ജനുവരി 6 തി ൾ 2014 തിരുവന പുരം 8 JIPMER Medical PG Entrance on February 23: Apply by January 31 Dr. S. RajooKrishnan BSAUEEE-2014 B.S. Abdur Rahman University Engineering Entrance Examination Applications are invited for BS Abdur Rahman University Engineering Entrance Examination BSAUEEE-2014-15. Issue of Application Forms begins: 10th Jan 2014 Last date for receipt of filled-in application forms: 15th Apr 2014. Date of Entrance Examination: 20th Apr 2014 (10.00 am to 12.00 noon) For further information visit our website http://www.bsauniv.ac.in or contact director (admissions), BS Abdur Rahman University, Vandalur, Chennai-600048, Tamil Nadu, Tel 044-22751347, Email [email protected] Indian Council of Historical Research Senior Academic Fellowships 2014 Applications are invited in the prescribed form so as to reach the undersigned on or before 31st January, 2014 from candidates for the award of Senior Academic Fellowships of the value of Rs. 40000/- P.M with a contingency grant of Rs.40000/- P.A. For more information visit Website: www.ichr.ac.in Birla Institute of Technology BIT Mesra Ph.D Admission 2014 The last date for receipt of completed application form 27th January 2014 (04.00 pm) . Entrance Test: 25th Feb 2014 (09.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.) Birla Institute of Technology, Deemed University u/s 3 of UGC Act, 1956. Mesra, Ranchi-835215, Tel 0651-2275444, 2275868, E-mail [email protected] Website www.bitmesra.ac.in Institute of Public Enterprise Hyderabad PG Programme Admission 2014 Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad invites applications for admission into its two years full time AICTE approved Post-Graduate Programmes 2014-16. Last date for Submission of IPE Applications extended up to 31st Jan 2014. Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, Hyderabad-500007, Tel 040-27095478, Fax 040-27095478 Website www.ipeindia.org University of Jammu - School of Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA Admission 2014 Applications are invited for Admission to the Two Year Full Time Master in Business Administration in Hospitality & Tourism [MBA (HT)] in the SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT (SHTM), Faculty of Business Studies, University of Jammu, Jammu commencing July/August, 2014. The Last Date for receipt of Application Forms complete in all respects in the School of Hospitality & Tourism Management (SHTM) is 28th February 2014 (Friday). Interested candidates can contact the School on Mobile No.: 9858446362, 9419104086 or visit www.jammuuniversity.in to download the form National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) 2014-15 The National Entrance Screening Test or NEST is a compulsory test for admission to the 5-year Integrated M.Sc programme in basic sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics) at National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar and University of Mumbai-Dept. of Atomic Energy Center for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CBS), Mumbai. Candidates may go to the NEST2014 website www.nestexam.in and follow the instruction to fill-up the online application form. Last date for receiving request for Offline application form: 20th Feb 2014. University of Jammu MBA Admissions 2014 Application form may also be downloaded from the university website: www. jammuuniversity.in such application must be accompanied by Bank Draft as per above The last date for submission of the application form is 20th January, 2014. KIITEE 2014 KIIT University Entrance Examination KIIT Entrance Examination (KIITEE) is the All India Entrance Examination conducted by KIIT University, Bhubaneswar for admission to following courses of the university KIITEE-2014 will be held online from 24th April 2014 to 03rd May 2014. Apply online through KIIT website (or download www.kiitee.ac.in/www.kiit.ac.in Last date for receiving registration/filled in application form in Hard Copy in University Office is 25th March 2014. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test 2014 University Website www.braou.ac.in Last Date for Registration : 28th February,2014 Date and time of Eligibility Test : 6th April 2014 (Sunday) 10.00 am to 12.30 pm SRMSIMS Bareilly MD/MS MBBS Admission Notice Post Graduate Courses: MD in Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine, General Medicine, Dermatology, Anesthesia, Pediatrics, Radiodiagnosis, T.B. & Respiratory Diseases and Radiotherapy. MS in General Surgery, ENT, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynecology Under Graduate Courses: MBBS - 100 seats Application form will be available for Online Submission till 05th Mar 2014 for PG seats and for MBBS till 30th Apr 2014 on www.upumcwa.org Last date of online submission of application form for PG Courses (MD/MS): 05th March 2014 Last date of online submission of application form for UG Course (MBBS): 30th April 2014 dXi o§t»« J½£nc¢¿¡¨Y f¡Æ¢¨k o§t»« l£¨ÙT¤·® l¢v´¡u op¡i¢´¤¼¤. F¿¡ Q¢¿Jq¢k¤« FJ®o¢J¬¥¶£l¤Jw. 95 26 96 99 90 L¤j¤©al Q§¿s¢ പണയസവർണണം O¢J¢Ë Y§-J®©j¡-L¢-Jw ±m-Ú¢-´¤J! ©V¡.¨J. o¤-g¡-n®, J-kç-±a¤-h« ©p¡-o®d¢-×v, Y§-J®©j¡L O¢J¢-Ë¡-©J-±z«, C-T-¸-r¢-º¢, Y¢-j¤-l-cÉ d¤-j«~14 Phone : 2321289, 2326569. ബിസിനസസ് നവഭാരതി േരടേഡഴ്സ് . ദി നംരപതി 2000/3000 സ ാദി ൂ. േപ ർേപലററ്, ലഗഗ്/ ഹാൻഡ് രപസസ് െമഷീൻ, േചാ ് , സി .എഫ് . എൽ., ചായ ്, െമഴുകുതിരി പലാനറ് സ ീകരി ുക. ഞ ൾ 9895924017, 9895376858 അസംസ്കൃതസാധനം നലകു ു; ±m£c¡j¡iX Q§¿s¢ തിരിചുവാ ു െമ വയവ യിൽ. (വിവര ൾ ് നി ളു നഷ്ടെ ു െട വീ ് അരഡസസ് എസ് . എം. എസ് . െചയുക). എെനറ വക L 1744088 ന ർ # 09560667161. പാേസപാർ ് കായി രയും അ ുെത ിനുമിടയിൽ യാരതാ മേ യ നഷടെ ു. ക ുകി ു വർ ദയവായി താെഴ കാ ണു ന രിൽ ബ െ ടുക. േജാസ് േതാമസ്. 9048744764. J- ½ £- n - c ¢- ¿ ¡- ¨ Y f¡- Æ ¢- ¨ k o§t- » « l£- ¨ Ù- T ¤- · ® l¢v´¡u o-p¡-i¢-´¤-¼¤. F-¿¡ Q¢- ¿ - J - q ¢- k ¤« F- J ® o ¢- J ¬¥- ¶ £l¤-Jw. മദയപാനം കുടുംബം തകർ ു ുേവാ? മദയപാനി അറിയാെത തെ ഞ ളുെട മരു ് ഭ ണ ിൽ കലർ ി മദയാസ ന് നൽകിയാൽ കു ടി നിർ ും. മദയപാനിയായ ആേളാ ട് പറയുകേയാ, െകാ ുവരികേയാ െചേയ തിലല. നിറേമാ, മണേമാ, രു ചി വയതയാസേമാ ഇലലാ ആയുർ േവദ ഔഷധം. രപവർ നസമയം എലലാ ദിവസവും രാവിെല 10.00 മുത ൽ 6 വെര CM യുനാനി െസനറ്ർ, കരു നാഗ ളളി, രടാൻേസപാർ ് ബസ് സററാ ൻഡിന് മുൻവശം േഫാൺ: 9388328115, 0476-2631867, 2632313 എലലാ ഞായറാഴച യും െകാ ിയം ജംഗ്ഷനിലുളള M.S ബിൽഡിംഗിൽ J¡h©al¡JtnX Gkoæ® ©Q¬¡Y¢nl¢ni¹w´¤« h¡±É¢J Jt½¹w´¤« Q¡Y¢hY©ga¨h©c¬ otát´¤« Ac¤±Lp« bclm¬«, m±Y¤lm¬«, j¡Qlm¬«, ¨d¡Y¤Qclm¬«, d¢X¹¢¸¢j¢º g¡j¬¡ ~ gt·¡´Á¡t, J¡h¤J¢ ~ J¡h¤JÁ¡t, ±d¢i o¤p¦·¤´w, h¡Y¡d¢Y¡´w, h´w, fܤh¢±Y¡a¢Jw F¼¢lt Y¢j¢μ¤lj¤¼Y¢c¤« F¨¼¼¤« djo®dj¡JtnX©·¡¨T Jr¢i¤¼Y¢c¤« AY¢mÇ¢©is¢i J¡h©al¡JtnX Gkoæ®. Hj¤ o«o¡j©h¡ Hj¤ o®dtmc©h¡¨J¡Ù® FY¢tk¢«L·¢v ¨d¶l¨j BJtn¢´¡u Cª AY®g¤Y h¡±É¢J Gkoæ¢c® Jr¢i¤¼¤. 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The Entrance Examination for admission to the M.D / M.S courses for the April 2014 session, at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, will be held in the online mode from 10 am to 1 pm on 23.2.2014 (Sunday) at Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Guwahati, Kolkata, Lucknow, New Delhi, Mumbai, Puducherry and Trivandrum. Applicant should be an Indian National. Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) can also appear subject to the conditions specified in the Prospectus available at the appropriate link at www.jipmer.edu.in Applicant must hold MBBS or an equivalent Degree recognized by the Medical Council of India and must have either completed or should be completing 1-year Internship (Rotatory Housemanship) training by 31st March 2014. Those who have already done / completed MD/MS in any subject in any Institution are not eligible for admission to MD/ MS course at JIPMER. There are 165 seats for the three-year M.D / M.S Courses (1st April 2014 to 31st March 2017). The disciplines and the distribution of seats discipline wise is as under: M.D. Courses: Anaesthesiology (15 seats); Anatomy (4); Biochemistry (4); Blood Transfusion and Immuno Hematology (3); Community Medicine (5); Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology (5); Emergency Medicine (Six seats of which 3 Seats are reserved for Sponsored Candidates from JIPMER subject to clearance by the Competent Authority. All eligible Candidates thus sponsored will have to appear in the Entrance Examination. A separate Merit list would be drawn for them) ; Forensic Medicine (2); General Medicine (18); Microbiology (4); Nuclear Medicine (2); Pathology (6); Pediatrics (15); Pharmacology (6); Physiology (4); Psychiatry (3); Pulmonary Medicine (2); Radio-diagnosis (6); Radiotherapy (6). M.S. courses: General Surgery (16); Obstetrics & Gynaecology (16); Ophthalmology (6); Orthopedic Surgery (6); Oto-Rhino Laryngology (E.N.T.) (5). The distribution of seats under the Unreserved (UR) category, Institute (INST) category, open to candidates who have graduated from JIPMER, OBC, SC, ST etc; are given in the Prospectus. The Entrance Examination will have a single paper of three hours duration with 250 Multiple Choice Questions of the standard of MBBS Examination. There will be 100 questions from Basic Clinical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Forensic Medicine & Toxicology) and 150 Questions from Clinical Sciences (Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Community Medicine, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, ENT, Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Radio-diagnosis and Radio-therapy). Each question will have four alternatives. Each correct answer with get 4 marks while one mark will be deducted for every incorrect response. The response of the candidate for a question, on click of ‘submit button’ before closing of Examination shall be considered as the response chosen by the candidate. Mock Tests are available at www.jipmer.edu.in. In case of tie, a candidate scoring less negative marks will be placed higher in merit. In case tie continues, an elder candidate will be give higher rank. Application fee is Rs.1000/- for UR/OBC categories and Rs.800/for SC/ST and OPH categories. Fee can be paid only through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card. Transaction Charges as applicable has to be paid. Application can be submitted only online at www.jipmer.edu.in latest by 5 pm on 31.1.2014 (Friday), as per the instructions there. The flow chart for filling application on-line is given as Appendix in the Prospectus. Application fee will also have to be paid online. The process of submission of application On-line is completed only after clicking the ‘submit button’ How to tackle civil service The Value of An Open Mind The most difficult bias that Civil Service aspirants and even successful candidates develop in the process of achieving success is losing an open mind. An open mind which refuses early judgment and categorization of an issue into black and white, before a reasonable set of facts are available is the most important asset a Civil Service officer must possess. A predetermined mind is the biggest hindrance to working in a democratic policy where a Civil Servant must be open to periodic changes and rethinking in the entire basic ideology underpinning governance. Fortunately, Civil Service, taken as a whole in India has shown sufficient adaptability in changing times, such as when a growth centric market driven ideology was ushered in place of a more ‘deregiste’ public sector led autarkic model. Rational flexibility is a plus Once liberalization started, officers generally made good use of opportunities of public entrepreneurship which became available on decontrol and created useful projects making urban, civil aviation and telecom infrastructure sectors more user friendly. After the market based reforms starting in 1991, and maturing over the millennium, the citizen’s expectations over the performance and quality of services has exploded exponentially. The debate in the world of development has also preferred a ‘rights based’ approach to basic entitlements like food, water, health, education and information where in public agencies and government are held accountable for their results. The citizens have considerable empowerment now. At the grass root level, a plethora of public agencies have come up to aid the relatively disempowered. Grass roots NGOs, CBOs, panchayaths, civil society organization and watch dog organizations like the Judiciary and Lokayukthas. While preparing for the Civil Services examination, it is important to appreciate the ‘Pros and Cons’ of every single issue. Debating or The Value of An Open Mind following the national debate on an issue of public significance closely, with a view to appreciate the points of view put forth by the various state holders must be done regularly. It is an excellent practice to take notes on the points raised by various stake holders and understand them, in-depth. One needs to think and introspect deeply about the interpretations given to an issue by various actors. This vital process, done with due regard to adequate back grounding and a historical perspective will result in whole new perspectives. Only a candidate who actively uses imagination and is solution minded can change the existing reality and put forth engrossing ideas. after up-loading personal details, Scanned Photograph and Scanned Signature. Applicant may download a copy of their filled in application which would contain Application No., Personal details, scanned photograph, scanned signature and the payment details. Applicants would have the facility to download the Hall Tickets that would contain Roll Number, Name, Photo, Signature and Examination city/venue, from 15.2.2014. They will not be sent by post. Candidates should report at the Exam City latest by 8 am on 23.2.2014. They should not carry any other paper except Hall Ticket. No entry will be permitted after 10 am. Merit Ranking would be based on percentile. The percentile shall be determined on the basis of the average marks obtained by the first top ten candidates in the Entrance Examination MD / MS-2014. Merit List would be drawn category wise based on category wise minimum percentile, which will be 50 for Unreserved (UR) / Institute (INST), 45 for Orthopedic Physically Challenged - UR (OPH) and 40 for OBC / SC / ST (Including OPH). It will be displayed in the Notice Board of Academic Section, JIPMER and website www.jipmer.edu.in on or before 1.3.2014. Individual communication will not be given in this regard. Downloadable rank letter will be hoisted on website of JIPMER, 3 days after publication of merit list. The First Counseling will be on 26.3.2014 (Wednesday) & 27.3.2014 (Thursday). The date for Second and Final Counseling will be notified in the JIPMER Website. Counseling Process will be as per the ‘Roster Point Allocation’ given at Appendix-I of the Prospectus. Academic Session will commence on 1.4.2014. Admissions will be closed on 31.5.2014. The annual fee is Rs.2200/-. Those getting admitted will have to pay a one-time Admission fee of Rs.3,000/- and a Learning Resource fee of Rs. 9,000/-. Establishment Charges (annual) amounting to Rs. 5,000/- Hostel Caution Deposit of Rs. 1,000/- and Mess Deposit of Rs.3,000/- will also have to be paid. More details are available at www.jipmer.edu.in and also in the Prospectus. Mussoorie Express -19 Dr B Ashok Thinking on your feet This spark of having an “active processor” is the “originality” which the interview boards as well as Civil Service trainers are looking for, and is becoming increasingly rare in candidates and even successful trainees. With mushrooming coaching institutes and highly, subscribed commercially produced coaching material, the candidates tend to repeat others view points or hardly ever go beyond the obvious. For those who take the extra pain to reflect on available facts, this becomes an opportunity to earn bonus brownie points. So how does one turn to a suitable processing speed while preparing for the exam? The first recommendation I would make is that you must learn to dream. Your dreams are only limited by your imagination. Envisioning a successful career at the service of the country as an officer is very important. Think about the highly beneficial projects you will implement as District Collector or in other positions. Think about the huge benefit your actions will bring upon the needy, especially the less fortunate amongst us- the hungry being fed or the homeless being given homes. Your conviction to serve with determination is the basis of all imagination in public service. It is the beginning of the ethical underpinning that drives the entire preparation and later your attitude to people during service. Two attitudes to training During training, I have found two distinct dispositions towards public service that dominate the minds of the trainees. One is to get absorbed in the external trappings the service offers very fast. These range from the red beaconed cars to proximity with powerful politicians and in dustrialists, access to instant wealth and prestige and a life of luxury. I call them the “power seeking bunch”. Obviously the interview boards are aware that such a group is indeed successful, but I presume they have limited scope to control the rot. Intentions of candidates are very hard to judge. Repeated efforts with the better performance in written exam and absence of a minimum cutoff in the interview reduce he potential to remove such plainly ill -motivated candidates from the system. The other conceptualization is to deal with the beneficial aspect of power held as trusteeship on behalf of the people- which is to view power conferred on a civil servant as a legitimate opportunity to change the pyramid of societal power. Our faith in public service still remains since a large number of successful candidates go through training in right direction and intention even now. Their hearts are in the right place. So envisioning and being on the right side of the game from the beginning is very important. Take ‘visioning breaks’ One must take periodic “visioning breaks” and time with the self during preparation. If you have an elder capable of guiding through times of stress, as the mind is often in doubt, help should be taken. Uncertainty of outcome is a stress which must be always abated with faith and encouragement. Participating in public affairs, competitions, quizzes etc., help boost the visioning process. This gives more confidence and a good sense of the competition. Keep constantly communicating and be alive to the debate of the day. Being argumentative and expressive gives a clearer mind which knows its direction all the time. Be courageous to change one’s view point if convinced of the strength of a contrarian view. Only an open mind can reprocess and respond to change. However, care must be taken that frequent changes on basic positions must not make you look toofickle in public perception. So reach conclusions after the best inputs and analysis and stay upon minor challenges. And yes, if the facts changes, then reprocessing is required. Be sure that an argumentative space is kept open in your mind while you prepare for this exam and after success too. Do not be atotal conformist either. Candidates without this feature of mind tend to get easily led and candidates with too much of analytical mind result in ‘paralysis by analyses’. Too obtuse utopian intellectualism is not desirable either. To strike a balance between thought and action is therefore very crucial from early days of preparation of thisexam. How to build a good career? Dr.T.P. Sethumadhavan Building a good career has several steps. But we usually make certain mistakes like making decisions based on what our mind remembers and based on comparison. Ultimately it may lead to poor success. Six steps for getting dream jobs are minimize your constraints, find out what excites you, find the right job in the right company, prepare and focus, seek and prepare a good plan. you like these subjects and can do a job based on it. Based on your strength prepare your CV. Try to learn more about your role models. How to find a right job? While searching for jobs research the sector based on history, research the jobs available in these sector, identify the right jobs based on the job description. Prepare and Focus The common problems students face while making career choices are parents dictating every move, financial burdens, social and peer pressure, information gaps, myths, biases, and prejudices, hierarchical systems and pecking orders and fear of failure. Here are some ways to find an answer to this question Eliminate the things you clearly don’t want in a future career, identify the hobbies that energize you when you are bored. Identify the favorite subjects and analyze whether While applying analyze whether your goal is matching with the focus area or not? Prepare a resume in tune with the focus area, enquire about the possible areas to be asked for interview and try to differentiate you from others. Try to introspect yourself. Knowledge of languages other than mother tongue and English will be an additional skill. Analyze the performance of previous interviews and try to correct the weaknesses. Your personality and networking with your friends will be taken as strength. Consider interview as a two way process. You can ask questions. Try to answer the questions to the best of your ability. Attend the interview with a relaxed mind. You can attend short term skill development NIMHANS Bangalore Ph.D M.Phil PG Courses Admission 2014 bharatividyapeethuniversity.net Fordetails, please contact admission officer, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan, 02nd floor, Common Entrance Test Dept. L.B.S. Marg Pune-411030, Tel-020-24407131, or BV Institutes at Pune, New Delhi and Navi Mumbai. How to minimize the constraints? Online applications are invited on prescribed form for admission to the following courses for the academic year 2014-2015. Application forms for all the courses are available online at the NIMHANS website www.nimhans.kar.nic.in Last date for online submission of application: 31st January 2014 Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Pune MBA MCA Admission 2014 Applications are invited for All India Entrance Tests for admission to management courses recognized by UGC and AICTE, New Delhi. MBA (Entrance test date: 04th May 2014) Last date of submission of application form: 25th Apr 2014. MCA (Entrance test date: 09th March 2014) Last date of submission of application form: 01st March 2014For information and online application visit our website www.bvuniversity.edu.in or www. െപാതുജന രശ ു എെനറ െക.എൽ. 01/എഫ് 753 ന ർ ൈബ ി െനറ ആർ.സി . ബു ് നഷടെ ു. ബു ി െനറ ഡയൂപലി േ ററ് എടു ു തി ൽ ആേ പമുളളവർ 15 ദിവസ ിനകം തിരുവന പുരം റീജി യണൽ രടാൻേസപാർ ് ഒാഫീസെറ അറി യിേ താണ്. ബി. െഹലൻ. നഷ്ടെ Arch Academy of Design AIEED 2014 Arch Academy of Design - one of India’s premier design institutes has invited applications from candidates for All India Entrance Examination for Design (AIEED) 2014. Forinformation, candidates are recommended to visit www.aieed.com National Power Training Institute Faridabad PG NIMS Hyderabad PG Diploma Courses Admission Certificate Course Admission 2014 Last date for receipt of applications: 05th Feb 2014 (Wednesday). 26 Weeks Post Graduate Certificate Course on GIS and Remote Sensing. Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for admission for 26 Weeks Post Graduate Certificate Course on GIS and Remote Sensing. The Application Form can be downloading from the website www.npti.in and should be sent along with a crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 500/in favour of National Power Training Institute payable at Faridabad Filled-in applications may be sent to Principal Director (Management Studies), National Power Training Institute, NPTI Complex, Sector-33, Faridabad-121003, Haryana to reach on or before 31st Jan 2014. Contact us: Director (IT): 0129-2255063, Email: [email protected] Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, A University Estd under the State Act. 3rd Floor, Old OP Block, NIMS, Punjagutta, Hyderabad-500082 (Andhra Pradesh), Website http://nims.ap.nic.in VIT University Vellore MBA Program Admission 2014 Candidates can apply online at www.bschool.vit.ac.in Last date for receipt of application forms: 15th Mar 2014 Vellore-632 014, Tamil Nadu, Tel 0416-2204600, Email pgadmission@ vit.ac.in Website www.vit.ac.in യ് ൈലംഗിക ചൂഷണ ിെനതിെര തിരുവന പുരം െമഡി ൽ േകാേളജ് "കരുണ" ചാരിററബിൾ െസാൈസററി രപസിഡനറും, േകരള വനിതാ േകാൺരഗസസ് മുൻ സം ാന ജനറൽ െസരക റിയുമായ എസ്. മണിേമഖല 06.01.2014-ന് െസരക റിേയററിന് മു ിൽ 11 am - 4 pm വെര നിരാഹാര സതയാരഗഹം ഇരി ു ു. നലലവരായ എലലാേപരും സഹകരി ുക. കരുണ േഹാംനഴ്സിംഗ്, Mob : 9446103040, 0471-2446924. നഷ്ടെ programme to improve the skill, seek the help of opinion leaders or mentors. Initially you can join in a startup or a NGO. Try to follow the parents advices like Watch sunrise as frequently as possible, Say ‘thank you’ a lot, Treat everyone you meet as you want to be treated, Live beneath your means, Don’t waste time learning the tricks of the trade; instead learn the trade, Admit your mistakes. Be brave. Even if you are not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference, Never cheat, Learn to listen. Keep secrets, Never take action when you are angry, Be willing to lose a battle in order to win a war, Beware of a person who has nothing to lose, Don’t expect life to be fair, Do what needs doing when it needs to be done, Get your priorities straight, Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute, The greatest freedom for ourselves is to free ourselves from fear, The greatest blessing is good health, The greatest force is faith in god, The greatest loss is loss of self-confidence, The greatest need is common sense, The real happiness evolves when happiness is shared, Stay away from bad habits and Keep yourself happy healthy and cheerful. (Source-SEEK-Finding your true calling) Change of Name I, Umalakshmi. D, SSLC Reg. No. 197422, residing at Puthenparambil Bunglow, Chalil, Kaniyapuram, Thiruvananthapuram have changed name to Raichel Chriju for all future purposes. നഷ്ടെ ു സുേബദാർ – േബാർഗൻ എൻ, JC. 211255K വക ആർമി കയാനറീൻ കാർഡ് വി ഴി ം - പൂവാർ ബസസി ൽ യാരത െചയുേ ാൾ നഷടെ ു. ക ുകി ു വർ 0471 - 2261104 ന രിൽ ബ െ ടുക. Public Notice It is hereby notified for the information of the public that I, Sathyarajan. N, mentioned as Sathyan in Grade Cum Certificate Registration No. M113/06569/0124 dated 26.05.2013 of my daughter Sredha. S.S. are one and the same person. SATHYARAJAN. N, Palayamkunnu. ു 16/3362/2008 ൈരഡവിംഗ് ൈല സൻസ് നഷടെ ു. ഡയൂപലി േ ററ് എടു ു തിൽ ആേ പമുളളവർ ആററി ൽ RTO - െയ േരഖാമൂലം അറിയിേ താണ്. മുഹ ദ് അലി. A, േത ുവിളവീട്, ൈമതാനം, വർ ല. സേഹാദര സമിതികൾ
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