Support ● Education ● Advocacy 555 Northgate Drive #280 San Rafael, CA 94903 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 1-3 p.m. 415-444-0480 ———[email protected] High-Risk High School Juniors and Seniors How to Navigate the Course from High School to College From deep concern to eventual hope Marin psychiatrist Dr. Michael Freeman took us on a journey of the teen age and young adult years – a journey fraught with stresses and vulnerabilities. During the transition period from high school to college one in five high school juniors and seniors struggle with serious mental health conditions, chemical dependency, or overwhelming personal challenges. (In Marin one transition-age youth a year commits suicide.) With the right help these students can overcome their challenges and successfully navigate this transition. In addition to the hormonal changes occurring during these years the brain is going through a remodeling process itself plus the brain is extremely vulnerable to alcohol and drug abuse. In addition to these internal changes external pressures occur, including academic problems, bullying, abuse, parental neglect, gender identity issues. Teens are exposed to deadlines, perhaps their first intimate relations, increasing responsibilities as in a first job, as well as new social situations. Is it any wonder that these years bring challenges to the mental health of our youth? Some of the warning signs of high risk students are: depression, talk of suicide, anxiety, academic problems (when that hadn’t been the case previously), social problems, eating disorders and body image distress, substance abuse, cutting and self injury, impulse control and behavioral problems, and criminal justice involvement. Not dealing with the mental health issues of these transition-aged youth can be disastrous. Unfortunately, the systems in our society that serve transition-aged youth are fragmented with many different funding streams and inconsistent criteria for entrance. Dr. Freeman has successfully used the Transition to Independence Process (TIP) as a way of working with this population. Having an accurate diagnosis and getting the student involved in developing treatment goals is essential for a successful outcome. Dr. Freeman becomes an advocate who is able to give personalized evidence-based medication management and psycho-social therapies. Basing the approach on the youth’s strengths and interests and involving the family when appropriate becomes part of the strategy. The mentor or advocate can be anyone well-trained in the process, not necessarily a psychiatrist. The mentor will be able to access many resources and thus see that wrap-around services are provided. Part of the process might be “pacing”, taking a year’s break before entering college. When the student has attained a knowledge of mental health and his treatment, has developed self-care skills, has made life-style changes for sustained wellness, and has achieved personal growth in the transition to independence (able to resist peer pressures), he or she will have the competencies to achieve success at the college level. At that level it is important for the student to connect with the appropriate resources at the college and establish a new mental health and academic support team there, while at the same time staying in touch with the home team. A healthy living situation (perhaps a single room rather than a roommate) and easier courses for the first year will help assure success which breeds more success. Continued of page 2 November 2008 Vol. XXXII No. 9 Calendar: November 5th FamFest—See page 6 November 10th General Meeting 7-8:30pm Marin General Hospital—See page 6. November 3 NAMI Board Meeting 6:45pm, 555 Northgate Drive., San Rafael December 1 Board Meeting 6/45 p.m 555 Northgate Dr. San Rafael December 8 General Meeting, Election of Board, &Appreciation Event, See page 5 Michael A. Freeman, M.D., practices in psychiatry in Kentfield. He is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at U.C.S.F .where he is associated with the bipolar program. Jessica Heiges, one of the co-founders of Marin’s Teen Mental Health Board joined us at our October General Meeting. . Thanks to that board and many dedicated professionals, including NAMI Marin’s Dr. Kay Browne, there will be mental health screening at all the Tamalpais School District High Schools this school year. NAMI Marin Help Line Is Now Activated — Extended Hours! To speak with a Help Line Family Volunteer for support and resources call (415) 444-0480 Monday thru Friday 1pm to 7 pm. 2 Page 2 NAMI Marin call 415-444-0480 Make Plans Now To Join us for NAMI’S 2009 Annual Convention November 2008 Book Review: When Someone You Love Has A Mental Illness, by Re- becca Woolis, M.F.C.C. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigree Edition, 1992. the Putnam Publishing Group, New York, N.Y. Available in the NAMI Marin Library. Reviewed by Kay Blackwill. July 6-9 2009 Rebecca Woolis is a licensed counselor who has specialized in As we celebrate NAMI’S working with people with mental illness for nearly twenty years, 30th Anniversary She was program director for a residential and day treatment facility for five years, after which she developed and directed a In the Heart of San Francisco!!! family support program that became the basis for this book and San Francisco Hilton Towers for which she earned a distinguished service award from NAMI Register by December 31, 2008 Marin County, California. For special rate of $150 When Someone You Love Has a Mental Illness addresses shortYou can register online at term, daily problems of living with a person with mental illness, as well as long-term planning and care. Especially helpful are the Quick ReferIf you have never attended a ence Guides included in every chapter on such topics as: Denial and ReNAMI National Convention, you sistance to Medication, Realistic Goals and Expectations, Setting Limits, don’t know what you’re Improving Grooming, Communication, Responding to Delusions, Premissing!!! venting Violence, and Keeping a Life of Your Own. Through her work Rebecca Woolis has reached out to the families of her clients. Although this book was written sixteen years ago, Support for Family Members Ms.Woolis was ahead of her time in believing that families should be a Family Partnership Program part of the treatment team, and that mental illness deeply affects a whole family and not only the person who is ill. She includes in her book an For families whose family member re- excellent chapter on “Working with Mental Health Professionals” with ceives services through the Adult System Quick Reference Guides on “Who's Who” on the treatment team; of Care, there now is available assistance “Division of Responsibility in Your Relative's Life and Treatment”; and and support through the Family Partner“Dealing with Mental Health Professionals and Facilities.” ship Program. Barbara Juniper and Carol In addition Ms. Woolis emphasizes self care, spending time with well Jones are the new Family Partners for the family members, and setting realistic goals and expectations. She goes Adult Program of Community Mental on to encourage families to find people and places where they can share Health Services. As family members themselves they have experience based under- problems and solutions. Then, finally, instead of anger and hopelessness, standing of the unique and often difficult she urges families to direct their energies into advocating for more fundchallenges that family members are faced ing for research and services for people with mental illness. I with when a loved one suffers from mental illness. Their office is located in the Community Mental Health Building, 250 Bon Air Road. Office hours are Monday – Thursday 2 – 4 pm. You can contact them by calling 473-4382. The mental health of clients and that of their family may be interdependent, in that the family is integral to the wellness of each family member and the health of the family depends on the wellness of its members. (County of Marin, Dept of Health and Human Services, Division of Community Mental Health Services, Family Partnership Policy, October 9, 2006) Editor’s note: Several NAMI Marin members were fortunate to belong to a support group led by Ms. Woolis. The book is dedicated to them. (Continued from page 1) Important resources for families wanting to know more about TIP include the book: Transition to Adulthood, a Resource Guide for Assisting Young People with Emotional or Behavioral Difficulties edited by Hewett B. Clark and Maryann Davis. Also check out the University of South Florida’s web site: htty:// On that site there is a link to the National Center on Youth Transition which is helpful. Here in Marin County we have TAY, Transition Age Youth Program, a collaborative effort between Buckelew Programs and Family Services Agency of Marin. The program supports transition age youth who are interested in receiving mental health services along with living meaningful lives in Marin. It also highlights strengths and resources along with participants’ dreams for the future. Call 415-460-2167. Joan Olsson 3 Page 3 NAMI Marin call 415-444-0480 November 2008 Community Resources Help in a Crisis • Community Mental Health Psychiatric Emergency Services— 24 hour crisis line 499-6666 • Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Officers of the law who have received special training dealing with mental • • • health crises are available in most jurisdictions and should be requested should you need police/sheriff intervention. Suicide Prevention & Crises Hotline 499-1100 Telephone counseling 24 hrs day 7 days a week. Warm Line 459-6330 is phone support for peers operated by peers through the Enterprise Resource Center. For general information on social services call the new 211 hot line 24/7, multi-lingual. NAMI Marin Services—Nami Office is located at 555 Northgate Dr. San Rafael, 2nd Floor, (415)444-0480. • NAMI Marin Library, Located within NAMI Office. Members may check out and choose from an extensive collection books, pamphlets, & audio tapes on mental illness. • NAMI Marin Support Group is temporarily suspended. • NAMI Marin Help Line 444-0490 weekdays, 1-7 pm, for support and resource information. • Family-to-Family is a 12 week educational course on mental illness taught by family members. The current class is closed. Call the NAMI office (415-444-0480) to get on the waiting list for the next session. • FamFest dinners will be Wednesdays, November 5th & December 3rd in San Rafael. See page 6 for details. Family Service Agency Programs located at 555 Northgate Dr., San Rafael, 415-491-5700. • P.A.C.E. (Promise, Acceptance, Choice, Empowerment) helps clients deal with substance abuse recovery and is based on the Harm Reduction model. Meetings are every Monday and Thursday from 1:30 to 3 pm. Call Ron Warren Ext. 2071 for information. • Women’s Recovery Group is a small group exploring personal issues and support in a journey to successful recovery from substance abuse. MediCal/sliding scale fee. Call Kathy Sanguinetti Ext. 2033 or Robin Mayer Ext. 2107. Starts Sept. 5, 2007. Wednesdays 6-7:30 pm. • Mind Over Mood is a skills training class using Cognitive Behavior Therapy. It meets for eight weeks. Contact Nell Branco Ext. 2074 for information about the next Mind Over Mood group. • Adult Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills group. Contact Sarah Chapman Ext. 2063 for information. • Psychotherapy, substance abuse counseling & relapse prevention available on sliding scale/Medical. Contact Family Service Agency 491-5700. Offices in Canal area of San Rafael, Novato, and Sausalito. Bilingual. Community Mental Health Services (CMHS), 250 Bon Air Rd., Greenbrae, 499-6835 • Every Thursday there is a weekly support group open to family members and facilitated by CMHS staff. Meetings are held at CMHS downstairs, 7 to 8:30 pm. Emphasis varies: medical questions 1st week; dual diagnosis 2nd week; problem solving 3rd week, ect. 499-6804. Free • Afternoon Club meets every Monday and Thursday from 1:15 to 2:30 pm on the first floor conference room at CMHS. Any Marin resident over 18 who has been recently treated in an acute inpatient psychiatric unit or been to a Psychiatric Emergency Service is referred. Help for managing symptoms and stress to help avoid further inpatient or crisis care. Contact Deanna Eberle @ 499-7069 . MediCal/sliding scale fee. Call for payment options. • Managing Voices and Negative Thoughts is lead by Robin Buccheri and Hilary Spaulding on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 12 to 1 pm on the first floor in the conference room. Call Robin at 422-6498. Free Bucklew Programs located in Building A, 3270 Kerner Blvd, Suite A, San Rafael 456-9350 Free • Buckelew Employment Services has an orientation every Tuesday at noon. Find out what they offer in training and support, Ext. 115. • Stress Reduction, every Wednesday 1 to 2 pm, Suite A. Call Michael Tab Ext 111 for information. • Wellness in the Workplace, Thursday ,1 to 2 pm , Suite A, Call Amy Rogers, Ext. 106. • WRAP Wellness Recovery Action Plan, Friday , 1 to 2 pm, Suite A, Call Glenda Ext. 117 for information. • Smoke Busters, every Monday 12-12:30 pm. Suite C, Call Amy Rogers Ext. 10. • TAY Family Support Group. Call Carol Jones at 424-7586 for more information. This list of services does not represent an endorsement by NAMI Marin 4 Page 4 NAMI Marin call 415-444-0480 Community Resources November 2008 (Continued) Enterprise Resource Center located at Bldg. A, 3270 Kerner Blvd., Suite C, San Rafael (415) 457-4554 Free • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WRAP (Wellness, Recovery, Action Plan) Mondays, 11 to 12 Noon. Smoke Busters with Amy on Mondays 12-12:30 pm. Women’s Support Group, Mondays 2-3:15 pm for any diagnosis. Lead by Ona Weizmann 342-2097. Smoking Cessation, Tuesdays, 11 to 12 Noon. Bingo on Tuesdays 12:15 to 1 pm. Drop-in facilitated process group daily Tuesday through Friday 2-3 pm, Sundays 1:30-2:30 pm. Hoarding & Cluttering Support Group, Tuesdays, 6-7:30 pm. Peer Companions, Wednesdays, 11 am to 12 Noon. Bruce Gurganus from CMHS, 3rd and 4th Wednesdays, 1– 2 pm. DBSA/Depression/Bipolar is a group held on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm. Call Ona Weizmann 342-2097. DramaTherapy, Thursdays, 11 to 12 Noon. Dual Diagnosis Support with Alex Markels & Kim Denn meets Thursdays from 1 to 2 pm .Call 419-3638 for info. Writing Group, Fridays, 11 to 12 Noon. Self-Esteem Group Fridays, 12 Noon to 1 pm. “Write On” Writing Group Fridays 4 to 6 pm with Robert-Harry Rovin, Sept. 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th. Movie and Art Group, Saturdays, 1 to 4 pm. DRA (Dual Recovery Anonymous) Saturdays, 8-9 pm. is based on 12 Step approach. DRA for Women only, Tuesdays, 1 to 2 pm Linda Reed Activity Club is a drop-in club on Mon, Wed, & Fri from 10-3:30 pm Facilitator: Amber Become a “Peer Counselor ” or “Peer Case Manager” Call Barbara Coley at 485-1489 Ext. 116 to learn how you can use your experience in this Community Action Program. Spiritual Group, Thursdays, 10:30 am-11:00 am. Tennis, at San Rafael High School, Saturday, 11—12:30 pm Caligraphy Class, Tuesday, 3-4 pm. Film Class, Saturday, November 1st, 7-9 pm lead by Michael Dunn Halloween Party at Stinson Beach, Friday, October 31st, 10am-2pm, RSVP 457-4554 Other Resources Available in the Community • • • • • • • • • • Alano Club Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) Call Diana 456-8479 for info. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Support uses Psychoeducation to help families of people with BPD on the first Thursday of each month from 7-9 pm at the DBT Center of Marin, 895 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Anselmo. Call Marian Cremin 459-5206 or visit or email: [email protected]. College of Marin students with a psychological disability may utilize the support services of the Disabled Students’ Center at the Kentfield campus . Call 485-9406 for information. Mon thru Fri 8:30-4:40 pm. Life Skills Group is taught by Elpida House staff Fridays 1:30 to 3 pm. Please call Laura at 499-8613. Ext. 2. Beyond Hunger is a program that helps you deal with an eating disorder. Call 459-2270 or AD/HD (attention deficit disorder) parent and adult support groups and skill classes by CHADD. Call 789-9464 or visit for more information. Kaiser Psychiatric Services provide advice and education at 820 Las Gallinas, San Rafael. Call 444-3522. Community Institute for Psychotherapy offers reduced cost psychotherapy. Call 459-5999. DBT Skills Training Group for Adolescents and their Parents, at the DBT Center of Marin in San Anselmo. For more information contact David Fish: (415) 847-3236, Ext. 2 or at [email protected]. Family Therapy Group Share and learn how to assist a loved one with mental illness and link them with appropriate services more effectively. Contact Adam Nelson, MD (415) 460-6710. Meets for 10 week sessions. This list of services does not represent an endorsement by NAMI Marin. 5 Page 5 NAMI Marin call 415-444-0480 NAMI Marin Board of Directors President …………...Beverlee Kell Vice President ……….Kay Blackwill Secretary .......Robin Mullin, RN Treasurer………………..Mimi Griffin Directors: …….....Barbara Alexander Kay S. Browne, M.D. Kim Denn Jacqueline Janssen Joan Olsson Jon Snyder November 2008 Candidates for the Election NAMI-Marin Executive Officers Co-Presidents……………...Kay Blackwell Barbara Alexander Secretary……………………...Robin Mullin, RN Treassurer……………………...Mimi Griffin Director……….Past President…………...Beverlee Kell Directors: Michael Murphy Michael is a businessman. As a member of NAMI-Marin he has arranged the bus transportation from San Rafael to San Francisco for the NAMI Walk in Golden Gate Park. His wife has taken the Family-toFamily course. They, like many NAMI members, have a child (young adult) significantly affected by mental illness. He hopes to bring his experience in advertising to help bring new members to our membership. He also has experience dealing professionally with the Latino community and hopes to help us with expanding the cultural base of our membership. Gary G. Scheppke My personal belief is that an organization of people can accomplish You are invited to join us for Holiday Festivities And a together what none of us may accomplish alone. As the father of a child with severe mental illness, I understand the struggle we all experience in finding help for our loved one or friend. The issues of access to care, stigmatization and discrimination are a major part of the mental health barricade to wellness. Gary wants to work together for a just and common good that supports one another and helps remove these barricades. NAMI Appreciation Event for Peg Super Our Founders, Former and Retiring Board Members Peg is a management consultant with King Chapman Broussard Consulting Group, based in Houston, Texas. Peg and her husband Rik live in San Rafael, and have two children, a 27-year old daughter and an 18year old son. Peg started volunteering with NAMI after she and Rik took the Family-to-Family course, as a way of contributing to NAMI for the great value she has received Penny Labourdette This will be our December General Meeting so we’ll also vote for Board Officers and four new Directors Holiday refreshments will be served Monday, December 8, 2008 7:00—8:30 pm Marin General Hospital 250 Bon Air Road, Greenbrae Ground Floor Conference Room Penny has spent most of her life serving others in her church and community. Her biggest job has been her family. Penny has been married almost 50 years and has raised four children. Mental illness is something she didn’t know anything about until her beloved grandson had a break when he was 17. Before the break he was quite a star; he was smart, talented and very popular. The college basketball scouts were looking at him and the coach was looking forward to him being the captain his senior year. Instead, when his friends were going to the prom, attending graduation and looking forward to college, her grandson was lying in the psych ward in Vallejo. “It is like the person we knew passed on; and we had to get to know this new person. We were in denial and we grieved. We have visited him in jail and have seen him suffer,” Penny recalls. If she wasn’t constantly advocating for him, he would get completely lost in the shuffle. Penny is interested in helping families advocate for their loved ones. “There has to be a better way. I will do everything I can to help find that better way.” 6 Page 6 November 2008 NAMI Marin call 415-444-0480 NAMI Marin General Meeting Free Open to the Public Doors open at 6:45 pm– Come early for refreshments and social time Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Paid San Rafael, CA Permit No. 641 What: Empowering People who Hear Voices or Have Negative Thoughts Who: Robin Buccheri, RN, PMHNP, DNSc And Louise Trygstad, RN, CNS, DNSc When: Monday, November 10th, 7-8:30 pm Where: Marin General Hospital, 1st Floor Conference Room, Bon Air Rd., Greenbrae. Learn: • What are voices/negative thoughts? • What makes voices/negative thoughts better or worse? • What behavioral strategies help people with voices/negative thoughts? • How can you be supportive of people who hear voices/negative thoughts? Robin and Louise have been working with people who hear voices/negative thoughts for 16 years. Together they developed a 10session course to help people learn new strategies to manage their voices/negative thoughts. They also started the Managing Voices and Negative Thoughts Support Group that has been meeting for over 11 years. This free group meets on the second Tuesday of every month from 12-l PM in the downstairs conference room of Community Mental Health in Greenbrae 415-422-6498. NAMI Marin News is published nine times a year by NAMI Marin, Marin County’s Voice on Mental Illness, 555 Northgate Dr. # 280, San Rafael, CA 94903. NAMI Marin is an affiliate of NAMI California and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Editor: Penny Labourdette; Circulation: Karen Illich. Publ. deadline: 2nd Wed. of the month. Editor’s e-mail: [email protected] Postmaster: This Material is Time-related. Address Service Requested NAMI Marin Support—Education—Advocacy 555 Northgate Drive, # 280, San Rafael, CA 94903 Tax deductible annual membership is $35 for a family or individual. Reduced membership fee available upon request. With your membership you will receive this newsletter along with State and National publications and access to our extensive mental health library. You are invited to the next FamFest Wednesday, November 5th at 6 p.m. at The Bangkok Thai Express Restaurant 857 Fourth St., San Rafael Family Gathering and Dinner Clients, family, friends, and support staff, all welcome! No Host We will order from a limited menu. (Soft drinks are $2 extra.) We have reserved tables together. You do not have to call ahead; Walk-ins welcome! However, if you wish to RSVP, call Kay, 472-1388 For those who have difficulty paying the usual $10, NAMI offers partial assistance for the meal. See Kay for information. Wednesday, December 3rd at 6 p.m. Our Holiday Party will be at Celia’s Mexican Restaurant 1 Vivian Way, San Rafael Left off East Francisco, Opposite Bowling Alley
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