I -<»- 1 Ibasday, April 4, 1967 The Massena Observer Lions Hospital Fund Drive Ends Tomorrow; Still Time to Donate How to Drive to Stay Alive Safety Serie^pegin April 6 The Massena Jayncees are reminding all drea residents of their upcoming series of Advanced Driving Techniques ("entitled "How to Drive to Stay Alive." partment; John Story,, Spear's Insurance Agency; and Dr. Abraham Levine. Included on the agenda for the first program will be such topics as: Accidents and their cause, focal traffic laws, and The first program in the the definition of defens i v e series is scheduled for April, 6 driving. Also included in this at the Massena. Central High session- will be a talk from School from 7 until 9 p.m. TheChief Wright on "What We course will be taught by Rob-Expect From Our Local Moert" O'Connor, assisted by Dale torists". He will discuss the Wright, chief of the" Massena main-causes of accidents withPolice Department; Sgt. F.F.in the village limits and ,point Go,wing of the state police de- out what the local motorists' Manena. N. Y. Obserrw 1 1 most frequent offenses are. This series of programs is specifically designed lor the experienced driver who wants to know more about how to handle his car in traffic, how to. drive better, and how to avoid accidents. Tomorrow is the last day! If son to "The Massena Lions ou have not already done so, Hospital Fund", 160 Center St., ou still have time to send Massena. pour contributions in to: the Announcement of the total Massena Lions Hospital Fund contributions received, will be drive. made public soon after the This contribution, which is solicitation period ends tomorThe programs will be held on ax-<deductibief-is-' money that row. "Contributions will, still four consecutive Thursd a y will be well spent; for it is gratefully be received, aftei evenings April 6 through 27. money that will be to your this,", stated Hugh GermanetAdvance registration should be wn benefit, especially when ti, president of the Lions "but made by calling Mrs. Richard the day comes that you will because of other ..community.' Travis at 769-5718, or Mrs.havf to use the hospital facili- service projects, the Lions will James Pellegrino, 769-7902. ies. A grand total ' of over cease soliciting after tomor$17,000 .must be, collected - to row, the 5th of April.'" completely and adequately fur- Other projects which the nish the hospital addition. Massena Lions, will be sponThe goal of the Massena' soring in the near future (in Lions is to receive $10,000, the month of May), will, be the which will furnish the new Glaucoma Clinic, a completely DEMONSTRATION CLASS - Andy M. Bry21 other teachers in the program are: Yar- rooms with the necessary beds successful and .gratifying proner of Coal Center, Pa., a participant in a piborough B. Williams Jr. of Richmond; Don- and chairs; but $7,000 in ad- ject that was held-for the first lot program for high school history teachers ald P. Patenaude of Massena, Miss Sandra ditional equipment; such as op-time last year at the Emat the University of Virginia, describes hew Whitt of Cedar Bluff; David L. Wacker- erathigroom stretcher - tables, manuer Congregational Church for educational building on W. OrThe Federal Aviation Agency teaching aids to his colleagues. Equipment barth,of Seattle, Wash., and Donald B. Hen refrigerators, furniture M l vis, and will be held again at lab; etc., the medical at Richards Field,. Town of Mas- includes an overhead projector (left). Among -• retty of Arlington. . ,. An Easter 'Egg Tree, hand- sena Airport, plays a very imeventually be needed to give the same place, Frank Romeo somely arrayed with hand- portant role in advising pilots, our hospital the adequate and the Rev. Milton Berner. are co-chairmen for this sightiquipment. painted eggs; and aluminum particularly on the Canadian The)Rev. Milton Berner, saving" project, together with a plates transferred "into""" egg d J t J j g States bonier. publicity; chairman ofthe Lions new ^Unic, called the, "Amnests, were highlights "oFTfie told reporters that contribu- blyopia Clinic" which will be Easter season as celebrated by Robert Leana, chief, in a talk tions have been coming in at a held' for the' first time this the children of the Congrega- this week to the Massena Monsteady pace; but because of year, a_ clinic, for youngsters . tional Nursery School. .. day LuneEzon Club explained the sheer impossibility of under the schookage of five_ the role of the FAA. Also, in accordance with the Charlottesville — Going back years at Woodbridge Senior New teaching aids and tech- members of the Lions to visit years. leason, there was a discussion The Federal Aviation Agency ;o college has turned out to beHigh School and is one of eight niques arfe the major concern everyone in person, many peo- And finally, in May, the concerning birds. In asking the was started *in 1928 and was i shot in the arm for most of teachers in the program from of the seminar taught by Dr. ple who might wish to give, Lions will have .the annual )-> children "what ^he birds have under the Bureau of Light Hous- ;he 22 high school history Virginia schools. Paul E. Kelly, associate pro- have not yet done so. It is for "Rose Day" sale,, always an Fulton — Over two hundred es. Planes navigated along the in their nests in the Spring, eachers doing graduate work fessor of education and lectur- this reason that the Lions'have event looked forward-to with "It, stresses the importance Methodist women from seven g g installed a special--phone'- for enjoyment oy Mas'senans; this coasts and -light houses were the^ansjyer was "eggs''. Then-, r t h U | i t r V i i 1 •of the city labor 'groups, poinF er m history whjT is at the Un|yersity "or^Virgin1a" -counties wuT attend tire annual this fund drive, (9-7171), so money, of course, as always, used to guide them. asked, "What ing out that Jackson eouldn't the program. this yyear. spring meeting- of the North- the teacher that anyone who wishes more goes for sight-conservation, comes out of the eggs?" Cindy have become President with ern New York Conference In 1942, the service was plac- Ampng them is Donald Paul Besides considering the-mer- information may .at their con-, eye-care, and glasses for needy Woman's Society of Christian" K. promptly replied, "A duck!" ed under the Civil Aeronautics atenaude, a teacher at Mas- the support of only the fron- its of the "discovery method;' venience call; o r i f you would persons. tiersmen." Service on Tuesday, April 18, A typical confusion of "sound- Board in the Department of iena Central School. like to send your gift directly Although most of the teach- in which students are led to to the fund, you may do 50 by One more day to give- to the at State Street Methodist alike" words was-recently dis- Commerce. As participants in a federalI discover ideas on their own Massena Hospital Fund drive. ers weren't tied to their textChurch,- 357-State-Str-eet^ ly - supported pilot ^program j^ J g y played by"^CHrissy^Hj" wl contributingby^mail^r-ih=-pfir^Help=the^ions^o--help-.:yoi l t t e [rather-than. *?tate them, the teachers are Registration - and a coffee upon. _seeing~'thi easels in read- Aviation Agency> school history teaching, the feel that in the future they hour will start at 9-: 30 a.m. iness for art, she exclaimed, teachers are taking a critical will go into more depth by in-examining possible uses of recThe meeting will begin at 10 Look at the measles!" Since Apr. 1, this-year, it haslook at new interpretations of troducing students to varied ords, tape recorders, films and educational games. a.m., with Mrs. Olin J. Mowry, The children are' always been under the Department of history and at modern teach- viewpoints. Oswego, presiding. Election of ready to aid the teachers in Transport. ing methods. AH have at least "I'm still going to direct the The return to academic life officers will take place. drawing the daily newspaper. The Wright Brothers made three years of experience in students' point of view, but at has not only been hard work While Mrs. Ward was drawing ;he classroom. the same time I'll try to make for the 'teachers, but has also Luncheon will be served ,at a face- on a" cloud, Melissa re- their first flight 64 years ago. Today, airplanes cross the UnitTheir rigorous nine-mon t h. them more aware that history affected their families. 12:15?" for which • reservations minded her not to forget his schedule at the University ined States in four hours elapsed is'interpretation and contains ^ia. .° • are to be made with Mrs. Wil-"eye brushes!" In drawing a cludes three courses each sem- biases," said David L. Wack- /"After watching, me work a The Red Cross bloodmobile liam E. Perkins, 208 Cayuga house during another newspa- time, and this may well be cutester in the • history department Street, on or before April 13! per time," the teacher drew to two hours within a few years. and a ..seminar in the School erbarth,, chairman of. the his-home, my three-year-old ha visit held at St. John's hall on tory department of Tyee Seh- begun underlining every word March first, netted 60 pints of In 1920 a 500-mile trip by . T h e -speaker will be Mrs.several -windows^ -Anxious -to of Education on how to teach-ior High School in Seattle, in her books," said James A blood. The. visit was sponsored plane cost $75. Today, the price Arville Gilmore, Stone Harbor, have all objects in the picture Brislance, a teacher. jit Cen by_ the Jayncees. their subject. In addition to Wash. is $45. and with jet tourist it is New -Jersey, president—of—the authentic, Mike offered this hese courses designed espe- The exposure to new books tral^High~Sch^l,~Mimeap6irs Northeastern Jurisdiction suggestion,—"As long as it hasdown to, $35. in early" March, because of Woman's , Society of Christian a lot of windows, it couldjje a Today, 40,000 people serve the cially for the program, all thehas been particularly useful Minn. an emergency, -MFST- Leonafd for" However, since there is no eachers are taking-enough exPeter V. Treibley , —who EederaLiAviation Agency in a Service. hospital!" : 7 . „ "•-.____ world wide organization. ;ra courses to earn their.mas- next year will teach a class of time to keep up during a nor- Johnston, as a volunteer for : advanced students at Walt mal school year, the teachers the Motor Corps, went to .Pots- Word from the Masse n a Conference officers assisting A joyous, happy time is had In 1927, there were 2,600 air- ;er's degrees. dam Hospital to pick up a pint in arrangements for the meet- by all during the daily music craft; today there is over_ 100,- In a fast-paced course in Whitman High School, Beth- generally feel it is worth the of Jjlood for" the lab at the B&PW Club Fashion Show effort, American history,-(they read esda, Md:~ y " ing are Miss Doreen McKimm, session. Enthusiasm, - if not OfHraircraft. . —-about 10,- -- 'Rather than using a text- "We. really need to have this Massena Memorial Hospital. . has milady walking into theCanton; Mrs. Dean Shaw, perfection,- is enjoyed,—as re- Mr; Leana said there are five me book a week Clayton; Mrs. Leslie .Daye, cently displayed by Paul who trans-border outlets, one of 000 pages during the year), book, these students will work experience once every . five Stanley_ Richardson, Red Summer fashion scene in vivid^ Cross first aid instructor. 30m- primitive prints, splish-splasMDepauville; Mrs. Thomas W. was heard singing gaily, "the them being Massena. He ex-the teachers are re-examining with copies of letters, reports years," Treibley said. Scott and Mrs. Charles H. fanner in therain". As Mrs.plained. the_se.tup,_ IiLMassena, well - known -historical figures and other documents from the jrhe_JJhiyersity_Js__-one_oi -50 pleted a class in standard "first ed-on-easy-to-eare-fabFie^nd^ easy cool, _ . . . . . . for the ,, _ r.Reso-icu to In wear uipar styles. efvlps The Thp PfWll. period being studied, and will institutions granted funds un- r at Parishville Brown, Fulton;. Mrs. Clifford Norton was searching for mu-about 150 messages a day areand. issues. cool look with the accent on der Title V of the 1965 higher "One book on Andrew Jackread several historians' views sic to "Jack Frost" on another Eccleston, Hamilton; • Mrs. cue Squad and seven were ishandled by the local office, with the sun colors, is the latest C. S. Williams of, Ilion> Mrs. day, Dell Ann's rhyme, "Jack eight people working around son! for instance, challenges of events that took place," he education act to support ex- sued certificates. word in fashion. the popular view, that most of explained. "I feel now that perienced teacher fellowsh i p Clyde Felshaw, Lee Center; Frost is lost", was in perfect the clock. Be comfortable, be gay, be Dillon Maier, Red Cross Waprograms. Four of the prohis appeal was to the frontiersI'm better prepared to teach Mrs, William Masters, Madrid; timing. men," said Miss Sandra S. the class, in terms of both ma- grams are for teachers of his-ter Safety Instructor^ is teach- colorful and above - all be Mrs Robert Holmes, Massena; As is possible, on one day the ing swimming at Massena Cen- stylish in the latest clothing tory. Whitt, who has taught for four terials and methods." Mrs, Mowry and Mrs. Howard class was being rather noisy. tral School and to date has Carried by the participat i n g .Bice, Oswego; Mrs.* Douglas The teacher asked,\ "What stores in Massena. issued 29 beginning cards. Theobald and Mrs. Merle Hard- happened to your zippers?'* A full list of models will aper, Potsdam: and Mrs. Glenn Lori Manfred replied with, "My John Alden, first aid instrucr >ear in Thursday's paper. Porter and Mrs. Arthur Oot, zipper is tired!" . tor, has completed a class for Tickets for. the "Fantasy of Watertdwn. guards at the Chevrolet plant Fashion" are available at the While showing "Gumpy" at Norwood — The Pilgrim* Feland issued. ten certificates for Chamber of Commerce office showrand-tell time, Ben wasowship of the Norwood United ;he advanced refresher course. through Mrs. Phyllis Prosper, asked, "Did you take him to Church of Christ is sponsoring He is now teaching. 1 class in 9-3525. Also from the Co-Chairbed last night?" Ben answered, a Foster Child this y"ear, Fau& standard' first aid at the res-women, Mrs. Grace. Bordeau, "yes, and, boy, did he ever shut to Cabanillas, in Peru. his eyes!" :ue squad. f BAR B S 69-3111 and Mrs. Mick e l l e The Pilgrim Fellowship has When one-oMhe children-has received its first personal let- Chief Dale p . Wright said to- motorcycle, including every mo- 7. It shall be unlawful.on and Edward Cockayne, first aid Duckworth, 769^8180, and at *uBy WALTER C. PARKES a birthday, the occasion is cele- ter from Fausto, and it is day that with Winter weather tor scooter, with a motor which after January first, nineteen instructor, has completed a Schine Inn. Some p e o p l e get lost in brated with birthday cup cakes shared as follows: breaking, there has been an produces not to exceed five hundred sixty-seven, for any class in standard' first aid and thought because it's stfange at shack time. Jack C. initiated Dear Foster Parents: five were certified, a_new_namefor the small cakes —With-af-feettonr-I address to increase ^of_jnotorcycles__and: horsepower, ancL&very— bicycle persoiTto operate, a motorcycle territory' with motor attached. cycles on the -"Bouncing Balls!" Staff aides who assisted duryou to greet you very atten- motor-driven 7 "Section 381. Motorcycle unless he wears goggles or a ng the month of March, were The ones who criticize All interested parents .are re- tively, hoping that you are en-highways. 7 the younger generation minded^ that the Cqngregationa" joying good health. _ We are There are several new laws equipment; 5. No person shall face shield of a type approved Mrs. Vera Massey and Mrs. most are,.; the ones who Nursery School is now accept well. I thank you for the gifl Thomas Cline. n effect that the public should operate on a public highway a by the commissioner. < taised it. ing applications for the Fal of $8.00 and fourteen packages note. Quoting from the State of motorcycle on which the handle 8. The.provisions of subdjvi: 1967 school term. of Peruvita. After my, shori New York Vehicle and Traffic bars or grips are more than siori seven of this section with Mrs. B. Carney, Executive Director for the East St., LawAn "open house" meeting greetings, I'll pass on to tel! Law,.'Chief Wright listed the fol- fifteen inches higher than the respect to. goggles and face rence County Chapter, states The Massena Business and seat or saddle for the operator. you about my ) vacations, 1 for all interested parents, wil lowing points that owners and shields shall not apply to the 21 cases were given service Professional Women's Club be held April 24 at 8 p.m., in spend my vacations very well operators of these motorcycles 6. It shall be unlawful, on andoperator of a motorcycle equip during the month. These in- will hold its regular monthly after January first, nineteen ped with a wind screen meeting the Congregational Church. For Every morning I meet with should be aware of: meeting at .the Village Inn, hundred sixty-seven, for any specifications established by thecluded requests for emergency \pril 6, 7 pVm." sharp! further information and regis my friends to play soccer ball ! leaves or extensions, reporting 'Motorcycle: Every motor person to operate or ride upon a commissioner." No matter how the economy tration forms, please contac We go to the beach to wade for the VA, military, service- This will be the first time booms, any tailor will tell you Mrs: Joan Kaye, ; registrar In the, afternoon I do requests vehicle having a seat or saddle motorcycle unless he wears a men or their families, assist- that the Massena Club will hold , business is only sew-sew. phone 769-7965, or Charles Sex that my mother ask me to do.for the use of the rider and de-protective helmet of a Jype apance with government benefits, both the election, and the in• • . * I am studying, some books be signed to travel on not more proved by the commissioner. ton, president, 764-0682. and counseling in personal and stallation of officers on the cause I don't forget my class- than three wheels in contact Such a helmet must be equipped No, Virginia, an execusame night. All members of amily problems. tive's suite isn't his es. I • say goodbye. Your Foster with the ground, but excluding with either a neck or chin strap the Massena Club are urged to secretary. Child that each' moment re- a tractor.". and, be reflectorized on both attend and have a voice and members you, "Motor-driven "cycle: Every sides thereof. renewed interest in the operaFausto Cabanillas tion of the club. Thirteen retirements from At the annual meeting of the Director of District XI, Mrs. Massena Operations of Alcoa Grace Gravelle will install the Mutual respect can be a have been announced this pas church in January, it was decided that a series of "Faminewly elected officers. Since >ve-saver on the sea of month as follows: ly Nights" would be held time will be of an essence, on| matrimony. All ladies of the Senior Citi H. Russell Barkley, ingo throughout the year. ly coffee and dessert will pre* • * zens Center are asked to particede the meeting. Some folks could achieve plant^ 32 years continuous ser The first one will be held oh cipate in the sewing activity a peHert disguise just by vice; Leonard E. Blair, ma- April 23, sponsored by the weannv a smile on their chine shop, 31 years; Francis Youth Fellowship. The pro- During the first two weeks as well as media. Water colors held each Tuesday at the Cen- Massena Moose Lodge 1110 BPW CLUB TO faces J. Bronchetti, potrooms, 18 gram of the evening will be of April the paintings of Vern and pen drawings are featured ter at 1:30 p.m. The ladies are will hold their annual election ELECT OFFICERS years; Howard Brown, mill presentations by Exchan g e Mauk will be featured by the but constructions and collages working on a stuffed toy proj- of officers on Thursday, April 6. Annual election and installaect and doll dressing project. Members may cast their ballot tion of officers, Massena BPW wright, 30 years; Alcide Students. Warren Memorial Library in are also shown. Charlebois, potrooms, 43 Preceding the program, wil the Warren Room. between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Club, Thursday evening at 7 years; Eugene E. Collins, pot- be a covered dish suppei a Mr. Mauk has won several Men and women are urged to It is very important that p.m. sharp. Dessert and coffee Mr. Mauk, a graduate of the prizes in area shows and ex-participate in the Friday after every member exercise his will be served, preceding the rooms, 40 years; and Theodore 6:30 p.m. Indiana State College of Penn- hibits regularly at the Schine noon Card Club which starts ai right to vote for the candidate annual meeting at the Village R. Hall, electrical, 40 years. sylvania, is the art instructor Inn and in the lobbies of both 1:30 p.m. It has been suggestet of his choice. Offices to be filled Inn. Also Francis E. Laraby. pot CHOOSE OFFICERS If you get d r o w s y while rooms, 36 years; James M at the Massena High School. banks in Massena of the Na that members ask their friend! are Governor, Prelate, Jr. Govdriving, pull over and stop to O'Herron, cutter grinder shop North Stockholm — Mrs. The He is a graduate student at tional Bank of Northern New to fill a table to play pedro, ca ernor, Treasurer and three year GRANDMOTHERS think. nasta or bridge. 26 j^ars; Merrill W. Pierce na Allen, Mrs. Irene Taylor the Pennsylvania State Univer- York. CLUB TO MEET • • • trustee. Did anyone ever remark |accounting. 21 years; Ernesi and Mrs. Mildred Jenkins, the sity and has taken graduate The Warren Library will con- Anyone having any question party and The Grandmothers Club There will be a ugliness is only skin Pratt, electrical-smelting, 4< nominating committee of the work at St. Lawrence Univerdance on Saturday, April 8, 1967the Eastern Star years* Charles A. Raymo, North Stockholm W.S.C.S. me sity and the State University tinue its series of one man andpertaining to these projects d**p, too?' group shows as part of their asked to call Mrs. David W from 9:00 p.m. till 1:00 a.m. Thursday, Apr. merchant mill, 31 years, and at the Allen home on Thursday College at Potsdam. Wesley Thompson, green car- evening, Mar. 30 to choose the The one man show has a expanding of services to the Brown, Director, Telephone 789- Music by Max AlgUirt and tlw Triple Tones. 7421. wide variety of subject matter patrons of th« library. officers for the coming year. bon, 44 years. Nursery School Gems, Congregational Church Open House Set Apr. 24 Major Role Played by EAA Station Methodist Women Set Fulton Meet Donald Patenaude Completing Graduate Work at U of Virginia Red Cross Conducts Active Life Saving InstructioB Program During Past Month Fashion Show Plans Made Peru Child Sponsored by Ghureh Group Shield, Goggles or Screen. Helmet Must for Cyclists BPWMee* Scheduler Thursday 13 Men Retire At Alcoa Plant Artist Vern Mauk Paintings at Library Senior Citizens Moose Lodge Schedule~~ To Ballot; Sets Dance
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