZETTE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1943 44t4t Gazette Phone South American Newspapermen County Court To Visit Here Will Convene Will Inspect Local Plant of G.E. Co.; At Fonda. Represent Papers in o Show War ifdonation ilms Tuesday • !" 4414T's± T. Williams, Delmar, N.Y.; Coffee sisters, Mrs. Roecoe Gray, Stamp 25 In war ration book one now Is valid for the purchase of Plain; Mrs. Fred DuPree, JohnsSt. David's Welah a pound of coffee providing the age of the book holder Is shown on town; Mrs. Hettle Bender, FultonGj'bup Holds Annua! the book to be 15 or more. The Btamp Is valid until midnight, Sunville; Mrs. Effie Whltbcck, Palmer, day, March 21. N.Y.; three brothers, Walter Long, Meeting; Plan Dinner Battle of. Atlantic Johnstown, Alvah Long, Atlanta, Sugar AMSTERDAM — Twenty^two 1TNeb., and Charles Long, Fonda. Mrs. James Mates was «l«cU<t Mqvie to Feature Stamp 11 In war ratlonrbook one is valid for the purchase of three year-old youths, all residents of president of St. David's Welah R.D.; one granddaughter, Edith pounds of sugar. .It expires March 15. / . • Irene Frohn, Nellis Center, and one Amsterdam and surrounding area, ciety at the annua) meeting held ^ — - ' _-^- i ^^^^,^_^^_ a —._-^-^Gasollna—.-—-—_^^ : ,_^ , i._J= , —Uruguayt-Eeru . _ _ — F O N D A -STLJMoiLt^Qjnjry. _co_unty_ grandson, Glenn John Williams, have been sworn in at Albany for Saturday night in K of P. hall. Tb« College Old Chapel Coupon i In the A gasoline ration book now is valid for tha purcourt will convene for the February DelmlirT^r^^FrteWis-may-call-at duty in "the-Uirited^States-oavy and- officers w i i r be installed « J r t K « r * * ^ A group of prominent newspaper- term Monday morning at 10 o'clock the Frohn home, Cayadutta street are now waiting assignment to nual dinner and entertainment Sat-) chase of three gallons and will remain valid until March 31. 'hree moving^ pictures of the • B and C coupons also are worth three gallons each while T coupon* men from Uruguay and Peru, in at the new courthouse with County until Wednesday morning when the their basic training stations. They urday night, March 6, in Masonle ttle of the Atlantic and ons are worth five gallons. B, C and T book coupons are valid until th* this country as guests of the Na- Judge William J. Cranglo of St. body will be taken to the Jackson enlisted at the Amsterdam recruit- temple. iwing the part American colleges tional Press club of Washington Johnsville presiding. Following is Funeral home, Prospect street, ing office and include: expiration date as shpwn on the book cover. Other officers elected wer«-Mr». i performing In training manand the co-ordinator of interwhere funeral services will be held It now is illegal to use gasoline Tor pleasure driving, or driving not the calendar of this term which Amsterdam, Alphonse J. Czech, 6 Anna Ward, vice president; MlM ner for the nation's fighting afternoon at 2:30 Gorski street; Warren F. Bullisv 210 Jane Griffiths, secretary; William eca are included in the second essential to the war effort, life,- health or occupation of the motorist American affairs, will visit Schenec- includes 12 criminal and four civil Wednesday o'clock, Rev. Harold J. Hoffman, tady on Thursday, Feb. 18. While cases: Motorists must write license number and state on back " O f each Dmunity program of war inforGuy Park avenue; Annieillo Pirfo, Woolcock, treasurer; Mrs. Ethel here they will be guests of the Lloyd Saltsman, burglary, third pastor of the Fonda Reformed 10 Carmlchael street; Stanley R. Roberts, assistant secretary; J o b s tion films, to be shown In the coupon. General Electric Co. degree and petty larceny; two in- church officiating. Interment will Gosolnski, 5 Orange street; Nelson Griffiths, assistant treasurtr; Mr* Shoe* chapel at Union college tomorAfter breakfast at the Hotel Van dictments each charging grand be in the family plot in Evergreen R. Denton Jr., 55 Green street; Ben Levy, chaplain; R. E. Wilv night at 7:30 o'clock. ' Sale or shoes will start under rationing tomorrow. Stamp 17 In Gurler, the party will be taken by larceny, first degree, against cemetery, Sand Flats. Harold C. Wojcik, 26 Teller street; liams, master-at-arms; John Mo*"* ["he weekly programs are spon- war ration book one will be good for one pair of shoes until June 15. bus for a tour of inspection of the Aloyslus Kozlowski; Joseph Jacques, Frank Becker III ed Jointly by the college war There will be no sale of shoes today. Clifford G. Stratton, IS Finlay gan, acting librarian; D. J. WoolOeneral Electric plant with stops abandonment; Louis Roman, grand cock, chorister. Frank Becker of Albany, auditor ormation. center and the citizen street. Fuel Oil in some of the more Important larceny, first degree; Alphonso James A- Morgan, retiring presiIty committee of tha local war Gloversville, Donald A. Rumrill, Period 3 and 4 coupons are valid for the purchase of fuel oil, the buildings, where huge generators, (Arthur) Tenner, grand larceny, for the American Railway Express Co., who was taken seriously ill 27 Oakland avenue; Richard P. dent of the society, w u namtd incll. They are open to the pubr former expiring Feb. 20 and the latter, March 20. Period S coupons are i' without charge. Ap audience worth nine gallons each, but period A's have been cut to eight gallons turbines and searchlights are being second degree; Carmen Renzl and while on business in Fonda Friday Chatelain, 7 -Western boulevard; chairman of the committee In made. They will also be shown the Walter Kryutoflk, Schenectady, in- and was taken to the home of,Mr. William N. Hare. 49 Woodslde ave- charge of arrangements for the obmore than 300 attended last each. Change coupons are worth their face value. million volt industrial X-ray, larg- dicted jointly for robbery, first and Mrs. E. Corning Davis Jr., was nue; Victor Ambroslno, 13 * Pearl servance of SL David'* day. To asek's opening shcvr. Tires est in the world, and If time per- degree; Martha Rapenske, forgery, removed Sunday morning by am- sjreet; Nelson M. Kiernan, 1 Ox- sist will b* Harry Hughe*, Joha rhe major part of tomorrow's mits will visit the television studio. second degree; Lawrence Pomella, bulance to the Albany City hos- ford terrace; Carl J. Mahonev, 7 Griffiths and D. J. Woolcock. Under a revised OPA program all holders of basic A gasolln* books Dgram will be made up of three Ralph Moratta, pital. His wife, Mrs. Becker and They will lunch at the Mohawk abandonment; must have their tires Inspected once before March 31 and thereafter Dinner will be served at f:M ort films which icll the story of abandonment; George Glaser and brother-in-law, William Potter of Lark street; John 8, Holmes. 96 o'clock and there will be entertainclub as guests of W. V. B. Van 3 convoys which are carrying once In each BIX months. ' Motorists with B or C supplementary rations Sixth avenue. John > Lucas, indicted jointly for Albany -who were called here by )d and war supplies across the or bulk coupons for fleets, will be required to get their first Inspection Dyck, assistant to the president of Johnstown, Richard HUdik, Hill- ment and singing. Tickets may b« received from any of the officers, irth Atlantic to England, under by Feb. 215. After that B book holders must have an inspection once the International General Electric burglary, third degree; Kenneth his illness returned to Albany side park. Reuss, abandonment. The followtoday. or members of the society, or Mr*. nstant danger of attack by axis every four months and C book holders and bulk coupon holders once Co., and will leave on the 3 o'clock St. Johnsville, Homer E. rie'.cher, train in the afternoon, for' Boston. ing civil actions are also listed: E. J. Richards, chairman of the bmarines and bombers. They are every three months* 95 East Main' street. Thomas McGlbbon vs. Charles MRS. MABY B. WALRATH tlantlo Patrol," "Heroes of the The deadline for the first tire Inspection for commercial vehicles On their visit here, the delegates Lefier, action on contract; MiddleCanajoharie, Michael J. Kane Jr., ticket committee^ lantlc," and "Food Convoy." AMSTERDAM—Funeral for Mrs. 16 West Main street. has beeh postponed to February 2S by the ODT. After the first In- will be accompanied by Arthur sex Mutual Fire Insurance Co. vs. Six directors for two years ar« 'Campus on the March," which spection, commercial vehicles must have tirs inspections every 60 days Wild, director of tours; Lieut. Mary E. Walrath, who died Friday James A. Morgan Edward J. EdSpeculator, Robert E. Bruso. Louis Vorse, negligence; Frank James Driver Jr., of the bureau of II complete the program, has or every 5,000 miles whlchevefepccurs first wards, Mrs. E. J. Richards, Mr*.. Broadalbin, Roy E. Eaton. Buckley vs. Floyd Dennis, negli- evening at the home of her daughen Issued by the U.S. office of Tire inspectors must sign inspection records which must be up public relations of the war depart- gence; Robert McCune vs. Ray- ter, Mrs. Morton Smith, 476 East Fort Plain. Eugene Viola Jr., J, J. Devine, Mrs. R. E. William*. tr Informations, to show a cross- to date before the motorist can use his car. Official inspectors have ment, and Don Klrkley, of the Main street after a long illness, will James M. Bailey and Chester F, and Mrs. Charles M. Hughes. The office of co-ordlnator of lnter- mond Crouse, negligence. otlon of college activity in the been named. Ask your station owner. six directors elected last year ta be held Monday afternoon at 2 Zawtocki. Mrs. John Frohn* ;tlon's war program. serve one year more are, David J. o'clock at the Merriam and WaterThe maximum charge for tire inspection service when tires are Amerlcan affairs. Mrs. Edith Anna Long, wife of All four films are sound films, not demounted Is 25 cents per vehicle. When tires are demounted, the The Uruguayan writers, all from' John Woolcock, Mrs. L R. Manhelm, street funeral home . Services will A. Frohn of this village, died le war film showings will, be con- charge may be 50 cents per wheel. Montevideo, are Dr. Tomas G. Sunday morning at 3 o'clock at the be directed by Rev. Floyd H. Moyer. Fr. Bernhardt Lieutenant Mrs. William H. Hughes, Mrs. Ben med as there is sufficient public Brena, editor of El Blen Publico; home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Interment will be in Fair View cemLevy, Mi*. Kate Jones and Mr*. Local Board terest Jose Pereyra Gonzales, news editor Stanley Everson of Nellls Center, etery. Mrs. Walrath was born on In Maritime Service ' Rita Thomas. The Schenectady county war price and rationing board is located AMSTERDAM — Fr. Aloysius E. The citizen unity committee has at the Nott Street school, Nott and Devlns streets. General p h o n e - of El Dla; Dr. Eduardo- Rodriguez following an illness of three months. June 13, 1869, a£ Grand Rapids, PAYS $5 F I N E so secured a number of other sugar, 8-0500} gasoline phone—3-7556; fuel oil—3-7868. Hour* are Larreta, co-director- of El Pals;, Mrs. Frohn was born Dec. 8, 1893, Mich., and has been a resident of Bernhard, former Amsterdamian, GLENS FALLS — Irving Van Mary's nely documentary and war films 10 a»m. to B p.m. dally except Wednesday when the office is closed to the Julio Caporale Scelta, co-director of In the Town of Palatine, the daugh- this vicinity for the past-30 years. assistant pastor of S t r local organizations. Friday public all day and Saturday when public hours are 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mundo Uruguayo; Ricardo Ver- ter of Frederick Long and Mar- She was a member o f SL Luke's church, Little Falls, where he Epps. 47, .of Schenectady, ha* *et»nazza, managing editor of El g a r e t Campbell Long. Survivors are served since September, 1941, has tied by stipulation for $5 with th* ght members of the Clan MacShe was Lutheran church. Tempo; Carlos Manini Rios, direc- married to Mr. Frohn in the Town four daughters, Mrs. Morton Smith, been Commissioned a lieutenant in state conservation department lor ae saw "The Warning," a film lowing the British protective which it will pass, and "The West- the Czech portrait and nature tor of La Manana, and Nelson Gar- of Palatine Oct. 18, 1911, and came Amsterdam; Mrs. Wm. Pangburn, the U.S. Maritime service. He will failure to send his deer license i n rvicesr i n . a c t i o n against an air ern Front," a film of the Chinese painter, and Jan Szczepkowski the cia Serrato, staff writer of La to Fonda to reside in February, Mariaville; Mrs. Otis Brown, CobleB- be sworn in as a chaplain in the to the conservation department In ltd, "Our Neighbors Down the battle against Japan. The Latin former director of the Warsaw Razon. 1924. She was a member of the klll and Mrs. Gladys Smith, New merchant marine early next week Albany within five days after th* The two Peruvian newspapermen Fonda Reformed church, Women's York city; eight grandchildren, one ta Great Neck, L I . Lieutenant close of the open season in. t h * oad," a color film of the. Pan- American film was also shown last School of Art, were discussed. merican Highway and the 17 night at the Emmanuel Baptist Whereabouts of all three men^ are are Alejandro Miro Queaada Gar- League for Service, Circle one of great-grandson and several nieces Bernhard will be stationed at Gal- county in which the deer w e t * taken, according to an announces,tln American countries through church, following the regular eve- unknown since the nazi occupation land, writer for El Comercio, and the league and Mohawk Valley and4 nephews. lup island, Boston harbor. ning service. Augustus M. Hodg- of their native lands. Jorge Maclean Estenos of Lima, grange. The survivors are her A native, of Amsterdam, Father ment by District Game Protector « klns has been in charge of these hejad of the president's press bureau. husband; her mother, Mrs. MarThe Town of Kingston was orig- Bernhard was ordained in 1930. He William H. Winters of Glens Tails, showings for the unity committee. garet Long; one son, Konrad, Nellis inally the capital of N e w York prepared for the priesthood at the Van Epps w a s arrested by G*m« Protector W. Call of Speculator* Center; one daughter, Mrs. George state. "Australia Marches with Britain," Catholic university, Washington. a film produced for the Australian news and information bureau, and 535 "The World We Want to Live in," a discussion of war aims, will be shown tonight at the Stanford Methodist church. AMSTERDAM—Ezra B. GuernTopical sound and silent films The committee heading the drive sey, Herkimer, district deputy dealing with the war effort may in Niskayuna for funds for the master of the Fulton-Herkibe secured by local organizations ''March of Dimes" campaign an- grand Masonio district, through the secretary of the citi- nounced yesterday that the total mer-Montgomery be entertained Tuesday evezen unity committee, Joseph Czy- collected was approximately $1,150. will ning at the local Masonic temple by zewskl, whose office is at the Riv- Last year $690 was collected. Welcome lodge, F.A.M. erside school. Walter C. Heckman, town super, The formal reception will be preMfT Czyzewski spoke on "The visor, was chairman of the commitceded by a dinner served in the Task Ahead for the Home Front" tee with Mrs. John Horn as coat a meeting of the combined chairman. Albert Sachs was treas- banquet hall by the Ladies of St. Townsend clubs of Schenectady urer and A. D. Putman, principal of Monica court, Order of the Amcounty, Saturday night at 251 State Van Antwerp school, was chairman aranth, beginning at 6:30 o'clock. Rev. William D. Orr will deliver the street. ' He joined Walter D. Przy- of the school sub-committee. invocation and.dinner music will be bylek, Alois Burian, Miss Mildred provided by the Michaelson trio Coin boxes were distributed among Vale'nta, and Mrs. Jean Korkosz on with Frank Jetter, supervisor of the various schools under the dithe weekly "Speaking of Slavs" music in local public schools, leadrection of Mr. Putman and a house broadcast yesterday over WSNY, ing the community singing. Frank to house canvass by 132 members when the careers of three great E. Dean, master of Welcome lodge, of a women's organization under Slavic artists, Ivan Mestrovlc the will preside. the direction of Mrs. Horn was conSerbian sculptor, Max Svablnsky ducted. Assisting Mrs. Horn were At the conclusion of the dinner Mrs. C. M. Mott, Mrs. Charles Male, adjournment will be taken to the Mrs. Clarence Hayes and Mrs, lodge room, where present and pastJames Stevens. Various other groups masters of visiting lodges will be Exclusive SPUR Distributor i n the town also made donations. introduced by Herbert H. Klous. JUllatedio S minute* or double your <noo*rbaek Daniel B. P. Phillips will be given Campaign expenses were listed at When excess itonnch icid ctmei pilnful, (uffoe»t" HERSHEY'S -• lai ( i i . lour ttomich ind heartburn, doctors usuillj $13.50. Supervisor Heckman ex- a grand master's 50-year service prescribe the futesf-artlnr ni»dkln« known for MOHAWK CLUB CORP. aptonutlc teller—medicine* like those In BeU-uw pressed appreciation to all -workers medal in recognition of his long and blfts. No Urttlw. Bell-am brlnjn comfort In » loyal adherence to the principles of 7 N; Center St. Phone 4-3304 S Jiftr or return txjttl» to Ul for double money bick. Sfc. participating in the drive. the organization. NU-EVE SLIPS • : Niskayuna Polio Drive Nets $1,150 Guernsey to Be Entertained Real Estate Transfers and kelp build a Bomber A Y B E you can't leave your home conservatively and wisely. One important for a war job. But you can help way to conserve is not to heat your kitchen build bombers right in your o w n kitchen with your gas range, especially on cold -—just by constrvittg days. on gas! The same -gas you burn In your kitchen range is That's when demands for gas are heaviest. essential in building planes, ships, guns, shells, tanks and other instruments of war. Y o u can help the war effort tty using gas Ask at out office for a copy of the booklet "Keep 'Em Working and Conserve Gas." 1 WAYS TO SAVE GAS AT HOME j Cook vegetables in small amounts of water to save vitamins for your health and gat for the war effort • 2 Be sure range burners ate properly adjusted. A blue flame is right. 3 Use your kitchen range for cooking only—not for heating. 4 Don't waste hot water. Repair leaky faucets. Insulate hot water tanks and pipes. g, Don't let hot water run down the drain while washing dishes or shaving.' g Drain oft about n gallon of water once a month from bottom of tank to remove'sediment. mam Fundamental of Good Grooming HOW TO CONSERVE 1.95 Mathew E. and Aice Ryan to John Jr. and Mary Denny, Town of Rotterdam lot 14 west side Philip street. Fred E. and Josephine W. Matern to Frederick Edward Matern Jr., 217 Fouth street, Scotia. William A. O'Brien to Milton F. and Evelyn Mannes Gipstein, lot 4 south side Union street. Helen G. Vetter Zinke to LOUIB and Valsene Constanzo,_1015 Strong street. Morris Smolky to Katie Smolky, 727-29 Notf street. Morris Smolky to Katie Smolky, 1524-26 Van Vranken avenue. William H. Lapham, widower, to William H. Jr. and Clarence S., as tenants in common, 817-19 Holland road. Esther Davis to Warren E. Hibbard, lots 725 and 726 east side Chadwlck .road. Eather Davis to Warren E. Hibbard, lots 793 and 794 east side Chadwick road. Albert L Friedman to Marcus E. and Albert L Friedman, a copartnership d/b under the firm name and style of Capitol Construction Co., Town of Niskayuna lot 22 Lexington parkway and also lot 21 Valencia road, Town of Njskayuna, and also lot 23 Lexington parkway, corner of Valencia road. Marcus E. Friedman to Marcus E. and Albert L. Friedman, a copartnership d/b under the firm name and style of Capitol Construction Co., Town of Niskayuna lots 19, 20" and 21 Lexington parkway. Ruth Prelaman to Marcus E. and Albert L Friedman, a co-partnership d/b under the firm \iame and atylo of Capitol Construction Co., Town of Niskayuna, lot 31 Valencia road also Town of Niskayuna lots 32, 33 and 34 Rankin road, corner of Valencia road. Edgar J . and Harriet C. P<*rcy to i Carlton H. and Laura M. Brown.' 213 Third afreet, Scotia. Arthur E. Wcnsley to Giovanni A. and Caterina Clmlno, 414-15 Cora street* Bolcslftw and Katarzyna Zielinukl to John and Radift Racr.kow»kl, 1074-76 Forest road. Albert I* Friedman la Marcus E. and Albert 1* Friedman, a eo-partncrshlp d/b under thfl firm namrand style fo Capitol Construction Co.. 1524 Wendell avenue. Hez-e's the perfect foundation for your first Spring fashions. Thisfour-gore Nu-Eve slip has adjustable hem and shoulder straps. It's easy to launder and requires no ironing. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore the beauties of Prince Matchabeili's striking success p e r f u m e , Stradivari . . . a rich golden fragrance . . . completely enchanting * ». full of love and elegance'. /. and beauty. Now for the first time in the 2-dram crown, 3.00. —Barneys Str«el Floor. —Barneys Street Floor. Ready for Spring Cotton Crepe House Coats •Imported from Ireland 3.98 Royal Irish Cotton Damask Napkins 3.98 The smartest group of cotton h o u s e coats weVe seen in many a Spring, Available in a handsome collection of pastel shades* patterned with contrasting florals. A few of them have zipper closings. Si7.es 14 to 20. doz. / An excellent buy, for they have a soft mercerized finish. 17x17 inches. Cannon Percale Cases • Made of the finest quality, all combed yam in a choice of two sizes . . . 42x3&'/2 inches at 85c each and <15x38'/2 at 95c each. 1 If you heat with gas—keep room temperatures at minimum for % health and comfort. Conserve heat and gas with insulation, storm" * Ui\ w c i t h c f stripping *ndi caulking. —Bftrntya Second Floor. fe —ftnrn«yA Street Floor. N1W YORKPOWEH & LICHT \ NIAGARA«HUDSON GETS THE, - 3 0 CALL." Tun* In! A R ;r fUBUSHK) IN 4UPPORT Of THE GOVERNMENT'S PROGRAM TO CONSERVE VITAL fLIEUS FOR WAR PURPOSES H:*uT<mtKht'fl&W 8<*o announcement on Radio page On Your Dial 1240 '.P; S^f Acid Indigestion M ;oS|22 Youths Join Navy V.. mnWiiii* • mMwui^MiHw C O M P A E Y WSNY mi •iim,ui l i|.. W i|M| I ';l •J. I 1 'll T i r i til l fllllWI " V , ',.',,, | > ww i.iiii,ii.wlw.wi,iiiiiiiiii.wliiii<ii>iiiiil.iiliiWl'»'ii>''i wwii^^'W'l *''..^ .. * ^ . j\& Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 • • • M . www.fultonhistory.com M M MB - ;^:
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