Recycling in Randolph! A How To Guide Randolph Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste Schedule Monday A Week Bayberry Ln., Beverly Terr., Birchwood Rd., Bittersweet Ln., Briar Ln., Bridle Path Cir., Brookside Terr., Charles A. Moore Rd., Chapin Cir., Cole Terr., Cormey Cir., Country Club Dr., Crickett Ln., Cummings Cir., Darrell Dr., Diauto Dr., Dunn Terr., Edward Scahill Cir., Fairmont St., Fairview Ave., Frank Leary Way, Garren Terr., Gerald Ave., Glovers Brook Rd., Hemlock Terr., Highland Terr., Highland Ave., Highland Glenn Dr., Hillside Ave., Howe Cir., Huckleberry Ln., John Flannagan Cir., Judy Ln., Junior Terr., Karen Dr., L’Heureux Cir., Linden Park Dr., Lou Courtney Dr., Margaret Rd., Martin Terr., Mc Elroy Way, Memorial Pkwy, Moulton St., N. Main St., Nofolk Rd., Old Mill Ln., Perly Evans Dr., Richards Rd., S. Main St., School St., Selwin Rd., Shirley Terr., Short St., Stevens Rd., Stoughton St., Terry Dr., Thomas Salamone , Tiffany Dr., Turner Ln., Turning Mill Ln., Van Beal Rd., Virginia Cir., Ward St., Willard Terr., Woodland Pkwy, Woodlawn St. N. Main St. (North St. to Cottage St.), S. Main St. (Centre St. to Crawford Sq.) Monday B Week Acorn Dr., Alden Ave. E, Alden Ave. W, Barbara Rd., Bonnie Ln., Cedar Cir., Cedar Dr., Centre St., Cottage St., Crescent Ave., Driscoll Cir., Druid Hill Ave. E, Druid Hill Ave. W, E Alden Ave., E Druid Hill, E Englewood Ave., E Patterson , Emerton Ave., Englewood Ave. E, Englewood Ave. W, Evan Chain Way, Fern Ave., Fitch Terr., Frederickson Dr., Gallagher Dr., Glendale St., Glenside Ave., Glenway Ave. S, Glenway Ave. N, Greenmount St., Hillsdale Rd., Joyce Cir., Kathleen Rd., Katy Cir., Kiley Dr., Kimberly Ln., Kristen Rd., Lantern Ln., Lori Ln., Madison Ave., Maple St., Maple Cir., Mark Terr., Mc Donnell Dr., Millhouse Ave., N Glenway Ave., N Richwood Ave., N Sherwood Ave., N Windemere Ave., Nightingale Ct., Oakwood Dr., Oakwood Ave., Patterson Ave., Payson Ave., Quarry Rd., Reisner Rd., Restarick Ave., Richwood Ave., S Glenway Ave., S. Main St., S Richwood , S Sherwood Ave., S Windmere Ave., Sandra Cir., Sherwood Ave., South St., Summit Rd., Sunnyside Ave., Tilestone Rd., Union Sq., W Alden Ave., W Druid Hill Ave., W Englewood Ave., W Patterson Ave., Westwood Ave., Windemere Ave., Woodlawn Rd. Centre St (S. Main St to South St.), S. Main St (Centre St. to Avon Line) Tuesday A Week Alice Rd., Alva Terr., Alward Dr., Barry St., Brewster Rd., Broad St., Canessa St., Canton St., Celia Terr., Chiefs Way, Congress Ave., Connolly St., Crawford St., Crowley Dr., David Rd., Forest Ave., Fuller Ave., Garfield Ave., Gloria Rd., Huntington Ave., Imrie St., Isabelle Cir., Jean Cir., Johnson Dr., Kay Dr Ln., Kelli Rd., Lewis Rd., Lincoln Ave., Maitland Ave., Markle Cir., Michelle Ln., Mullen St., Norwood Ave., North St., Paine Rd., Pine Ave., Posturepedic Dr., Powdrell Ave., Randolph Rd., Recycle Way, Ridley Rd., Scanlon Cir., Scannel Rd., Spencer St., State St., Sunset Dr., Teed Dr., Thayer Ave., Turner Dr., Washington Dr., Washington Ave., William Morrison Dr. Canton St (Turner to Canton Line), North St (Allen St. to Braintree Line) Alden St., Alfred Terr., Argyle Rd., Blakely Cir., Boothby Cir., Brady Ln., Brookline Ave., Burris Way, Carleton Ave., Castleton Ave., Cedar Ave., Centre St., Civita Ln., Clairmont Rd., Cochato Pk., Cochato Dr., Connor Cir., Cullen Dr., Curran Terr., Dayle Cir., Delory Dr., Desmond Ave., Dunmore Ave., Dyer Ave., East St., Eisenhower Dr., Elderly Dr., Elgin Ct., Fairfield Rd., Fencourt Ave., Fernandez Cir., Hart Cir., Hayward St., Heather Ln., Hollis St., Howard St., Hurley Dr., Kennedy Dr., King Crest Terr., Lancaster Rd., Lind Terr., Linfield Ave., Mill St., Mill Hill St., Milton Terr., Morton Rd., North St., O’Connor Dr., Orrin White Dr., Petipas Ln., Plain St., Poole Ln., Prospect Ave., Regina Rd., Reily Dr., Rodney Ln., Roycroft Dr., Seton Way, Thompson Dr., Truelson Dr., Truman Dr., Tucker Terr., Union St., Vera Rd., Wilmarth Rd., Wyman Rd., Young Terr. Centre St (South St. to Union St.), North St (Crawford Sq. to Dyer Ave) Wednesday B Week Adams Dr., Aldrich St., Almond Dr., Amelian Rd., Arnold St., Aster St., Barber St., Brown St., Canavan Dr., Chafin Rd., Devine Rd., Elliot St., Fogo Rd., Gates St., Grove Ave., Harriette St. S, Hillside St., Hummell St., Hyde St., Julian Rd., Knights Cir., Krypto Cir., Leo Egan Way, Leopold St., Linden Rd., Maple Rd., Marconi Dr., Mc Auliffe Rd., Mc Devitt Rd., Moores Ave., S. Lillian St., N. Main St., Nelson St., Newcombe Ave., Norroway Ave., Oak St., Pictun Rd., Pine Rd., Plat St., Pond Ln., Pond St., Reservoir Dr., Root St., Royal Crest Dr., S Harriette St., Stackpole Ave., Stearns Dr., Sunshine Ave., Thomas St., Walsh St., Webster St. Allen St., Amvets Ln., Barry Cir., Bartlett Rd., Belcher St., Beverly Cir., Byron St., Carlino Way, Charlotte Ln., Clark Cir., Clark St., Credit Union Way, Decelle Dr., Dennis Cir., Dufresne Dr., Earlene Dr., Easy St., Essiembre Rd., Foss St., Francis Dr., Gerard DuFresne Dr., Green St., Harris St., Hoeg St., Holbrook St., Ivy Cir., Jacobs Rd., Jones Ave., Liberty Pl., Liberty St., Louis Ln., Marsden Cir., Mc Neil St., Mount St., Mt Pleasant St Sq., N. Main St., Oak St., Oakland St., Orchard St., Park St., Pearl St., Pleasant St., Plunkett Dr., Porter St., Puzone Ln., Rachel Rd., Ralph Stubbs Rd., Reynolds Dr., Robert Arey Dr., Roel St., Sandy Ln., School Ln., Tangen St., Vesey Rd. N Main St (Oak St. to Pond St. Even #s), Oak St (Tangen St to North St - odds & evens, Tangen St. to N. Main St. even #s), Pond St (Odd #s) N Main St (Cottage St to Oak St, Even #s), Oak St (N. Main St. to Tangen St. Odd #s) Thursday A Week High East (Hills St to Sarah St.), N. Main St (128 - Thornton St., odds and evens, Thornton St - Pond St., Odd #s), Pond St (Even #s) Residential Customer Randolph, MA 02368 Nelly Janga BS, Member Esther Muhammad RN, Member Paula Steward, Recycling Coordinator RECYCLING IS MANDATORY IN RANDOLPH ** ILLEGAL DUMPING WILL BE FINED AND/OR PROSECUTED ** For information, complaints & schedule: Allied Waste (collection company): (781) 289-0500 Web: Board of Health 41 South Main, M-F 8:30 - 4:30 2013-2014 Collection Calendar july 2013 T W Th 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 AUGUST S M T W 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 NOVEMBER 2013 S M T W Th F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 S 1 8 15 22 29 S 1 8 15 22 29 S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 S 7 14 21 28 M 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 2013 Th 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 T W Th F 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 DECEMBER 2013 T W Th F 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 S 7 14 21 28 JANUARY 2014 S M T W Th F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 S 7 14 21 28 S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 OCTOBER 2013 T W Th F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 S 4 11 18 25 FEBRUARY 2014 S M T W Th F 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 S 3 10 17 24 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 S 5 12 19 26 S 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday B Week Althea Rd., Althea Rd. Ext., Arlington St., Boylston St., Bruce Cir., Canton St., Chestnut St., Chestnut Cir., Chestnut St. West, Christopher Rd., Concetta Sass Dr., Dartmouth St., Davis Rd., Debbie Ln., Decosta Dr., Dell St., Desmond Rd., Emily Jeffers Rd., Eva Cir., Exeter St., F.B. Merrick Cir., Fawn Cir., Ferry Rd., Franklin Sq., Fred Dolan Cir., Glen Ln., Haddad Ave., High West, Hill Pk Terr., Irving Rd., J Evans Rd., James Tigh Rd., Jeanne Rd., Lambert Rd., Lewis Dr., Michael Rd., Morrill St., N. Main St, Niles Rd., Northway Rd., Patience , Quill Cir., Rae Cir., Ridge Hill Rd., Robert Rd., Rose Way, Sampson Dr., Sloane Cir., Smith Rd., Summit St., Thayer Cir., Van Tassell Dr., Walter P. Martin Cir., York Ave Friday A Week Adelaide St., Army St., Ballard St., Bennington St., Billings St., Bossi Ave., Charles St., Christy Ln., Christy Way, Collins Ave., Corey St., Cowan Rd., Dennis Ave., Dorr St., Eddy St., Edunas Way, Ely St., Fitzgerald St., Garden St., Gould St., Hammond St., Harriette St. N, Hickory St., High East, Hildegarde St., Howard Ave., Hunt St., Jennie Dee Terr., Lavally Rd., Lawson St., N. Lillian St., Livermore St., Martindale Rd., Mc Kim St., Middle St., Mitchell St., Morgan St., Morse St., N Harriette , Oliver St., Pacella Pk Dr., Parkdale St., Pond St., Powers Dr., Rand St., Reta St., River St., Rockerfeller St., Rogers St., Russ St., Ryan St., Sara St., Saratoga St., Scanlon Dr., Shade St., Soren St., Thornton St., Tilton St., Upham St., Vanderbilt Rd., Vinton St., Walton St., Wilson St., Wordsworth St. ECRWSS Mark Kittredge, Chairman Thomas J. Fisher, Vice Chairman Dr. David Kaplan CHO, RS, Member Tuesday b Week Wednesday A Week Abbey St., Adams St., Allen Ct., Anderson Dr., Andrea Way, Bartlett St., Birch Dr., Colson Way, Corcoran St., Country Way, Cross St., Delorenzo Dr., Depot St., Dianne Cir., Drinkwater Ave., Eagle Rock Rd., Feener Cir., Fowler St., Gold St., Greenberge Cir., Greenhouse Way, Grove Sq., Grove St., Grove Ln., H.D. Sanborn, Hazel Cir., High West, Holly Ln., J.A McDermott Cir., Janet Rd., Jasper Ln., Lafayette St., Ledge Hill St., Linberg Ave., Lisa Rd., Lou Cir., MaCauley Way, Maple Glenn Ct., Marie Way, Mazzeo Dr., N. Main St, Nelson Dr., Oak Grove Rd., Old West West, Pelissier Cir., Phyllis Dr., Powers Farm Rd., Randall Way, Rota Dr., Silver St., Skyview Rd., Sunnyworth Ln., Tanasso Cir., Thomas Patton Dr., Vine St., Vine Ln., Wales Ave., Walter Seyfert Way, Warren Ave., Warren St., West St., Westland Rd., Willow Dr. High West (Canton Line to Morrill St.), N Main St (Chestnut St to Cottage S, Odd #s) Please Save!!! IMPORTANT Recycling & Trash Info Inside PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 6 RANDOLPH, MA 02368 Canton St (Johnson Dr to High St.), High West (Lafayette St. to Canton St.) Friday b Week Ayers Dr., Canton St., Christy Way, Cunningham Cir., Denise Dr., Dolly Ln., Dow St., Edmund St., Edwin St., Emeline St., Eugenia St., Ferguson Rd., Flint Locke Ridge Rd., Forrest St., Gordon St., Hall St., Harriman St., High East, Hills St., Himoor Ln., Himoor Cir., Holt St., Intervale Terr., Jane St., Joy Ln., Keane Way, Marion St., Mc Colgan , Mitchell St., N. Main St., Old St., Old Farm Rd., Overlook Dr., Ox Bow Ln., Pauline St., Reed St., Royal St., Scally Cir., Sherman Dr., Stacy St., Sullivan Dr., Tyndale , Velma Rd., Waldo St., White Ln. Canton St (High St. to N. Main St.), High East (Canton St. to 128), N. Main St (Eugenia St. - Reed St. even #s) MARCH 2014 S M T W Th F 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 Recycle Weeks A & B APRIL T W 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 2014 Th F S 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 Calendar Key = DPW yard opens April 5th, 2014 8am to 12 noon MAY 2014 S M T W Th 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 M 2 9 16 23 30 (follow the color) A week JUNE 2014 T W Th 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 F 6 13 20 27 B week Nov. 16, 2013 is the last day the DPW is opened You can drop off----- Yard Waste, small Brush, ALL Electronics, Propane Tanks, TV, Computers, Tires Look inside for more detailed information and the cost to dispose of special items. = Special drop off for Electronics on the first Saturday in January, February & March. Christmas trees will be picked up on your trash day in January ONLY. = Holiday, collection is delayed 1 day. Friday collection will be picked up on Sat. Hazardous Waste Day October 5th, 2013. All information is on page three. *****Questions about pick-up during BAD WEATHER please go to the Town web site, or Cable TV Ch. 8 & 10 Comcast and 30 & 29 Verizon.********** S 7 14 21 28 CARDBOARD IS NOT TRASH-IT MUST BE RECYCLED The annual trash fee: $230 (or $130 for seniors over 62)-paid through your water bill. In order to receive the discount, seniors must register at the BOH. Homeowners requesting an SENIOR DISCOUNT must provide proof of age such as a birth certificate, driver’s license, MBTA Senior Citizen card or other such legal document. You must live in the home 12 months out of the year. You must also provide a copy of your water bill & property tax bills. Cardboard must be flattened & cut to 3’ x 3’ If you need a recycle sticker, please visit the BOH at 41 South Main St Recycle stickers can be attached to any container. HAZARDOUS WASTE & MEDICATION DROP-OFF Rule of thumb: Hazardous Waste is anything you would keep away from children. Magazines Flattened Cardboard Cans Plastics Glass Paper Bags Junk Mail All Paper Did you know, you don’t have to remove staples, paper clips, window envelopes or tape? Remove caps & rinse containers. Rings & labels can stay on. Set out recycling every other week on your regular trash day. If your trash day is under (back page) the purple section your recycling is on all purple weeks. Same with green weeks. NO plastic bags. These can often be recycled at local supermarkets. NO pizza boxes that have oil on them or dirty paper or oily cardboard. Watch your Moneysaver, Cable TV & Town web site for information about Single Stream Recycling. Did you know it cost money to throw away recyclables? By Recycling, it brings down the cost of Trash removal. That cost savings filters down to you the Taxpayer. Just think of the money we can save if every home in Randolph puts out even one 32 gallon container of recyclables. SET RECYCLING BIN AWAY FROM TRASH YARD WASTE Yard waste collected at curb, Fall pick-up Dec. 7 , for Mon & Tue. Dec 14th for Wed., Thur. & Friday. Spring pick-up May 10, for Mon & Tue. May 17th for Wed., Thur. & Friday. th Please watch your Money Saver, Cable, Town web site (, Leaves, grass clippings small branches can be place in paper bags, loose in barrels or cardboard boxes. Branches & small brush must be less then 1” in diameter, & cut to 3’ lengths, and bundled & tied. Larger branches need to be disposed by a private contractor. You may also drop off at the DPW yard, located behind the Skating Rink (off North Street) check calendar on front for pick-up dates. Trash Collection Rules Trash and recycling must be out by 7:00 a.m. on trash day or no earlier than the night before. NO barrel or bag over 50 lbs will be picked up. There is a $100.00 fine for anyone who leaves trash out earlier than the night before. NO construction debris, or hazardous waste will be collected with you trash or recyclables. Many items that will not be collected may be picked up by Building Materials Resource Center, check the web @ or call (781)289-0500. Or Champion City Recovery (508)941-6700. Drop off at Trojan Recycling in Brockton for a fee, call (508)588-2332. You can place out ONE large item per week (i.e. box spring & mattress, dresser, table, chairs, sofa). Lawn mowers must have ALL fluids emptied, and then place curbside on trash day. For Grills, remove propane tank and leave only the Grill curbside. Carpet must be cut in three (3) foot lengths rolled up and tied. You cannot put them out all at once. Put out a few each week. For all white goods call the Randolph BOH for info. (781)961-0924. Please make sure you read the Moneysaver (delivered to your home every Wed) for important updates. Important information for Seniors over 62 years old. Annual HW collection day will be on Saturday October 5 th, 2013, 8:00 a.m. to noon at The Randolph High School Parking lot. Examples: Weed/Bug killers, Household Cleaners, Auto fluid, Oil Paint, Photo Chemicals, Paint Supplies, Adhesives etc. Propane tanks ($6.00), TV/Monitors (under 27” $10.00 over 27” $20.00) IMPORTANT only Oil based paint is Hazardous. Latex paint can be poured out onto newspaper or dried with Kitty Litter or speedy dry. Dry out can, and leave cover off—then put the can out with your trash. You may also call Clean Harbors (781)-380-7177 and bring it for a small fee. DROP-OFF AT DPW YARD (BEHIND SKATING RINK) The following items can be dropped off at the DPW yard every other Saturday April-November from 8:00 A.M. to Noon. Follow dates on the front of this calendar. January, February & March the first Saturday of the month 8:00 A.M. to noon drop off. All fees can be paid at the drop-off, including Yard Waste stickers. These stickers can also be purchased at the Board of Health. Please have your car registration with you. Yard Waste Stickers $20 Seniors over 62 yr. old $10.00 Items that can be dropped off: Leaves, Grass Clippings & Branches. All leaves must be in bio-degradable bags, paper bags or boxes. All Monitors, Flat Monitors, Laptops, TV (under 27” $10.00 over 27” $20.00) Propane tanks--$6.00 Tires: $3.00 Truck Tires: $10.00 each ALL Electronics are free. Examples—radios, micro waves, telephones,etc. You can now pick up your Compost Bins at the DPW Yard for $55.00 DROP-OFF at the RANDOLPH BOARD OF HEALTH (Residents only) Cell phones, Mercury Items, Inkjet Cartridges, Printer Cartridges, Eye Glasses, Hearing Aid Batteries, Rechargeable Batteries only. No car batteries. Small Florescent Bulbs, Energy Saving Bulbs, Thermostats & other Mercury devices & switches. Behind the old Board of Health Building (One Turner Lane) Shed for Medium & large Fluorescent Bulbs, please make sure they are put neatly in the boxes. There is an Abitibi container for paper only, there is also a separate cardboard container. Additionally there are Clothing containers at all the schools. This container takes only bagged clothing, shoes, sheets, towels and anything that is cloth. No Trash, Toys or Furniture please. Anyone found putting anything other than the above items will be FINED $100.00. No dropping off left over Yard Sale items please. Do not leave anything outside the bins.
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