Document 184179

Iht Alttmtmt Entmpiis* — Thursday, Ftbruary 37,1M3
7:30 p.m. Bible study (Mark) at and Marie Miller, his brother Louis
and also John and Willie Balta,
EUa Tallman's.
Sharon Miller and Michelle,
Saturday, Feb, 36:
10 a.m, to 3 p.m. New councilpor- Heather, Heidi and Timmy,
Bons' luncheon with the Bishop,
Nadine Stevens came home from
First Lutheran, Albany,
SUNY, Potsdam to help her
mother, Jeanne Stevens celebrate
Tomorrow (Friday) is the cutoff
her birthday.
Rev, Robert Hoffman
datefor photo forms and checks for
Sunday, Feb. 20:
Belva Boyden celebrated her
Reformed; F r , Jim Zegers, pastor
"Healing - What is It and How
family picture day orders at the
9:30 a.m. Worship. Sermon: birthday Sunday with a dinner
at St. Paul the Apostle, SchenecBerne-Knox-Westerlo Elementary "Jesus, Speak to Us F r o m the party with her mother, Mrs. Does I t Happen?" will be the
tady, on "The Gift of Healing."
School office.
Margaret Boyden and also Mr, and theme of .this year's ecumenical
Wednesday, March 16 at St.
Through School Pictures, Inc., of
10:45 a.m. Church school.
Mrs, Stanley Hemmett of Vow- Lenten worship series in the
Bernadette's: Sr, Jean Kinney,
Delmar, the Bchoolls offering 11 by
Tuesday, Feb, 22:
heesville, Annie Wright of Alta- Hilltowns.
director at St. Clare's Hospice, on
Child care will be provided at all
14-inch family pictures at $9.95
7:30 p m . RCW at Barb Cross's, mont, and Mrs. Berhice Wright
"Healing of the Human Spirit."
each, $30 off the regular price. Half
Wednesday, Feb, 23:
Annie is just back from a Hawaiian services listed below, which begin
the proceeds will benefit the
Wednesday, March 23 a t Thomp7:30 p.m. Community Lenten vacation with her Toronto rela- at7:30p,m,
Special Olympics program; the service at St, Paul's, Berne,
Wednesday,Feb..23 at St. Paul's,
son's Lake Reformed: -Jane Crowtives.
school will retain the other .half.
Thursday, Feb. 24;
Jean Wright celebrated her Feb. Berne: Rev, Fred Herwaldt, Ones- ther, R.N,, practicing healing
7:30 p m , Bible study,
One of three poses may be
7 birthday with a family dinner a t quethaw Reformed church pastor, prayer, on "The Experience of
requested: entire family, parents
Boreali's Sunday with David on "Biblical Foundations of Heal- Healing Prayer,"
only, or children only. Phone Mary
Thursday, March 31 at St.
Rev. Jay T, Francis
Clark, Stacey Salzer and Mr, and ing."
Kinnalrd at 872-1117 during school
Wednesday, March 2, at St. John's, East Berne: liturgy by
Sunday, Feb. 20:
Mrs, Raymond Wright.
hours for further information.
10a.m. Worship, Sermon by Rev,
Happy Birthday to Robert Bernadette's, Berne: F r , John Rev, Janice Jenson, sermon by
Jonas Cohen; "Christ in the Wright, Carol Porter, Mark Von- Malecki, Albany Catholic diocese Rev, Robert Hoffman.
Friday, April 1 at Knox ReformPassover,"
Haugg, and Alyce Stevens Gibbs^Ji counselor, on "The Centrality of
ed: Rev, Herwaldt on "What
Monday, Feb. 21:
Feb. 1ft; Bonnie Gillen and Leo Forgiveness to Healing."
8 p.m. Fellowship and prayer.
Wednesday, March 9 a t Berne Happens When It Doesn't Work."
Hempstead on Feb. 20; to m y
Tuesday, Feb, 22;
Schoharie friend, Marge TerpenHELDERBERG
7 p m . Visitation.
ing and to Matthew Fargione on
Thursday, Feb. 24:
Feb. 21; Howard Schoonmaker on
Rev, Janice C, Jenson
8 p.m, Bible study (I Corinthians Washington's Birthday; LarryLott
Sunday, Feb, 20:
Winter weather and snowstorms
on Feb, .23; Dr., Rockmore on Feb. Craven Road, Mr, and Mrs, Albert
St, John's, East Berne
Friday, Feb. 55:
24; Lois Greene vantsuren, Diane Tedesehi and sons Matthew, Gregg have rather curtailed the gather7:30 p m . Ministry at Camp Becker Boucher, Michael Lott and and Steve of Westerlo enjoyed ing of news.
9 a,m, Worship,
family Sunday dinner with Mr, and'
10 a m , Sunday school,
Morgan VohHaugg all on Feb. 25.
This/weekendsaw theholidays of
Mrs. Raymond H, Shultes a n d Lincoln's Birthday and also ValenANNIVERSARIES ,
St. Paul's, Berne
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Schanz will
tine's Day. We seem to pass lightly
9:30 a m , Sunday school,
Monday, Feb. 21 the Ladies
Mrs. Ella Scrafford spent the over some of our historical past but
10:45 a.m. Worship followed by Auxiliary will meet at the Berne celebrate their 57th wedding anni1
coffee fellowship,
Lutheran Church hall at 5:30p.m. versary on Feb, 18, Congratula- past week with Mr, and Mrs. Allan it would be well to pause and
reflect on some of the advice given
Husbands are invited to join the tions!
Monday, F e b . 21::
Carolyn, Robyn, and Julie in us by Lincoln.
10:30 a m , Bible study at St, ladies at the 6:30p.m. covered dish
And best wishes to Mr, and Mrs, Thendara.
We have a chorus, two lines of
Paul's; all are invited (Ephe- supper.
William Carman who will celeMrs. Christina Miller was Sun- which say: "The birds upon the
At 7:80p.m, theLvCW, wllimest brate their anniversary onFeb, 19,
day dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. treetops sing their song— Why
5:80 p m . Si, Paul's ladies' to discuss the topic, "Partakers of
shouldn't you^ why shouldn't I,
Grace Together," Leaders will be
Regular meeting of Uhai Chap- John Yarmchuk.
Mr, and Mrs. Clyde L. Ball and Praise Him toa" The birds add a
6:30 p m . Covered dish dinner,; Ida Motschmann and Estelle ter 803, OES will be held at the
husbands also invited.
Berne Masonic Hall Tuesday Rev, a n d Mrs. Franklin 5 . Deitz most cheery note and dash of color
7:30 p m , St. Paul's Lutheran
Feb, 22 at 8 pan, with called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank as they gather at the feeders so
All the ladies of the church and
Church Women. At both meetings ether interested friends are wel- Ruthanne Sikora, matron and Brate in Guilderland Center Sun- many people provide. An interestthere will be discussion of merging come.
ing contest is being sponsored by
Joseph Benedict, patron presiding, day afternoon.
the two organizations.
Mrs. Ada Becker was Friday Hilltown Farm and Garden Center
A special invitation is extended to
Wednesday, Feb. 23::
The FLY group are planning on a the Master Masons to attend this luncheon guest of Mrs. Carrie here for children ages 6-11 in which
they are given a bird poster to
Bouck in Middleburgh.
7:30 p m . Community Lenten spaghetti supper at the Berne their honoring mght,
worship at St, Paul's with Bev. Lutheran Church ball Saturday,
Mr, and Mrs. Ted Rorick and color with familiar birds printed on
Fred Herwaldt of Onesquethaw April 16,1983 with servings from 4
Hilda Rhenow underwent knee Katrina and Dustin of Pearl River it.
Reformed Church on "Biblical to 8 p.m. Adults $4; and $2.50 for surgery a t Albany Medical Center and Sacandaga were Saturday
Congratulations are extended to
Foundations of Healing,*'
those 5 to 12; under 5 will be free.
last Saturday and is convalescing night dinner guests other parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Arthur on
Thursday, Feb. 24:
Mr, and Mrs. John Yarmchuk.
the arrival of a son, Andrew
in Hospital Room E617.
John and Pat Favreau are now Bradford on Jan. 29.
We thank Carol DuBrln for her
Doris LeBuis is in Room 4107
lovely article on the life of Helen after surgery on Monday at St. recovered from their bouts with flu
We are glad that Mary Zabel has
and complications.
Becker of Altamont. Many are Peter's Hospital.
sufficiently recovered from a
grateful for the privilege of having
sprained ankle to resume activiEthel McDermott is listed in fair
known this wonderful child of God; condition in Hospital Room E708 a t and Mrs, Carl Walls called on their ties.
mother, Mrs. Marge Stevens on
Best wishes are extended EtheAlbany Medical Center,
Breakfast will be served from 9
lyn Chapman hospitalized from a
LeRoy Schoonmaker, Sr,, contin- Monday,
Joseph Salzer III of Westerlo recent fall.
a.m, to 1 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 28 at ues under care at the Albany
called on his grandparents, Mr,
Berne Masonic Hall by the lodge Veterans Hospital
We will have as guest Sunday,1
Fellowcraft Club. Come before
Robert Piatt has returned to his and Mrs. Raymond Wright on Feb. 20v Lou Viscovitch who will
church or after,
have charge of church service.
home on Beebe Road after ear Sunday,
Mrs. Ellen Lane has returned
As we enter Lenten season many
surgery last weekend.
Kindergarten registration hours
Joseph Drezelo is still in a home after spending some time in services are planned. A service of
at the Berne Elementary school wheelchair, but has returned to his Leonia, N.J, with her mother who Greenville area council will be held
has been quite ill.
in our church on March 23 and we
will run from 9:30 to 11 a.m, and 1 Switzkillhome.
look forward to Easter dawn
to 2:39 p.m., April 4 through 6. To
service also held here.
be eligible, a child must have been
Saturday, Feb. 19 come to the
born on or before Dec. 31,1978 and Berne Fire House to enjoy an eight
Speed delivery of your subscripmust be immunized against o'clock p.m. card party sponsored tion to The Altamont Enterprise by
Patronize our advertisers.
mumpSj polio, measles, rubella by the Ladies Fire Auxiliary, using your post office box number.
(German measles), and diptheria. Penny table and refreshments will
Proof of all immunizations must be Deserved.
Saturday, Feb. 26 will be the next
Registration at the Westerlo Uhai Chapter card party at the
grade school is scheduled for 9:30 Berne Masonic Hall at 8 p.m.
a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Thursday, April Pinochle and other games will be
ready and penny table and refreshJet Pumps
ments will be available:
Colin Miller celebrated his first
The Berne Republican Club will
birthday at Grandma Balta's in have a card party at the Berne Fire
South Berne with his parents, Allen House on Saturday, April 16
starting at 8 p.m. Members please
bring cards and tables. Everyone
bring friends to enjoy games,
penny table, refreshments, and
On Scenic Warner Lake • East Berne
Bar Opens 3 p.m. • Dinner Served 4-9 p.m.
Mrs. Mary Shultes accompanied
by Mrs. Betty Lockwood of
Westerlo enjoyed Monday skiing at
Bar Opens Noon - Dinner Served 1-9 p.m.
White Birches, Windham.
Mrs. Barbara, Eriksen visited
her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Wright in Ravena. They also drove
to Coxsackie to see the home of
(weather permitting)
their cousin, Mrs. Marguerite
Just purchaseoursuper-efficient* AXEMAN-ANDERSON
burned the garage off her house
Open Monday
Oil Unit And bring us mis ad.
and caused heavy smoke damage
to the home. Marguerite is staying
You'll get one of the most economical, comfortable
with neighbors until the insurance
heating systems money can buy. Pius 100 gallons of fuel
Serving Dinner 1-9
company can make the house
oil—on us.
The boiler must b e purchased from and installed by
Mrs. Margaret Morey has reMain-Care.
turned to her home in East Berne,
Fresh Fish - $4.95
Stop in today. And cash in on the hottest offer around.
after her hospital surgery and
convalescence with her daughter,
•87.3S A.F.U.E. RATING
P a t Favreau in Berne.
318 Delaware Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W.
Dehrwr. NY. 12054
Shultes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Shultes and son Kyle, Mr. and Mrs.
Reservations Preferred 872-9912
Robert Allen and son Timmy of
v? . i .,»»
Feb. 18 Deadline
For Photo Day
Orders At B-K-W
'Healing' Will Be Theme
Of Hill Lenten Series
Inside Plumbing
Motorcycle Racing j
Washington's Birthday
Friday Night Special -
fit S Sat Night -8-12
By-"The Hofbrau
* t * t * 111 i*t i * i ?% * A