Thurairaja_EU Urological Review 24/05/2011 12:22 Page 19 Current Issues Preventive Urology Preventive Urology for Prostate Conditions Ramesh Thurairaja,1 Edward Jefferies2 and Rajendra Persad3 1. Specialist Registrar in Urology, Southmead Hospital; 2. Specialist Registrar in Urology, Royal United Hospital; 3. Consultant Urological Surgeon, Bristol Royal Infirmary Abstract The approach to clinical medicine has evolved from managing acute events to incorporating therapeutic strategies to prevent medical conditions and their negative effects. Preventive medicine stems from evidence identifying risk reduction and the lowering of negative events. Recently, there has been a growing interest in this concept within the field of urology as a result of clinical trials, longer life expectancy and public interest. Prostate conditions are a common cause for acute and chronic complaints in men and can have medical, psychological and financial consequences. This review focuses on evidence surrounding prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer, addressing methods and outcomes of prevention for these conditions. ‘Prevention is better than cure’ only if the evidence justifies the concept. Keywords Preventive urology, prostate, lifestyle changes, chemoprevention Disclosure: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. Received: 16 December 2010 Accepted: 21 February 2011 Citation: European Urological Review, 2011;6(1):19–25 Correspondence: Ramesh Thurairaja, Department of Urology, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol, BS10 5NB, UK. E: [email protected] In today’s economic climate, rising rates of unemployment and growing numbers of uninsured people are exacerbating health problems and disparities in care provision. As the healthcare delivery systems move toward more managed care or medical rationing, clinical skills in health promotion will become increasingly valuable. Preventive medicine has already proven itself to significantly contribute to avoiding the negative outcomes of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.1–6 This review focuses on evidence from historic and contemporary urological studies to rationalise whether preventive urology should be encouraged in urological management. Rationale, Levels of Prevention and Implementation Prevention strategies may reduce clinically insignificant conditions and in so doing potentially prevent the side effects of treatment for these conditions. These measures could also result in cost savings relating to intervention and could possibly help to avoid the psychological effects of the disease process and the consequences of treatment.7,8 Primary prevention strategies aim to prevent the development of disease. Most population-based health promotion activities are primary preventive measures. Secondary prevention strategies attempt to diagnose and treat an existing disease in its early stages before it results in significant morbidity. Tertiary preventive treatments aim to reduce the negative impact of established disease by restoring function and reducing disease-related complications, while quaternary prevention describes the set of health activities that mitigate or avoid the consequences of unnecessary or excessive interventions by the health system.9 Urological practice has, until recently, been centred on curative medicine or tertiary prevention. With life expectancy figures having doubled in the past century and © TOUCH BRIEFINGS 2011 overall mortality rates declining, preventive medicine seems destined to take on a more important role, both for clinical and economic purposes and should be encouraged in urological practice.10–12 Urology as a speciality has been slow to embrace the idea of prevention, although in the past two decades there has been a growing interest in changing its perception. Ideally, by focusing on target populations rather than mass screening, the concept of preventive urology can be instituted. Family history, age, lifestyle and symptom severity could be triggers for initiating prevention. This may take the form of conservative management through patient information, advice on lifestyle modification and pharmacotherapy. Prostate Conditions The prevalence of prostatitis and the proportion of visits to urology clinics is approximately 8%.13,14 In 2000, excluding pharmaceutical spending, the cost of diagnosing and treating prostatitis in the US was estimated to be over US$80million.15 Furthermore, 14% of men who made medical claims for the treatment of prostatitis missed work.15 Chronic prostatitis has also been shown to affect mental and physical domains of health-related quality of life.16 These statistics clearly underscore the broad and far-reaching effect on patient quality of life and the economic impact of this condition. Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most common medical conditions in older men. It represents up to a 40% clinical risk for urinary retention in a man’s lifetime.17 BOO is the most prevalent condition in the ageing male, affecting 14 million men in the US at an annual cost of US$4billion to treat.17 BPH is more commonly diagnosed because 19 Thurairaja_EU Urological Review 24/05/2011 12:23 Page 20 Current Issues Preventive Urology of increased life expectancy and a greater tendency today to seek medical advice at an earlier stage of the disease. Prostate cancer is now one of the principal medical problems facing the male population. In Europe, an estimated 2.6 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year.18 Prostate cancer more often affects elderly men and is thus a bigger health and economic concern in developed countries. With growing interest in early diagnosis and screening, the medical and cost implications are due to rise. suffer from chronic prostatitis.32 Supplementation does not increase prostatic fluid levels, however and there is no evidence that zinc helps treat infections or symptoms, or prevents future episodes of category 2 prostatitis. Cranberry juice, conversely, is felt to be a protective agent against UTIs as it prevents E. coli attaching to the uroepithelial cells and reduces the biofilm load.33,34 No placebo-controlled trial has proven its protective effect in men against category 2 prostatitis. On the contrary, having an acidic pH, cranberry juice may perpetuate symptoms of prostatitis since men with this condition are sensitive to an acid load in their diet. Prostatitis Prostatitis is a common condition with an estimated one in two men encountering this condition in their lifetime.19 Although the term prostatitis literally means ‘prostatic inflammation’, inflammation is not always present and neither is infection. In 2002, the National Institute of Health (NIH) proposed a four-category subclassification of prostatitis:20 For category 3 prostatitis, phytotherapeutic agents have shown great potential. These agents have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics and therefore it is felt that they are beneficial in this patient group. The best-studied phytotherapy agents in this category include quercetin, rye pollen and Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) . • category 1 – acute bacterial prostatitis; • category 2 – chronic bacterial prostatitis; • category 3 – chronic abacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome; • 3a – inflammatory (>10 white blood cells per high powered field [WBC/hpf] in expressed secretions); • 3b – non-inflammatory (<10WBC/hpf in expressed secretions); and • category 4 – asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis Quercetin is a bioflavanoid found in many of the food products that patients with prostatitis avoid – onions, spices, cranberry and citrus fruits. A small randomised controlled trial assessed patients’ chronic prostatitis symptom index (CPSI), a validated symptom score, following supplementation with quercetin 500mg twice daily or placebo. It found that, compared to 7% of the placebo group, 35% of patients in the quercetin group had an improved CPSI score. In addition to this, the quercetin group had a 67% improvement in score, compared to 25% in the placebo group (a 25% improvement in CPSI score identifies clinical improvement).35,36 Common side effects of quercetin Only 5% of men suffer from bacterial prostatitis, with the majority (95%) having non-bacterial prostatitis.21,22 Reasons for this include the antibacterial factor within seminal fluid as well as the immune system dispatching lymphocytes and eosinophils, resulting in the eventual demise of bacteria due to hydrogen peroxide.23 Controversially, chronic abacterial prostatitis has been linked to ‘occult’ bacterial invasion, fungal infections, genetic conditions, hormonal imbalance, ageing, chemical irritants and auto-immunity; while the non-inflammatory condition has been postulated to be a result of spasm of the pelvic floor musculature, stress and intra-prostatic urinary reflux.19,24,25 The most commonly isolated organism for acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis is Escherichia coli (E. coli), but other Gram-negative organisms, such as Klebsiella, Proteus and Pseudomonas have also been identified. Gram-positive Enterococcus species may also be isolated. In sexually active men, particularly those <35-years-old, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis are usually isolated. The mainstay of bacterial prostatitis treatment is therefore antibiotics and appropriate supportive care. There is some evidence that recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women may be reduced by probiotic treatment.26–28 This preventive strategy may therefore be useful in not only preventing category 1 and 2 prostatitis but also allowing patients to avoid the common and considerable side effects of short- and long-term antibiotic therapy. With a third of non-bacterial prostatitis responding to antibiotic therapy, probiotics may also be used in category 3 prostatitis.29,30 Clinical experience has suggested that alpha-blockers may have a role in preventing recurrences of category 3 prostatitis. The only large randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial of patients with category 3 prostatitis (alfuzosin 10mg versus placebo), however, showed no statistically significant reduction in symptoms.31 Zinc is the major component of the antibacterial factor found in seminal fluid. An early study showed reduced levels in patients who 20 include nausea and tingling, particularly when this supplement is taken on an empty stomach. Quercetin binds to the DNA gyrase site on E. coli, where quinolone antibiotics bind, so quercetin could theoretically interfere with quinolone antibiotics and the two should not be used together.37 Studies using the rye pollen preparation Cernilton and Saw palmetto have claimed that symptoms improve in patients with chronic prostatitis. Results from placebo controlled randomised trials of patients supplemented with Cernilton and Saw palmetto have been presented at the American Urology Association (AUA) meetings in the past decade. One study has shown that when using a validated symptom score, patients with category 3 prostatitis had a statistically significant improvement in pain and quality of life when supplemented with Cernilton compared to those who had placebo.38 In another study, when supplementing with Saw palmetto, a mild improvement in CPSI scores was seen in 75% of patients and a moderate to marked improvement in 55% of patients, compared to 20 and 16% in the placebo group, respectively.39 Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia BPH is a common and often bothersome condition that affects ageing men. Based on histological assessment from autopsy studies, it has been shown that BPH change is inevitable with age.40 The prevalence of BPH in males ranges from 40% in the fifth decade to 90% in the ninth decade.40 Although BPH is often associated with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), only 25–50% of men with BPH complain of LUTS. These are a major burden for the ageing male population, however and their prevalence will continue to grow with increasing life expectancy trends. Bothersome LUTS can occur in up to 30% of men over the age of 65 years. In accordance, BPH has been defined as a life-altering urinary condition that potentially requires medical or surgical intervention and may not only be predictable but also preventable.41 EUROPEAN UROLOGICAL REVIEW Thurairaja_EU Urological Review 24/05/2011 12:23 Page 21 Preventive Urology for Prostate Conditions BPH is most often associated with prostate enlargement (volume >30ml), deteriorating voiding patterns and eventually long-term complications including acute urinary retention (AUR) and BPH bleeding requiring surgery.42–44 Although only 2.5% of symptomatic men with BPH who were treated with a watchful waiting approach suffered from AUR, the Olmstead County study found that in randomly selected men, the incidence of AUR was 13.7% in the average 60-year-old man over a 10-year period. This is high compared to lower incidence of stoke (7.2%) or myocardial infarction (5.1%) in this group.45 BPH bleeding has not been studied as frequently as AUR but is probably as common and may be even more problematic to manage. The concept of BPH prevention developed from large prospective studies evaluating medical therapies for the condition. To propose BPH prevention, specific concepts need to be universally accepted:41 • BPH is progressive and as a disease entity will lead to long-term and life-changing complications; • it can be predicted in advance; and • it can be prevented or altered with lifestyle, medical or surgical interventions. • elevated serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, defined as ≥130–140mg/dL; • decreased serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (<40mg/dL); and • increased serum triglycerides (≥150mg/dL). These factors are components of both the metabolic syndrome and diabetes. This observation raises the possibility that an abnormal lipid profile may also be connected to BPH pathogenesis. Clinical studies, however, have been equivocal. A Swedish cohort study concluded that in men with BPH, a larger prostate volume was associated with lower HDL cholesterol and higher LDL cholesterol levels; while an Indian case study reported similar profiles in men undergoing BPH surgery.57,58 Contrasting results were seen in other studies where no associations were noted, including a cohort US Air Force Veterans study.59 As seen in community-based studies, BPH is progressive and can lead to complications. To predict BPH disease risk and progression, age, serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA), prostate volume and flow indices remain valuable. While older men are at a higher risk of disease progression and AUR, men with larger prostates have higher PSA values and so are at greater risk of progression.46 The Proscar Some studies have found correlations between atherosclerosis and BPH. A recent study on prostatic perfusion rates showed that men with lower prostatic perfusion rates secondary to atherosclerosis had larger mean prostate volumes while those with diabetes and PVD reported significantly higher international prostate symptom scores.60 Heart disease, diabetes mellitus and metabolic-syndrome factors have all been associated with more rapid annual increase in prostatic growth rates and an increased risk of BPH.61 As a result of these ongoing associations, there should be an emphasis on optimising blood pressure, lipid profile and serum glucose levels in order to maintain adequate health. long-term efficacy and safety study (PLESS) concluded that progression occurred in men with prostate volumes of >40ml and PSA >1.4ng/ml.47 Other factors influencing BPH outcomes may include physical activity, alcohol and coffee consumption and diet supplementation (see Table 1). Of all indices, serum PSA has been found to be the most valuable index of disease progression after excluding prostate cancer, as shown in the PLESS trial. In an analysis by Roehrborn et al. on worldwide BPH trials including 3,700 placebo-treated patients, PSA was the most robust predictor of AUR and even outperformed a complex decision matrix.48 Nomograms to predict disease progression, such as one constructed using data from the dutasteride phase III programme, have a predictive accuracy of >70%. With these predictive tools and focusing on target populations based on age, family history and race, what interventions can be used to prevent BPH disease progression? As seen with chronic conditions such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and heart disease, BPH affects men’s quality of life.49,50 Men with BPH are more likely to suffer from depression than their peers.51 The natural history of BPH stems from a multifactorial process that is common to cardiovascular disease. Factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease and the metabolic syndrome – such as obesity, diabetes, glucose intolerance, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and peripheral vascular disease (PVD) – are also thought to be risk factors for BPH.52–55 Although there is a lack of evidence on the influences of lifestyle on BPH progression, limited studies suggest that primary prevention through lifestyle changes may be beneficial. Abnormal concentrations of lipids are a well-studied risk category for cardiovascular disease. Abnormalities included are:56 EUROPEAN UROLOGICAL REVIEW A systematic review and meta-analysis performed by Parsons and Kashefi reported that physical activity reduces the risks of BPH and LUTS. 62 The degree of physical activity was an important contributory factor, with moderate to vigorous exercise significantly reducing the risks compared to a light workout. They also added that the BPH/LUTS complex may be associated with modifiable risk factors of cardiovascular disease and suggested that increased physical activity may prevent or attenuate these conditions. Sexual activity does not seem to be causally related, although a large multinational study has suggested that men with increasing LUTS have increasing sexual and ejaculatory disturbances.63 Alcohol has been postulated to reduce plasma testosterone and therefore induces an inhibitory effect on BPH. This has been highlighted in a recent study from Switzerland where it was found that in men between 65 and 80 years, although smoking had no effect on BPH outcomes, there was a strong negative association between alcohol intake and those requiring surgical intervention compared to a positive correlation with coffee consumption.64 The author concluded that the increased LDL-cholesterol as a result of coffee constituents may be part of the pathophysiology of BPH and that, if so, further studies are required to see whether a reduction in coffee intake can potentially reduce BPH progression. In terms of dietary supplementation, considering that BPH is not a life-threatening condition, using drugs composed of natural ingredients (phytotherapeutic agents) with low perceived side effect 21 Thurairaja_EU Urological Review 24/05/2011 12:23 Page 22 Current Issues Preventive Urology Table 1: Effects of Dietary Supplementation and Lifestyle Changes Acupuncture Minimal to no impact found in preliminary studies Aspirin/nonsteroidal May be associated with reduced risk anti-inflammatory drugs Alcohol Moderate alcohol consumption may reduce risk Caffeine Excess intake of caffeine may increase risk Calcium and vitamin D May lower PSA velocity, supplements but the impact on prostetic hyperplasia is unknown Cholesterol/lipid levels High total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol or triglyceride levels and/or lower HDL cholesterol levels may increase the risk and progression of BPH, whereas cholesterol-lowering medications may reduce risk Diabetes mellitus Increased insulin/glucose levels may stimulate prostate growth Diet (overall) Lower overall caloric intake may reduce risk Other dietary Sitosterol, Pygeum africanum, rye pollen, stinging supplements nettle and South African Star grass have preliminary evidence showing they improve mild symptoms of BPH but have not been tested in large randomised trials Fat (dietary) Increased fibre Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce risk Fibre consumption, especially soluble fibre, may reduce PSA levels but the impact on BPH prostate size and in so doing lowered the risk of AUR and BPH-related surgery compared to placebo.69 In addition to this, the beneficial effect of 5ARIs in prostatic bleeding was highlighted by Miller and Puchner.70 Surgical intervention was usually required to control prostatic bleeding; however, the sustained effect of an 5ARI through the reduction in microvessel density within the prostate has provided not only a less invasive alternative but a potentially preventive option. Two large randomised-controlled trials within the past decade have outlined the value of medical intervention in preventing disease progression. The Medical therapy of prostatic symptoms (MTOPS) study found that, compared to placebo, finesteride reduced disease progression and the risk of AUR by 34 and 68%, respectively. Combination therapy with the alpha-blocker doxazosin provided the greatest effect, reducing BPH progression and AUR risk by 66 and 81%, respectively.71 The Combination of Avodart and Tamsulosin (COMBAT) study similarly found strong evidence for combination therapy.72 Combining the alpha-blocker tamsulosin with dutasteride reduced the relative risk of disease progression and AUR- or BPH-related surgery by 31 and 20%, respectively, compared to the 5ARI alone. Although evidence has shown that medical intervention can alter BPH disease progression, there is still a void when addressing medical therapy in BPH prevention, therefore future studies are required. is unknown Fruits and vegetables Fruits and especially vegetables may reduce risk Obesity Greater weight may increase risk, especially greater waist-to-hip ratio Physical activity/excercise Increased regular physical activity may reduce risk Plant oestrogens Soy and other dietary sources of plant oestrogens may reduce the risk of BPH BPH = benign prostatic hyperplasia; LDL = low-density lipoprotetin; HDL = high-density lipoprotein; PSA = prostate-specific antigen. profiles is attractive to patients. The proposed mechanisms of action of phytotherapeutic agents include:65 • • • • • • anti-androgenic effect; anti-oestrogenic effect; inhibition of 5α-reductase; α-adrenergic receptor antagonism; anti-inflammatory effect; and inhibition of prostatic cell proliferation. Patients should, however, be informed that herbal remedies such as Saw palmetto fruit, African plum tree (Pygeum africanum) bark and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) roots have no proven advantage over conventional medication or even placebo in treating BPH, while other products such as zinc may even be damaging.66 The Complementary and alternative medicine for urological symptoms (CAMUS) trial with 3,300 participants is assessing the short and long-term effects of Seronoa repens, African plum tree extract, an α-adrenergic blocker and placebo, with outcome data expected in 2011.67 A list of dietary supplementation and lifestyle interventions that alter BPH risk are listed in Table 1.68 Therapeutic intervention with conventional medication has been shown to lower the risk of BPH progression. BPH is a complex process but is primarily influenced by androgens. One of the first large-scale randomised-controlled trials (PLESS) showed that the anti-androgenic effects of a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor (5ARI), finesteride, reduced 22 Finally, is there any place for prophylactic surgical intervention? BPH-related surgery includes: • minimally-invasive therapies (e.g. thermo- and microwave therapy, high-intensity frequency ultrasound); • laser ablative and enucleation therapies; • trans-urethral resection; and • open procedures. Although surgical interventions have provided better clinical outcomes than medical interventions, these effects are usually seen in patients with advanced BPH and severe symptoms or in patients following AUR. In addition to this, there is the side effect profile from surgery that cannot be ignored. Early intervention could, however, potentially negate the pathological and cost issues surrounding chronic urinary retention, renal impairment and dependence on dialysis. Since there have not as yet been any studies on surgical prophylaxis, this form of management will continue to be controversial. As with any intervention, potential negative impacts have to be addressed. The disadvantages of medical intervention include:41 • drug side effects for alpha-blockers (e.g. headaches, dizziness, postural hypotension and retrograde ejaculation) and 5ARIs (e.g. gynaecomastia and loss of libido); • limited or poor drug efficacy; and • long-term costs. Prostate Cancer As a result of improving healthcare and technology, patient awareness and the advent of PSA testing, prostate cancer is now one of the most prominent medical conditions in the male population, with the annual prevalence in Europe being estimated at >2.5 million, according to EAU guidelines. It constitutes 11% of male cancers and 9% of cancer deaths in Europe.18,73 Importantly, this condition affects elderly men and is a EUROPEAN UROLOGICAL REVIEW Thurairaja_EU Urological Review 24/05/2011 12:24 Page 23 Preventive Urology for Prostate Conditions greater concern in developed countries, where it comprises 15% of male cancers.74 With life expectancy improving, the population of prostate cancer patients may grow. Furthermore, despite suggestions of prostate cancer over-diagnosis and over-treatment, a high intervention rate still persists. This ubiquitous condition and its rising mortality rates therefore make it an ideal condition to target using prevention strategies. addition to this, there is still a lack of evidence as to the type of activity, its parameters and time periods to be undertaken for this risk reduction. It is also unclear whether the reduction is modified by other variables, including age, race and family history. There is some evidence that the beneficial effect of physical activity is greater in patients with advanced prostate cancer and for higher levels of physical activity.79,82,83 Screening The European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) trial identified dietary factors associated with cancers. This study discovered that a high intake of dairy protein and calcium from dairy products and high serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor 1 were associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer.84,85 There was, however, a lack of association between prostate cancer incidence and total fruit and vegetable intake.86 The Selenium and vitamin E cancer prevention trial (SELECT) randomised over 35,000 healthy men to take selenium, vitamin E, both supplements or placebo.87 Results from this trial showed that neither supplement alone nor in combination had a beneficial effect on prostate cancer prevention. There has been some evidence, however, that soy and isoflavanoids have a beneficial effect in non-Western men. This is thought to be a result of phytoestrogens and tyrosine kinase inhibition causing apoptosis, limited cell growth and reduced inflammation.88–90 Green tea from the Camellia sinensis plant, through the proposed mechanism of antioxidant activity and 5ARI activity, has been shown to have a potentially positive effect on advanced prostate cancer.91,92 Prostate cancer screening has been the subject of intense scrutiny, leading to it being included in the European randomised study of screening for prostate cancer (ERSPC), the Prostate, lung, colorectal and ovarian (PLCO) screening trial and the Gothenburg trial, which included participants from the previously reported ERSPC trial.75–77 The ERSPC study confirmed that PSA-based screening reduced the rate of death from prostate cancer by 20%, but was associated with a higher risk of over-diagnosis. It showed that 1,410 men would require screening and 48 additional cases would need treatment to prevent one death from prostate cancer.75 The PLCO trial, after seven to 10 years of follow-up, concluded that the rate of death from prostate cancer was very low and that there were no significant differences in the screened and unscreened population in terms of prostate cancer deaths. Despite this, crucial shortcomings in this trial were highlighted in both patient populations, particularly with the impact of the PSA dilution effect on eventual outcomes.76 Chemoprevention The Gothenburg trial clearly showed that prostate cancer mortality was reduced by more than half over a 14-year follow-up period in the screened population compared to the control group. Once again, however, the trial highlighted the issue of over-diagnosis risk in this population.77 A recent systemic review and meta-analysis on all the relevant contemporary screening studies concluded that existing evidence from randomised controlled trials does not support the use of routine screening in prostate cancer. Despite this, it acknowledged that there is evidence that screening aids in early prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment and reduces mortality.78 This comes at a price, with over-diagnosis, over-treatment and downstream adverse events. What the study has not addressed is the issue of at-risk patient populations, such as hereditary prostate cancer and Afro-Caribbean males, who would benefit from screening. It does not address concerns about the rising prostate cancer mortality and life expectancy worldwide either. A number of observations from various epidemiological studies have suggested associations between prostate cancer and lifestyle, dietary or pharmacological interventions. Although factors such as age, ethnicity and genetics are not modifiable, lifestyle modifications and chemoprevention have become an important approach in reducing the mortality and economic burden due to a condition that has a high incidence, prevalence, cost of treatment, disease- and treatment-related mortality. Factors that Affect Risk There is inconsistent evidence regarding the association between physical activity and prostate cancer, with about a third of studies indicating a protective effect of activity on cancer risk.79–81 The magnitude of the risk reduction is modest, ranging from 10–20%. In EUROPEAN UROLOGICAL REVIEW Chemoprevention for prostate cancer is defined as the use of specific natural or synthetic agents to reverse, suppress or prevent the carcinogenic process, thereby preventing the development of clinically evident disease. Androgens help maintain the normal secretory and metabolic functions of the prostate. These hormones contribute to the carcinogenic process of prostate cancer as well as BPH. Pharmacological agents that alter circulating androgen levels or inhibit 5-α reductase have potential as chemopreventive agents because testosterone, after conversion to 5-α-dihydrotestosterone, controls prostate mitotic activity and results in prostate cancer and BPH pathogenesis. Both finesteride (selective inhibition for type II 5-α-reductase) and dutasteride (inhibition of type I and II 5-α-reductase) have been used to treat LUTS associated with BPH. Their role as chemopreventive agents was investigated in two large, well-publicised randomised trials93,94 designed to assess their impact on the prevalence of confirmed cancer over a specified period of time. The Prostate cancer prevention trial (PCPT) was the hallmark study on chemoprevention of prostate cancer.93 This trial randomised patients to finesteride or placebo and followed these patients over a seven-year period. The results showed a 24.8% relative risk reduction in prostate cancer with finesteride compared to placebo. In the results there was the particularly significant finding of a 25.5% increase in the diagnosis of high-grade (Gleason score ≥7) prostate cancer in the finesteride group. As a result, this has created concern in the use of this medication. Post hoc analyses and interpretations have, however, concluded that the effects of reduced prostate volume in modelling studies and the increase in PSA/digital rectal examination (DRE) predictive accuracy in the finesteride arm may explain the increased detection of high-grade disease in this group. On closer inspection, markers of the disease profile (perineural invasion, bilateral disease, percentage of positive cores) were worse 23 Thurairaja_EU Urological Review 24/05/2011 12:24 Page 24 Current Issues Preventive Urology in the placebo group and when subjects from both the placebo and finesteride groups underwent radical prostatectomy for their disease. A greater number of cases of high-grade disease were identified in the placebo group. The Reduction by dutasteride of prostate cancer events (REDUCE) trial, as in the PCPT trial, randomised men to treatment with dutasteride or placebo and followed them up over a four-year period.94 Patients in this trial were at higher risk of prostate cancer, having had a negative biopsy within six months of joining the trial. The results confirmed a relative risk reduction for prostate cancer of 22.8% for dutasteride over placebo, similar to data from the PCPT trial. The major difference between these two trials was that in the REDUCE trial dutasteride did not significantly affect the diagnosis of high-grade disease prevalence. When Gleason 8–10 cancers were identified, no difference in incidence was found at the two-year point, but at the four-year mark there were 12 patients in the dutasteride group in comparison to a single patient from the placebo group. The authors noted that by two years, a substantially higher number of patients with Gleason 5–7 disease had been removed from the placebo group in comparison to the dutasteride group. This could conceivably have influenced the difference between both groups for patients with higher Gleason scores. Aside from the cancer outcomes, there was an increase in all cardiac events in the dutasteride arm, which caused concern. A similar side effect profile to finesteride (erectile dysfunction, abnormal ejaculation and abnormal sexual function) was also seen with this drug. Presently, opinion from an expert guideline panel95 is that 5ARIs can be considered in chemoprevention for prostate cancer, but key issues should be highlighted including: • the fact that 5ARIs reduce the incidence of prostate cancer but do not eliminate it completely; • the uncertainty that remains surrounding the increased risk of high-grade disease; • their effect on mortality is unclear; • significant sexually-related side effects still persist with 5ARIs; and • the well-documented beneficial effects for men with BPH-related LUTS will persist. An editorial by Walsh has unearthed many interesting and crucial points about these trials.96 In the PCPT trial, the percentage of positive biopsies in the placebo group (25%) substantially exceeded the lifetime risk of prostate cancer (17%), which suggests that many of the tumours were likely to be clinically insignificant. In addition to this, in the REDUCE trial the reduction in prostate cancer in the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 24 Downs JR, Clearfield M, Weis S, et al., Primary prevention of acute coronary events with lovastatin in men and women with average cholesterol levels: results of the AFCAPS/TexCAPS, JAMA, 1998;279:1615–22. Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study Group, Randomized trial of cholesterol lowering in 4444 patients with coronary heart disease: the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S), Lancet, 1994;344:1383–9. Long-term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischaemic Disease (LIPID) Study Group, Prevention of cardiovascular events and death with pravastatin in patients with coronary heart disease and a broad range of initial cholesterol levels, N Engl J Med, 1998;339:1349–57. Sacks FM, Pfeffer MA, Moye LA, et al., for the Cholesterol and Recurrent Events Trial Investigators, Effect of pravastatin on coronary events after myocardial infarction in patients with average cholesterol levels, N Engl J Med, 1996;335:1001–9. Shepherd J, Cobbe SM, Ford I, et al., for the West of Scotland dutasteride arm was limited to the incidence of Gleason 5–6 cancers, with no significant reduction in less differentiated tumours (Gleason scores 7–10) that are more likely to be lethal.94 This finding is similar to results from the random biopsies in the PCPT, which showed no decrease in high-grade disease.93 Both finesteride and dutasteride treat LUTS, reduce prostate volume and reduce PSA readings by 50% or more.96 This may leave patients with a false sense of security in terms of prostate cancer prevention. It should therefore be made clear to patients that these medications merely shrink tumours that have low lethal potential alone and do not prevent prostate cancer. In addition, 5ARIs do not reduce the risk of a positive biopsy in patients with an elevated PSA level or abnormal DRE. Patients should be educated about the effects on PSA and should not fall into a false sense of security about prostate cancer prevention. Over the past decade, prostatic inflammation has been implicated as a major risk factor for prostate cancer. Population studies have found an increased relative risk of prostate cancer in men with a history of previous prostatitis.97 Almost all BPH specimens show inflammatory infiltrates on histological examination and the cycolooxygenase-2 and nuclear factor-kappa B inflammatory pathways are overexpressed in prostate adenocarcinomas.98–100 Thus, there has been interest in targeting these pathways to possibly prevent prostate cancer. Several studies using NSAIDs have been carried out but have shown relatively modest reductions in prostate cancer (~10%).101 A recently published study of 51,529 US male healthcare professionals found a similar 15% decrease in prostate cancer, but more importantly, a significant decrease in high-grade (28%) and lethal (29%) prostate cancer risk when taking at least two adult-strength (75mg) aspirin tablets per week.102 Conclusions Prostate conditions are common in today’s urological practice and will increase in prevalence to be a health expenditure burden in many countries. Through preventive measures in the form of screening, case-selection, patient education, lifestyle and diet changes and finally through conventional and complementary therapies, these conditions may be better managed. There could also be a potential reduction in prevalence, disease progression and morbidities associated with both the disease process and possible side effects of invasive treatment in the future. Although the potentials of preventive urology have been highlighted, uncertainties surrounding methods, outcomes and cost efficacy still remain. Future trials addressing these issues should therefore be encouraged. n Coronary Prevention Study Group, Prevention of coronary heart disease with pravastatin in men with hypercholesterolemia, N Engl J Med, 1995;333:1301–7. 6. Paciaroni M, Bogousslavsky J, Statins and stroke prevention, Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther, 2009;7(10):1231–43. 7. Ormond BA, Spillman BC, Waidmann TA, et al., Potential national and state medical care savings from primary disease prevention, Am J Public Health, 2011;101(1):157–64. 8. Manson SC, Benedict A, Pan F, et al., Potential economic impact of increasing low dose asprin usage on CVD in the US, Curr Med Res Opin, 2010;26(10):2365–73. 9. Gofrit ON, Shemer J, Leibovici D, et al., Quaternary prevention: a new look at an old challenge, Isr Med Assoc J, 2000;2(7):498–500. 10. 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