How to Host an Event

How to Host an Event
Before the Class-(Host of Class)
Send around personal Invitations or flyers
Advertise on website or blog (if you have one)
Post on Facebook (make invite to event on facebook) or send out emails or twitter
Call to remind them and get head count
Make any treats or prepare lemon water
Items to take to an Event–(Person Teaching the Class)
 Essential Oils—(Make sure to at least have the Basics) Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Melaleuca,
Frankincense, Oregano, DigestZen, Deep Blue, Breathe, On Guard
 Other products to display (optional)—Life Long Wellness kit, On Guard Soap, Lozenges, and Wipes, Skin
care, Probiotics, GX assist ect.
 Empty Capsules
 Diffuser
 Paperwork—IPC agreement, Product Order Form, Wholesale Kit Sheets, Flyer about Family Physician or
other oils, opportunity brouchure (optional paperwork—auto rewards flyer, LLW auto rewards flyer)
 Tear Pads, Laptop, Projector, Flip Chart, Outline---whatever you are having your class flow from
 Any Give aways (completely optional) Family Physician Event Kit—Intro Trio (lavender, lemon and
peppermint) for Host, 9-5 ml bottles of Wild Orange, Host Cards
 Pens to take notes on
 Calculator
Elements of a Successful Class—(during the class)
Sharp Dress, Prepared, Punctual, Room Set-up
2 Enrolling Questions—(“who is here tonight because they would like to improve their health?”)
“I am here tonight because…” (Tell your 2 minute story)
Ask, “What do you want to learn tonight?” (write ideas up on the board)
“It’s my intention to educate & empower you to bring these oils into your home and family.”
Engage your group
o Ask questions, ask for people to share experiences
Foster an experience (oils around, topical demo, apply to person next to you)
Truly empower!!!
After the Class—(Host of Class)
Follow Up is Critical!!!!
 Try to send and email to attendees a day or two after the show. Make sure to thank them for coming.
 Make sure they have your contact info, website and business card
 Follow up with any questions they had
 Follow up on those you gave samples to or give out samples to others
 Send them emails occasionally on promos, and other classes (if they want to receive emails)
 Send them tips on oils (if they want to receive emails)
Place all Orders
 Either enter them into the computer, or fax them or take them into doTERRA
 If they are close in proximity you can deliver them (it gives you a chance to talk to them again)
 Follow up on orders to make sure all of them went through
Send Welcome Email to new IPC’s from event, and answer any questions they might have
How to Prepare for a Trade Show, Booth, or Expo
Before the Event
1. Gather Papers necessary for Event
 IPC Agreements
 Product Order Forms
 Any flyers for upcoming Events
 Any handouts on oils you would like to share
 Contact sheet—include a spot for name, phone, email and questions on the sheet
o Or a form to fill out for free drawings including things like this:
Questions about specific ailments?________________________________
Mark below if you would like any of the following info
____Info about how to use the oils
____Info on Free Classes (In what location__________)
____Interest in Hosting a Class/ Party about EO at your Home or Office
____Interest in doTERRA as a business
Forms explaining Business/ Comp plan (We always have a few ask for lots of details!)
o Compensation Sheet, Autoship Flier, Power of 3 Flier, Lifelong Wellness—
Autoship Flyer, Starter Kit Flyers
2. Other Items needed for Event (these are just ideas—not required)
 Product Guides with your name, number and website listed on back
 Quick Reference Guides or Modern Essentials books
 Pamphlets (216 Ways to use EO)
 Oils for people to smell and experience
 doTERRA Banner or Poster
 Business Cards to give out
 Diffuser to run throughout the show
 Any decorations (candles, plants, doTERRA kits)
 Intro CD’s
 Pens
 Calculator
 Any other products: Supplement, Skin Care, Soap, Empty Capsules
 Tablecloth (depending on specific trade show)
 Table and Chairs (depending on specific trade show)
 (optional) Presentation in a three ring binder to share
(optional) Sample bottles and labels to share samples with others (it’s good to let them
(optional) Product to sell at event
3. Additional Ideas as a draw to booth:
(optional idea)Water, Ice, little cups and a pitcher to serve lemon water
(optional idea) Peppermint brownies cut small
(optional idea)Bath Salts for people to make
(optional idea)Massage therapist or esthetician to do hand or facial massage
(optional idea)Basket, and little papers cut up as a giveaway basket
(optional idea)doTERRA Giveaways—oils, diffusers, intro kits, bath salts
During the Trade show
1. Get there early to get set up so you can be relaxed and ready when people start arriving
2. Make sure your Contact sheet is out with a pen so people can put their contact info on it
3. Greet Everyone that walks by Introduce yourself
 Stand by the front of the table
 Be excited to talk to others
 If possible, let them have an experience with the oils
 Share your experiences
 Get to know them quickly—be genuine, and find out what ailments they might need
help with---Help them know what they could do
 If they are interested, you can give flyers, and samples—write down names of who you
give samples and contact info
 Hand out business cards
 DON’T firehose them with too much information
 It’s okay to be nervous at first—you will get used to talking to others as the event goes
on. If someone asks you a question you don’t know the answer to, it is okay! This
actually makes a great opportunity to get their contact info—make sure to write their
question down so you can followup by answering their questions.
 Have Fun!!!
4. Be Positive—
 Many times people from other essential oil companies come up and say they like their
company better—, and that they have heard bad things about doTERRA (usually to
cause conflict)---I make sure I am ALWAYS positive about their company. All oil
companies are here to help us—so they are all beneficial! However, I tell them what
makes doTERRA different (the testing, sourcing, 3rd party labs, and excellent executive
team) I tell them, most people notice a big difference when they try the oils, then I just
have them try the oils.
People are naturally attracted to positive people!
After the Trade Show
1. Follow Up is Critical!!!!
 Try to send and email to your contacts a day or two after the show. Make sure to
thank them for coming to your booth.
 Make sure they have your contact info
 Follow up with any questions they had
 Follow up on those you gave samples to
 Let them know about classes in their area
 Send them emails occasionally on promos
 Send them tips on oils
2. Place all Orders
 Either enter them into the computer
 Fax them or take them into doTERRA
 If they are close in proximity you can deliver them (it gives you a chance to talk to
them again)
 Follow up on orders to make sure all of them went through
3. Send Welcome Email to new IPC’s from event
 Answer any questions they might have