HEALING AUTOIMMUNITY AND THYROID DISORDERS Special thanks to Dr. Todd Watts DC Barbara Stuart, APRN, NP-C, CEN Integrative Medical Practitioners Presented by DoTERRA Diamond Melody Covino Recommended Reading Hormonal cycle of Thyroid Leaky Gut Pathogens Emotions Nutritional deficiencies Heavy metals Environmental toxins Mutated Genes Stress ◦ Physical ◦ Emotional ◦ Chemical ALL affect the Central Nervous system Causes of Autoimmunity Candida, Parasites, bacteria can cause “leaky gut” How do we get parasites anyway? Two types, ◦ blood parasites ◦ bowel parasites Fruit/ vegetables Meat Animals Feces What are doctors doing to Diagnose Parasites? Candida is a yeast that is normally harmless as a single-celled fungus. If it changes into a mycelial form it can take root in tissues and colonize. Ecological Balance in GI Tract Imbalance of GI yeast vs good bacteria. Immune dysfunction: Reduction of good bacteria in the gut: ◦ Exposure to toxic metals. ◦ Internal toxins from poor digestion. ◦ Stress-emotional, physical, chemical ◦ Consumption of refined carbohydrates, alcohol and caffeine. ◦ Antibiotics ◦ Immunosuppressive medications.(steroids) Upset in intestinal pH: ◦ Acid blocking medications. ◦ Decreasing digestive enzymes and HCL as we age. What causes pathogens to grow? Proliferation of Candida Releases waste products called mycotoxins (poisons) and oxalates. These further weaken the immune system. Candida By-products Pathogen’s Toxic Waste = Acetaldehyde Affects Central Nervous System. Increased blood alcohol levels. ◦ Brain fog symptoms Interferes with hormone metabolism: ◦ Pituitary ◦ Thyroid ◦ Adrenal glands Auto-Brewery Syndrome –Leaky Brain Lowers Taurine levels. ◦ Taurine increases uptake of magnesium & potassium inside our cells. ◦ Taurine binds toxins and removes them from the liver. Pathogenic By-products Chronic fatigue Brain fog (↑ acetaldehyde) Anxiety Depression Food cravings ◦ Sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks Hyperactivity & learning disabilities Decreased libido Autoimmune disorders Headaches Eczema, psoriasis Muscle aches Arthritis Bladder infections Gas & bloating Constipation and/or Diarrhea Bad breath Rectal itching Sinusitis Burning tongue Nail infections Diaper Rash Signs and Symptoms of Autoimmunity Auto-Immune Diseases caused by Leaky Gut Lupus Rheumatoid Arthritis Multiple Sclerosis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Thyroiditis (Hypothyroid) Crohns Disease Vitilego Vasculitis Ulcerative Colitis Urticaria (hives) Diabetes Causes Major Health Issues Mycotoxins in the bloodstream! ◦ Normally, the lining of the intestinal tract prevents mycotoxins from entering the blood. Toxins Microorganisms Undigested food particles ◦ The body launches an immune reaction that causes the allergic response. Pathogens can store themselves happily in your organs. Candida &pathogens= Allergies Healthy live blood cell analysis vs unhealthy Leaky gut Pathogen biproduct toxins in the bloodstream filter through the liver. From there, they proceed to other organs. ◦ Brain, Nervous System, joints, skin, etc. If impaired liver detoxification these toxins will not be eliminated and can initiate states of chronic disease. ◦ Inadequate nutrition, poor cellular health and/or toxic overload impair detoxification. Pathogens Affect All Systems Dietary changes! Try An Elimination Diet Gluten free Dairy free YEAST FREE Consider other grains (rotate) Corn/soy (consider) Do organic meats and eggs Do Eat Fermented foods/veggies/drinks Do Eat Non GMO Avoid Certain Nuts (peanuts) Leaky Gut lifestyle & Treatment Pathogen Treatment ◦ GX Assist (10 days) Caprylic acid plus essential oils. Essential Oils internally and externally ◦ Oregano, Lemon, Melalueca ◦ On Guard plus, DDR prime, cassia, thyme, helicrysm. lime Pathogens and doTERRA Probiotics ◦ Crowds out bad organisms. ◦ Cultivates healthy flora Digestive Enzymes ◦ Helps digest ◦ and absorb nutrients •Fiber 4-5 grams twice/day Absorbs toxins Reduce “die off” •Vitamin D3 At least 1,000 iu/day Helps heal leaky gut and decrease inflammation. Healing Leaky Gut L-Glutamine Powder Silver amalgam dental fillings have 53% mercury! Mercury has an antibiotic effect. Difficult to control yeast overgrowth. Candida thrive on heavy metals Foods are laced with antibiotics Heavy Metals affect Candida Cilantro ◦ Heavy metal chelator Slim and sassy ◦ Chemical elimination LLV (life long vitality) Multivitamins ◦ Corrects dietary deficiencies ◦ High potency Omega 3 Fatty Acid ◦ Restores moisture to GI tract. ◦ At least 2000 mg daily Heavy metal Cleanse and Mineral replinshment Daily Detoxification ◦ Zendocrine Oral capsules In combination with LLV makes LLV “complete” Essential Oil Blend ◦ Rub over abdomen in area of the liver ◦ Apply to reflex points. Liver Detoxification Emotions and Extreme Stress Stress is a MAJOR factor in a lowered immune system Emotional stress has a vibrational frequency DNA passed onto children Stress is specific Essential oils for Emotional balancing Balance Frankincense Citrus Bliss Elevation Wild orange Lavender Vetiver Sandalwood Fennel Remember emotions are specific Emotions and Essential Oils. General Support- Myrrh, frankincense Geranium, ginger Support of DysfunctionClove Hyperthyroidism –Myrrh, lemongrass Hypothyroidism – Peppermint, lemongrass Clove DDR Prime Always frankincense ◦ Take internally ◦ Apply to bottom of feet Thyroid Health and doTERRA Added help for autoimmunity Infrared Sauna ◦ Kills pathogens ◦ Increases white blood cell production Vitamin C High doses consider IV’s Ultra violet light IV’s Meditation Stress management Chiropractic Care Increases immune system by 200% 400% increase in those with cancer CNS is the control center Energy Medicine as well as structural work Key factors in boosting your immune system Choices for Purchasing Your Own Oils Retail Customer • Purchase products at full retail price thru a rep’s website who referred you to doTERRA Wholesale Membership thru your rep • Enrollment Kit Purchase required ($35 or $150 - $2,200 as a kit) • 25% discount from retail 10%-30% in free oil credits on future purchases • NO monthly minimum Enrollment incentives for February 2014 100 pv voucher with enrollment kit and one LRP order of 100pv •Add Terrazyme capsules •Zendocrine capsules • On Guard essential oil • DDR Prime essential oil •Frankincense essential oil $10-30% back in free oils on future purchases $550, $100 in free oils, 15-30% back in future purchases. LOYALTY REWARDS PROGRAM Best Way to Buy Products Each Month • Earn FREE Products with EACH order • Completely Optional • Flexible dates •FREE Additional Monthly Gift - Product of the Month Club 125pv before the 15th. • Dr. Todd Watts DC 208-914-0710 [email protected] Advanced Functional Medicine Advanced Clinical Applied Kinesiology DoTERRA practitioner For more information Visit my website at www.healthyfrugalandwise.com ‘how to use your oils’ 208-870-3373 phone [email protected] THANK YOU!!!
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