How to Register your Document

Advocate-High Court
How to Register your Document
The process of registration mainly involves the following steps and submissions of required
documents/papers to the registrar office :-
1. The party has to first pay the proper stamp duty as per the stamp duty reckoner on blank
agreement. The agreement should be typed/printed on one side in blank ink.
2. Execute the agreement.
3. Visit the sub-registrar office, who will determine registration fees payable and issue the
challan/confirms to accept the pay slip.
Pay the registration fees by challan/pay slip from nationalise bank as per procedure laid down by
respective sub-registrar.
On a given telephone number of Registrar's Office prior to one working day of intended
Registration, Party has to obtain the appointment date, time and token number. On such
appointed time and day the parties to the documents have to remain present at Registrar Officer
to comply with Registration formalities. On the day of registration the token number is announced
calling the party for registration.
In case of document of property having value above Rs. 5,00,000/- Proof of permanent Account
No. (PAN) of all the parties to the documents is mandatory. If the party do not have PAN, then to
file Form No. 60 alongwith documents to the sub-registrar.
Two witnesses should remain present for identification of parties to the agreement for which
witnesses have to put their signatures before registering authority. Such witnesses should not be
necessarily same who has signed as witnesses in the agreement. These witnesses should sign
before registrar as token of identification of the parties to the document.
Sometimes, if the parties, produced their passport as token of identification, the subregistrar can
register such document even without witness/witnesses for which one has to pre-check the
matter and procedure with respective sub-registrar's office.
The property card of land/plot on which the property being registered is situated is required to be
produced. Property card is required at the time of registration, even by property/flat property is
Payment of registration fees by government challan or by pay-order or bank draft of nationalized
bank and computer charges/scanning charges etc. based on number of pages in documents are
to be paid in cash at the time of registration of documents. The copy of such pay order/demand
draft of bank for registration is to be submitted on the day of taking token no. on telephone.
Complete filling up of input Registration form as prescribed by the stamp duty department or
Registrar or sub-registrar. The input registration form and document are required to be submitted
at token window in advance i.e. At least before half an hour before registration.
Pre-adjudicated document will aid in faster registration. In such adjudicated document, the
registrar need not ascertain the discrepancies/deficiencies for stamp duty payment. In other
words, Registrar presumes that proper stamp duty on such adjudicated document is determined
and paid by the party.
In respect of old building to avail the benefit of depreciation on market value then the attachment
of following proof will help to avail depreciation on age of building.
(1) Municipal assessment bill or (2) Completion Certificate or (3) Occupation Certificate or (4)
Telephone bill or (5) Electricity Bill
For proof for authorise structures the following documents are required :
(1) If the building is completed before March 25, 1991 the property assessment municipality bill is
required to be attached.
(2) If the building is constructed/completed on or after March 25, 1991 one proof out of following
is to be attached.
18. i) Commencement Certificate of building OR
19. ii) Building Completion certificate OR
20. iii) Building Occupation certificate
21. Further the IOD issued by the municipal corporation in view of proving the legal and authorized
structure etc of the premises is also sometime considered.
22. Practically, the sub-registrar insist for OC or CC and / or Municipality Bill of society showing the
year of construction. It is advisable that one has to pre-check such requirement with respective
sub-registrar office.
Any proof of determination of market value will help to facilitate the calculation of true market
value. The detailed letter from society showing the age of building, built up area of flat, flat no.
and floor on which flat is located, details of lift facility available if any, no. of floors of building,
types of construction C.T.S. No. & Village/Division etc. may help to justify the calculation of
proper market value.
With effect from 01.05.2002, the deficit stamp duty with penalty @ 2% per month or part of the
month but not exceeding two times of such deficit amount is required to be paid before
registration and proof of such payment of stamp duty and penalty is to be attached at the time of
registration of document. Prior of 01.05.2002 such penalty was upto 10 times of deficit stamp
duty. Original receipt for stamp duty paid/franking receipt to be produced at the time of
Computerized photographs of parties executing the document are also taken digitally by the
Registrar's office. The left thumb impression of all the parties to the document are also taken
digitally. Though computer generated programming, the thump impression and photographs ae
automatically generated and printed on separate paper which is to be further signed by all the
executors before registrar / sub-registrar. From 01.01.2002 affixing photograph and thumb
impression are made compulsory for registration of document as regard to property. Registrations
of documents are computerized with effect from 01.02.2002.
Sometime, the documents are executed by power of attorney holder for and on behalf of buyer or
seller. Generally in case of builders, his power of attorney holder executes the documents and
also sign as attorney of such builder. In such case copy of duly executed power of attorney is to
be attached with the agreement which is also to be registered. Please ensure that power of
attorney should carry the photographs of the executor/executors and of power of attorney holder.
The sub-registrar first obtains signature of parties and witnesses in his presence. Thereafter
Registrar puts his official seal and affixes unique numbering block on each page including the
additional sheets of the documents and signs on the above mentioned sheets which generally
carries photographs, signatures, details of parties and witnesses.
The complete documents alongwith all above details are then scanned by registrar office and
preserved as a permanent record at registrar's office.
The party has to submit the copy of pay order/demand draft/R.B.I. Challan for registration fees on
the day of taking token no on phone. The Registrar collects registration fees, computer scanning
charges, computer and other charges, computer and other charges for which he acknowledges
by issuing receipt. This registration fee is to be paid by challan / pay order / demand draft and
computer processing expenses are paid by cash at Registrar office before the Registration.
Registrar insist for pay order issued by Nationalized bank for payment of registration fees. The
pay order should be in the name of respective area's Joint Sub-Registrar or the sub-registrar
authorized by the department.
The original agreement after due registration are returned to party against production of the
original registration fees receipt. Registration formalities are completed, after which the
documents are returned to party within approximately half an hour of completion of registration
The registrar also insists for production and preservation of following documents copies by the
parties to the agreement :(1) Original stamp duty paid receipt. (earlier manual receipts were issued)
(2) Franking machine receipts
34. (3) Copy of challan through which stamp duty and registration charges are paid, if any. OR pay
slip/demand draft of required registration charges.
Particularly, for transfer of land, No Objection Certificate (NOC) under Urban Land Ceiling Act,
irrespective of its area in Mumbai.
No objection Certificate from Charity Commissioner, Government or Semi-Government body, if
such land is held by trust. Now a days registration process is computerized and simplified. Subregistrar after completing the registration formalities return the original documents back as duly
registered within approximately one hour time.
These denotes the process of registration of document.
Now the builder or developer have to put the approved plan in the agreement and also to write
the area i.e. measurement of flat/shops etc. in agreement. Further the agreement can not be
executed by the builder/developer before approval of plan by competent authority.
Adjudication of Proper Stamp Duty
By M.K. Gokhale, Deputy Supt. Of Stamps (Retd.)
Section 31 of the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958 provides about the adjudication of proper Stamp Duty. The
applicant under this section has to submit an instrument executed or unexecuted and previously stamped
or not for the purpose of opinion to the collector of stamps and for this purpose, the applicant has to pay a
fee of Rs. 50/-. On receipt of the application of adjudication and the instrument, the collector has to form
his opinion as regards its chargeablity and then express his opinion to the applicant. Sub Section (4) of
Section 32 of the Act proves that when the instrument is brought to the collector for adjudication within
one month from the date of its execution, the person liable to pay stamp duty within 60 days form the date
of service of the notice of demand in respect of the stamp duty adjudicated by the collector. If the
applicant failed to pay the said stamp duty within the stipulated period of 60 days, the person is liable to
pay a penalty at the rate of two percent per month or part thereof, from the date of execution of such
It is therefore necessary to pay stamp duty within 60 days from the date of the demand notice served by
the collector to avoid levy of penalty.
In view of the penal provision in sub-section (4) of section 32 of the Act, the applicant should take care to
submit the unexcelled document for adjudication under section 31 of the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958. In
case of unexecuted instrument the collector has no power to levy penalty and if the applicant does not
agree with the determination of Stamp Duty, he can withdraw his document from adjudication.
National Co-op. Hsg. Fed. Conference moots exemption of stamp duty and
registration fee
By A.T. Bureau
The 19th Conference of the Chief Executive of apex Co-operative Housing Federation, organised by the
National Co-operative Housing Federation of India on 20th May 2000, at Kochi, urged the State
governments to (I) exempt housing co-operative from payment of stamp duty and registration fee (ii)
contributed liberally towards the share capital of their respective apex. Federations so as to strengthen
their financial base thereby enabling them to raise their borrowing power and (iii) allot 30% of the
acquired land for housing purpose to housing co-operatives.
The following are some of the recommendations made by the conference.
* The LIC, NHB and HUDCO should be allocated more funds to housing co-operatives in order to enable
them to meet the targets smooth under the two million housing programme
* The National Housing Bank should reduce its rate of interest from 12.0% to 11%.
* The NHB should contribute towards share capital of apex Federations to raise refinance upto 12 times
of their net owned funds.
HUDCO should provide loans to apex federations on the basis of security of floating charge. It should not
charge processing fee and front end fee from apex federations. It should reduce interest rate by 1% on
block loans to apex Federations.
* The State Governments, which have so far, not constituted special committees on housing cooperatives in their respective States, should be requested to do so immediately. The conference was
presided over by Shri S.N. Sharma, Chairman NCHF, who is a Minister in the Madhya Pradesh Ministry.
In his speech, Shri Sharma said that in line with the National Agenda, a two million housing programme
has been launched since 1998-1999 under which, the Union government has fixed a target for cooperative sector to build one million houses each year predominantly for weaker sections and low income
groups in the country. He informed the conference that during the year 1998-99 housing co-operatives
completed the construction of about 17,000 units in urban areas with the loan assistance received from
the apex federations. He proudly mentioned that the progress made by co-operatives during 1998-99 was
well appreciated by the Government of India.
* Shri Sharma advocated for the Policy Support to housing co-operatives as envisaged in the National
Housing and Habitant Policy in order to achieve the targets for house construction smoothly and
efficiently besides adequate flow of funds from LIC, NHB and HUDCO allocation of 30% of land acquired
for housing purpose by State Government exemption from payment of stamp duty and registration fee,
proper legal frame work and liberal contribution in the share capital of apex Federations by State
Shri Sharma also said that the separate model law on Housing co-operatives, prepared in association
with NCHF, was still under the consideration of the government of India. Efforts were being made to set it
finalised early so as to provide proper legal frame work to housing co-operatives for their smooth
functioning. He pointed out that funds raised by apex Federations from funding agencies had become
expensive to members of housing cooperatives compared to the prevalent interest rate on housing
finance offered by other agencies. In this connection, he referred to the interest rates offered by the LIC
and NHB, which were still on higher side.
Registration fee & stamp duty payers association’s stand only Leave & Licence
By A.T. Bureau
As per Section 55 of The Maharashtra Rent Control Act, 1999 Registration of Leave and Licence
Agreement has been made compulsory with effect form 31/03/2000. The Registration Fee and Stamp
Duty Payers association along with various property related associations had filed their objection for the
stamp duty on refundable deposits as well as levy of Stamp Duty on Leave and Licence Agreement
Representatives of the Association had met the Honourable Chief Minister Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh, the
Honorable Revenue Minister Shri Ashok Shaven as well as the Senior Officers at Mantralaya. The
difficulties being faced by the stamp duty payers were brought to the 2000/2120/CR/592/M-I has been
issued stating that a token registration fee of Rs. 1,000/- would be levied on Leave and Licence
Agreement if the property is situated in Municipal Corporation limits and of Rs. 500/- if the property is
situated in the other areas irrespective of the deposits, type of the premises or size of the premises.
According to the verbal information receive from the authorities Leave and Licence Agreement has to be
stamped on Rs. 20/-. However no mention is made about levy of stamp duty in the abovesaid Notification.
This could give power to the authorities to interpret the documents as that of Lease. It is the belief of the
Association that Professionals would advise their clients to draft agreements of Leave and Licence with
renewal clauses rather than drafting lease agreements so that the tax payers can save money on
payment of stamp duty. The Government could loose crores of rupees because of drafting error. This is
on our opinion is a legal loopholes which will have to be plugged by the authorities.
The above Notification dated 8/6/2000 proposes to levy Registration Fee of Rs. 1,000/- or Rs. 500/depending on the place where the property is situated from the date of publication of the Gazette. The
Maharashtra Rent Control Act, 2000 has come into effect from 31st March, 2000 and all those persons
who have executed the documents between 31/3/2000 & 8/6/2000 could unnecessarily be penalized.
This definitely had not been intention of the Government.
With the registration of Leave and Licence being made compulsory it would not be surprising that the
cash stripped Municipal Corporations would collect information about Leave and Licence Agreements and
start issuing notices for levy of higher property tax to the owners of property which have been given on
Leave and Licence. The Licensor has to pay not only excess property tax, but also society nonoccupancy charges as well as income tax on the income.
The Association appreciate the steps taken by the Revenue Authorities of charging less amount as
Registration Fees as well as willingness to accept the practical suggestions being made by the various
property related associations with regards to Leave and Licence Agreement. However a written
clarification from the Revenue Department stating that the stamp duty of Rs. 20/- only will be levied on
Leave and Licence Agreement will be of immense help in clarifying the above said issue.
The Registration Fee and Stamp Duty Payers Association is thankful to the media for expressing the
views of the members of the public particularly the Real Estate Community as regards levy of Stamp duty
on Leave and Licence Agreement.
By A.T. Bureau
The Registration Fee and Stamp Duty Payers Association has brought to the notice of the Honourable
Minister for Revenue as well as the Inspector General of Registration that as of date franking facilities are
available to the residents of the Mumbai at Town Hall, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Near Reserve Bank
of India, Mumbai – 400023 and at MMRDA Building, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai –
400051. It has been the suggestion of the Association that franking facilities should be available at the
central Suburbs also. In this connection, the Association has also pointed out that as of date, franking
facilities are available at the Central Suburbs also. In this connection, the Association has also pointed
out that as of date, franking facilities are available at only two places i.e. Mumbai City and in Western
Suburb. No facility for payment of Stamp Duty within a few kilometers distance is available to the lakhs of
residents between Dadar to Mulund and Wadala to Mankhurd. As a result of the same, huge amount of
cash to be carried out by the members residing in the Central Suburbs.
The Association has been given to understand that having regards to the practical difficulties faced by the
residents of the Central Suburbs, the authorities are considering installation of franking machine at
Ground floor at the Chembur office in the month of April 2000. The address of the Sub Registrars Office is
Ground floor, New Administrative Building, Phase II, Ramkrishna Chemburkar Marg, Near Chembur Fine
Arts Hall, Chembur (East), Mumbai – 400071. When the franking facilities would start at Chembur, it
would be a big relief to the Stamp Duty Payers at Central Suburbs.
The Association also requests the authorities to accept the cash at all the office upto a sum of Rs.
50,000/-. At present only cash upto Rs 25,000/- is accepted by the authorities. The Association also
requests the authorities that they should deliver the franked documents on the same day to the parties so
that they should deliver the franked documents on the same day to the parties so that the mental related
transactions, the parties executed the documents only after the proper stamp duty has been paid on the
The Association had through its press release in 1999 requested the authorities that the map of various
places in Maharashtra as well as the market value of various localities of Maharashtra should be available
to the common man through the medium of internet. The Association is given to understand that the
website with the market value of property will be available on the Internet very shortly.
The Association further states that on account of the recent amendments to the Rent Act all transactions
relating to rental premises will have to be compulsorily registered. This will increase the pressure of work
at the Sub Registrars for the city of Mumbai. It is not surprising to find that because of heavy work load a
lot of pressure is there on the Sub-Registrars. At times, one has to spend more than five hours just to
register a document. Also the precious time of the Tax payers is wasted in complying with the
bureaucratic formalities. The stamp duty rates for transfer of tenancy as per Article 5 (g-d) of the Bombay
Stamp Act 1958 are the same for all the areas of the city of Mumbai which is Rs. 1,000 per sq.metre for
commercial premises and Rs. 100/- per sq.metre for residential premises. There is a wide-up gap in the
prevailing prices at Nariman Point, Peddar Road, Govandi & Charkop. Yet from the stamp duty point of
view on transfer of tenancy the stamp duty liability is the same. The Association herewith requests the
newly appointed Inspector General of Registration Shri Bhoge to reduce the hardships of the common
man and take pragmatic steps to simplify the Bombay Stamp Act 1958 and appoint more staff at the Sub
Registrars Office to reduce the hardships of the tax payers.
Stamp Duty on Leave & License Agreement
By Bankimchandra Khona, Solicitor
Under Section 55 of The Maharashtra Rent Control Act, 1999, now even an Agreement for
Leave & Licence needs to be registered. Therefore, the question of payment of stamp duty on
Leave and Licence Agreement arises. There is no specific provision made for payment of stamp
duty on Leave & Licence Agreement under Schedule I of the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958. Hence
the stamp duty of Rs.20/- becomes payable under Article 5(h) of Schedule I of Bombay Stamp
2. It has been stated that Stamp Authority / Registration Authority proposes to levy stamp duty
by treating a Leave & Licence Agreement as a Lease and to levy stamp duty as per Article 36 of
Schedule I of the Bombay Stamp Act. Article 36 of Schedule I of Bombay Stamp Act is with
regard to the stamp duty payable on a lease. There is no mention therein whatsoever about a
Leave & Licence Agreement.
3. Can Stamp and Registration Authorities equate Leave & Licence with a Lease ? Can the
Authorities, therefore, insist on levying stamp duty on a Leave & Licence Agreement not
Rs.20/- but as per Article 36 depending upon the period of the Licence ? There will be a vast
difference in payment of stamp duty as per Article 36 of Schedule I of the Bombay Stamp Act
and as per Article 5 (h).
4. It is respectfully submitted that the Leave & Licence and Lease / Tenancy Agreement are two
entirely different kinds of document which have different legal implications and effect.
5. The Lease is defined u/s. 105 of the Transfer of Property Act, which reads as under :“105. Lease defined.- A lease of immovable property is a transfer of a right to enjoy such property, made
for a certain time, express or implied, or in perpetuity, in consideration of a price paid or promised, or of
money, a share of crops, service or any other thing of value, to be rendered periodically or on specified
occasions to the transferor by the transferee, who accepts the transfer on such terms.
6. A Licence is defined u/s. 52 of the Indian Easements Act, 1882. The said Section 52 reads as under :
“Where one person grants to another, or to a definite number of other persons, right to do, or continue to
do, in or upon the immovable property of the grantor, something which would, in the absence of such right
be unlawful and such right does not amount to an easement or an interest in property, the right is called
Lease and Licence are defined under two different statutes.
7. The essential distinction between a Lease and a Licence is that in a Lease, there is transfer of interest
in the property while in the case of licence, there is no such transfer although the Licensee acquires only
a personal right to occupy the property. This principle has been confirmed by number of High Courts and
Supreme Court judgements (AIR 1968 S.C. 175 (178), AIR 1989 S.C. 1816 (1990), Second Law Report
381, etc.).
8. U/s. 56 of the Easements Act, a Licence is personal and the Licence cannot be transferred by the
Licensee, whereas Lease, except in the case where Bombay Rent Act is applicable, is transferable.
Under Section 108(B)(j) of the Transfer of Property Act, the Lessee is not only entitled to transfer his
leasehold right but can also mortgage or sub-lease the whole or any part of his interest in the property,
whereas the Licensee cannot transfer or mortgage or grant sub-license to any person. The Licensee
cannot sue a stranger in his own name, whereas the Lessee is entitled to sue a stranger on his own
name. The License is revocable by the Licensor under Section 60 of the Easements unless it falls within
two exceptions mentioned in that Section, the Lease is not by the Lessor. The licence comes to an end
when the Licensor makes an assignment of his interest in the property, whereas a lease continue to be
valid and binding on the Assignee of the Lessor when the Lessor assigns and transfers his interest in the
property which is called a transfer of “reversionary right”.
9. Now U/s. 7 of Maharashtra Rent Control Act, 1999, the licence and tenancy are separately defined.
The licence is defined under the Rent Act u/s. 7(5), and the tenancy is defined u/s. 7(15) of the said Act.
10. The basic test to distinguish a Lease from Licence is the intention of the parties.
11. Explanation B of Section 24 the said Rent Act, states that an Agreement of Licence in writing shall be
conclusive evidence of the facts stated therein. In view of Explanation (B) to Section 24, once it has
been mentioned in an Agreement that same is Leave & Licence Agreement, then it is a conclusive
evidence of the fact that it is a Licence and not a Lease and that intention of the parties is to have a
licence and not a lease. In view of the said provision, now it is not open for anybody much less Stamp
Authority to contend when Agreement is of Leave & Licence that the same is
In case of licence for residential premises, Owner/Licensor is
entitled and has to proceed u/s. 24 of the said Act, whereas in tenancy agreement for recovery of
possession, the Lessor is entitled to initiate ejectment proceedings under Chapter IV of the Rent Act and
under Section 33 of the said Act has to file a suit in the Court of Small Causes at Mumbai .Therefore,
there are two different provisions under the Rent Act in respect of the recovery of possession by the
Licensor and by the Landlord/Lessor. There are other various provisions under the Rent Act where
distinction is made between the Agreement of Tenancy and the License.
12. In case of recovery of possession by the Lessor or Landlord to which provisions of said
Maharashtra Rent Control Act applies, will have to file a suit for ejectment in Small
Causes Court only. Whereas in case of licence of a residential premises, the proceedings are to
be taken u/s. 24 before the Competent Authority.
13. In view of Explanation B to Section 24 of the Rent Act, once the document states that it is a
licence granted by the Licensor to the Licensee, it is conclusive proof that it is a licence and that
it was the intention of the parties that it has to be Licence and not Lease. Such document will be
covered by the Easements Act, the Licensee will not be entitled to transfer, mortgage, grant sublicence. The licence, on the death of Licensee, will come to an end. It is submitted that in such
circumstances, the licence being personal permission, it is not open for Stamp Authorities to say
that even though Agreement is of Leave & Licence but it could be construed as a Lease. it is
respectfully submitted that Stamp Authority in view of specific provision of Explanation 24 of
Rent Act cannot treat a Licence as Lease on the ground that document is not licence but in fact it
is lease.
14. The interest and right of a lessee or tenant are heritable under the Transfer of Property Act as
also under the Bombay Rent Act. But the right to use premises is not heritable in case of Leave
& Licence. On the death of a Licensee, his heirs will not inherit a right as a Licensee to use the
premises. Therefore, considering the definition of the Lease and Licence, both are different
under all relevant Acts. Both Agreements have different meanings, legal effects and
consequences. It is abundantly clear that lease and/or tenancy agreement is distinct from Leave
& Licence Agreement. One cannot treat a Leave & Licence Agreement as a Lease and claim
stamp duty as per Article 36 of Schedule I of Bombay Stamp Act.
Stamp Duty on tenancy Agreement and
Leave & Licence Agreement
By Bankimchandra P.Khona
From 1st April, 2000 a Tenancy Agreement and a Leave & licence Agreement under section 55 of the
new Rent Act are required to be in writing and registered.
Question will arise as to payment of stamp duty on such Tenancy Agreement and Leave and licence
agreement First we will consider the provisions of Tenancy Agreement.
Agreement of monthly tenancy will be required to be stamped under Article 36A(I) of Schedule 1 of the
Bombay Stamp Act. The stamp duty leviable shall be same as is leviable on conveyance under clauses a,
b, c or d as the case may be of Article 25 for the whole amount of rent payable or the amount of average
annual rent, whichever is lower. It is possible to interpret Article 36A(1) of Schedule 1 of Bombay Stamp
Act in two different manner. In case of monthly tenancy, is it amount of average annual rent or is it only
monthly rent required to be ascertained and on such average annual rent or monthly rent stamp duty will
be payable as per the applicability of clause a,b,c,d or e of the said Article 25 of Schedule 1 of Bombay
Stamp Act ? The words used in the said Article is for the whole amount of rent payable or amount of
average annual rent whichever is lower. It is submitted that the monthly tenancy is for a month and
continue till it is terminated. Therefore, the period of tenancy is only a month and stamp duty should be
calculated on a monthly rent and not on average annual rent. In case of Mumbai, for (a) the nonresidential premises and (b) the residential premises which are not part of a co-oeprative housing society
building or to which Maharashtra Apartment Ownership Act, 1970 does not apply Stamp Duty is 10%.
However, in case of residential premises of a building belonging to a co-operative housing society or the
premises to which Maharashtra Apartment Ownership Act, 1970 applies Stamp Duty shall not be 10 per
cent but as per the schedule of Stamp Duty which is lower and wherein the maximum rate is 8 per cent.
In short, Article 36 of Schedule I of the Bombay Stamp Act will cover the payment of Stamp duty on
monthly tenancy agreement.
It may be pointed out that under Article 36, in addition to the Rent, if any fine or premium or money is
advanced or to be advanced in addition to the rent fixed, then on such fine or premium or money
advanced or to be advanced, additional duty is payable as per Article 25 of Schedule I of Bombay Stamp
Act, i.e. 10 per cent in case of non-residential premises and residential premises which are not within the
co-operative housing society buildings or the premises to which the provisions of Maharashtra Apartment
Act does not apply and in case the premises of a building of a co-oeprative housing society or to which
the Apartment Act, applies, the concessional rate as state hereinbefore shall apply.
Explanation I of Article 36 provides that rent paid in advance shall be deemed to be premium or money
advanced within the meaning of said Article. Therefore, any rent paid in advance will be considered as
premium or money advanced and on the same, stamp duty at aforesaid rates will be required to be paid.
Explanation II of said Article further provides that if the tenants agrees to pay recurring charges such as
Government revenues, the landlords’ share of municipal rates or taxes which are required to be paid by
the landlord, then such amount shall also be deemed to be part of rent and naturally such rate or taxes or
shares will attract stamp duty at the aforesaid rates of 10 per cent or concessional rate of depending upon
the nature of the premises.
Some times the question arises as to what happens to the interest-free security deposit. Will they be
considered as fine or premium ?
Will any stamp duty be payable on the same ?
We are told that Stamp Authorities consider the income which the landlord will earn of the said security
deposit as rent and such yearly income is being added to the rent and the stamp duty is claimed by the
stamp authorities on such amount. In our respectful submission, there is no provision under the Stamp
Act to recover any stamp duty on interest free security deposit which is required to be returned on the
determination of tenancy or any income which would be earned out on the same or any assumed income.
There is a provision for recovery of such stamp duty and therefore by any letter or order or circular or
notification, stamp duty authorities cannot claim or recover any stamp duty. It is being said that there is
internal letter or circular for recovery of such stamp duty. It is submitted that under no letter or writing or
circular such recovery can be made as stamp duty unless the same squarely falls within any one or more
Articles of Schedule I of Bombay Stamp Act. Therefore, in our opinion, no extra stamp duty could be
levied for interest-free security deposit which is required to be returned at the determination of tenancy or
before that. Such deposit is neither fine nor premium nor any amount advanced.
It is also being claimed or said that under the provisions of Article 5(g-d), stamp duty is payable on the are
of the tenanted property. The said Article 5 (g-d) applies in a case where tenancy rights are being
transferred by a tenant himself. The said Article 5(g-d) has no application when landlord creates tenancy
in favour of a tenant. It is submitted that Article 5(g-d) has no application in case of new tenancy
agreement between the landlord and tenant.
In short, stamp duty will be payable either at 10 per cent or at concessional rate only on the consideration
of rent received or fine or premium paid or any money advanced or to be advanced or payment of share
of the landlord to Government Revenue, cess, municipal rates or taxes.
Now we will consider payment of stamp duty on Leave & Licence Agreement
Leave & Licence Agreement and the Tenancy Agreement are both different types of Agreement. The
tenancy agreements are governed by the Transfer of Property Act and the Maharashtra Rent Control Act.
The Maharashtra Rent Control Act. The Leave and Licence Agreement are governed by the Easement
Act and Maharashtra Rent Control Act. The Maharashtra Rent Control Act also distinguishes between
Leave and Licence Agreement are governed by the Easement Act and Maharashtra Rent Control Act.
The Maharashtra Rent Control Act also distinguishes between Leave & Licence Agreement and Tenancy
Agreement and therefore both of them are not same.
We are told that Stamp Authorities apply Article 36 of Schedule I of Bombay Stamp Act and claim of
stamp duty on Leave & Licence Agreements. In our humble opinion, Article 36 of Schedule I of Bombay
Stamp Act cannot and does not apply to Leave and Licence Agreement. Leave and Licence Agreement
falls within Article 5(h) of Schedule I. As there is no such specific provision of Leave & Licence Agreement
under Schedule I, Article 5(h) will apply and only stamp duty of Rs. 20/- is required to be paid. No stamp
duty could be recovered under Article 36 of Schedule I of Bombay Stamp Act. Such a demand is not
legally valid. Leave & Licence Agreement will attract Stamp duty of Rs. 20/- only irrespective of period of
Licence, Licence fee, Security Deposit, advance payment of compensation or Licence fee or payment of
share of Taxes and cess payable by the Licensor.
etback allowed
Stamp Duty Set Back Allowed
By Vimal Punmiya, Chartered Accountant
Important amendment with regard to factual position under the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958 relating to the
provisions of investment : th
By virtue of ordinance no. Mah. Ord. II of 2005 dated 7 May 2005 wherein, a new article is introduced
namely 5(g-d) (ii) :Same duty as is leviable on
“(ii) if relating to the purchase of one
conveyance under clause (a), (b),
or more units in any scheme or
(c), or (d), as the case may be of
project by an investor from a
Article 25 on the market value of the
For the purpose of this clause, the investments in the unit shall include a flat, apartment, tenement, block
or any other unit by whatever name called, as approved by the Competent Authority in the building plan.
By virtue of above amendment in the said Article, the purchase would get a set off of Stamp Duty to the
extent of the amount of Stamp Duty paid by the seller, on the second document of conveyance made by
the purchaser and if no duty is required to be paid, then the minimum duty for the conveyance shall be
Rs. 1,000/-. The said amendment can be explained with the help of an illustration which is as under :1) Mr. A who purchased a Flat for Rs. Lacs whereby, Stamp Duty paid by Mr. A on the
consideration of Rs. Lacs was Rs. 33,750/- as per the rates applicable under the Bombay Stamp
Act, on conveyance of the said flat within three years, when Mr. B purchases said flat for Rs. 112
Lacs consideration then Stamp duty payable by Mr. B on 11 lacs consideration would be Rs.
38,750/- but, Mr. B would be liable to pay only Rs. 5,000/- as he would get a set off of Rs.
33,750/- which is duly paid by Mr. A initially on the Agreement duly entered by him/.
However, alternatively if Mr. A, sells the said flat to Mr. B, for Rs. 10 Lac only then, although the
Stamp duty of Rs. 33,750/- has already been paid by Mr. A, then, on the second transaction, Mr. B
would be liable to pay only Rs. 1,000/- as the consideration involved is same.
By Bankimchandra P. Khona
1) In Maharashtra Stamp Duty on Leave & Licence Agreement is payable as
per Article 36 (A) of Schedule - I of Bombay Stamp Act, which reads as under:"36A. Leave and Licence Agreement.
(a) Where the leave and licence Agreement is with a licence fee
or rent fixed or otherwise,(i) for a period not exceeding Two Thousand rupees;one year without any
(ii) for a period exceeding one Ten thousand rupees; year but not more than
three years without any renewal
(iii) For a period exceeding three The same duty as is
years with or without any leviable on a lease
renewal clause; article 36;
(b) Where the leave and licence The same duty as is
agreement is executed for leviable under clause security deposit or money
(a)(i), (ii) or (iii),
advanced with or without licence as the case may be and fee or rent fixed. in
addition one percent of security deposit or money advanced or to be advanced.
2. Considering 36A (a) (i) & ( ii) - very interesting situation arises. 36A (a) (i) & (ii)
provides stamp duty in a case where the licence is for a period not exceeding one
year without any renewal clause. What happens if licence is not for a period
exceeding one year but there is renewal clause. In a case where the licence is not
exceeding one year and there is a provision of renewal clause it is respectfully
submitted that the Article 36 A (a) (i) will not apply. In fact whole Article 36A will not
apply. Similarly, if licence is exceeding for a period of one year but it is not more than
three years and if there is a provision for renewal then 36A (a) (ii) also does not
apply. In fact 36A will not apply.
2. Then the question arises what happens to Leave & Licence Agreements wherein
they are for less than period of one year or more than one year or less then three
years or if there is a provision of renewal clause , Article 36A of Schedule - I of
Bombay Stamp Act will not apply. The Article which will apply to such Leave &
Licence Agreement is an Article 5 (h) of Schedule - I ) of the Bombay Stamp Act,
which reads as under:-
" Agreement or its records or memorandum of Agreement ( H), if not, otherwise
provided for. Stamp Duty on such Agreement is Rs.20/-.
4) It is, therefore, submitted that stamp duty payable in a case of Agreement of Leave & Licence
for a period not exceeding one year but there is renewal clause or Leave & Licence Agreement
for a period exceeding one year but not more than three years but with renewal clause then
such Leave & Licence Agreement will be required to be stamped with only Rs.20/- and not
Rs.2000/- or Rs.10,000/- as wrongly contended by the Stamp Authorities and the Sub-Registrar.
Therefore, it is in the interest of parties if they want to pay Rs.20/- as licence fee in a case of
licence less than three years should have a clause of renewal.